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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Cod Liver Oil as it appears in Scott's limulsiorns easily taken by the system. no otlu-T form can so much fuL-food be assimilated witii- out injury to the organs of digestion. Tl'n'uiitire loan, known as the bounty loan and dated May 1, 18(14, amounts to US, of which is sUirliiiK' loan, and tli.j balance, .000, is payable in United States money. CHALLENGES WORLD, of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos- phitcs has come to be an article of evcry-clay use, prompt and infallible cure for Colds, Coughs, Throat troubles, and a positive builder of flesh. Pn-puroO by ScoU.1 Koitnc.

N. Y. All THE MARKETS Urulii, 1-Jtc. CiiuiAoo, April 17. Fl.orn—In moderate ileimiiu! and rivthoi ijuotuilons as followa: VVUi- ter SL7Q: clears.

low grades, M.MXfcl.71). Sprlr.r.-—Patents, straights, Bakers'. 51.7J low Krailes, Itod tl.30i» 1.4U; Kyi'. S2.HlV(«i 10. iictlvu nnil strnnscr, Cash, Miiy, July, uellve untl llrm.

No. Wo; No. Yellow. Na iWHe, and Na 3 Yellow, April, uiuler Muy, ISJj'tlJJV 1 Jiiut. 1 July, tember, -il 1 utul stoadior, No.

cush, 33c: Muy, July, September. jO. Siunplc.t in fair deroanil and steady. No. No.

.1 36c; No. No. li U'hlti. 1 anil dull. No.

'J cash, ttuJ lots, Miiy dollvcry. uUix BAHI.KV—In small supply. Cholec by sanr plo, r.vlr to KooJ. common, 44Q50c, and low grade -UdJ-ltJc, with. scrccniiiKJ jier ton.

Mtjts iiiodonuo und prices lower. Quotations rallied at for ranulur: for May, 013.4'J4 for July. rattier qulot aud lower. at for cash; t7.ors.iiii7.bO for May, und I7.f7!.ia7.47i.i for July. LIVE pound: Chloltens.

7Mc; Turlieys, DucliH, Oeeao, por Dairy, Packing Stock, Prlmo White, Water White, 7vie: Mluliinan Prime Water White, DC: Indiana Prlmo SVtc; Water White, IloiidllKlit, 17o tent, Gasoline, 87 (lef's. IHie: 7J ileg's, 9e; Naphtha, 03 deg's, 8Vie. spirits steady on tho basla e( 11.15 per gul. for llnlshed Boods. NEW YORK, April 17.

red opened easier and ruled yery qukt. May, July, December, li stronger and quiet. May. July. 45 2 qulot, out nrmor.

track whlto State, Mfttic; track wblto Western, PIAOVISIONS Hoof rjulet. Family, 511.50(3 HOC; extra mess, WOO. Perl; steady. New IH.50tll.L7i; family, short clear. II4.0r>3Ii!.oo.

Lard steady, Prlmo woat- ern atonm, 13.35. Llro CHICAGO, April 17. active. Opened strong and prices advanced 5c. Later, ruled wcuk, and tho improvement was lost.

Sales for FIRS; tor Unlit; SB. was 25 for rough paekine: Tor mixed, and for heavy and shipping lots. fairly active. Quotatious ringed 90 for choice to ertni shipping Steers: I3.OSW4.41) for good to choice 4.15 for fair to tfood; 13:233.00 for common to medium 13. for butchers' Steers; for Stockors; for Feeders; fl.Moa.40 for Cows: K.50J£3.Ci for Heifers; Hulls; for Texas Steers, and 12.71X25.50 for Veal Calves.

BITS OF INFORMATION. Japan is to have an exposition in 1895 lit HiojfO, tho old capital of tho empire. Over pressmen aro on strike New York against a reduction in waffes. Kufo Reaves, of Athens, has failed. Liabilities, about as- fceta, nominally 1200,000.

If the United States withdraw from the Samoan agreement Germany, it ia s.aid, will declare a protectorate over the According to a New York dispatch Richard Croker is to resign tho leadership of Tammany. Ex-Mayor Grant will succeed him. Georgo W. Southgate, superintendent of the Pensacola (Fla.) waterworks, was drowned by tho capsizing a boat yesterday. Louis Knorr, of St.

