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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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R. R. The most certain and safe Pain Remedy In the world that instantly itops the most exornoiatlug pains. It is truly the great CONQUEROR OF PAIN and baa done more than any known remedy. FOR SPRAINS, BRUISES, BACKACHE, PAIN IN THE CHEST OR SIDE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, OB ANY OTHER EXTERNAL PAIN, few applications rubbed on-by the hand act like magic causing the pain to Instantly stop.

CUBES AND PREVENTS, Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Sclillu, Swelling of the Piltis In Back, Chant or Llmbn, The application otttwRKADY BELIEF to the part or purtii where dlfllcolty or pain wtHtu will ease and comfort, ALL INTERNAL PAINS. PAINS IN BOWELS or STOMACH, CRAMPS, SOUR STOMACH, NAUSEA, VOMITING, HEARTBURN, NERVOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, DIAR- RHOEA, COLIC, FLATULENCY, FAINTING SPELLS are relieved in- and quickly cured by taking Internally a half to a teaepoonful of Ready Relief in half teaspoonful of water. MALARIA. Cftills ana Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered, There li Dot remedial agent In the world that will core Fever and Ague and all other Malarious, Blllotu, and otller Vevera, aided bj Radwafa ao qolcklj at Radnor's Read? Belief, Price 50c per bottle. Sold by druggists.

THE WOMAN OF FASHION PADWAY'S PILLS, rare of ill of tke STOI- ACB, 1ITTB, BOWtLS, KIDNEYS, BLADDEK, HlBTOtS DISEASES, HEADACHE, COSST1PA- T1OIT I.M>lfiKSl'IO!«, BTSPEP- 1A, BlHOCNHtSS, OF THE DOWELS, FILES, ud ill deruftt- BMti oftkt Utonul YlMen, iKfetible raUtalair no nlierili or DELETERIOUS DBCG8. Prloe 36 cents per box. Sold bj all DrnggUta. SADWiT 8Z Warren N. tVBe ioie and ask for BADVAY'S.

Catarrh AND COLD IN THE HEAD rilievid Irislintly by appllcition of Blrniy't Catarrh Powder ,1 REV. FATirm CLABK.E. Soc'y to the Rt. Be v. Bishop of Columbus, Olilo, mold hi good ilstali I BotpllJ c.rt.

I nlll Jo lo mrd for Ih. lo h.lp olh.n jf. K. Fraomox, Castodliin XT. a Appraiser's Stores, This Season's Brido May Have an Elaborate Wedding Gown.

LJIOO and KufQos and Ilevers Are Soon 01 HUTU Simpler Gownii Qnletnr The Go- Inir Away Continue. IOOPYJ1IGIIT, 18011 This season's brido has more to choose from than had the brides many a yoar back. She may relieve the simplicity of her gown by. lace epaulettes, by lace trimmed rovers, chiffon fronts, and even by small rufllcs at the hips. One of the April wedding gowns is so embellished and betrimmed that were it not for the blossoms that adorn it and the eighty- five-inch train that sweeps regally away from it one would never proclaim it a nuptial garment.

The material is a rich moire, which is iu great favor for brides, and the skirt is slightly draped as are most of the wedding gowns. The drupe is uttlie left, below the hip, and falls in a widening box plait, caught with the proverbial or unge blossoms. A small edge of tho blossoms finishes the skirt. The bod ice has a gathered chiffon front, from which the broad revers turn away They are edged with a gathering of lace. Tho plain belt is very wide, particularly under the sleeves; and beneath it there fall fine folds of the moire over each hip.

The sleeves have big puffs to the elbow, where a bunch of the blossoms rests. There is ruche of blossoms at the neck, and a cravat bow of chiffon in-front. A simpler one has a gathered yoke oi chiffon with the gathers caught down in soft puffs. The yoke is trimmed all around with deep lace, falling full over the shoulders, in small coquilles at the sides and in a ruffle caught up in loops below the yoke. There is only a tiny belt in this case, and a spray ol blossoms falling from it at the left.

