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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 29

Detroit, Michigan
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GOOD, tine mlddUngs. $t3H to. cracked rirn. Hi, IJX (sti; ciMtrei r-tirnrnfal, ud; cluip, tit. I nula.

Facts About Texas Oil per t'-n In l0-lb ai'k- I'LorR Fancy, orlng wheat patents $7 an; fmicy winter wheat ptints jt in.iii 7.. wiiitsir Whfut l'Mlnr, FINISH FIRM hava been panler. neeond hands or customs srni'ltrrs hava ahtid'd pries, and few prntlmer are now hhKImk mora than 17 fi.r leetrolytle delivered. It eHltiriHU-d on deliveries ttr dimedt le, eniiMU nipt im during March ero j.tMtit.omi pniindit. with exporiM nhfuii mmm.

into, making fiHlvi-ries of OliQ.OOU to pounds. lroductlon, however, in understood to ho im-retcintf pwrtlv ow Inn to larKf-t' import i In Jilifhr uMm havA att i nvt-d morn lattnr. Th conspicuous feature In tin wn $7 2'47 Mi; htnter wheut atraishts. litl. t.ui.

Kansas fdinily flour, I 7 per Ht. lrfti! April iltle;, 2t. roiiipurM with wck uyi: Htewrii, hm'pr; htOI erhn. 2-' Mkt Uwv rrtHH, nl mfr lwitl lo Uiwit; llK't Vvlera, 1 to limvr; initn for Ht JPHrlltiK. t'Ulk for wmk Klr.

Itiii-H $7 2M( t-fa, Im (nt, rnitcni. -WS. Kim ImiIIh. 14 Millioni Lot by Invwting Blindly Million! Being Made With Small Sum. Wwely Invested Writ, FREE to INVESTOR ha announcement I ha the part is to Hand no nurcrnHnt have derided on a Kntdua lluti itlut Ion of STEEL IS SOLD INTO FUTURE High Prices and Uncertainty Over Delivery Shows Buying Demand.

New York. N. April 14 The iraikct for steel Is very firm with mill sold well nhearf and the puliation, has been further atrenjeth-tticd by advance hi ak'i by the Ipndlnff prndtirern. liowflVi-r, has sjowd snnm owing to uncertainty ovt-r delivery nnd imtv-ttuanvsa over tbe prevHi liner hltfh I'M'i'N, I'll? Iron In nt. but MUleter.

an irirrrafi iirrxliicltnn Iisb telievt'd tnxiety riulive to futuru aisvertM. tHwr Is unart tlo.t without im-Mivnient fn either export 'fir do-nvattc demand. Koreinn marked No alhsr Journal lias n. uias la T.sasi published tioa In la ei world's weekly richest oil fields their hnldliiK'a at rate jml to ex-reed per cent a month b-'ulntiintf April 1. They approximate 17.

Tom) tan. The mttrktl wan ti let with Uttln nt change. lead la easier nwfnr to liberal nfTeritiK" of and Spanish metal, and a well stocked lo.l market. Zinc waa steady, Calvunizors hnve not ben conspicuous biiyern, hut otherwise ronsumtnif demand has ruled aaitafactoiy and may Increase if HteftdlnefiH continues. Antimony Ih easier owlnar fair amount afloat from China and Kurope.

IIkb: i(frkiln, Hi'llvn itga under 10 iKiiin.lH. iixitUly lih- rnylipr; hulk. fn, i medniiii HtiiftiL ii't hiav imn hm, in to i.Vi lower; tnk to (njUIkIk. IHtft ti; not qnnUHh ti htTf t. it-pi mnrkf-i; prtrknr iii wHk; liulk.

ft'. Mn-t-p: Kcrtpia, l.twu. ft.r Wff WtHtl Uinim (u K.wcr; illip'l lumlm nrttl Hhi-rp 11111 hn ImUii lor t'k; 'tm IhiiiIm. fli 14 fx qimllty nifttnini t. rH.n-.

IdJiitM, 711 to 3 Jwiun.1. IM t. inn tltifkM, Ol-rtnuntl 'A, uprina litnttw. I W. Itit cilpli lAml U(; wuul iwtil, $Httt Knnuia thy.

