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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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MYSTERIES! The Nervous System the Seat of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. No mystery has over compared with human life. It baa boon the leadttix subject of professional research and study In all iiiscs. But BOtwHustundlDg luct It 6 uoc gunor- ally known that tlio scut of life Is Idoii- tudln tho np- porpnriof i no cor-jl, I nciir tho wSSeT portion of tlio Cva) nervous turn that even IT theurlckofa needle win I 111 CUUSO lUdtlint I I death.

Koccnt discoveries have aomonstratPd Urn all theorems of tho body aro undor tho control of tho norvo centers, located in or nvar tho base of tlio brain, uriU tlmt when tliusu tlio organs which they supply wluh uorvclluldnro also doransod. When IsM- tlmt a serious Injury to tliu splij31 au. cord will cause paralysis of tlio tho Injured point, bocauno tho norvo provontod by tho Injury from aw paralyzed portion, It wlllbo understood tho dcranKomont Of tho nerve conturs vriu cause tho derangement, of tho various organs vhlcb they-supply with uorvo force. Two-thirds of chronic diseases nro duo lo tholmporfoctautlonof tho norvo lit tho base of tlio bruin, not from a doruiigo- inent primarily originating In tho orpin Itself. The Krcat mlstuko of physicians in treating these diseases Is thut they treat tjip oruan rather than tho tiorvo centers ore the cauao of tho trouble.

DR. FRANKLIN Miuss. the colnbratGd pnp- Clallst bus profoundly studied this subject for over 20 years, and has mado many Imiiorjot In connection with It, chief thorn being tho facts contained In tlio aJ and that the ordinary methods treatment aro wrong. All headache, dtai- dullness, confusion, pressure, wura, mania, melancholy. Insanity, on lepsy.

Vltus dance, aro nervous diseases DO matter bow caused. Too Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine la duo to urn on receipt of price, $1 per Attcs for 15, express prepaid, it Joeitber nor drags. DR. TRUAX, THE SPECIALIST.

OVER STATE NATIONAL BANK After fourteen yesrn of scientific stndy of Nose, inng, Liver, and Diseases of a Chronic N.iture 1 my present form of treatment, und co nducted a uncce.islal practice In toeabove "uws ol I cordially you or joor friends, If Hllllcted with any Chronic Disease, to and my method of imitmont and Its Teiults. 12 a. 4. 7 to 8 D. m.

Residence at All calla promptly attended. DAILY JOURNAL WEDNESDAY MORNING APRIL 11. Naw oapes and jackets at the Trade Palace. In millinery at the Now Fashion store. We save you money on shoes and Klinsick, Dr.

Hollo way's office in the Progress block, corner 4th and Market streets. girl to asalat In housework and who can go home at night. Call at 816 Spear street. The marvelous success of Hood's Sanaparilla Is based upon the corner atone of absolute merit. Take Hood's throughout the spring months.

For rent, good Iront room, down suitable for two, in good location on Market street, five minutes from court house. Inquire Journal office. Otto Kraus says he acknowledges its a little hard upon his competitors to compete affalngt his but there arc only a few competitors and a good many people Is your oaad cleat? Have you a good grip on all your Interests and a boundless energy In your blood? You can have both if you observe the precaution to take, when retiring for the night, a doso of Smith's Bile Boana. By the time you get to work next day you will feel as If you could 1 a train of carg. Be sure to get the small size.

BONEBUAKE ATPO1TED SUl'KKINTKN. DENT. H. Bonobrako trainmaster of the Plttsburg division of the Pan Handle was yesterday appointed euperlnten. dent Of the Louisville i ivislon vice H.

I. Mlllor transferred to the Vandalia. Mr. Bonebrake is not unkiown to some of the older local railroad men, having formerly been employed as a telegraph operator on what is now the Chicago division. He learned telegraphing at Montlcollo about twenty- five years ago and for several years after worked at Bunker Hill and other places.

