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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • Page 15

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SYDNEY MORNIXCf HERALD, SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 1916. 37 region from their main a-oplT base, but tt POST OFFICE. GALLIPOLI. BARRIER. has slso Interfered' with the Bulgarian plans for tbe attack on Saionlca, And as for Corfu, PIG BATTLE DEALING WITH GRIEVANCES VICTORIA CROSS.

COOKSON. LONDON, Jan. 21. Tho Victoria Cross has been awarded to EASTERN FRONT. BESSARABIA.

DESPERATE FIGHTING. WESTERN FRONT. AERIAL FIGHTS. GERMANS BROUGHT DOWN. where' the German' Emperor', has' little palace ot his own, it.

Is well known that Germans bad made It's base for THE EVACUATION A VIVID ACCOUNT. INTOLERABLE SYSTEM. supplies. We cannot trust the Oreeks when we know of such and so we have had to take mattera Into our own bands. Tbe Lieutenant-Commander Cookson.

He was aboard tho gunboat Comet on September Greek policy of vacillation and delay, pend- The Postmaster-General, Mr. Webster, who 28, during the advance to Kut-cl-Amara. PEIME MINISTER'S APPEAL. "BETUBJT TO W0KK AT 'ONCE." GREAT WAR NEEDS. lag some definite indication as to which way now busily engaged with the problem ol the cat Is going to Jumo.

cannot be tolerated I providing better and Increased accommodation IN BESSARABIA. He was onlered to. destroy an obstruction LONDON, Jan. 21. Genernl Sir Dougliis Haig reports tbat there were 14 uerlal lights on Wednesday.

at a time when every moment counts. General me Byaaey u.r.u., yesterday made tne lol across tbe Tigris: An attempt to sink a BT'-NEW' ZEALAND MEDICAL AN AUSTHIAN CLAIM. LONDON, Jan. 20. A Russian communique says: North Sarratl has shown that he Is not the man to flowing statement with regard to Internal dhow by gunfire failed.

Lieutenant- tolerate It, at all events. And It Is sea power grievances Commander Cookson then ordered tbe Two of the enemy's machines were brought down in the German Hues. An enemy aeroplane dropped boiubs on an unimportant It Jan, 21. west of Czernovitz we captured a sector that stands behind him. Dede Agach Is situ- "With a view to obtaining a thorough know-ated about 80 miles eastward of Kavalla, ledge of the relations existing between the Comet alongside, Jumgped Into the dhow with axe In hand, and tried to cut tbe haw wnere tbe Allies were reported to have landed I staff, tne beads of branches, tbe deputies, of the enemy's position and repulsed five desperate counter-attacks, lullicUug enormous losses.

sers connecting It with tbo otber craft troops at the same time as tbe landing was tne rubllo Service Commissioner, and tho Mia No more vivid accouut ot the evacuation vuinge in our re'ir. BRUSSELS AGAIN FINED. The city of Brussels has been lined forming the obstruction, despite tbe heaviest made at Orfano. The last-named place la some later, 1 started out by granting Interviews AIR FIGHTS of Ansae' bus been iiubllsued tUau that MELBOURNE, Friday. Before leaving Australia, the Prime (Mr.

Hughes) arranged for th. Our torpedo destroyers in the Black Sea rifle and machine gun fire from both ranks, 30 miles westward of Kavalla, and 60 miles and meeting deputations from the various as from a New Zealand medical officer's diary BOD.OUO francs (about 0,0001 as tbe result raided tbe north-east Anatolian coast and north-east ot Saionlca. Dede Agaeh la the ter- soclatlons and unions within the service, and In (bo "Maiuuesler Guardian," which of the following telegram to tlss Auialgamatod of the assassination of Nurse Edith Cavell's He was Immediately shot and soon diedu. OTHER AWARDS. destroyed 1U.1 Balling vessels, of which 73 minus of an important railway which runs patiently listened to 'their pleaa on nearly reads: betrayer.

through Drama, Berres, and Demlr Hlssar, every complaint, real or Imaginary. were laden with provisions. Mlnera Association, at Broken Hill. A copy waa forwarded to Senator Pearce. who to-day made it available for publication.

The tol. Three other officers on tbo Comet were Just, south of the Bulgarian border, and then "Having heard them all either orally or by The Germans Justify the punishment be Pecember 10Vr-Hnd tea this afternoon passes south through tbe valley of the Var- letter, 1 have given much time to the analy- cause tbe crime was committed with a with un. actlllory wub ascomsn- ENEMY REPORT. An Austrian communique states: The gram given Distinguished Scrvlco Crosses, and 1(1 petty-officers and men Distinguished Service Medals. od to (eufn, M-at ho 1 leaving with tlie revolver, whereas all arms were ordered to be deposited at the Town Hull.

dar to Saionlca. Prom Saionlca to Demlr sla of tbe voluminous complaints, ano am Hlssar Is a distance of about 70 mllcB. In replying categorically thereto. I find that the Balkan War Demlr HlBsar, Serres, aad the bulk of such complalnta were mattora Barnott. president.

A.M. Broken Hill. Before loavlng Australia. I dnslr. battle In Uessarabia Is increasingly violent.

