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Detroit, Michigan
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Li WEATHER Cloudy www EDITION FEB 2' 1831 A CENTURY OF SERVICE 1931 met PRICE: THREE CENTS iooth Year. No. 295 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 23. 1 03 1 EI II EEN PAGES til 7 PUT mi 1111 fc fnlfiTlffil fc1 i (yj 3 lyj iiu iyi Liu education survey heads here GRID STAR FIGHTS PRINCIPAL WHILE SCHOOL LEADERS TO DISCUSS NEW TEACHING PLANS LOOK ONimi PLANK I I 3 -k lift A4b f. VIM'5 Prominent educators from the far east and west attended a meeting of the board of consultants of the National Survey of the Kduratinn of Teachers In the Fort Shelby hotel Mindav.

Leaving the meeting (left tn right) are Dean W. W. Kemp, I'nlverslty of California: W. J. Cooper, I'nited States commissioner of education; K.

S. Krenden. of Columbia university. New York, and W. W.

Charters, of Ohio State university. The board was provided for by the seventy-first congress and It study I to continue for the next three years. DEMOCRAT DRYS DOOM Claim Enough Votes to Avert Resolution March 5. PARTY WARNED BY METHODISTS Anti-Prohibition Men Are Mentioned for Presidency. Wasnington, Feb.

22. (A.P.) Enough votes to defeat a wet resolution at the March 5 meeting of the Democratic national committee were claimed today by Senator Morrison, of North Carolina. The prohibition storm has broken over the Democrats as a result cf persistent reports that Chairman Raskob of the national committee intends to seek a commitment of the party against national prohibition at the speoial meeting. Senator Morrison's claim today revealed a movement by the drys to prepare for any prohibition faintest which may arise at the conference. Move to Avert Outbreak.

While the militant prohibition faction of the party Is arming for action, the veteran Democratic chieftains on Capitol hill are moving to avert the threatened prohibition outbreak by calling off the reported wet resolution. The support of Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the party leader in the senate, is counted upon by the drys if the Issue comes to a showdown. Senator George, of Georgia, the presidential candidate of his state in the 1928 convention, has joined with the Democratic leaders who contend the prohibition issue is not one for consideration by the national committee. At the same time there came another warning to tha Democratic party from the Methodist Episcopal board of temperance to "stop slapping Democratic dry -sett the face" and to keep "moral issues" out of the 1932 campaign, Roosevelt In Limelight. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential booms are budding, with the anti-prohibition faction of the party putting forth most of the candidates.

Governor Roosevelt, of New York, Is mentioned frequently here in Democratic discussions. He has declared lor repeal of national prohibition. Last night the Illinois Democrats formally opened a campaign for Jamea Hamilton Lewis, senator-elect, for the presidency. Continued on Page Column S. SHOTS HERALD CHICAGO VOTE Violence Reign; Capone Back for Election.

Chicago, Feb. 22. (A. Pre-election violence ran rampant In Chicago tonight. alugglngs, two kidnaping ami an attempt upon the life of an aldermanlc candidate were reported to officials.

Theodore Clifford, candidate for alder- -man, said two shots had been fired at him from an automobile. One of the bullets broke the windshield of his car, and he was cut by glass. Chicago, Feb. 22. (UP.) "Scar-face" Al Capone whisked mysteriously Into Chicago tonight, two days before the primary election to select nominees for mayor.

1 A bodyguard of two motorcycle policemen was assigned simultaneously to watch John J. Lyle, a Republican candidate, until Tuesday, while authorities laid widespread plans to prevent bloodshed at the polls. Capone arrived in a shiny black limousine, lined with armor plate. He went immediately into hiding. Continued on Page .1, Column 4.

Refo rms In elig io Seen By Cpllege Head 25 BOYS Athlete Expelled for Part in Battle in Class Room. CAME TO AID OF SCOLDED YOUTH Officials of Rochester School Are to Be Dropped. By Free Press Staff Correspondent Rochester, Feb. 22. Feeling bet ween students and high school authorities which came to a climax Thursday, In a fist fight between Principal David G.

