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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 24

Detroit, Michigan
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JUNE .12, 24 SATURDAY 6 Pttorft gxtt THREE BANDITS STUDENTS HEAR BARTLETT TO SPEAK PALESTINE MOVE AT S.A.R. MEETING PRAISED BY MAYOR BILL IS PASSED ADMIT ATTACK DR.FRANKLIN Speedometer Out Of Order; Woman Gains Leniency Bartlett Shows Mercy to Speeder Who Was on Way to Repair Part. Court Blocks Neighbors' Try To Oust Pioneer Man Lived 30 Year in One Locality, Others Two Years, Plaintiff States. Trio in Shooting of Earl Mul- Speaker Points Out Difference New President General Address Detroit Chapter. William H.

Bartlett of Adrian, prpidt'nt-gnrl of the Son of the American Hevolutlon, will th principal speaker at the annual inpetliiK of the Detroit chapter to reed Involve Blind Pig Keeper in Deal. U.S.HoldsWoman Cousin, Nephew Mr. Joye Warden, a Chicago woman, was rraigt. an Immigration charg. Knd' for J.

Stanley Kurd, United commissioner, aa th rult alleged fallur of her eousin Kennedy, late of Belcjar to return to Canada tft.r her In Detroit Kennedy and Mn. Warden had never seen each other responded when he reached TV. following which they Miller, of Chicago, a nenh Mrs. Warden. day.

When Kennedy orerstay.s leave, federal agents took the into custody. Kennedy arid were arraigned with Mr All three pleaded not iulltv 'H were held for xamtnation in of 12.600 each. on ln '4 Between Learning, Knowledge, at H. P. Junior College.

Tolntlnc out th distinction between knowleda-e and wisdom, and outlining the function of an Insti August Foforo, 17S3 Omlra avenue, 20 year a resident of the While Earl Mulreed, 73 Stlmson $165,000,000 Provided States for Highway Construction to July 1, 1929. Washington, June il. Wy the Associated Tresa.) The urnate late today passed the $165,000,000 fedora aid road bill, already approved by the house. Th vol was II to Renator avenue, shot Thursday In an apart held Monday evening; In the Uni tution of higher learning, Ir. mcnt, at 4263 Cass avenue, lay in a critical condition at Receiving honpttal, four men wera arrested and three are said to have confessed to the shooting, Implicating neighborhood In which he lives, obtained from Judge Harry J.

Dlnge-man Friday an Injunction restraining Mr and Mrs. Lymon E. Hus-s-jng, 1 7 2 Omlra avenue, from carrying out alleged threats to put him' out of th neighborhood by fgrc. Th plaintiff charged that th defendant announced a general in Extends Greetings to Workers for Jewish Homeland. Mayor John W.

Smith Friday expressed warm sentiment for th movement amons: Jewish people for the rebuilding of their homeland In Palestine. In a letter addreed to Philip Blomovlti. chairman of the Detroit Jewish National Fund committee, th mayor wrote: "It I a pleasure to express, formally, the irreetlnif of the people of Detroit to member of th committee of th Jewish National fund. Th occasion of the carnival and open forum at Rochester park, appears to afford good opportunity for the expression of the general good will of the cltlsen of Detroit towards the people and purpoae accentuated throiiKh the medium of the Jewish National fund. "Th Idea of those active In th Jewish National fund Is to redeem the soil of Palestine.

It I a thought which ha gripped th Imagination the fourth. The thre who are aald to have confessed are: Howard Hathaway, tention of ridding the district of foreigner and specifically mention zt year om, i.e.ier Krencn, 21, both of 360.1 Went Warren avenue, and Itlchard Arter, 173S finish atreet, The three have told nolle that ed his family a part of the fur-turn Denotation. In some eases Ignorance 1 bliss; In court case It' sometime lucky, ft was Friday morning when Mr. Marl, 2177 I.llllbrldge avenu. wag hailed before Judge Bartlett, charged with speeding 28 mile an hour, on Krchevai avenue, between Peyburn and I'arker avenue.

