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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 3

Detroit, Michigan
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Todays Chuckle Great-grandmother had to haul the wash water from the well, but she didn't have to sit up nights figuring out how to meet the payments on tne bucket. (xOT; THE SECOND FRONT PAGE i i I I ff 1 Section A Thursday February 20, 1975 fri'i'i'i'i STATE EASES CLINIC RULES Late Abortion Ban Dropped Committee Not Told i. Thinks Quick, Narv a Tooth Mark WALKED INTO THE Detroit Bank and Trust at McNichols and Meyers Wednesday and tried to pass what the tellers perceived as a check. They stalled the man and called police. fellow perceived what was happening.

He the check off manager Leo Yesayian's desk it. Police were holding the man for feared the evidence would dissolve in the stomach. GULP Suspect Leaves A MAN branch afternoon bum The grabbed and ate questioning but man's Thafs a No-No A BLACK LINCOLN Continental bearing license plate SEN-001 pulled up at the Lansing City Airport Tuesday evening and out stepped state Capitol security guard Richard Dunham. Dunham waited approximately 45 minutes for the arrival of a "Mr. Nash" who turned out to be a personal friend of State Senate Democratic leader William B.

Fitzgerald of Detroit. The car was Fitzgerald's personal car. The guard was on duty. Dunham's superior, Sgt. Donald Williams, said Wednesday "it was all a mistake and it won't happen again." Fitzgerald, a leading advocate of government economy in the Senate, said he asked the guard to make the trip as a "personal favor." He said the visit of Mr.

Nash whom he refused to identify was not state business. drinking milk and eating cookies, something slipped back at the ranch." Dr. James D. Fryfogle, who represented the Michigan State Medical Society on the nine-member committee, said he could not believe the provision had been intentionally dropped. Only Dr.

Joseph Woods, who represented the Michigan Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, knew of the change. He said he is opposed to late abortions in clinics. "I think it's too dangerous to the mother. The message was conveyed to us from the attorney general that unless specific legislation was passed that would do this, (the 14-week limit) could not be put into the regulations." The state Department of Public Health will hold a public hearing on the proposed legulations in Lansing on Feb. 26.

The hearing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. in the auditorium of the Law Building. Bumped Out? 1 1 mi Si oil! -Ill Si Mm rm F-- If? -i-c yah JW 2 Councilmen Protest Busing In City Only IT'S ONE THING to be considered for a new job, it's another when people at your old stand urge you to move on. Both are happening to Robben W. Fleming, University of Michigan president.

He's being considered for the presidency of the University of California system. And now bumper stickers have appeared on campus urging "Fleming for U-CAL President." Dog a Raid Victim IT STARTED AS A ROUTINE dope bust for the 5th Precinct narcotics unit at an east side flat Tuesday night. Then everything went to the dogs. A doberman, pinscher that lived in the house objected to policemen's visit. The snarling dog attacked.

The officers shot and killed it. It was the third dog 5th Precinct officers say they have been forced to kill in six months. Sources at headquarters say narcotics officers are forced to kill up to 20 dogs a year on raids. Smeekens Hearing Monday PUBLIC HEARINGS that could result in the disbar ment of former state Rep. John P.

Smeekens are scheduled to begin Monday in Lansing before a panel of three attorneys selected by the State Bar Grievance Board. Smeekens, the Coldwater Republican of Hillsdale Foundry fame, flunked the state bar examination but still was granted a license by the state Supreme Court to practice law. The court granted Smeekens special consideration after he presented them with another person's medical records to make it appear he was terminally ill with a rare form of spinal BY ELLEN GRZECH Free Press Stall Writer City Council President Carl Levin and Councilman Nicholas Hood said Wednesday that school busing within the Detroit district is a "serious mistake" that will not achieve desegregation of Detroit public schools. Single district busing within the city limits will result in more segregation because it will speed the white exodus to the suburbs, they said. "If we thought that busing would either desegregate the schools or correct the unjust school financing system which presently exists, we would support busing," Levin's and Hood's joint statement said.

"The problem is that busing will achieve neither result in Detroit." Levin and Hood said the Detroit School Board and the NAACP should use the suit currently before Federal BY DOLORES KATZ Free Press Medical Writer A rule to prohibit abortion clinics from performing potentially dangerous late-pregnancy abortions has been dropped by the state health department from proposed regulations for licensing outpatient surgery clinics. The department made the change last week without notifying the members of the committee that helped draft the regulations. The provision, which also would have required the clinics to have written policies for performing abortions, prohibited clinics from performing abortions on women who are more than 14 weeks pregnant. Since the incident of life-threatening complications is much greater in abortions done after 14 weeks, most doctors recommend that such abortions be done only in hospitals. As the proposed regulations now stand, clinics will be able perform abortions on women at all stages of pregnancy.

The regulations were written to implement a clinic licensing law passed last September after a series of Free Press articles which de. scribed crowded, dangerous conditions in Detroit's unregulated abortion clinics. Some of the clinics were performing late-pregnancy abortions, and in at least one case the man performing the abortions was not a doctor. According to statistics from the federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, the risk of death from an abortion is more than seven times greater after the woman has passed her 12th week of pregnancy. In 1972 and 1973, the maternal death rate for legal abortions performed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy was 1.7 per 100,000 abortions.

