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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 3

Detroit, Michigan
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THE: DETROIT FliKK PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 28, -1926. HOLSAPLE HITS HOLY REDEEMER PLAYERS STAGE DRAMA SUNDAY WET-DRY DEBATE FLOODS SENATE BAPTISTS SPLIT ON EVOLUTION PLANTS TO USE 'U' FACILITIES Mutf MiMM For Friday For Friday Cosjtlaae4 frosa Pago Oao. Girls' Coats at Unusual Reductions Higher Priced Coatt in Three Great BOYCOTT STORY Thorn Letter "Habit of My Own," He Sy in Making League Defense. Denying It as the policy of the Michigan Anti-Saloon leagua to boycott merchants or others oppoa ed to prohibition. Ker.

II. N. Holt-apt, league superintendent, declared hi letter to C. A. fl- Tboui.

of Gregory, Mayer Thom, waa not a written expression of the organisation but "a babit of my own." "Gregory, Mayor A Thom rlosed the account," said Rev. llolsaple. "and the letter written to 77 tL $075 1 350 1 750 JL.V authority of federal prohibition officers, no attempt would be mads to force this duty upon them. Th esecutlvt order, which would Put federal badges on state and municipal peace omcers was Issued Previously at the request of the California prohibition administrators, according to Mellon. No appointments have yet been made under the executive order.

It was learned at the "me of tien. Andrews. It was understood that 17 deputy sheriffs In California have been selected by administrators of that state but no recommendations have come to Andrews. The ultimate success of prohibition enforcement depends upon enactment of the Coff-Graham bill which would plug up loopholes In the law, Andrews told the house Judiciary committee. "This measure," said Andrews, "would give us greater control over For Girls 6 to 14 Fundamentalist Plan Defense of Genesis Creation Story in Lively Fight.

Washington, May 27. (By United Press.) A split over evolution arose as a disturbing factor between fundamentalists and modernists In the Northern Baptist convention here today following the victory of moderationlsts In an Immersion controversy. A resolution stating the belief that th story of creation ai told In (Jenenls is the only theory that orthodox Baptlats may teach or accept has been prepared by followers .1. Frank Morrla, fundamentally leader of Houston, Texas, and an attempt wu to be made to bring It before the convention. Althought fundamentalists have little hope that their extreme resolution on Genesis and the "flood' theory of creation will be adopted, tliey hope to get all factions on record.

Research Work for Factories Will Be Carried Out in Laboratories. Roeclil to The Fre Frees. Ann Arbor, May 27. A Michigan Manufacturer's Research bureau that will allow benefits of the University of Michigan's extensive laboratories to reach state Industries, was formed here today when 400 representative manufacturers of the state met with members ot the engineering faculty. The object of the association will be to promote research' in science and Industry for the purpose of developing the efficiency of manufacture and perfection of product, according to the preliminary draft of organisation.

C. E. Moment, of In-slng. president of the association, stressed the Importance of the university In providing facilities hv which Industries could profit through research. I.lttle Welcomes Delegates.

A wonderful selection of the season's smartest styles in fine quality fabrics of the newest colors. An exceptional saving opportunity. Up to $7.50 Children Sweatert at $2.95 Breweries and alcohol and thus make the city people realise what proniottion really means." Pra.ecntor Is Arrested, Vlncennes, May 27. Floyd Young, prusecutlng attorney of Arnold Goes, of Petrolt, wasi Girls' New Frocks Smart SutTimrr Styles for Girl 6 lo 14 yrar, $1.95 $3.50 Fiu, in.i ftrtU SplrtiditJ ivm- jpH9HMIMSMISV9qMp 4 Hhiiwhhiihiiii iiisr nun as Knox county, was arrested bv I nit. Confirmation Dresses Beautiful new styles in Curorff-ette, Canton Crepe ami French Voile.

