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Medford Mail Tribune from Medford, Oregon • Page 12

Medford, Oregon
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TAfiA FOTTT? "MT.DFOfiT) 'NfATf IRTBITN'R ArF.tYFOTJT). OttttCiOSV FTHDAY, MATirn- 27, 1925 7" club house was the best of the seu-son and was attended by about two hundred and people. The next dance' will bo April 4th. Mr. and Mrs.

Rayburn Hunt wero Grants Pass visitors Tuesday. aro staying nt tho Jacobs home, spent Saturday and Sunday at their own home. F. Champlin of Fools Yrack spent the week-end In Medford. The dnnce Saturday night nt the ASHLAND HOTEL STOCK SALE IS Mattio n.

Shaw gave a reading, "The home. The color scheme of green Triumph of Work," to keenly appro- and wblto was carried out In the dec-clatlvo listeners. During tho social orations and In the angel food cuke hour the MIsseB 1iulse Huger nnd, and green Ice cream, Hoss presided at the punch At the annual meeting of the Ladies' tables. Announcement was made of Aid Thursday. March 17.

the follow-tbe coming or Dean Virginia Judy iK officers were reelected for the com-Usterly, who will bo tho speaker or jg year: 1'iosldent, Mrs. Henry tho afternoon nt the Civic club meet-1 Kranie; secretary, Mrs. o. C. Hurting of April 7.

announcement Is i ley: treasurer. Mrs. Otto iiCster; first of moment to everyone interested in vice president, John S. Huimr; tho education of girls. second vice president, Mrs.

Wultcr McCleod. In the ear.y part or the evening, wlille waiting for the music, the young folks enjoyed playing games out on, the highway. There was a nice crowd and everyone reported a good time. Dick our road supervisor, cttiuo up today to resume work on the Prospoct-Ked Blanket road. Thero is about one mile ot roud to be completed.

Tho grentor part or this has been so the Red Blanket people are hoping to have a new road la a short time. The work on tho Prospect-llutte Falls road also Is supposed to begin in the near future. The baseball league of Prospect will I'Yascr IJrown. The club members oic the Riverside Community club are contemplating butiding an addition to the club house to enlarge the auditorium. Airs.

Forbes, Mra. Leo and Airs. Alaudo Champlin vlsfted tho Foota creek school Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Beatrice one a and Mr.

nnd Mrs. Raybum Hunt were Med ford visitors Sunday afternoon. Victor Birdaeye, who Is student at O. A. is spending a week with his -mother, Mrs.

Effle Blrdseyo. Airs. Itoso day and children aro spending a couple of weeks in Ashland -with Airs. AleQullken. Mr.

and Airs. F. K. Wahl and Airs. Dreskel of Medford called nt the home of Airs.

Alaude Champlin Sun-iday afternoon, Richard dray, a student at O. A. C. Is spending the spring vacation with his, pnrents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas.

Cray of Riverside. Air. and Airs, Charles Wahl, who The Monday Night Tlible Study class met at the homo of Mrs. Kllza-beth Van Sunt for tho regular worlt, with an excellent attendance. Tlio Ladies' Aid meets today In tho-Il be held at tho homo of Mrs.

Wiit-junlor room for work, nnd in tho even-, kins on the Heesen placo In the there' is. the communion prepara-jent instead of nt the Clyde hall. The Sunday Afternoon and a Box of Whitmans You Guess the Rest The Sampler Made of ten favorite kinds of Chocolates and Confections. Pleasure Island A gaily colored Sea Chest with scenes from Stevenson. The Fussy Package A luxury1 in Chocolates.

Super-extra Chocolates The standard' of Whitman's excellence. Our Candies Are Fresh Every1 Week HEATHS' AND HASKINS' DRUG STORES HAVE IV As near to you as yQur phone. A PARTNER OP SUNLIGHT Cod-liver oil has aptly been called the partner of sunlight. Both out of Nature's store- house of energy are of su preme importance to a child with rickets. Scott's Emulsion and sunlight have been used for decades to give strength' to weak-bones.

A little of Scott's Emulsion with each feeding does wonders for a malnourished child or adult. Keep your boy or girl out in the sunlight and give them Scott's Emulsion everydayregularly "4t 4 Dome, SlootaSdd, N. OCXCOCK)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOe On April 3, the Ladles Aid will a cafeteria supper at Clyde hall. The regular Todies' Aid social tea (date Is April 2, and friends nre invited to mako an effort to be present and enjoy pleasant afternoon. Several Phoenix people listened In through tho courteny of local radio ownerH to the debate between L'nlver-filty of OroKon and Stanford University Wednesday night.

AIIhh Vivian Stanellff entertained at her homo Wednesday evening, Alareh IS. Mr. und rAIs. R. Stancllffe, AMrgil llawley, Al esda mes G.

