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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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A RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN. A Page From Her History. Tlio important experiences of others nro 'mli-reM Tlio following Is no 4l had biMin troubled wltlk lionrt (lisi'iiso vears, murli of tlmo very sci'lously. 1'or live vi-aiN I treated by one pliyslrlancon- 1 was In business, hut obliged to aix'Oimt of niy health. A phy- told niy friunds that 1 could not livu mouth.

My root, uml limbs wei'O Mvol- Jcn, I was Indcotl In ft KOi-loin condition a (llroctod my iLftcntkm lo Mi IDS' Now Heart Cure, nnd paid tliilt sister, who hud been afllkted with heart bud Ixitm cured by tho remedy, und was a strong, htialthy ivouimi. 1 pill-chased of tliu lluartOuro, and In less than nnhciur inking tho first, dosn I could 11 decided tho circulation my blood. When I bad taken three (loses 1 rouhl rnoi'u my ankles, Bomothliu; I Imd not -done for niohthy.und my limbs had been swollen so that t.hey seemed almost putrllled. lii'foro 1 Imd taken one bottle of tho Now Ili'ui't Cure the swelling hud all Kono down, and I so inunli bettor that I did my own work, my recommendation six otnory aro Hits Morgan, otiO W. Harrison Chlcairo, 111.

Miles' Now Heart Cure, udlscovory of fin eminent uneulallst In heart dbotou, Lssold by ill I druKidsts on- positive friiiiriintoe.orsciit hy the Dr. Mllev. Medical on receipt of jirlcu. $1 per bottle, six bottles for k5, express prepaid. It Is positively free from -Till opiates or uuuguroua drugs.

DR. TRUAX, THE SPECIALIST. 'OVER STATE NATIONAL BANK itter fourteen years of sciential 1 study of Nose, Liver, and al' Diseases of a. Clironlo Nature 'f ail opt'd my prnsent form of Hnd hiwuco ndncted snccp.iufnl practice In tho above ot I wrdliillj Invite you or joor If "flllctud with any Cnrunfc Disease, to con: ult me and my method of treatment mid Its results. Offlce hours: 10 to 12 a.

210 4. 7 to 8 p. m. Residence tended. All calls promptly at- WIIAT HO YOi; WAN TO KNOW A OUT MHEC Pft-iVISIONSand STOCKS, boiRlit and sold on ll-nlted margins.

We accept discretionary orders on the above and will our liners 10 liiwe -t thfl time to look after their own Intwrestt tho bmiellt of our SO years experience In HulsiVs MltnllHl for speculators sent tree an receipt of two cent ultimo Cirresnnmlence solicited (T. 11ULSK i 463-165 Kookery, Chicago. Of all human troubles, Sleeplessness is the most distressing I Hunger, thirst, malaria and bodily injurj jnay be bomc for i a time, and while -SSl Jtatk li borne may be over come, butsleepless. it kills us a scourge as therc 9 nothing that cao take the place of sleep to restore energy in the human body, so there is nothing that can take the place of Dr. WHEELER'S NERVE VITAL1ZER hi making refreshing sleep possible to nervous sufferers.

If you lose sleep from any cause whatever, you ed it. PRICE, S1.OO A BOTTLE Inquire of drUCfjists for free sample. If not found, write us enclosing five cents (stamps) for postage. The doctor gives free advice to any nerve disease sufferers. All welcome.

The J.W. Brant Co. ALBION. MICH. And 42 Ocy New York Sold by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St.

A NEW TRIAL WANTED. Tlio Schmidt CMC Not Yet Bitter Disappointment. Augusta Schmidt Is still something more than a memory in the circuit court of Howard county. On tho convening of court this morning, says the Kokomo Dispatch, Judge D. Dykeman, of Loffanaport was much In evidence.

Ho woro a serious face and movod with a bustling air. Notice was served on Judfro Kirkpatrlck that a motion for a now trial would be Blod In a tow days, and tho arraignment of thu convicted woman for sontenco will bo deferred pending; tho argument and ruling on this motion. Tho motion will set up as grounds for a rohoa.rin£ every objection offered by tho dofendo to tho testimony admitted in the trial, tho failure of the court to ffive certain instructions asked and the Riving of certain instructions to the jury which tho de- foose will claim was error. Tho motion will not be completed before Wednesday of next week, and argument will probably be heard on it that day. Tho chances are ten to one that the motion will bo overruled and ftn appeal will follow.

s. Schmidt will then bs arraigned for sentence, and will begin her term of ten years' penal -orrltude ponding tbe action of the higher court. Judge Dykeman had a short consultation with Charles Schmidt, the husband of the quaint German woman, this morning. It is said that Schmidt is opposed 10 a motion for a trial. He thinks that quite enough money has been spent in defense of his wife and wants some of tho woman's means left for the use of their children, not to mention himself.

