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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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la tlie beat remedy for all complaints peculiar to "women. MEDICAL BOOK worth sent for 10 etnti la Sealed Envelope. Per Bottle at DrngRllti. BOc. Trial Size sent by mUt letters for advice Market on Boen by our only.

Men and Of Stageland THJEJARIEJBURROUGHS ART PORTFOLIO Of DRAMATIC CELEBRITIES rthlrcolleotton given SPECIAL SITTINGS FOR THIS WORK tl oh. Every Photograph Is a Gem TdramaTo and lyric art; In fact all the rama treat Helms, Heiresses and Singers PHOTOGHiPHS, Ito IT IS A COMPLETE MIRROR OF THE MODERN STAGE OI ol two vordi, we offer these elejant pho HOW TO GET THEM: SPECIE with the pablUher. taU elegant work can be obtaloed in Logansport only through THE LOGANSPORT DAILY JOURNAL. ass Po lo Your Coupons Part i LIGHT AND SHADE. Thoro no vnlo BO low, not soc sun, Andnsofiattcrulow Coraon when the storm Is none.

And IJiM-u hears tho IftiiEh springi, The silent boat ol untfcl wlngn. Thoro no raounluln hclcht We climb so wcurlly, But koopH the heavens In sigbt, With visions fuir to 800; AnJ In ttio mountnln cloiul wo loar IB llRht and for Chrlat is hetc. Thoro is no puth wo troad Hut loails to riclmr trraca; Tho stara nre ovcriiouil, And In tho drscri. place Tho wanderer llnds-thc Kolrtcn uOKflls moot Iilm Tlinro Is no cup wf ilrlnlt. Ot mliiBliifl myrrti ami Bet.

sweeter limn wo thlnU, It iiiaUos tlio llfi- toslilne: Gotlixomnno It.ii.'lf Is fnlr. Soon na wo llnil tlin Christ is thorn. Thrro is no hnnvy rrnss, Jlnl Dorno fur Him Is llulit; And whiit nt morn loss Wo counV as Kiiln ill niltht; Fur lio who ioil's will alonn, Jlohliul tho crosa beholds tlio Uirone. Thn throne nflovo anil ncvnr sels to ulhl ''iH'h hour; Tho TI.ivo nu ilucp jov ho r.iny not know, For God anil Jloavcn arn horo liolnw. Advotratc.

UNSTABLE AS WATER. Tho Viilue of HavinjT HlRh I'lirpone tn Which to Tin. "Unstable its wiili-r, thoti shall not 1 mournful spoken by concerninff his firstborn son. They throw a lurid JiR-ht on the character of Reuben, revealiiiff the instability which mined his life, and dobiirrcd him from the eminence to which his birth entitled him. The creature of impulse, he was at the mercy ol tho mood of the moment.

More weak than wiclccd, he was wholly governed by feclinp, and so he lacked the steadiness of principle. "Unstable as simile is very suggestive. Water has no cohesive shape of its own. It takes the form of the vessel into which you pour it, and changes quickly from one form to another. That is the evil of it robs a man of power to sta.nd on his own feet, and work Out his own activity in the teeth of opposing forces.

"The unstable life is like a rudderless ship, drifting- on the ocean at the mercy of wind and title. Life must be linked to some great purpose to give it stabilr ity. Purposeless lives are sure to be- useless lives. Kalph Waldo Emerson saj-fi somewhere that the only great soul is the surrendered soul, tho soul surrendered to a hiph ideal, which becomes the jruidinp-star of all activity. Search out the successful men in literature, science, art and business, and whatever differences of character and talent you discover in them, you will find that they are one in their consecration to some purpose.

Look around you for tho men who have failed, and you will find in them a common instability which pulled them down into dismal depths of failure. Unstable as water, they could not excel. One important thing a young man should do is to hook his life with tho chains of duty and perseverance to tho highest purpose of which he is capable. Many make good resolutions, but not so many carry them out. It is in lack of perseverance that the evil of instability reveals itself.

Through heedlessness, through the joyous carelessness of youth, through aversion to eerious endeavor, young men are apt to postpone effort to fulfill the dreami which come to them bathed in a light of golden glory, iintil they wake up some sad morning to find that the best have been squandered away. Delay is dangerous. The act of indecision leads to tho habit of indecision, and the habit paves the way for the character of indecision, which is the prave of noble purposes. If you have an ideal follow it at once and earnestly. If you hava a purpose, let that purpose be the dominant note in your activity, and so you shall beat out life's true music instead of the wail of regret over hopes and misspent opportunities.

One of Lincoln's messages to Gen. Grant in the Wilderness campaign of the civil war ran thus; "Hold on with a bull-dog grip, nnd chew and choke as much as possible." The language might be improved, but the sentiment of that message was admirable. Young men would do well to take it to heart if they wish success. They must hold on with a bull-dog grip to a noble purpose, and they must choke the instability which tempts them to turn aside from, or take their ease in, following out the activity demanded by tho purpose they have made their own. Insta-bility is the secret of much of the weakness of Christian living in our day.