For about twenty years he has boon in the east. EAST-BOUND SHIPMENTS. East-bound shipments from Chicago showed a small decrease last railroads carrying 91,975 tons, against 95.188 for the preceding week and 70,370 for the corresponding week of last year. The roads carried tonnage as follows: Michigan Central, Wabash. Lake S'aore 14.770; Fort Wayne, 11 468; Pan Handle, Baltimore Ohio, 8 388: Grand Trunk, Nickel-plate, Chicago Erie, Big Four, 1,346.

Joe Goss, of the Fan Handle paint ihop, returned from a short visit to South Bend yesterday. Pan Handle bolleroiaker John Sennett, was oalled to Springfield, Ohio yesterday by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father. It is said that engineer Andy Miller who has been off duty for nearly a year, will return to work in a short time. His health is much improved, and he has loit much of his superfluous flesh. G.

L. Peck, the new Superintendent of Richmond Division, was in the city yesterday in company with several other officials, who were showing him the ropes. Ho returned to Richmond during the night. The Wabash company yesterday paid into the county treasury the sum of 56, its April installment of taxes. Of this amount 87 was paid on the main line and $1,776,69 on the Eel River road.

Barney Keefe, formerly of this city now general yard master of the O. at Covington, was in the city Monday on hU way home. His aged mother died at Danville, 111., a few days ago and he was. taking her remains tc his homo to bo Interred there. The class type of locomotives has given such- satisfaction both as to jpead and capacity that the Pennsylvania management has ordered the immediate construction of ten others which will be placed in service on the western Unas.

It Is not known whether or not any of them will be assigned to this end of the Pan Handle. Pan Handle tiainmen report a serious Injury to a boy at Gas City yesterday morning. The lad was trying to board a freight train but missed his footing and fell between the moving train and the depot platform. He was badly crushed but not run over, lie is said to have been In the habit ol jumping on and off moving trains. William Parry, president of the Ft.

Wayne, Richmond Cincinnati road, died at bib home near Richmond Monday, aged 83 years. He has been president of the road since it was built in 1869 and only a few days ago Four Reliable Prescriptions BREAD ron HUNOIIV MAN WATER rOH REST FOflTMI JADIO SLEEP ton WATCMtM Are Nature's Great Nerve Vitalizers No other needed when these are properly supplied. When not provided, the nerves are robbed of vitality and immediately suffer. Such neglect continued throws the whole nervous system out of on Nervous Prostration and a long train of terrible diseases! Now you'll understand when we say that what these prescriptions are to healthy nerves AA Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Vitalizer is to nerves which have been starved, over-worked and deprived of sustenance.

You need this Vltnllzer if your nerves don't respond readily to Nature's restorers. It is the right thing for shattered nerves, and being right is free from harm- tuidrugs. rlc Bottle Free Sample for convincing trial, el druggists, or if not found at desert ay be obtained by writing us. tlose 5C. (stamps) for postage.

If in doubt about your case fulty and the Doctor will give free advice. All welcome. Address THE J. W. BRANT Makers, Albion, Mich.

or Dty Street, New York For Sale by Ben Fisher. 311 Fourth St. to slcian oner chemist ulysls or oiherwlse. can show that this remedy contains Morphine. Opium, Cocaine, or other harmful drugs a meeting of the directors he was re-elected.

The road which extends trom Fort Wayne to Richmond is now part of G. R. 1. Several attempts have recently been mado to annoy the crews and passengers of Wabash trains at a spot near Huntlngton, The last attempt was made last Friday when some concealed person fired several shots at a west bound train. One bullet crashed Into a coach but fortunately did not hit any one, although badly frightening tho female portion of the passengers.

The vote of the C. E. 1. employes on the strike question has just been made publlo. The different brotherhoods voted as follows: Brotherhood of Locomotive a strike, 65; against a strike, 37.

Brotherhood of ast-ike, 91: against a strike, 8. Order of Railway a strike, 28; against a strike. 45. Brotherhood of Kftllroad a strike, 37; against a strike, 23 The Indianapolis Journal haa Information to the effect that with the changes which take effect April 15 on the Vandalia neither N. K.