Millard and two students, resulted In the announce ment today by school board authori ties that the contract with Millard will not be resumed and that one of the boys had been expelled. The board also announced that Superintendent of Schools E. Parker's contract will not be renewed, but for other reasons. Lyle (Red) Knapp, football tackle, who fought Millard until both were spattered with blood as they rolled on the floor while 25 students formed a ring around them, has been expelled, Henry George, secretary of the school board, said this afternoon. I'p Before Board.

Following the flat fight in the high school shortly after classes ended Thursday, the school board held a hearing Friday night at which Millard, Stuart MacDonald, Clarence Rewald and Edward Church, the last three, students and witnesses, were heard. MacDonald, 17 years old, about whom the fight centered, said that, as he walked Into a session room at the school, Millard called him. MacDonald answered, "just a minute Mr. Millard." and walked to the door to speak with a girl. When ha returned, he said, Millard asked whom he had seen, and he explained it was a friend.

VI refused to tell -him more ar.a wis standing with my hands In my pockets and resting on one foot when he started to hit me with bis fists. He knocked me off balance and pushed and fought with me out in the hall. Knapp, who with about 25 other students, was in the building, came and separated us. He then went back to his desk. Knnpp dots In Fight.

"Mr. Millard then insisted I come back into the room as he wanted to talk to me. I wanted him to promise that it would be a talk and not a fight. He began the fight again. This time Knapp came out, grabbed us and said: It makes me mad all over to see a man your age lighting with Continued on Fage 2, Column 5.

RICESEESFOE IN Methodist Pastor Says Pope's Domain Lies in Hollow of Dictator' Hand. Premier Benito Mussolini, of Italy, is the greatest enemy of liberalism and democracy In the world today, Dr. M. S. Rice, pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist church.

Woodward and Chandler avenues, declared Sunday night in his sermon on "Rome-King-Dictator-Pope." Dr. Rice described Rome as the moat Interesting city in the world. He called Italy a new nation with a dual idealism to Some a joy, to others a dread. He asserted thut Italy'g complicated problem is to determine the priority of power held by the king, the dictator and the pope. Links Mussolini, Stalin.

Dr. Rice told of Mussolini's strength and characterized Mussolini and Stalin of Russia as personalities having world Influence. He reviewed the Italian dictator's influence in bringing the concordat of church and state in Italy. "For 60 years the church and the state were estranged," Dr. Rice said.

"Not until Mussolini took matters in hand was the final solution made. It effected the long-desired reconciliation which now Continued on Page 2, Column t. Would you like To know how Women are Treated In Russia under th Soviet regime? Turn to page 8 of today's Free Press and read the interesting interview with HELEN CHRISTINE BENNETT, who hat recently returned from several months in Russia. This noted writer was in Detroit last week, and told many interesting things to William C. Richards who has set them down for readers in Today's Free Press Means for Bettering Individual Child to Be Found.

TALK BY HOUGH OPENS SESSION Noted Explorer Heads Evening Program on Sunday. TODAY'S PROGRAM. Today's program to be followed by the National Education association follows: 9 a. m. General session.

Masonic Temple auditorium, Subject: "The Home, the School, and the Community Working for the Children." 2:15 p. m. Sectional meetings, with classification according to population of cities represented by superintendents. 7:45 p. m.

General session, Cass Technical auditorium. Subject: Byrd Antarctic Expedition, Charles E. Lofgren, personnel officer of Byrd expedition, speaker. i p. m.

General session. Masonic Temple auditorium. Subject: Byrd Antarctic Expedition, Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd, speaker. BY DOROTHY E.

WILLIAMS. Detroit Monday will extend Its official welcome to the 15.000 educational leaders of America, who are convening here in a seven-day meeting to outline a new teaching system that will place the needs of the individual pupil before those ot the group. Delegates, gathered here for tha largest annual professional conference In the world represent the department of superintendence of tha National Education association. to Speak. To aid them In their solution of school problems, a program will be followed during the week which will be distinguished by opinions voiced by eminent authorities front throughout the United States.