$10.75 $15.00 ed States Marshal Hickman today on an indictment, charging con spiracy, returned by the federaj grand jury at Indianapolis In con nectton with an alleged hug liquor ring here. Sheriff Hoy Chambers, GF.IlAI.nlVK fUNDAY DILI.O. The Holy Redeemer players will another of the 13 indicted, also Little, of Michigan. Is merely a ci. of sour grapes with Joy.

Quotes Creek "I reserve the right t-y patronise horn I pleas. 1 would much rather trad with friends or per-sons friendly to me or the cause 1 represent There are no Instructions to this office as to what firm this branch of the Anti-Saloon league shall patronise. buy whrver we can (t what w. want.

"Have yon any comments lo mak on the Henry It. Joy letter to President Little?" was asked Rev. llolsaple. "Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad." was the answer. The letter written to Gregory, Mayer Thom by Key.

llolsaple. which Mr. Joy regard as a pronouncement of boycott against business firm or their members holding view opposed to those of the Anti-Saloon league, contained a check for $7 to in payment of the league- bill. Rv. llolsaple took exception In the letter to remarks made by Cap-, tain W.

H. Stayton at a luncheon at the Petrolt Athletic club ti the effect that the government eouldn tell him what he could keep In his home or what he should be allowed to drink. He accused Captain Stayton of anarchistic preachment In making these remarks. Then llolsaple quoted scripture COLLEGE Beginning and advanced students in Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting received June 1 in the Pay and Evening Schools, and trained for high-unlarled positions as Commercial Stenographers, Secretaries, Shorthand Importers, Court Stenographers. Apply today or this evening, Sixth Floor, Woodward Hulld-Ing, 19 Clifford, corner Wood-wnrd, or write for Bulletin toll.

J. MACLEAN, President i give the second performance of the mystery play, "In the Next Room" Sunday afternoon and evening, at Redeemer auditorium, Dlx and Junction avenues. The play Is under the direction of Wendel Hall. Those In the cast are: William Rnnayne, Louise Mulhall, James Mndlgnn, Charles Mitchell, Josephine Collins, Gerald Madlgan, Harry Forbes, Harold Beck and Geraldine Sunday Dillon. Church Actors To Repeat Play has been taken into custody.

Boston, May J7. f'lrl move In Maasachusets to block president Coolidges enrollment of loral police officers as federal prohibition enforcement officials was taken In the house of representatives today when Representative James j. Welch, Democrat, nf North Adams, filed a bill prohibiting acceptance of federal employment by any constable, or policeman under penalty of removal or discharge. The bill states that no constable, city marshal, chief of police ot police officer shall accept appointment or receive compensation or ferform any duties as a prohlbl-lon enforcement officer. Failure to obey the order would result In re-moval or discharge of the offender.

Diary of Young America 17764926 BY JONATHAN A. RAWSON. JR. tongret may offr to (pay them id pound for irit- Indians May Sent West, rhll.d.lrhla. Mar II, 1 771 A Member of the Young ieofil'a circle of th First 'rhytrlart church.

Woodward avenue and Kd mund pine, will repeat their pr formative of th three-act comede, "A Scrap of rpr." tonight ii o'clock In the church auditorium. Th cast 1 under direction ftf Misa JtophU Tlce and th play I 'd to l.e on of the he? church entertain-itients of the season It was flr.t isn Botui.r wnnm tncy rapture ana eft Idler named chairman of a committee that will set to perfect the details of organisation of the association, with Bement as vice-chairman. The manufacturers, when they came together today for their first meeting In six years to carry on the work of organisation, heard a number of speakers at luncheon In the I'nlon. Dr. Clarence C.

Little, president of the university, gave mi address of welcome, stressing the Importance of Interrelation of manufacturers of the state to the university. The people of the state of Michigan," rr. Little said, "have reached a position rare in other states. They are ready to look on their university not as a thing apart from themselves, that taker their money for Its support, but as a thing as wide spread as the human mind itself. They can see the school as Part of the state itself." Many Problems Solved.