KwnitMs City. April -rattle: rtecelpta, 175 for Wftk he i tra wik (n S-t It.wfr, enf Ht III to, v-Hrliti(ia kmr, hfiti-rw iiKMtly (ftWfr. ini nteady to lwr, ntifiit anl tuiiera anily, bulla lo wi-Hk, v'h caivea (Hte lower, common II (rht hni'iM ofT moie, to-avy and mn-illurii wHrIi! ealvcM It owit. atork ealvea nmt tok cn atfl ht'tfi'f-a inoaily atfa1y. IIokh; lircfipiM.

fc.teHi, ptia'ly to higiier than yat-itlHy'a pucker murkot; bulk th'-ulrnlil Inj to 3fti p.p. hulk of nalea. Mifh JO, pa-k-ma auWK FicH.ty; hulk, 7 HWtJ Hhfp No nci'ipti fr wk: oolit amt spring liitooa lii'ff ovvr; top wottlM. XS. bulk (ti'Mirrihle weight rwi, rilVii 14 lf, Arizona fprlnitera, cHrn latnh atrona; tP.

lt bulk, $iy Jvtill Ix; Ii.Ik-hiKltt-r; nhoni Wetlieis, ltiyft top Hooikti eMca, $9. CliU-ago. rhlengo, April 14 -Ottle: Tteeeipta. 1.W0; att-a-ly. chou-e ami nrime.

6o4( ID L'f: im-! rather had In both winter and piing divisions. The winter wheat crop has been badly winter-killed and dry weather has done a lot of Injury, At present a larger acreage than usual is being reseeded to spring crops and there Im much complaint from Nehraska and western Kansas, where the present promise Is that the output will be greatly reduced. Turning to the sprlrc wheat outlook It is found that seeding operations are very late and this will result In a smaller acreage and there vtlll be much danur to the crop owlntr to the shortness of the season. Tela trouble extcnds'ln-to the CanarWm northwest, where th acreage will be seriously curtailed. Iiomestle demand for wheat Increased- In the pant few days and there Is Improvement In the flour trade.

Prices are a trifle higher and the mills have booked some fair orders. All kinds of tnillfeed ere In actlvp demand and the market Is firm. Corn feeds have been advanced aharply because of th increased cost of corn. One expert, what has been examining Kansas and Nebraska wheat fields, says he has never seen a similar condition. In Kansas live million acres are perfertlv bare ed will not produce much wheat.

He believes 100 million bushels an outside figure for Kansas wheat. The condition le quite as bad in Nebraska. Farmers are sowing oats and barley on the dry wheat land, hut the seed will nrft germinate unless there Is rain. The rosrse grains were strong, Torn advanced r.c for the week, partly on the strength of Its pnal-tlon and In part on the hlp of- a strong wheat market. There Is no corn fr sale here and tae price'1 gained 1c Te trow tone affects rye also, hut beans- and he seeds re mU sTrudy.

are In slow demand. Saturday's OaotstUins. WHEAT-feah No red. II Ne I white. $1 No 1 mixed, fl 31" YKMAW OllM Tana No 1 Me; No I7r; No 4.

Me: No S. fUo. WIIITK OAT.S-Cash Ne 12c. No I. Bf-Ur: No 4, 4te.

RYFWash No J. I3e. A NS Immediate and prompt shipment. 17 prr cwt. HKKDJ Prime red clover.

H5; April. 7 aietke. $to tlmo-hv. 3ft HAY No timothy, $1 MfrI7; standnrd. Ilti-Wtfi tight mixed, fifirtit No 2 timet hy.

$14 60fri5 No 1 clover mixed, P't t4; No 1 clover. rye straw, $i2ff tn Dealers Show Confidence in Grain Give Good Support. The flrt news to nwrft thp ye of grain dealcra. told of good rafita over veiitrn Kaneao. the on moit needful condition In the winter wheat situation.

This wan ably seconded by favorable weather for spring wheat seeding and the wag helped along by a decline In Liverpool prices. All this brouKht a tone of weakness at the opening of the market, but did not last. The southwestern rain waa mora than balanced by snow and cold over th northwest, raua-Ing a further dlav in the already late aeedMig of. spring wheat. The market gamed stienKth and ChlcnKo closed at an advance, but cash wheat here was not needed and prices could not be advanced In this market, The close was unchanged for the day, He under the highest of the week and 2 above- the last prices of the previous Saturday.