Louis, shot and killed himself in Boston. He loft a note savin? that his life had been full of disappointment. An increase of one penny on the pound in the income tax is provided by the budget which was introduced in tha Hritish house of commons. Charles D. Stevens, an invalid, 28 years old, son of a wealthy New York produce broker, was fonnd dead in his tcrth on a Rock Island train near Wiiihtto.

Myron Morrow, son of tho owner of the brick and tile factory at Barnes City, was thrown into the mud by the sudden lunge of a horsa fatally injured. The Old Guard, of New York, hag. completed arrangements to start on an excursion to the Pacific coast next urday. Short stops will bo made at tlhicairo and Denver. Holla Boyd, who was supposed to have been killed by a horse on his farm near Decatur, 111., is now said to have murdered by John Creekmur, who hud ruined Boyd's ward.

The F. U. Oxley Stavo company and the Alfrey Heading company, at Poplar Bluff, have started their machinery, after lying idle nearly a year. Employment is given to 600 men. On May 1 the state of Massachusetts w.UJ the last of its' war Will BIHIK Any Mini Six on 11 Itleyeln for Slilis t'lin-Aiio, April 17, Albert ijc'liock, of the loiiff-distaaeu bicycle champion of tlio world and winner of bicycle race at Madison Sqiuiru garden, cliallentro to ride au.y man in England, France or America, six days, or U-i hours, for aside, halt tlio gate money and tlui championship of the world.

Ho will upon tho edition oi the New York Herald bciiiff final stakeholder if the nice takes place in Knince, tho Sporting Ijifo, London, it in or the I'ol ice if race is decided in America. Ivichai'd K. I'ox had Schock's cabled to Knylnud and Franco. Kobtivry or a Itunk. NASHVILLE, April intr's bank was robbed Monday of $2,000 bolong'injt to the proprietors, J-IUO in stamps kept there by the postmaster, and probably other amounts in private boxes.

The door of the sufo wus left unlocked and the burglars had only to blow open the inner ami lighter door. There is no clew to the perpetrators. Won't Haul Dmvn April 17. Mayor Stuart has sent a letter to tho secretary of the Universal Peace union, declining to allow that organization to lloat its flaff over Independence hall in place of the national elision on Wednesday, when it holds its celebration in the historic pile to commemorate tho signing of the arbitration treaty at Washington on April 18, 1SOO. He Ho Cm' or MEXICO, April su- pretne court of Mexico is preparing to take acuon in the case of Edward Adams, of New Orleans, charged with the murder of Carlos fjarquet in this city in 1S90.

This is the last step, aud if the supreme judiciary does not see tit to set aside the ruling of the lower court Adams will be shot. Klllnii by a Trulii. 111., April 17. Flora this city, was run over bv a Chicago Alton train and was instantly killed. She was employed in the drv goods house of il.

F. llerudon Co. "She was about 30 years of age. Ller father is William Thomson, a well- known traveling man. LARGEST FOOD FISH.

To Lund Iloqulrea the Stroncth of Novonil Ablr-Iloilicd Men. The jcwfish abounds on both the coasts of Florida and in tropical seas. The jewfish is frequently found in tho deep holes and channels in the salt water inlets. Tho specimen we illustrate, says tho Scientific American, weighed about three hundred and fifty pounds, and was captured near Tampa bay, by Mr. II.

Uomford. Tho huffe fish after bcinfi- harpooned twice c.nd wounded in three places on the head with a hatchet, lived two days, and was finally butchered and sold. It required the services of three men to land tho, and they worked an hour THE JEWFISH. and a half to accomplish It. Specimens of jewfish huvo been captured which weighed over five hundred pounds.

It is said that eVon the largest jew fishes arc g-ood eating, the Cubans considering 1 them a great delicacy. Some of the stories related of the strength of the jewfish arc very remarkable, and it is said that boats have been towed out to sea by this fish. The jewfish will often break hooks and lines which are strong enough to capture a pood sized shark. Mullet bait is usually used in catching the jowfish. This fish frequently floats on the surface of the water, apparently asleep, and is sometimes shot instead of being harpooned, Tho jewflsh is probably tho largest food fish known.

