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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 18

Detroit, Michigan
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it jg THE DETROIT FREE PRESS THURSDAY OCTOBER 4. 134 Miss Van Wie Wins on Extra Hole as Misses Orcutt and Morgan Are Beaten i 1 ii i 1 1 1 1 One of the Few Moments When Cardinal Hopes Dropped in First Game Down the Sidelines 19-Hole Frays 1V 1 i 'W 1th. ItEU BIRDS V'. i a In i 1 -A. occupied a box between the horn plate and the Cardinals' dugout A thunderous ovation greeted tha Tigers as they trotted on the field.

It was the loudest and moBt prolonged applause ever accorded a Detroit team. Martin hit the first pitch, a alow hopper to Owen and wa an easy out. Crowder got Martin and Rothrock on three pitches in the first inning. Both White and Greenberg worked Dean to a 3 and 3 count in the first inntng and both grounded out on the next pitch. Mickey called his Infield into a huddle in the third inning after Greenberg let Delancey's grounder get past him for the second error of the inning and the Tigers' fifth of the game.

Goslln went a long way to haul down Dean's long fly near the foul line in the fourth. Medwlck' smash into the packed bleachers in the left In the fifth cleared the screen with plenty to spare. Rogell made a beautiful play on Durocher' bounder In the seventh. The ball took a bad bound over Rogell' head but Bill leaped high in the air and speared it with his gloved hand. A perfect throw to Greenberg beat Durocher by a step.

Rogell came right back with another fine play when he came up with Martin's hard smash near second and threw out the fleet Pepper, Owen made a great running catch of Frisch's fly near the boxes in left field in the sixth. Delancey hit Hogsett' first pitch far over Goa-lln's head for a double that scored two runs In the big seventh. It wa the Card' third straight hit after two were out. FRISCH AFTER HE WAS STUNNED, TAGGING GOSLIN OUT IN Call it the jitters, whim-whams stage fright or what you will, but the Battalion of Death did a thorough Job of deserting the General before 42,000 of the faithful In Mr. Navin's ball yard Wednesday, Five errors in the first three innings for three unearned runs by the infield that all of us have been comparing with the best inner-defenses of all time: Woe is the Tigers, and woe is Mickey.

The upper deck was the slowest to fill. The bleachers were packed long before noon and there was not a vacant seat tn the lower deck a half hour before game time. AI Schacht played solo in the comedian role. His clowning partner of many yeara Nick Altrock was missing. Schacht' act was right up to standard despite the fact that he had filled a night club engagement in the wee sma' hour.

A battery of cameramen and news resl photographers beselged the Cards' dugout before the game. The National League champions got a bigger play from the photographer than the home boy. Schacht emerged from the Cardinals' dugout all wrapped in a Tiger skin. He posed for photographers with Dizzy Dean a the Cards' pitching ace wa warming up before the game. The start of the game was delayed 20 minutes to permit ticket holders to get inside the park.

Thousands still were outside at scheduled game time. The cheer outlasted the boos when Dizzy took hi first turn at bat in the second with Orsatti on first Kenesaw Mountain Land is was the last target of the photographers a few minutes before the game started. The baseball commissioner (Brand JAS. Niagara Palla. BAI RC LAY Oatari Detroit, Miehlgaa ft no BrcW Tigers' Infield Kicks Opener into Laps of Cardinals as Dizzy Coasts to Victory beo' Vl qurt gt ttt an" Won by Three Title Defender Beats Rosamond Vahey PHILADELPHIA, Oct.

-(A. With favored players falling on 11 sides, Virginia Van Wle, of Chicago, the defending champion, nut on a garrison finish to win ber third round match In the Women National Golf Championship and avert what would have been the most sensational upset of them all. The Chicago holder of the championship for the past two years played the best golf she ever had to quell the onrushlng Rosamond Vahey, gray-eyed Boston bridge expert and Massachusetts State champion In 1931, one up on the nineteenth hole. Two down the fifteenth, Miss Van Wie won the 140-yard ilxteenth hole with a birdie two, squared the watch by taking the seventeenth with another birdie four. Then, after halving the eighteenth, she won the match on the first extra hole with a sub-par three.

