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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Mr. J. F. Colt Like a Lump of Lead Distress In the Stomach, Ito. Hood's Cured.

TIM following testimonial comes from Mr. J. t. Goto, who with 0. A.

Cole, UM well known dealer In sundries at WlnUTMt, who became of eloitoonlaement HCtNd from ladlitttloa mnd that ttied iMltafi Lowell, "Without air I can recommend BariaparUla. As I lure worked as ft wateh auker and Jeweler and been cloieljr to my I wai lomettme tlaoe Treufclexl With My II there wu a big Innp at lead la it and I was unable to take a long breath. JgWrttlng I ate distressed me very much aid BOOTH IN HISTORY. SUtyar of President Lincoln Was Not a Hero. Am AnalTSli of tba Crime of April 14, The AsMliiiutlon at JTord'e Thu and Death.

whatever. I finally trl Helped, So'Much feat I got and I now taken fonr bottles and feel 0. K. I can sleep well and Cures hearty for which my thanks are due to JiriapartUa." 'J. f.

Com, Wtntenet, Iowa. Hood's Pills Indigestion, headache. Sto. Executor's Sale ot'Bool Motion Is hereby given thatthe undeiilgned, ai of the lax of 8. Button, Ocwaned, br the CMS Circuit Court, In and for Cau JndlHim, an action pending therein, wherein George W.

Funk, execntor ot the lust will and of Uurj 8. Button, deueaned, was plaintiff and Grace L. Harm, ot nl. were deienrinnta will on Honda; Majr 7.ISM, Ht the law ofllcs ol Miwee A V.nk In the cttr of Logansport, Ca's Indiana, eHer lor in iTlvalc" sale following dencrlDed real estate situate In i oss county, Indiana, towlt: LoVNo. JDS In Jobn Tlpton's tomth addition to theeitjof Logansport, Indiana, excepting thereto the west feet of the north feet of said of real ettatr will not be for lens than the value thereof.

One-third of thu purchase money to be pnld cash; one-third In nine and one-third In elgh- months trom date of sale. The purchaser to execute bin noies scoured bj mortgage on the premiss sold; all without relief from valuation and appraisement law. in case sale Is not made on aald day, thcs-ile thereof wl'l be continued at the same place and on the same terms and conditions from diij to da? until ioid. GXOROBTT. Xxeeator the last will and testament ot Mary 8.

Button, deceased. Ail Ordinance. History and romance are interwoven closely. Every time the anniversary of President Lincoln's death cornea around we read versions ol the tragedy differing- from each other in many particulars. Of late years some writers have delighted in picturing John Wilkes Booth, the president's assassin, as aa enthusiast who considered himself a worthy Imitator of Brutus and heroes of the stage and of history.

Anyone who looks at the as- aassination of April 14, 1805, dispassionately cannot take sides with this morbidly-romantic school of would-be historians. Booth may have thought he waa doing a deed of patriotism when ho flrod the shot which killed Lincoln, but it would require markable torturing' of facts to make him out a successor of ils, in many respects, one of tha'nobleat creations ol Shakespeare. The Conspirator and When John Wilksa, Booth his great crime he "was twenty-, aevon of He was one of the' idols of tbe inherited his father's remarkable talent in a greater measure even than his brother Edwin. Being 1 an ardent confederate, the downfall of Lee preyed, on his mind, and may produced. monomania.

This would perhaps a proper and charitable view, had he carried out his evil design without calling to his aid others who were less intelligent and When CassiuB and Brutus conspired called upon their equals in rank and opportunities. Booth associated with himself David young druggist's olerk; Lewis Payne, a deserter' from the confederate ranks; Oeorpe Atzerodt, a sign painter; Samuel Arnold and Michael McLaufj-hlin, two confederate soldiers, and John H. Suratt, the young son of his landlady. He was the evil genius of these smaller minds. Ho filled their hearts with hatred for 'persons and things which before had been merely objectionable.

He persuaded them to believe that murder waa heroic; and. say what we captures me. I will never be taken alive; now help me or not?" While making this speech he pointed a revolver at the soldiers, who were captivated by his remarkable coolness and bravado. They assisted Booth andhis companion to reach Port Eoyal and found refuge for them at the Garrett farm, three miles from Port Eoyal, on the famous road to Bowling Green. Fumed.