ON WESTERN FRONT guns, Wo repulsed stubborn attacks between To- urgo the Broken Hill mon to resume work December 11. Received orders to Drama marked the lino of the- Bulgarian re- which should have boen submltled to tho Pub ovacuate'1 liosnltal There ia much VICTORIOUS, BUT EXHAUSTED. poroutz and Bojnu (Toporoutss Is 12 miles north-east of Czurudvlts, and Boiau 10 treat. It la ooly about 20 miles from Orfano Hce Scrvlco Commissioner, Tho custom baa to Serres, and about 15 miles from Kavalla to grown to submit them all to the Minister, and immediately. 1 foci euro they do not dnslro to stop the manufacture of munllibua here and In Britain; yet nothing i.

speculation 'an' td-what's In the wind. miles Bouth of Toporo-utz). The enemy Drama, so that the Allies are within strlk-. mm tarasu tne matter out, wnicn not only -If wo' are going out several times reached our trenches, but lng distance ot the railway. hut lvh.7 Vh timn than that this must necessarily bo the result of the strike.

the secretary tbat1 BARALONG CASE. DANISH NEWSPAPER'S VERSION. The London correspondent of the LORD BOSEBEBY'S VIEW. Lord Rosehcry, speaking at Edinburgh, of tho staff. I am indicating ia my replies were ejected with heavy losses.

Eight hundred dead Russians were counted in I was ready to embark at any moment ntr-mui nu tuo aumority wnicn win have to bo approach I tui In flirnn. 1 wan. nt th. MESOPOTAMIA. The weather la dead calm.

May It con offc spot The Montenegrlna are to light on on "to I administration tfi carrv (In full rsnnnnitihiiltv. tlnne so. There la much excitement in In thousands to tho front, and are to-day fighting and dying valiantly In tho cause of liberty and to protect Australia from Prus-alan Surely the Broken Hill men do not wish their brothers at tho front to bo butchered, owing to the fRllnr. me puier ena, as tne message from Roma bo tnat I may judge of their eapaoity aud tit' THE CAUCASUS. said we would be exhausted but victorious.

He thonfftit we would be almost bleeding to death from such a debt of taxation as the world had never before seen. Our air, for'. It la generally thought that says. It Is war, not ueace. for Montenegro ne8S the positions.

I am sure tbat, with tonpostcn" (Copenhagen) gives tbe follow fnp At la little tact and judgment, much of the frlc Airaic Is being evacuated. It ia a ier- A Russian -communique says: We are aj wi ua. Ju run wo hid ill- rlbly, difficult feat, any hitch, may fnmA i I wwh vnu uv niiHyeu, una nine BHvea, wniuu formed, the lighting has been resumed against Bpe8 economy, for time means money those pre-concelved opinion of tbo tariff must reconsidered. ing version of tho Bnralong Incident A German submarine attacked nn English ship, oil which wore American muleteers. The latter took refuge In lifeboats, and mean a great disaster.

pursuing the Turks oa the Caucuslaii front The enemy is suffering heavy losses. The Czar has congratulated the "uu" ouu aiub muaoian nuu bib i aays. sons are still In their own country, at the I "1 have discovered Inexcusable weakness and December 33. The evacuation Is pro munitions, for the Bupply of which tho output of Broken Hill mines Is essentlay. hope counsels of reason and patriotism will prevail, and that the advice of those Gorman sympathisers who are Insidiously active In fomenting disturbances will be dlsrn.nraerf.

head ot their brava trnnn TnHAri thA ucu oi judgment and deoision already: sued uuuuasian troops. ceeding steadily. The weather is threat wnen tne tfaralong sank the submarine the WAR NOTES. In the House of. Commons Sir E.

Corn cables state tbat the troops under' Oerieral Be? a.ataI of yteMm wWch Martlnovitch absolutely refSsed to lay down T'w ut0. inttor crew took shelter on the merchant looks as If we are In for a storm, wall (Liberal, north-east division of Beth man. The muleteers then returned to the The Ian -lng was difficult enough; the final their arms, no matter what terms were I resuonslbll'ltv. end finally add. to the la- nal Green) sought to obtain a statement us snip and wreaked vengeance on tho crew GALLIPOLI AND AFTER.

offered. Remembering the wonderful bis-1 hours of the Minister. I do not I ask the Broken Hill men to return to work at once, and to submit tholr dispute to the evacuation will be a desperate business. Many euns have been shipped. The to the position of the Allies In tho Adriatic.

of tbe submarine. Tne diary of tbe New Zealand medical tory of this little kingdom and the 'alr general, but It Is far too frequent, valnur nf it- 1 1 am adopting-tbe rule that all grlevancea or Ird Robert Cecil (Under-Secretary for Tho correspondent adds: It must not be Turks must know what's happening, reaeral Arbitration Court. I will do evcisT. thing In mv power to securo an enrlv hear. have been a "omplaluts shall be lodged with the authority officer relating to the withdrawal of troops from Anzac, and published in Annfarta Plain already wears a deserted forgotten that the evidence published by the lng.

If thla be not possible, then I nroml.e.' foreign Atrulrs) replied that he did not possess any information respecting Montenegro except that already published. accepted the Austrian terms ot peace. Kor mattera of vital moment should be' submitted "Manchester Guardian," Is one ot the most i.emmiiy was takeu In America from wit appearance. Wo live in expectation or an tne Montenegrins are not only a brave neoole. I to the Minister direct, or cases where a Batls thrilling things which the war has produced.

losses who received a fee, and were not attack at any moment All tho stores neuters cotrcsnonriViit- nt uva Aon It ia- thrilling mostly because of cross-examined. An lnuulrv would ll. were transported this evening to embar- they are also a proud people. We can weULIaeltor3r solution Is not forthcomingof such understand the feelings of King Nicholas and S.YJnt',,,.Iw1l,1'b and the Queen and l'reiuier of Montenegro definitely, If the men at once resume work, I will on my return from England in May at once create, under tho new Commonwealth powers, a Federal tribunal, clothod with all legal authority to hear and determine" tho ease without delay, and to mukn th. siuipnciiy.

inn omcer is not a war corra close the above facts. cation polut blB neODlB When th. have arrived. The latter announces that spondent, and he Is not straining after eltoot- pena. December 14.

