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The Plain Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Plain Speakeri
Hazleton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PLAIN SPEAKEK, HAZETON, TUESDAY MORNING JUNE 19, 1888 If ANOTHER ASSAULT, BREVITIES. Peter Floyd, of Stockton, and Charles The Plain Speaker HEADQUARTERS" Drowned While Bathtug. Wilkes-Barre, June 18. A party of men and boys were bathing last evening in the river at the aq ieduct ju9t at the line between Wilkes-Barre city and township. of July Goods.

For Fourth Fire Craclers, Torpedoes, Pin Wheels, Pu nk. Japanese Lanterns, Bucket Lanterns, HEADQUARTERS FOR Window Shades. Large Stock of Wall Paper, Musical Instruments of Every Variety. RAILUOAD TIMK TABLE. To Take Effect Monday, May 14, TRAINS LEAVE HAZLETON, via L.

V. R.R. 5.10 a m. Freeland and Drifton. (1.10 N.

and all points 7.05 Wilkes-Barre and White Haven 7.30 Pottsville and Alahanoy region, Free. and, Drifton and Ebervaie. 9.25 fottsville via li. V. K.

9.50 Philadelphia, New York and all pointB east and south. 10 30 Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 12.00 noon Wilkes-Barre and tho West via White Haven. 12.28 p. m.

Free one, Edgrily and Ebervaie, 12 40 Pottsvllle and Mahanoy region. 2 00 Philadelphia and New York. 8.07 Pottsviile and Mahanoy region. 4 05 N. Y.

and points east 4.20 White Haven and Wilkes-Barre. 5.15 Wilkes Barre via I'enn Haven. 6 30 Pottsvil and Delano. 6.10 m. Freeland.

0 45 Phi a N. Y. and all points west. 7 00 Pottsviile and Alahanoy region. 8 30 Audonreid.

10.05 Penn Haven and the West. TRAINS LKAVK HAZLETON, via P. R. B. 7.10 a Wilkes-Barre.

7.40 Sunbury and the West. 10 57 Pottsviile via P. It. 8 3" ilkcs-liarreand 7.00 Pottsviile and Aiahanoy region. TRAINS ARRIVE AT HAZLETON, Via R.

6.40 a. m. Freeland. 6.57 Pottsvilie and Mahanoy region. 8.00 Wauch Chunk.

9 02 Phila. and a I points southeast. 10.30 Pottsvilie and Malmmiy region. 10 52 Wilkes-Bane and hite Haven. 10.52 N.Y., Phila.

and all points east. 1110 pm, 1 5S Pottsviile and Mahanoy region. 2 58 Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 30 Frce and, Drifton and Ebervaie. 5.29 Manch Chunk.

5 58 Miners' train Lumber Yard. 10.20 Freeland, Prifton and Uberva'e. B.41- Pottsviile and regton. H. 40 l'hila N.Y.

and all points east. 6.58 Wi Barre and While Uaveu. 7.40 Freeland and Drifton 8 25 Phiia, N.Y. and ail points east. 8 55 Audenried.

8.55 Audenried 11 45 Phi adelphia and New York TRAINS ARRIVE HAZLETON Via P. R. R. 7.05 Pottsviile and Mahanoy region 7.85 Sunbury ajid theWestvla P. K.

R. 10.52 ilkes-Barre via P. It. It. 3.30 pm Pottvine via P.

H. K. 0.58 ilkos-Barre via P. It. It.

Leave Sunday trains. 8 15 a.m. Delano and Schuylkill region. I. 85 m.

Delano aud Suliuy lkill region. 250 and all points east. 10,05 Penn Haven and intermediate points. Arrive 11 45 m. Phllade phla and New York.

10.05 a.m. Delano anil Mahanoy region. 1 30 p.m. N. Y.

and all points east. 2.45 Delano and Schuylkill region. Freeland Uraiiclt It. It. As usual, the prices will Williams' hi OPPOSITE HAZLETON HOUSE.

CO OAMPAION- T3J.XGrXn&. Haying received an assortment of a 9 Cleveland Bate and Cleveland Charms 2 I am prepared to se 1 them at -A- Vory Low 2 Also Rare llargalns In Watclie, Jewelry, Silverware, at fue JEWELRY STORE OF 3 gWM. C. GLOVER, LEADER. WE'VE GOT '1 Almost as Big as Apples, AND OF A DELICIOUS All grades of Berries, from 8 to 18 cents, received daily.

