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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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Price per Annum Price per Month BO THE OFFICIAL PAPER OK THE CITY. ns second-class mutter at the logans- port onice, February 8, 18S8-1 i S. Henderson Sons WANUFACTUBHBB OF FURNITURE, ftND UPHOLSTERS. No. 320 Fourth Street, OGANSPORT.

IND. BOS. 5,7 and 9 Fifth Street. P. M.

BOZER, D. D. S. DENTIST. 4M "Hale Painless Metnod" used In (He fllllnfl orteetn.

Over Staie National Bank Fourth and and Broadway FREE HSADING ROOM, Open Daily ana Evening, 616 Broadway. welcome to All. TIME TABLE "LOQANSPORT UCI BOUTOl ixpteii. dally SiS 81 If Wayne Sunday HflOam Un aty A Toledo IX. raopt Sunday iNutle Kipreti, dully AtoommodaUon for EMt WIST BOBlfB.

facUo 1028am AsooiamodaUon for Weet IZKjU City Rt, except Sunday 3:48 Side, and Chill. U9T BODHI). Sunday. 104)0 WXOT BOUND. iMomodatlou, arrlw, except Sunday, 9:10 aw dattcn.

arrtre. Tho Pennsylvania Bration. is Run by Central Tlmo AM I Dallj. Doilr. eitopt Huniluy.

LOOAMHPOHT TO LKXVIT rdand 3.00nm 8.00am poll. Mid 3.18 a aau a i 8.60 a Local Frelgnt I PJ-JS'S and Colnmbnj. MUoaod Bmcr 8.23 a in 12.10 ApoUaand 1.60 "ndand l.Kpn rdandColombuj a.aupm l.aspm elpbla and Now 2.30 1.36 and Xflner 12.201 77 1.80pm "115 IB and 2.10pm andBtohmond a.80 pm tU.TOare Aooomwlatlon 4.00p M5 t6.6»Pin-fB.<Oaiii H. Logaofpore, Ind. VAN DA LI A LINE.

lad. tVR THK HOBTH. it Tan. baft. (MM HI ud for roll mfctniaooo to ntM IND SATURDAY MORNING.

APRIL 7. JUDGE CALDWELL'S DECISION. Judpe Caldwell's decision In the Union Pacific case is one of the clearest expositions of the law the courts can be credited with for some time. The case will become historic by rea- ion of the great significance of the decision. Tho question in dispute was the rlRhts of the receiver to reduce wages in face of the agreement of the oorapany prior to the reoeirershlp that waged should not be reduced without 30 days notice.

The court says: "A corporation is organized capital; it capital consisting of money and property. Organized labor is organized capital; It is capital constating of brains and muscle. What it is lawful for one to do it is lawful for tho other to do. It is lawful for the stockholders and officers of a corporation to aiiooiate and confer together for the purpose of reducing wages of its employes, or of derision of some other means of making their investments profitable; it it equally lawful for organized labor to associate, consult and confer with a view to maintain or increaae wages. Botk act from the prompting of enlightened selfishness, and the action of both is lawful when no illegal means are used or threatened.

"An essential and indispensable requisite to the safe and successful operation of the road id the employment of sober, Intelligent, experienced and capable men for that purpose. When a road comes under the management of a court in which the employ era are conceded to possess all these qualifications, and that concession is made In tho fullest manner lore, tho court will not upon light or irlvlal grounds dispense with their services or reduce their wages. And when the schedule of wages la force at the time the court aeeumos tho management of the road is tho result of a mutual ajrreament between the company and the employes which has been io force for years the court will the schedule is reasonable and just, and anyone disputing that will bo required to ovor- hrow It by satisfactory proof, 'The recommendation of the re- to adopt their schedule can not bo accepted by the court Jor another reason. That schedule was adopted without affording to the men or their any opportun- ty to bo heard. This was in viola- ion of the agreement exlstiig letween the company and tho men, by he terms of which no change of tho chodule was to be made without lOtice to the men and granting a tearing.

