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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 3

Detroit, Michigan
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DETROIT FREE PRESS Friday. February 23, 1951 ft PACKING SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD 0005. PERSONAL EFFECTS, AUTOS FLORIDA fOOL CARS DEDUCED RATES Phone FA 1-0300 RITES AND TO 5-3365 II. ROBINSON Evening Course The University of Michigan Extension Service will offer an evening course in electronics in industry, starting at 7 p. in.

Friday at Rackham Memorial. monfh-end Midland Walkout Again protesting delay in winning an escalator wage clause, 2,000 members of Local 410, UAW (CIO), walked out at Midland Steel Products Co. They walked out twice last week. 4 MOVING AND STORAGE CO. CLE is it really from another come in 'Horatio Alger' Strip Wins Getter Award Free Press Cartoon Among 850 Cited by Freedoms Foundation Edward Geller, creator of "The Story of An Ambitious Man" which appears in The Detroit Free Press Sunday comic section, was presented an honor medal by Freedoms Foundation.

The feature won second place in the cartoon strip category. COATS, second floor em 1 Fur-trimmed and untrimmed coats in fitted and pyramid styles; full- and three-quarter lengths. Forstmann's and Juilliard's wools; wool interlinings. Sizes 10 to 20; 12 to 22; 36 to 42. 1 fashion's fabulous flat $54 $78 MOO I Formerly $75 to $198 Award of the medal and $300 was made Thursday at Valley Forge, Pa.

Geller was among 850 individuals and organizations honored for "speaking up for freedom." Presentation of awards and the principal address were made by Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. I BETTER DRESSES, third floor 1 A r5S'T il 1 The boom-boom Isn't the secret "Thing" it was! This is red calf. yellow calf.

black black beat 'em all and get yours first! Rayon crepes, rayon velvets, wools for daytime, afternoon and evening. Also a group of bridesmaids' gowns. 18 jtS group of better fashions drastically reduced! AMONG THOSE honored were 10 other Detroit-area winners. The organizer of Freedoms Foundation, E. F.

Hutton, and Guy M. Rush, vice chairman of the group, had this to say about Geller's Free Press feature: "We do not know who killed Horatio Alger but you have brought him back to life." "The Story of An Ambitious Man who made jobs for thousands through free enter -CtaaJ Riwr at Oakaiaa Cii livar at SmiIiGcM CraaJ River at Ulnar (RaaYard) W. Milt Rl at Alio (Feradalt) livtraait at laakell idl al Svcamara (Wyaaatttt) fart at SovtklitM (llmala Pk.) WaaaWa1 al Start (HigMaaJ fL) Jatepa Campaa at liraliat (HamtraaMi) Harpar at Newport Rally at Hayat Maastaa) Mac at 7 Mila U. (Marats Ri) Viotiwaii at Grand Slat at Griiwald (Dawattwa) third floor I 1 Entire stock of fur coats. EDWARD GELLER Cartoon creator gets medal 20 to 50 off "WU.

3u group of House Body Gets Bill for 18i Draft WASHINGTON (JP) Chairman Vinson of the House SPORTS SHOP, second floor prise," deicts in full page color cartoons, the lives of men who have progressed from rags to riches in the best American tradition. The series has appeared since 1947. SO FAR, Geller has told the cartoon-stories of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Walter P. Chrysler, S.

S. Kresge, Bernard M. Earuch, C. F. Kettering, R.

E. Olds, K. T. Keller, William Knudsen, the Dodge brothers and many others. Special Sale (MONTH-END) Dresses including rayon crepes, wool crepes, rayon gabardines; wool skirts and Jackets; blouses in rayon crepes, wool jerseys, TU2T Were 7S NOW Were S5 NOW Were $95 NOW- Armed Services Committee, intro 5 $7 no coTTons.

oizes iu to zu. duced a compromise bill calling for drafting youths of 18 Vt years. Final Clearance of all ski wear drastically reduced! It bears tentative committee sanction. NOTHING FINER However, another round of hear ings opens Monday. Final committee action is expected early next month.

The present draft a group of TOPCOATS VEMC ATS law expires in July. GELLER NOW is working on a book of the cartoons which already have appeared. He said he will dedicate the book to C. W. Cos-grove, advertising director of the Free Press, because of Cosgrove's encouragement and aid.

"The Story of An Ambitious Man" now has 160 sponsors, most of them presidents or board members of Michigan concerns. THE COMPROMISE bill is de signed to prevent any youth being sent into combat or overseas before his 19th birthday. It provides four months' basic training. Leave Were '75 NOW Were Were NOW and travel time is presumed to 637.3 I 1 is I iff II kl I 1 CHILDREN'S SHOP, fourth floor immmm II Winter coats and legging sets. Broken Cf COO I sizes 3 to 16.

Formerly $22.95 to $55. Snow Suits in broken sizes. Formerly $19.95 to $21.95. 12 I Dresses and -miscellaneous sportswear including I corduroy jumpers, jackets, blouses and skirts. Formerly $3.95 to $19.95 A to If Two-piece wool and corduroy suits.

Broken sizes. Slit. 1 Formerly $16.95 to $35 to IO 1 Toddlers coats, dresses, skirts, jex robes. Sizes I to 3 drastically reduced! (42 SUITS BROKEN SIZES FORMERLY $75 WW jiff Geller does the research into the lives of his subjects. He is aided in writing the stories by Len G.

