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Herald and News from Klamath Falls, Oregon • Page 5

Herald and Newsi
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FIVE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1949 How To Play Canasta: 5 Car Hit By Train, Four Injured I wea atruck by a freight train en-I gin at a crowing here. I Htate police aald Mn. Arleta Cen- danla, 28, who operatea a small mother and sisters, Darelene, and Donna, 7, auffered ruta and bruises. The northbound Southern Padl! waa not moving fast, pollca aald.

The engine pu.shed tlx flatbed truck along Uie ralla and then tipped tl Improper Play Brings Penalties MILWAUKIE, bept. 7 iPi vegetable farm east of here, waa! A small boy, hla mother and two! driving home with the children. I slstera were Uijured yesterday when Two-year-old David aulfered a leg duced to 1400 polnta for the pur a truck In which they were riding I Iractur and Internal Injuries. His off ill right-of-way. By WILLIAM K.

MrKLNNKY Certain Irrrgularltlcs In canaiU call for point penaltlea. These penaltlea. which are given below, are deducted from your acore towards game at the end of the hand, for example. If your acore la polnta. and you com.

mlt an Irregularity that calla for a luo-polht penalty, It doei not mean that your acore la Immediately re (iseup! enjorj a gtosj poa of determining your Initial minimum meld requirement. POINT PENALTIES: Irregular draw 50 polnu Drawing out of turn 100 polnta Adding an Irregular draw to your hand. additional 100 polnu Failure lo go out after receiving permlaalon from partner 100 polnu Melding out of turn 100 polnta Attempting to take dlacard pile out of turn loo polnu "IRREGULARITIES: The generally accepted rulea of bridge and other card gamea regulate the Ir-regularlllea In deala. When a player drawa too many rarda. thla error la rectified by dlacardlng without drawing at each turn until hla hand la correct.

If a player discards without drawing, ha cannot pick up hla dlacard. but ha can be required to take the top card of the atock pile. When a player exposes one or more rarda from hla hand, except to make a legal meld, all of the expoaed carda muat be left face up on the table and discarded one at a lime In successive turna. However, the player may use anv of There's a full measure ol pleasure in even glass of light and livelj Blitz Weinhari Light, cool, clear State Asks Bids On 5 Road Projects SALEM. Sept.

7 oTV-The at at highway commission asked for bids if State Fair Crowd Sets New Record HAI.EM, Sept. 7 oil Halrm Hoard up ahnp thla afteitiwn lo go to the state fair. And another record crowd waa In prospect. Atlrndanr yesterday, second day ef the fair, waa about loo mar than the previous Tuesday mark art In IW. And thera won't any null of recession around hart.

The crowd waa apemtliig money as never before, and It bet on th horn raica to ant a new Tuesday hull (Hurt. That waa double th betting total of tin same day last year. An ynuiual feature yesterday waa a two-way tie In the 4-11 club rake baklnc central between -hhlrlry Psg. 14. rlslrm.

and ill-an l.ornnli. la. Baker, tint prise UillH college scholarship llitrn by Hit Oregon wheat com-mlaslan. But tlifl commission voted yenler-dav lo give earn (ill a scholarship. ilrla aald they practiced on their parrnta before the contest.

Hliirlcy baked 30 sponge cakes and Diane 1. Irian la th younger aUlrr of rila Lnriinlg, who wuii the contest yrar ago. Bnth aalrt thflr famlllra are slrk Of rating sponge rake. Mora than 3000 yuutha have en-tilra In Ui 4-11 rlub contests, which make up a bi part of the lair. Ktdrtleland.

the new system of ride fir the rhlldrrn, getting a big play. Another popular feature ai the rihlblta by the armed toicea. lively refreshing, satisfying. KF Community College Has Competent Faculty i Professional tralnlni and expert- i Pennsylvania. She a member of Phi Beta Kappa and author pf today on five projects.

i Bids will be opened In Portland. September 30. ProJecU are: Baker county Oradlng. surfacing and oiling 1M miles of Table Rock I creek section of Baker-Homestead hiiihwav. I theae expoaed carda to form melda Douglas county Oradlng and or to take the pack.