It la dull and threaten be is Just telling the story In simple words. King Nicholas and the Government have man to loy aown hls.rine. There Is a Mooter. VAnother point I desire to emphasise Is'that Gradually, as the whole tale unfolds, we aro negrin proverb wblch says, "A man without must he recognised by ing. Tho llual scene will bo thrilling.

of that court retrospective as from the dim arma Is a man without ooin sides, and In any dispute about the In realising what a marvellous bit of work Tho casualties aro estimated at possibly the war has t.u.h. .11 11,. terpretatlon of an award, the Court Is tho refused ull tile Austrian terms, and that fighting has been resumed at all fronts. The King and his sons aro still In Montenegro, in the midst of the troops, or was, this evacuation of Oalllpoll as marvel of the resumption of work, provided that this resumption 1b Immediate I ask that from 0000 to 10,000. I learnt later that freedom we ami h.

"-'V lous as the very landing Itself. "December AIR WARFARE. NEW GERMAN MACHINE. Some papers are making a feature ot preparations were made at Lemnos for arrangements bo made for a ballot of the The final scene will bo thrilling. The casual ganising a last stand.

thHt number ot wounaen, eiiiny tuuuu- whole of the men affected by tho dlsnuta to ties are estimated at possibly 6000 to 10,000, ted iuoj have gone. Tho lant troops be taken on my proposal. (Signed), W. 1 learned later tbat preparations were made HUGHES." to be withdrawn will be the old main body CONSTANTINE VEXED. Reports received via New York state mere Is another proverb among these harily WanU to be tbe eole Interp.reter.

and much mountalneera which runs: "Thou mayest as time Is occupied In disputations of the terms well take away my brother as- my rifle." of th6 award. No award Is perfect, but it is These People would -obey their King In anv- result of an unbiassed Judgment, after thing sav. that ji each side has placed Its ease before the is Thmh 7, Court. Neither the Public Service Commls- Is salil. though It is doubtless an exaggera- siener nor the Minister should, or ought they, tlon, tbat King Nicholas knows the names of be.

expected to -revise the award, unless a Lmnos ror that number of wounded." That the exploits of German aeroplanes. 'i The latest cable news from London says that the Montenegrin position remains obscure. In an earlier message, the -Montenegrin Ministry announced that King Nicholas and his troops would fight to the bitter end. An Allied squadron bom-larded Dede-Agach, doing considerable damage. According to a Vienna communique, the battle in Bessarabia is increasingly violent.

Austnans claim to have repulsed stubborn attacks. JL The Russians repulsed five desperate counter-attacks north-west of Czernovitz, inflicting enormous losses. General Sir Douglas Haig ('(British Commander-in-Chief j.on tho Western front) says there were fourteen aerial fights on Wednesday. Two of tho enemy's machines were down. The Compulsion BUI has passed the committee stage in the House of Commons.

of Australians and New Zealanders the an extract which shows what danger attended suggesting that tney are stronger and ours, is pointed out that 17 first to land and the last to leave. They tne wnele thing; and yet ttils New Zealand MUNITIONS WOBKS STILL IDLE, thnt King Constantino, in an Interview with the Associated Press, said bo was doctor only tells of one man being wounded have played a glorious part of ours have boon brought down Bince De profoundly-Indignant over the Allies' re ny a stray bullet, and three others--throe ail nis suniocts, and that no. man is too mmuai agreement Is possible, when such bumble for him to stop and. sneak to. 1 It la I he Indeed with the Registrar ot the December 15.

We expect to leave to BROKEN HIUa Friday. Things generally woro quiet to-day. The tho "Dlo Hards," who were tho drst to land cember 111. The Fokkcr currlos uu immovable niucnluu gun, which tires strslithl; cent high-handedness. Ho was greatly morrow night eve of tho final retreat, iiviiK 10 eliminate a Bye- ana the last to leave getting sprained ankles.

moved wnen a. long, list of. en Issuing of rollef coupons at the Trades Hall he-has w.r "a.V,em. We had a very trying day. The line Is One would have given" something to witness croachments on (iiwre's soverelcntv.

nil. 7 euunuujiBH ino iimo 01 1 1 concerned," nrecariously thin. Only a few cannon tnat suene at Mudros, when t'aese "Die Hards' Tne rostmaster-Genei-al. In the onrn of minuting in the occupation of Corfu nnrl I communfcatlnn to the various dfiutntinn marched along a road a mile Ions Hi aro left which fire a great deal to com the destruction of the Demlrhlssar bridge. I says: "I have set out as clearly as I ran for pensate for the others.

If the 'lurks at tho cheering troops. "So proud they looked as the men cheered. None will forget those occupieo most 01 tno officials' tlmo. The Amalgamated Society of Englneera baa takon steps to form a tradea council In view of the attitude taken up in the present trouble by the A.M.A. against the union, who are arbltratlonlsta, and not believers lo dlroct action.

Circular letters have been sent to I the benefit of all concerned the procedure ancau. Tne use of this aeroplane is' re-sli'lcted, because only a supor-uviator can pilot It. Mr. H. J.

Tcnnant (Under-Secretary for War) stated lu the House of Commons tbat the main duties of aeroplanes were reconnaissance, artillery work, and offensive fighting. If the Germans adopted the offen atteition: DEDE AGACH BOMBARDED. tack strongly nothing can save us from 1 wmcn mini, is oest tor tne iuturo strained, exhausted, dauntless 1 iqereiore trust you will malls mv disaster. Tbelr artillery has scarcely fired a message from Snlonlcn savs thnt object, and see the necessity of comply ins: seemed impossible that this thing should be done under the- very eyes, as It wero. of tho for two days.