The conference will work for the establishment of a "three-track system of education, which will permit the pupil to progress according to his individual ability, sa opposed to that of the group, Norman R. Crozler, president of the organization, and superintendent ot schools, Dallas, Texas, declared. Although a review of educational exhibits Saturday afternoon opened the convention, Detroit officially Continued on Page 2. Column 175,000 LACK '31 AUTO TAGS Must Obtain Them by End of Thi Week; Office Open in Spite of Holiday. About half the motorists In Wayna county still' are using 1930 license plates, according to Joseph J.

Bur-man, manager of the. secretary of state's office here, who is in charge fthe sale of 1931 plates. Between 175,000 and 1S0.00O must get them during the next six day or violate the law in driving, Mr. Burman estimated. The secretary's office, at 3166 Cass avenOe, will remain open Monday in spite of the egal holiday, as will all branches in the county.

After February 28 motorists must have 1931 plates or run the risk of arrest Navy Dirigible Starts lor Home Balboa, C. Feb. 22. (U. The navy dirigible Lod Angeles, supposedly "destroyed" during tha war maneuvers off Panama, sailed at 9 a.

today for its home port, Lakehurst, N. J. Unless adverse winds are encountered, an attempt will be made to complete the flight without a stop and it probably will reach Lakehurst by 9 or 10 a. Monday. The More People Check Results The More They Turn to Free Press Want Ads! Users of Free Press Want Ads tell us that the people who respond to their advertisements are "way above average," folks who can afford to satisfy their wants when they want! Prove it to yourseli.

Phone your want ad today to Randolph 9400 MAN, 94, TAKES 'MAIL ORDER' BRIDE, 63 Trenton, Feb. 22. (A. Samuel Yarrow, at the age of 94, will lead his "mail order" bride of 63 to the altar Monday and his eight children, 47 grandchildren, 38 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandhcildren will help him celebrate. Yarrow lived with his first wife for 60 years.

They had 15 children. His second wife lived nine years and died last October. 3 SHOT DEAD ATTEMPTING CELL BREAK Tipped off Keepers Ambush Five in Joliet Plot. Jollet, 111., Feb. 22.

(A. Two convicts were killed and a third fatally wounded as they were lowering themselves to freedom over the 20-foot wall of the Illinois state penitentiary just before dawn today. All three were serving sentences from Cook county. Two were killed by the first blast of guns In the hands of guards who had information that the break would be attempted and ambushed for it. They were Joseph Norkiewlcz, 31 years old, and Julio Chileno, 39, both convicted on a confidence game charge.

Chileno had served a Jail term at Flint, Mich. Two Reach Safety. Alvln J. Kllman, 34, convicted of robbery," died several hours later In the prison hospital. The prison, housing 1,800 men, wu quiet today and Colonel Frank D.

Whipp, state prison head, temporarily in charge, said there was no prison-wide unrest and none expected. The three men were members of a kitchen detail of five and the plot was confined to that group, Colonel Whipp said. The other two scuttled to safety. They were questioned, but officials refused to reveal their names. Lumber Ladder Used, The men made a ladder out of odds and ends of lumber and scaled a 10-foot wall abutting the outside wall.

They had a steel cable which they hooked over the wall. The am bushing guards called Nor- klewicz plunged straight ahead Into the muzzles of machine guns and dropped. Chileno leaped high over the body and then fell beside Nor kiewlcz. Kilman was wounded flee ing in another direction. Two automobiles parked without lights along a roadside adjacent to the prison and believed to have contained aides roared away toward Chicago.

Guards sent a hail of slugs after the machines, but they escaped. Back In the prison. tha 1,800 convicts who had heard the fusillade and interpreted its meaning, made the dawn weird with their yelling. The noise continued until about 6:30 and then quieted down. 15 Escape, Lifer Caught After Arizona Delivery Florence, Feb.