Alclain, Kd Hamlin, AllsseH Alarjorle Castor, IVo-let Rolz, Dorotha AtcClaln and (ilenn NlcliolH, Roy Burleson, Tom Caster nnd Pud Turnbnugh. 1 While tho Cnlted States senate wns busy preparinfr for adjournment, while tho Red Cross was arranging to meet some pressing problems of recent date, while the local orchard men wore proparlng to meet tho frost situation, there was being given to the Phoenix high school boys nnd girla a banquet nt tho beautiful country homo of Air. nnd Airs. Pert Nichols. The big dining room was tastefully decorated and about 8 o'clock the two teams wit down to one of the finest sprenda that one could wish for.

Nenr the end of tho dinner toasts wero given and some real clever speeches wero made. Many kind wordH were spoken In behalf of Coach Purvos, who coached tho boys to victory. After playing games nnd having a jolly time, at a lhto hour all departed for their respective homes, but not till they had nil expressed their appreciation of tho wonderful time they had had, duo to the thoughtfulnesH and kindness of Afrs. Lois Allen, MIhb Sybil Kurry. AIIhh Alildred Ward, Airs.

Bert Nichols, Airs. Ralph Roberts, Airs. Kd French. Airs. Pert Stanellff.

Airs. Carmen Kvans, Mrs. Arthur Furry, Airs. John Roberts, Airs. Otto Caster and Alra.

Robert Furry, who prepared and gave tho boys and girls this good time. Last Saturday night, Mnrch 22, everyone had a very enjoyable time at the surprise party on Mario and Morris SmnllhaiiKen at their home at PROSPECT; meet at the old Dean field, about two miles from Prospect, next Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, with teams to clear and level off the field. They will take their lunch and eat by the cool mountain Bpring thero. At 2 o'clock they will begin their practice game. The weother has been very pleasant lately and we have had no rain this weok.

The nights are very cold and we have bad frost on the ground almost every morning. Tho epidemic of "flu" which Is so widespread over our part of the country has struck our Immediate vicinity ruthor hard. The attendance In high school was quite low last week, and at this writing the elementary attendance Is less than 50 per cent. Hubert Surryhne relates un accident and shows as his evidence a first-class suit of clothes dangling from the clothes line bearing every evidence of tlio story as related. Before returning.

as Is his habit, Hubert took his water pitcher and went to Mill creek to fill it. As it was very dark he arrived at tho millrace sooner than he expected, so pitched headlong Into the millrncc. Hy catching with one hand he rescued himself. The pitcher was not rescued until the rollowing day, as fishing for pitchers at a late hour In such a plight did not appeal to the victim ot the accident. 1'he state lias taken over the road from Cascade gorge through Prospect.

Work is to start soon on this road to put it in shape for the tourist season. IDE Air. nnd Mrs. Henry Calle and smull son of San Francisco spent few days with Airs. Caile's par ents.

Air. and Airs. C. Can of Foots creek. Air.

and Mrs. F. Pickett of Central Point were culling at tho homes of Mrs. Abbey Champlin and Alra. Muudo Champlin on Friday afternoon.

Aliss Muriel i Mutt hews, who is student at the Monmouth Normal, arrived homo Thursday for a few days visit with her parents. Air. and Airs. Ct. W.

Alatthews of Foots creek. The Finest English Delphiniums The finest raised from the most expensive imported seed. In mixture only, -containing -light and dark single and double flowers. They.will bloorii gorgeously for you this year. They are cheap at 50 cents the plant (add 10c postage if you only want one), or $5.00 the dozen.

A dozen 'gives magnificent display. These are the finest I have ever grown. Do you want my catalog? W. L. CRISSEY "GLADIOLUS FARM" R.

F. D. 1, Boring, Oregon YOU MEED' INSURANCE CALL ON US first Insurance Agency 1 8 A. L. HILL, Manigtr, 2 North Central I Pmn 1M Mxlford, Or OFF FOR PRESENT ASHLAND, Ore.

Mareli 27. It Iihk been decided by the nf directum of tlio Lithla SiirifiKs Hotel coriturn-tion, iiinn of nmueroiiH Rtnek-lioldoi-H, to jioKtpone tlio drive Tor the 8ii lo of tlio ndilltional worth or Hlock until liiils from various lioniilim hout-'OH are received. If a propnKlllon Hiifriciently attractive he received the corporation will lie bonded for an amount larse enough to complete con-Htruction and to furnish I lie liulldiiiK. Otherwise the drive will be reopened for Halo of enouKh Block to malm It )OH8lhlc to Hccure an advantageous offer. Without doubt the hotel will bo completed by Juno I.