In tho selection of election inspec- ors last evening Councilman Wade was fair. Ho moved an amendment hat tho councilmen in the various wards select the inspectors for their Tho Journal does not object thie and commends Mr. Wade for its fairness. But Mayor Read voted igainst a motion to make the inspoc- ors half republican and half demo- rat Ic and by his vote an- ounced that he had no de ire to recognize the fact that tho epublicans had a light to equal epresontatlon. The city is nearly qually divided politically, conbiaer- ng the total vote, and the republicans xpected recognition of this.

Coun- llman Wade does not depend on re- ublican votes and was remarkably enerous; Mayor Read is asking re. ubllcaa support yet was bitterly artisan. C. BDGFWORTH, Agent, NOW IN THE SENATE. nianchMd'i Ambition.Gr»t- Illud at Lut.

Hon. Newton Crain Blanchard, of Shreveport, who was recently appointed to suucecil Justice Edward D. White junior United States senator from Louisiana, was born in Rapiilcs parish, January Uu received an academic education and lii'ffim the study of law ttt Alexandria, in 18CS, cnLeviiig- the law department of the University at New Orleans in tlie winter of ISIiii and graduating' with the choree of bachelor of laws in 1S70. lie begun the practice of law at Shruveport in 1S71 and still continues the practice there. Jn 1870 he was made chairman of the democratic is known asthe "Slclile ot tne spnmx." It in now in the British museum, and is believed to be nearly four thousand years old.

EXPERTS IN HANDWRITING. SENATOR N. C. BLXNCKAKD, LOUISIANA. committee of Caddo parish and took an active part in the politics of the r-tatc.

lie was a delegate to the state constitutional convention of 1879 and served in that body as chairman of the committee on federal relations. He was appointed by Gov. Wlltz, of Louisiana, to the position of aid-de-camp on his staff, with the rank of major, in the Louisiana state militia, and subsequently held a similar position with a similar rank on the staff of Gov, S. D. McEnery, of Louisiana.

He was appointed member for Louisiana on the board of trustees of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. He was elected to the Forty-seventh, Forty- eight, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth and Fifty- first congresses and was reclected to the Fifty-second congress as a democrat. Mr. lilanchurd will servo as senator until the legislature fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge White. The governor lias authority to appoint during- a recess of the legislature only.

Mr, Hlanchunl was a candidate for the senate before the legislature of JSSS, and also before that of 1S92. His promotion to the senate naturally leaves his seat in the house vacant, and an election will lie ordered at once at which his successor will be elected. BRECKINRIDGE'S LIFE. Before rrc-sriit lie Wan a Very 1'opnlur IMnn. A public man whose name is in everybody's mouth just now is William C.

P. ISreckinridg-c, of Lexington, who represents the Seventh Kentucky district in congress, Hrecldnridg-e hus for many years been known as the ''silver- tongued orator of Kentucky;" but his troubles with Madeline Pollard have injured his reputation to such an extent that his faithful constituents may be tempted to dispense with his oratorical talents, for awhile at least. Mr. Ureckhirulge was born August -S, 1S37, He graduated at Center college, Danville, in 1855, and in the law department of the University of Louis- THE Journal this morning contains he announcement of B. Winters as andldate for the republican nomina- lon fop city clerk.

Mr. een engaged In business here for so many years that no extended notice IB ecetsary. Ho served the people of he Fourth ward for several years In he council with credit. IT elected be will fill the position to which he as- ires with ability. THE'-'DEMOCRATS HAVE FIVE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL AND WITH THE MAYOR'S VOTE CAN CONTROL THE 6th, 1892.

WILLIAM C. P. ville in Subsequently he engaged in the practice of Jaw and took a prominent part in political affairs. lie has great fame as an after-dinner speaker; and for a. loiifr time no great democratic gathering- was considered complete without a speech from the Kentucky orator.

of JtJffyptlttn Mumrulei. Competent authorities estimate that not less than 400,000,000 of human mummies were made in Egypt from the time of the beginning of the art of embalming until its discontinuance in the seventh century. Herodotus and Diodorus both agret; in the statement that there were three grades in the embalming process, the first costing not loss than a sum equal to 81,325, the second about one-fifth that amount, and the third cheaper than the common earth burial. The Nnmbor Forty In the Bible. The rain that produced the flood fell for 40 days and 40 nights, Btid after it ceased it was 40 days before Noah opened the ark.