The wheat market was characterized by strength and activity during the greater part of the week and many dealers who had been watching for a decline to cumn because f( the big stocks and small demand gave up and got over intu the hull ranks. They found It unprofitable to fight again at the trend of the market, which has been in an upward direction fur a long time, atHt tattcally the market was weak, A week ego some lifo came intrt the deal because of an Increase In foreign demand, but recently export trade has been miner llcht. By Actual Oil Operator of Long Experience Shows how ts say money on oil investments aad fives you Iscto and ua-to-dats la lormatloa no invsetor should bo without. Ala Ce Highly Inter, sstlaf Illustrated Book! "LITTLE STORIES OF BIG SUCCESS Insids history how manj well known oil man quickly accumulated im aionso fortunes. Edition llmltsdi msltsd frM on requeat.

Slf.N THIS AD AND MAIL TODAY FOR YOUR COPY. Addrsas BOND CHANGES ARE IRREGULAR Active U. S. Government la-sue Develop Strength; Rail Are Active. Nsw York, April 14.

t'hanges In prlci-s wrn aniall In today' hrlar session o( the bond market which was highly Iro-Rular. Attlv I'nltod ritates governnii-nt lsu after Piinnlng; heavy, developed um strength and closed close to yesterday'a quotations. KorelgR bnnrls were Arm with most of th active Issues showing niodurale Improvement. There was aome activity In the railroad group nut price clianaes wero unimportant for the most part. Missouri 1'aclflo sixes wero up a point and St.

1'atil Kan I'lty Short I.ltie 4 1-is advanced I 1-2. New York Central Consolidated 4s were off 1 1-4 points. Industrial bonds were Benctally firm In srs it tradlnir. Ton. I sales pur valua, wera Berlla Bunk Hlstrnient.

n'rlin. April R-The statement of th. Initrial bank of irtnKii' tie A prll 7 the ft)Unwing chsnct'S' Total coin snti i.union innetMi tfU.nm insrkt, IM-Hdury nml loan ri.ho-clMUnn nota Jf.3.5e3..V-9.0u tt'it. of other hunks IncrctuitMl niMiSs: hills of ex heng untl chi-nu. dlsi-nunt nnd bills Inrrewseil VIA inarkw; mlvHnca Increase! M9.

li.K.miO nirks, lit-vemments Incrcsiiil nisrkflt other RMH-t. Ul marks; In ctrrulatlnn ineriMised U.193 Ml. 'WO marks; flopoalts tncreneed 41 a.72.i.Ost,i'Oi ninrkK; othr liabilities lnt-rfnn-d (U.Sri.o.'i.ik.i total iroM holdings, l.Ul.tuu.OH) murks. as ujtl "There Are No Belter Bonds Than D. H.

C. Bonds" ACII Bond is a direct First Mortgage en a specific prop C. C. CANNAN. Publisher 579 Mason Houston, Texas ESTABLISHED IBIS Your Name One help to the strength was the I Willingness or Liverpool t.

follow to the itther level: In fact, that mar. kct was frequently In the lead ot the advances, bnt the chief foundation of strength Is found In the outlook for the next crop, which Is Address SbBBBBBBBBBBB CLIP OUT THIS ADBBBBBBBBBBBB erty of the best physical value and greatest earning jYnver. Each Bond is a direct obligation of a financially strong mortgagor who signs all the bonds, and the entire mortgage remains in effect until every bond holder has been paid. Each I). M.

C. Hond issue can be compared with any First Mortgage Bond issue evr recommended to the investors of Detroit, because "There Are No Better Bonds Than D. M. C. Bonds." guixt fth'l thith't', 10; common iiirluui.

I binchrr rnriln anl tieift-ra. 0 a iM. kiwp, 4 iV7 liulla. 6iifi H5; run. Ji.

vtal nihi'H, $7 W-fti; ei fill; Htot kfT firii. aaix'krr ni HH'I li.afem, .1 i 7S. Mofra: Itf-i H.imIo. mi'ti-iy; top, bulk, 40; Iiavy HflKhia, 17 W. uu.

pitia iiaht wMKhta, )0'u 4i; lit lights, 7t -'i, heavy pMi-kuiK mwM, 't'itl M-kiNtf iiwx, anoHtth, 1'iKfi, Uu7 lj. Hh-fp: rtereipla, 6.ik). MKaily; iHinltM, 112 14 A); cull ami roru-tnoM. fit fiV Tf wethrra. ruta, 4(i0 tuila ami common, Fnat llnflaln.

Knat IlulTiitn, April Hi Tattle: Ilereipta. alow and titiv; ahlppma ateera. 9 tVf 9 ijuirher Krum'H, i ii; cowa, )-J ii I Sj'H Cslvi'i; UnceiU. active atirt i ill I and rhoir, hheep and lnml. liet'fMptH.