Perhaps they are hatching French, Italian, and three British wnrshlna A GERMAN VIEW. I (herewith. I must also iirare unon von thn some scheme. Our warships are firing In lobllc-atlon which rests on all of us In relation bombarded Dede Agach. They blew up Turks, but It was done Just as later Holies 1 10.

ine unprecedented war, and tho effect of was evacuated. It Is a nrourt slorv f.r'.ll iwo uurracas, ucBtroyea a train, and sive, and ouino behind our lines, wo bud machines equal lu speed and efficiency to cessantly at Cape Holies. Perhaps tbe Turks think we may try another assault The following sidelights on. German nnlnlnnl Bame on m0 than any Britons. And now, what? Perhaps the story shell was seen to explode amidst fleeing troops.

The shore batteries renlied uu. at Acbl Bnba, The weather Is line. We tuo I'OKKcrs. our air service bad given win do continued at But Oalllpoll has assured us tbat, whatevor they may have goou account of Itself. never studied the Bky with such apprehen Buccessrnuy, are quoted in the i.onoon "Times" otner oepartment of Htnto Australia, be-The "Hamburger Nachrlchten" dlseusssa'.

In "8 employeee a loading article the respective reserves nr tno orloa contribution they have al-etreugth ot tuo "After a refo- t0 tho ranka of thoso who aro rence to Mr. Winston Churchill's rocent maklns" an Imperishable name for Australia, speech, and to other view. i Ther are doing their best, and it is up, to us 10 ngm, we may rely on those dauntless Ana (About a week asa th. i.tnA sion. trallans and New Zealanders to fight and do the Engine-drivers and Firemen's Association, the Boilermakers', Carpenters and Joiners', and Ironmouldera' societies, aaklng thorn to appoint delegates.

The A.M.A. to-day Informed tho manager of the munitions workB by letter tbat tho necessary number of englnedrlvers to supply power to the works from the South Mine would be given permits to go lo. The manager (Mr. Lewis) replied: "I presume that you ara aware that 'to restart the munitions works here we would require to have both tho South mine and Zlno Corporation power plants running, and we are also dependent nn the to have brought flown 10 EritUL aeroplanes on tho. western lront in a month.

It was stated ineir auty as brave men. land about "attrition," the Hamburg iournil t0 do our best to keep this country going AN ANXIOUS NIGHT. December 16. We had an uneventful, nun mat posBiDiy ine success was due to the new Pokker monoplane at 160 horsepower, with a speed of 112 miles an hour. The says: 7 uum tney return victorious.

Frobably fur- "We refrain from in.itinv ther contributions yet. have tn be med. THE RUSSIANS. but anxious, night The roads and sap come and pay us a visit wnich would remove rnk. which will render our task id ituio a Hoar MiHmrt in in mlm.t.

ine accounts irom retrograd and Vienna ot seem deserted. It seems impossible that unu curries only a pilot and two machine me progress ot tne Big battle on the Bess- THE BLOCKADE. SWEDEN'S REPRISAL. EMBARGO WOOD PULP. Copenhagen newspapers state that 8m.

iguur.nce ana snow tnem tbe masses ot wreunnDie. ir we succeea. men lit to bear arma whom we atill have iniSucD- success can only 'be achieved by the the country. Let- thm roth. I whole-hearted co-onerat(on of evervnna In the Turks do not realise what we are doing.

arabtan frontier -are again conflicting. They are both "offlclal," but they don't agree. Once again each side has proved victorious. The they are, and where' they can enjoy their owr reat denartm.nt, and I look hopefully opinions." to your natrlotlc assistance help In secur- December 17. Definite orders have been COMPULSION.

BILL PASSES COMMITTEE. explanation may Us in the fact that the ac received to depart to-morrow nignc une 1 ne article says that, although the Central ng tne desired end. Do not be too exacting: woro orBlnaUy Interior In population, do not 'or trouble: we shall have enough the Intervention of Turkey and Bulgaria and that to satisfy the mnBt exacting ere peace the Proclamatlnn nt ut.i Is refltnreil PaaIIb. wl.h mn Ih.t t.a... counts we have received seem to refer to different parts of the battle The Zinc Corporation foundry and smithy for castings and forge works.

As your pickets wero responsible for preventing the' englnedrlvers and firemen from going to work, I would like to know, In view of the attitude you are now taking, It you have advised the Federated Engine-drivers and Firemen's Association that their men will now be nermltted tn suspense Is most trying. The Turks are extraordinarily quiet Our few guns make den's prohibition of the export of wood pulp is hailed, as a reprisal for Britain's all the difference, and' that In any case the obligation to the peoplo of Australia retrograd message refers to fighting north brave (bow, but the thinness Is very The Compulsion Bill has passed the com- seizure qf mall parcels, West of jCiemovlts, where It Is stated, the THE BALKANS. MONTENEGRO'S ATTITUDE. 1 WILL FIGHT OH. -w uiMtLer ot aritnmetlc.

The nna 11-you can give me tne writer proceeds: berolo assls'ance your brothers are render- And What have th. I o- nn th. hat. la frnn. to.

-hall .1 1. noticeable to us, if not to the enemy, mlttee stage In the House of Commons; Sweden's embnrgo on pnln Is Hkelv fo nuwans capturea a sector of the enemy's With their December 18. Tbe whole place seemB positions and repulsed live desperate counter uauso reuueuou in tne size of newsnaner. Mr. Bouur Law (Secretary of State for the Colonics) paid a tribute to the restraint Huuugn: iney could not Hu coneem.n.

iec us try our break the barrier t. aicacss, innictlng enoromus losses. Tho deserted. We couldn't wish for-better or increase their cost 11.. with Russia's vnar tne eonditlons.

then wo shall feel Austrian communique, on the other hand. dgaln? The Metropole Picture Theatre, which was getting from the Central mine, haa had to close down. Permission has been given for those members of the South tnin. weather for the grand finale. Tbe few Mr.