It was a brilliant effort, shqoting the last four holes In three under perfect While Miss Van Wle squeezed tn rough to the quarter-final round, i Two or ner urns (jup leammaies Charlotte Glutting and Maureen Orcutt, a pair of pronounced pre-tournament favorites and the last of the Britons, Wanda Morgan, were retired to the sidelines, all unexpected victim of playera they were figured to defeat. Mrs. H1U Triumph Miss Glutting, present New Jersey champion and one of the most promising of the young crop of golfers In this country, wag cut dowrL abruptly by the veteran, Mrs. Opaltlill, of Kansas City, 7 and 6. Sparks flew from Mrs.

Hill's blade as she one-putted five greena on the first nine holes to reach the turn In 39, even with women's par, and amass an Insurmountable lead of six up. The best Miss Glutting cou'd do against that performance Was a 45. Mrs. Hill won the tenth with par four and they halved the next two. with the match ending on the twelfth green, the Missourlan barely missing a 15-footer there for a birdie two.

Making her first appearance In the big time, Mrs. Carl H. Donner, ff Short Hills, N. formerly of Indianapolis where she was better known as a tennis player, accounted for Miss Orcstt In the biggest surprise of the day. It was one of those affairs where the lead changed hands eight times before Mrs.

Donner emerged the winner on the nineteenth hole. They were both out In 42 to stand 5 they vered the back Bine in 40 each with the Issue still unsettled. Maureen', imn 1nth9. was trapped While Mrs. Donner mnlhu year-old daughter, placed hr approach nicely on the edge of HLiuig ui (JCfc.

Miss Traung Continues Strong Miss Orcutt played out weakly almost falling to make the green. She required two putts ns did her rival, who won the hole and the match with a four. Faced by a one-hole deficit as they played the seventeenth. Mrs. Burt Well, of Cincinnati, Ohio State and City champion, won two holes In a row to elbow Miss Mor: gan out of the tournament, one tin" and complete the rout of the Brlt-one begun yesterday In the opening day two-round program.

Mrs. Weil proved steadier than the former English ladles' champion In the closing stretch and won the seventeenth with a birdie four. When Miss Morgan became Involved In the white traps studding 'he eighteenth fairway, she took the home hole with a fine four, holing out from seven feet. Dorothy Traung, the twenty-year-old San Francisco Rhot-maker, survived the session at the expense of Marlon Turpie Lake, of New York, former Southern champion. Mrs.

Lake was another victim of a 19-hole battle, losing out In the extra hole as she visited two traps along the route. It was another notable achievement for the Pacl-fice Coast newcomer to the national championship, coming as It did on top of her unexpected triumph yesterday in the second round over Diana Fishwick, of England. Mrs. Vara Easy Victor Tomorrow In the round of eight, Mrs. Weil will meet Glenna Collett Vare, five times former champion.

The great Glenna, apparently getting stronger as the tournament reaches the half-way mark, carved out a magnificent 39 to stand seven up on hapless Barbara Stoddard, of New York, at the turn. Then she polished off the husky and heavy-hitting New Yorker on the twelfth green, winning by the handsome margin of 8 and 6, with a card that was even with par for the distance, Mrs. Hill's fourth round opponent will be the formidable Mrs. Leona Cheney, of San Gabriel, runnerup In 1929, and victor todav over Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Hurd, of Philadelphia, 3 and 1, In an intereming match between a Californian who has been a title prospect for the past seven years and a woman who won both the British and American crowD in 109.

Lenna Cb'-np. Pan Gsbripl. dffpateri Mia. jKruthy Campbell Himl, and J. Mr.