Sugar Loaf Pine Apples are now in. CLARK'S GROCERY 11 III Schaffer, of town, are having two fine cot tages built on North Church street, Dia mond Addition. A number of streets on the Diamond Addition have been washed out considerably caused by the recent rains. The building boom on the Diamond Addition continues to boom. Sylvester Engle is having the front of his place of business painted.

Gough Brothers put up a tine awning yesterday. The cross ditches are being put in on North Vine street. l'aintersare beautifying Patrick Burke's property, on North Wyoming street. The Kciper property, on last Broad street, is undergoing extensive repairs. The Brill honieste on East Broad street, is being touched up by the hands of painters.

Peter Bicking is having a concrete pavement laid in front of his property on North Wyoming street. Street Commissioner Wetterau has men at work opening up Sixth street, Diamond Addition. Jonathan Anderson of Beaver Falls who has often had dreams come true, dreamed the other night that McKinley of Ohio would be nominated by acclamation for President by the Republicans, and he is taking bets on the strength of his dream. H. L.

Morgan of Odcnweldertown, who wa-j a defendant in the Easton Court last week, and who loot several houses by fire recently, has mysteriously disappeared, and it is believed that he is the man of tho name of Morgan who was killed on the railroad at Philadelphia on Thursday. His recent troubles had unsettled his mind. Damei 11. White, returning from a fishing trip to Exeter, was overtaken by the VVilliamsport Express while crossing the Klapperthal Bridge, about two miles below Reading. Losing bis balance while the train was passing, he fell about fony feet into the stream below, dashing out his brains upon the rocks in the shallow water.

He was 35 years old and leaves a widow and four children. Manager Jenkins' nine defeated the Humboldt nine at Humboldt on Saturday by a score of 10 3 5. The features of the game was Jenkins' catching and Airey's batting. George Heyer and George liter are having their houses, on South Laurel street, re-modlcd. A little German Band arrived here yesterday afternoon and discoursed some excellent music on the streets.

Ditches are being put down on East Hemlock street by the property owners. When Governor Beaver took a second look at the date to which he had extended the respite of Samuel Johnson, the murderer of John Sharpless, he found thut Octo her 12 would come on Friday, lie there upon changed it to Wednesday, October 17, having determined that he would never fix Friday as the day lor an execution. It is estimated there will be 10,000 mem bers in line and sixty-three bands music in tho P. O. S.

of A. parade at Reading on the 21st innt. The l'lrladclphia and Reading Railroad Company will run twenty special trains to the city and- on thoje and the regular trains it is expected that 35,000 to 40,000 people will be carried. Farewell Party. Last evening a farewell party was held at the residence of Mrs.

Givins, on East Cran-bery avenue, for the Misses McCloskey, of Wilmington, Delaware, who have been visiting hero for several weeks past. About 40 couples were in attendance and the party was one of tho most enjoyable ever held in this borough. Dancing was one of the features of the evening, us well as music and singing. Elegant refreshments were served, and at a seasonable hour all lett for their homes. The Misses McCloskey will return to their home to-day or tomorrow.

Bucklen's Arnica ftauv. The best salve in the world for Oats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevei Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poet tively cares Piles, or no pay reqeired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded, Price 25 cents pec tax for wle br MoIUir A Hoaslao4- Durlid Yesterday. The funeral of Mrs. Devenncy, of Diamond avenue, took place yesterday.

The remains were encased in a handsome black cloth casket, with silver mountings, and was viewed by a large number of friends and relatives, alter which the funeral cortege lef for St. Gabriel's Catholic church where a requiem mass was celebrated, Rev. Father Phillips otticiating. The interment was made in St. Jerome's cemetery, Tama-qua.

Shooting In the lloronch. Between 12 and 1 o'clock Sunday night tho residents of North Cedar street were awakened by the noise of persons quarreling somewhere in that vicinity and shortly after three shots from a revolver were heard. Where the persons were or who hrcd the revolver is not known. Yesterday afternoon some one fired a gun in that vicinity the trays shots strik'ng the back part of the row of ten houses on that street, Iiefore 'Squire Scluitter. Mrs.

