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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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APRIL i7, 1894. WORLD'S FAIR ART PORTFOLIO COUPON. 6 coupons of different dates and 10 mod secures the current number ot Ait Portfolios. See advertisement LOGANSPORT, INDIANA. TUESDAY MOKMNG.

APEIL 17. 1894. NO. 92. VOL.

XIX. Above cut shows the beautiful lew Quarters 4O9-411 BROADWAY, The Bee Hive Dif Will occupy after this week. During the present and last week of our stay on Fourth Street we willl offer goods very cheap. Wiler Wise. During this week only.

315 Fourth St. OVER THE STATE. News from Varioua Towns In Indiana. Tragedy the Honeymoon. AJTDERSOS, April Sougnr and Mlas Samantha Wright married Wednesday, and they went to visit the bride's mother, Mrs.

Jennie Eiley, who lives north of here. Mrs. Eiley, who is insane at times, took a great dislike to Souger. Friday night while he was sleeping attacked him with a beer bottle. She was in a frenzy, and before assistance could be called she had beaten him into insensibility.

His jsknll is fractured and he will die. Mrs. Eiley will be taken to the Richmond in- tlane asylum. Mrs. Souger, tho young wife, is prostrated from the shock, and it Is doubtful if sho will recover.

New for Swindling EL-WOOD, April near this city havo been swindled out of considerable money by a stranger who claims to be a governmnnt officer searching for counterfeit money. He asks to see the farmer's coiu, and, a "suspicious" piece, he tests Jt with an acid he carries with him, which turns it black, and then he it spurious. As tho farmer has no right to carry counterfeit coin stranger confiscates tho piece and 'goes along to the next victim. To Parlfj Political System. IXDIAXAPOUS, April people gathered Sunday night Tomllnson hall at the opening of a Aeries of non-partisan meetings in tho Interest of good citizenship, and the application of Christian principles to the conduct ol political affairs.

1'he meetings are to be hold daily under the management of the Young People's Christian alliance of Indianapolis. A Suicide. WARSAW, April W. Gates, a physician, committed suicide by hanging himself from the chandelier Jn his room at the Ross house in South Webster. He had been at tho hotel April 9 and registered from Wauseon, O.

No money was found among his effects. The cause of his rash act is a mystery. I Death of Old Settler. I PosxYvrLLE, April W. fiobb, one of the oldest and most es- cltliens of Posoy county, died jat his home about 4 miles west of this town.

Mr. Robb was one of the oldest Mttlers of the county, having been born near the place ol hJs death in 1819, a months before Indiana was admitted to the union. Burned by a Wfclte-flot Bar. KLWOOD, April 16. William Morgan, an employe of the American factory, mot with peculiar accident.

While drawing a red-hot of metal from the rolls it caught his left arm, and the member was nearly-severed from his body before he oraldto extricated from his perilous petition. i Accidental Shot Fatal. POVIKSTON, April JMoe, a farmer living- Mar Veed- fatally shot himself Saturday ht. In buckling a revolver around fcta waist bj. art.

the revolver down, causing It to fall to the ground, and it exploded, sending the bullet into his groin. Shot a Prisoner In JlFFERSONVILLK, April IB. Warden James P. Patterson, ot the prison south at this place, while subduing an obstinate convict was forced to shoot him in the arm to save himself from an assault with a billet of wood. Even then he fought desperately and could hardly be carried to tho hospital suddenly.

MTJHCIE, April Rev. Enoch Holdstock died very suddenly of heart disease Friday night He officiated in the Methodist ministry of Indiana and southern Michigan since 1839, and he was one of the best known preachers in this state. He was 70 years of age, and leaves his wife and one daughter. Learn to Pick Early. VALPARAISO, April James Twohey and Dan O'Keep, aged and 10 years respectively, picked the pocket of a woman in one of the stores Saturday afternoon.

They gave the offleon chase of (i miles before being captured. They are both from Chicago. Died Awnj from Home. LA POKTK, April A telegram received here from New York announced the sudden death at that pla.c« of Samuel Fox. of this city, who went there a few days ago on business.

Thfl deceased was one of La Porto's wealthiest and most enterprising citizens. An lucencllnrj Fire. CKAWFORDSVILLK, April 10. Incendiaries fired the barn of Harvey Elliot, north of the city, and the building, with four horses, buggy, wagon, hay, feed, farm implements and meat were destroyed. Loss, $3,100, wi th insurance.