GU-nna t'oiliMt Vare, Philadelphia. W'-atfd iiaralar MutiiUird. New Vurk, 6 ami li. Mn. Opal Hill. fitr. uVfatr-d Charloltfl OiuUinf. South Orange, 7 and rl. JJcrolhr San Frani-i. dr-fput-el Mm.

Turpiti laka, ew Vok, 1 mi UW huleal. Mrs. I'arl Uniiner. Short V. dPlfHlt'd unroll Oruutl.

uylewuud. 1 im i Jtt holi-a Mn. Burl Cincinnati, defeated Wanda Morgan. Knulund, 1 ui. VlrHiina Van Wn Cliioaso.

Matr-d RmwiiKin.t Vahcr. Boalnn. 1 III) (ID hole I. 'ranirw I'hiladplphia. uXenl-td Mr Carl Philadelphia.

8 up. 4Ul i i Victory Vowed by Schoolboy Promises He'll Beat Cards Thursday Continued from First Sport Page started snapping out of their silent stupor and filed into the showers. Soon the shower room was full. The hot water soothed many a muscle that had been taut for several days. The Tlgera began to relax.

In a few minutes they were themselves. The expression on Cochrane's face changed. He completely had disrobed and was ready to talk: "I feel all right about today's game," he said. 'Those errors were the result of over-anxious play. I am confident that the Infield, which fell apart today, will be okay tomorrow.

"There Isn't a bit of use in crying over this game today. We threw the game away. I want to say again that I'm not worried. Dizzy Dean pitched a good game of ball today. He is a good pitcher.

But we helped him. We won't offer so much help from now on. "And look ct the way we were hitting the ball. We hit the ball hard enough, but most of the time right where they could handle it. Yes, the first game nervousness, to be expected, is over.

We'll be in shape tomorrow." Cochrane said that had not Dean been given an early lead he never would have won the game. He had high praise for the work of Crowder. Doctor Diagnoses Jitter Dr. William Keane, the club voiced the sentiment of Cochrane. He said the Tiger infield now had overcome an expected case of "World Series Jitters" and that tomorrow would prove that the cure Is early.

The doctor is confident the Tigers will win. Goose Goslin put it more vehemently: "We'll claw these Cards to bits before the Series is over," he said. "Some of us would have liked to start the Series in St. Louis. The Detroit fans have been very loyal.

They were out there today and expected a great deal of us. "Well, every player on the club knew that, and as a result was a little over anxious. That accounts for the misDlavs. The Carrin mo Into the Series on a crest. They are mighty confident.

But after we re tnrough with 'em tomorrow, they won't be that wav. Yes. I'm sure we'll win this Series." crowder interrupted the Goose long enough to say: "By this time tomorrow, Goose, the Series will be even. The School Boy will stop 'em. And I'm sure tn get another crack at 'em." Hank Greenberg, the last Tiger out of the shower, had a little conference with Carroll.

"Well, Denny," Hank said as he sloshed soap all over his face, "we didn't give the Detroit fans much of a show today. But say, Denny, we will tomorrow. I know we wiil xuii i.u mey nay ine scnool-boy isn a cold weather nltchei. Well, I don't agree with them. He'll pitch just as well in cool weather as any other kind.

Watch him tomorrow. And say, Denny, if they feed me any more slow curves-well, Dean sent one slow curve along my way." Hank said later that the ball he lifted Into the bleachers on Cherry St. was a slow curve. Gehrlnger Not Worried "I'm not the least bit worried about our ball club," declared Charlie Gehringer after his shower. "But I'll have to admit that playing in a vvoria series is dincrent.

1 can't explain it, but the field seems different. The ball comes at you differently the first Inning or two and it seems like everything is at stake. "The infield was jittery at the start of the game. I thought after the first couple of muffs the litters would work out of us but It took longer than that. But by the end of the game I'm aure all the boys had their feet on the ground and that the jitters were gone." The same opinion was voiced by No.