I.iU, acllva and atndy; i liul' a Ininlta. II 41; urltnjn. h'i9 ix ah-p. H.1(s-n. Hrretpta.

3.200; arllve and hlh'-r; yoi k. ra, 7.rj9 I Hfl'n toUi-d, heavy, To; ruURha, It'Uti 2o; aiuk'a, 4 ioui 6o. New Vork New York. April 14 rattle: 'rtecelpta. ii, no tiudlti t'liivea: Jtcctpta, 4ri: atowdy; vinln.

5rJiill; tut la. Utile Ivit, lt ri((4. Mifi'p and Imnhn lte noun on ante. Kwe nhfpp un- Hhorn ai quoted at IxJiH; cuila, t.txti; riippt-d laiiilia. 1fl2r; uuphnrn Ittnitia.

IIJ-iU 75. Ilnsa: ICwelpta, 5.332; aleaify; idimIiuui wciKitia. a S-'i; pi if a and luucy hoKH, Pi ruuKlia. Iti JiliJ. Cleveland.

Cleveland. April Hoa: Ueeetpti, 2.0W); aliiiiv; f' IhkU't; inlxud. luodiuma, york, en, Mr Iki; pitta, I1. rnuklts. 17; ataaa, 14 CHllIf; i-ipiw, aicady.

Calvca: Itrijclpta. fix); top, It. Laiuba; Htcclpie, I'M top, in. lnHinnHMll, Indlannpolla, April 14 Hna-a: S.ii'ii'; lo -jttc hiKli-r; heaviva. iVutth liL'ht 'iKhtn, 7u; toi.

Is ia. $74 H. Itcrelpta, V), atendy and dull; ati-ara. 17 -'tt1 cwa. ht iti-ra, I'alvoa: Kfeeipta, liVi; hliihrr; viniIb, fhop unit Iambs Ud-cipta, Id; noiulnul; no aalci.

linrimmtl. rincinnult, April 14 Hnaa: flrrlpta. I.itm, td'tlu-, ii.e hiRlifr; huavlea, Ih "n-'ni. pin kira and butrhora, heavy fat aa. tl, iiK and JikIhh.

i'(iS Cattle: Ri-c'lpta. eU'ii'lj. ateady. ihevp; 2h, bU-ndy. Luitiba, ateady.

rittburgh T'iltwburiiU. AprH 14. Ilnaa: Flerolpta. I.wti, hmhi-r; h'-uvien, $ft '-f huavy O.R 10 II AT iiJ Main S4S2 Htal Eitatt Exehangt Bldg. I DETROIT MORTGAGE 3rd Floor Rial Ettat Exchang Bldg.

PImn sens? fur. Name ihmr inrmafi.n 0 Mwrtfsgs Bona. 0. F. P.

Address -sg fr- yorktra. lit au; mkiu yuriuTH, a pljn, i OnjfS. and lamba: He-ci-tpta, i.y"", aundy; cllpied ahp, $7 i'llptvd iuinba. 111. L'ulvva; Hcctipta, UKl, euudy; tup.

lo 0. Advancing Market offer a many opnnrtunltlea fr profit. OUR INVESTMENT NEWS Trtpy free on rontatna in-foniiHtlnn uf i -nnrcrnlriK SttMlehuker II. II. frrankiin AMIeil 1 1 1-ill.

A Mul mil Oil 1M (M'lieral l1nra Khifluir onKl. reula Hntl. lutlier LMle A. B. MORLEY CO.

Kilnlill.hrd Ifini on. Htm Mi, of NT Y. Mtmberi Vork Curb Mnrk- 44 Broad New York ew Vork Hank (Statement. 'New York. April 14.

The actual condition of rkumtK-liOuNU buQka and truHt coinpaitU'fl for th hKowi an exct-aa in M-aiit-vo of IU.4,1. This la an In-c ifii ao ut iU.2lo,J. Th Bluteiia-nl ful-lowa; Actual rondttion lioana, dlamunta. Jecrt'HM. Jt.3H4,MiU; cash in own vautta.