Elliott, who then becomes general superintendent, or Harry Miller, who becomes auperintendent of the Vandalia main line, will make any changes insubir- dlnateu, all now in position being fully competent to properly protect the company's Interests, A majority of the men on the Vandalia have been assootatad with Mr. Kiliott lor years The annual report of the Pennsyl vania company is much fuller than that given In the newspapers, giving the earnings from different sources, the working expenses being under five general heads and three grand dlvl Dions, under the head of traffic. Taking these all together, passenger traffic decreased 3 per passenger earnings 2 5 per freight traffic decreased 2 1 per cent, and freight earnings 8.9 per cent. These are not considerable changes; those in lag expenses are most Interesting. Of a total decrease of $1 823,844 in these, no less than $1,311,764 was in maintenance of way; the cost of which was reduced 16 per cent" Now, for the first half oJ 1893 the total working expenses were $1,211,937 (per cent.) greater than In 1892; so that the decrease in tho last half of the jear was $3 035,281, which is 12 per cent.

There ia no railroad company in the country in better condition than the Pennsylvania to mike such striking reductions, or which is likely to make savings of the kind which cost twice as much next year as la saved this year. CANDIDATES. FOR THUSCKIK, I will be a candidate for Treastuwr of the city of LoKansport, subject to the will ol the Eepnbll can City Nominating Convention. O. B.

Loransport, February 13, 1U94. I will be a candidate for Treasurer of the city of Lojransport, subject to the will of the Bepubll- can City Nominating Convention. February 10,1891. I will be a candidate for Treasurer the cltyof Loginaport. subject to the will of the Bepubilcan City Nominating Convention.

X. i Logansport, April 7,1884, I will be a candidate for nomination for the omce of City Treasurer subject to the will the Republican Convention. B- AU.ISOM. Logansport, tfeoruary 1'J, ISM. I will be a candidate for Treasurer of the city of Louanaport, subject to the will of tho Kepub- lIcanCltyKonmmUng Logansport, March 5.

18W. FOH CLERK. I will bo a candidate ror Clerk of the City of Loe to will ot tlw Bepubllain City NomlJiu'Iiifi Convention. wiirrws. Logansport, April 6,1894.

will be a candid ite if Clerk of theElty of SJcttcI the will of tue Bepubilcan Cltj Nominating Conveutloll ji swioiuotB. Logansport, March HI, 1891. I will be a candidate tor Cterk of theiCitj ol Lo- subject to the will ot the Republican City Nominating Convention. Logansport, April FORHATOB, Weldon Webster will accept ttie now nation tor Mayor II'thus honored bytheKe- pnbllcan Convention which meats Saturday nert ind will do all In Ms power lo bring about a successful at the polla. iwlllbfl a candidate for Major of the Cltyof Logans "rt, subject to the will of the BepubUcim LOfiuisport, April 9, 1891.

Major McFadln will be candidate for the office 1 councllman or city ofllclal will ba permitted to vote the taxpayer's monej Into own pocket It la In his to prevent u. Uewwd, ilOO. The reader ot this will boplMMd to learn that therfl Is at least one dreaded that has been able to cure In all Its stages 3S5 iTCtttarru, Hall's Catarrh Cure Isthe and 1 i e1k i owll to the medical fraturnity. a constitutional dlse-isn, requires a Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tttoniSWMallirScrtng directly on the blood and mucui surfaces of the system, thereby destto.lng of ihedlMBse, and the pa- sSenSth by building up the confutation and MslsttM nature In doing Its woilt. The proprle- )n (ig ciua powers, IB Hundred Dollars tor any case Send for list of testimonials, .1.

CHBNIY 4 Toledo, 0. IstS. Lift tmthfnl. tills ef a that liuianabont No-to-bac, the woddertol, harm- Nut GDABAWmD tobactx) ofcblt Tuft COB( opflnanctnl to ualog IHd. APHIL'S MEED OF SLEEP.

