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Gainesville Daily Sun from Gainesville, Florida • Page 7

Gainesville, Florida
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1 fI tV iV iVi 0 Pt1 1 i t1 2 2Y Rj I I Jf 1 THE DAILY SUN GAJ GAlNE UINESYTGLE YIL1E LE PJMIDA IJ1o ato FEBRUABT 5 1505 1O 7 I 0 NEWS TERSELY TERS LY TOLD TOLDMrs TOLD1lrs TOLDw TOLDMrs Mrs Tilgbam TUG am Oralgio is doad at atQnahake atQultke atQaakake Qnahake Pa at the age 81 of 102 years yearsflho yearsGtto flho spent her life on a farm and wa watUe ftl ftltlte wadithe the mother of 14 childrenTho children childrenTho cblhlrenTbo Tho National Batik of Commerce of ofNow 01Now ofNow Now York has drawn 2000000 20 OOO gold goldcoin goldcoIn soldcoin coin from the subtreasury sub treasury lor ship shipment sblpm shipwent went nt to Havana tomorrow tomorrowCharles tomorrowo Charloa Ingonoll of Elyria 0 Dsaid 0said 0said said to be the oldest old omploye in the thflrailroad thorailroad therailroad railroad mail service died dl of neuralgia neuralgiaof I Iof of the heart He was was7 7 9i ybars of a ape apeFIre aleFire eFire Fire has destroyed nino buildings buildingsand bulldlnllud bulidingaand and their contents including the Lln Lincoln LlncoIn Llncoin coIn hotad at Rustoa Lit The lou loanIs louis 1011is is estimated at 40000 with insurance insuranceof of 236000 Camilla Kleldorff daughter daug ter of Baron Baronand Daronand Baronand and Baroness Kleldorff at St Louis Louisof Loulof Louisof of Germany and grand niece of Adol Adolphtis Adolplm Adolphus phtis Busch is dead The body will willbo willbe willbe be taken to Berlin for burial burialAndrlen burlalAndrlen burialAndrien Andrlen Moearet OIaret dlrootor general of ofthe ottho ofthe the Credit Lyonoaiio of France has hasbeenappointed hasbeen hasbeon been beenappointed appointed president or the board boardof bonrdor boardof of directors diroctors in succession to Henri HenriGermain HenriGermAin HenriGermain Germain who died yesterday yestordayThe yesterdayThe ytstort1arThe The state senate of Arkansas has hasunanimously ba baunanimously baeunanimously unanimously passed a bill providing providingfor for special patriotic exercises enrols annual annually ly in public schools for that slate com commemorative commemoraUvo comememorativo memorative of the birthday of General GeneralR Lee Ja Jr 10 Mrs Walter NcOasaland of Mount MountVernon MountVernon MountVernon Vernon Ind and her child wore to today today today day burned to death llh by the mothers mothersclothing motJaorsr motJaorsclothing mothoreclothing clothing catching fire ro from an open opengrate openrate opengrate grate rate In her struggles the clothes of ofthe 01t ofthe the child were set afire afireEmperor afirer nre 1 Emperor William of Germany Grman ens enstertalned en entertained I Iterlalned tertained Ambassador Ambaa dor Tower and ad Alit Aliison Aliteon i 1 son Armour of New York by nsmalt Rman asmall man dinner given at tke tI palace JJa Jut Histnight Jutnight lastnight night The emperor