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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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KSSS HOW SHE HAS FADED! AUTISTIC VENICE. A Mine of Wealth for tb.8 Seeker Aftsr Beauty and Bomanoe. r. How frequently, my once fair sister, the above remark has been dropped about you, whose complexion was once the pride of your admiring friends and the onvy of your rivals. You are not, however, the only example of the fearful hav which the Ravages of Time have wrought with COMPLEXrOXS FAIR AND BEAUTY RAKE, but you will find them every step down the path of life, and their number keeps constantly old ago creeps on itpitce.

There is no longer any excuse fur your the fact that Sallowncss ami Wriiiklrs, those twin blemishes which follow in the train of advancing years, can removed am! your omiploxicm restoi-cil to its pristine softness and by tlio use of tlmt most pleasing and healing all lotions for the Empress Josephine Face Bleach. Tt makes the roughest skin Itko velvet, drawing out the impurities from beneath fte surface, and leaving tlie skm soft mid fair, The most obstinate Freckles will be removed tho conscientious tise of three bottles; the most torturing Eczema will bo permanently cured by the use of two bottles; Pimples, Acne, Blackheads, Tan, Sunburn, Patches, and Brown Spots, by the use of from one to two Lotties. B. Fourth W. 11 1'ortcr, 33! Mnr- Hnphltmon Smith About Hook on tlie Island Clt.r, mut tho Ucllclit or Ex.

lltcnco by Adriatic. FOR GENTLEMEN, and S3.5O Dress Shoe. S3.5O Police Shoe, 3 S2.50, $2for Worklngmen. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, S3, $2.60 82, $1.76 Dhoofl ilk a reduced price, or ho them ivltli.

uk tbo nnrnD on the bottom, put him W. L. DOUGLAS arc stvlish, easy fitting, nnd give belt at the ill-ices adviirtiscd any other make. Try one pair and be cow vinovu. Tlie s'jitiiping of W.

L. Douglas' tiatno and price on the whicb guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars r.nmj.illy to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. Doughs Shoes gain customers, which helps 10 increase the sales on their full line of goods, TIII-V can afford to noil nt profrt, wo linllevv yon can money bv bn.vinij "your footwear of tho Uoalor tUcd below. Catalocuo tree ujiou uppUcatiou.

L. Brockton, J. B. MTINTERS. BEFORE.

AFTER, I have takea the a ency for tho HERO SHEEP PROTECTOR, andjhavj ft full stook of the KOodH in sigtit. These protectors are guaranteed to, give to the sheep as against We have received our Seeds for the season of 1894, have them ready to sup- oiy our customers on demand. We handle nothing but LANDRETH'S SEEDS and as of our old stock has been burnt, our custom- 3rs may rest assured that they will get fresh, dean goods. We have a full variety of Garden and Field Seeds also Flower Seeds. We have also a full line of Harness and Carriage Goods, and a full line of Turf and Sporting Goods.

In fact we have everything that goes with a horse and carriage. forget the old place, 424 BROADWAY Geo. Harrison, Don'i Begular. Goods; which are aow coming in, we some goods to piece out. These will now be offered at Sacrifice Prices until closed out.

6c RfVUO-H. 420 Broadway. IF IN NEED Get your Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Statements, Envelopes and everything you need in the printing line at the JOURNAL OFFICE is a well-known fact that a ntira- ber of ntir loading- American urtists have of late years entered the Held of literature in url- dition to their regular work ns painters or illustrators. There are now at least twfitly American artists who books or contribute occasionally to the magazines, They illustrate their own books and articles also, and thus have a advantage over their literary brethren who aro not artists.

Howard W. Hamilton Gibson, Georfru Edwards, Frederic Kcining-- ton and Francis Ilopkinson Smith aro somi) of the names which conic to mind of artists who are also authors, and it was the announcement of an important work 1)3' Ilopkmson Smith on the "Venice of To-Dav" which sujrcfostcd tho idua of a chat with him about tho city ho loves so well. For several years New Yorkers and the residents of one or two neighbor- cities have been treated each fall to an exhibition of paintings of Venetian scenes, representing Mr. Smith's work during the previous summer. These have been purchased by collectors us they have appeared, but meanwhile Smith has been ut work on a special series of water colors and drawings which arc now being reproduced for tho art volume just mentioned.

"Venice of To-Day' 1 is properly hook, however, which Jlr. Smith has written about the island city, and the colored productions of his paintings and the numerous sketches, are intended to supplement the literary work in accordance with a theory explained below. There is no need of discussing Mr. Smith's literary ability, lie is, of course, one of the best story-tellers in tho country, ns all who have read his "Col. Carter, of Car- tersviilc," will agroe.