Charles Dinsmore, of StocKton, had her husband arrested yesterday. He was given a hearing before 'Squire Schutter He was charged by his wife with jealousy and non-support. The 'Squire fined him $7.50 which he paid and agreed to take his trunk back home and live with his wife. Painfully Injured. Andrew Desko, a Hungarian employed at No.

3 stripping, was painfully injured around his limbs at 8 o'clock yesterday morning by a fall of clay. He was taken to his home in Sugarloaf in the ambulance and his injuries attended to by a doctor. A IlnnuWAV. A horse belonging to Boettigcr, a grocer on Diamond avenue, ran awav with a bov on its back yesterday afternoon on North Wyoming street. The boy was thrown oil.

and fell hcaviiv to the Ground, but without injuring himself. Several children nar rowly escaped being trampled upon. The horse was captured on Hemlock street. RoblHOU Relief Corp. The mombcrs of Roblson Relief Corps are requested to meet at the U.

A. room on Wednesday, June 20. By order of the Mrs. Alios Hampton. Ou a Spree.

About 12 o'clock last night Chief Gavitt and Ollicer Filler were notified that their services wore wanted at the "brick," on South Wyoming strtet, as the notorious Ben Deist was on a drunk and was fighting at that place. The officers responded but upon their arrival learned that the tight had taken place about an hour before, hence their services were not required. DAILY AND WEEKLY, John H. Derswick and Dom. F.


ALL BUSINESS LETTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED THE PLAIN SPEAKER, Lock Box Hazleton, Pa. Subscriptions Should be Sent by P.O. Money Order, Check, or Postage Stamps. TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 18S8. Emteror Frederick has been laid away iri the torab and to-day Germany begins life anew under the new Emperor Wil liam II.

Though but a young man he lias given assurance that his ruling shall coin cide with those of his father and grand father. If such is the case then we bespeak for Germany continued prosperity, which blessing we are sure everybody wishes for it NATIONAL. LKAGUU OP DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. Organizations joining the National League of Democratic clubs have hereto fore been required to subscribeto a specific declaration of principles. These principles baying been in substance incorporated in the St.

Louis platform, the Executive Com mitteeof the League, at its special meeting in New York on June 15, voted to admit all political clubs which subscribe to that plat form and support the Democratic nom inees. There is a great rush for accommodation at Baltimore, where many thousand visi tors are expected during convention week, Club desiring accommodation or informa' tion as to reduced railroad hotel rates, should apply at once to the Citizens Committee, Kobert Grain, Secretary 8 West Fayette ttallimore. Credentials should also be sent to that address beiore the Convention. Each club admitted to the League is entitled to at least live dele gates. Clubs desiring representation should be enrolled without delay, so that their delegates may obtain admittance at the open ingof the Convention.

Applications for admission to the League should be made to the Secretary, Edward 11, Whitney, 07 Wall N. Y. City. The Baltimore Convention will open at noon on July 4, in Ford's Opera House, and will last at least two days. Nearly all the Slates will be represented.

A few, as Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, have al ready organized State Leagues, which send delegates at large. The others will organ ize thera3elve3 on the spot in Besides settling the permanent orgrtniza tion of the club system in the United States the Convention will be addressed by lead ing speakers from Washington. When the National Republican conven tion concludes if work the presidential campaign will nmierice in earnest and each party will try to outdo the other. It is not how much brass band muaic is played, nor how much coal oil is burned, nor how many men turn out in a political demon stration, that makes a successful campaign. This may be all very nice and perhaps heartily enjoyed by the people but the ballot box is where the talc is told.

It is the quiet, shoulder to shoulder working, that brings about the greatest achievements. TO-DA1 -S COM VKNTIOK. The long looked for National Republican conveution will be held at Chicago to-day for the purpose of nominating a ticket. According to the latest advices by telegraph Chaunccy M. Depew, of New York, at the last moment is being boomed for the presidential nomination and it is thought that unle3s something unforseen transpires he will be the chosen one.

But in that lies the secret. There something unforseen working among the dele-gales. Whilo there are numbers of those who think Depew would be the right man in the right place there are possibly equally as many who are of just the opposite opinion. Especially, is such the case among the Granger state men. Iowa and Michigan, it is said, will have a candidate to place in the field, and of course Maine will want to see her statesman nominated.