who was preaeat preaeatentertained prssententertained entertained his hI guests in conversation conversationuntil aotlvemtJonuntil conversationuntil until midnight midnightPrince midnightPrince midnightPrince Prince Stol tel Pried Frledrioh rich of Germany Germanyhas QormanrblS has progressed so tar In recovery recoveryery rlooveryerr recoverycry err that the physicians announce they theywill tfceywill ywill will only issue bulletins every other otherday oUtrday cuerday day here after The Th prinaai tint tintpprature tampfrature teasperature pprature since yesterday tery has na ranted reagedfrom rantedfrom raedfrom from 99 to 91 91The 91The The police of Charleston OH 0 ar areyrested arrested arr yrested rested Raymond Bowman a young youngwhite youngwhite Dunlwhite white man on the charge of starting startinga Itartln ItartlnA a series liIert of fires fir in hay II warehouses Wxrelionasduring warehousesduring wxra1lou wxra1louJ during the put few weeks It is SlI said saidthat uidthat ltbat that lie has practically cor eoafeaeetl MtJ to toall toall Wall all the charges chargesThe char charTh chargesThe The Th new Danish WtJdl Weet WtJdltiooal Jadlu KV KVtional ITatonal tonal bank was opened ope at St Thomas ThomasD I today tadl SlmtuuMieouatr the thenew tlaeneW thenew new monetary system WIn of the Ut Danish DanishWest DblabWEtSt DaalehNest West Indies weal Into effect ect francs francsand traacand traitsand and their fractions styled by dollars dollarsand Mnanaad dollarsand and cents Is now aowGeorp use useGeorge used usedGeorge George Newberry a teamster In InSouth In8outk InSouth I South Knoxville Then lt wa wu burned to todeath toItb toheath death Itb and almost cremated crea clad In a Are Arethat IIrfbat arethat that bat consumed bis but early earl this thl morn moraing morninK mornIns inK He was as atone ala In 1 die building bundlDIfie bnlldsgills buildingHis His charred remains ware recovered recoveredfrom IIOOveredflm reooveredCrum from the debris today Tebeooe Tob oe Growers Inter ProtetAmsterdam Pr flrMoM flrMoMAtet teat teatAmsterdam Atet Amsterdam 0 Feb i 4 44t 44tmU At a large Uurttmeeting largemeettag mU meeting of the takaceo growers 0 fit De Dektar DeIatar IHatnr ktar county e0uat a memorial orIal to to Uat Uatat aell aellate en enate ate at and house of repivseatatifex etatt of ofthe oftbo oftoo the United States was adopted pro protesting proteEIng 0 0tIDI testing against the ptifiage of the theOortta the1ortl theertia Oortta 1ortl bill provtdlmg that sugar and andtobacco andtobsceo dtobuCO tobacco firm tile PMIipplnee Ptdll P1 lllpptaee ptMe nhalt nhaltb hall hallh ha11hr hr admitted at 2ft I per rnt Int nt of the rates raiotrfxtiflcd ral ralUICd ratesppteIAed rfxtiflcd UICd ia th the Dtngkv i tsriff law Ie De Ieatur Deoatur eratur oatur coaatr tr is an 1 irenslve lleall rower xrowerof rowerot rowerof of the Jut tobanv I I and It fl lIfe lIfeII raM raMn Nl Nln II the memorial nJSaI tfc be pe Plc 4atb 1 of ofthe oftb41 ofthe the bill mad pa 1 the tla ftt haccu