Kwlnral iinaervo bank. lu.lK'T.OiKf, decri-aaa ri'aerve In Kedfial lli'anrva bank of menilwr baiikn. Incrcaae rmerve In own vaulia. aliito banka and trust eom-piUiiea. dtcreune lll.00; roaerva in atutu biinka and trust cum.

pani'-a, deercaao 4tt4.0Oi; net dvpMHiti (I'nitt'd tsiutea dtiponlia deducted dii rraaa Uino di'iMitdta, dti-rea fi.n.iO.ii'tu; circulation. decreaaa liM.uoo; rcHerv, ex-c-aa n-Hervc. Incri-aao Kunimary of Htaie banka uiid trual enn-pjinii-a In Oruutfr NVw York, nut Included In clt'iu IntC-houH'i atatunu-nl loann, din. courtlH. eic.

drrenaa 4.t74,3"0; tncrraao Ilii.TiMi cur r-'ney and lank notoa, Ii9.rtl7.7u0. with Kcm-rve bank Now Yoik. dvi-roaaw lotui dcponita, decn'aae toiai dpoaltM, t'itmtnaltnK anuiunta due from rcacrvo lies and ottoT How many Automobiles will be in use in. 1933? Motor car production for the first three months of 1923 was more than double the production for the same period of 1922. The Investor Trader of April 14th will contain an interest-inS article by experts on this leading1 American industry, dealing with its past growth and future prospects and the estimated growth (rf the industry for the next ten years.

AikforEF-1 Jones Baker Members New brk Curb Exchange Direct Private Wire STOCK TRADERS Laat wek wrote ynn here to aril atneka Monday luoruing. Th'y liroka Uir- dnja. Next iMk will puzila you UP and Ki nd lift 00 for (Tally advi'-a for one month and 't a rorroct line on next wfek'a deenpttvo marki't. Monday night's Irtter Kivea yon rorr. out Una lor eittlra nmrkel In ailvaticr.

THE SUCCESS CLUB F. N. Goldsmith, Mgr. 43 Broadway. New York City I banks and truat eoinpann-a In Nw York ini'l nlt'il Htiitia (li-poHlid, n0.iMu.:tiiu, in-crcuia tiankH cash in vault.

truat coiupanica' cash in vault, Does your product require more protection than fine china? Shippers of fine china can't gamble with containers. Do You Need Executive Talent? Have five years' sales and advertising, and four years production experience in automotive business. Not so particular as to kind of busf-ness, but desire permanent connection with substantial organization. Married.

Age 34. Address Box No. 176, Free Press. Jim ITUCKHOLPEny MgKTI.IGg. GKAN'ri TVU'NK WESTERN BAIU AT COMPANY', TUB HIi'AGO.


hereby Rlv.n that the An-miiil Gi-npral Meetings of the Stockholder, of then Companies will hU1 In Room No. 4I7. Grand Trunk Gnnoral (mr Rulidfnff. In the City of Detroit, MU-hlgati. on Monday, May 7th.

1JI2S. nt 10:30 o'cloi-k a. for the olertlon of Directors and- the transaction of such other biiitlneas as may be brought before the meetings. WM. C.

TOMKI.VS, Secretary. Detroit. April 7th. 11:3. EM New York Cbiciro Bmtod fbilidelphta They must have protection.

So Sef ton Boxes of Double Strength are made for them. Have you similar needs? Note the double walls of corrugated board! PETROIT OFFICE 8 Penobscot Building Mfphone Cherry 7 WO 1 FREr building' Centrally A Faw Detirabl C. ti. R. C.

Hattinga, president of the International Telephone Company, Columbui, Ohio, died suddenly on April 13, 1923. Official communication will be mailed to all ttockholdera of the International Telephone Company, naming his successor and giving notice of the continuation of the policy of the company. THE INTERNATIONAL for' This TRADEMARK identified SEFTON Corrugated Shipping Containers Special Folding Cartons Folding dall Delivery Oyster, Ice Cream and Food Paik rue iifthoit ami toi.kiio mioiib I.r.NE RAILROAD COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the Annual General Myelins of the Stockholders of this Company wWl be held In Room No, 407. c.rand Trunk General Office Building.

In the City of Detroit. Michigan, on Munlay. May 7th. 1923, at 10:15 o'clock a. for the election of Directors and the tranwactlon of such other business as may re brought before the meeting.

WM. C. TOMKINS. Secretary. Detroit, April 7tlt, 1923.

Railroads" This double corrugated construction builds a box of more than double strength. A Double Strength Sef ton, is stronger than two single boxes nested. It is lighter, costs less, and is simpler to pack. Double Strength Seftons resist abuse and punishment, cushion and absorb shocks, withstand thrust and impact. They ship and store flat.

Save in freight, labor, storage space and damage claims. Handle easily, seal quickly, and herald your name wherever they travel. If your product requires greater protection than the usual Sef ton Box affords, you want Double Strength Seftons. Telephone, write, of wire for our representative. or Lawyers TELEPHONE CO.