In his new work ho aims to present with pen, brush and crayon tlio impressions which lie has received during his sojourns on the Adriatic. "1 went to Venice about ten years ago fur tho first time," Mr. Smith paid; "1 had never seen it beforo, and although 1 had been in Kurope and near Venice 1 never got down as far as that. Since thun I have been to Venice nearly every year; there htis hardly been a year since 1SSU that I h.ivo not been there painting and enjoying the many bcantiful things to be seen. "My idea about Venice is that of all tho cities of the earth it is the most artistic, the most beautiful; it is or should be the Mecca of every art-loving person.

Many peculiar conditions exist there. In the first place it is absolutely an uncommercial city; it is a city where there are palaces and houses to accommodate two hundred and fifty thousand people and yet there is a population of only about one hundred nnd forty thousand, Tho sonsequence is that you can hire a palace, on the Grand canal, with ceilings frescoed by some great artist, for six hundred dollars a year, and you can hire a suite of apartments on the second or third iloor of a palace for three hundred dollars a year. Many men support their entire family for less than three hundred dollars a year. I know marl ia Venice, who is au American and ouo of tho clerks in the government post who has a salary ol only one hundred francs a month. He has grown children and a wife, and with that amount they have every comfort which they could wish in their homos, clothing and a little money to spend at the cafes at night, So I say that if a man has ar.y particular object in In; wants tostiiiiy early architecture, early painting, (, ct the best results of Venetian or Italian schools, there is the place for him to go.

There he will find subjects which retain all the beauties of live centuries ago. "Venice is an open air lives in the open air. I um speaking, of course, of the summer time; nobody, hardly, lives there in winter. It is too cold ami bleak. In the mcr, however, everybody lives out of doors, and in the summer it is tho ideal spot on earth.

"When you think how much Europe has become Europeanized, how the illustrated newspaper and ready-mado clothing men have gono all over Europe and changed the costumes, habits, verywuy in which Venice is laid the fact thut the island of San Giorgo is opposite the main island on which are the doge's palace, the San Marco, Campanile, and that the other point of a triangle Salute, makes all th. Venice exceedingly picturesque, because everything seems to be put there to give the best and most artistic effect. Anil then, the people are so delightful; 1hey are so indolent and so happy; they all the day long, and it takes so little to amuse tliein. They are so kind to their children and so respectful to old is another thing which makes Venice delightful. Why, even the cafes of Venice are charming; almost every cafe has some particular history which belongs to it and makes it interesting.

Iknowalit- tlocafecalled 'the which is up on the canal overlooking the Giudeeca. The entrance is hardly more than hole in tho wall. When you got insido of it, however, 3-011 will find a garden where tables are spread, half of oho side being given up to the cooking of food. Llere you can get the most delicious wine that 3 ou would wish to partake of. After you visit that cafe a few times you find that it has been there one hundred years or more; that it was there that Turner had his room where he made his sunset views; that Iteco and Whistler lived there, and that when Kuskin was writing his 'Stones of he and Hubert lirowning went there every day and had their macaroni and wine.

The same old if. Even then, Jibwever, a man wording- as clearly and exactly as Ruskin (the draughtsman) has, or as Reco does to-day, could not give you tho beauties of Venice; there is nothing formed by tho left by which to convey these to you water view of but photography. No man, for instance, can give any idea of tho beauty of the entrance to the doge's palace except by photography; an ordinary sketch would not give it. No man would have the patience to follow the delicate tracery, tho magnificent carving. After you have done' everything you can its color, form, life, market life, boats, people, everything that makes it interesting, you have finally got to come down to photography, for that is the only thing that will make an absolutely perfect record of some of the most beautiful work, especially the carving and architecture.

Venice in this respect differs from Constant! noplc, Constantinople is fine in its mass, but when you examine its detail it disappoints you; beautiful as it is, its detail will now and then disappoint you. All of Venice is not only beautiful in its mass but it is beautiful to the very minutest detail. This view of the subject scorns to do a sliffhi injustice to Mr. Smith's own lovely Venetian paiutinffK. These have been reproduced in color, folio size, for the work by anew process which secures remarkable results.

A few of the sketches arc reproduced in miniature herewith. Airriiun STKDM.VN. A MINIATURE CONGRESS. CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvtn, Dee.

vi'e used MOTHBE'8 FRIEND beforo liter third and sayB aho wottidl not bo without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MttiS. by eipress on receipt of price. £1,50 per hot- Book "To Mothers "nnifcddee. BHADFICLD REGULATOR For aale byBon FIflbor, druggist FACIAL BLEMISHES I will remove, til other skin blcmlshei.

