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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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R. R. ADWAY' The most certain and safe Pain Remedy in the world that instantly stops the most eiornoiating pains. It Is truly the great CONQUEROR OF PAIN and has done more than any known remedy. FOR SPRAINS, BRUISES, BACKACHE, PAIN IN THE CHEST OR SIDE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, OR ANY OTHER EXTERNAL PAIN, a few applications rubbed on by the bund act like magic causing the pain to Instantly itop.

CURBS AND PREVENTS, Colds, Coughs, Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, UMMrtlm, NmraliU, Lumbago, of the Jolitft, PilH li Back, ChMt or Limbs. The application of READY RELIEF to the part or where dlfBcnltr or pain eilsti will ease and comfort. ALL INTERNAL PAINS, PAINS IN BOWELS or STOMACH, CHAMPS, 8OCJR STOMACH, NAUSEA, VOMITING, HEARTBURN, NERVOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, DIAK- RHCEA, COLIC, FLATULENCY, FAINTING SPELLS are relieved instantly and quickly cured by taking Internally a half to a teaspoonful of Ready Relief in half teaspoonful of water. MALARIA. Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered.

There li not a remedial agent In the world that will cure fHver and Ague and nil other Malarious, Blllooi, and otner Keren, aided 07 Pills, IQ quickly aa Railway's Readr Relief. Price 50c per bottle. Sold by druoalsts. PILLS, for Ue em of'ill dlionfen of tkc 8101. ACM, LITER.

BOWELS, XIDHEY8, BLADDEB, SKKTOC8 DISEASES, HEADACHE, CON8T1PA- WOH COSTITKNE88, INDIGESTION, DISPEP- IA, BHJOD8SE88, fETEK, UNFtAMMATlM OF THI BOWELS, P1LE8, ud til of Utcrul niiottkto 10 ntrcarr, nlienli or DELETE- DBLtJS. Pilot per box. Sold br all DroggHU. BADWAT A Warren N. Y.

and uk for BACWAY'S. Catarrh AMD COLD IN THE HEAD Ont ippllwtlon of Birnev'i Catarrh Powder it to 3 IUV. CtARKK, swfy to the Rt Bev.BUhop ntd SI lh. rrawlr to atM M. E.

PMOOTON, Oimtodton U. B. ApprsUer's Stats. 6Oc. lirney Catarrhal Powder Co.

MASONIC TEMPM, CHICAGO. Sold DT B. V. feeding, J. HMiwm and tuner, Lofsniport.

Ind. WANTED. trHWuan: mturent place. Brown Bros. Nn -men, CWcago, 111.

i NY LADY, wlsfllug to make 120 per week home, address with pare two hoars a it will pay rou to Invuatlgate. I5.CC dnr. Greatest kitchen Sftraple, postnxe paid, free. KOKSHJIK McMAiiN, Clnclntiftttl, 0. EN to orilcra In even town and cltr: no good fromslurt; pa; weekly; no capital required; work year round, rtnte GLEN Kochester, N.

T. (tlK 41ft WEEK pnld to Indian and gents to I D'VJU sell tne Rapid Dlun Wnali- en nnd dries tliem in two mlnnteii wltbont rlson Clerk No, 14, Columbus, Ohio. WANTED SALESMEN 1 PEBMANANT and IEN. SPECIAL INPUCE- EXCLUSIVE TER- B1TORT OIViN I If WrlW at onw (or terras to TBe Hawks Nursery RocHesier, N. Y.

td- BfctMKi and JUMP coniii48 toon tho IMBM dUmm -without tarlnoM en THE WOMAN OF FASHION. Inferences Drawn from the Parade of Bastor Sunday. The anil MIMC til" Now CloBli J.lko— Coiublnntloni ot Short Flcttro mid I.OIIK Coat Sklrti. rcOl'YUIGHT, 1891.1 Easter come and gono settles tilings, usually.