Fragility or Heavy Weight Fish Bowls or Gas Stoves i representative of the wide variety of products which find best protection in Sef-tons of Double Strength. Tor Information se. Henry I. Forsyth Agent 71 6 Free Pre.t Building Main 4500. Whitt lotors r.

haven and i UIMVALKEK KAIMVAV COMI'AAt i NutU-a 1 hereby given that the JV- f.rr"(l Annual tienerul Meeting of th Ktmkholiri ovj (Vimiiaiiy will heltl In Mooiii No. 407 Urand Trunk Olce Buiktlnif, In the Oty of i Iiftrolt. Mu'hitsan on Monday, May 7th, 103. at 1 0 0 o'clock a. for th lection of PreulOent and Directors and Uv tninsnction of eui'h other buslnesa ai may be brought before the meciitig, WM.

C. TOMKINS, aecretary. Uetrait. April 7th. XUK MKUHiAN KNTKA1, KAILKOAD 4-OMl'AM.

Petrolt, April Htt. NOTICE IS HKKEBV t.I that ilif Annual MeninK of the Htockhol(irt uf The MSohlaan entral h-ilroad Corn-' mny. fur the etfctlon of and i liree Inspei-titrs of the net election, it iid for the transaction uf nuch other i buine-n iny lawfully be brought be- foi' tJio rne'ting. will be held at th principal of the company, Hoorn the- rnriinVlvlf history lure earnlnys. fu- treltlon' and i.i-ih.,i this ltn- lor distribution.

ready jp. Members Consnl. stoclt Vt. Send Jot. FX'N 50 Broad New York in Detroit 903 Dime Bank Buildinfj Telephone Cadillac 6539 Option Trading: Investigate the advantages and mn.v-Rikinspouib(litiMo(taisvsiiwbie i sa.uiod of stock trading.

No margin required and ths ri.k i limited to -Seir hrtt cost. )25wUlcontrol 100 ahares any stack 1 llttxl on th. N. V. Stock Mot, of 6 points from option pnet srfres I Ton opportunity of taking $800 profiu i point, Wrtolnln circuit.

i I R. PAHKXR COM 60 Broad York 1 MONEY IN GRAIN Jlf onlion on 1S.0O0 builiels of heat or orn. Ho Furth.r A o.oro-mrnt of tr from option price Toa rpportnnity to take tr, $400; v. etc WMTP. TODAY KOR PARTICULARS sod KKK MARKET LETTER.

iBTeslsr, tally S. W. Irsack, Best. loaj 0 'Mirnifjan Ltnirui jerininai Build in the City or Detroit, Michigan, on hi rut inurflaay aner the Flrat Proposal for Furnishing lay (feint; the 8rd day) of May, lan. 10 o'clock a.

nt. VII ahull i 10 "'clock f-ontinue open lor one oour. th. Hoard of -L1VAKD F. STEPHENSON. COFYRIGHT, rZ5, br 4IB DETROIT SEFTON MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Gen! 39 EAST MADISON STREBT, CHICAGO Factories: CHICAGO, ANDERSON, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 1 rees and ihrubs. The CV of hi. Itoijue receive his ortlcn In the Municipal Hull, ling 9 South A.enu...

In city. Pips8 up to 7.30 P. M. on April I7lh. 1B3.

for the or tree, and shrubs city p.1ri, 1,1 of kit He.iv- esi.I trees M-rhig vlontitiK 19LM. An list of the trees and pr. TIN I. I IIMPAM, th. Annual ci wl F.L.n!iimiiiill.;i.s"jiii ESS Msnsss tlty.

Ms. Wetrolt Hlver TKwot the of 7 irstisactlon of such other bush I may IsvtMily ti brouttit hX. IT the Mark with FREE PRESS WANT ADS. imetlr.g. will be hold at the lle, nC.

thp I otr pany. Kootn 300 Central Terminal Building. In 2 of Dtrolt. on th, Pirst tlay after the First Wednosdsy loatng th. rd day) of uy.

at 10 0-el it i 'J A BUsjslvosUJktp Free ress Want Ads Bring Quick Results Rouge. The Cliv Council of the Cilv of River Rouge reserve, tho rlcht to nd ail bids or jialve fr.rmal defect he deemed for the best Interest snf said W. J. PETERS, City Uk. EDWARD F.

STEPHENSON. Secretary..

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