Tho overskirt effect is not lacking in this case, either. The tulle veil falls from the orange blossoms that are placed high on the head. It generally falls in full folds at the back and sides, although, if satin; the prettiest thing about them is the soft, puffy sleeve, that has no lining'- With the black is worn the dainty lace cape. Oh, it is, indued, a thing of beauty, the moire and lace capo of 'the springtime, it costn, oh clear, yes! But what cares the pretty brido for thiit? Hasn't she set her heart on looking- just as pretty as she possibly can, and doesn't a fascinating thing of 'laces and silk produce more than half of the desired effect? One of the looks like this: A moire foundation for the short- pointed back and front; lace epaulettes TROPICAL FRUITS. Bow They FOB APRIL DAYS.

line black lace, falling full over the the lace continuing at the jack, in a that terminates at the vaist line. Connecting- at the back, mt nowhere else with the rest of the ape, a deep ruffle of lace encircles the vaist. Another of black lace forms tself in front, with the heading of the ace covered by a beautiful jet trimming, inside of which is a plastron of ream lace. wills, it may fall in front. If it does, il Or the lady may choose trifle more AN Al'KIt WKDDINO OABMEST.

UUtt 10 BirneyCatarrhal Powder Co. MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. erery where by druggist" or direct bj M. Bold by B. V.

Keetllngr, J. L. Hanson and Ben tuber, tojmnsport, Ind. WANTED. (TITAllLED-Saleainanj from itart, maoent place.

yea, Chicago, 111. in; Muarj UTJIII atari, fvi- Brovrn Bros. Nonary- 16XNT8 tnakf a day. Greatwt kitchen ateniU Invented. Retails 35c.

2 to 6 1 In ncn bom. Sample, jxwtHKe paid, free. yoRSHDt ft HCMAIUM, Clncfpnattl, O. to take ordttrs In WRIT town and cltj; no I deurertDg; icood from start; pajweeklr; capital requTrwl; work jiwr round, State GbfeN RocHeJter, K. Y.

to take orders bjr namptej IT will pay expense and salery or allow libe- nl wmmlMlon. Samples sent on application. Address, LOCK Box 12G, New York "Oiffr A WEEK paid to ladlfo and gents to CJD.UU sell the Rapid DKh Wather. tnd them In two minutes without wettjDK bwidl. Mo DMMxaiTi lelln at poaltlon.


EXCLUSIVE TER- OITBN IV DSSfSED. Write at onoe rtwnuto I Hawks Nursery Rochester, I). Y. to Butem OuMMtuid should be cut up the center, so that it may afterwards be caught in tho Bides. While brides ffrow more fanciful, bridesmaids become more modest.

Their gowns are usually white, with the color introduced in the hats, in the ribbons and the bouquets that trim the gown. Soft materials are most in favor, roulle, and tho soft silks. Mme. la Dressmaker was very ex plielt in her description of tho ffoin away gown. "The traveling dress," determines she, "will be the strictly tailor made jjown.

I should say that a handsome suiting- in the mixed gray shades with a full, comfortable skirt, would make a good foundation. Tho coat should be made lonp, with its basque falling half way over the skirt with a tight-fitting 1 back, and fronts falling loosely away, with strong sharp revers. Inside, I should put a neat waistcoat of rich, dark brown, lightly embroidered with tiny dots or flowers, in a delicate shade, say pale blue. There would, of course, be a plain shirt and a tie both in white." "And the price?" I ventured. "The price," meditatively, "would be, I should say, about seventy-five dollars, perhaps a little more." I did not venture to sug- pest to madame that the same costume might be made up for a smaller sum, but I was privately certain that it could be done.

But for the maidens that will travel in warm climates, nothing is cleaner and more satisfactory than thu new mohairs. The favorite going away eolor is a handsome dark blue, in mohair. satin, ribbons, put on simply, and perhaps brightened by narrow vines of cool ond comfortable gowns, that easily shod the dust that refuses to bo shut out of the traveling car. A black grenadine makes a convenient gown to take away, especially since it will serve for both and evening wear with additions for the latter. The new grenadines snow large silk in a bright tint.