The critical period once over, there generally remains but little doubt as to what gowns arc going to be like, and the preparation of one's summer wardrobe is pleasant labor. But that great parade has for once been unsatisfactory to Now Yorkers in this respect. It emphasized clearly but one tendency of every-, one to bo neutral, wear something- that could easily be changed, if it so fell out that that particular stylo didn't meet with popular approval. There was a sort of doubting, hesitating air about each maiden as sho put her foot on historical old Fifth avenue and fell in line with the others. She cast swift, covert glances her neighbors, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

For all seemed to be in a similar state of suspense. There was plenty of variety; oh, yes; but nothing startling, nothing to compel an "oh" or an "ah." In fact, many a girl had ignored the traditions of Easter day and wore tho same gown that clothed her tho week before. Hut there were plenty pretty conceits in the throng. Hats bloomed out in charming hix-uriousness of color and decoration. Two girls, walking together, wore rough straws, ono of them violet, the other pale-yellow.

Tho crown of the yellow was banded with violet velvet, shot with heliotrope, and an insertion of straw lace, very flue, was laid over. Bunches of violets lay on the small brim, and two velvet wings stood at one side. The. green velvet straw was trimmed with green moire ribbon in ehoux and loops and with bunches of the black violets with BTILL THE ACOOBDIOX PLAIT. green stems and leaves that are now no generally worn.

There was the loveliest white ana corn-colored hat, with tho brim and the crown all of fine guipure, tightly stretched, and finished with fancy corn-colored staw. "That was all the color there was in the hat, except two yellow choux the back, and one in front. About the front one was grouped a bunch of heavy white plumes, and a lovely pearl pin showed between. A green and white, too, was exquisite, with the finely gathered crown of green gauze, with dainty straw edgings. There were plenty of pretty capes- tiny things, not reaching the elbow, made of double or triple ruffles, and with ruches at the neck.

These are made on small yokes, and many of them have the long 1 fans falling in front. They arc of black satin, of the cloth of tho dress, or of tho material that trims tho dress. Sometimes yoke is of tho velvet or satin of the trimming, and tho ruffles of laco or gauze. They are extremely light, not a bit warm and always satisfactory on those balmy days whon the mere sight of coat is sufficient to make us uncomfortably warm. Many coats have tho style of trimming that was so popular all winter- lace laid over colored velvet.

With a black clotb cout, fronts or bands of this triraraiug-tho velvet harmonizing with tho frown very effective. This draping of ono material over another is carried out in an afternoon dress of black moire, interwoven with narrow satin stripes. Tho bodice is IOOSB, round one of blue satin, over which falls an accordion- plaited blouse of black crepe lissc, finished at the waist by a small hip rnlffe. Narrow white laco insertion defines the line of the yoke and the belt. The sleeve puflu to the elbow and aretriinmed with; two plaited ruffles.

There was also-a sintple chocolate 'dreso, faintly touched h'ere and there with flecks of blue. Between the small flgaro fronts of the jacket was a full blouse of finely plaited gauze in blue, Tho jackets were trimmed with. Insertions of cream three mall hip ruffles, and the plain cuffi of the sleeve. The thort puff ended in a double heading that One lace on the ruHlcs of con also. The coat of to-day is a complex all'air.

It rurely clobes in standing 1 opon to spaci! to the lonff bows that fall so gracefully betwe It R-uneriilly has a ilg'aro, or otluir short jnokct, falling over a satin 01 cloth skirt boneatli. Its collar revei 1 is a tiling upou which it is IH-VC to speculate, for no two nrc It shows many a band of jet spunffled and it is always jaunty and taking as can be. A brown ono is covered with fiuo corded embroidery in black; hip ruffles of each edg-ed with has three flat black moire, spangles, and black moiro sleeves. An elaborate creation in the new nacre moire FOB SPKINO DAYS. had rather a long skirt, over which fell a small circular hip ruftle, quite flat.

