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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 8

Detroit, Michigan
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THE DETROIT FREE PRESS THURSDAY. LY I. H3T Sports Attractions Are Invading Modern Vaudeville Stage with a Bang Too Worried to Take Off His Hat mtm( nrrrai imimsM Horiaix Mcrraa rrasTievs Lm fry! "ANOTHIt OAWN" ON I AGE; HAtt iMAU. A Full Game of Badminton Will Be Feature at the Fox Swank Press Agent's Touch Intrudes After All in Pickford-Rogers Nuptials ff FRIDAY! 1 1 Kiia nils, Gene Tunney and Babe Ruth were always powerful msgnels when ever they deigned to make personal ef "iui 's ,1 rv By Jme S. Pooler There wae on little detail of the PVktord-Rog era nuptiala I eema to have escaped the public attention.

There was the preaa rnt touch to it. after all. it aeema that after the ceremony mimeographed credit sheet (similar to those by which the director, his first cousin, the sound men. etc, are identified In connection with movies) were passed out to the guests. The credit sheets fare the correct name of the hrvie Mary Pickford, not Mary Pickford-Moore-Faii-hanks-RojersI the correct nam of th (room, their pedi-(Tees 41.

a. parents); bridesmaids, ushers, distinguished guests, etc. But there was a certain swank to the way in which it was done. Mark La kin. Mary's long time Sress stent, wore a rutswsy while sndinj out the credit sheet.

Now that the movie compamea nave stopped usinf slogans it recalls to mind the good old dsys when the movie makers used to appearances in theaters. The Kox revived the thought right after the thrilling ms World Benes by persuading Ooose CoaUa. the senes hero, to turn actor for a week. Since then both the t'oa and Michigan theaters have catered to the sports-loving population of Detroit by booking athletic attractions whenever possible. In recent months the Fox ha played such attractions ss Ted Allen, world'i champion horseshoe toaaer; Coleman Clark, table tennis champ; and.

Just recently, Detroit own Joanna De Tuscan. Olympic fencing champion; and her huehand. Beta De Tuscan. Likewiae the Michigan has played attractive Eleanor Holm, the Olympic mermaid whoae frolicsome nature made her page one copy last summer: and real Ice skating revue featunr.g Kit Klein. And now.

adding another new Av.cU, I 11 a a-i aa, I A "TTJ 1 I 1 I J' comer to the growing field of snorts attractions turned actor. Manager Mul haa booked Into the Kox Jexa VYillard. national bad minton champion and hia partner. Bill Hurley, panhc Coast badminton king. They'll play a full- length game of badminton at every stage performance at the Kox 4 starting Friday.

boast in big print on the screen. Paramount used the slogan "If it a food picture. it a Paramount." There was one of those quickie tudios across the street from I'srsmount Miracle Pictures Not to be outdone in alogana. this is whst the quickie studio used for a slogan "It It's a good picture, it's Miracle." Sports are invading the realm the modern vaudeville theater with a bang. It hasn't yet reached the point of exhibiting fighters and wrestlers for four shows a dsy.

Nevertheless, sports attractions are finding a warm welcome in variety houses, to add novelty and spectacle to stage showa. according to Managing Director David M. Idzal the tax Theater. Manager has been among "Badminton, derived from an ancient Chinese sport known as "Poors is a sort of third cousin to tennis. It looks a bit like tennis IrT slow motion because the hall haa "brakes" In the form of feathers, which make the cork sphere perform queer tricks In mid-air.

The ball or "ehutUe cock." as the rule books describe it. must be hit while in the air. Sports experts sgree thst this and other features make badminton ahout three times as tough on the endurance as tennis and twice aa exciting to watch. JACK HALEY Ill'DHON You'd probably be worrying, too, if yon didn't have cent in you can get the idea of "She Had to Eat," the comedy itarting your pocket and the Lady had a big appetite. From this picture Friday at the Adami, with Miss Hudson and Haley the leads.

TFDMAa( Wnr-n CU-nU I Itlij naaaiaiaasBaaiil II Xl Fans Like Heroes The two badminton champions coming to the Fox recently com ai uj atiu. vI, irsf I I I II 1 till lllll I VA pleted a successful engsgement In Play Net Champs Ml KlLUalUil a Chicago hotel night club and hsve appeared in severs I motion with Strong Faces the leaders of this new Idea of turning sports attractions Into theater box-office hypodermics. It wae not exactly a new Idea pre Mae West Admits Marriage to N. Y. Actor 26 Years Ago Movie Star Finally Recognizes Wallace as Husband, but Says He's a Bigamist They Team with Vina and picture shorts, as Instructors of screen stsrs.