Dr. Little said In his many visits to other unlversltes he had not met as line a group of young people as those constituting the undergraduate body of Michigan. This fine youth, he said, must be preserved and aided In the purposes for which It is striving. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the engineering college traced the history of the interrelation of manufacturers and the school during the six years they have been co-operating-.

He said the university research laboratories had solved S7S problems for statu Industries ami that 42 more problems are being worked on. Charles F. Kettering, of Detroit, director of the research department of the General Motors corporation, told the manufacturers of the problems of "research in Industry." A report of Colonel J. G. Vincent, of Detroit, chairman of the committee of automotive research of the university, pointed out dangers of com- bring to the hcduurtsr of tnv Decoration Day Golfers The bill was sent to the committee on rules.

Indian roiTtmlswtuners. Annv officer, congressman allk strink from the Idea of uamx the In the campaign In the east. The ti.ll is to WOMEN APPLAUD presented list n'ghf. when It keep th.m from uniting with the are-ted with much fsvor hy a lar general speeding up of plan for the coming campaign on land and sea already re.nlted from the conference which have been held dally between general Washington and the congressional committers, sine. th.

gei.etals arrival from New ork. A committee of 14 member has been appointed to confer with him In order to coiicrt a deltnlte iiluti cf military operation for the running campaign. Generals dates and Mil.ltn ar also sh.irltig ill the deliberations Although the proceedings of th conference are carefully guarded DRY LAW PLEA oiiif rme or operations' in lit. Ttiuience. settled sections of (he frontier.

hv Th. pum.m FIRST MOONLIGHT GIVEN Tnmorrsw edsrs Affair Pmsle," ON STEAMER PUT-IN-BAY to Justify his business policy with Gregory. Mayer and Thom. are Invited to see the splendid selection of new Linen and light weight Flannel Knickers now ready to lend their good looks to the occasion. Plain white, checks and cream Linens; plaid and new patterns and shades in Flannels.

Prices are moderate. Continued From Page One, FIREMAN, 50 YEARS. HE TURNS DOWN PENSION Its violation, and manufacturing propaganda to enlist adherents. Thou.snnds of good men mid women align themselves as nlds to those organizations by repeating the very Th season of moonlight inns Instituted lat night when the steamship i'tit -in Hay made I'a inii'il evening trtp on I'ctroif -tml 1-aW St. CUir The "mOn-t'hr" wss a core, pi i toe tit arv ictvfti bv 'h company f- shout ft-iu of It.

eotplove and their ft lends lirlng the eve. rung there was so entertainment, will, wns fc-afnrd with Charles, ton dam log between a half voting girts. The regular moonlight season will he opened Patuid.i r. Golf Hose Golf Shirts against disclosure to the oii.ii, the character ot th problem be-; fore the general and th congress- St Ul Tt Pr-M men Is well known. First, there I Pay i ity, llai 2.

J. Henry SUrk. the fanadlan situation, with which piember of th local (Ire d.part- the Indian problem I. closelv Inter-I lucked, as has already been pointed i out in these dispatcher It I now the ervlc. He was b.rn hre In hoved tnt the withdrawal lie holds the rank of capU'n Canada which ha been In declines to take advantage of since Miv li mav he checked and as determined stand made at I I he pension rtii As we have thererore opportunity, let us do good to all men especially unto (hem who are of the household of faith." he quoted.

Apparently Rev. Ilnlsaple did not consider the firm of stationers as members ill good standing In "the household of faith." "I would rather take my ue from St. Paul than from the Asiiclatlon Against the Prohibition Amendment or Mr. Joy." llolsaple edited. ol Wanted at Iiiisjrhees).

Replying to accusations that he was not officially invited to the Ir A. dinner, ltev. llolsaple produced the Invitation, and said that although he realized It waa a Joko he went to the club. "I told F. W.