The fact has been commented upon that he was not put upon the witness stand to testify in his wife's behalf, and It is hinted that he would have made a bad witness for her. There can be no mistake in the story that Augusta Schmidt entered the court room yesterday In the lull belief that she would depart a free woman. Sheriff Simmons, in bringing: her up to hear the verdict, had not ths heart to undeceive her, though be certainly know that tho finding was against her. He advised her against over but would go no further. At the jail Augusta Schmidt had prepared to celebrate her release.

Like her aunt, the late lamented Mrs, Caristtana Hooper, she Is penurious, grinding, niggardly. She seldom Indulges In potty extravagances for herself, much less for others. But in anticipation of her release from the jail, where she has boon kindly treated during the flve months of her confinement, she had provided herself with little tokens for the jail officers. Yesterday she called Sheriff Simmons and Turnkey Bowen to -the bars of her cell, offering each a cigar. These were to bo the parting gifts of the sirangH little woman to her wardens as she walked to thing which she considered as certain as the report of the jury.

Sho bears up under the verdict well, saying little and hoping aginst hope. Get IS 1HE Til. Strength and Health Celery Company, Just Don't be the Axe! keep the in mind that the grocer or has an axe to rind" tci the crreatest 1 cvc 1 i tune, clotMes ana an imitation, hi: -senc lie: lias or "the There more -y of you? have the 'i. ccon- to iho most you J'V. 1 N.

NEW STYLES FOR EASTER. RflUOH DAILY JOURNAL FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 6. All styles spring capos and jackets at tho Trade Palace. Quaker boudaohe capsule glvo relief ID ton minutes. Have ahat of tho now hat Patterson, the Haberdasher, For furnished room.

Rent eh- up, 2i5 Seventh street. young man about 18 years of age. Address or apply al once to Tho Union News Feru, Ind. latest and most valuable improvement in a piano is a transposing key board, enabling the performer to play In either the standard International or tbe concert pitch without change of key. J.

C. Bridge has in an assortment of the Bush Oerts planot, and invites musicians and all Interested In pianos to oall al hit place. 410 Broadway, to see and tMl their wonderful Improvements and nptrlor merlu. The modern Rochester Republican: Major Me- Fadin, who paddled a canoe on Lake Maxinkuckeo before Columbus discovered America and was Aubeenau- dto's bosom companion in tho pioneer days of northern Indiana, has announced that he will bo a candidate bofore tho democratic convention of Loganaport for mayor of that city. Some suppose that McFadin Is tho Me ohisedec of tho western hemisphere, and like his ancient compeer, "hath neithar beginning of days nor ending of life," Mr.

L. Hlidroth, tho general secretary of tho M.C. A of Indianapolis will mako tho R. II. Y.

M. C. A. anniversary address in the Market street Methodist church next Sunday night. In tho afternoon he will make an address to men only In the association rooms on the "Best thing In the world." I iiioii On Sunday night, next, tho churches will moat in union meeting at the First Presbyterian and Market street Melhodlst churches.

The occasion is thosucond anniversary of the R. R. Y. M. C.

Thsso meetings will bo addressed by Dr. Little and Mr, T. Hildroth. Curd of Xliauki. The members of the Continental Fraternal nnlon wish to express their thanks to Col.

Woll and others lor their assistance at the entertainment given last week. Handle Factory Wood for Male. Handle factory wood delivered to any part of the city. Mall orders to Hillock PlUtnan, Handle Factory, on Toledo or P. J.

Klmmer. Days full of the sunshine of health are ttose which follow the use of Dr. Wheeler's Nerve VlUliier. Sold by Ben Fisher. Take Paine's celery compound.

It is the remedy that makes people well. First prescribed by the greatest physician this country has seen, it has been used and prescribed and rocom mended by physicians of evary school everywhere. As a spring remedy it carries health and strength and renewed energy wherever it goes. Food for the muscles is not food for the nerves or brain. But Palno's calory compound furnishes tho very elements that rebuild worn out nerve tissues.

It feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming nnd equalizing tbolr action, It makes rich, honest blood. Within a few daye after Palno's celery compound Is regularly taken there will bo a marked improvement in tbe general health; strength will become more enduring, tho frame plumper, the spirits better, and the bieath declaring in tne plainest terms a healthier action of nerves and blood. Huidredsof men and women with that "run down" fooling writton all over their faces, unable to work, without courage, have recovered and ambition through this remarkable remedy for tho blood and nerves. It purifies too blood. It enriches the blood.