Asqulth announced In the nnnu or nn sections In dealing with a dlilicult d.neii "ave fallen at the Bar- Played our part tn preserve this measure. remaining donkeys keep up a pathetic commons to-aay tnat an opportunity would Ma.Ji. a even nrlng be to country and its institutions, oervla. And while I m.i,a a .11 speaks of the repulse ot stubborn attacks north-east of Ciarnovltx between Toporonts aad Bojaq. Toporonti, which has been tbe he-hawlng," as If they realised they will uuorueu on Wednesday to debate the LORD DERBY'S FIRST CALL, staff connected with the Miners' Accident Re- fronts abl" to hW'on the our children may feel that their parents soon be abandoned.

Our aeroplanes are scene ot most of the lighting here lately, Is uiocauoe. tie noped tbe Houso would pro rogue next week. force, nf ii.i. a wm" mobilised not liven -n vain aloft all day long to keep off enemy ob uei r-uno, to go to and from the mine, to pro-pare and give out nay. The mon.v win The first call for the Derby recruits yesterday was followed by lively scenes at I BOMBARDMENT OF DKDB AQACBU situated on the Bessarablan border, north the smash the Servian st.r.

servers. The garrison bus been reduced east ot the Bukovlna capital, while Boian Is disbursed from Monday. 1 COCKATOO ISLAND. To-morrow the remainder wiU em be aln.o.rexh.u..-S.."...."'" an Important centre on tbe railway llne Messrs. Consldino and O'Reilly, strike dele wnitenaii and otber recinlting centres.

The men summoned appeared at hourly IN PERSIA. bark, or wbat Is left of them. Tbe me capital, ana just gates, have telegraphed from Adelaide stating they are leaving for Melbourne to-night. DEPUTATIONS TO THE MINISTER. aoove tne junction of the Austrian-Bess Pitifully for new supplies of.

men- from othef peoples. If the superiority iiiervius. ji is expected the medical examinations will take a week to ten dnva. evacuation has hitherto been a tremendous success, but To-morrow night will be araDian. and Roumanian borders.

According great, it would surely hav. h.a COSSACKS DEFEAT RAIDERS. to tne Vienna message, the Russians reached very critical. The Minister for the Navy (Mr. J.

A. Jenaeni Notices informed tbo recruits what regiments were open. Some vacancies in the ENEMY SHAREHOLDERS. tne Austrian trenches several but us Triple Entente .7 resieraay receivea a numlier of deputations re December 19. Wo left Ansa a lost even uousenoid Cavalry were soon filled.

some point or other In the' great var thuiM various Industrial organisations at from the North .1. PETROGR A r. v. 91 were ejected, after suffering heavy losses. But we can read between the lines and see that LONDON, Jan.

S3. lie Montenegrin position remains litre, only meagre reports being to hand. Consul-General In London states that Kt Nicholas remains with his two sons atie head of his troops. Tbe Queen, her darters, the Premier, and diplomats are preedlng to Prance. messages stated: The Mdntene-rrRllnlstry announces that King Nicholas intlls tronna will flo-hr ra 1 iiw v.unn,-Bies." I A band of 1000 marauders NATURALISED PERSONS NOT m.

I. "Wlaaton Churchill and au.cea tB" depuutlons. while Mr. J. J.

King- HIS SiXPertS." v.i. I WlfT- i I mna.a. a. T.I a. the advantage.

Is with the Russians. 11 lull The summons contained a note advising tho recruits to appear In clothes of no value, so as to avoid the exnense of ing, marching In the sap leading to the pier. Not a word was spoken; not a match was struck. We proceeded rapidly and silently in the darkness. All were keyed up.

We feared to bear tbe rifle lire at any moment. That tbe Rusalsns succeeded la reaching an Inspired criticism of the and Engineer-Commander Bromwlch. R.N. aUiununiV' i- ii-ersia) region (Resbt Is 14 miles south-east of the port of Enzcll, on tho Caspian 8ea), and threatened the Uus- tne trencnea is evidence of some success. t-nurchill speech which dealt wlibthe send- 'gen8ral mafllKer at Garden Inland) were also pawning mem nome.

As a result many seemed to be tramps and beggars. The fact that the fighting now extends to Bo wueen Jalllsbetb tb'tha n.rSanaii. present. and aald tbat "th. The nrlnclnal arlevane.

h. a rrld.v. man communications. Jan, at the very gateway of Roumanla, shows A few shells burst near the pier. Wo ine city Tribunal has received soon l-rooaoiy no previous decision arrlvrd fe-eVamlhei: IbjTth.

I4? be In settling lines ot demarca-Admlralty War Stair tton between the varlou. lr.rt... Th. ul.i.,.. that the Russians have defeated the attempt to official rennrt wltl wonderful despatch.

Th bv th. nnw.rnman. I peals from the first eight Derby sroiina naaia mu. KuijDflrv H. I.

outnanx tnem, and are pushing the enemy iub writer u.n arranged to meet delegates of every union re- The hearing will occupy at least three Using between Austria and Montenegro i k. I nllr fnotfn la. ftnlv imn vm. wiiinriui Dunuiy nas arouBeu so slan troops with 800 Cossacks cut tbe band's communication with the Turkish frontier, and after a difficult march across snowclad passes surrounded and defeated tbe raiders. soumwara.

itarancie, where heavy fight htieen resumed. uiouins. wnen iterr Churchill speaks thus fnr Presented on Cockatoo Island on Monday Parliament of his country andtj" world neia' to alMU" the matter. tinLi" that every word Is tru- il The Mr8'r of the Amalgamated Society ot though It la. really, difficult fr Carpenters and Joiners (Mr.