22. (A. Fifteen prisoners scaled the walls of the Arizona state prison here late today and fled into the desert. One of th fugitives, a Mexican serving a life term for murder, was captured a few minutes later, Warden William Dellbridge said. The warden said none of the convicts was believed to be armed.

Dame Melba Near Death, Doctors Say Sydney, N. S. Feb. 22. (A.

Dam Nellie Melba, Australian diva, who is critically ill here, was gradually sinking tonight. Her physicians sam sne migm not nvr throueh the nieht. Friends and relatives of the noted singer were summoned to her bedside She is suffering from a strange malady believed to have been contracted In Egypt. The ailment apparently is caused by some toxic condition in the blood. WOMAN EX-MAYOR DIES.

Liverpool. Feb. 22. (A. Miss Margaret Beavans, first woman te be lord mayor of Liverpool and known as "Little Mother" because of her interest in child welfare and charities, died here today.

GNATS CALL OUT ALL FIRE FIGHTERS Arlington, Feb. 22. (U. A huge swarm of gnats, 20 feet wide, blown backward by a strong wind, poured from the attic windows of a house here today and a neighbor, who mistook the swarm for smoke, turned in an alarm that brought all the fire fighting forces of the village to the scene. 1CI! dKATUR TOir.HT--0!,YSIPIA Ill 11 2c and iOc Adv.

I 12 WELFARE EATERS POISONED Twelve men who had eaten at a city welfare department food kitchen at Woodbridge and Shelby street were taken to Receiving hospital between 9 p. m. and midnight Sunday suffering from food poisoning. Ail were listed as temporarily serious and kept, at ihe hospital for observation. The men are Fred Kukuk, 3S years old; David Stoddard.

33: Charles Conley, all of 2174 East Congress; William Parker. 38; William Kurth, 37; Joseph Al-vastuto, 36; James Rulter, 38; Harold Edsell, 28: Michael Oir-lona, 44, and Mike Selepuk. 41, all of 13U First street; Raymond Bernoski, 30, of 19603 Fleming avenue, and Richard Ryle, 24, Negro, 502 East Montcalm street. CATHOLIC BISHOP DIES IN ONTARIO Rt. Rev.

M. F. Fallon Expires in London; Was Long 111. Stieclal to The Five PrtM. London, Feb.

22. Rt. Rev. Mjchael Francis Fallon, 63 years old, Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese of London, and outstanding among the clergy of Canada, died suddenly at 9:50 tonight at his home, 90 Central avenge, where he had been confined to his bed for many months. Me had suffered from a lingering malady.

Chief among his educational achievements was the building of a 1500.000 college here for the education ot young men to the priesthood. At his bedside when the end came were Rev. A. P. Mahoney, vlcar-general of the London diocese, and a number of priests.

No details as to when the funeral would be held were given out, although the remains will He in state at St. Peter's cathedral, mother parish of the diocese. Was Widely Known. Few men among the Roman Catholic clergy of Ontario, or indeed the clergy of any other denomination in the province, were as well known as Bishop Fallon. His reputation was not confined to his native province, however.

His name was known throughout the dominion as that of an able cleric, a public spirited citizen and a man who braved adverse criticism with calmness. Dr. Fallon was widely known long before he rose to the dignity and responsibility of the bishopric. He had engaged in a number of public discussions on questions of current interest and any argument In which he engaged at any time in his career always attracted attention. He gave blows and received them in the same equable spirit.

So strong was he in hi opinions that with him a battle either by the spoken or written word, rarely, if ever, was a defensive but rather an offensive one. Yet he was fair, or sought-to be 'fair, in every argument as even his opponents of other faiths have frequently admitted. Bishop Fallon had a wide reputation as a lecturer. Among his hest known lectures were those on Daniel O'Connell, Edmund Burke and other illustrious Irishmen. Popular with the people of his own religious belief, Bishop Fallon also numbered among his friends many Protestants.