The death rate for abortions performed after the 12th week was 12.1 per 100,000. DR. HERMAN Zeil, director of the state health department's Bureau of Health Facilities, said Wednesday the 14-week limit for clinics was dropped on the advice of the Attorney General's Office. Zeil said he had been advised that the provision was an attempt to regulate doctors' medical practices, and that only the state Medical Practices Board could perform that function. "We were advised by Mr.

(Francis) Pipp of the Attorney General's Office that this went beyond the scope of the legislation," Zeil said. However, Milton Firestone, director of the Municipal Affairs Division of the Attorney General's Office, said Tuesday that he had reviewed the proposed regulations and had not recommended that the 14-week limit be dropped. Pipp, who is first assistant in Firestone's division, was on vacation and could not be reached for comment. CONTACTED by telephone, members of the ad hoc advisory group that helped develop the regulations said they did not know the 14-week limit had been dropped. They said they were distressed by the change.

"It's unthinkable; I couldn't be strong enough in my reaction," said Dr. Julien Priver, executive vice-president of Detroit's Sinai Hospital. "This evidently took place when we all went home from school (after the committee adjourned). While we were busy Fret Press Photo by LONA ASKINS Li4.wfii Pedestrian chugs past one of the ice sculptures Kern Block Ice Sculpture Intended as Crowd-Stopper 4 COEDS LOSE Goalie Elected King-er, Queen Special to the Fret Pruts MARQUETTE-Northern Michigan University's 8,200 students have elected a 6-foot-one, 175-pound hockey goalie as their Winter Carnival snow queen. Pat Theut, a 21-year-old pre-med student, said Wednesday he decided to run for snow queen "to get the guys fired up" in his dormitory house.

"Before this, nobody in the house was together," he said. Death and Taxes With Grim Smile IT REQUIRES a uniquely adjusted person to see anything humorous about taxes, particularly when that person makes his living as a tax attorney and accountant. Therefore, I offer a Tip of the Topper to Seymour Kraus, who can add death and taxes and a chuckle. He notices that the federal government has a Form 1041, and the state a Form MI-1041, for reporting the income of a deceased person to help settle the estate. But the city of Detroit requires that the decedent be filed on Form D-1040 (NR) as a non-resident.

That seems an unduly grave approach to the matter. DON'T HOLD THAT LINE With 6ne of Our Town's largest conventions the Society of Automotive Engineers moving in Feb. 24-28, the Sheraton-Cadillac has just boosted the price of gin and vodka martinis from $1.55 to $1.65 Extra dry martinis with Beefeater gin have soared to $2.10. Across the street at the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, the Trolley Bar sets up the same drinks for $1.30. And the management is considering reducing the price during the run of the SAE convention.

For the same standard drinks, the London Chop House, renowned for top quality and high prices, gets $1.90 a throw. DULY NOTED THAT 35 DEMOCRATS in the Michigan Legislature have introduced legislation to outlaw aerosol cans that are said to be damaging the upper ozone layer of our atmosphere. They are a bit behind a whole group of concerned teenagers who are making it their busi 'vl Judge Robert De Mascio to challenge the school financing structure which, they said, has produced large classes and inferior facilities in Detroit. Hnancing is "one of the root causes of the Detroit public schools' difficulties," they said. "It is a problem that Detroit-only busing will not cure." DeMASCIO has indicated he wants to have a Detroit school integration plan ready when the city's schools open in September.

"There is very little room "There is very little room for said Tuesday. "This court is under a mandate (from the U.S. Supreme Court) to proceed promptly to desegregate the Detroit schools." Levin said he and Hood had been considering making a statement for months, but decided to issue one Wednesday Please turn to Page 11 Col. 1 Theut, whose parents live in St. Clair Shores, says his victory over four female contenders for the queen's tiara has attracted considerable attention to Parawa House, his dorm residence.

"Now everybody says, 'Oh yeah, Parawa House, we know about you Theut said proudly. Theut's only duties as queen of the annual festival will be to wear the tiara and a red robe and hand out awards to winners of competitive events. "I'll even have one to pin on myself," he said. Theut set a school record Tuesday night in a speed-skating event by circling a hockey rink four times in 61 seconds. investigation is suburban Livonia where federal investiga-t and officials of the Michigan Civil Rights Advisory Council will conduct an eight-hour informal hearing Thursday to determine whether the city plans to use any of the block grant money for low- and moderate-income housing.

A spokesman for the advisory council said the commission is looking into Michigan cities because of what he characterized as the high level of racial segregation in those cities as reflected in census figures. The other cities have not been selected, officials said. Commission investigators Please turn to Page II Col. 2 For the most part, pas-sersby seemed to do just that. Throughout the day, Crawford's ice work drew a parade inquisitive pedestrians, most of whom reacted with good humor when told what the frigid frolics were all about.