"Were you going 2 mile an hour?" th Judge asked. "Maybe I wa and maybe wasn't. Th nnVer said I wa anyway." Mrs. Kldt nervously replied. "Couldn't you read your speedometer?" "When It we working I could read It.

Hut It wasn't working th day I waa caught. I waa going right down and have It fixed. I didn't think I was traveling over 20 mile an hour." "Will you have your speedometer repaired?" "Ves, sir." "In that event I'll find you not guilty." "Thank you Judge, thsnk yon." "Your welcome, Mr. Eldt, you're welcome." And the monotony of "80-60-BO" broken for the first tlm alnc June 1, James J. Corbett, who Is said to operate a Mind pig In th apart- Fogoroa deacrlbed I 1 In court as an American citizen.

He said the Ilussong have lived at their present addreas only about IMPROPER LEFT TURN PUTS QUARTET IN jail versity ritiD, 1411 f.asr jerrerion avnue. The meetlnff will be preceded by a dinner. This will be the first addre by th new elected at the national congress of the or-ganitatl'in held In Ihlladelphla recently, bartlett Is the first Michigan man to he sn honored. Klection of ollleers of th chapter will he held at this tlm. The present oltlcer are Charles W.

Dicker-son, president; (leore A. IJucharme and' Kdwln lenby. vice-presidents; E. Van Syckle, secretary; Rev. M.

Luther C'anup, chaplain: Charles A. Kenter, historian, and Frank O. treamirer. Standlnir committees will make, their yearly reports and delegates to the national congress will report at the meeting. reportFof'employers shows 242,501 working The Employers' association labor barometer, which Include two-thirds of the Detroit district factory workers, show the number employed here thl week at 242,501.

Although thl la a decrease of more than a thousand since last week, Is a gain of 4,504 over the ame eek of last year. mem wnere me snooting occurred, Instlgnted the affair. The three men said they hsd held up Mr. Minnie Hoy, 7 Ktlmson avenue, and had taken money from of peoples of all race through many Bingham and McLean of Connecticut, Metcalf of Rhod Inland and Moses of New Hampshire, llcpiib- llcana, and Kdwards of Naw Jersey and Gerry of Khod Island, Imo-crata, comprising the opposition. Tha bill, altKhtly amended by the aanata, continues federal aid to tates for road-buildiiiK until July 1, 1X29.

at the resent rnle of annually for the iteneral construction and annually for roada In lha national forest and parka. Kastern senators opposed to the mraaure contended their stste are forced to pay an unreasonable portion of the appropriation, while supporter of the bill hold It fatl-ure to pas would disrupt the road- i building program of the nation. LIGHTWBOLT HITS STREET CAR Failure of four young to make a left hanrf lurn in ,1 Corbett, who had helped plan the proved style led to their two year. DEAfHllOlRS HOLDUP RING day In Detroit on charges a stolen car here from The vouth. Klm.r noKiup.

nen MUlrseil, who wa In the place, oamo to Mra, lloy'a aid, Frem Is said to have ahot him in the abdomen. He haa not regained consciousness since th shooting. centuries. It appeals to all person who Instinctively admire those who are steadfast In their faith, unyielding In perseverance and firm In their purpoae through adversity or success. One of the great qualities of the Jewish people ha been their love for home and homeland.

"I desire to exprens to the members of the committee and those Crews and John u'fr r.A ..4 .1.1,. TC Rep. McLeod Asked Continued From I'ge One. old, wer taken Into cusL 1 Military and Jefferson avenue, er a patrolman watched them a turn without signaling. All Cincinnati as their horne They will be arraigned before J.