Pennls why I was there and apprised him of the facts Establish in 1S9S sentences they liave prepared for your use, hoping you would pass them on down the line." President (Jreen declared the competition from the sale of the products of child workers Is a greater menace to the adult breadwinners than the sale of the product of convicts. "While employers' associations and chambers of commerce, si range to say, are fighting federal legislation which will take children out of the factories, they are at the same time fighting against the sale of prison-made goods on the open market," he said. Freedom Child's lllght. beau and on the Islands In the St I j.w retire at the month of the irel I nlces these points csn be trongl (ortlned snd held, there will prmiuu reaearcn. Iowa Farmers Lead In Phones.

Farmers in Iowa lead the country In the number of telephones In proportion to the numner of farms in the states. The percentage of Individuality Picard Picard Importers Shirtmakert 32 WEST ADAMS AVENUE STROH BUILDING mithlng to prevent lite advance of th enemy to Clown Point and Tlcond-riK If the Utitlsh armie fot-low up their advantage and rarms having telephones Is 8.l. The Iowa farms loHd In the percentage of automobiles also, with 7.1 I mi. as I knew them, and that I whs cognisant at the time, that the Invitation was not bona fide and a-k-ed to be allowed to stay." said llolsaple. "I'ennls left, but presently rsme nnn nols and Ohio rnnk next In order in me number of cars.

Auto Kills Child; He. declared that It is the natural right of all children to be free from bodily toil and the crushing Mm Driver Released XL Is tkilve the Continental army, not only out of Canada, but even southward to Lake there is little doubt to is bat the Indlsn of that section would do They would bodily Join the llritlsh rmUs Thl being only too well understood here. It Is a foregone conclusion that, the eomronnder-ln-rhlcf will be authorised to employ Indians In the Continental army upon such terms as he shall think most beneficial. line proposition I that the sv-aKes he engaged tu undertnlte the reduction of the Mrltieh pos's at Nlimara and letrnll. Tins would keep them busv in io'cltotn v-bete they could tight In tlmlr own way and pethup against people of tliMr own ktnd As an Irtdio eno ot to undertake the Niagara and discipline of time, and called attention to the fact that states that voted for the prohibition.

Income tax and woman's suffrage amendments voted against legislation to protect the lives of the children of the nation. Ho denied the child labor amendment. If ratified, would prohibit a girl from helping her mother do housework or prevent a boy helping his father on the farm. "The farmers have been credited with doing Kreat harm to our cause," he said. "They have been easy victims to misrepresentation and malicious propaganda." Tony Kratlgea, 6 years old.

8419 Twelfth street, Uled In Providence hospital at 4 p. rn. Thursday, half an hour after being ftruek by a truck at Fourteenth avenue and I.a-Siille. Cardena south. The driver, Clyde 1) jimliiie, 2091 West Kuclld avenue, was released after making statement to Alexander K.

tlage. assistant prosecutor, In which he. said the child ran Into the street from between two parked cars. back and told me It would be satisfactory with Captain Recounting the events leading up to llolsaple' visit to the A. C.

dinner. lennls said that llolsaple had been notified hy newspapermen the day before the Stayton dinner that his Invitation was a prao-ttcnl Joke. "llolsaple presented himself at the door of the room In which the luncheon was held and asked If It were true that he had not been Invited." said Iiennls. "I told him this was an Invitational luncheon for some friends of Messrs. Joy, l.edyard and others whose names appeared on the Invitation and I in perfectly frank when I Inform you that you were not Invited.

"He then pulled sn Invitation out nf his pocket which he claimed lo have received through the mail. I asked him If he had so received it why he Imd not sent back the return card of acceptance rather than a letter. He told me the Invitation 01 Studebaker Big Six Sport-Roadster $1645 Hits That Distinctive Quality MAN BEAT WIFE, BABE, COURT ACTION ALLEGES f. Woman's Pnrty Presents Case. 1 1 'TtaeyJ'Jl THE BASK OF PERSOAL SERVICE" Mrs.