Many who the race well and were making progress suddenly relax their energies and turn aside. In matchless story of Pliable, John Runyan has depicted the experience of many a soul easily impressed by the 'beauty of the Christian life and the joys of Heaven, and as easily discouraged by the dangers and difficulties of the journey heavenward. Our Lord in one brief yet pregnant sentence shows us the fatal lac): of such won d-be Christians. Thoy have PO root in them selves. Saintliness is not to be won sleeping.

Success in the spiritual life comes along the line of concentrated energy. 'This one thing I do," cried Paul, and his cry roust bo echoed by every soul that would see the beautific vision and be clothed with the holiness of W. D. Sunderland, in Young Bra. MAN'S CHIEF END.

Our Condition by Onr Mlnil'i Idonl. "Show me," cried Fichte, tho emi nent Gorman philosopher, "what thou iruly lovest, show me what thou seek eit and strives! for with thy whole thy'-ltto. tral pwt of is tho root and cen- thy being. What thou lovest that thou livest," The Ideal of life determines life. Slowly but surely we become what we aim to be.

The pleasure-seeker, who makes pleasure the goal of his activity, says life is pleasure. The man of ambition, who spends days and nights of sleepless toil in climbing the dizzy heights of success, says life is fame and applause. The man fighting for wealth in the crowded arena of commercial competition says life is money. The consecrated Christian, who lives in and for God, says life is God. In each case tho man lives what lie loves.

The determining ideal of life is the chief end of life. Man lives for tho supreme uim, purpose or design of his life. Hence the wisdom of the fathers of the Westminster assembly in putting in the very forefront of their admirable theological compendium the question: "What is man's chief end?" and the answer: "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever." The truth of that answer is written large in the teaching of Scripture and in the Service of the one perfect life. The Lord Christ, Sou of God and Son of Slan, God manifest in the flesh, is our example in all tilings. He us how to glorify God by making God His chief end.

The events of His life wen: linked into biesscd unity by the persistence with which lie followed one aim. Doing the will of God is the touchstone that reveals tin; difference between the surrendered and the- life. 'My will, not Thine, be turned Paradise into a desert," wrote Prossense: 'Thy will, not mine, be restored Paradise, and made the wilderness blossom as a. rose." The hardest thing in life for most of us is to make the Master, not ou-sclves, the chief end of our activity. Tho poverty of Christian living in our day finds its source in an imperfect conception of man's chief end.

Many lives are fruitless because purposeless. A cannon ball rolling loosely in the cannon's mouth is simply a bit of harmless metal, but with a charge of powder behind, it has the power of a thunderbolt. What powder is to the cannon ball, so purpose is to the life, the propelling, strength-giving influence. The higher the purpose tho stronger its force. Only lives energized by purposes of the highest nature have the richness of experience and the rest of satisfaction which make up the crown of living.

Every door leading- to real the greatness which is immortal with the immortality of Godis a door outward, out of self-seeking and out of self-pleasing. Life will be great in days to come in proportion as the soul is surrendered to the will of God, the doing of which is man's chief end. That is the solemn purpose which is worth living for and worth dying for. It transfigures with the ight of Heaven, and carries into the icart an abiding peace. Observer.

Timothy Strnwi. True worship is like the spring which bubbles over because it is full. Hatred is an apprentice of murder. Egotism is an unhatched devil. Sins, like birds, seldom roost alone, Passion is a flre which burns out the tove.

Hidin' a sin is a good deal like hug- fin' a porcupine. A family quarrel is sermon enough the need of a Saviour. God preached repentance to Adam and Cain by interrogation The anger which we direct against ourselves is like the broom w.hich cleans the house, but when we direct against another it embroils tha neighborhood. There are two classes of church members; those who believe in missions and those who believe in omissions. Ram's Horn.

ahanlc to erect a any idle tramp can burn it down. God only can frame and paint a flower; a ctn pick it to pieces. Almost anyone can injure a Boul; it is a Divine work to edify United Presbyterian. HUNTING WITH THE CHETAH. A Cruel Kirlllnc sport In the The chetah, commonly known as the hunting leopard, is taken, bound and in a wagon, to the scene of the sport.