Stanley Hurd. UnlU State commissioner. To Speak on Coast active In the cause In which they are Interested, my warmest personal good wishes, as well as the formal good will of the city of seen of th murder, they arrested Orlando and found that one shot 10,000 CHILDREN ARE GIVEN OUTING had been fired from a pistol un M. trnnklln urtflreaseo tne Kradua-tion exercise of the Highland I'ark Junior College last night. Th purpose of going to school," he said, "la not merely to aeek knowledge.

It 1 rather to gain "We are accustomed to stress overmuch perhaps the eras materialism of the man of today and not to give him due credit fur the rnawlng hunger of hla aoul," aaid r. Frank Hn. "Despite everything, he Is chafing against the chains which th workaday world has put upon hla spirit. He realise painfully enoiiKh that ho Is part of that great seething, crushing, pushing throng whose avid eyes turn toward material achievement aa the burning eyes of some wild beast toward Its prey, but In this very self-realisation, he hate lilmself and wishes to become something better than he is. "And It Is this very fact that la the aavlng force in our civilization.

If all men were content to go on as they are, seeing nothing beyond their goal of gold and believing in nothing hlKher than having and holding, then might there be no hope for the moralist and no Incentive for the preacher of righteousness. "Hut I for one believe that man's better nature, stunted and crushed though to some eitent It may he by modern conditions. Is not wholly dead. I believe that there la discernible amid the grasping greed of our time, aomo sign of higher aspiration and of saner purpose. 1 believe that human values are coming to be more keenly sensed and that by however slow degrees, are beginning to realize that no man Is a complete man whose field of vision I limited by his materlul concerns.

Our eye have been opened to the futility of mere physlral competition and we are learning that the greatnes of peoples I to be measured less In the terms of their contributions to the world material reeoureea than in the term of their gifts to the humanities, to the arts and tha sciences, and the general culture. "All I shown In the new stress that Is being laid upon the need of giving to th youth of the nation an ever hlxher appreciation of the necessity of an Intellectual and a moral and a spiritual equipment for the business of life. That preparation for' complete living la the chief function of education, was covered In the bedroom. Further search by detectives revested a second revolver and a change box, similar to that worn by oil service station attendants. It Boys and Girls Under 8 Are Chicago Electric Storm Injures 20, Starts 40 Fires.

bperltil to Free Preaa from Oh1faio Trltnir, Chicago, June 11. More thnn 20 paiaona were Injured, eevcrul seriously, and 40 flri's wen caused In lava than nn hour this evenliiK by a epei'tartilar electric sturtn whim wept Into Chicago from the north Community Fund Guests. Ten thousand girl and boyi By Tree t'reaa Private I.cit.r Wire. Waahlngton, June II. Mra.

Genevieve Allen of Los Angeles today cnlled on Itepreaentative Clarence I. of Detroit, and Invited him on behalf of the California league opposed to capital punlah-ment to fill a number of speaking engugernent on the weat coast this fall in a campaign about to be waged for tha repeal of California death penally. An attempt will rdsd to r-peal the law at th licit session of the legUlnture. Itepreeentatlv McT-eod wn active during the past year In th legislation drafted to abollah capital piinlahment In the Instrlit of Columbia and Introduced a bill in tha house but It did tint get nut of committee, He took th Invitation under advisement. under th age of eight years, were gueets Friday afternoon of th Detroit Community fund at 1111 11 In th second of th fund' annual "SUMMER -EASE" Straw Jfats $3 SAI TO SUY lT TO ITS IASV TO WIAS yfal avhfi Si to picnic for this year.

Th ten thousand war too young to attend the plcnlo of Thursday when other thousands, much older. crowded on the Island and lunched and played to their heart' content. If Friday' crowd wa too young ws filled with pennlc and quarters. While police were at the apartment Manlacl appeared and was arrested. Infectives later rounded up Joseph Lovedo, 20 year old, 2192 Helvldere avenue: Louis Cucchl, 21 years old, 635 Wllklns atreet, and Peter Homereto, 20 years old, 2035 Joseph Campau avenue, who are believed to have been witnesses to the Bhootlng.