Moses was 40 daya on the mountain fasting, and the spies spent 40 days investigating matters in Canaan before making their report Elijah fasted 40 days in the wilderness, and Jonah gave the people of Nineveh 40 days in which to repent. The 40 days' fast of Jesus is known to all readers of the New Testatament. The Sickle of the Sphinx. The oldest piece of wrought iron in existence is believed to be a roughly fashioned sickle blade found by Belzoni in Karnao, near Thebes. It wag imbedded In the mortar under the of a sphinx, and on that account I Who Dutormliie Mclxntlllc and Skillful.

Regarding the methods made use of to determine authorship, specialists arc naturally reticent. Some of them have admitted, however, the nature of the leading principles which guide them. The philosophy of the matter resits mainly on the fact that it is very rare for any two persons to write hands similar enough to deceive a careful observer, unless one is imitating the Other. "Fists," like faces, have all some special idiosyncrasy, anil the imitator has not merely to copy that of someone else, but to disguise his own. By careful and frequent practice he may succeed well enough to deceive the ordinary man, but is rarely successful in biillling the expert.

Even the most skillful culprit not wholly hide his individuality, as he is to relapse into his ordinary method occasionally. Then, again, great care has to be used, and this can be detected by the traces of hesitancy, the substitution of curves for angles and vice versa, which come out very plainly when the writing is examined under the microscope, as it usually is by the expert. A plan of detection which has been adopted with great success is to cutout each letter in a doubtful piece of writing, and paste all the A's, H's, on separate sheets of paper. The process is also gone through with a genuine bit of caligraphy of the imitator or the imitated, as the case may be. Comparison almost invariably shows that the letters are less uniform if imitation has been attempted, the writer being occasionally betrayed into some approach to his ordinary caligruphy, or momentary forgetful ness of some special point in the handwriting he is simulating.

No point is too small to escape an expert's attention. The dotting of "i's," the crossing of "t's," the curls and flourishes, the intervals between the words, the thinness of the upstroke and the thickness of the down- stroke, are all noted and carefully compared. Where only a has been forged, and that by means of tracings from the original, the resemblance is often so exact, as to deceive even the supposed author, but in these cases the microscope is generally effective in determining not merely the forgery, but the method by which it was accomplished. It is some comfort to know that the cuniiin-j-of the forger is overmatched by the seientific skill of the trained expert. Journal.

Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE 180'J; of the Irish land net, ISTO; and of the elementary educational act, 1SSIO; the abolition of purchase in the army by the exercise of the royal prerogative, in consequence of an adverse vote by the house ot lords on the army regulation bill, 1871: the negotiation of the treaty of Washington respecting the Alabama claims, 1871; the passing of the ballot act, 187S; and the judicature act, 1873. In Aug-ust, 1873, immediately after the close of the session, the cabinet was considerably remodeled, Mr, Gladstome assuming: the chancellorship of the exchequer, in addition to big office of first lord of the treasury. January 24, 1874, a fortnight before both houses were to have met, Mr.

Gladstone took everybody by surprise by announcing immediate dissolution of and issuing his address to his constituents at Greenwich, in which he promised to abolish the income tax At tha general election which ensued the votes were, for the first time, taken by secret ballot. The result proved most disastrous to the liberal party, 851 conservatives being elected, and 302 liberals. Mr. Gladstone at once resigned and Mr. Diaraali became prime minister.

In 187ft Mr. Gladstone, then in his sixty-fifth year, announced his determination to retire from the leadership of the liberal party on account of old ago. But Mr. Gladstone, April 23,1880, for the second time became premier. He acted for three years as chancellor of the exchequer also, but in 1S88 turned the financial work over to Mr.