From the general appearance one would be led to believe that the whole thing is a scheme, well-planned by shrewd politicians who are Blaine's admirers, and that with so many candidates in the field it will be agreed to give Blaine a complimentary vote on the first ballot ana that there will be enough of these to nominate him. The New York Tribune recently printed a letter describing how the average work- ingman of Holland lives. The average wages of the Dutch laborer are $3 a week (he works twelve hours a day,) and for "skilled labor of a very high class" not more than $1.50 to $5 is paid -scarcely more than carpenters and bricklayers receive here for a days work. Not one day laborer in Amsterdam owns his own me, and the idea that skilled workmen in this country may earn enough to buy houses for their families is incredible to artisans of the same class in Holland. Kxcurstou to Hearting.

On Thursday morning, June 21, tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company will run an excursion train from hero to Reading. The train will leave the upper depot at 7.15 a. arriving at Reading at 0 15 A. m. Returning the train will leave Reading at 11 p.

m. The fare for the round trip will be The excursion is open to all. Camps iXJand 91 and Uazle Commandary. No. 17, P.O.

S. of will each have a car handsomely decorated. In order to avoid the rush buy your tickets before the day of the excursion. They are now on tale at the upper depot. 3t With Tulip soap you wain with ease.

For dirt before it quickly tlee3. THE DASTARDLY ACT OF TWO DKUffKKN LlTilUKIASiS. They Enter the Saloon of the Slowitzki lirotliera and Raise a Disturbance When Ordered Out They Refuse to Go aud As'nult Out of the Proprietors. Two drunken Lithnnians from Laurel Hill were around town all yesterday afternoon. Last evening about 7.30 o'clock, after being thrown out of Samuel Paisley's saloon, on West Mine street, they came down town and entered the saloon of Slowitzki Brothers, on South Wyoming street, and commenced to raise a disturbance with several Hungarians who were in the saloon aud wanted to fight in the worse manner.

Joseph Slowitzki told them to get out or they would probably find themselves in the lockup. Mr. Slowitzki insisted upon them going out, when both of the men jumped upon him. One of them seized a chair and struck him a fearful blow over the top of the head, inflicting a cut into the bone, over two inches long. The blow stunned Mr.

Slowitzki and the wound bled considerably. A young boy who clerks in the store ran out and called Oilicerj Slattery and Smith, who arrested both the men. The man who was in charge of Olticer Slattery struck at him several times, and resisted the olticer in the wont way. The olticer was compelled to use his baton upon the head of his prisoner. Both men were placed in tho lock-up over night.

A large crowd was attracted to the lock-up dnriug the time the men were being taken down. Mr. Slowitzki will appear against them this morning and will punith them to the full extent of the law. Mr. Slowitzki's injuries were attended to by Dr.

Mears. It required five stitches to sew up the Wound. The head is swollen considerably and he suffers much pain. When hope dies, exertion ends and man sinks into gloom and despondency. Bat women never sink into that state if they can obtain Tulip soap for their Monday's washing.

PKUSOMAL1TIKS. Mrs. H. O. Saylor, of Easton, who has been visiting at the residence of J.

M. Eisen-huth for several days, returned home yesterday afternoon. W. J. Lewis, of Wilkes-Barre, and J.

Kcmerer, of Scranton, are guests at the Hazleton Hotel. Miss Fannie Eby leaves to-morrow for Easton to visit friends. She will be gone several weeks. Mrs. Dr.

Gay ley, who had been spending several days at Upper Lehigh, returned home yesterday afternoon. Chairman Kisner, off he State Democratic Committee, arrived in town last evening. William Rhondes, of the Central Hotel billiard parlors, who has been away the past few days attending the funeral of his mother, returned to town yesterday. Miss Ella Fitzpatrick, who has been visiting friends at Harrisburg, Williams-port and other points, the past few weeks, has returned home. H.

E. Sweeney and W. Scott Young, of Dnfton, were in town last evening. Mrs. F.

L. Benner, of Silver Brook, was in town several hours yesterday afternoon Dr. William Lewis and Jovel Thomas Cann, of Aunenried, were prominent vis itors here last evening. Miss Kate McCloskey, of Wilmington, eta ire, i-i visiting Misj Katie Gough. Tulip soap never disappoints anybody.