Lel'age waa arrested at his home. Odlcers who were responsible for the errests and ultimate confessions of the trio are Petectlves Norvll Marlette, Max Walfogel, Arthur I'leper, William Del, Isle and William I'endegrass, of the black hand squad. Virginia Knight, 19 year old, 073 Stlmson street, a guest at the Orlando apartment, also Is being held as a police witness. Woman Heard Scream. Mrs.

Eddie La Rouche, who occupies an apartment dlrecty below the Orlando, said she heard a scream and a shot and rushed upstairs where she found four men flouring cold water on Mrs. Orlando, an effort to revive her. "In their confusion they were dragging her acros the floor until I Interferred. I heard Orlando, who was speaking to one of the men say: "If hadn't fooled with that gun." west. Two policemen, directing traffic In front of the Mercy high school, where Cardinal Mundlt-lii waa presiding at frrnduatlnit exerclaes, wore struck by a bolt of IlKhtmnK and one wna possibly fntiilly Injured, Another bolt at ruck crowded surface car, nnrl 20 paasetijeia were stunned.

The condition of hcvithI of these waa deacrlbed as aorlous. KiiKrna J. Nevlns, waa the policeman moat seriously Injured. 11 limy not recover. A panic ensued when the street car was struck.

Three of those most aerlously Injured were trampled In th" mad iiikIi to get out of the cur, the roof of which caught fire. Peddler of Dope Sent to Prison to play with thos of Thursday, they wer certainly able to hold their own In tha matter of nol making and eating. No program had been arranged for the picnic, hut It take no organised program to entertain thn under eight. Ktlouette waa forgotten and cantlle.i and lc cream, the latter supplied through the klndne of said more than half a century ago by Herbert Spencer. Hut we have enlarged upon the connotation that l.ealle Thomas, in years old, who was arreated May 23, with 27,127 grains of moiphino Illegally In his pnaseaslon, one of the biggest drug hauls ever made here, police say.

pleaded guilty to violation of the anl l-nurrMie law Friday and was sentenced to serve frmu two to five year in Jueksuu prison. red winder, were stowed awsv In quantities that anmetlme worried he read Into that term. By complete living, we mean not as he did, an adequate and unfailing adapta Court Rules Out Dog's Board Bill tion or the Individual to in work that he wa best fitted to do- mo grownups In charge of the plc-nlrkera. When every little vleltor had eaten hla nil, be had more thrust upon him to take home to thone In the family stlli younger. Hulglng cheeks spoke of satisfaction at the tables, noise the pleasure of children treading on though of course that remains basic but In addition thereto, we mean Asks Flag Display Here on June 14 SECOND DANCING by complete living, the development of the whole man, the man physical, the man Intellectual, th man moral, and the man spiritual.

"The man of wisdom knows whnt la worth retaining and what should be thrown upon the Junk heap or piled Into the lumber room. And to grn.s inaieaa or city curbs, and sleepy eea nd quiet hands and fe-t shouted of exhaustion at the end of a perfect day, while the house threaded th traffic toward hum. A verdict of no rmiM for action rctttiriitd Friday In the court tf JftMirri M. Jt ft i Jim tlm of tln pnrA, In it milt in uhlrh John Trniuhli'V. farmer living njtr lUrntlnptiHin.

united $117 of Hen-Jnmln 1'HtiziM! tr boardm a colli 1-2 wfkn. iMinr.lKcr, from whom Trornhley nntfd th farm, denlid liiftklnK a vrtnl rnntrurt for rare of th if and denied ownership of th animal. PROGRAM GIVEN do la require more than knowledge, it needs that wisdom which Merchant nd HtUent ot Wayna county ar urm! In a rnoluUon pANd by lh W'ayn county round) of th Amerlenn ieg.n to dmplay (ho American tin on Monday, June 14, National KIhk dv. Tlm rennlu-tton wan jmrjid following iiActtnnt of una a a diy for paying proper respect to 'UId tilory.1' Shingle Maker's Wife Gets Decree never comes to us from the outside. It need that wisdom which Is Inevitably and Invariably the result Bomtelle Students and Mile, Cassan Present Recital.