BJ Lieut, Doherty. Booth at this time was almost certain of making good his escape, He told his protectors that he intended to leave the United States and would go to Mexico to engage in silver mining. When the ex-confederate soldiers, whose names are given as Jett, Ruggles and Bainbridgo, left him ho seemed in good spirits, utterly oblivious of the enormity of his crime. But the hour of reckoning was near at hand. Lieut.

E. P. Doherty, of the Sixteenth New York cavalry, with a detail of twenty-five soldiers and two detectives, waa scouring the country. By accident thia party oame to 'the same -which; Booth i.and companions had crossed the This ferryman was questioned closely, and finally confessed common council ol theclt) logaruport: Section 1-Anj Dor or gtrl ol the age of (our and who mall wantonly, mlsofileYouslj step or lit upon the of anj street railway car fir tbe purpose of inrHptrtioudr riding theieon, or Intuir luanmiiUlDf loathe steis or sides tberraf, while tfi'Mttte Ikln met Ion or under war, Khali be suDWJaM a aoe not exceeding ten dcllarmwoeorl itidltcretlon -J 1 flection a-, balls or other eai, (hall upon. exceeding ten (1 ten (10) discretion deteral Section be In force from publication.

i shaHUke aBcotind i nnddue B. A BjjkD, ALMTBT 8WADBJOUI, CMj Cteik. HEAD Powder luv. VATUKKCMHKB, Hoc'y to tiiiiti. Rev.BI«riop of Columbus, Ohio, tnouih for your Powdw.

It hu wnd ol 5 in i Am il.hlhMU with i(. dll my friend" to whom uinnln null. 0 It Th. liUii In tbo tvtta MunMi'i Mrihr to h.lp oih.r. luffei-lnr.

I JCItI 1 H' IUIJ 0: a 11 U- S. stores, for I of tvt ud I.Hi ni no wlitt frnm miny io.c»llf il onrM by friend to trjr Dr. lilrncy i riwdir for njrkwr nj 1 n.lch tlek plilnly. It Wm nVhri from my 1 iu lnd h.r, lu ol I or lanllm. 60C.

Sirncy Catarrhal Powder Co. MA3ONIO TEMPLE, CHICAGO. HMU ateryirhire ky or dlreet bjr ni. IbtB. 1 Keeillng.

Haoton and Brn it, Ind. manent place. B. Cblcaio, 111. talarr Irom itart, per- Brown Bros.

Nnnerj- 16.00 dtp. ereateit kltebeo tMMt. awented He. 2 ton 1 in vr Cffielnntttl. fXN to tike orders In ever? town and city; no daUnrinv; lood wagea from start; pay weekly; l.atpttal required; work jew round.

State QbKlf BBOa, Bocheitet, TV to take orders to, samplei will DM of allow libe- SamplM MDt on application. Additu, LOOK Box lit, New York Cltr. i. WILKE8 BOOTH. will, he led them deliberately to infamous Payne.Vwas hill Soward.

Atzerpdt with the removal the others to opver, the retreat' the stools yidded'-to when the hour of action arrived proved too cowardly to carry; out their parts of the diabolical conspiracy. Tbe Great Crime Recalled. Booth himself was made sterner stuff. Five minutes past ten on the evening of April 14, 1865, he entered Ford's theater at Washington, where President Lincoln was attending- a performance of "Our American Cousin." Holding in one hand revolver, in the other a dagger, he opened the door of the hox occupied by the presidential party, -placed the revolver close to the -president's head and-fired the fatal shot. At this moment the actor in the man predominated.

Ho jumped from the box to the stage, waving the dagger, fell on one knee and shouted: "Sic semper tyrannis." Before actors or. audienco had recovered from their astonishment the assassin had made good hjs escape. When Booth sprang- from the box to the stage one of his spurs caught in a curtain, the fall producing 1 a vertical fracture of the loft log-. a VKtK paldtoladleeandicntlto wll the Rapid Dlih tben to WontOTtemtthottt banal. Ko neefwan: Mill at permanent poll lion, ArtdrMi w.

P. Har- I Clerk Ho. 14. Columbia, Ohio. The of Booth and Herold, At this moment the murderer must have labored under intense -excitement, for, notwithstanding the most excruciating physical pain, he mounted his horse and sought freedom in flight.

Herold, the most faithful of his followers, accompanied him on the journey. When ten miles from Washington, they stopped at an.inn at SurattsvUle, fpr refreshments and then continued until sunrise, when' they arrived at Bryan town. Here a surgeon, Dr. Mudd, set Booth's broken limb and persuaded him to rest until evening. Next the conspirators found shelter in the farm house of Samuel Cone, near Port Tobacco.