The admiration for him was as a man who had risen to eminence in the Catholic church through his own merits and whose advancement meant recognition of high endeavor. Bishop Fallon was born in Kingston, on May 17, 1867, and was the son of Dominick Fallon. He was educated at the Christian Brothers collegiate Institute, Kingston; at the Ottawa university, from which he graduated with the degree of B. A. in 1880.

and at the Gregorian university, Rome, from which he obtained the" degree of D. D. in 1894. He was ordained priest In 1894 and for some years was nrofessor of English literature at the Ottawa university and was vice-director of the university for three years. He was rector of St.

Joseph's church, Ottawa, from 1898 to 1901. He then went to Buffalo, where he was rector of the Holy Angels church from 1901 to 1904. He was provincial of the Oblate order from 1904 to 1909. Continued on Page Column 4. Curative Claimed For Infectious Ills i Vienna, Feb.

22 (A. Professor K. Stejokal, physician in charge of the hospita of the Brothers of Mercy, said today he had perfected a process for rapid recovery from infectious diseases which had proven successful In 70 per cent of the typhoid cases treated. The treatment Is based on injec- tions of milk and dissolved sugar. Astonishing results were c'amed in both typhoid and pneumonia.

Success was said to depend on adoption of the treatment in time before the fourteenth day la the case of typhoid. I JUDGES FROWN ON NEW CODE Webster Says Proposed Condemnation Law Would Congest Circuit Court. BY JAMBS P. POWERS. Several amendments to the proposed condemnation law code, which was introduced in the legislature last will be suggested by the Wayne county circuit judges, it was learned Sunday, when Judge Arthur Webster, presiding during the absence of Judge Ira W.

Jayne, who Is on vacation, said the present draft would Interefere with the work of the court and did not go far enough toward simplifying condemnation practice. The proposed code was the subject of an informal discussion among the' judges last week, and according to Judge Webster, the plan to have all condemnation cases tried fn Circuit court, with a judge In constant attendance, stirred the most objection. Would Delay Work. "The cOurt is Just beginning to catch up with its docket," Judge Webster said. "And if all condemnation cases were to be tried there, instead of 'in other courts as many are now, from three to five judges would be required to devote practically all of their time to such cases.

It would throw the court far behind in its present work, and work hardship on the public which even now has been forced to wait months, and even years, for trial of law cases." The judge expressed the opinion that the proposed code, which was drafted by a special commission, did not go far enough toward simplification of the 40 odd statutes which now govern condemnation in Michigan. He said that while a jury trial as to necessity was Justifiable, consideration by a Jury of all of the routine testimony and evidence of condemnation was not essential or progressive in his opinion. He Continued on Page S. Column 5. latter day school inclined to belittle and besmirch the great personalities of history.

"Those biographers of our national heroes who debase what they touch, slinging mud with careless hands, have a certain following" Dr. J. W. G. Ward told his congregation at the First Congregational church.

"Their forte seems to lie in showing up defects In men whom no one ever accused of being perfect. Any fool can find fault; but if Edgar Lee Masters and others of his ilk put their gifts to bf-Uer use and did a tenth of the good those whom they disparage accomplished, they would merit menuauon rimer than the con-tempt they now arouse. "Few men, If any, tn public life today can measure up to Wasnington," Dr. Ward declared. The matter of supreme concern is whether we have men of his spir.i He sought to common welfare t-never thought of the 'rake off' i' gave his money freely to the lie cause, but shrank from leu rc any one know.

He is a model fur i Woodward Avenue Baptist -church Sunday morning. "The Christian begun with all of the vitality of personal experience and Inspiration from the Master, has lost a groat deal of the power of its original ideal. Like every aging institution, its ideals have been dimmed by the shadow of formalism, and by tradition." Dr. Rainey predicted a complete Continued on Page 2, Column 7. MIAMI WOMEN WAR ON VICE Group of 100 to Assist Ministers' Drive.