Mice highlight the qtiallllcatlona of the Instructional ataff of the Klamath Palla rommunity college pro-tram which begins the week nf Hep-tember III at Klamath Union hum achnol. Tttt program la aiionsored Jointly by the local achoul district and the general estrnslon division of the Oregon atate system of hither education. Dr. Caroline Brady, who will leach Englluli received her Ph. L.

Iroin the University of California book. "Ill Legend of In addition to many artlclea and revlewa. Bhe la also a member of numerous language aocletlea. Or. P.

Euiiene Meldrr. who for the past three yrara haa been teaching, at Reed college In Portlnnd. received hla Ph. the Unlver-alty of WUcoiuln. Prior to going to Herd collrge he taught at Uie University of Maine and Clark uulveralty.

He haa written "Htate and Local Barrlera to paving 5JI3 milca of Mark Ranch-1 jf, tot the Initial meld for his tide Ume Hock bridge section of north player ahowa lesa than the re-Umpoua county road. quired count, he must validate hla Jackson ounty-Excavat 20O00 meld pebble wlln cubic yards ol rock on Hlsklyou slide cannot Dr doB1 correction on Pacific highway. I not do ao before discarding, all the Lane county-Surlacing 10 mile. Mr(U rom hind of Cougar creek-Preacher reek tmiUti txlmMl section of Alsea-Desdwood highway. where she taught from 1M4 lo IMA.

for the laat three yrara ahe haa I in ih. tinned been training at inr univeraity ni Htatcs." numerous artlclea and War Malheur and Harney counties-! dUMrd Labor Board report. He haa served I Grading, surfacing and oiling 14 as economic advisor to the council miles of south unit. Prmceton-Kolly-of slate governments; consultant I farm section Rome-Princeton for the S. Marketing Laws aur- secondary highway, vey; and hearing officer.

National 1 War Labor Board. Detroit. He will Flying Farmers Orcutt Rites, Idaho, Monday YREKA. Sept. 7 The body of Kenneth C.

Orcutt. 36-year-old hVuthern Paclflo brakeman cut In teach history and sociology. Mini Ruth Wlnchell. mathematics Seek Aero Post mtiA ki.iliMiiral Inhtrtii-lnr hti mas. ters' degree from the University of 1 MrMINNVILLE.

Sept. 7 iv-The rirrtfon anil hss done further eradu- i Pivtn Farmers of Oregon atlll ate work at Columbia and Unlver- I want one nf their members ap- pile before making his own discard from his exposed cards. If a player makes a meld including mora than three wild cards, or attempts to add a wild card to a meld already containing three wild carda I other than a completed ca-nsMai. he must, if possible, rectlvy the error. He does thla by putting the exposed wild card with another meld.

If he Is unable to rectify the error, the surplus wild card lor cards) Improperly played 1 treated as an exposed card. If a player la dealt or draws a red trey and fails to declare It before the play of the deal ends (provided he haa had at least one turn to play i his aide Is penaluzd 900 points. If he has not had at least one turn to play and the other side goes out. the red treys In his hand are scored as a minus value of 100 points. The 500-point penalty does not apply.

hipped to Caldwell. Id. Monday Oregon Medical school. She pointed to the state board of aero-foi funeral services and Interment. ml graduate assistant In phy- nauttca.

The nilol-fsrmer group annual convention clowd yesterday with a resolution to that effect. Another called for speed-up of construction I of landing strips In the state pro atology at the University Medical school, and for 13 years taught math and arienre In the Portland high schools. From IMS to IMS ahe did research work at the Emma M. Howe medical laboratory. She Is a member of the American Public When the crew of a arnjthbound freight train go off at Ifornbrnok.

near here, to eat breakfast, orcutt mas missing. The engine was sent back up the tmcks, his severed torso being found a mile and a quarter away. Health association: Oregon Society No one could explain how Orcutt had com lo fall. When last seen. I ol MicroWologuta: and Sigma XI, gram.