LOU MONTH CREAM The prom Skin food an 4 Tissue will i in vn Ih'niiHfut Send io vents and thlsart. for a box of skfn food and face powder. Free. Free. Free.

MRS. NETTIE HARRISON America's Beaiitv Doctor, 26 Gcnry SHU VrnncUco. lm St. Cincinnati, Ohio. SOI El Superfluous Ilalr VITAL TO MANHOOD.

VE.VKTIAJf BCEXE. iBy Ho'pUlnson thinprs arc same old kitchen, the same old tables, the same everything 1 nothing changed. All the cafes are alike in that respect. Proprietors die, but the cafes changes in Veriice. Really, Venice ia precisely what it was three hundred years ago.

All its buildings were completed then just as they arc to-day; San Marco is almost exactly the same inside, the only things that are changed aro tho customs nnd the people. "I think that lUiskin, h'rst, has done more to attract the attention of Ku- rope and America in his books to Venice than anyone I know of; Mr. Uow ells next. His 'Venetian and 'Italian Journeys' concentrated the attention uf Americans. And now that the Xorth German Lloyd steamship line is running its best to (lenoa a few hours from great many people arc going there- many more than went heretofore.

"I should like everybody who hasn't been there to go, and I want those people who have been there to keep on FBA.STCIS nOPKINSON SinTlI, in fact, nearly every thing, you will find that there are but one or two places which remain much as they were centuries Venice is one of them. "As regards its location for a man's It Is inexhaustible. The In reply to a question about his forthcoming book Mr. Smith said that ho had been at work for some two years on an illustrated book of Venice, called "Venice of To-Day," which will be published in the fall. He had intended to bring it out in April, but thought that by taking- another trip there he could enrich the book.

Ill this work ho said lie had made no attempt to review the splendor of the city's past, nor to probe the m.iny vital tious which concern her present. Neither had he ventured to discuss the wonders of her architecture, the value of her literature and art, ncr tho wealth of her commerce and manufactures. lie had contented himself rather with the Venice that you see in the sunlight of a summer's day; the Venice that bewilders with her glory when you land at her water gates; that delights with her color when you idle along tho Riva; that intoxicates with her music as you lio in your gondola adrift on the bosom of some breathless lagoon; the Venice of mold-stained palace, quaint cafe and arching bridge; of fragrant cool, dim-lighted church and noiseless priest; of strong- armed-men and graceful Venice of light and life, of sea and sky and melody. "If in this book," Smith continued, "I have given to Venice a preeminent place among the cities of tho earth, It is because in this selfish, money-getting age, it is a joy to live, even for a day, where a song is more prized than a soldi; where the poorest pauper laughingly shares his crust; where to bo kind to a child is a habit, to bo neglectful of old age a city where the relics of her past are tho lessons of our future, where canvas, stone and bronze bear wituess to a grandeur, luxury and taste that took a thousand years of energy to perfect, and will take a thousand years of neglect to destroy. To every art-loving countryman this city should be a Mecca, for to know Venice well -and thoroughly is'to know all tho beauty and romance of five centuries." Mr, Smith saw some time ag-o that nobody could explain Venice with his pen alone, that it was necessary to bring the palette and brush in order to glvo people a correct idea of how beau- it is.

Mere deacrintion doesn't do Jttetliod of J'rocftduro In A Chicago Common School. Tho eighth grade pupils of the Skin- T.KT school, in Chicago, in order to become better acquainted with the constitution of their country, have, says the interOeean, organized a.miuiature congress. After electing a president from all the eighth grade the rooms arc considered as two separate rooms. The one containing the president just elected is allowed the honor of being the senate. The othor is the house.

Congress convenes on tho first Monday in December, just as the United States congress does. The senate has its presiding officer that of the house of representatives called the speaker, and all other of fleers, such as tho clerk, sergeant-at arms, are duly elected. The president is represented by th principal of the school. The president is informed that a quorum is present in congress am ready for any communication he may wish to make. The president then sends his annual message, embodying current topics of the day.

In the meantime committees are appointed in each house. All bills are presented in writing and the proper wording taught. Having passed the two houses thoy are sent to the president, who cither signs or vetoes and returns with his objections. The bill, if vetoed, may, by a two-thirds majority of both houses, pass over the president's veto. describes in tho method by which the famous Greek swords were mada.