Irene Collins. 3732 Cadillac avenue, 19-year-old wife of August oinns, years old, Thursday Br Table to Free Press and New York World. I'aria, May 117 A committee consisting of the International bonrd and the national presidents of the International Suffrage alliance to-duy heard the American National Woman's party's application for ftf- contained no return and li told him that that In Itself should prove that it did not reach his hands through regular channels, but iinniion, wntcn is op probably eent by one of his i charged her husband with assault and battery In a warrant signed by Judge llarry 11. Keldan. Mrs.

Collins says her husband has frequently struck her and their oldest child, James, 2 years old. She declares her husband favors their 9-months-old son, Clarence. According to Mrs. Collins, her husband began to heat her two weeks after their marriage. The specific offense with which Collins is charged Is said to have occurred May 23.

in uni-ii i dry mends Tha matter will be referred to the "Then It was arranged for Hoi-congress of the alliance, which saple to stav with the understand-meets In IU first foimal session dig Me interrupt JCFJ fciT'eC Monday, and the committee tins glv- Captain stayton' talk," Iiennls con- eluded. African Agent Will Speak Here en no hint of Its recoinmcnilat ions. Miss liorls Stevens, vice-president of the Woman' pnrty, put the case for her group. Mie explained the alms and methods of the organisation which hopes 'to hasten the day when men and women through, out the universe shall enjoy, if they choose to exercise th m. ei'nal political, social, civil and Industrial rights." iCopyrlght.

Ifl'Ifl. l-ress Publishing Co. I OCEAN SHIPS ARIUVKR May 27. tiripshelm. from New York.

Ciihpiutui g. May 27. -Reliance. fleorge OetM. agent In New: York for the South African gov-; eminent, will lei cire on that coun-; trv In the auditorium of the main! library at p.

in, Friday. The: lecture win l-e profusely illustrat-! from New OWER at a One- The Veather York. Plymouth. My 27. President Itnos.v.It, fro New York.

Htieno Aue, May 27. Western World, from New Yeik, Hretnen, Sierra Ventana. from York; Cnlimil'tn, from New York Yokohama. Mv :5 Tunpii of Australia, from Vancouver. HAIUKI), Nsw York.

Mny Deutsrhlari'l. for led by lantern slides. It to be; held under Hie auspices of the tie-j trolt branch of the Kngllrh Speak-! ling union, which Is interested In promoting cordial relations mr.nnK! the Kngllsh-speaklng peoples of the' FIUIM PAIR. Washington. Mar 27.

Forecast! oner anil 1 pper Ml. higsni Fair world. The public Is lliv 1 1 el Frldny and probably not much change In temperature. HARDWARE MAN DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Ohlui Fair Friday and Hlnrnayl lowly rl.lng temperature Saturday and In neat portion Friday. Maml-urg; IVeplntit Harrleon.

for Manll. via San Fnuit Isco 'harbours Mnv -7 Oeorgft Washington, for New ork Majestic, for New York Mat 27. ItrottliiiishollTi. for Ne York. Shanghai.

May 17. President Wilson, for Pan Fr'tnciw'o. May 2. Veerniam. for Yolk.

Plvmotith, M.iy 27 FVsnoe, for New York Hamburg. May 26 Westphalia, for New York Yokohama. Mny 26 President Grant, for Seattle. Every Fourth Person Was Helped by This Bank! t'nlted Iwpartmer.t uf Ag'kiilture. Weather Hiire.u.

rT -The 'l observations e-pre tnhin st the place nnn.l beloA 5 2 I Profit price. that's why the Studebaker Big Six outsells every other car in the world of equal or greater rated horsepower. shrewd, motorwise Detroiter will buy a car between $1800 and $10,000 without riding in Studebaker luxury behind the mighty Studebaker motor. Frank Kflrth. 75 ynrn nM, 14 Wyetndot tm for ovr yr.

nn.l; fnun'lT r-f th'fi tla-'fl ar company, rt 1 I nf. hi h'jme tr- day afir 11 I 5 i fl itfirn in i'Ttno Mr. Krh ramt to Wyftii'lfitfe in 1 In 1ST founde'l th Kftrth corn-I-arty. now ruHvmn'ii nt VAtu I ttti'l Hvcfiii- had he-n an InvniSd fnr ui viir. Kor'h hU I widow, Mri, Iirthi Kitrth.