Shaw, drama editor emeritus of the Free Press. Cartoonists are Frank Williams and William Fanning, of the Free Press, and Max Rasmussen, commercial artist. occupy the other two months. Like a bill approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee and awaiting action in the Senate, the House measure would stretch the present period of service from 21 to 26 months. The Senate bill permits induction of youths of 18, provided all available young men in the 19 through 25 bracket are called first.

Both bills differ from the original Pentagon proposal. It called for lowering the draft age to 18, without restrictions. It also provided for universal training. SPORTSWEAR $45 NOW f335 CO A Were $37.50 297.5 SLAX $24.50.. NOW fI37.5 Leisure Jackets, Were $27.50.

NOW '14s5 Kotlnt brings you much-want valuat tn 'a that almost unbalievabla, beeauia it comes at a tima when Man's Clothing is at a premium! Coma aarly for bast selections in these special groups. Soused MARYSVILLE -Souse, 54, of Port fined $104.30 and license suspended drunk driving. 1430 GRISWOLD, Between Clifford and Grand River Open Evenings BUDGET SHOP i sixth floor Dresses; rayon crepes, woofs, wool jerseys, rayon taffetas. Dark and pastel colors. Misses' and women's regular and half sizes, Formerly $16.95 to $25 SPECIAL GROUP of WOOL DRESSES in rdark and pastel colors.

Sizes 10 to 18. Formerly $16.95 George T. Huron, was his driver's 90 days for $8 no GELLER, 57, has been a creator of special pages for the Free Press for 15 years. He lives at 3298 Virginia Park with his wife and daughter, Shona. The Detroit-area winners included: General Motors $500 and an honor medal.

Its public information rack program, "Have You Read These," took second in the general category. Rosa Roy, 2751 E. Jefferson, $500 and an honor medal. Its sound-slide film, "Land of the Free," won second in the general category. FORD MOTOR $200 and an honor medal for third in advertising campaigns.

Northville Optimist Club, $100 and an honor medal for fourth among adult community programs. Nash Motors Division, Nash-Kelvinator $200 and an honor medal. Its motion picture film, "Proof Through the Night," won third in the 16mm film group. Ford Motor $100 and an honor medal. Its motion picture film, "The Human Bridge," was fourth in the 16mm film group.

Rayon Suits, fully lined. Sizes 10 to 20. Formerly $29.95. "7 NEGLIGEES, third floor Better quilted rayon crepe and wool robes. 3 Small group of robes.

10 12 14f mKMwmiwu.mnuHuwmn.imwmmw umiini.Jiiinuu i wwJiiMWWwwwuiyjii Jprnn I (j Vf'''' TV nn if I vMt Irmraiiieil fM') ip "TOWN OR COUNTRY" I A1 gj TELElf ISIOfJ Iju- K. T. KELLER, president. Chrysler $200 and an honor medal. His talk, "A Great Quarter Century Ahead," won third among public addresses.

C. E. Wilson, president, General Motors $100 and an honor medal. His talk, "Essentials of a JUNIOR SHOP, fourth floor Dresses; wools, rayon crepes, some cottons. Broken sizes 9 to 13.

Formerly $7.95 to $29.95. Suits; broken sizes 9 to 13. Formerly $49.95 to $69.95 $5 $28 $9 $38 Free Society," took fourth in the public address group. Dr. John Arthur Visser, West minster Presbyterian Church, 9851 Hamilton, $100 and an honor medal.

His "Statism the Great Heresy," took fourth among the sermons. Coats; fur-trimmed and untrimmed in short and full-length styles. Broken sizes 9 to 13. Formerly $39.95 to $69.95 H8 $48 i MAIN FLOOR REDUCTIONS, Your biggest dollar's-worth of entertainment! Here in this compact Grinnell table model you get big 17" pictures on a rectangular screen! You get trouble-free performance! You get fine quality at a rock-bottom price! Enjoy it now in your home. 1 iu service warranty BUY Oil BUDGET TERMS I Drastic clearance of HANDBAGS including suedes, calfskins, rayon velvets, wool broadcloths.

If Better FABRIC GLOVES. $1.89 and $2,29 Blouses; rayon crepes and wool jerseys. 3 to 18 Lingerie; slips, gowns, bedjackets. 2 to 14 I i 'SifflfefiO so nyyrjyryjhir yrtyif i am ij a.i 11 1 Grinnell Television Radio-Phonograph complete "home-theatre" 3-speed automatic phonograph, AM-FM radio, and big 16" television! Beautiful cabinet with doors. Grinnell 17" Consoletta This handsome mahogany-veneered cabinet houses big 17" rectangular tube for sparkling pictures plus a big mellow-toned speaker.

$329.95 Grinnell 17" Consoletta with handsome doors that cover the 17" screen when not in use. Excellent per. former even in "fringe areas. Big mellow-toned speaker. $369.50 SPECIAL TONIGHT $495 no mail or phone orders! all sales final no C.O.D.'s Broiled Whole Maine Baby Lobster with Drawn Butter, Long Branch Potatoes and Chefs Special Salad maw Hotel Statler WOODWARD AT STATE ONLY.

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