36) LIMITED LaadttB, Eaglattol Glasgow, SeollaW 1 4 SECOND INNING Rogell and other member of the Tiger infield. By the time the first player had left the dressing room the Tiger morale was up again. The dejection which characterized them as they came in from the field had disap peared. They were ready for battle. "Well goodnight boys," said the Schoolboy as he left for home, supper and then a "pitcher show." "We'll shore pour it on 'em tomor row." Just before the game started 'Joe McCarthy, the manager of the New York Yankees, camejnto the Tiger dressine room.

"Good luck boys." he said. "I know you can beat 'em." He grip ped a few Tiger hands and departed. Rogers Hornsby, the pilot of the St. Louis Browns, sat down on a trunk with Mickey Cochrane, Del Baker and Gocse Goslin. It ap peared to be a "board of strategy meeting.

as ne leit tor nis seat In the stands he said to Mickey: "I'm sure pulling for you to win, Mike." Mickey became Irked as swarms of photographers in front of the Tiger dugout. They prevented his team from warming up exercises which were necessary because of the cool weather. Mike scattered them with a single expression. "Give us a break boys, got to warm up." Cochrane and Crowder went into a huddle just before the Tigers took the field. It was like a football coach talking to his pilot the min ute betore the game, crowders face was a study in concentration as his boss talked to him.

Pete Fox fondly filed away at the handle of his favorite bat "This is the one that will do the most good." he said. "Boy I sure feel good." Fred Marberry had a few sharp words with Umpire Brick Owens in the tunnel to the dressing room. "There'll be absolutely Vo warming up in the regular bull pen," Owen said. Fred kicked like a steer. "Well, how in hell are we golne- to see the ball same Brick? Why shucks, what good did It do us to win the pennant?" Owen didn't even say he was sorry.

He said the customers who'd paid the price in the boxes were the ones to be considered. A Detroit creamery sent a few gallons of tomato juice to the Tiger quarters. Billy Rogell and Coach Cy Perkins drank heartily. Green berg called it a "sissy drink. Cy Perkins was a nervous man.

He constantly asked what the time was. Cy was harassed about get-tin" his pitchers warmed up in time. He Wis further upset when the game was delayed 20 minutes to allow ticket holders to get through the gates, which were blocked by thousands. mm ITlInn Aiilo ftlolmail TaaaVnllra two greatest fa-s are attending the series. One i his father F.

L. Auker and the other his father-in- ibw, X. n. jrurcen. "xney re not nnlv orrAaf hnaaholl fsna AiiItav said, "but they're great buddies." Whitey Willis, Bengal bat boy, went to work In his first series wearing a soiled uniform.

He had a clean one in his locker but wouldn't change his outfit for fear of jeopardizing the Tigers. BOXING Friday, October 5th ALL-STAR CARD NAVAL ARMORY Bernard vs. Barry Ran vs. Stevens Waling vs. Bond TWO OTHER BOUTS 3000 Bleacher Seata 40c Rm.

75c. $1.00. $1.50 Dlui tax Tioketi, OrlnneM'i and Armory CI if. 0409 "1IITCI.P FtituHnfl iUtOilj TERRI ROSS, Voctliit i 1 att t4 -V CATHKR AROUND MANAGER Frisch hit an easy grounder to Owen and got abroad when the "Cherokee" fumbled the ball. The outlook became dark momentarily, for Medwlck singled to left, but the placid Crowder Induced Collins to fly to White to end the Inning.

Two young ex-Texas Leaguers faced each other when White went up to open the Tiger half of the first inning. Jo-Jo was not afraid of Dean. He had batted against him before, even in night ball games. The Tlgah-Man worked the count to three balls and two strikes, but Dean got him on a grounder to Durocher. Cochrane'a grounder brought Frisch to his knees for a three count, but the Cardinal pilot arose in time to throw Mick out.