They are made over either silk or sensible moire coat. It will have two short ruffles at the hip; it will be of the new moire, perhaps one that has a ring pattern, as well as the water mark in it. Tho ruffles will have spangled trimming at their edges. A rich lace neck ruche will widen out into a in front, and a great moire bow will tie at tho bust. The sleeves are of net of coarse mesh, and overlaid with stripes of moire, narrow, running up and down, each stripe edged with the spangle trimming.

As they fall carelessly apart, the net shows between. At the elbow the stripes are caught in with a bespangled band. There will be a green gown of some description in that wonderful trunk. Green has appeared once more, although with some of the freshness gone. She is a little duller and her moods are quieter, but we love her just as much.

It needed no more than a five-minute stroll on a broad avenue the other day to convince me that verdancy was still a feature of the new world. First there bloomed out a small creature clad in a fine cloth of dainty lily green. Not another color about her. Gloves, hat and all the rest were preen. Soon after came a mixed gown in green wool, dull also, but relieved by rich sleeves of darker velvet, and by rolls of velvet on the skirt.

There was another, far more brilliant. The skirt and coat were quiet enough, but there was a bright of richer green, with a double row of small gold buttons; and there were double rovers, tha lower ones, standing out beyond the upper ones, being of the same bright cloth. EVA A. SCHUBERT. City Snow.

your mother's new cook a whitegirl? City ma'am, she a the color Hc'WMI Bright." "Parker doein't know It he nnuinmlly imart Handled During Ship. Between five and million bunches of biiniinii.s arc sold in thisciiv every year, a.nd though St. Louis consumes the "bulk of these, a great deal is bhipped to points between here Francisco. The bip warehouses in which this fruit is stored and brought to maturity before selling and shipping are located alons North Third street. A nimble those brings out nmny interesting points, not only about the methods employed in handling and ripening- bananas, but a deal of other tropical lianantis £or the St.

Louis market come from points in Dritisli Honduras, Jamaica and the islands of the southern Atlantic ocean. Tort Limon, lioco del Foro, Port Antonio, Araranca' and the Blue Fields of Nicaragua are the greatest producers. Tho bananas grow on great plantations, and as they are cut are carried on the backs and heads of natives to the vessels which arc in the business of transporting tropical fruits to the United States. The fruit is greoti when loaded into the hull of the vessel, ami care must be taken, not only in lending the cargo in the vessel's hold, but also in preventiujr, by the use of ventilation, any sweating process that would arise if the hold were allowed to grow warm. In this green stale the fruit intended for St.

Louis and points on the Mississippi is loaded on bouts or cars at Mobile and near New Orleans. From the landing stages where the boats arrive, or from the freight shed, it it hauled in huge express wagons to the already mentioned, and in front of these any fine day when a cargo of bananas is being received the scenes are truly interesting-. Ai the big- trucks, loaded with their precious freight, pull up before the doors hundreds of Italian peddlers, rag-jfed urchins and negro women scramble for such of the fruit as, having ripened on the bunches, may fall to the sidewalks, and the scenes that follow the scuffle are amusing in the extreme. Now that tho fruit has arrived safely at its destination it requires even more of an outlay of watchfulness and experience to prepare it suitably for tho market. The bunches are carried to long dark rooms where steam pipes or gas stoves keep the temperature at different degrees of heat, varying from fifty to seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit.

The finer formed bunches, bearing the larger clnss of fruit, are hung on th'e bottom racks, while the smallei sized go to the top because the heal rises and concentrates along the ceilings of those rooms, thereby giving greater force to the small fruit, which 1 ripens Jnore slowly than the larger sort. The orders that come in for bananas usuuHy state the stage of ripeness in which the buyer desires the fruil shipped to him. The packing must bo done very carefully, as it is without doubt the most tender of all tropical fruits to handle. First, the bunches are placed in big paper bag's arid these are then dipped into cases lined with straw or salt hay as a still further protection uiruinst thu changes of In Lhis packing they are easily shipped to the most distant points in the country. Aspinwall wan at one time the greatest port for the shipment of this fruit to the United States, but since the Pa cilic Fruit Transportation Co.