It Is always universally good. i Ba Ball SoU. Kent, the new pitcher to be tried by Ha zlcton this afternoon, pitched for Chattanooga in '86. Bray, our old twirler, is covering short for Shenandoah. The question has been often asked, why iion i tne management give Walton a chance to catch a game at home? Pete Hasney, the Hanlon of the Central l'enna.

Leagde, caught for the Lancasters and Williamsport in '8G. The ladies say Joe O'Rourke and Pete Campbell look like Billy Taylor and Paddy Rollins. Cain, of the pitched for tne Lewisburg the day they played here. Clicks are bad things in a team, boys. PoiNTER.

Where Is Gerheardt Scliiiiauchl Gerhardt Schmanch, of Upper Lehigh, left his home on Friday last and has not been seen since. He was well liked and bis numerous friends have been searching diligently for him ever since he was missing but without any success. He was subject to fits of melancholia and fears are enter tained that he has committed suicide. Any information as to bis whereabouts will be thankfully received. Slate Teacher for California.

The Pennsylvania State Teachers' Asso ciation have secured what they claim to be the cheapest excursion ever offered to the Pacific coast; over the Pennsylvania road; the Burlington route; the Deuyer and Rio Grande route, and the Central Pacific rail road, lair irom I'biladclphia Harrisburg $88.80. The entire expense of the trip are estimated at from $175 to $200. Reflued Cldr by the uart, gallon, keg or barrel at lVI-r Dcrsliuek's old reliable liquor store, 17 West Uroad street. Attention, P. O.

of A. All members of Washington Camp, No. 00, P. O. 8.

of will meet at the camp room at, 0.15 Thursday morning, for pur pose of attending parade at Reading, Pu. 2t Injured by a Ber Krg. John C. O'Donnell, of South Pine street, had his left foot injured by a beer keg which foil thereon. Dr.

Cole was sum moned who administered medical aid. It is thought that the large member of the foot will haye to be amputated. Fire at Freuehlown. The report readied here last evening that the slaughter houses belonging to William Adams, at Frenchtown, were destreyed by tire. Owing to the lateness of the hour when the rumor was heard we have been unable to learn any particulars.

Row in Wot Hazleton, Last evening three men under the in fluence of liquor, engaged in a fight out at West Hazleton. They were arrested, when two of the number paid their fine but the third, a German named Winters, refused. He was brought down to the borough lock up by Officers Spangler and Hocbncr. Loye makes the world go round. But the friction will be lessened if the machinery be greased up with Tulip soap.

One of their number got beyond his depth not more than five minutes after he entered the water. His name was Modosto Zidra. He could swim but little, and when out of his depth threw up his hands with a cry. Steve Sullivan, who was in at the same time, swam to idra and attempted to save him, but was taken down twice himself and finally had to abandon the attempt. The news was immediately taken to Zidra's brother Felix, at the house where the two lived, 11 Walnut street, noar the hospital.

Felix, ou hearing that his brother was drowned, pulled out a revolver attempted to commit suicide, but the weapon was taken away from him before harm was done. The accident occurred about 8 o'clock in the evening and from thathour nutil midnight two boats with drags attached paddled around hoping to catch the body, but without success. Felix stood on the bank, sobbing bitterly. His unfortunate brother was 20 years old. Two other brothers live in Carbondale.

The fourjcaiae to this country some years ago leaving well-to-do parents in Italy. Felix explained his attempted self-destruction by saying that he was thinking of the grief 61' bis father and mother when they heard the news. The drowned man had been employed on the Lehigh Valley culvert; construction in' the old canal bed between Jackson and Union s'reets. Found Dead In the Mountains! Allentown, Juno 18. This morning Edwin J.

Sell, the butcher of Mountain ville, came to Allentown and notified Coroner Klump of the finding of the body of a man near that place. The official I held an inquest. The man is evidently 'a stranger here. He has a white beard and wore good clothing. This morning the children of the tenant on the farm of Chas.

Detweiler, at the foot of the Lehigh Mountain between Mountainville and Eniaus, were driving cows In the woods at the foot of the mounjtain. They noticed a peculiar smell arising from a dense thicket, jUpon investigating they found the body of tho stranger mentioned, banging lifeless from the bough of a small tree. They immediately gave the alarm. The body was in a frightful state of decomposition. It was given in charge of Undertaker Wonderly.