Gehringer delivered the Tigers' first important offensive stroke when he singled to left. He failed to get beyond first base, however. for after working the count to three balls and two strikes, Green' berg was thrown out by Martin, who made a good atop of his aharp bounder. Infield Fails Crowder The Cards were swinging at Crowder's first pitch. In the second inning, DeLancey led off by lifting an easy fly to Goslin.

But then the Battalion of Death infield proceeded to die and almost caused Crowder to die with it. It was death in the afternoon all around. Orsatti hit one off his thumbs and singled back of third. Durocher flied to White, who caught the ball without moving. It was the third catch Jo-Jo had made without mov ing from his tracks.

Dean then hit an easy grounder to Rogell, who fielded the ball cleanly and made a perfect toss to Gehrlnger. But the pressure was too much for the Fowlervllle Flash and he fumbled miserably, Owen then filled the bases by making a bad throw to Greenberg after fielding Martin's easy grounder. All this crackpottery annoyed the General and he pitched two balls to Rothrock. On the third pitch, the Boston Red Sox castoff singled to center, scoring Orsatti and Dean. Frisch followed by grounding to Gehringer, who threw him out after wrestling with the ball for a moment or two.

Each scored a fall, Charley and the ball. Goslin opened the Tiger second by singling to left, but lie never moved beyond first hase. itngeii went out, painfully looking at a third strike, and when the Goose attempted to steal second he was thrown out by DeLancey. In sliding to the bag, Goslin struck Frisch on the neck with his knee, but Frankie remained in the game after doing a little dance. Owen ended the inning by striking out The third saw the Cardinals collect another tally.

Medwlck led off and for the second successive time hit Crowder's first pitch to left for a single. Collins hit a perfect double play ball to Greenberg, who got Medwlck on a toss to Rogell, but the Fire Chief reared back and threw the ball into the dugout when he attempted to return the ball to complete a double play. So Collins went to second base. Greenberg made It a perfectly bad day for the Tiger infield by fumbling DeLancey's grounder. That permitted Collins to go all the way home.

Fox then took charge and retired the side by taking flies from Orsatti and Durocher. Greenbeirg Fan The Tigers swung back Into the fight. in the homo third and scored their first run. White, the South ern gentleman unafraid, led off by working the Diz for a pass, uocn-rane duelled with Dizzy until the count was three and two. Then he singled to left, putting the Tigah- Man on third, uehnnger tnen singled to center, scoring White and puttjng Cochrane on tnira.

i ne mt was Charley's second straight blow off the Great Dean. Greenberg was given the assignment of continuing the rally, but the Job wag too much for him. He poked weakly at a third strike and walked sadly to his position at mat base. The fourth was quiet for both sides, but in the fifth the Cardinals scored another run. Frisch led off bv flvine to Fox.

who made the catch near the right field bleacher-wall, but Murdering Medwlck came along then and blasted a home run into the left field bleachers. It was the Carteret Clouter' third suc cessive hit. The homer caused the General to lose confidence momentarily and he walked Collins. The pass was Crowder's first of the game. De Lancey followed that by lifting an easy fly to White, but with the hit- and-run sign on, ursam singled past Owen, moving Collins to sec ond.

The Tigah-Man, coolest man on the field, then ended the inning by making a walking catch of Du rocher hlgn iiy. la the Tiger mtn, wnita wanted 7 Continued from Flint Sport Page for four hits and four runs before he could get the Bide out In the sixth and Cochrane had to send in a hurry call for Hogsctt to keep the boys from St. Loui within hailing distance. Medwlck Hit to All Field The Chief proved another source of gratification to the Tigers. He had what it takes to stop the Cards and he kept them from scoring during the last three innings.

He Is going to be valuable as a relief hurier In the remaining games of the aeries If his performance yesterday means anything. And it probably does, for the Cards found the noble Redman a puzzle In the exhibition game they played with the Tigers during the past aunv mer. The Cardinals collected 13 hits off the three Tiger pitchers, a little, thick-legged guy named Joe Medwlck from Carteret, W. J. eettinc four of them.