Earner mis year ine grouy had been critical of the board's use of funds. President Claude Williams. Prlne-vllle, was reelected along with other officers. New directors are Roger Leonnig. Haines, and Lee Poster, Halev Ram Whitney.

New bent. national science honorary. about 10 cars back of the locomo Harold O. Palmer haa a masters' degree from the University of Oregon and has done further graduate work at Uie University of Southern TOMORROW: rur handed ca- II WEINHAkO COMPANY, OTlAN0. 01 COM i Distributed by Western Wholesalers, 1003 E.

Main, Klamath Falls, Ore. tive, he was on his way forward. Orcutt. a resident of Dunamulr who had been employed by the BP sine IM. leaves his parents.

Mr. and Mra. Ben Orcutt of Caldwell, and thre children. and Wjlliams were directed to work California and Oregon But college. with the state aeronautics board or.

farm aviation problems. He has 15 years of high school From klamath's Th American Red Cross annually sprnds more money In behalf of servicemen than any other organization except the military establishment Itself. FIX EST Come Crater Lake's Fine Milks! Free Plane Rides, Air Show Feature Approximately too free airplane rldea of from 15 to 30 minutes duration will be given to aprelatora at the chamber of commerre-atat beard of aemnautlra auoiuored air-ehnw to held at the municipal airport Sunday, September II. That waa Ih Information emanating from a meeting of the two anon-eocliig groupa. who laid final plana for the aerial extravagaiua.

at a Joint aeMlnn yesterday at Ih chamber of commerce offlrea. Committee members have de-vised a unique plan thla year for the awarding of the free rldea Visitors to the show will be handed a ticket as tin enter the field. They will writ their namea on the ducats and then place them In a raffle barrel. Then at frequent Intervals, whenever aircraft la available, a number of namea will be drawn from the barrel and the fortunate wtiuiera will be taken for an aerial view of Uie countryside. Fourteen private plan owners, thre flying errvlrea.

and West Coast Airlines will cooperate with th committee In providing planea for the rldea. Farmers Air Service will donate two aircraft: Oregon Aircraft, five; Hllmnn Flying Service, two: and the West Coast outfit will furnish a 34-passenger DC-3 for th occasion. Charles Hlark. manager af th Klamath chamber of commerce. Ule4 lodar that there will a admission charge to Ih annus) enow.

He anticipates that a number of visiting pilots will bolster the number of airmen participating In th enow. Stark 'added further, that in accommodate those pilots, a free breakfast will be served In the airport cafeteria from 1:30 till 10:30 that morning. Henley Other bus drivers are Mrs. Dorothy Holuhouser and Albert Wilkinson for the Po valley route, Tred St II I we II on the Midland route Charles Spear, th Keno route, and Oordon Reed, the Bhaata mute. The Lewis National Entertainers will appear at th school assembly at 1 30 p.

Srptermber 13. teaching experience, the past 11 years as head of the commercial department at Klamath Union high school. He haa taught accounting and typing for th general extension division for the past fiv year. He has several years of practical Q'utnrss experience, Is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, and president of the Oregon Buslnesa Education association. He will teach accounting and typing and serve aa field representative for the general extension division In the Klamath area.

New and I'sed Construction Lumber Law Prices Cash A Carry David A. Rirhardson Spring Lake. Oregon ttr. Use the Want Ads for Quick Results! Th WHITt MAGIC SOAP QUIZ MAN may call you on the phon. at any i fCk have a pockoge of WHITS MAGIC SOAP In your horn: It will help you win.

1 Here' all yog have fa da fa 1 1 wmiE maVic'soap'S I -Jfri4 a on 1 awawwe WltriNOHOUII laOIO-rMONO- Ui4Srtl 1 WltriNOHOUII laoio-rMONO. V-'. oiarx cosuihstion im with aai an rat. AUTOMATIC IC0O CHAMOI. TtllVIIION SIT (MOOIt M1JJI, Ulll IOUlASlT At IT VS.