fU-t diitiKh'T, Mr Jr-hn l.a-A WilMam y.rhin, S-n. John f'fjair, K-Iward Ha'hT, 3 s.1 5 NE can iet an idea of trio 0 9 scope and importance of I uatriai JJankinf in the lite ot cur city by considering the figure revealed by a recent surrey of tU actirities of tKi. Bank. But the usetidneis of Industrial Banking doe not atop with relieving the financial problem ot borrower. It ettends in a thousand directions, en-tbling the merchant, doctor, btulJer and landlord to operate on a cash basis.

All of these loan were made at the interest rate of b' per ann and repayment made 50 equal weekly part ettendmg over the period ot a year. Jfhn, Waiter, aiifi Arthur. b.J of it K'inral -rv1r wtl! Y' Moncia at 2 fr'i-Ti Vet -a (-. rhiir-'h linrial tn f'ukwoi A 4 Hose built for service Alpena str 5s ft I'lenr I Atlnntic titty. ii ('.

fill "ear i Buff to K. c4 0 NK Tienver hi .1 'n I'uhlth NK f-4 I't Fanha t2 9 IT SW no St Imi tr-nd HapMs e.i Hr I Ja.ks-riv:lie a ki 9 c'y tui l.os 8V 7-t SK 2 i Rr-in N' An 0 i M-'1uerie 'v 1 i I. In Hat, 0 i Men.f ler SK TD 1. Mor.ire..l NK New UK jm vw V. 1 l'i r.

Poi Arttiijr i 1 I Lens A er 1 it i 1 sn t-n 0' e.r Pr Matte. SWT Tit -t i iVm.iMi lee, c-k 7j J- i pt I i a. NK I r. NK IT i I Mns'mun NK TO i i n. t.

1 Man I in ii iiLv "tkMc -w a c'- Last year 78,852 loan were made, practically ail tti bead of families. Using Lnited State census figures showing 4.2 people to a family, this represent a total of 3.31,1 78 aliotit one-fourth of the entire population of Detroit Direct Service to California iGo direct from Chicago to San Fran-I cisco on the "Pcile Umltad" over the Chicago, Milwaukee 6i St. Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific It's a fine. T7w Studebaker Bif Sixes may be purchased our of income direct from the hundred million dollar Hut ion that make' them Lowest time-paument rates. Duplex-Roadster.

$1495; Spor1-RoaJsterl4-Pass Sport-Phaeton. $1 57 5: Duplex-Phaeton, $1775; Club Coupe. $1650; Coupe. $2045; Sedan 5-W. JTO; Stdan (7-Pass).

$2145; Broutham. $2095; Bvlint. $222i AH prices f. b. factory Our officers will be glad to consult w.rh yo as to how the Industrial Plan Ban'a may ole your financial proo- 50 feet guaranteed hose complete with two couplings.

land operated train via Omaha ana -l-Il $y95 $g95 She Industrial Bank San Francisco 8: 30 a.m. the third day. Ixiw. round-trio fares to California STUDEBAKER are now In effect. Return limit i I Oct.

31. 1219 Griswold Street Wrile. pWc rr call on mr Trawl fcifrru 'er ani pvunrtinf yvstr In Norzle. Sue; 2 65 Eitr Shorter or longer lenjfthi it 12' 16c, 20c, 25c ami 33c pr foot. Frtsh stock, eay to hanrJIe.

but jtr-ing and durable. (-jr rrprTittie will tall. m'jre tie rijt'it ed mi; So otixKafion to hjf. Phone Cd 342 3646 Woodward at Brady Glendale 6297 and 8980 I IvrieiJ 12345 Woodward Ave 11672 Jos. Carnpau 2410 East Jefferson 6325 Grand River Ave.

Schaefers t. r-- kK-tut.

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