Childors. The Irish, Egyptian acd franchise questions filled the time of the ministry. After long- and stormy debates the Gladstone government was overthrow)) iji Juno, ISS.X on a vote and the Marquis of Salisbury took oilice. In November following- a general election was held, and the liberals found themselves with a voting about equal to o' thu tories and J'arnclIiU'S combined. The Salisbury ministry was turnnd out, by a snap vole on an agrarian measure, and Mr.

Gladstone, again took cilice. This, his third premiership, is known as the "home rule" adminislralion, for Mr. Gladstone announced that the time had oomi; when justice should be done toll-eland, lie appealed to the country and was beaten by a combination of" tories and renegade liberals, the latter led by Chamberlain, llarlingtou stone, four times prime minister of and Sir Henry Jallies. Mi-. Gladstone GLADSTONE'S CAREER.

Sixty Yearn of Service In the llrltlnh I'lirlliimcnt. The Rt. lion. William Ewart Glad- Great Britain and Ireland, was born in Liverpool, December 29, ISO'J, being the fourth son of Sir John Gladstone, of Kineardlneshire, Scotland. He was educated at Eton college and Christ church, Oxford, was graduated, taking a double first class, in 1S31.

Me entered the house of commons at the general Chicago It coord, election of 1SS2 as memVer for Newark, Young Gladstone began political life I MATTER WHEN VERY COLD. resigned, and Lord assumed office for the second time August 3, 1S80. Since that date Mr. Gladstone was in opposition, until August 15, when, as a result of the liberal victory in the general elections, iie once more became premier the temperature was less. may be some time before this plan can be carried out, but that it Is possible to thus reduce the cost of electrical conductivity by running- an engine to produce cold is certain, and It will be when the cost of copper becomes commercially comparable with the cost of running an engine for such a purpose.

Experiment seems to indicate that all the metals are th an affected by cold, and that at absolute zero their electrical conductivity becomes infinite, or, as it is more generally stated, the electrical resistance of becomes- zero. The other properties of substances are also profoundly changed so as to be radically different what they are under ordinary conditions; cohesion, tensile --strength, malleability, become Jess -Jess. BO it seems alfcigether-prolmble that "the- qualities and states ofr matter to as solids, liquids and gases depend absolutely upon temperature, and that at absolute zero there would be neither solid nor liquid nor gas, and that electrical and magnetic qualities would bo at a maximum. This opens up great field for speculation as to the nature of matter itself, when most of what we call its properties may be emptied out, of it by simply reducing its vibratory motion. uin.

The Origin of I.ORp Year. Leap it appears, is due to the enterprise of the canny Scotch lassies. In the year 1288 a statute was published by the Scotch parliament ordaining that during the reign of "Her Maist Ulessit Majestic maiden and lady of high and low estate should have liberty to speak to the man she likvd. If he refused to- take her to be his wife she should have the privilege of fining him £100 or less, according to his estate, unless he could make it appear that he was betrothed to another woman, in which case he would be free to refuse. After the death of Margaret the women of Scot- laud became clamorous for their privileges, and to appease them another- act of parliament allowed them to propose every fourth year.

the Gallo-Roman times the ladies wore a yellowish jrown, buckled at the waist with blue girdle set with different colored stones. A row of beads or pearls round the neck, a close-fitting cap, cloak, large ear-rings and bright blue shoes, completed a very Dr. Kilmer's SWAMP-ROOT Ha a tory. lie entered at Lincoln's Inn, but never practiced at the bar. Ho had been less than a year in the house of commons when Sir Robert Feel appointed him a junior lord of the treasury, and three months later he became under secretary for colonial affairs.

left office with his chief in April, 1835, and remained in opposition until 1'eel's reeurn to power in 1841. In September of that year Mr. Gladstone was sworn of the privy council and was made master of the mint and vice president of the board of trade. From ltf-13 to 184S he was president of the board of trade. Meantime Mr.