Geuulue Uurglms Caught. Wl'kcs-Barro Record An interesting pair of burglars were captured on Saturday morning, alter an attempt to rob the residenco of Adam Stine, a miner, of Georgetown. About 2 o'clock Mr. Stine, hearing a noise in the house, proceeded to investigate, and discoved two men in the act of breaking open a trunk in one of tho inner He rushed upon the men and laying hold of them, called loudly for help. The men struggled to get away, and one did so, jumping from the window.

The other followed a minute later, leaving his coat in the hands of Mr. Stine. In the coat pocRets he found several articles, one being a pass-book upon a neighboring store. Mr. Stine summonod the police, and by aid of tho clue afforded by the book, they shortly afterwards arrested two Hungarians nam-'d Andrew Grossavitch and Adam Yashch.

They were identified by Mr. Stine as the intruders, and in default of $1000 bail each, by 'Sqaire Morrissey, were sent to jail. Both have been in this country a number of years and are quite intellinent. Cider by the quart, gallon, heg or barrel at Peter Dershuck's old reliable liquor store, IT West Broad street. Our Book Table.

"The Midnight Marriage," by Amanda M. Douglas. No. 1 of the "Manhattan Series" of Popular American Novels. Paper, 12nio.

Price 25 cents. Published by A. L. Burt, 50 Beekman street, New York. With good judgment a novel by Amanda M.

Douglas has been chosen to inaugurate the "Manhattan Series." No writer is more popular with the general novel reader and this first book, "The Midnight Marriage," has all the elements of her most successful stories which have placed her in the front rank of popular authors. It is intensely dramatic, and full of henlthfu excitement: its action is rapid, and its plot capi illy mysterious. It is a book that will keep thonsands of readers awake till the small hours of the morning with its stirring interest. ''The Manhattan Series" certainly promises very well and its encouragement solely of American authors deserves hearty support. you see a line full of clothes hanging out at nine o'clock on Monday morning, you may depend upon it that the lady of the house either worked on Sunday or else used Tulip soap.

l'he Population of llaaleto. Is about 14,000 and we would say at least one haff are troubled, with some affection of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaiata are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would adyise all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungi. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial sizo (reo.

Bold by all drug. Ilata. Reading's Priibytsrliin Church Quarrel. In the court at Reading on Saturday the Presbyterian church injunction case was again called. The defendant and contesting treasurer filed an additional answer, which denies that the plaintiff, Dr.

Frank R. Schmucker, and those associated with bim are members of the church, accuses them of conspiring together to break up and destroy the congregation, makes an attack on the personal character and financial standing of Dr. Schmucker, the plaintiff, avers that he and those associated with him are endeavoring to usury the offices of the congregation, to override ail law and religion, to ruin the church financially, and by withholding the salary of the pastor to persecute and drive him away. The answer also mentions by name a large number of the members of the anti-Lceperitcs who have given up expen -sive pews and taken cheap ones merely to retain their right to vote for the purpose of making war upon the church. The Court upon reading the answer dissolved the preliminary injunction and dtrected Mr.

Coleman to give a bond in $503 to indemnify the church against damages, and in the meantime directed that the members of the church should pay their pew rent to whichever treasurer they chose. The plaintiffs asked for the appointment of a master in chancery before whom evidonce will be taken for the decision of the case upon its merits. Reflued Cider by the quart, gallon keg or barrel at Peter Dershuck's old reliable liquor store, IT West Broad street. MARRIAGES. If DiMirn Rwnriitn On IS.

hvKpv u. Mr. wiiiiam 10 10 I fla- Miss Anna Uertrtide Merger, both ol zleton. Common Crackers, Roman Candles, 5, 10 and 20 Balls. Rockets, and 1 pennd each.


IP 1ST 33- Balance of our Wraps and Coats cost. A lot of Children's Lace Caps at half price $1 Caps for 50c. LACE CURTAINS Very cheap. iFA. 3STS From lc.

to $1,75. Ladles' and Children's GAUZE VESTS. Muslin Under wear at tho lowest price. Ask for Engle Go's 50c. Corset.