This man was a fanatical. and took a lively interest the fugitives. introduced them a wbo took them a dense forest near his home, where they remained f6r flVe days waiting for a chance to cross the Potomac into Virginia. am quoting from history.) The opportunity finally came. The river was'erossed, and the conspirators prqceeded on their way At'Port Con the river, they encountered throe ex-soldiers of the confederacy.

Instead of avoidtoff them. Booth. jnet them boldly, exolaltninff; am the of Abraham' Lincoln and am SABRETT BABN.WHERE BOOTH WAS SHOT. that he had taken a party: of five men across the river the day before. Of the five he had known one, Capt, Jett, personally.

Taking- Rollins, the ferryman, with them, the soldiers proceeded to Bowling Green, where they found Jett in a tavern. Driven, into a corner, the trooper made a cleun breast of his connection with, Booth's escape, and accompanied the soldiers to Garrett's farm. Sergeant Corbett'e Fatal Shot. Lieut. Doherty and his men reached the old farmhouse at two o'clock In the morning.

The lieutenant dismounted, knocked, and seized old Garrett as soon as ho had opened the door. The old farmer swore that the two fugitives had left his house, but his son Informed the officer that they were hidden in the barn. The soldiers at once surrounded the rickety structure and demanded the surrender of the inmates. When no response came to this summons, they piled brush and hay against the barn. This significant measure induced Heroltt to give himself up; but Booth appealed to the lieutenant to give him a chance for his life and offered to fight the soldiers singly.

The challenge was, of course, declined. Meanwhile the men hod set nrc to the barn. The bright flames revealed the assassin, leaning on a crude crutch, in the act of starting the door. At this moment Sergt. Boston Corbott fired the shot which struck Booth in the back of the head and produced death a few hours later.

And thus closed the second act of the great national tragedy, on April 26, 186B. Omvo at Baltimore. Booth waa taken to An autopsy was held and the remains identified. The story that Booth escaped and that other body substituted is without foundation. This rumor is repeated about once a year, although it should have been set at rest long ago.

After-the inquest the body was buried in one of the cells of the old Washington penitentiary. There it remained several years when it was given to members of his family. Subsequently the rc- SEHOHA.NT BOSTON COKBETT. mains wore interred in Green Mount cemetery, Baltimore, as the following document proves: Offlcf of SUP'T GREEN MOUNT CEMETERY. BALTIMORE, 25, 1891 The remains at J.

Wilkea Booth were Interred In thta cemetery in February or IMS, being brought from Washington, D. hi Jno. H. Weaver, undertaker, alAoe deceased. RusBltl, Foreman.

A Had Ptainre. The next time you are In a ruelanehol; mooi aa too are almost certain to be If you become bil ous or djspeptle, picture to jourself the eondltlo of a poor man who, and with family on his on sick Gloom bin nurrow horizon In every diri- tlon. Unable to-do any work: without means. friends capable of assisting blm, with the posslbi prospect of continual 111 health; with runt, pe haps, unpaid and unpnynble, the ontlook for lili Is gloomy Indeed. Hownhoitslghted, then, Is tb rnun of hamblo mean: who percelrlnir that hi health and strength are falling no precaution to avert the oncoming evil.

Hostetter' Stomach Bitters Is reliable, rrofessioaall recommended restorative of health and vigor, nn a sure means of preventing the many dtsablln complaints which exposure, overwork, rwwle. and tnnnlllcltnt food produce, llalarlnl, rheu roatlsm, kidney ana Hver complaint, dyspepsl and nervous disease always ylelc; to It. Grom TrlniUDb. Instant relief experienced and permanent cure by the most speedy greatest remedy in the Cure for lung and throat diseases Why will you continue to irritate you; throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when Ben Fie her, 311 Fourth street, solo agent, will furnish you a free sample bottle of this guarantee remedj Its success in wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Otto's Cure is now sold in every town and village on this continent.

Samples free. Large bottles 50 cents. For Over Fifty- Yearn Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hiu been used for over fifty years millions of mothers for their chlldre while teething, with perfect success It soothes tbe child, softens tbe gume allays all pain, cures wind colic, ant Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Ii will relieve the poor little sufferei immediately.

Sold by druggists it every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask foi Winelow's Soothing Syrup" anc take no other kind. Wne KbenmatlRm Cannot be Cured? My wlfo was confined to her bed for over two months with a severe attack of rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford her any relief, and a i a last resort gave Chamber.