Perry and It's No oka Former Matinee Idol Ml LITTLE REYUE STARRING LOUISE BOYD DICK I LE0T1 rZ27 l7n.l WU.D AND WOOUYI All In all it spprsra that sports senting sports celebrities on a vs riety stage, but rather an elabora BEVERLY HILLS, July attractions are rapidly making In tion. For in the heyday of vaude roads upon vaudeville still end' 7 (A. Don't laugh It's a Type Is Passe HOIXYWOOD. July 7 (A.P.) ville, figures like Jack Dempsey, less supply of hoofers, jugglers trictly serious proposition. singers, acrobat and adagio Fred Terry and Charlie Chaplin e-me-sometime star of Holly In caee you hadn't noticed, the dancers.

may soon look upon Continued from Tag One The New York court threw out wood, but she denied all. even that average screen hero of today Isn When Docs the Film Feature Start? are slated to play Ellsworth Vine and Harpo Marx In a tennis TED LESTER FRANCIS BERK fRECISIOM RHYTHM BROWN 'fl XWAS TWO HtT DYNAMITtl A k. mr2 the mrcikg bolls jfru ahe was of marriageable age at aa beautiful a those of bygone that now-dim date. dsys. the spectacle of wrestler, fugging sway at each other' arms and legs four time daily and tossing esch other Into the orchestra pit Just for a laugh, which might not double match Friday.

Several montha later Wallace Nor la he as good and big and bobbed up in New J'ork with a Xl( HlflA "nMli(f fwn 11 am I .11. Ml Ki 1 a 7 (' t. m. Its just a friendly game and admission to the Beverly Hills fine and Galahadian. He is, con hi suit, and a local Judge did likewise several months ago.

but granted Wallace leave to file an amended action. This Wallace did. tacking onto hi complaint a sheaf of letters he wrote Miss West from time to time, imploring her be a bad Idea. lawyer and a lawsuit to hsve Miss West corraled a hi wife. He sequently, a more Interesting; fel Tennis Club will be by Invitation low.

only, so the amateur statu of lost, and transferred the litigation There was a time when a mU Chaplin and Marx will not be Im to California. Two Young Girls nee idol invariably looked like a paired. Roth comedian are rated "Peculiar." snorted Miss West collar ad. His features were cla better than average racket- Start Film Career the time, "that every time one of my pictures is relessed, he swinger. show up again.

sir, his hair sculptured, hi eye dreamy. These eyes, it wss also noticed, were like the windows of a vacant house disclosing noth MOTION rilTtSK ArTBtlTIONS HOLLYWOOD. July 7 (U. Miss West has no new picture Two young actresses, both nun to be released at this time. Xmit: ZW -mOINO OH ors, went to work in the movies ing within.

ir nillM nasi rwrsm This has all changed now, and FIJI nit. ii. "i I 7 m. Hi 1 orariur. -iiy a a a.

li. 3 Ml. 41 p. I MTI II AKTUT Taplln Cmirr-' 11 11 .11. 4 -i IS.

SHI a. MrilOt "WotinUIn Mutir," It a it jh. I Si. 10 is m. A l)A "ll ll Hnpltal MraWTT.

II a 1 .14 4 m. 4 1. 1 p. II Ml a. .13, 7 1.

I "i PALM "TA1K "X-n flla," II a I 41. 4 SI. 7 44 p. on Air." II 1.1. 7 44.

A IS. Ill 4 7 IxiU't SniMor In hi, I IU. 41. "1 p. m.

HHIIAKWAY CAPITOt. ft I Wnm.n I 1 S. 7 1 1. 4 Bv; p.r.Aa lroprl." 11 All. 4 ll.

11 47 l.ui arwklsvk fljhl, 13 34, II 47. II -M p. IB HH1 A "Marknl Wmpm 1 a 14 Prfnrly." in, 7 in l.nun Brultkxk pishi. 1 1 Ik "4 i RIVirk4 "Marknl 11 14 47 1 Pront Prpprrtr." win) ii. ii today under contracts approved by Judge Emmet Wilson.

Margaret Early, Birmingham Clarence Brown, veteran film di $1,000,000 Asked rector, undertook today to explain (Ala 1 girt, la paid a sliding scale why the present-day hero Is likely TODAY! to have a nose no mora classical of 125 to 11.250 a week over ven-ypsr period. Mary Belch to recognize him a her husband. 'Mae, sincerely love you," he WTote, but Mae only returned the letter and refused to see him. "I'm still a spinster," ssid Broadway' Diamond Lit. "I've always been a spinster." She was scornful of Wallace persistent attention.

"I don't know the man and I never was married to him." she snspped. "After all, I should know whether or not I married a man." The first inkling that Miss West was not the spinster she claimed to be leaked out two years ago when a WPA clerk dusting off old records In the Milwaukee Court House stumbled across a maijrlage license made out to Mae West and a Frank Wallace. All evidence pointed to the 1911 bride as than a hockey stick. Titanic Drama in Plagiarism Suit Pirating Charged in of Bloomlngton. gets $75 to I7.V).

8h is known in films "People know Immunity and want to see It In pictures," he Mary Bovard. said. "They know there is no such 'Road to Glory thing as a 100 per cent vllllsn or 100 per cent hero, beesuse every Shearer Going Abroad POWERFUL WITH EMOTION TO MIST THE EYES OF WOMEN BREATHLESS WITH AN AMAZING COURAGE TO STIR person 1 a mixture of both quail ties. 1AM p. "McM Muil Ill WASHINGTON.