Mourned by Ilia Dag. One of the sincerest mourners at the grave of the late Prince Estcrhazy was his doff Nero. The faithful animal followed the hearse from the palace to tho church, and from thence to the railway station, proceeding with the mourners to Eisonstadt, where the remains were Interred. For some days Nero could not be induced toleavo the grave, and he has since paid daily visits to the tomb. Sooth BlowInR Welli.

South Carolina has a large number of "cold" or "blowing" wells. They are situated in tho celebrated "Sand ITills region," and tho majority of them aro of enormous depth. Tlio force of tho current of air which continually comes from them varies in intensity according to atmospheric conditions, being particularly strong for several hours before and after heavy thunderstorms. Fatally Hurt In MUNCIB, April Roach, aged 10, was fatally injured and ber brother was badly hurt in a a run- ue Rofrerton Sunday night. PHEASANT-BREEDING.

Early Very I'rolltnlile Indmtry til tho United Stilton. Tho fields are nil fenced in with wire netting with two-inch meshes, and from the surface, in which it is securely embedded, it rises to a height of ton feet. In tlio summer-time one can hoar the musical "peeping" of the little fledglings, ami tho answering "clucking" of the mother hen, with an occasional cry from the cocks in the breeding pens as something startles them. The noise they make sounds like the first tentative efforts of a young rooster, except that whereas tho latter Jlaps his wings and crows afterwards, the former "drums," and then sounds his note. In drumming they move their wing-s so rapidly that they seem liko gauze.

The laying season begins about the middle of April, and before that timo all the birds that are wanted for this purpose aro caught from tho open fiold, where they have run all winter, and put in huge pens. Those aro eighteen feet square, or thereabouts, and aro arranged in one large rectangle, with alloys between each alternate double row, so that access can bo had to them through doors or gates left in tho wire meshing for that purpose. Tho corners aro darkened with waterproof hoods smeared with a disinfectingmix ture, as indeed is everything about place. These retreats are for the bird to lay under. The pens being in an apple orchard, the leaves afford shade and worms and InrviD also, for the insatiable crops beneath.

Clumps grass are left to grow about in spots tho rest of the ground being loosenc 1 to encourage "bathing" and scratch ing. Five hens are put with one cock and unless they do not along wel together, tho family is not disinte grated until the end of the and not then, for all aro kept in oni field. Birds one year old aro preferrei for laying, the older ones being off to preserves where they will be loss confined. Two or three years in sucl small quarters make a difference their powers of propagation, but the; recuperate rapidly in the woods. Grea care is exercised in choosing healthi birds, but if a weak one should be dis they are nock is wrung on the spot, for Mr.

I)e Gulso has no hospital for contagious diseases. Sickness, to reiterate, is no1 frequent enough to require one. The manner of catching the birds to put in the pens Is simple. They are driven into a largo box, commodious enough to allow two attendants to got inside comfortably, with the top and sides covered with bagging to prevent injury to the captives in their efforts to escape. Wide "wings" of wire netting extend out into the fiold from tho entrance to tho box, and when a man is sent to walk slowly towards the birds all within tho radius of the wings run widly to thoir fate.

They do not try to fly unless startled, but thoir legs carry them along very fast. Once in- sido thoy aro handed out one- at a timo to have a wing clipped. Even in this condition they make strenuous attempts to fly when alarmed in the pens, turning ludicrous somersaults ill the air, only to come down unceremoniously and try again. The average hen will lay about forty eggs in tho interval from the bcginnin of tho season to the middle of when it is practically over. During this period the birds aro fed twice a tlio foi-cnoon on a mixture of cracked dog-biscuit, meal and pulver- ixed oyster shells, softened with milk, and in the afternoon the diet is changed to grain.

With the appearance of the first eggs attendants begin to go around in the late afternoon, near sunset, with flat-bottomed baskets in which to collect them. This is dono every day, as regular as clockwork, for tho hatching is not dono by tho pheasants, but by common barnyard hons. Several weeks before the first eggs are laid tho farmers in tho neighborhood tire notified that sitting hens will be needed at tho pheasantry, and soon after All-Fools day they begin to bring in all their surplus stock. These aro purchased at market prices and confined in ventilated boxes arranged in tiers inside tho barn, the hens being satisfied to sit on porcelain eggs until needed for actual utility. When the pheasants have supplied enough eggs, tho work of putting tho latter down is begun.