Cheu Tourney at Klwood. EI.WOOD, April 10. The state chess meeting and tourney will be held in this city during May, and among the noted players present will be Laaker, who will probably be matched with the Canadian champion if he can ba secured. Killed on a Crowing. VALPABAISO, April Early Sunday morning Otto Gnstafson, a young business man of Chesterton, while returning home from a danca was struck by A Michigan Central fast freight on the crossing and instantly killed.

Will Return Thli Weak. INDIANAPOLIS, April Word from California reached here that ex- President Harrison and party will return home next Saturday, leaving Stanford university next Wednesday. Took Her OWB Life. April 16. Emma Denton, aged 88 years, of this place, committed suicide with strychnine because her lover bad circulated scan- ns Htories about her.

THE ELECTIONS. Uo Buck. BERLi-f, April Thu Jeiults can now return to tieraany. by a majority of IS votes, finally adopted the motion to repeal the anti-Jesuit laws, which forbid residence in this lountry. The vote was 108 to 146.

a Jewish naut, signifies, Those of 1894 Are of More Than Ordinary Importance. Upon Their Result Depends the Choice of Over a Score of Senators- Names of States and A GREAT YKAK FOB POLITICS. Although 1S94 is what is known as an "off year" among politicians, it promises to equal in importance those in wliich presidents arc elected. The state legislatures chosen next November will elect upward of twenty United States senators, and an entire new house of representatives is to be voted for. It will thus bo Been that the people will again have an opportunity to remake both branches of conpress.

Tho workers of both parties are consequently very active in nil of the close states, especially where a sonatorship is at stake. When tho electors understand the great national issues involved the probability is that local questions will cut a small fig-ure in the contest. It bids fair to bo a strict party fig-fat on federal lines. Retiring The senators whose terms expire March 4, 1895, are: John T. Morgan, of Alabama; James H.

Dorry, of Arkansas: Edward O. Wolcott, of Colorado; Anthony Higgles, of Delaware; George L. Shoup, of Idaho; fihelby M. CulJora, of Illinois; James F. Wllaoi, of Iowa; John Martin, of Kansas; WIlllaralLlndBay, of Kentucky; DonelBon Cftffrey, of Louisiana; William P.

Frye, of Mains; George F. Hoar, of Massachusetts; James McMillan, of Michigan; William O. Washburn, of James McLaurin, of Mississippi; Thomas C. Power, of Montana! Charles F. of William E.

Chandler, of New Hampshire; John Mo- Phorson, ot New jtanwr. Ransom, ot North Carolina; Joseph N. Dolph, of Oregon; F. DUon, of Rhode Island; Matthew O. Butler, of South Carolina; Richard F.

Petti- of South Dakota; Iiham 0. Harris, of renncasoa; Richard Coke, of Texas; Xpps Honton, of Virginia: J. Catnden, of West Virginia, and Joseph M. Carey, of Wyoming. to FUUid.

In addition to theso, vacancies for the terms ending 1 In 1899 are to be filled by legislatures of Wyoming, Montana and Washington. Iowa has already elected Congressman Qreer to succeed Senator "Wilson. Virginia has elected IoL Martin to fill the place of Eppa innton. Kentucky has chosen Senator Lindsay to succeed himself. The eglalature of Louisiana will also have the naming- of the successor to Judge White.

Senator WalthaU will resume the senatorshlp lu 1895. Tho State So, on the whole, the state legislative contests will perhaps be of most mportance. Following: Riven an outline of the situation in the various itates: All of the Oregon oounty and precinct jfflcers ore to voted for on June 4, and the eal battle will commence with the April conventions. The populiats, under the command will uavo It present if Messrs. Waldron, Murksborry and Fitch, lull ticket In tb.e fteW.

Its governor, Sylvester Pen- uoyer, Us attorney general and lis ad- utant gonarol ara democrats, while the renal ning republicans. Tho legislature to be chosen will havo the successor to Senator Joseph Dolph elect. The populist domination for governor will probably go to Natbao Pierce, and It Is not unlikely that tiia party will support Gov. Pennoyer for Senator Dolph's placa. Arkansas has Its state election on September and will vote for all state, judicial, courts, township officers, ono associate Justice of the supreme court and a legislative election which choose tha successor to Ssnator Berry.