Another case just received. 11 W. Ilroad Hazleton, Pa. DO YOU Go to J. A.

SKELEY. DO YOU VI MJviZX Go to j. a DO YOU WANT1 eryrDCSlCOnfe0UOn Go lo A SfcELEY. DO YOU WANT aai Go to J. A 8EELEY.

PIcuIcr, festivals, parties, supplied on short notice. J. A. BKKLEY, 121 K. Broad St.

1111 NBLE I ENGLE 1 GO DOORS, Window Screens, -J. Whits Mountain Ice Cream FREEZERS. Call on us for Bargains in any of the above Goods. TEL. E.

MAJCEILXiE CO. Leave Freeland 6 00 a. m. 8.55 9.15 12.10 p. m.

1.50 3.50 5.15 7.00 Leave Hazleton 5 m. Arrive at Hazleton 6 40 a. m. 9.25 10 20 1.00 m. 2 50 4.30 5 53 7.10 Arrive at Freeland 5.50 a.

in. 6 55 7.32 a A a CD 7 05 8.30 950 10.30 200 4 20 6.10 9 23 11.10 1.28 p.m. 2.10 4 45 6 55 m. Honey Brook Stage Line. Leave Honey Brook.

Arrive at Hazleton. 8.00 a. ni. 9 no a. m.

1 00 p. m. 2.00 p. in Leave Hazleton, Arrive nt Money Brook, 11 00 a.m. 12.oom.

5.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. Via Je nesvillk. JAS. MoSHEA, Proprietor.

GO TO DIETRICH'S FAMILY MARKET, Opposite Pardee's Residence, Went Broad Street, Hazleton, For Choice Fruits. Bananas, Oranges, Strawberries, AND ALL KINDS OF GREEN TRUCK, Besides Fine Groceries always In slock. HEADQUARTERS FOB Ererytii in Season, FRESH" EVERY MORNING AT Nathan Drasher's Wholesale Fruit and Produce Store. Home-grown Lettuce, Kaddish, Ebuharb, Green Onions, Asparagus, Spinnacu, Pot Herbs, Red Beets and Carrots are coming very fine, with a remarkable drop in prices. New Tomatoes, Potatoes, Cabbage, Deans, Peas, Squash, Cncnmbers, Egt Plant, Bermuda and Egyptian Onions come with their usual regularity for the season, nnd the decline in prices gradual Pine Apples, Bananas, Lemons, Oranges, and Strawberries at bottom rates.

Fresh Fish of all kinds in season at rock bottom. At Swalm's Old Stand Corner Mine and Laurel Streets, Hazleton, Pa. Jnst leceifed! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies' and Gents' GOLD WATCHES, ALSO Knight of Malta Ping for $125 AT V. H. NITCHE'S, The Down-Town Jeweler.

HAZLETON vs SHENANDOAH, This Afternoon. QAMB CALLED AT 8.S0 O'CLOCK. Admission 85 Onta Children Under 10 Years 15 C'enta Admission for ladles to rounds and grand stand Ue, Worth Knowing. Mr. W.

H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, was taken with a severe Cold, attend ed with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption into its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in ilesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, and after using about a dozen bottles found himself well and has bad no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do jnst what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at Mc- Nair Hoagland's.

Rupture cure guaranteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch i'hil'a, Ease at once, no operation or business delay Thousands cured. S.

f. circular. -JkTD THE BEE HIVE! STORE. ARRIVALS THIS WEEK: Two bales Ganninn Mi'xlem Hammocks Tlmy have advanced Ki.0O per ilozmi since we nonglit mem. we co.ill ue to null at tne old price.

A lot of Crepo Veils Just 3U per cont. under price. A bcautlial line of Ruchlngs and C'hnntllly Luce. Tha tenth lot of taca Curt ilns, prices away down. A fresh lot of Black Lwa Mitts.

Anew assortment of nhawls, iporcont. A new line of Colo ed silks aud a iu.l as sortmnnt lTr. nch Welt-), Piqneat a cio ol hfeviu's, 10 per cent, off, uud a lot ol encbod Muslins. Largo lots of Ladles' and Children's lower than ever. new Carpets, Parlor Suite and Chamber Hulls.

Laudetburn, Smith Deisroth-.

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