ceased operating their line of steamers, thin business lias fallen away altogether. Oranges of every tangerine and grape plentiful in these preat stock-rooms, and the supply is -usually drawn from Florida, although California is called upon at times. Of the Florida fruit the beet comes from Citra, Lcesburg, Orange Bend on the Indian river, ville, Emerald island and points in the south and southeast of the state. Tangerines and grape oranges, as termed by the fruit comparatively new in this market and are little known, though in the far south the cooks use them in delightful salads, marmalades and cake dressings or puddings. They are higher grade in flesh, flavor and price than the Florida oranges, and are usually packed more carefully in their wooden cases.

The long- gray Spanish moss that was formerly used in packing is done away with by paper, tinsel and tissue sheets. A few lemons are received from the Pacific slope, but the greater portion are imported from points along the Mediterranean sea, and especially from Sicily. Figs are received in bags from Arabia and these are the coijrser sort. Finer, larger figs are sent from many points in the far east and are beautifully laid one upon another.with alternate layers of their own leaves, and packed in wooden cases. Almenaand Malaga in Spain furnish the finest varieties of white grapes and raisins, The grapes are all shipped in half-barrels, packed in cork dust; the raisins in fine boxes, whose covers are elaborately colored lithographs of Spanish vineyard scenes, or of dark- eyed sons of sunny Spain making love to some fair senorita on the shady slope of a vine-covered hill.

Dates, always in sacks made of plaited "vegetable palm," are received from Arabia and Turkey, and this quality is known as the date, for it is mnch.heavier and darker in color, than the Golden date which comes only from Louis Republic. I'm surprised, to see you soak in the gravv. It's exceedingly bad form." "Well, awfully good The Beauty of other Days seemingly beyond recall may be sallowness a faultless, always youthful complexion retained by the use of Empress Josephine FACE BLEACH, It is a delicious lotion for brightening and soothing the; Freckles, Pimples, Tan, Sunburn, Acne, etc. The price, 75 cts. per bottle, will be refunded, should it fail.

For sale by John R. Caulson. Sill llurket 11. ket Street. 11, S2S Mar- Thf Best Shocj W.

DOUGLAS $5, $4 and S3.GO Dress S3.SO Police Shoe, 3 $2.50, $2 for 82 and $1.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSED $3, 82.50 82, nay yon W. oliooi 21 reduced ho on the bottom, pot him down W. L. DOUGLAS Shoos are R'ylish, easy fitting, and betl Satisfaction at the prices advertised than any oilier make.

Try one pair and be COw- VSnced. The stamping of W. L. and price on the bottom, guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear theft. Jfcealers who push the sale of W.

Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps jo- increase the sales on their full line of goods. They nftord to tell at rfSn we believe yon can nave money bcyinc all your footwear of the Uied below. Catalogue ttoo upon application. W. X.

DOUGLAS. Brockton. Van. J. B.

WINTERS. BEFORE. AFTER. I have taken tho agency for the HERO SHEEP PROTECTOR, and A full stock of the poods in sight. These protectors are guaranteed to protectioo to the sheep as against dogs.

We have received our Seeds for the season of 1894, ana have them ready to supply our customers on demand. We nothing but LANDRETH'S SEEDS and as of our old stock has been burnt, our customers may rest assured that they will get clean goods. We have a full variety of Garden and Field Seeds also Flower Seeds. We have also a full line of Harness and Carriage Goods, and a full line of Turf Sporting Goods. In fact we have everything that goes with a horse and carriage.

Don't forget the old place, 424 BROADWAY, Geo. Harrison. Awaiting our Regular Goods, which: are now coming in, we bought some goods to piece out. These latter will now be offered at Sacrifice Prices until closed WflLKER 5c RflUCH. 420 Broadway.

fail. It power jxcnlkr to ItMJl. IF IN NEED Get your Letter Heads, Bitl Heads, Statements, Envelopes and everything you need in the printing line at the JOURNAL OFFICE;.

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