The ice sculpture, which may last about three weeks, is part of a series of sculptures by area artists under the sponsorship of the Detroit Recrea-t i Junior League and Michigan Council for the Arts. "Right now," said Crawford, "you're seeing it at its worst. But nature's going to take its course, and after it has been exposed to the elements a bit, it will take on a different form." He took a satisfying look at i creation, then added, "This isn't meant to last. It's not about lasting. It's about aging, about the temporal existence we live in." BY TOM HENNESSY Fre Press Staff Writer At two minutes after 11 Wednesday morning, Jim Crawford exuberant and beaming ladled a bowl of water into a seam between two blocks of ice.

At 45 minutes after 11, Jim Crawford red-faced and puffing stood back and gazed at the nearly complete wall of ice he had assembled. "It has a monumental quality," he said. "I'm very pleased with it." CRAWFORD IS a sculptor who specializes in ice. On Wednesday he brought 40,000 pounds of the stuff into the downtown Kern Block. By day's end, Crawford and three assistants had maneuvered several dozen blocks of ice some weighing up to 500 pounds into a series of four walls.

Crawford called it "Screens." A few pedestrians, who had to walk around the walls via i if 2 ft" ft Jim Crawford patches of mud and sand, called it something else. But that was precisely what Crawford had in mind. He deliberately placed his ice walls so that they blocked the Kern walkways. "I want those walls to stop people from walking," he said, "to take them from the trite things they fill their minds with. I want them to make people think." it'J Queen Pat Theut ness to discourage people from buying any pressurized merchandise in supermarkets and such other outlets as dime stores and discount houses.

One young lady of 16 reports that her campaign has met with considerable success. "I persuaded three women in one afternoon to switch from aerosol hair spray to the type they rub on." THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When somebody says "I'll think it over and Nurse's Death a Homicide, Colo. Investigators Believe Cities Face Probe On Federal Funds let you know, you already know. THERE WAS AN APPEAL HERE a short time back from Dr. Keith Sward of Beverly Hills, California, for the complete limerick that he had forgotten except for "Pro-copious what a dope he is." Dr.

Sward wrote to George Pierrot who passed it along to me. Now, an anonymous correspondent from the Upper Peninsula checks in with what I believe to be his own version: "There once was a scribe named Procopious Whose Byzantine notes were so copious That he never got any credit And historians all said it: 'Too bad about Procopious, what a dope he BILL FOSTER and Ken Bryce, of Midland who recently bicycled from Alaska toMexico are excited about the Bicentennial Tour scheduled for the summer of 1976. It proposed as the first transcontinental bike tour in history, starting from California and ending up in the nation's capital, covering 4,500 miles. An estimated 10,000 riders will join in this 10-week effort presenting some most interesting problems in logistics. Providing bod and board for 10,000 hungry and tired ppdalers every night boggles the mind.

Not to even consider the matter of traffic control. Water Heater Sells Third Day FP Ad Appears "I never before put an ad in the paper, but my housekeeper had used the Free Press and made a sale, so I thought I could do the same thing," said William Finch, Detroit. He offered an electric water heater in an exclusive fast-ACTION Want Ad and made a sale the third day his ad appeared. Get the ACTION-packed sales response you want. Contact a Free Press Ad Taker now.

Call 222-6800 or Toll Free (800) 572-3670 that marks on the woman's wrists showed she had been tied and probably thrown from a car. The sheriff's office also said the slaying might be connected with 12 others reported in the West. "I am interested in convicting someone of this crime, not in hearing someone's pipe dreams," responded Tucker to the reports. "We have no evidence to tie this murder to any other we've had in the West at all at this point," he said. Tucker said there are no suspects yet.

His staff, he said, had interviewed practically all the guests at the lodge the night of Miss Campbell's disappearance. Miss Campbell's body was to be flown to Detroit for burial. Robert R. Campbell, Miss Campbell's brother and a Ft. Lauderdale, policeman, flew to Dearborn Wednesday to be with his family.

Services are tentatively scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday in the First Baptist Church of Dearborn, 1865 Nowlin. Burial will be in Cadillac Memorial Gardens West. BY SUSAN MORSE Free Press Staff Writer Pending autopsy results expected later this week, investigators for Colorado district attorney Frank Tucker are working on the assumption that 23-year-old Dearborn nurse Caryn Campbell was murdered. Her naked, frozen body was found Monday two miles from an Aspen, ski resort from which she disappeared Jan.

12. She had been vacationing there with her fiance, Dr. Raymond Gadowski of Farmington Hills. Her body was positively identified late Tuesday on the basis of dental records. According to Tucker, the cause of death had not yet been determined Wednesday but, he said, "all indications are that this is a homicide." TUCKFH.

HEAD OF the investigation, expressed anger with what he called speculations by the county sheriff's office on the case. The sheriff's office earlier told reporters BY DAVE ANDERSON Free Press Staff Writer Civil rights investigators have begun a study to determine whether Michigan cities plan to use federal block grant funds for programs, that, because they would not aid blacks, would further discrimination. The U.S. Civil Rights Commission wants the cities to use at least part of the block grant money to encourage construction of low- and moderate-income housing. It fears that most of the money will go instead for projects that cannot attract blacks arid low-income people to the suburbs for example, new city halls and fire-fighting equipment.

THE INITIAL target of the.

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