When his prc.y is sighted ami the has been brought sufficiently near, the animal is loosed from his bonds. In a few minutes, that to our anxious' minds seamed interminable, we managed to diminish tho distance to the exquisite point, and again the btrups were lihenited. The hood was then slipped from the chctali's head, lit-saw the animals at once: his body quivered over with i-xcilorncnt, the tail sl.niiglitoned. and the hackles on his shoulder stood i-reet, while his gleamed, and' he strained at the cord, which was held short. In a second it was unfastened, there was yellow streak in the nir, and the.

ehelah was crouching low some yards a.way. In this position, and taking advantage of a certain nneveiiness of the ground which gave him cover, he stealthily crept forward toward a buck that was fending- some distance away from the others. Suddenly this antelope saw or scented his enemy, for ho was off like the wind, lie was, however, too late the chetah had been tooquiek for him All thuro was to seen was a flash, as the supreme rush was made. This movement of the elm tah is said to be, for the time it lasts, the quickest thing in the animal world, far surpassing the speed of a race horse. Certainly it surprised all of us, who were intently watching the details of the scene being enacted in our view.

The pace was so marvelously great that the chetah actual ly sprang past the. buck, although by this' the time terrified animal was fairly stretched outat panic speed. This overshooting the mark by the chetah had the effect of driving the antelope, which swerved off immediately from his line, into running round in a circle, with the chetah on the outside. The tongas galloped up, and the excitement of the occupants can hardly be described. In my eagerness to see the finish, I jumped off and took to running, but the hunt was soon over, for before I could got quite up, the chetuh got close to the buck, and with a spring at his haunches, brought him to the ground.

The leopard then suddenly released his hold, and sprang at JiU victim's throat, throwing his prey over on its back, where it was held when we arrived at the spot. The chetah was then crouching low, sucking the blood irom the jugular vein, while tenaciously clinging- with his month to the antelope's throat The buck gave only a few spasn.odic jerks and appeared to be dead, although probably not so in reality, but only paralyzed by fear. One of th. men stooped down and plunged a knife into the buck's neck close to the spot where the chetah still held fast. This coup de grace not only terminated the poor thing's existence, but caused the blood to flow freely, which one of the men proceeded to catch in a large wooden bowl with a long handle, that he had brought for the purpose.

When this was full, the hood was thrust over the chetah's eyes, his fetters were replaced, and he was ultimately induced tolet go his hold of the antelope by the bowl of steaming hot blood being slipped under his nose. Into this dainty reward for his trouble he at once plunged his head, and with ferocious eagerness lapped up the whole of Century. FRIEND" HIKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvln, La, Dec. Tife iIOTHEB'S FBIEND before third Confinement, and pays sbo wouid not bo without it for hundreds of dollars.

DOCK Sent by express on receipt of price. $1.50 per bot- fc. Book To Mothers mnilcd lee. BRUOFICl-D KEGULKTOR For a ale by Ben Fisher, druggittJ FACIAL BLEMISHES will remove, i4 Ion acd all oilier skin blemishes. LOLA MOSTEZ CHEW The prom Skin food and Tissue Builder, will make youlJOlintiflll.

mid Ih'isiu). lor box of skin food iimUim- Free. MRS. NETTIE HARRISON Aim-rii-H's Jlcnmy Doclor, 20 Geary Sun Krnnc-lKOO, Cal. Kim St.

Cincinnati, Ohio. Hair permanently removed. VITAL TO MftNHODD. Dunjcnr In Kjotlim. A suggestive and pertinent comment upon the death of the rich fool would be: "Died spirtnally and eternally 'rom excessive use of and over-indulgence In personal possessive pronouns," In Luke 12: 17-19.

the words and "my" oocnr eleven times. Danger lurks in the use of these Lfnited Presbyterian. WISE SAYINGS. never grants a man a vacation from Young Men's Era. you strike in Ood's name, itrike hard, and witli both Hest Islander.

is a bigotry of heresy as hateful as the bigotry of Rev. John Cuckson. VVhero there is no settled determination to do right, an evil course is more than half decided Horn. your hearts warm by feeling for others', and your powers active by work done in that takes himself out of God's hands into his own, by and by will not know what to do with Whichcote. evil, remember a step, a lonff step, beyond the evil thought; and it is a 'step toward the precipice's Farrar.

build as cathedrals were built; the par. nearest the ground finished, but that part which soars toward Heaven, the turrets and forever Incom plete. Beeeher. there be one thing 1 upon this earth that mankind lova and admire better than auother, it is brave man is ft man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell biro he is a A. Garfield under one's Koof quietness in our own conscience are two substantial blessings, which, whoever barters for show and pomp, will find himself a loser by the Seed.

in the material worldjind in the spiritual, it is far easier to destroy In the Hoipltnl Patient No. Happy is the man who is never born! Patient No. Why do you talk such nonsense? Such luck happens only tc OOP man in a thousand. Prepared according to tin formula ol DR. WILLIAM A.

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Agent for Logansport, Ben Flshnr. QUAKER CATARRH CURE nol II wuflT, powder. PMK. "POT Of wiA. powder, liikkly QUAKER MEo'lCAL ASSOCIATION.

ST.JPAOU For gale in Loganaport by BBM FMKBB, i OST MANHOOD RESTORED..

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