This was covered with heavily jetted net. The collar was particularly and deep, ending in round fronts and edged with deep, handsome, spangle trimming. It hac a big, maize-colored chiffon bow in front. I saw one in black cloth that turned back In a sailor collar; the collar was abruptly cut into as it camo foi'ward, over the shoulder, curving sharply inward to immediately curve outward just as sharply, into a rever that was almost covered with a wide trimming of jet, made of many fine lines closely laid together. Two bands of this jet trimming finished the skirt of the coat, and with the coat was worn a rich laee looping.

An unusually small figaro is pictured here; and its convenient size promises to make it very popular, It stops considerably short of the elbow, and consists, in'front, of nothing more than tho fall of a long- rever. Over the shoulders the trimming is in tabs. The bodice which it covers is a plain gathered one, finished with a narrow gathered belt. The are double puffs, the lower neatly caught up, with plain cuffs beueath. Society awoke with a start on Easter Monday, scarcely realizing that the Lenten quiet was over.

The pretty gowns made them open their eyes very wide, and they gathered with alacrity to pay tho beauties homage. The season has started with simpler, fresher of simple silks and nets, gown that can be worn into the summer. The accordion-plaited stuffs are perhaps even more popular than the light silks, for they can bo made up so much more simply. One of the daintiest of the now gowns has a white de sole skirt, flaring considerably and accordion plaited. The bodice is fichu shaped, drawn together at tho bust.

A dainty apron of white silk embroidered in gold forms the lower half ot the bodice and covers the upper half of skirt. It is cut in small saallops- at the top and A MATTrCOAT. bottom. At tho waist a narrow roll of dull blue velvet confines it. Two rolls of the velvet define two on the sleeve.

A big velvet bow is set jauntily at' one side of the apron near the lower edge. A. SCHUBERT. INHABITED BY LUNA I iua. The OW Town ot Gheol, FlaniUn.

and Iti Curloui Treatment of the lornine. There are cities and towns built upon tho water, or ratlior; raised above the water, like Venice, Stockholm and the villages'! of Orinoco and the Venezuelan coast; but the mostenri- ous town on the etrth's surface is Gheel, in Flanders. This town is not because of its peculiar archi- it going Flemish townf consisting of "a strairffllnir 1 Bnd la heed-not-to-morrow, seml-almost- population. reader will naturally "Then wliy is it strange?" It is because of its population, (ihiiol is not uupulatcd as is oilier city in universe. It is littli! place of sonii! six thousand people; but of this five thousand in seventeen wurc lunaticN.

Tlic peculiarity nf tin, treatment uf these insane is that allowed to wander around, uncon at. though under no surveillanci whatever. They mix with the towns people, partake in their amusements and festivities, and not assist them in their daily avocations. Lunatics of every sphere in life arc found in dice) princes, nobles, mer chants, peasants and the board them according to their to pay. It is well to explain that in this unique town the insane are located or among the inhab Hants and not confined in an asylum.

Of course violent patients are not allowed to dwell in the cottages of the people. There is an institution for this class of lunatics, but the authorities of Cheel do not invite such tients, and, as a consequence, very few violent maniacs are founc ftither in the town or asylums of Gheel The government has instituted a com mission for this purpose. This commission also uses a power of vetoing the admission of the insane into the com muue of Gheel. They do not desire in tractable or incurable no matter what their station in life. And having received a patient into the com munity, they use a vifrilant surveillance over his or her movements, whether it be necessary to have the lunatic eon fhied in the asylum or allowed to boari amonjr the inhabitants.