hacculndottry ce ceindatry indatry to tliU et fr fro i Y1 ft TAe Trlw TrlwA rhIJ It rl SNt4r rA A little Utt rtcr rtcrhop fr Ii i boot lJOo I tHb8 tHb81fJft1 tel tel1thg Ri 1fJft1 ever II i wh wrtKht wrtKhtk 1tht 1ththe IIh hop he ar arvb 1 WI 1 tl44 i id i tun 10 a ae ab vb err errte 1 tbt tie i tbs thII thIIH te lit liti IIIspa te spa aaerite i hteret lit littey 3n Ir I the lb lbis be beuircl I IRD rite is RD uircl nx ir I finally tnsnysarot finallyiy nan nanrr sarot rr ere iy 1 hf dq1 Idaeud Ida Itaiitrt eud 1 q1 apttitt iitrt I II IItr in inf taeI I tr Mb ib MraAa roa roatOWll rratiNtoptl i iti tOWll It ti 1 luke makeWV lukebit ke i ilit bit I tad lit tNJ rtj irrtl irrtlake ad Ii TftilJd ake aker akegM 1 ftilJd gM A I rt rWo limt limtot I Ibtll btll dal I Hd HdIt rtt 1 1wd wd It i uIt Ulr It er 1 1er Pl 1 1I tt I IMs i I 7 ttrt tt ot trt di ii tine we wN a a a aA 4 tJtI ve nr nrtaJJdft rr ef wbgdttr effry taJJdft If tJ I Ifry fry vet vetIHfJ 1 1UU xr qW qWlittle little UU t1UtE 1UtE 1UtEke bZf bZfn ke 0 0n MAttf Attf Q1rar7 11111 trfcT I It wee weeat at nrr rft rftp flit flitrit I rlit tI tft IA IA4a I 4a ft 1 0 Jtft It It1 ifl r4 1 1 i2Tt i2Ttlied 1 1 lied te ll a Eiv 1 41C EOr 0 0I I I AN ODD F1SHqueer FISH FISHQueer FISHQueer Queer Jar3ee arinv JC MattHter HHC l0 uler XntHral hl 1i 1iCJH Ittf IttfCJMJ nJ CJH CJMJ ti f1t AVkaliM AVkaliMWldle lw lairWhile lair kaINbUe While bUe operating at fishery ti b17 In Ad Admiralty A Awlrftlty 1a 1ainlrnity miralty Island Alaska ouelHuimcr ooelbu mer uiy uiyattotttlon waHouUon wattontlpn attotttlon and the atteatioii of tte fish fishfag flsuing ftshing ing crow wave almost olnlostdallr dally nttracted nttrsetetla to toa a 1 large marine creature that would ap appear sfVOIr npear pear in Hut main cuaunel of Scytuonr Scytuonrcanal Setiywoucanal wonr wonrcannl canal null nct our immediate vicinity TIclnIt TIclnItfheoro vkinityThera There are large numbers I1UIl1 of whale othe of ofthe ortho the spedes 1OrelIIl ror iMl there and too mon monster monostor moustOr stor seemed to bft their tiaUiral woiuy woiuyTito onomjTho eslomyTho Tho whales generally travel hi schools schoolsand liools lioolsand hool9amI and while at It the surface to blow Ido one onewould oneWould on onwould would be singled out MIMI attacked by bythe btho bythe the fish and battle was lOOn In tl order orderIt It is I the nature of the rorqual rorqualmake to tomake towltke make three Uu threo blows at intervals of otrtoru fret frututwo frettwo two to three th minute each and llnm Aronsound llnmsound 1101 1101sOnDt sound sOnDt deep and stay stn beneath tilt sur aurtaco surface au autaco taco for thirty tlllrt or forty minutes mluut A 1s 1 awhn10 a avlwlO awhftle vlwlO would oul come to the surface therewould there therewould theroWoul would Woul 1 appear always fth at the th whales whalesright Wlu vlialesright IO15 IO15rlgbt right side hIe and just about whore his hishehd hishdtd I hehd would connect with the bodyn bodyngreat body ngroat ngroat groat lonj long tull 11 or tin Juflgeil