of struggle of struggle. If you will, sanlnst the forces of the world outside and against th pusslons of th soul within. Alleged Dope Vendor Nabbed WOMAN SEEKS TO FIND MOTHER AND SISTER Toungsters making their first "Wisdom has conscience for Its publlo venture and the embryonic mentor. Knowledge and culture are guided only by the Intellect Mr Mabel Young. 17 Perry boulevard, fitrathmoor.

Krldav was given a divorce by Judge Arthur Webster from Allison s. Youngs, owner of the Cadillac Stained Nhlngle company. Youngs accused her husband of Infidelity and drunkenness, which he admitted, but denied Pavlowas of more mature years were presented Friday afternoon In recital at the Hotistello playhouse, when the dancing school of the Ilon- Mine Stella Skanoaka, of Wale-moie Inn, N. has asked uhl In locating her mother ami slater from whom ahe haa had no Knowledge will sharpen the wits. Wisdom will build character.

The one will show us how to make a living. The other will teach us how to live," word In ttie tat nine montha. The stelle Dramatic Training school offered Its second ix-ogram. The mother, Mrs. Hertlia for Jake tlnnkln.

JS yenr old. wn arrested ut 6311 Howard atreet, hint night by hetectlvra lliiuh Qiiinn and Lloyd Poane of the nnieniic sijund ot) a charge of violating the drug law, after they had! ounces of dope valued at fl.GOO they aahl. school I under the direction of Mile. Victoria Cassan, assisted by Olga merly lived at SIS 1'olk street, Ktver The atater Mrs, John, nee Alice llortlck, formerly other allegation. He (lied an answer but no crossbill In the suit.

A property settlement wo made out, of court, under which Mrs. Youngs i given their home and tlfld a of 4 Kllnow street, mver Kougit, Society Woman Granted Divorce monin ir an remains unmarried. Charging hi wife with bed temper, lannea and that she broke a vase over his head In a doctor's of-flre, Jesse Valentine Friday filed 'Pretty soft foryou right now! $75 $70 $65 Silk-Lined Suits by Jfart chaffner hiarxr- Only "mi ior uivorce against Airs, t.enu Philadelphia. Jun It Mr Annette Koblnaon, prominent In New York and I.onr Island society, today was granted a divorce from her husband, Atmore Hoblnson, In common pies court here, on grounds of desertion. He-for her marriage Mrs.

Ifobtnson was Annette Forsyth Colgate, daughter of Hubert Colgate, of Flushing. I. I. valentine, i hey weer married last January and aeparated Thursday. Man Leaves $25 To Each Bearer 1' rlcker.

Distinguished by artistic settings, lighting effocts and costumes, the three divisions contained ballets, ensembles anil solo numbers devised by Mile. Cassan. Originality and sprlghtllness characterized the legends. Thayer Huberts, who appeared in support of Mile. Cassan.

In several excellent dances, lticludiag "The Sacred Lotus." a cymbal dance, and the Ilacchanale, did the costume for the first and second of these, with striking result. "Trie Spider and the we given as the result of a contest among Mile. Cassan's pupils. Miss Alma Merrick, who danced as the spider, arranged the story of the ballet, and designed the costumes and settii'g. Miss Hose Mary Leitch appeared this as the graceful, fluttering ninth.

Among others whose work indicated particular ability were Miss I.eora Seibert. in a solo polka: Miss Ansel Hall, as queen of the fairies. In "On Magic Night." and little Marjorle ScheTreen, who played the child In "The Squaw Man," and was "FumfT In "One Maglo Night." Th program of 2S number Tea varied and delightful In spirit, thoroughly creditable to Mile. Cassan's Inspiration and training. II, B.