Because this commission, which consists of the most famousdoctorsinlunacy in northwestern Europe, violence, undue excitement and all kinds of improprieties among the patients are well guarded against, and as a consequence the little community lives on in its lazy existence ill Pittsburgh Dispatch. TO DRESS THE HANDS. Bony FlDgorrt anil Nalln May Ho Muds to Apprtur I wonder how it came about tha some one discovered that our hands and fingers needed cultivating. Wa it that in the olden days aristocratic dames of whom minstrels sang and fo whose approval knights broke the lance had no need to consider the beauty of their that they sat perpetually at their looms, like the lady of Shalott, and wove with white and taper fingers which knew no other toil? Or was it that revolution and anarchy hare helped to equalize the splay handed sons of the soil and the propri etors of old acres, and so destroyed their comeliness? It lies within the owner's power improve the appearance of the hand a little caro and study are brought to bear. One should know that if the hand Is broad a severe cuff or tig-htly fitting wristband will make it appear doubly so.

So also does the fashion wearing a little finger ring. Rings on any but the third finger aggrarate the breadth and give a rotund effect in spite of the exertions of the manicure. lit the choice of rings and their disposition and the hand much art may ba brought to bear. On a fat hand pearls look well; on a bony one they look at least the hands do. It may be a difllcult matter to persuade the fair ones that a hand with prominent joints is best left absolutely precious stones but add to its hard and horny look.

Red should shun contact with pearls, turquoises or even diamonds. Fine old signet ring's, black pearls, sapphires, onyx, camaoor pigeon blood rubles the most suitable if decorations be longed for, 111 formed finger nails should never be highly polished. It is a sad mistake to do so. Almond shaped tips, lustrous as genw, are fascinating to a degree, but an unnatural (floss is apt to make square, unshapely nails terribly prominent Even when shapely flngers terminate In pretty oval nails their beauty is utterly destroyed if tne nails are allowed io grow points beyond the finger tips. There ia no charm in murderous looking, OhlneiM-llke talons of bone.

'the 'wrtst bone presents -a ungainly knob ruffles of lace are a.delightful resource, and so in Flemish An ovsrfat wrist is quite as unlovely and should be just as carefully concealed. Bundles of Mechlin, or knotty Irish point lace, should be perpetually at hand for those whose anatomy is given to "knobbyness." Arms that are over muscular or obese should also be sparingly exhibited. Indeed, they appear slimmer, when veiled by a puffy sleeve which prevents tho full outlines from demonstrating themselves too vividly. The lean and scraggy arm also requires a full covering-, a difference in the construction of the puff only being- needed. An over-generous arm demands a long-, llimsy, clinging 1 puff, while the bony one needs a series of crisp gatherings and (lutings, through which tho offending- leanness is scarcely N.

Y. Herald. ROYAL GENTLENESS. The CluirmlnK Femininity of the of Willed. A lady in waiting to the princess of Wales told to a friend a touching little incident which took place soon after the death of her son, the duke of Clarence.

The princess with her usual gentle reticence tried to hide her grief for her first-born. It was shown only in her failing health, and increased tender consideration for all-round her. One day while walking with one of her ladies in the quiet lanes near Sandringham, she met an old woman weep- bitterly and tottering under a load 60 pood 1 Sampmrilla Is tht best, reliable and tba HOOD't of packages, On inquiry it nppcareii that sho was carrier, anil inado her living by shopping, and doing orrands in the markot town for the- country people. the weight is too heavy at your ago," said the pi-inuoss. "Yes.

You're mn'am. T'll have to give it up, ami if I give it up I'll starve, carried them for mu boy, mn'aiu." "And where is ho now?" "Jack! He's dead! Oh, he's dead!" the old woman cried wildly. The princess, without a word, hurried ou, drawing her veil over her face, to hide her tears. A few days later a neat little cart with a stout donkey were brought to the old carrier's door. She now travels them to and fro, making a comfortable Jiving, and never has been told the rank of the friend who has tried to make her life easier for tho sake of her dead boy.

The quiet, even life of this princess is tilled with many kindly, thoughtful acts. "She Is probably the most feminine woman in England." well known Englishman said lately. She has, with all of her good sense, her own little womanish whims, too, which only endear her more to the people, ylie always steadily refuses to follow fashions to extremes. "The princess," other women say with affectionate amusement, "is years behind the mode!" Another peculiarity is her dislike of mannish articles of dress when worn by womnn. Her own costume is always, soft and flowing.