July 7 (UP.) Studio circle expect Norm Shearer to go to England next a IH-IWVTOWH 'Tlifalls if Ynnlh." it a si I 4 1 11 7 in 14 "ti Robert H. Sheets, Jackson, 'They expect the same thing THE HEARTS Or MEN I year to make "Marie Antoinette with Chailea Laughton. i in a us, tt tn, 40 today filed a plagiarism suit In District of Columbia Fed plctorially. Hence, they like I hero with character and rugged I 4. 4.V .10 fa.

eral Court against the Twentieth ness In his fare. Clark Go hie. MOTION rilTias. ATT THIN NOTION ril TISK ATTB 4.1 THIN being Mae West, the come-up-and- Century-Fox Film alleging the movie, 'The Road to Glory," was "pirated" from a play of the Star Hurt in Fall same title he submitted to the film company In 1P.15. Placing a 1 1.000,000 valuation on hi manuscript.

Sheet asked the court to compel the concern Van tar'' to account for profit and cease lr. exhibition of the picture. 5 Sheet charged he learned after hia play had been rejected that the film company had released Ppencer Tracy, Oary Cooper and the rest are essentially human, and usually don't wear make-up." Jack Dawn, make-up chief at M-G-M studio, said many of the leading men avoid make-up because it obscures "character lines." Strong proof that audience want film Idols who aren't good and pure to the point of boredom Is furnished by the frequent trana-formstion of vidian into heroes. (table, for example, won recognition as a gangster w-ho would Just aa soon stick a knife in the back of a friend a pat It. Robert Taylor was first noticed In "Crime Doesn't Pay." He plsyed the role of a bank clerk who embezzled money.

William Powell was a slick, snaky sort of "heavy." Jimmy Csgney, as a screen hoodlum, was wont to kick blonds downstairs. Their fans don't hold tt against them. "The Road to Glory. Upon seeing it. he asserted, he found that it "embodied in substance" his 4 1 I MAtiiSOMQ Pageant Will Mark City's Anniversary Granddaughter's Film CpvftT 5 JJl IV COOtfO TO YOUR i r- i Vt -n IJ ii ii ii i I r-'BADMIHTOH" WfA it aa.

aa lam rr tr rar "I I W1LLARD HURLEY i I Roy SmeckJam Sm SllWj I If if si-Vn- MOrMMS MUSIC $4M I pl I Jl6eki GIRLS Detroit will be 236 year old Saturday, July 2. and for the third year a pageant of Cadillac' landing will be enacted on Grosse He at Church and East River Roads, opposite the Sacred Heart Church. It was on this site that Cadillac spent the night of July 23. 1701, before turning back up the river to the spot he had noted for his new settlement. Fort Pont-chartrain.

For three evenings. July 2.7-25. members of the Holy Redeemer Players will present the pageant at 9 p. with music by the Chevrolet Glee Club of 60 voices. The Rev.

Father Edward J. Hickey, pastor of the Sacred Heart Church, is secretary of the committee arranging the anniversary observance. Cv- JS I "i L3 Lat Debut Shatters Vow HOLLYWOOD. July 7 (A. Twenty-two years sgo John Mc-Manua.

of Danbury. vowed he'd never see another movie, hut on Friday night he's breaking his pledge. The first public showing of "Midnight Madonna." In which his four-year-old granddaughter, Kitty Clancy, makes her screen debut will be held In McMsnua' hometown. He will attend. McManus.

72 years old, said the last film which he saw was "Juggernaut'' in 1915. vW irvt ALICE FA YE MOTION riCTt RR ATTRACTIONS VcVnwtoins Bradiiocli fiht Pictures Errol Flynn's Stand-in I mhil i APITOLC) Alice Faye, film star, was taken unconscious to a hospital Wednesday after she had injured her back in a fall down a flight of' 14 stairs on Hollywood studio set. Miss Faye regained consciousness later. X-ray pictures of her spine will be made. MOTION rlCTlRB ATTRACTIONS Inherits a Half Million HOLLYWOOD, July 7 (A.

Booker McClay, stand-in for Errol Flynn, wo poses for the 1 Irish film actor during the routine preliminary camera adjustments, revealed today that he had inherited a 1500.000 Oklahoma and Texas oil estate from hi grandfather. After attending to details of the estate in New York he planned to work at Warner Brothers studio In a new job as film cutter. List On 4dn A4intnrm" mn4 rl Htnpitmt Mystery" 'tow-wngwoi rem wctwo?" rf 1 'f 3 "Till Mii't Htrt Again" wrrr 'oit aw I JACK HALEY TO AT Mtslfssnry (J Eew. fverett Iti a Rsstlll HOtsON Li -Under BaUef Tuss in Boots' a 1 1 Regis Toomey, after a king interlude of comparatively minor parts punctuated with stage work, will have a leading role in Metro- DOCTOR" NIGHT OMUSTMLL' Cafa Buy and sell through Free Press Want Ads. will find many special offers listed there.

Goldw-jm-Mayer I "Big ur. i d- i.

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