Miami, Feb. 22. (A.P.) Walt Whitcomb, Miami minister, today announced a committee of 100 women, bearing standards of Carrie Nation, had organized to rid this city of vice, crime and lawlessness. In the meantime, members of the Greater Miami Ministerial association adopted a resolution deploring conditions in the Miami arrea. The resolution charged "evidences on every side of gambling, bootlegging and prostitution," and as-Continued on Page 3.

Colunm S. 3 OF FAMILY KILLED IN CROSSING ACCIDENT Springfield, Feb. 22. (A.P.) Three members of a family of seven lost their lives and four were Injured in a crossing accident here today. Their automobile was hit by a train.

The dead were Mrs. Mona McNamee, 40: her son, Shelby, 20, and a daughter, Etta, 19. These Savings are Yours if you Buy Now! To the really alert the advertisements are a veritable thrift directory. These Items, part of the advertisements of Sunday's Free Press, are typical of the savings that are yours if you buy now: SU of vantn'i hifhtr priced shoes, at SS.50. Ptrmtnint wavos, by Dalroif promior br- ficiafi, mt SS.SO.

Frtneh Provinimi hmd- rmm sutt, our piocos, -5trp wetchaB for mportm uwar, mR or women, of $tS. Men's moaVas one? broad llh shirts, at tl.SS. Greer variety or AenW- 6ofs, ot tS.91. -Knttt9d suits, in bright colors, mt f.7. Why not Jot down now the things you need? Follow the advertisements directly to the stores.

Let these pertinent messages save you endless searchinga and money as well. The Detroit Free Press Dr. H. P. Rainey, at Woodward Baptist Church, Asserts Youth Will Rule.

Youth demands a workable religion "and will go about seeking it as it seeks to prove scientific principles, by experiment," declared Dr. Homer P. Rainey, president of Franklin college, Franklin, in addressing the congregation of DECISION DUE ON DRY LAW Highest Court May Pass on Validity Tuesday. Washington, Feb. 22.

(A. The supreme court may pass this week upon the validity of the national prohibition law. It will, reconvene Tuesday after a three weeks' recess and a number of important decisions are expected. Included in 46 controversies to be passed on is the decision of Federal Judge Clark of New Jersey holding the prohibition law invalid because it was ratified by state's legislatures instead of state conventions. This case was speeded to the court for an early decision and it was expected in some quarters the opinion would be handed down Tuesday.

I DIE IN PLANK CRASH. Chlno, Feb. 22. (A. Dr.

Thomas C. Young, 46 years old, noted aviator, and Ray Wertz, 32, both of Glendale, were killed near here today when their plane crashed. FRANCE YIELDS NAVAL POINT Barter Submarines for British Support in Controversy With Italy. Paris, Feb. 22.

(U.P.) Definite French proposals looking to the adherence of France to the London naval treaty were a result of Great Britain's efforts to mediate on the Franco-Italian naval building race, It was learned reliably today. R. L. Craigle, British admiralty expert, who has been carrying on the British conversations in Paris and Rome, returned to London to present the proposals to the admiralty. The question of France's adherence to the London treaty was regarded as only one of many important features of the move toward agreement.

Another feature was a move by France to barter the sub-Continued on Tage 3, Column J. Radio Program Amusements Page 4 Page 14 Washington Honored As Citizenship Model Pastor Call Fint President Outstanding Example of 'Christian Banks and court buildings will remain closed Monday in token of the anniversary, Sunday, of the birth of George Washington. There will be only one delivery of mail. Public schools will hold sessions as usual, however. George Washington, not only the father of a country, but the founder of a national ideal, was the sermon subject Sunday in virtually all of Detroit's churches.

The day was the one hundred and ninety-ninth anniversary of the first president's birth and the en during reverence with which the memory of his name and his acts is cherished by America was ap-j parent in the aermon treatment given each phase of his public and private life. Several speakers defended his nam against biographers of the Continued on Pag Column Ji.

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