Corblttl oblacted lng was. reported some, days ago, Is situated midway. between Toporonts and Boian. The a stray bullet We reached Mudros early 1 Muskovltch (Montenegrin Premier), wuu muireii in eommeroiai circles as has the latest edict or tbe Prime Minister (Mr: Hughes), to the effect tbat all persons of enemv origin, In the morning, and arrived In camp in battle, we are told. Is becoming Increasingly BRITISH SUBMARINE.

lue aeierminaaon to con-the evening-. various gunnery experts, the highest to nreferenca to married men. mitaili "it th8 War staff of the Ad vf they should ellil'Ji'' nthor 'he Idea: ind laord a '0r8man Johw their men at Fisher, who was d.n.l,..T S. Ij0rd Garden Island. Inste.d tin th.

mcn.i I we siept aeep ana long, ror ZSSStJl'l. strain. violent: ana it Is likely to have a very Import-ant effect on the whole war situation. Else must be removed from the lists of share'-' hfllSara all uue nrsi or toe Ansae "Die-bards" arrived AQR0TTND ON" DUTCH COAST. where the Russians are making headway.

They have Indicted heavy defeat on tbe SOUTH AFRICA. TROUBLE WITH REBELS. a. vumuavnies. Mr.

Mabon to-day denied a rumour that tbe proclamations would not be applicable to naturalised persona'. When naa. h. this afternoon. The last came In at 5 helleved that In Tn "luest tbo Minister granted.

still greatel ad5filTT Tb hlpwrlghts requested that the recent rums in the Caucasus: and Russian tornedo- It Is officially stated that a British M.I..VV King lo dock this evening. They marched along negotiations with -the road mile long between lines of ooats in tne Black Sea are credited with "8rea against the- P8 removed, as far as tD)on 'h our ber" 8'plnK 8a for Oreat Britain were tifiul Antwerp and other place. Tha It wa. staled that while 'there trifling TOO w.r--n nr SO nt i oa proposed to prevent the evasion of- the rule by the transfer of shares to dummy holders, tbe Minister said tbat that practice eould be checked by the Imnosltlon nf having destroyed no fewer than 163 Turkish mnaw or the troops Cheering troops.

Very proud they looked General lim Martlnovitch. STERN" MEASURES THREATENED sailing vessels, as a result of a raid an the as tho men cheered. None will forget murine grounded on tbe coast of Holland A British destroyer saved part of the officers and crew. A Dutch warship saved the rest carries not 17ln, but MlS rls- no donhf 18'- 0B men w8re In the to be placed tor the i no country for war work. Anatolian ooeat.

Of these sailers, 73 are on both the person transferring the sbarea and the peraon In whoao name they wore ro- ''-V glatered. iuosb strained, exhausted, dauntless faces. Their only casualties were three snrained stated to have been laden with provisions. omnaDder.of tho, Engllsb I nnTT M.r' K'ng-Salter pointed out that the work PltKTORTi t. o.

"Pens. But mni oib onic never knew when MESOPOTAMIA. The provincial KUT-EL-AMARA, ooum P80D, In England wish t. Z.Z raS might want 80 or ao shipwrights. the efflci.nev w'sn to makel Th.

utniaf.r ankles. The troops are as full of llgiit as ever, and will yet win some great oiscussea the truculent at- The news to hand regarding the eamnaln EABATJL EARTHQUAKE. tratuu. thi rebels and their sym- General aylmer's In Mesopotamia Is very satisfactory. Resent.

THE SUVLA LANDING. th! Vtt esruTva, to tl.t.otlo"th.t. m.n7.h.p! our high angbj-S- i. ''gh were uwmployed -while they were J11' Wsher he matter -brought before the H8rp Winston says that be w. full -V Ti Cabln8t (bnslderstlon.

bhm.T'v 6hM ZtWi aaalstants put forward a British Navy, and he must 0,8 claim-for an Increase of Sd per day above General Botha admitted that the aitna BRITAIN'S FINANCES. LONDON 'TIMES" REVIEW The "Times." In Its financial and com-morcial review of 1015, says that with strict economy there need not be anv rinnhr OFFICIAL REPORT. oablea stated tbat tbe advance of General Aylmer's force, which Is marching to the relief of Major-Oeneral Townshend's troops at Kut-el-Amera, on the River Tigris, bad been "TcmB rave. He Fifty New Zealanders from Hornchnrch. retarded, owing to tbo adverse weather con MELBOURNE, Friday.

A report haa com. tn rr.m s. MARCH. LONDON, Jan. 20.

Austen Chamberlain (Secretary for Ip) stated in the Hbuse of Commons to-at that the weather In Mesopotamia BDoderated, and that General Aylmer the guests of Mr. J. a Wnson (Independent Liberal for Orkney and Shetland, formerly a member of the New Zealand Houso uy tne state Arnuratlon Court. They, quoted as a precedent the rates being nald by the Rallwav dltlons. Now, however, we are Informed tbat mlnlstrator of Rabaul, dated January 1916, In amplification of hla.

SHELL-RIDDLED BARQUE. the weather has Improved, and that the re and at the State dockyard, Walsh Island. The uuoui our nnancini resources standing any strain. Commercial oneratlnn. lieving force has reached to within seven in reply, stated that be would put the same date.