Back of tho barn, on a gentle slope, are long rows of oblong coops, each one consisting of a closed box with a removable lid for the nest, and a diminutive yard a few square feet in area for tho hen to exercise in. This is enclosed by wire netting, and provided with a separate drinking pan of earthenware. From fifteen to eighteen eggs arc set in each nest, the number depending upon the size of the hen, which may be a bantam or a Plymouth Rock. When sho is very largo she may take twenty, for they are smaller than her own, green in color, and so rich that only their ex- ponsiveness precludes their coming into general use for salads and mayonnaises. Each one is tested to sco that it is not cracked, and the date of the sotting is marked on the top of the nest-box.

Tho period of incubation is twenty-four days, and should, in tho daily inspection, any hen show a dis-. position to shirk her duties, she is promptly disqualified, and another is substituted. But generally they aro assiduous, und remain nt thoir posts till tho end. When tho young birds begin to appear, before the ilrsi', of June, tho constantly increasing duties of the attendants reach their maximum. Every evening the coops aro examined to collect tho little peepers, from whence they aro transferred in baskets to ono of the enclosed fields, in which light wooden coops aro sot down in regular rows in the grass.

Around each of them is a little space fenced in with boards, and while the foster-mother is secured inside, the chicks can run out between the slats Into this yard. By the they have become strong enough to lean the low walls of the prison. thoy have also learned to know tno "cluck" of their protector, and where to como back at nightfall. Six times a day they are fed on a sort oi custard, made of cracked pheasant eggs and milk from which the whey has been expressed. When two months old they uro trapped and removed to another field, having no further need for the shelter of their mother's wings.

The number of feedings is prraduiilly reduced in the mean time to three day, ind the food becomes more substantial by tho addition of grain. They grow wilder every day, and it is difficult to (jet more than a momentary glimpse of them as they dart through tlio grass, rustling tho blades liko a summer breeze. By October tlio early birds liavo attained to full growth, passing the winter undisturbed and with need for little care. Tho only they undergo is in the traps when their wings are Weekly. A FINE SHOT.

Story of the Town Alurrthal nnd tho Terror of thu Gulch. The crowd around the hotel stove was listening to the tales of a few hardened liars, when a man in a slouch hat, wearing his hair long, projected himself into the conversation. "That last story," ho said "reminds mo of an experience 1 once had in the west, before it had reached its present civilization. I was living in a mining camp out there, and my next door neighbor was the terror of the gulch, though that wasn't his name. I got along with him very well until it came my turn to bo town marshal and then he began to be ugly, and, gents, when that man got ugly, there wasn't a pretty spot on him.

Well, there was a good-looking girl in tho town, and the Terror and me had our hopes sot in tho name way, and the girl wasn't saying which one was favorite. You know women have that way sometimes. Tho girl wasn't only a good-looker, but sho was the best shot in the place, though the Terror disputed tho point with her sometimes. Things went on smooth enough, till one day tho Terror got tho idea that the girl was coming my way, and then he went off and got full up to tho neck and proceeded to paint the town. I'd seen him that way more times than one, and it never bothered me any, for I kept out of his way, 'but being marshal it was my duty to preserve the peace, and though I was willing, as far as I was personally concerned, to let tho peace go to decay in this particular spot, public opinion wasn't, and I had to tackle him right in front of the girl's house and she stood by an open window and watched us.

I went about it mighty careful, I can tell you, and the Terror took up an idea that I was afraid, and got bad right at the start. I don't know exactly how it como about, but the first thing I know we had our guns pulled and the girl was standing not twenty feet away, on her porch, with a. navy pistol in her hand ready for business. The Terror's pistol got caught in his clothes some way, nnd 1 got the drop on him, but my gun snapped and I thought my endhaxl come, for the man was wild and he had his gun on me in half a second after mine had missed fire. I shut my eyes and mado a jump for him, and just as I did two shots rang out, the Terror's pistol went whirling into tho air, and I had him bv the throat.