Iain's Pain Balm a trial. To our great surprise she began to Improve after theHrst application, and by using it regular she was aeon able to get up and attend to her H. Johnson, of C. J. Knutaon Co.

Kensington, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by B. druggist. Glad grand specific for the prevail. Ing malady of the age, dyspepsia, liver complaint, rheumatism, costive, ness, general debility, is Bacon's Celery King for the nerves.

This great herbal tonic stimulates the digestive organs, ragulates the liver and restores the system to vigorous health and energies. Samples free. Large packages 50 cents. Sold only by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth street. "Royal Port Wine.

If you are reduced in vitality strength by illness or any other cause, we recommend the use of this Old Tort Wine, the very blood of the grape. A grand tonic for nursing mothers, and those reduced by waiting disease. It creates strength; im- pYovee the appetite; nature's OWE remedy, niucl preferable to drugs; guaranteed absolutely pure and over five years of age. Young wine ordinarily sold is not fit to use. Insist on having this standard brand, it costi no more.

$1 In quart bottles. Bottled by Royal Wino Chicago For sale oy Johnston Bros. California Fruit Laxative Is nature') own true remedy. It combines tht medicinal virtues of California fruiti and plants which are known to have beneficial effect on the human system Although harmless to the most dell cote constitution it Is thorough anc effective, and will afford a peimaneni cure for habitual constipation and the many disorders arising from a weak or inactive condition of the kidneys liver, stomach and bowels. For salf by all druggists at 50 cents a battle.

Chimberltla'K Gfe and Skin Ointment IB a certain cure for Chronic Sort Eyea, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nip pies, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Sail Rheum and Soald Head, 25 cents per box. For sale by Keesling, And deservedly so, for a better, purer and more effective Soap was. never made. SANTA CLAUS SOAP never disappoints toe exacting housekeeper. Try it and be convinced.

Sold everywhere. K. FAIRBANK The Best Shou lot tbe Least Mi W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE gEiriaaa.

85, 84 and 83.5O Shot. S3.BO Police Shoe, 3 8otaaW 82.BO, 82 for 62 and for Boys. LADIES AND 83, 82.5O CA0TIOK yon W. L. (hoei at redaeMi or Mtye he them OD bottom, down W.

L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give betfr afltisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be nced. The stamping of W. L.

name and price on the bottom, arantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who -wear thtnv alers who push the Bale of W. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helpakv increase the snlcs on their full line of goods. They cnn milord to eell avt leee iMB we believe yon can nave money by bajlnr all roar fooCwettf of W. L. DOUGLAS.

BrocHtsnw tlsed below. treo npou application. J. B. WINTERS.

BEFORE. ATOKR. I have taken the agency for the HERO SHEEP PROTECTOR, i a full stock of tbe goods in sight. These protectors are guaranteed to i protection to the sheep as against dogs. We have received our Seeds for the season of 1894, and have them ready to sup- oly our customers on demand, we handle nothing but LANDRETH'S SEEDS and aaaB if our old stock has been burnt, ars may rest assured that they will get clean goods.

We have a full variety of Garden and Field Seeds also Flower Seeds. We have also a full line of Harness ancf Carriage Goods, and a full line of Turf and Sporting Goods. In fact we have everythma that goes with a horse and carnage. Don forget the old place, 424 BROADWAY. Geo.

Harrison. SPRING GOODS! Why Booth Wlae Not As time goes by the people of the United States will, perchance, be more charitable- in their Judgment- of Booth and his confederates; but no one who reads the story of Lincoln's asaussinar the subsequent, flight of his slayer with an unprejudiced mind will. over place Booth side by side with her rocs who died to save their native lands from' oppression; Between murder and patriotic revolt there is a gulf tpo deep to be bridged. W. TO HOU8K OWHEBS.

For putting a horse in a fine health; condition try Dr. Gady's CondttloE Powders. They tone up the system, aid cure loss of appetite relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old overworked horse. 25 cents per package. For Bale by B.

F. Keesling, druggist. Vaadalln Line To South, Southeast and Southwest will run on various dates from now, until June 6, 1894,. inclusive. One fare rpund or addreii any Yandalla Hoe aik for Information circular No.

827 of January Karl's Clover Boot, the new blood I WflLKEK RfUJGH. Come i n. 420 Broadway. IF IN NEED Get your Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes and everything you need in the printing line at the rwrt.

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