It generally stirs liver and kidneys and the other organs destined to keep sweet and clean the vital machinery. A clear, sound mind In a sturdy, healthy body, a bright eye, an elastic step, a clear skin, come without fail when Paine's celery compound is gtv. en a trial with merely reasonable care and regularity. Says Mr. Dudley B.

Stratton, one of Worcester's best citizens, the prosperous proprietor of the Lincoln Square dining rooms, in a recent letter: "About six months ago I had a severe attack of eczema. No pen can describe my sufferings. I doctored and used all tho cures I could hear of, but it was still in my system. "Hearing that Mr. William R.

Robinson with the jeweln firm of Nelson H. Davis, 351 Maine aas been cured of eczema by using Paino's col- ery compound, I called on that gentle. man, and ae a result started to this remedy. What Mr. Robinson told me has been proven to bo true, and I take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

I will gladly answer any one who mny wish to In- ulro further in regard to ihe medicine." Paine's cclory compound is the eaiost blood and nerve remedy that medical science has yet attained. It makes people well. BEFORE. AFTER. I have taken the agenoy for the HERO SHEEP PROTECTOR, and haw full stock tht- goods in sight.

These protectors are guaranteed to protection to the sheep as against dogs. We have received our Seeds for the season of 1894, ana have them ready to sup- oly our customers on demand. We handle aothing but LANDRETH'S SEEDS and as all if our old stock has been burnt, our custom- srs may rest assured that they will get fresh. clean goods. We have a full variety of Garden and Field Seeds also Flower Seeds.

We have also a full line of Harness and Carriage Goods, and a full line of Turf and Sporting Goods. In fact we have everything chat goes with a horse and carriage. DonT forget the old place, 424 BROADW7VY. Geo. Harrison.

CANDIDATES. Tobr nt liiifiiyctte. Lafayette Call: Mrs. Etta Toby, one of tho National Council of administration of the Ladies of the A. is in the city with the purpose of organizing a circle of the Ladies of the G.

A. and during the Grand Army of the Republic's Encampment to organize a department the Ladies of tho G. R. for the State of Indiana, Mrs. Toby is Past President of Lincoln Circle No.

1 of iho Ladioa of the G. A. having served two terms as such President. She is a lady of tho highest character, and her friends hope she will recolvo every possible encouragement in her efforts. The organization known as the Ladies of the G.

A. R. is composed of the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of the soldiers who foughi in the Union army. Their mission is to help tho old and needy soldiers, their families acd orphans. It is a noblo association of women who are bound to the old soldiers by the closest ties of re lationship.

Their work le done In a quiet unassuming way, so that none outside of the order knows who has received aid. Members of the G. A. In good standing, can become honorary tion. members of the associa- After ball to OTer, after the break of mom, After awdanoem lowing, after toe itan an gone.

Take on MUAw attw tki iMii, AikforaiiiLtiiM A IionuiiNimrtcr WUli Hccortl, Marion Chronicle: Charles Reed was arrested yesterday afternoon in North Marion by Olh'cer Jump. When arraigned before tbe Mayor this morning bo claimed to be from Logansport, and that be obtained his whisky from a man unkowu to'him in West Marlon. He claimed that he had beon in jail in ovary State in tho Union except Indiana. Not wishing to deprive him of the opportunity of inspecting a Rooster bastilo tho Mayor sent him to jail for a fortnight, so that when he comes out be can siy that he has been In jail in ovory State in tho Union. J100 ItiMTiird, $1(10.

Tlie render of tills pmier will bo plcnsed to tatrn Irast drcaiM tliaT has been to In all Its Htajtefl nml tun'Is Caiiirrli. Cutirrh Curo Is the only known to the medical fnitiTnity. Catarrh IHrij: 111'onstltntioniil Jlse'isw, enquires a coititltntloiiiu treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon Internally, actlps directly on the blond and mucus surfaces of thf system, thereby deslro.lng the foundation of 1 1 disease, nnd mvlnn ths patient streiitftli by building up tlio constitution and aanlstW nature In dolnn Its work. Tim proprietors have so rniwlj faith In Us curative powers, that they oifer One Hundred Dollars tor any fase that It falls to cure, Send for list of testimonials.

Addpwt, V. .1. CHUNK! 4 Toledo, 0. ISTMii br drogglatn. Is your head cleat Have you a ijood grip on all your Interests and a boundless energy in your blood You can have both If you observe the precaution to take, when retiring for the night, a doeo of Smith's Bile Beans.