The political sentiment In the stale has not crystalllzua into movement, to develop certainty of ad entire populist state ticket. Mlusourl's fall elections will 1)8 of little Importance. Tho democratic convention moots In Kansas City on May IB. and will comlnate candidates for Judge of the supremo court, for Btftto superintendent of schools il stave railroad commissioner. Thera Is yet no opposition to the present supreme Justice, Judxo Black, but both Commissioner HenceHsey Superintendent Wolfe will have a bluer aght to so- cure renomlnatlono.

In Hevr York, New York has Its state this year, and both parties are for an aggros- Blve contest Tbs state tickets will be named shortly after tho constitutional convention, probably early In July, and more than likely thai Oov. riower will secure a renomlnitlon, soma one else taking the place of Lieut Qov. Sheehan. Tba anti-Hill fsotton is already organizing throughout the state with a view to controlling the convention. Should they succeed, which exceedingly problematical, Oov.

Flower would iirobsbly bedoUated for the nomination, and a warm friend of the administration named. The republicans are already look- Ing about for gubernntorlsl timber, and among those talked of are Wtbu Boot, Oornellug Bliss, Mayor Sohleren, of Brooklyn; Judge Qaynor and, possibly, ex-Vice President Levl F. Morton, Indiana and Illinois- In Indlsns the hold their convention on April 26. The ba filled are those of secretary of state, auditor, trtasurer, attorney general, of the supreme court, clerk of the supreme court, superintendent of publlo Instruction, stats geologist and state statistician No senatorial vacancy will exist and so tha loglslative fight Is not of nsttonsl interoit Illinois has a fight already in Dnwreas all Hkellhooa tie conventions, wwon meet In April and May. will announce the party candidates tor the seat now ooonplad by Senator ShalW M.

CuUom. Kx-OonfrreM- man Cable, Qov. rawman William MorrUon, William It Springer, Oonjiesimen Blaok and Hunter all been mentioned poMlble democratic nominees, while republican will proo- ably moan rtelootlon of Senator Onllom. In the state Illinois a state tperlnWndent of publlo Imtruotlon, les at tha University of Illinois, half the state 113 ot tns lower house. In addition, oounty officers will be chosen everywhere.

end Michigan. The roster trlsl will an important besr- ing OD the state election la Wisconsin, iind BenD rt law agitation will per- TsBrheratlM, wtwo. ttAWO; palgn upjln tnat itate. Wisconsin votes for governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, state superintendent, oommls sloner of Insurance and rallrond commissioner half the state senate snd tho entire lower house. No senatorial legislation on the tapis to clog legislation year.

lowa'a legislature does not meet next year and tha successor to Senator Wilson Uaeol ready been chosen In tho person of Congress man Orear. The state votes lor secretary auditor, treasurer, railroad commissioner, Judge and clurU of supreme court Michigan has a successor to Senator McMll Ian to elect and a vioket to take offlce January 1895. Tho revelations of the amend tnent return friuas will undoubtedly seoura Oov. Rich tho republican renomlnatlon. It not unlikely that Don M.

Dlclclnson will ba his democratic opponent Pennsylvania's republican convention will bo hold in May, when Hie vonteat for Uio torlnl will come to an end. Phllti- delcputu." have already announced tiicnisi'lvus In favor of tliC nomination of On. Hustings, uud, us otlior socliun or the sin to a unnditliitii, to foe a rather warm contest. Tlie fleets one-half stiLiu its ur.tiru lower lieutenant Rovcrtior, secretary of internal anil uuiiltur p-nrral. l.lvol.v In KiuiKaa.

Knnsns promises UK; nation a rour-cornerod figlit, vlili Mrs. Luiisit i-ltberln tlw populist or republican mnlis. It Gov. l-cwulliiw is nominated It Is iloiihtful if will support her onetime eniliiiHlastic frliT.c! iinil her now arch enemy, Tho fusion ilcmocrftis havu aijrocd to join with Uio puijnllHUi. TUe sttilwartdcaio- criils hiivo iloeitlcO lo put tioliut lnl.0 Lbo Held, and tho will namo somo such ninn UH Uuniphrcyri, Fciiftton or Case llroJorick.