What would have to him I am not prepared to say, for I was twice the man he was physically; but nothing serious happened, for the girl was right onto us both with her gun. 'Lot him up!" she yelled, as sho stuck tho barrel of the weapon against my head. '1 saved your life and you've got to save i had sense enough loft to mind her, and then she made tho Terror get up and go along peaceably with mo to the lock-up. That night I went to see her and she told mo she had no notion of taking part in tho fight, for she didn't want to hurt anybody, or get hurt; but when she saw the Terror had me dead to rights, she knew something Had to bo done, and instead of shooting the mail, sha had got a bead on his pistol and shot it out of his hand before he could pull tho trigger. Under the cirumstitnces.

gents," concluded the story-teller, "I call that iniddlin' fair shooting; leastways for a woman:" That point was conceded without debate. "Of course, you married the woman who saved your life?" ventured a listener. "This is a true bill I'm giving you, gents," he replied, "and 1 must say that I didn't, though 1 tried to, hard enough." "The Terror didn't get her, did he?" The man smiled with a satisfied air. "Well, not exactly. She R-ot the Terror.

Anyhow it looked that way to me, for about a year after that, he told me one night if 1 ever got as good a chance again to shoot him, he'd consider it a personal favor if I didn't nse a gun that missed Free )' re ss. HEROIC CURt FUK LtKKOST. Fljlmm Kubbml with a Native riant and Thou Sl-oiimcd Over a Hot Fire. The Talmud reads: "These four are accounted as blind, the leper, the poor and the childless." A singular fact in connection with the disease of leprosy is that, although this terrible scourge has stalked abroad throughout the known world, and has gathered its thousands of victims since tho earliest historic times, still, even under the searching glare of the light of modern medical science, no sure and complete remedy has as yet been discovered. A curious custom in vogue about thirty years ago among the Fiji Islanders was well known in Australia at the time.

It soems the natives were wont to endeavor to cure the victims of leprosy by the smoke of the plant sinu- gaga (Excoccoria agallocha). Not even those who had been poisoned by handling- the deadly juice of this deadly plant could form auy adequate conception of the tortures endured and the heroism displayed by a Fijian who voluntarily submitted himself to trying tho cure of his leprosy by the smoke of the sinugaga. The patient, usually already half dead with the ravages of the fearful malady, as a last resort was taken to an empty house and stripped of every article of clothing. His skin was nibbed all over with the green loaves and he was then buried in them. A fire was kindled in the center of the room and a few pieces of the sinugaga wood laid on it.

As soon as the black smoke began to rise the leper was bound hand and foot and a rope was fastened to his heels, by means of which ho was drawn up over the fire, with his head about fifteen inches from the ground. The door closed, his friends retired a short distance and the victim was left to shout and cry and. plead while suffocating from the intense steam and smoke. lie was often left there to endure this agony for hours, atid finally he fainted away. When his relatives considered it time to interfere, tho firo was removed, his entire bod3' scraped from head to foot, and gashes cut into the flesh, from which the blood poured in streams.

He was then lowered from his uncomfortable position and laid on mats to await the rasult. In many cases it meant life and restoration to health, but in some cases the constitution, was not vigorous enough to endure the terrible ordeal, or the disease had gained too strong a hold upon the sufferer, and death released him from his Y. World. IF. J.

Xaker North 1'cmbroko, Mass. After the Grip Relief from Hood's Sarsaparlllft- Wonderful and Permanent. I. Hood Si Lowell, I "I bad klUncy trouble and severe pains By back, which was brought about by a cold- contracted while In camp at I.lnnflcld la 1862. I have been troubled more or less since that' tlmo and have been unable to do any boar? work, much less nny lifUnn.

I received only temporary rcl'ef from medicines. Last spring. I had an attack of Uio grip, which left me wltn A Bad Cough, Very Weak physically, In fact my system was completely run down. I tried a bottlo of Hood's rlllii and It nmrtc mo feel so much better that I continued taking it, and have taken six bottlet. It has dono wonders for me, I have not beeDh so frea from my old pains aud troubles since war.

I coujlder Hood's Sarsaparllla a God-sent blessing to the suffering." WILLIAM J. North Pembroke, Mass. Hood's Pills euro Constipation byrestoN- Ing Hie peristaltic action of the alimentary cuuU. Lords Faun the Behrinj Sea UUI. LONDON, April house of lords on Monday passed the Behring sea bill, the bouse of commons having- apreed to the amendment of Lord Kim- bcrley.