The Carteret Clouter hit safely on his first four trips to the plate. He filed out the last time up, but even then man aged to advance a base-runner with his drive. Medwlck hit to all fields. In his first two time at bat he singled to left. The third time up he smashed a home run Into the left field bleachers.

The fourth time up he singled to right and the last time he Hied to center. Hank Greenberg, Charley Geh- rlnger and Goose Goslln did most of the hitting for the Tigers. Greenberg, an old foe of Dean in Texas League days, looked bad when he fanned weakly In the third inning. But he got the range In the sixth and hit a single to center. Ana in the eighth, when Dean tried to throw three successive strikes past him, the Bronx bombardier reared back and blasted a home run Into the left field stands.

No Rase Stolen Althouch he did not get a bit, Jo-Jo White, another old Texas League foe of Dean, proved a source of trouble to the ace hurier of the National League. The Tigah Man worked Dean for two passes and every time he got on base he worried Dean as well as Kill De-Lancey, the Cardinal catcher. They were afraid he steal, rne Laras it seems, have the lowdown on the Tlgah-Man as a bad man on the basepaths. Pepper Martin, who ran wild on Cochrane during the 1931 World Series between the Cardinals and Athletics, made no attempt to steal any bases yesterday, although he got aboard twice, in fact, neither team stole a base during the game. Goose Goslin made the only attempt to steal and he was thrown out by DeLancey.

The Goose's base stealing attempt was made in the second Inning and for a time It looked as If It would cause Manager Frisch to leave the game. In sliding into second, the Goose struck Frisch on his ample nose with his knee. The Cardinal manager eat down, rolled over and then arose to run around circles. He did not leave the game however. A tendance Short The start of the game was delayed 22 minutes because of a congestion outside the ticket orttces.

Late coming fans and war correspondents found it difficult to crowd their way inside the park. The official paid attendance of 42,505 was considerably short of the park's 47,000 capacity. Vacant spots showed both in "the temporary bleachers and In the covered stands. The total receipts of the game amounted to $139,643. of which the players will receive $71,217.93.

Of this, $47,470.60 will be split among the contending clubs and the major leagues and will go to the advisory council. Martin opened the game by hitting Crowder's first pitch to Owen for an easy putout. Getting him to ground out was one way of keeping the Wild Hoss off the base paths. Gehrlnger Gets First Hit Rothrock followed by flying to White, who made the catch "standing on a dime." as the boys say. after Fox had popped a foul to Collins and Doljack, batting for Crowder, flied to Orsatti.

White Jeored Dean as he stood on the bag, but Dizzy answered the jeers by inducing Cochrane to ground to Frisch for the nnai out. Dizzy supplied a further answer when he doubled to open the St. Louis half of the sixth. Marberry went in to pitch for the Tigers in this inning, and was the victim of Dean's clout into left center. Martin punched a single to right, scoring Dizzy and went to second when Rothrock sacrificed.

Owen raced far into left field foul territory to pull down Frisch's fly for the second out, but the Irrepressible Med wlck smote a single to right that sent Martin home. After Collins also singled to right, moving Medwlck to third base. Marberry turned tha pitching chores over to Hogsett. DeLancey hit the Chief's first pitch over Goslin's head and was credited with a double that scored both Medwlck and Collins. Orsatti was not so tough, for he hit an easy grounder to Gciringer that ended the inning.

Tiger Show Claw When the Tigers walked to their dugout at the end of the St. Louis half of the sixth, they were given a Bronx cheer by the irritated faithful. That seemed to make them mad, for they began to rip and claw in something like their old-time form in their half. Greenberg launched the assault after Gehringer had grounded out to Collins. After hitting two long drives into the left field stands, Hank singled to center and went to second when Orsatti fumbled iu trying to make a shoe string catch.