In regard to the earthquake which occurred on the previous nlaht, Colonel miles of the beleaguered Having got so far. we need not doubt that General imu-jcuous, nre satisfactory. ot uepresentntlvcs), were present in the gallery of the House of Commons this afternoon, and evinced the keenest Interest In questions relAtlug to the Dardanelles. They i Tha linrr iwi under a recent Government ruling, to nav mnr. WHEAT FREIGHTS.

SHIPPING JOURNAL'S COMMENT, l.ONnnv t. n. BUOIITianiM I 1. ,1 a- bra8 um uavanco. The latest J.

stated that he was seven mile. 7rZ nam i laSWIs. which t7 Lawll' whlafc WIN t. cargo of timber Aylmer will get the whole way. Kut-el-Aiaara Is about 100 miles below the 'famous elty of Baghdad, which was, and Is, the Brit rvinuenuge atatea tnat since air arrival at Rabaul they frequently felt, slight earth tremors, but on the night of January 1, at 11.30, a very severe quake waa "felt, lasting for quite a minute.

Crockery and glassware were and furniture overturned In the quarters. Many of the natives became alarmed, and fled in varloua directions Into tha bush. Minn. ltr Court, London, rentl the Admr" ee of chare to ish objective. Major-General Townshond.

vuuuiunn tna vtaaaii.1 7 THE SENUSSI THE CLAN1 MACFARLANE. CAPTAIN1 INTERVIEWED. PARIS. Jan. 01 despite the difficulties which the long line of uuu tea on tne terrace.

Mr. Redmond asked Mr. Asquint whether, in view, of the. Imputations on corps' divisional commanders in Suvla, contained In Generpl Sir Ian Hamilton's despatch, the Government wnulil hhIm i. "Falrplay" says: "The general assumption "re Kbl" running up fre ghts are lncrcaslnu- tho communications entailed, succeeded In n-t "coKsmjaiox." "maVk'ed Samuel ting as far as Cteslphon, soma It miles from tremors were felt all through the night, at Intervals of a few hours.

In manyDlaoes. the renort Bt.l.. I.n.iin. 1 which was sunk hv J18 The of the Clan Macfarlnno COMPLAINT BV LABOUR LEAGUE. Bagouao, wnere ne was attacked, and was obliged to retreat.

Not without several of her er. auerwards. bMt 1U tralla the owners have gone out of their wuy to tnko wheat tonnage nt a freight have occurred on the roade, and treea have -been thrown down. A causeway connecting MatUpl Island With th. mainland ha.

al.T Th. "rowneo, states that the vessel. was torpedoed on the -ii-. n.i inquiry to investigate tbe circumstances attending the to the. absence of artillery aiifl failure of tho wntnr i sue WaB raahl.

appeared, and five feet of water now. exists aimouity, for some of the Arab tribesmen were by no means friendly, he managed to roach Kut-el-Amara, where he had previously defeated the Turks; and there he Prfld8nt said tbat the casa was union, "--hour League the following motion, moved because the vessel waa left derelict th. Mr' J' Hackett, was carrledir-' luB uominonwcnlth Ho- vernmcut's views, but the pon Blue, a second torpedo was fired when tbe crew -wore about to enter the boata The vessel sank in ten minutes. Twenty of tbo engine-room staff, at at the nn. wbellicr fcjfopford uad asked for ah Inquiry regarding, the circumstances attending the landing ot Suvla.

and if friilliin I unn uL neon 7L1 ornerea at very short notice hi OI 108 tni tn8 single men the officers of the German submarma to leave beln fe rtht to rlt by both ner. Mrltrit. amnlAvaH anil ha f1i.MHu. a naa nan to remain with his 10,000 troops, AND NEW LONDON, Jan. 21.

is toZfr Mr- (offlclnl correspondent wIM. the New land troops) account of tho Christmas nUv (western ZJ wnlcl' nnd New toSTlX! rtow hs' SJ" "'C The and 22 passengers perished. oosBiway waa Dulll. The water In-the harbour receded and rose to 'a vertical height of about 10ft, and tne Maralna, Sumatra -and Madang, wblch were alongside tho Jetty, had rather an. exciting experience for about a quarter of an hour, as tbe whole' Jdtty and shed kept surging outwards and thon -Fortunately, no damask ana i ThB anhmai-lnat sAMa- 1 tha tha irsufavat aiilhavltlu 1- "a i l0' an1 fall market price Is obtained.

We do not blame tho An.tvnH.-I would be, held watting for reinforcements. Doubtless, now that relief has come, we shall see the continuation ofthe expedition, which bad to be Mr. Asqulth suld, that Government. after careful consideration, concluded tlint aoaaaonea after tbe Cteslphon the master of tbe barque, tired one shot stroetlons prdhlbltlng them from seeking online bows as ad Intimation tbat way must be Ployment oversea, this league, considers that taken off the vessel. but Immediately after- Titht' ot "''l8 are' being cruahed aarda the Germans tbat shot uo for to gr8t8'' extent than haa hitherto be.m some reason best known to themselves, by fir- hnown In this country.

Further, we consider Iff .1 if H1" ho'ore the orew could get that ultimatum Indirectly Issued to these tbe abed, where stacks of varloua kinds ot ror getting as much they can, but we object to see the patriotic shipowner b.nnv ed for keeping up the price of bread, if ho Commonwealth reaps the benefit she MISCELLANEOUS. LONDON, Jan. 21. Lord Lansdowne, In the House of T.rrt. WHAT SEA POWER MEANS; no sucu jiiquiry wiis pracjienble at present, needed.

tf constitute the tribunal, witness gooas were overthrown, and cases and baza burst open. Colonel Pethebrldvn. fh. Mm. nf a.m..