by flvu flvuflshormoit flshormoit aud 1tu ud 1 a number of Indiana after eceing Juc it about fifteen thnue at ftvat10ul ptvarious atvarious various dltlltftl1tN illt nce to bo about trvout trvoutfour Hvwily Hvwilyfour tOI1 tOI1tout four toot long two and Mnt oneJwlf feet fwtwlife 1twleft feetwide wide at Uie olid and taiwriug town to tothe totllo tothe the water whore wh r8 it stemed med to bo about aboutoightcou aboutolghtCQII aboutolghtcou oightcou inches in dlnmetor looking lookingvery 10okll1lvOI1I lookingvery very vOI1I much like the blade of the mil ofan of ofan otan an old fashioned 1 Dutch wlndmlft wlndmlftTlio whuhuUtTlio wlndmlfiTito Tlio great club wns used on tho back bae6of backof backot of the unfortunate wlmlo in such nrannor nuiannor tUlIU1I10L uiannor that it was wonder oncor to mo twothat mothat IUUthat that every wlialo attacked was a not In Instantly 11 11stltllt1 htstantiy stantly stltllt1 killed 1111 1 lt 1 Ita operator sooined to touuve tobUTe tohave have perfect control of ibt movements inovetaenUand mo8tuenllnnd movementsntid and would bend it back ok until the end oMdwould outlwould endwould would touch tho water forming ahorseshoe a ahorseshoe 10 10hOLINhoo horseshoe loop then with sweep it itwould Itwoulll Itwould would bo straightened suit broughtover brought broughtover brouabtover over aud down on Uie back of the thewliale UUtwbale thewhale whale with a Whack tUat cook behear be beheard btlIanl heard tor several mlkiei It tbe wkalo wkalowas whslewas 10 10WI was fortunate oaough to submorBe It Itelf ItItlt Itself self elf before the tb blow came lie tiltwonkl spray spraywould spisywould would fly for a distance of a hundred hundredfeet huwlwxlfeet laulKlroateet feet from fro roar the etfeet ern let et of 11 the stroke malt maki makelug i lug I a report as loud aa a yachts III elgsssi I gvm 1tL 1tL1Vhnt gvmWhat What bat seemed moat remarkable to me mewas me1ft thewas was 1ft that IM matter wlikh laich way 11 the theattacked thttt theattacked attacked cktd whale went lOt or bow fast tbc tbcusual I Iuaual 11wusual usual speed Is about fourteen knots knotsthat knobthat kaotsithat that great club Iub vroukl follow rightalong right rightalong rl bt btaloq along by Its I aide Id and deliver those tre tremradoua treInlDdOWl treeimrndoua mradoua blows blo at Intervals of about aboutfour aboatCour abouttour four or five seconds It would always alwaysget OhI1Jet alwaysget get la Crew three to five fly blows at each oacliof aullor eachor or the three time fl bales the whale wouldoche would wouldcome woukto come to UM svrfure to blew Theubals The TheMrhali 1bowhal Mrhali would generally 11 rid rtc1ltM1t Itself of UM UMonemj tJMbell theuneasy uneasy wuea bell bl it took Its deep soundalWlagy sound soundspecially lOundu specially if the water was forty fortyfaUioisfi tort torttaUeow fortyfatisows faUioisfi or sore I deep UttrtMf Dllrta till day daythe da datlte daythe the attack was always war otfabore butat but butat butt at night the whales wba would be attacked