Jutl answer 2 easy questions II the White Magic Soap Quit Man calls you an the phone. 20 WltTINOMOUII IAUN0IOMAT AUTO. i OUIUION fOi NlXf Wtlk I Itfftmfei It St.mkr 17 I WHAT STATE IS KNOWN AS i I TH! SUNF10WER STATE -it 1 1 A MATtC WSIMItl INlTAtllD IM VOUI HOMI In mm WITH tUPPtV Of WHITI MAOIC lOAe. THI tAUNOIOMAt tlOU- utv situ ro im.n. 20 WISTINOHOUll RirilOIIATOIS WITH flOIIN COOO fTOVAOl 'Oft It Iftft.

Of pood. .04 CU. H. fUU till. TIT IITTII IfACI.

nollr, which will pertain WMITI MAOIC Wcw. Still IIOUIAIIV AT tT. V- J. war) (potily. ah Htwt, tt empit rntal oil mn tlm.

Rtlaili 3f 0 WttMMfftcvt tit lwi veKuvm MWilloK.ti Adjwtl-O-Mejfl wtTflf boh erg MtiN erlsit wa(. 7 Cf Stgranew wnn r-piarcv t. hexjrflifM and I MtilU IISH. ItQhl (Itrfk. wl(mlefllr.

I WW. WINNERS FOR LAST WEEK 0 Wttlfsohw4 tlf itrftilirii design neJ or ktps ItfMi. Mil rf wrailf JJ W. WMIIF HA KIR: Mra. Walter feat, Tliaret, Orti ROH OVrN: Mra.

Jamr-a rn, Caaa Hav( Orrfon, rniill MIXIK: Mra. Ma man Kaiara, Mo Ulla, Urvgan. VACTl'M (IMNFl: Mrs. Miltl gfl, rrlU.4 Orrian. AI T1IMATIO IIIONl Mrs.

I.ana AIIUB, taltM. Orr-tOB. Mrs. Jarfe C. UV9 View, Maihlnglon.

TOANTrVi: Mrs. Warren Bi. Tail-Una. Orrfan. IVV Wtllrohvi wtafftatk f-Wf lotl(i.

gUowiitwily (Won tM.Hlrt)J wif. Will 2QfS. 200wtllnjkgwt Si'MmllftM ut. rnejlef Ifeme. UlMtvd lffttHtwf It mejinlaitiMl vn hMt ejiilf iw l.exi.

illlH2 3 a i mm-- 7 -asv in i-assaaaasBsaw (I. F. CARLTON AND SON. Forty-tire years ago G. F.

Orllon sUrted hi farming operation near Merrill. Today he and hla son, Alfred Carlton, are 'honor-roll" producers fin milk. I'pper photo show Mr. Carlton with grandsons, 8ammy, I and Dicky. watching while mountain of hay are itored ta feed their fine herd through the winter month.

Below It pictured th herd grating In lush lummer pasture of bluegrasa and clorer. mmk Ihli ffr mmf ilicnvar thtt rl. Naw Mf Ump thnl warkt warm art In althar tha hardait watar. Scientific wiihing leiti prove Vt'hitc Magic Soap whcloih cleaner than any nationally advertised washing product in Soft, Medium or Hard Water. Compare this New Magical Wonder Soap.cup for cup, for all the qualities you want for washing thingi in your and compare the feel of White Magic Soap on your hands, AND YIT WMITI MAOIC ftOAf COWS YOU lit.

Prove iti luperiority. If you are not completely saciified with White Magic Soap just return the remaining portion in the carton, to tht ftafewar Store from which you bought it and the purchase price) 7 UnlTfbn CANDIDATE Mrs. Patricia Marx, a honey-blondo native of Sydnr-y, Australia, will represent San Francisco In the Mrs. America contest at the Palisades amusement park, N. All she has to do is pay her own way.

She hopes to raise the money in time to make the trip. Mrs. Marx, whose husband Is partner In on electrical firm in San Francisco, says she won a "personality girl" ond "pretty legs" contest In Australia. KLAMATM FALLS CREAMERY HOME 0s CRATER LAKE dairy products be returned. BE SURE TO GET COMPLETE CONTEST RULES ,1 SAFEWAY 111, SM.

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