Boms months ago we read af aula men, ordering them to-elther enli.t Bunro ot tno obloquy could, withdrawn from actlvo ser- t. 1 Th'' W8re the master viii. had asked replying to a question regarding alien traders, said that in a business which was not incorporated ns British neets oomoarning the Bulgarian pert of Dede Agach, with the result that much damago was done; and now It has been bombarded again, Italian warships Joining in this tun with the British and Frenoh. Aula. th.

tor to be a deliberate and treacherous breach of Labour principles. Wealthy single men are exempt from this 'conscription by and are free to please themselves whether they enlist to defend their property or not. The members of this league now call upon the Federal Labour nartv to stand hv th. eompass, and a ohsrt; and he adaed the What more do you had not beard of any. experiences outside I ho vicinity of Rsbaul, but at Matupl the osellln--tlon had such an effect on tho men that many of tnem felt quite seasick.

Several houses out Toms way bad been blown down, and the Government sanatorium thero was so shaken and out of plumb -that immediate action wasi necessary In order to save It. All neressary -steps were being taken to rectify tho damage done. Dillon! nn. opportunity where one of tho proprietors was In. an' lnbannilv a eaiamitv h.

VICTORIAN MINISTER'S STATEMENT. The attention of th. Minister for Amloul. tare Magolthorn) f5 lng vessel after the services. She foundered who stood by them In the past, and either allow the single men of Australia to continue New Zealand casualties numbered 70.


cT. 'rm that damage appears to have considerable. Two barracks and a train were destroyed, and a shell was seen to explode In the midst ot the fleeing The Bulxarlana ma. tne result ot striking mine somewhere in Engllsb Channel or in ih.

enemy country, and consequently the rep. rcsentntlvc hero was precluded trsdlng in business useful lo Britain, a license to carry on was sometimes granted. Thero tneir full eitisen rights or allow them to seek other fields where ther will h.v. snoiiiu -ue Kivvn omcers to, Write their versions, might; be kMled. Mr.

a 'most delicate matter. Aimi -ban say-Is wi wlll do our jit-most to ecnre filially nn ample inquiry and full Josllte fo all concerned. Will vnn rlvn an SM0 would go to tbe owners 1 the Ba akanl. 400 tn h.r tunllr of working out the r.m.ia.. still be of opinion tbat they are fighting on the winning side, but this bombardment of A mm mini muwiieiiCB may OITeCt.

wrre Bvveiiicen BUCO CnSCS. Tho. King's Bench has refused special allowance of 20 to the mate. The balance of CIMo would be divided amongst tbe orew, according to their rating, and the representatives of those who lost tber live, the mate (In addition to the fitO) and the' Ferguson has rerelve. tbe fOllnSrlna rnhla 1 cation for habeas corpus on behalf of nb above bI, to-night, lowing go far tho Jer, tt! t0 ex.

oept in the open market, and that Is the poller we have been pursuing at the reourat III, (So .7." 'hem tons ot wheat at a price that was ja lstaotory to wo also ueae Agacn will at least remind them of tbe meaning of sea power the power that Is going to tell In the end. It also his Its lesson tor Greece, though ens lmaaines sn'raticri Hint greuter' care will be taken In Commlasloner, Egypt: "Tho r.imrt i OalllmH "nI tho Turks tb. army A CENTENARIAN. inieiiieu naturalised British subject. Tho Attorney -General explained th nr Tmlnln, or Kgj.pti Oroece does not need the lesson.

King Con future selections of Generals. Asquith! Eycrjf chre'ls taken. Ir. ltedmond: is thero fen oblectlnn to i. HH CANAL 'Aom.

right under the Defence of tho Hcnlm Act Tho prisoner's counsel declared The report affords a complete, refutation ft the firnncht atalnaa I.Im.1..... oie. nnownsii, a one-time prominent builder and enntrantnr l. It Is stantino, who. It must be confessed, Is nutting a rather sorry flgurSiJust new, expresses BT8H FIHE3.

nal Tl i L.ltn.. tno worxina nt tn. tint Act was passed not single person or party to Its pnsNiige Imagined that th. John Maxwell hn. i uenernr incomers or, vc uouse seeing War Office Hn that Mfl.

Proclamn-idocumcuta. which already been profound Indignation' at the recent "highhandedness" of the Allies, culmination- In th. tin Mn.i ...1 KO 'or the locality shown to somo members? tne canal lucunty some memnors7 vii'iaiiv one It Is thoretoro unfair to whie erly of Hngllsbmcn was being restricted without trials by Court tla held that l.n A. vi umrge tne Taird. oela.

brate bis 100th birthday yesterday. Ta -SfS, number of hla friends, Including the u'nt-Oovernor (Sir Edward Stone), and Hois (x-Surlntendent of Prisons), who Is him' self In his 86th yesr. called and offered Mr. Snowball was born at Klrkaldyi geotland. and arrlrsd la tbe Bute tone am aolle rf QeoiaJ wmiu.

8ranl8d OUy Mr 'f Um destruction of the Demlr Hlssar bridge, and the occupation of Corfu! but both measures seem to have been very, necessary. Th. ques- JURlLOBRlKi FTIdayp. A bush are broke out on the nrotierty of Messrs. land J.

Conn.ll, of Spring Valley Malrjlmmy, yesterday, -but lucklly i under control before much damage was dona. Messrs. connell lost about tee aad Wunnamurra sutlon about acres. BRIRaUNH V.M.. tioa.

tuo VSldost DOjSMM to SO full prices, tor wheat ina 1 Baaplrsa of butter in Briahan. "Istructlon of the bridge at Demlr Hlssar has as dswbt out eS the reek troops In that' M.u than Mtl.l laaal a Hla wit. dled.aad It fa stated that. Vi Tv1, lapefatla. seven years ago,.

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