PlaatorinK on the third floor of the Main Rtreet wiiiK Ih completed and concreto )our-inB Ib finiHlied on tlio eighth Htory, leaving but tlio nlnlli Htory und the parapet to finish. Tonight a carnival of fun and entertainment will bo held nt Junior high to complete the amount due on the play Hhed. The teachers are putting on tho program; a play, group songs, drills and music. A basketball game will be staged under U. V.

Howell's direction in the play shed, and numerous sideshows are planned. Hooths displaying home-made candy, caUes, Ico cream, drinks and plants: fish ponds and a lunch counter In the domestic science rooms complete list of attractions propnred for the visitor. Tho doom will open at 0 o'clock and the main program begins nt 8 clock. It Is expected thut nl Interested In the wiping out of the del Kit will be thero. On Tuesday of tills week, Secretary of Stnto Sam A.

Kozer and T. A. Rnf-forty, bond of tho traffic department, were In Ashland, and while here Mr. Kozer, who is a meniher of tho state bourd of regents, was shown tho pro posed normal sites by Secretary J. II.

Fuller, who Is also a mnmber of tlio board. The building was inspected also. Much was accomplished at an adjourned council meeting hold thin week. At nn expense of slightly over JliOOO and, according to plans submitted by City lOlectrlclan Malone, authorization was given for the completion of necessary repairs on the pipe line feeding the hydroelectric plant. Curs and trucks in the light department nre nlno to be ropnlrod nt a cost of Tho V.

M. O. A. was Blvon tho use. of I'lojienr linll nt nominal rental for year.

The contract for the remodeling of one room in the city ball was ordered lot nt once; to ho used ns un office for the land settlement department. The realty committeo was empowered to net with rogard to repairs on the Clinutauquii building and tho Fourtli-BtiBetflro station. Copies of 'tho new ordinance regarding tho payment of a licenso Too ol" l.r por table were ordered prepnrcd and served, nnd Cihief McNnlib was instructed to on-forco tho ordinance prohibiting the entrance into poll halls of alt persons under 111. A number appeared before the council to prefer requests. Mrs.

(Slmm Knlirlrk or Modford, Htato chairman of high school circles or P. T. was tlio principal spoaker at a splendid meeting or the high school circle nt tlio high school build-lug Wednesday. Mrs. Fubrlck's address was clear out and to the point.

In It sbo told of the ninny ways in which high school circle could function to the best advantage and pointed out weaknesses needing correction. In particular the speaker stressed tho running to earth of rumors, that more often than not are groundless. Miss Lorraine llrookmlllor played piano solo as an opening number and Dr. Clears Complexion "Oh 1 how clear and beautiful your complexion is today, my dear THERE is a certain joy a certain pride tn knowing you nro admired, whether it bo from father, brother, husband or sweetheart! And back oi that joy is the satisfaction of knowing all is well. Men are fascinated by -the charms of beauty.

Women frnzo with envy, secretly jealous, perhnps, wondering hoping prnyinir for that attractiveness which is not theirs. But why the wondering the hoping tho firnying for thnt craved for nttrac-ivenesa that clear skin thnt beauty. A clear skin is tho barometer of one's condition. A healthy skin radiates lienuty. Pure, clean blood means a clear skin.

S.S.S. is waiting to help you. It will rid your blood of its impurities nnd give you that clear complexion. Since 1 S.S.S. hns been ridding people of blood from pimples, from blackheads, lniils, eczema and from rheumatism, too.

Because S.S.S. is mode from fresh herbs and bark3, it may be taken with perfect safety. Try it yourself. You will not only look better, but you will feel better, too. 8.B.S.

Kt lu ftnnrt drug tori In two ffw. The Urser It more i.S.S. Ohe Worlds Best jlootlMedlrfne JfcW is aled MM- lory service by the pastor, Itev. J. C.

Morgler. During passion week three churches, the Methodist, Congrega- tfonal and Presbyterian, will unite In services, eacli pastor taking part. Word has come of the death or Mrs. 'endel, a former resident of Ashland, which occurred in San Francisco recently. Her daughter from Butto Falls, with tho oilier children and grand-children, wore present at the time of her death.

The deceased was well and favorably known hero and many will regret to learn of her death. The condition of C. W. Nlins, who has been so seriously 111 for so long, remains about the same. His friends await anxiously more fnvorablo reports.

The congregational mooting at the Presbyterian church bold Wednesday evening was well attended, considering tho amount of sickness there Is at present. A covered dish dinner at with tables groaning under the weight of good tilings, was the auspi cious opening for the business meeting that occupied tho latter part of tho evening. At the business sokbIoii, at which Itev. J. C.

Morglor presided. reports from nil tho departments of the church work were read and nil wero encouraging, showing a healthy stale, both numerically and llnan dally, with activities well above the averago In accinplishmeut. While a number of the membership huve moved to other cities or towns, others in like proportion have come Into the church. Klders elected wero Messrs. J.