She never has worn the coats, vests, nor jaunty men's hats which women atfect, and even has rejected the comfortable ulster as "a coachman's garment." King Christian of Denmark, before a strange series of events brought him to the throne, lived obscurely on a narrow income. It may have been this early experience in her father's family which has given to the princess her sincere, earnest character, and her disregard for pomps and ceremonies. She lives her own quiet, gentle life, keeping- as fur as possible in the shadows of that "fierce light which beats upon" the high position she holds. Other ladies standing- where sho docs have sought to dazzle the world by the trappings of royalty. Hut she modestly and unconsciously has shown to it a finer of a good Youth's Companion, Then 8h.

Will HUM Him. A sympathetic crowd came up Broadway the other afternoon. A big patrolman of the Broadway squad was in the front and center. By his right hand he led a little chap about two years old. The arrest was ragged and healthy and dirty.

He was of the round-cheeked, chubby order, and carried his 'other hand a battered little tin-pail which had once been painted red. In the carefully guarded by a dirty Snger, was a common fire shovel, such as is ordinarily used about a range. The child glanced now and then the interested Broadway passers with the calmness of a philosopher who is bent on making the best of an unhappy situation, lie trudged along by the side ot the big policeman as though he were going to dinner instead of to the Thirty-seventh street station-house. "Poor little fellow!" exclaimed a lady as he went by "Oh, his mother will find him," spoke up another naively. "You see, she'll miss her shovel when she (foes to get dinner, and' that will lead her to hunt for him Y.

Herald. Whj Fell Short. "You are charged," said the justice, "with voting twice in one day." "I know it, your honor," replied the culprit, meekly, "but hit was the best i could do. I can't vote fast as I uster, 'count o' the Constitution. Horrid Han I Young Mr.

Fewords, don't you think my picture deserves a hanging? Young think electrocution is An Flan. Little book says that in Norway a girl has to make a whole lot of linen before she can get married. it is the custom there. Little glad I'm an American. Here we only have to learn to Gladstone has A clear Head.

WHY? Because follows these rules: Keep the hc.idcool, Ihcfcct warm and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move during the day take on retiring two STOUT'S AnaWBile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are Dot aware oliL All day your mind will be clear and coot "Not a gripe in bairclofthem." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans! never excelled. "Tried, andtproven'" is the of Simmons.

Liver Begu- lator is the. only Livcr and Kidney medicine to. you can pin your faith for a. tive, a purely vegetable, act- -ri ing directly II on the Liver JL an Kidneys. Tryik.

Sold alt Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken Any or made in to a tea. The King of LJrer I have yoiirBlmmom Liver BeRc- and can connolenciously nay it Is the- Tacoma, WwMugton. QATAR 31H CREAM BALM Is quickly Absorbed. Cleanses the Nasal Passat Allays Pain jhflammatton. Seals the Sore Protects the Membrane Additional Restores Senses andjsmeU.

CURE. Tpartlcle Is applied Into IB 1 BBOMSm8, JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS 303-404-I7O-604, ettor uft TEE MOST 2EBFECT OF PENS. BEFORE. APTEK. I have taken the agency for the HERO SHEEP PROTECTOR, and full stock of the goods in sight.

These protectors are guaranteed to protection to the gheap as Nguinst dogs. We have received our Seeds for the season of 1894, ana have them ready to supply our customers on demand. We handle Nothing but LANDRETH'S SEEDS and as all rf our old stock has been burnt, our customers may rest assured that they will get fresh, aiean goods. have a full variety of and Field Seeds also Flower Seeds. We have also a full line of Harness and Carriage full line- Of Turf and -KMk Aw4fclVLFTntrlQ' Sporting that Geo.

Harrison. I.

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