Men, Over-Tired Honie- keeperl, Students and men and Women In lUe Whirl of Society Lack Boit. Sweet sleep is nature's soft nurse. Half the re sickness and complaining might be laid at the door of lack of sleep. There Is not one man or woman in ten thousand who can afford to do without seven or eight hours'sleep. All the stories about great men and women who slept three or four hours a night make very Interesting lead- Ing, but no one over kept healthy in body and mind with less than seven hours 1 sound sleep.

Americans need more sleep than they are getting. This lack makes tbem thin and nervous, weak and complaining 1 But one can not will one's self to sleep. If sleep will not come, there is an. evident derangement of the nervous system. The tirud, worn-out nerves need better nutrition to re- Store them to their healthy action.

The rapid building up of nerve tissue Is what makes Palne's celery compound so pre eminently the great modern nerve and blood remedy. Sleep Is the time of lowered expenditure of nerve force and of Increased repair all over the body. Palne's celery compound quiets tho disturbed nervous system, feeds its impoverished tissues and robs them of all irritability; sound, refreshing sleep ensues and the tired, despairing Invalid start" at once on the way to assure health and strength. A freshness in the countenance and an absence of that pained, worn ex- presslon comes after a short time taking Palne's celery compound. Neuralgia, rheumatism, palpitation of the heart, headaches and the host of dls- oouraglng signs of shattered nerves are banished by this great remedy.

It makei people well. Students and teachers stand the fearful strain ol preparation for spring examinations by building up the body, strengthening the nerves abd purifying the blood with Palne's celery compound. It gives vigor to mind and body. Local Union CiirUtlau EudeavorHeet- The local union of C. E.

will meet this month at the Cumberland Pres, byterian Church on Wednesday evening. April 11, at 7:30 o'clock. Subject for the evening is "Good Citizenship," a continuation of last month's subject. Everyone is invited. The devotional services will be conducted by Arthur Gommlll.

The following subjects will be discussed: "As American Citizens. What is Our Responsibility Discussion opened by Kev. T. S. Freeman.

1 'What are Some of the Hlnderances to -Good W. T. Wilson. "What IB being done to Promote Citizenship' in our Mr. Charles Garrett.

"In what way can Woman Promote Christine Market. Republican State Convention. On account Republican State Convention the Pennsylvania lines will sell excursion tickets to Indianapolis and return at rate of $2.35. Tickets will be sold April 23, 24 and 25, good going only on date of sale and will be available for returning trip until Apr 1 27, 1894, inclusive. After the ball Is over, after the break ot morn, Iftertlie dancers leaving, after the stars are gone.

Many a head Is aching, If you but knew It all, Take Smith'i Bile Beans on retiring after the ball, Ask for SMALL size. Days full of the sunshine of health are which follow the of Dr. Wheeler's Nervs ritallzsr. Bold by Ben Flibar. GOT IT? FOUFTG LfV GRIPPE OUrtRflNTEED BY BEN FISHER.

PART9NOW READY This interesting number is the first MIDWAY NUMBER and contains the following photographs: 1 The Western Entrance to Midway Plaisance 2 Town Hall in Old Vienna 3 Jn Cairo Street 4 The Egv ptian Temple of Labor 5 The Irish Village 6 he Javanese People 7 The South Se Islanders 8 The Algerian Theater 9 Ths Panorama of Kilauea 10 Arab Spearmen of the Wild East Show 11 Encampment of Bedouins 12 The Lapland Village 13 Interior of Lapland Village 14 Midway Driving Bell Exhibit 15 he Famous Persian Theatre 16 The Chinese Pagodas. MEETS PRAISE FROM ALL Every person who has taken advantage of our offer of BURROUGHS flRT PORTFOLIO OP STflGB CELEBRITIES they arrive. Two parts issued each Part 7 now ready. "IF CHRIST CAME TO CHICAGO" COUPON. APRlfc 10, 1804.

STAGE CELEBRITIES, This Coupon with two others of Cents, Is (foodI for one pan, containing twenty portraits, of Marie Art Stage Celebritiw. THE ctrr.

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