artaekedia ia 11 the bay ba and within wt ln tOO yardsot arda of toe theTabery toeflabery tlMlaber1 flabery flaberyI I do not know of anjr I sly whales Wha beingkilled being beingkilled twt killed bUt there were several tbat badgreat bad badgreat 4 4t great holes 00 and safes on their backs backaQoeatlonlng ba backsQuestioning a aQ1MItlonlDI Questioning tbe lb Indiana lid about It I was wastoW wtela Wast toW ld that there tbe was only oar one that It Ithad Itlaad Itlaid had burn ft there for or laser yean and tat tuatIt tatIt thatit It one attacked II an Indian canoe and andwith slidwith 1Id 1Idwith with on stroke I of the great dot dotnnaAti eIIIblIuhtI elot5entaaht nnaAti lIuhtI EI the fI canoe Into splinters U1K U1KIng 1d1I hUIlag lag I and drowning drowD1D sereral wat of lie I aocn eecepants aocnpanto ftI ftIpaDt pants Iormt and Atria Prrot 0iaJMae 0iaJMaeWhere OMAII OMAIIWb Where Wb Ihere ere need a to be a feeW ftte1alr ei einneAtluets oIj oIjalam pituneasiness uneasiness aid 1Id worry Ut the heneahuM heneahuMwhen i iuOdrlwhen 1 when Ha a eblld showed oftlll vymptMsw altroop oeroop 01 01a troop a there it new petted rfee eSii ewMMenoe ewMMenoeThJ enee eneei ThJ i owing ow i nl to th tI fo ooiform irona i MCceea nee eeea of ofCawnitxrlsini ofbmitrrtsins I Cawnitxrlsini Ooofh ItenuMij 11 in ntmtn the thetreatmtnt thersIrh rsIrh treatmtnt tmtn me nt of if that disease dMaeBastard Mn M1 M1JIIIord Wilford Bastard of Poolaeville Mdln Mdlning Md Ii speak speaklag ak aki8 lag i8 of bereiperiene hfrnp Ifrtl rhIt rlncr In the sea oesj of ofrrmedj of thal thalreuttdT ba baItd rrmedj Itd saju la lsf hate a worN orU of eon eonWfiice ao eonAimee Aimee in Uhatnb Oiiamihrlsln ObI rlI riatna Oosjatt 0 eat1 Rent Rented Re ReH Repad ed for I ha hu1 hat Wit Qee 1 it with OoeJs petrel met toe toeem soees es em My 1 child ehl larland rlaDd Is iejbj sehjeet JJ et toaere to toeeexTc 0 0UAk eeexTc attacks UAk of rmup nup sad a II tlwafs tlwafsfitvs ala alahim slwsgsgitr fitvs gitr him prompt rrltf rU UI ref tale I IU by byalhi alhi ru uqiH i Th ThIln Yia Due DueIlrs lire rriiuni ftJ ftJI her Oet onto fnf fnft g1k1Mert Mert I 111 ii 1 piiIerl ien 1 Ite fir lt I with thud thudIn tkodIn In lvr 1 Muff 111 ltK ii lb 1M tNat fW tNatdin VtaV VtaVdm w4s 4s dm I Icviurr IM rt I Jf UW em emga eelh sr ga Hit III yex man mr the tbIep thei Iep i toO iu at tee CI atae at Mid nahtu I II I ran tier twrto daily fmtt fmttr aSeNd tut t1r heft nt Mr Cethmiffa Cethmiffaalien Clltbelatt9ai 1111 1j 1jII tt9aiI II I I I ld I 1 tleaa tleaatttl 01 lOr alien 7a down ae Nlie aese 1 lie se IOale i1 tl that 1 deaC deaChare cfM cfMtllft detittMr tllft lad rn hare 5Si 4 i Ere1a8 Ere1a8ar mm TU TUf1n lag lagr ar gefag f1n itia ltare ItJt A 6 6rf Are Area t11Ms as ei a Lt Ltt rf 110 110I 0 Mr OlUur rilxirti iI Jr 1 at a knot IlOl IlOli1fI1 1 i1fI1 1 dot dmre rtdM tr a I heir anti 4 1M grw Cr rr hiI i 1 J1 J1ti1 w0O1 w0O1L1 L1 ti1 ti LI Ltd ft i leer leerrreM1 rreM1 wtalitw bt It eel eb tts tt5i fIr fIrI7M I7M th11 ts 7 rh uata tntaete tntaetet 