The fusloiilats may ualto on ConKressnun Harris, aucmocrsn, or on Gov. Thomas J. Hudson, Jerry Simpson or Baker. As llio succoKHor to tor Martin, who now nils out the term of tho late Plumb, Is to bo chosen by the 1 Mature, ox-Senator Innalls will undoubtedly take an active part In tbo campaign looking to an election as senator next winter. Kansas elects an entire state ticket, tho entire lower house, a portion or the state senate, and county officers everywhere.

Nebraska elects ft IsgUlaturo, which will have Senator Mandarson'8 successor to choose. In addition, the state votes for governor, lieutenant governor, treasurer, auditor, secretary of state, attorney general, commissioner ol publlo lands and buildings, and superintendent of publlo Instruction. South Dakota all state and county officers, and ft legislature to choose a successor to Senator Richard F. Petttgrew. Norm Dakota elects ftll state officers, Judge of tha court and all county officers.

Tbere will be no senatorial vacancy next year. Ohio only for secretary of state, minor state and for congressmen. Its first election year will be that on May In the Third district to choose to the lota Congressman Houk. Wyoming Its state and state senators for four yeara Its and oounty bold offlce two yearall thesa will ba filled and the legislature will elsot a successor to Senator Joseph M. Onney and fill the vacancy In tha short term, which expires In governor 1 appointee not having been recognized.

Tha condition "ble may occur, tha are numerous ai they were two years ago. Idaho state, district snd county otB- cerfl to elect and a legislature which will tha suocauBor ol Senator Shoup, Senator will hare to contend for reelection In Delaware. His state votes for governor, two-thirds of the state senate, the assembly, and for all tha principal county officials. Washington eleou two supremo court judges, its county and precinct officers, and Us legislature Is expected to till the vacancy occasioned by a dsadloolc similar to that of Wyoming. Novada has only Its state, county and congressional elections nest November.

la Colorado. Senator Woloott, of Colorado, will succeed himself In March, 1385. His state, however, a bitter contest on hand lor 1891 Qov. Walte. who wan chosen by the fusion of the possibl NOT SATISFIED.

Col, Breokinridge Thinks He Did Not Get Justicei He Enters a Motion for a New Tria Women After His Pollard Sick. ACTION OP TUB JtJItY. April 16. tho jury had returned its verdict in tho Pollard-Breckinrklpre case Saturday, the Kentucky congressman, apparently perfectly cool, arose and entered motioi) for a new trial. The court then adjourued.

The jury took fifteen ballots before reaching conclusion. difference was mainly over thonmountof (lamapea tobcprautinl.and there was but one man on tho jury who favored the defendant. On tlie lirst ballot ono Juror voted for the defense and out for a time, but his colleagues thought lie did it more for the sake of argument than because he was strongly in favor of Col. Breckinriilgu A number of ballots were required to roach a compromise on the amount of damage to be award ed. Two or three jurors wautod to give the full amount of while the others thought that merely iiorai- nal damages would serve to express their opinion that tlie eonffressniaiu had treated Miss Pollard shabbily.

Mix Pollard In Hospital. CoL Breckinridge was very cool after the verdict had been rendered. He declined to speak at that time for publication, as did his attorneys. Miss I'ol- lard was somewhat excited, but not hysterical, while awaiting the result and broke into tears when she heard it She declined to be interviewed, her attorneys said that she was anxioua to efface herself Iroin public sight as far as possible, now that the case had ended. As might have been expected with a woman of her temperament, the long strain of the trial culminated in a nervous and Miss Pollard is suffering from nervous prostration.

She was taken Saturday night to Provi dence a Catholic institution In a quiet part of the city on Capitol hill, she attended by the sisters ol charity. The attending physicians do not anticipate any serious effects from tier illness. will Not oo OD Since the verdict was rendered the theatrical managers have redoubled their importunitits, and several tele- rriras havo come to Miss Pollard offer- ug her astonishing sums to go upon the stage at once. Her friends decline give the names of the theatrical managers or to disettss their offers, saying that no attention will be paid to any of them. Women Want Him Expellid.

Hardly had the verdict been rendered when a meeting ot prominent Wasa- ngton women was called to take action regarding the case of CoL Breck- nridge. Eepresentatives of several 'emlnlne organizations met at Wilard's hotel Saturday night, and, after interesting conference, adopted res- warm effort to defeat him. Colorado eleou all its state in November. In the remaining scales only congressional elections will be held. BITS OF INFORMATION.