Goslin then poked a single between Martin and Durocher, Hank going all the way home by a bit of fast sprinting. Rogell ferried the Gooee down to second when he grounded to Frisch, but Owen, worried as a man facing a firing tquad, ended it all by swinging weakly at a third strike. The Noble Redman pitched nobly for the Tigers In the seventh. Rogell also played nobly and helped tha Redman to retire the side in order by making two three star special stops. The first was on Durocher's bounder.

The ball took a high hop as Rogell was about to field it but Bill soared with it, grabbed it and threw Durocher out. Hogsett then struck out Dean and got Martin on a grounder to Rogell, who made another great stop. Greenberg Hits Homer The Tigers did nothing important in their half of the seventh. Fox led o'f and fouled to DeLancy and then Hogsett grounded to Durocher. White attempted to work Dean for his third pass of the game, but the Diz fooled him by sneaking across a third strike.

Jo-Jo howled about that one, but it did him no good. Rothrock hit a sickly single to right to start the eighth for the Cardinals and moved down to sec-end when Frisch sacrificed. Medwlck got him as far as third base when he flied to white, but he moved no farther, for Collins ended the inning by grounding to Gehringer. Cochrane and Gehrlnger were easy outs in the Detroit eighth, but Dean became too cocky in pitching to Greenberg and learned something about the power that is concealed in the big fellow's shoulders. Dean pitched two atrikes to Greenberg.

After the second, which ho swung at, Hank shook his head in self-reproach. Dean decided that here was a good chance to fool Greenberg again. He tossed a fast ball outside. It was not out far enough. Greenberg's bat swung, the ball sailed high into the left field bleachers, and the Bronx bombardier ambled around the bases.

That caused Dizzy to become more careful in pitching to Goslin. made the Goose swing wildly at two change of pace balls and then induced him to ground out to Durocher. Fuliis, who replaced Orsatti in centertleld In the seventh inning, Bingiea alter one was out in the Cardinal ninth but failed to get beyond first base. Rogell opened the Tiger ninth with a single to left and moved to second when Owen lined a drive off Dean' knee and was retired when the ball bounded over to first base. But BUI wa tagged out when Fox bounded to Martin.

Walker batted for Hogsett and ended the inning by fanning. Football Notes Edgewater football team, formerly Brophey A. C. of Windsor, desires a game for Sunday in Windsor with a club averaging 150 pounds. Call Manager Smith at Windsor 4-3710 or Windsor "His Schooling Must Go On!" jo writes Mrs.

L. C. R. of Detroit. "We've five children and they must have a good start, but we just didn't have the money to get them clothes for school again.

''The summer slipped away before we were ready and the money was not forthcoming. "A neighbor told us about the small loan company and how they had helped and we decided to see them about our problem. "The children will all go to school now and we can repay the loan in such small monthly payments that we really won't miss it, thanks to the small Joan company," Perhaps you have a financial problem that some reputable Loan Company can solve. You will find their advertisements today in the "Money to Loan" column in the Free Press Want Ads. Household Finance Corporation of America Interstate Collateral Loan Co, Walsh Finance Co.

Equity Collateral Loans Regal Finance Co. The Royal Finance Co. The City Finance Co. DM BIKE EMCE AIL SCffl MMT Tht Witty Clown at BoitMl. Cf Miuttr at Caramoniea, Aefaytitf tha Highlighta at tha War id Sarin, Ftaturti in tha NEW and LIVELY FLOOR SHOW, AT DETROIT'8 GAY SPOT CLUJUB MAXME i7 OLYMPIAN STARTS SUNDAY NIGHT, 9 P.

M. I a- I I I I I yJ Tha facta upon which thl lvfr(laemfrit ia haH wira takn frnm the oclarauon road, by loan borrower. 75 E. Verner ANoDUR RUBY AND HIS World's Greatest Riders Competing Admission 75c, $1.10, $1.65, $2.20. 40c With BORIS ROMANOFF at the Piano Daily and $1.50: Sat.

$2 00 Dinner LeLuxt, $130 Nm Cwr Charge rraa Minimum raratng maata ail. Mg..

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