By the time you get to work next day you will feel as II you could 1 a train of oars. Be sure to get the small size. at Patterson's. FOlt TKKASOIUCR. I will be a candidate for Treasurer of the clt? of l.ocmsport, subject to the will of.

the Republl am Cliy Nominating Convention. 0, B. SAKGKNT. Lojnmsport, February 13, ISrt. I will be a candidate for Treasurer of tbe cltj of Loitiinsport, subject io tlin will of tbe Uopubll- can City Nominating Convention.

A. LONG. Logansport, February 10, 1891. I will be candidate for nomination for the onice of City Treasurer subject to the will of the liepubllcun Convention. J.

D. AJJ.ISON. Lognnsport, February 13, 1831. I will bo a candidate for Treasurer of the city of LoKii'isport. subject to the will of the Republican CltyNomliiailnK Convention.

J. C. (Cr) POWELL. Logansport, March 5. 1894.

TOR CLEIIK. Iwlllboarandlditof irCletk of the City of Lo- ganspirt. subject to the will oftlie Republican Oily NomlnasltiE Convention. AUIKKT SWADESER. Logansport, March 81, IbDl.

FOK MA von. Major McFadin will be a cam'ldntu for the ofllce of Mayor of tliti Ully 01 LOKinisporc subject to tbe UiMiiocrnllo City Convention II 1 electwl no councilman or city olllflnl will permlluM to v.iui Uio taxpayer's numej Into his own pocket II It 111 Ills power to prevent It. A Keep your liver active and yoirl! not suder with there's i.he soarot. When bilious try a 25- cent package of Simmons Liver Kegu- lator powder. Take it on the tongue or m'ako toa.

You'll take no more pills. Four "C' Nothing in the -whole history of Medicine cun compare with the success of "FOURC." is the ONLY KNOWX specific for LA GRIPPfiF It removes all Its DRKADKD and EVIL effects, inducing- restful, natural sleep. ONK DOSK will frequently remove Pleurisy pains. ONK DOSK has time and again relieved a child suffering with CROUP. Pour has cured Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Ulcerated Tonsilitis.

In composition it is DIFFERENT, is MORK POWERFUL and ACTIVK, In fact it Is as DIFFERENT from any other lung remedy as uiolaoses Is different from vinegar. It Is a REVELATION. BEST OB 1 ALI, YOU TAKB K9 RISK. The KSSBNCB of the contract IB, Four MUST GIVE SATISFACTION or money will be refunded BEN FISHER. Foundations Dlicorerad.

Chicago citizens in their desire to excel, have lately accomplished a blf feat, namely: In discovering by actual measurements that there are lady residents who can wear shoes) twelve inches long. Your blood nooda regulating la spring. "Lafeld Cabinet Port" It nature's own blood purifier. Mild and mellow. Price, quarts, pints, 60 cents.

For sale by W. H. Porter, prescription druggist, 326 Market street Logansport, Ind. The Purzle Molved. Perhaps no local disease has puzzled and baffled the medical profession more than nasal catarrh.

While not Immediately fata' it is among the most nauseous and disgusting Ilia the flesh is heir to, and the records very few or no casca of radical cure of chronic catarrh by any of the many rnodes of treatment until tho introduction of Ely's Cream Balm a few years ago. The success of this preparation has been most gratifying and surprising. No druggist io without it. to Call Torn I a (rrcatljr Via the t'ecuNylvaula LtneM. The Midwinter Fair at San Fran! cisco and the numerous other attrao- i tions in the Wonderland beyond Rocky mountains can be enjoyed by persons of limited means as the round trip rate has again been materially reduced- via Pennsylvania lines.

Passengers can select acy of the several routes from Chicago, and tbo return limit is ample for a satisfactory journ. For details apply to J. A Mo- Cullough, ticket agent, Logansport, Ind. A. On tbo occasion of the Encamp.

mont G. A. R. and Woman's Relief Corps of Indiana, at Lafayette, April 4 and 5, 1S94, the Wabash Railroad Company, will sell round trip tickts for $1.11. Tickets will be sold April 3d and 4in, good going date of sale and good returning not later than April 6th.

G. A(ft, Wabasb R. R. Co. Repnbllcan state Convention.

On account Republican State Convention tbe Pennsylvania lines will sell excursion tickets to IndlaoapolU and return at rate of $2.35. will be sold April 21th and 25th, food going only on date of sale and available for returning trip until April 17,1884,.

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