The republican state convention of Georgia has been called for August 29. A son of Daniel Crider, of Lima, was thrown and tramped to death by a horse. Miss Carrie Hatfleld, of W. was shot by Thomas Holbrook, a disappointed lover. An Orange (N.

firm is said to have agreed to pay for the street railway system of Detroit. At Fairbury, 111., the 6-year-old dauRli- ter of Mr. Welchert was fatally burned while playing o.t a bonfire William Huston, aged It, drowned at Virden, while trying to rescue a child from a like fate. More than $500,000 collected by Sioux City, from saloonkeepers may have to be turned over to tho county school Innd. Earl Kiinberly purposes offering amendments to the British Behring sea bill to meet objections to it raised in America.

Corydon L. Ford, professor of anat- and physiology in Michigan university, died as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. In a letter to Oov. Waite, Robert Mc- Eeynolds, an Oklahoma silvorite, urges iim to join in a movement for the seces- Bidn of western states. FOR UNIVERSAL PEACE.

Fair Arbitration Memorial Forwarded to All the WASHINGTON, April state: department has received for forwarding to the forty-nine independent nations of the world official copies of memorial for international arbitration prepared at the World's Columbian exposition. It is signed by all the officers of the exposition and the' prominent members ol the con- gretaes held at Chicago last summer, by the of the present cabinet, leading senators and representatives, mad by prominent men and women generally. IV beautiful and unique sider the qualifications of Representative Breckinridge for membership in that body. Some of the organizations whose representatives took part in the meeting the Woman's Suffrage association, tho Woman's Christian Temperance union and the Pro-Ea-Uata. Mrs.

Sarah La Fetre, the president of tho local Woman's Christian Temperance union, tnem that no ono tins nao. me uourago to uroii the women or rebuke th'J Caonnt Act, The series of resolutions adopted by the Women's Protective league looking to the expulsion of Representative Breckinridge are likely to be ignored by the house. Under tlie rules they will, when offered, be sent to the committee on privileges and elections. One of the leading members of the judiciary committee said, in speaking- of the action of the Women's league: "Tlicre is nothing the house can do tn UK matter. It wus a civil suit, not a criminal suit The beducUon cf Miss Pollurd Is an to- cidur.c in suit brought for a breach of proM- Iso xo marry the plaintiff.

The house canoofc tjiUe 1 of such suits. If we did," to added, with a smile, "we would bo likely to lose a great part of our member. If Brecltlnridge bad been tried and coo- dcmned tar seduction, tbn action of the bouse, If took any, would depend upon the laws ot the state wliero the act was committed. Voti are snfe in spying tliat Vic house will do nothing In tbc mailer. The public, as well as the uousu, tavc all tv." DEATH OF SENATOR VANCE.

Expires Suddenly at HlH KrMtltiDce la or Iltx Life. ITOX, April Zebulon if. Vance, of Norm Carolina, died at 11:40 o'clock Saturday night at his residence in this city. Paralysis and a complication of diseases resulted in stroke of apoplexy while he wsa supposed to bo in a fair way to recover. He had been in Florida during the winter, seeking health, bnt came back to Washington to take part iu the tariff legislation.

The funeral will take place Tuesday at his late homo in Black Mountain, N. 15. Vance was born in Buncombe oounty, May 18, 1830. He received Us education at Washington college and at XJnlverili; ot North Carolina. Be law profeiilon and early drifted IBM politics.

In 18M he wns elected a member ol tbe North Carolina legislature and In 1M was ohoneo to represent dlatrlot tn OOB- greas. Although opposed to warbrolce out he oontlauad to repreMntbli North Carolina constituency by taking his place at the bead of a company of confederate volunteers. Soon he was appointed colonfl ol tbe famous Twenty-flfth North Carolina monu In IM2, while be was still lerving oanee of seocMlon In tha Held, he wax elected eruor of North Carolina. His moat noted achievement while In tho offloe of govenxn was the securing of foreign aid for the ooBfefr erate causa. He sent to Europe who purchased a nne (Uamboat, which quently ran the blockade, brlnglni In clothing, arms and for Uio confederate most.