01 sal 1 tbEre rt 1 II I rb I ft ftI 1p 1pfaa faa eraa rrrl I I 1listil 11M 11MI 11MDO I DO erH i 1 I I iI 1 ttili le rlri vo I eVIl eVIlIWuI I tUe IWuI taett re 1 tt4 14 trteetlj trteetljE ftt fttt AY I 4e1 0 I e1 aJ Verb1ee err Atr Atrf Aratera4r 4r bt4rf rm 04 4 ERr fHI t37 Sl4 ht 5e4 5e4t A 1 a a Er 1 4 tiI iI ss 1 I I FLORIDA EASt COAST RAilWAYcarTlmo RAilWAY RAILWAY1t1 t1 carTlmo Card NOl 59 In Effect Effect Jan Jan130 30 19 1905 1905SOUTitIOUND 5 5SOUTfIBOUNoREAD SOUTfIBOUNoREAD SOUTitIOUND READ DOWN NORTHROUNDREAD NORTR IOUNOREAD UP No99 No 89 No 3a No 29 No 23 NO78 No 18 No 74 7 Nt21 No 99 1 Idly 11 DU1 Dally Ittl7 aU STATIONS badly Dan I1atlr 11 I JtJIT DAily DAilySOAp SOAp 90a life 1211p 1t lYWaus I It a la luonr 1r TlU Ti us Htp auo a uo a 8111 p11 it I gtlJatkaoaY 1 8 a 1 1lUG lUG 120 120p 11 a Ol 9tOa hA 0 fI alu elep 141 100 fat tea tea919p 1 1G 919p 111 a 11 Ara tU 64a 1 11113p 1113p a lOOp HAil MUCR AlfP lITp alai an 415 elBf fIa 1 ul 41 Hp Ita 111 UI IIA 1Np li I Ulna a LY LvN allitluh tbb Ar C11 AISt 0111 051 IOia iila iilaOp 1 1Ml Ml a14zt tr lliM Itop atA I11p It 111 a Ma tna 4YeltaJeateo A it tier 10 Tit Titfi ifen ifenLY 1 LY lY pN I nt a IIT IITt I fi 1 1110 ie a tll 11 fJ10nll fJ10nll11p ond 11p 11 8 1 1e pl1 1 lA a rt tI I UI 19a11 II I tea 4 ft 1 1lUG a lUG 1 11S 1ft pIt 1 3 1I t9 a Ma 1 UI I a A 44 i a aMM 1 MM I al I IlU8 Ela lU8 la le a lIp I 1 12 I IJ I Ab I UI A 110 a U6a U6aI a aiSOs 1110 iSOs 48 a 12 15p 1 tle fU ltit se 14 1qp a aIIOS aalp IIOS 1 11 a aC 1 1 1 I I Jt I it 00 vteli ii 1 0 I tea to toa alp a I 9 I 11 a I It a 1 1U8p 1ale 91 91II i a U8p ale rv I 1tt I 1 iN I Na 111 II A AIUe IUe It 5 a485a a aUi Ui 485a a 111 gyp a I III tlNMt ere 10 a 29U1 29U11p 1 II ij a ar 1p en I wll a aI a7Q0 7Q0 I I 1 ell 1 a i 7 I tL a ar 11 tv 1 otv I IJ a or Ill 1 a an Oria 611 I Ar eaeli tilt 1l a at a 1ft 6 045a 5 a 8 as rrtp to loll IV vk stna a 111 f1a f1aTOO I TOO a 016p 9 09ll iu I vd A HOA i a Ile It ItOi1 a ap 3i hill I I Iv 11 755 755i 10 i 1 1ue a amci 10 mci Oi1 II 01 tt ate Ie III a 4 Id 411f1 I 1 1D9ra I II I IUea 1 1 A Uea II Ilp ill 1 ia Lv lyua a sae HI T11h T11hBase 1 JDr Dr lvler oMftn nn Iratnt9Tlaad9Ja11t1Naftetaterptnar hlilil Sihw Inet 11 eroa Oft tJaiM el u4 u4J aa4between between tWH JuM YUIt duet1laa I Nflor r1OfCaraoutra1ntlYaMW 0 0 tlne aDd bUwJtlt 1vtahit 1 AqatIM AaMI AaMINewht11rRa as asNew Newht11rRa New nxtyrha CONDENSED SCHEDULE BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE AND ST AUGUSTINE AUGUSTINELvjKkM IlUOIJ8TINENo No tiE its 21t rt NI 59 NtIst its J5t to 43 I Ntt tat Nt tJt 3 8 BOUND DAII Daily I Ily b13r Dl IJlly bath Dftllr IMll1 lb tetl8tfle lle A Uallr JII Rally pt ft NLy11CYiU reLvI LvI LvjKkM Ly11CYiU cksi vUU 4l1e3WAX UUX MAMp4 1A I 1000AM If 1111 II IM 110CM 110 PM flora III pK 100 aaere ml MHftPM Sflm SflmArft 1 MI 9Nrht 9NrhtAr 111 111ArtAvpejOOAtlA1C1IIIUX Arft ArtAvpejOOAtlA1C1IIIUX Ar IAvgWdae9eA iM 09AuU IuiAwltlIoAK Av HOAX liftrx tioml Hors 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