Gladstone had obtained cabinet ollice, his position being that of secretary of state for the colonies. In 1847 Oxford university elected him its representative and this position he Its Properties Aro Found to Vlinngo In fjurprlHlnff Miinncr. The effect of low temperature upon the physical properties of matter is very striking-. For instance, it is found that the vigor of chemicuJ action decreases and the elements apparently lose their ability to combine as their tempera- lure is lowered. Thus phosphorus and oxygen, which so energetically combine at ordinary temperatures, become more and more chemically inert as this temperature is decreased, until at 200 degrees below the freezing point of water they appear to be unable to unite.

This may be otherwise stated by saying that in the absence of heat there -is no chemical ath'nity. Now, heat is known to consist in the internal vibratory motion of nnd molecules of matter, so that it appears that D. H. BILGEE, Esq. Hulmevillc, Pa.

retained for eighteen years. Mr. Glad- nc absence of such vibratory mo- stone broke away from the tory party in 1S51, ihe occasion his conversion to the necessity of university reform and the removal of the political disabilities of Hebrews. He entered the -Aberdeen "coalition" ministry December, 1SI33, as chancellor of the exchequer, a position which he frequently held and in which he made his mark as the master of financial problems. In the early part of 1S08 Mr.

Gladstone brought in a series of resolutions for the disestablishment and disendow- ment of the Anglican church in Ireland. The Irish church suspensory act, based on these resolutions, was adopted, but was thrown out by the house of lords. At the exciting general election which followed Mr. Gladstone contested southwest Lancashire, but was defeated by territorial influence. In the meantime the great metropolitan boroug-h of Greenwich had returned him by a large majority.

Mr. Disraeli resigned and Mr. Gladstone became prime minister in December, 1808. The principal events of his administration wore the passing of thn Irish church disestablishment act, tions there is no possibility of chemical action. On the other hand, as tho temperature falls the magnetic and electrical qualities of Joine or of all of the elements is exalted in a proportionate way.

Thus, oxygen, which is feebly magnetic at ordinary temperature, becomes strongly magnetic at 200 degrees, and when liquified, as it easily may be at such low temperature. it behaves like iron to a magnet, and adhere strongly to its poles. At ordinary temperatures copper is six tiroes better a conductor of electricity than iron, but the conductivity of each is increased by cold. Copper is ten times better as a conductor of electricity at 100 degrees than it is at the freezing point of water, and tho conductivity of iron increases at a still jj greater rate, until iron becomes as good as copper. It has been proposed to inclose electric conductors in to be kept very cold by some of tho well-knovfn processes for extracting heat such as ara in common use for ice production, as the amount of copper needed would be CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED La Grippe Baffled! The After Effects Cured EEAD WHAT MK.

BILGER SAYS; "I hod the GRIPPE in the lirst place; caught cold and (trew ivorse. It lodged in my KIDNKYSand LIVKll, nnd Oh! such pain and mUcrr In my back nnd logs. I wns nil run down and discounuKKl. 1 tried everything without benefit. Physicians up to die.

I commenced to use SWAMP-HOOT, and before the first bottle was gone, I felt better, and to-day nm just as well and stroiift as ever. SWAMP-HOOT navcd my life. It (6 the greatest remedy in tho world." D. H. Bilgcr.

ntee CEO of Ono not beni'fltco, to you lio price Inv.lloV Awaroea Highest Honors-World's Fair, only Pan Cream Tartar Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Years the Standard Kilmer's PARILIA LIVER PlLU are the best. 42 pi Is, 25 cente. It's the Part of Wisdom. may be hard money clow bnt tbese things have their compensation.

can tell you watchel and will, ftt very close to the money. Come and what you can do with little money. 1 am unions to sell not only watches but other goods. Diamonds, CIoclui, SIlTerwRre, Spectacles and Noroltlen. I tgttDl Tor the LyUe Safe and Lock Cincinnati Ohio.

Gall and see a small simple. D.A. HAUK, JEWELER AND OPTICAN. STORAGE. For storage quantities, In or W.

D. PBATT. Polltr-l Witaoa.

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