M. Itoss, L. Mlksch nnd Aaron Andrews; trustees, Mossrs. W. II.

Wnllts and J. H. Turner; otfleers In the Sunday schoor. W. M.

Wright, superintendent; L. Mlksch, assistant superintendent; Mrs. S. D. Taylor, secretary; Mrs.

K. P. NlniB, treasurer; Mrs. A. II.

Wick, junior Mrs. Fllzabeth Van Sunt and Miss Katella llnys, primary department; Mrs. F. W. Hitchcock, librarian; Miss liOrrnlnc lirookmlller, organist: Mrs.

(ieorgo Hrookmiiler, cradlo roll superintendent; Miss Snrnli Fox, homo dopnrtment. It Is a ploasuro to report that Miss Hnmonn Wlso, who has been so 111 with pueumonia. Is convalescing and is expected to he able to return from the hospital in another week. Mrs. Froinan.

who lias been quite Hi with the flu, is much better today. Mrs. Payne of Urnnlto street, whose illness has extended over a number or weeks, Is also bettor. Winfred Smith hits new Star CollpP. Mm.

Anna KdwtirriH and family have ron tod the Hinall 1uku1ov nn Socond Htrect, owni'd by John Rob-ertH. I'Yod Furry Ih rnjnylnj; a vIhII from Iut nephewN, Will und Donald Pork, of Portland. AIIhh I'rcttyman nf tho ttluo Flower Indue, nnd KthW 1 osier motored to Ashland Wednesday to nee tho "Thief of ftaKdad." llohert and 'lnfred Smith nro re modeling und retlecorathiK their houau on Klrst Htreet. AlrH. Dayman ban returned home and Mi'H.

Acre haH taken her place nn nura fur (1 rand ma Moore, who wan injured hy falling Hume time ao. Mr. and Mr. II. S.

Furry anil AlrH. C'allie Stead man drove to Atdilund Sunday nnd culled on Mm. O'Toole. At the annual meeting laat week, at Ashland, Aim. T.

J. Mill turret! wan re appointed tn represent Phoenix in the county health UHHnctattnn. A daiiKhtor wan horn to Mr. nnd Mm, Charh'H FernH. Mniidnyv March Sylvester SlovetiH, Mildred l.olz nnd Sheets.

studeutH at the rnivertdty of nro npendltiK I heir Kaster vacation with their parents. Mian Klva Castor called nt tho Phoenix hcIiooIh Tuesday. Air. and Airs. Dmi glass Send man.

Mr. nnd Airs. Lovell Kerns. Robert Stead man. Ircno Hteadnmn und tlladya Kerns motored to Creek Sunday and took dinner nt the R.

R. V. Canal Co. camp- The Who Do club voted at a re rent nieetliiK to Merino from the coun ty library branch library for Phoe- dx. Knrther anuouut'ementH will be made when the nrrnnKetnonta nro com plete.

Airs. Callie Steadmnu left Thursday for an extended visit with her niece In Henlcia. nCllforniii. The I'nmp Kire irs of Hutee FnllH will kIvo their play. "The Red I-anip, and Hpei-al special numbers at the Phoenix fi-hotd auditorium, Saturday night Alarch -K.

The entertainment Is given under the direction of Mrs. Lowe. The proceeds go to tile Phoe nix high Hehool student body. On Saturday, April 4, the Talent high school wll bring" their play to Phoenix under the same conditions. "Air.

Hob" drew large uudienco nt Talent and will be well recoived at nlso, as It Is play which always delights an nudieneo. The Phoenix high school later In the year will take return plnya to Rutte Kails and Tatent. The senjors have ehoxi-n "The Klnpmcnt of Helen" for their play, the dute of which will be announced later. Principal and Mrs. John W.

Kerns en I eii nl ned the hlnh ft liool dents Kriilay evening, i their hee on Second street. On Saturday evening. March the home of Air. and Mrs. Pert Nichols a bnmjuef was given In honor of the basketball boys and girls.

Patronesses were Atesdinucs Ralph. Walter Allen. Roberts. Kd Krone! Carmen ii'vmia iii.t-t umiK'tirr ntid f(utl nm. dred Ward.

Cakes were donated bw esda mes Robert Kurry, .1 ohn Rob ertM. Arthur Kurry and otlo Cutler. After the banipiei fames were pntyed lll a lute our ull departed or PH0EMPARA6R.APHS every Aril-dike crmer Serve Tru-Bakes with finest iSoups, jSalads, Chcctoe.ctc. iff ASK your Y5 rknt into Grocer FOR I' Phone 65' 111 It's Worth While To "Fill up your tank and let your engine decide" on GENERAL GASOLINE The T. N.

T. of the gasoline world: Jones Kirkpatricb A Real Service Station Riverside at Sixth-.

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