Old Policeman Quits Service Detroit Marines To Visit Capital A of ITU to e.i.-h of his pallbearers is mentioned 111 the will of John Collins, tiled for probata Friday Mr. Collins, who a also known as John I'anahar, June 6. leaving an estate worth several thousand dollars. The will directs that all the money he given bis housekeepar, Miss Fteiu sillier, except th bequest to the pallbearers and 100 fur bis son, Wllilani Br Tree Pre Private leased Wlr. Washington, Jun 11, A company of murines enroute from le-trolt to Quant Virginia, for a lb-day training period will stop In Washington for S.t minutes Monday and will be welcomed by Representative clarence j.

Mcleod of lie-trolt. The Detrolteri will breakfasted inlon station by th lied Ctoss. ALIENS" ARE INVITED TO PATRIOTIC MEETING Phrenologists Block Removal JudR Harry J. Plngcman Friday sinned a temporary Injunction re straining the police from raiding or Interfering with four phrenologists established on Jefferson avenue, nenr Hello Isle bridge. The plaintiffs told thn court that police have More than 1 adult members of Oetrolfs formsr) colony will attend the pageant of as the guests of the e-nie hoard of education and the ntwirMtv of l'etrolt on July 6 pageant will be presented by the I'nlverslty of De Charles C.

Van Antwerp, SO year old. liiiedisale avenue, for years a member of the police fie-purtuietit' and for the past ellit years an ottlcer assigned to recorder's court, retired Friday. Van Antwerp joined the police department February 1901, and has recently been on duty in Judge Donald Van Zlle's court. ordered them to vacate, although tlielr rent Is In advance to i'c-tcber. The four are Hussell Johnson, 742f, Fast Jefferson avenue, troit Alumni aocintion.

Julr 3-1. Red Run No. 1 is located in the midst of the livest suburban development around Detroit, for the simple reason that an increasing number of people are finding that living in the suburbs is healthier. They are building in spots serviced by paved, direct highways. Values increase faster there.

Red Run is in the midst of such a development. at the I'ntve of Detroit Btad-iM-nue and Six Mile novation of the 'th unniversary of fie Declaration of PLAN TO PURCHASE MONTICELLO STARTED Thorn Marks, 7 Fast Jefferson avenue; John Marks. 7452 Fast Jefferson avenue, Hnd Stev Millar, 6 1 East Jefferson Sister Identiies lum. l.lvero..; road, In cc on hundred tha slgniCK Independet The In the nlphf canlzittlou 5 are students of the Amerl-o of the board of a preparing to be-' the I'tilted States in Kngllsh, education come citizens Woman of Mystery Excutrv chtrmtn th vpral commit tes now 1 fir nullum, in iM'troit ftr th pirpose of pi, -i nning thU city's pai tf. in the observance of I'ii IN MAKING it so easy for you to do business with us we find it possible to remind the devotee of custom that here's an economical way of realizing all his objectives without sacrificing any of his ideals.

Which is just our slangy way of suggesting that these 75, 70 and 65 Silk-Lined suits at '50 are real Cadillac quality at a Chevrolet price. But, don't encourage us to say too much about them in the newspaper. The way to discover how good they are is come and sec JCart chaffner 3tarx uits of Assured Cjfineness at a Sun Savn $3350 SIZM CP TO 10 EXTRA TROISERS. II by taking -tory and i fi set 1 1 tu centennial if inijVpetuience Hurt in tf.e juirch'tfe FAILS TO BREAK GAMING HABIT, TAKES POISON Thomas Jefferson, to prsorvrd a a national nhriro n. fit the Statler Friday.