Piano Maker BALTIMORE, April 17. Ernest Knabe, the noted piano manufacturer, died at 2 p. m. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting tho world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest tho value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the Svrnn of Figs.

remeay, i -felts excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, tLo refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions ana met withjthe approval of the mescal profession, because it acts on the K.IQ- neyg, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists infoc and $1 bottles, butit is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, alao the name, Syrup of Figs, imdbeing well will accept guhetitute if oflertff- Killed by a Frlrato. FORT BUFORD, N.

April John Hartwell, Twenty-fifth infantry, was shot and almost instantly killed by Private Basil Williams of the same company. Were Soon to lie HUrrlcd. AluxcrE, April Biker and Miss Rial Conklin, who were soon to be married, were killed by a Big Four express train while out buggy riding Sunday night Tlio Olilett Odd Fellow. VALPARAISO, April Eay, the oldest odd fellow in this state, died at Westville Sunday. He was 90 years old and resided in that place for fifty years.

Tommy ArgrneH Cale. "I don't see what's the use of my being vaccinated again," said Tommy, baring his arm reluctantly for the doctor. "The human body changes every seven years, Tommy," replied his mother. "You are eleven years old now. You were in your fourth year when you were, vaccinated first, and it has run out." "Well.

I was baptized when I was a baby. Has that run out, iro Tribune. A Standard Henrcr. In a century ago against tSe professional iqnorance ot the old school ot medicine, Stomach Bitters was a standard Its victories over disease, when the old t'me specifics proved abject failures, proved tbnt the pseudo-philosophy which sanctioned the administration ot violent remedies where the case required none, which Jnld down an unalterable rules blood letting, violent purgation, theme of emetics ar.d tbe employment of corrosive and cumulative polnons In siro- plecnses of liver and malarial complaint, was In fact the worst of unphllosophy. contrary alike the laws of true medicinal science, of breiene and ol common sente.

Biliousness, constipation and chills and ferer, as now treated by the Bitten promptly yield where before they restated old medication. So do dyspepsia, rhenmttum and kidney complaint-all lurelyconfneitttobythUsBfeand really pntlo- sopWc remedy. Great Triumph. Instant relief' experienced and permanent cure by the mObt speedy and greatest remedy in the worM Otto'a lung and throat diseases. Why will you continue to irritate your throat and lungs wilh that terrible hacking cough when Een Fisher, 311 Fourth street, sole agent, will furnish you a free sample bottle of this guarantee remedy Its success in simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you.

Otto's Cure is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Samples free. Large bottles 50 cents. Wbo BheiiinBilom Cannot be Cured? My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a severe attack of rheumatism. We could get ing that would afford her any relief, and ai a last resort gave Chamber- Iain's Pain Balm a trial.

To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application, and by using it regular she was seon able to got up and attend to her housework. E. H. Johnson, of C. J.

Knuteon Co. Kensington, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by B. F. Keesllng, druggist.

For Over fifty Yearn Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hat been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for iheir children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhosa. will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately- Sold by drugglnts in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle.

Be euro and aslf for Winelow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other GUd The grand specific for the prevailing malady of the age, dyspepsia, liver complaint, rheumatism, costive- neBB, general debility, is Bacon's Celery King for tbe nerves. This great herbal tonic stimulates the digestive organs, ragulates the liver and restores Ihe system to vigorous health and energies. Samples free. Largo packages 50 cents. Sold only by Ben Fisher, 811 Fourth jitreet.

"Royal Kubj- 1 Port If you are reduced in vitality or strength by illness or any other cause, we recommend the use of this Old fort Wine, the very blood of the grape. A grand tonio lor nursing mothers, and those reduced by wasting disease, It creates strength; Improves the appetite; nature's own remedy, mud preferable to guaranteed absolutely pure and over five years of age. Young wine ordinarily sold is not fit to use. Insist on having this standard brand, it coste no more. $1 in quart bottles, tied by Royal Wioo Chicago For sale Johnston Bros.

California Fruit Laxative is own true remedy. It combines the medicinal virtues of California fruits and plants which are known to have beneficial effect on the human system. Although harmless to the most delicate constitution it is thorough effective, and will afford a ouro for habitual constipation and tht many disorders arising from a weak or inactive condition of the kidneji, liver, stomach and bowels. For by all druggists at 60 cento a Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood purifier, and clearneo to the complexion and cures constipation; 600, and $4 SoW by F.KeeslinR.

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