As early December, 1683, Gov. Vtnoeurfel President Davit to take advantage of every opportunity to negotiate with the United States government. At that Vance reallMd the of the be When tbe national occupied North Carolina Oov. Vance arrettsd anil held a prisoner st Washington for several Upon tbe election of L. Cllngmtn.

then rtpmenttng North Carolina Ik the lower of congress, to the Vanoa was chosen to out the uncxplred He was choien as a American, and served again In tbe Thirty-sixth Be was governor ol North Carolina in tttt and 1864. In 1868 he attended as a delegate the democratic national convention which nominated Horatio Seymour for the presidency. In November, 1870, he waa elected United States senator, but was not allowed to take seat, political dioablltttes not tavtnf nen removed. He therefore reilgned tn January. 1S72, and In 18TQ was chosen governor of his for tbe third time In 1878 ba given a Mat In the chamber and hi slnoe reelectad without PASSED AWAY.

Ei-Gov, and Betutor Harvey, of, Dead. JUNCTION Crrr, April Gov. and ex-Gnitcd States Senator lames M. Harvey died at his home near his city at midnight. ex-governor wai born In Monroe September II, 1681 lie wiw educated ID he public ichools of Indiana.

lows and Illinois, nd practiced nurvoylng and civil engineering ba removed to Kansas in- 1859, when be became larmer. lie served In the war as captain of the Fourth and United lonato to fill ibe by the mlfaauon ot Alexander CalawelL He vras a 5. 7- years In the war as oaptaln of tne and Mrs. kllen fa. Mussey, the widow nth reglmanva ot Kanias Infantry.

He of the late Gen. Mussey, who is herself governor of In 1868, and a practicing lawyer and is prominent i ono term. also served three years In in movements for tbe advancement of rT women, were among the leading spirits of the meeting. The The resolutions adopted were: "To the House of Kepretenwtives, Waihlng- ton P. of tho women of Washington, aiming toward tbe establuih- of a higher code of morals against tho double (tandard which cursed society long, declare thai we do not bellevo to a for but that, holding the ssma high standard for womanhood which man demand, ono equally nigh shall be of manhood, therefore "Resolved.

That we must have cbastlty for ChMUty, under ono rule of rlgntibeiirlng as rigidly In IU application upon onn seiasupon the other. Prom vMs standpoint we aeU oon- to consider ihs case of W. C. P. ridge, of Kentucky, regarding his conduct so unbecoming a Be It further that wa, daughters, and of the commonwealth, our belief that tha hlgheit manhood ara lobe found In therefore, we ailc In full that tbe houia of representatives join In tha lantltnent now proientdd by and take lome doDnlta aovlon to tha hlgo character of our and help the future national councils toprewnta clean and unchallenged body of Tbe Aroused.

A prominent lady and leader in social events in Washington said Saturday night: "The WMhlngtos women have been quietly holding many Indignation meetings after ihe trial they will h.ard. Tha notorious conduct of congressman and publlo man st Washington a national disgrace, and women ara now thoroughly awakened on and are determined to demand a butter order of things. Is MI open la Washington that are women, beautiful, brllllsnl snd cinaUnt, relations with oonf rssimeo or other public men high In the ot the nation are either or peoted, who are at tarn at the mpit fttaotlom, ofwn In the recelvtaf line, or, elegantly dressed as usual, pmldinf oraaUai M.Miiyn* hosW Sod.vy knows ell tWs, DAWI for a DKS Monres, April Joseph Mason, of Somerset, who was shot March 26 by Ashworth. a farmhand, died Sunday night The community is greatly excited and threats of lynching are freely made against Ashworth's, relatives who concealed him until last Friday when on being found in the barn of bis guardian, Ashworth committed suicide. Both Adjourned.

WAJHIKOTOIT, April The wf the senate and house were very brief, both adjourning out of respect to the memory of the late Senator Be Alms to Heat Bly's Time. NIAGARA FALLS, N. April Oeorge Griffith, an Englishman, started a month ago from England to inaki trip around the world in days, defeating the time made by Nellie Bly. of New York, by six days. Hi is to use only ordinary means of transportation; no special trains or Woman Bbot from Ambuib.

HmmNGTOX, W. April Mary Hardy, a desperate actor, whose husband, John Hardy, hanged in McDowell county several months ago, was shot and killed Sunday night SO miles south of thil city by an unknown assassin who lay in ambush. Court KeoeM. April supreme eoxirt has, announced that it will bear no further arguments after April 27 and that it will take a recess on April until the, fixing of the daU final adiourn.mfntji«r«*fter. 1.

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