It i p-annci ve all commit -ry r- i.tM June on which it juint. conference-. uneheuti will be at tht StutltT. and Campbell Roads. Royal Oak Th woman found wandering on HromluHv rnr.y Ti.ftd,-ty, rind in A 'out, ehot iul nn.l who lin In llet'lvinK S'lfTertnK from )oin of memory.

was led' ns orris. :0 Vfurs old, 20 West Ken Hvenu. lirr siMtt't. Mis. I.HnrH M-Vunn Th woiiimii, who hdd it iih T1 a to tinthlnft ron priiiiis: for three tcniMjibeied hr niter's nme Krldiiy ami hn wan ffiiiVd.

Ml as Morns a patient nt tha hot-tltnl. Mrs, MrOnnn her nlfter wis nltjitt't to attack itmnt'la. U-h he' 'uu4i1nt Im i -yMr fM, poison 1'; Up Uf'peatii 1 (Mil W'U ci.le. cf gambltnc hM "ii him tin hf 1 rink Mlrtrr.1, 23 snty -flrnt tref. if hIIo 'nht tn hi hunv.

to break the nn.1 caitt the that of sut- litV inn say his roiiditUMi W. C. T. U. WILL OBSERVE FLAG DAY ON JUNE 15 Ten minutet from Widtr-Woodward and John IS minuttt horn Highland Park.

V' ut-- il VI i DETROIT MAN MAKES GIFT TO OVVOSSO CHURCH the Women's I niipii, will cs WUlnrd reft. The "'is- at luncheon. am in Mt 221 icoin I'ark, at FRENCH FRANC AGAIN HITS LOWER LEVEL Petrolt rhristtn Tenipfran-nipt Jmi at 4t)7 St ih.s business session, a. ill he with ft i at'Tfrnoon 'I atiin wiii hoid a rtiandlcr flvt'iui''. l.i p.

Jun 17. Sinvial to Th V. Vt tnvos so. June -t A. II 1.

4 1 Ht i-oit i ti of let tors, has offl- Vnri. the A- Wrench franc -th dollar to- -Mterday. He- 2 boir'1 of tha rwuwi.t Methodist ociat'd 1' h-irch that ho k'v to 1 Hlumpcd i'-tiv th t'tpn-if if bin bl in day a bk- l. i-. hoiise for rfmr h.

The! cent 1 1 ston and ii pp rehf efVct on the on th" America Is Proud Of Him Today AH outdoor recreations, churches and school, bus and street car service available. Improvements include sewers, water, graded streets, shade trees, and sidewalks. Call at office for complete details. So-Lite Mohairs andTailored Palm Beach Suits to take hot weather off the mind fs honor pm-'Mits, Mn J. H.

Svi. ntnt Kf was putor if church 31 Cool Dixie Weave Suits of smart weightless worsteds by Hart Schaffncr Marx $25 OTHERS AT 110, IMS AND wheat li.jtirse ht'wev follow ci; lo Kca.1 the of the rie as an ex- p. It f-t. Mctei rains, ion of fine p'-nit'if of th bie5mir pi. i on H'nf For Your opy o' "The ColJtn Drlug" A 5fuiffrd Sunty of 15 ai' H.i:iT.!r I Th Miof" of th no rrrnttry of a lor to he li not catch up v.

hat l-rcn 3d it tn S'-ction, Vv OTHIM llf.VP sfory rf a -Walter Mi: not i heatn- i 11 tl liiwv-K s. jne-ci th.e vf th rti- r.i! trv RAMEY Jl PARTNER IN HUU.VtVOOn STUDIO The Purity cf Cuticura CLAYTON'S (Uhigan at inc DETROIT'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE MEN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL STORE The Storaifellz-Loveley o. Michigan's Largest Washington Boulevard Realtors -CidilUc 6810- liuiidinj ii a .1 ,1 i 'v -i- ''iiV of th cuiy rrt- Makes It Unexcelled i For AllTcilet Purposes Magazine Section Sunday's 1'rcc Press.

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