The iron bar was buried in tlie ground until almost wholly eaten by rust. What remained was forged, anil thu swords thus made were said to bo "so beautifully tempered that tiiey will cut through bones and helmets or sever a nail without spoiliu.T tlio edge or tho temper." PR, E. WEST'S NERVE J1RAIN TKEAT- MEN'I, for ll.vM^rin, l)i, raisin, i "in of ijrnin, isery, decoy, Low Impolicy, I.i-uci-i Wonkiii-sHurt, luvoluut-ary t'i: rhijod cnuHnl by ovcr-oxmion of Self- ovor-I'jdulcftnno. A inonlJiV tjvMmtjnt, fl, by With oncll nnliT lor (1 bores fr.v.-illsoud writtmi Kunrmileiiio If not cured, Ijy nccat. WKST'S I.IVIJRHMJJ Sick Btmrinche, Lnvr Complaint, Scvar Stoniticb, nnd Cousiijxitioa.

GUAllAXTEES lasued only by W. H. POSTER, Druggist, M-irltot Lo- -ansport, Ind. LADIES DO YOU KNOW CEREBRINE (HAMMOND) Extract of the Bniln of tlie Ox. In llio Trendieiitof LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA.

N. Y. Society, Hertlng -I. ISD3. "A ciise was niwntfil of I-OCOMOTOH ATAXU wlilcli Imd liwn with tiypodornilc Injections or CKKKwRlNK.

Sl.x jenrsiiKO imtlcut, jmm il -iu. had to with tJoub vlslun. This. Hl'tiT SWITKI montlm or uvnlmiwt, lui'l Ulsni'pffiriMl. ami lor a Umo IIH 1ml LKVII (juHo Tilt 1 syinpkmis of 1 icomutor Llu'n C'tnii 1 on; loss of slilirp In tlio iiinrKeil; Inulilllly tDMaiiil will) nj-us vl'isml; dlillcully 111 (wiii-HiilliiK Hi- bliidilPr 'iiul bnwi-ls: scxiiul now lost: a MMISP of coiisti'lofion tfu 1 Tivutmi'iiL iibimt ton wri-ks ami -iislMiil of il.illv liypoili'milc Injection 01 CEHKHKI.N'K (dninmoi-d) live drops, ccimlilmvl LiiiiirnvpuitMiL very niarkHi: stxiuil lii'icii'us iii-rftrlls ruin C(Mnitli control OV-T hrmvK and nlmrji lin proviM; abli- lu run nn down suilrs.

ami could stand surlily with his closed. tMU iii nt employed. improvAindJt gradual and steady." EPILEPSY. Dose, 5 Drops. Price $2.50.

Where local not sniipllAd with tlio Hammond Annual Kxtracut. iln-ywlll mallwl, totwtlior with all literature on tho sub. Ject, on rocclDt ot prlcp, by TIIK COLV.1IIII4 c-IIKMICU, WHKlllllKlOII, I). C. Afjerit for Lofjanspori, Ben Flshwr, DR.

FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL PNB mmmi PILLS ore the original and only FKKNCH, sofoafid reliable euro on thi- market. sent bf toail. Genuine told only by POHTSS, Driisgtst, Market Lo gansport, Ind. ITCHING PILES OINTMENT Lost Manhood and rigor nightly un'ly onmrf by O.

tbe Sold bj rutfgidt, LoKaiisporu Indiana. 50. FCR A CA AnnirrcpabloLniativo Rnd I. Sold by liy i $1. 00 pt-r The Favorite POTOH hft Toot Li wl iireatli, Kg, Sale by B.

K. FOR CTS.I JOSEPH C1LLOTTS STEEL PENS Nos. 303-404-I7O-C04, Anil other styles to saJt all hands. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS. In Poslnpp, we WIH send A.Nnmp)<- of cllltcr WHITE, FX.ENII orBHCXErrE OzzoNrs OWDER.

You have seen it advertised for many years, but huvc you ever tried do not know what an Ideal Complexion Powder In. POZZONI'S boflitlcs bcinc an ncknowlodgod benntlltor. him mnn rQfroanliiR 11 cbtvf- inK.niHi-buni.wlnd-uin.loMcnBpeninlnalon, lnfacl.lllininio.»tilollcatoiuKldo«lniblo protection to the faco during hotwoatlur. It Hold Evoryn-hero. For tmraplo, A.

POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Me MKNTION THIS PAPKR. QUAKER CAliiH CL RE JjKilir i-t ol uuthntcly anil luicklj' a fiirc. iu.

ilir n.issl passages. AlJ.i\^ Intlamma- Taste an Smelt, KrlfemCoM ikf ioii is iVIt. Sorrs. Hr 'iic lij mtttl. QUAKER MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ST.

PAUL, MINN. For sale In Log-anapon by BEN FISHES, 1 LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. is told Mem- tofpowfe of the Generative Omans in cither caused by over exertion, youttfd excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants which Iw4 to and Pui Uf AHD Ann nine. For la by Bur Fumrm, DmggM.

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