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Roseburg Review from Roseburg, Oregon • Page 1

Roseburg Reviewi
Roseburg, Oregon
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D5UGLA3 COUNTY FkUIT LANDS ARE UNEXCELLED ANYWHEkft tHI LAND WILL MULTIPLY IN VALUE IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS, BUY NOW FOR fcfeSf KEEP WELL POSTED On the current events of the world's progress by reading the Daily Rktikw. Delivered by carrier, 50 ent month. Review PROFITABLE INVESTMENT Advertlseri get good returns from an nonnceinenta placed in lire papera the Daily and Tvick-a-wku Rivibw. Try them there's none other to good. OSKBURG VOL.


HOSEUUHG'S SCHOOL LEVY IS NINE MILLS. Enraged Ranchers Riddle Murderer Willi Bullets Spanish Provinces Storm Swept, With Heavy Loss OK JILIKX JOKKIUISON. Two of Roseburg's most prominent and best known pioneer families were united Vlirutmas evening, 1909, when Miss Vera Haynes became the bride of Mr. Jullen Joseph-son. The wedding was solemnized quietly at the Josephson home in the presence of immediate relatives and a few friends.

Rev. J. E. Hurkhart, of the Presbyterian church, oillciat-Ing. Mr.

and Mrs. Josephson will reside at the home of the bride's mother, ou North Rose street, after a week's honeymoon which Is being spent in Portland. Mr. Josephson Is a son of Mrs. M.

Josephson and now one of the active heads of the large dry goods establishment which was founded by his late father in this city over thirty years ago. He is an alumnus of Stanford University and stands high in local business circles. The bride, like her husband, Is a native of this city. She is daughter of Mrs. Caroline Haynes and a sister of Dr.

W. Haynes, mayor of Rosebnrg. Sho is strikingly handsome young lady and popular in the social set. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J.

A. Shook to A. H. Hlnkson, $10; 168 acres seo 24, 24-7. Annie E.

Furey to W. H. Abel, $100; part of Bee 12, 31-7. A. E.

White et al to R. L. Doyle. $4000: NW14 sec 4. 31-2.

J. E. Ray to Chas. Hummel, $0000; 87 acres sec 4, 23-5. H.

C. Galey to A. T. Destul, $2000; 100 aerej sec 10. 25-2.

ltOAD DISTINCT NO. 83 VOTES 5-M1LL LEVY. Taxpayers cf Road District No. 32 held a meeting at the court house In Hoseburg this afternoon, and by a vote of 25 to 9. adopted Al.

Creason's motion for a special tax levy of 5 mills, an Increase of 3 mills over last year. Previous to this action, the assemblage, by a unanimous vote, adopted S. C. Hart-rum's motion instructing the district supervisor. In the event of a 5-mill levy, to place crushed rock from the cltv boundary on the Douglas street hill to a point east of the Catholic cemetery, and to distribute the remainder of such rock at his own discretion.

SOLDIERS' HOME MKMIlHlt liO.NGS FOR II IS CHILDREN. Ilaiiilful of in layers Transact OOO Worth ot Business Riverside Gets New Building. At the regular annual meeting held at the Lime school building tills afternoon, a tax levy of 9 mills was voted for general school purposes in the Roseburg district for 1910-1911. This law will apply on a total of $2,490,585 worth of taxable property, raising $22,470. In addition this amount, tho district will receive about $8,000 in combined county and state funds, making a grand totnl of over $30,000 available for disbursement.

As usunl, the feature of this afternoon's meeting waB tho scant attendance. Exclusive of three directors the school bonrd and two members of the corps of school instructors, there wore prosent by actual count Just eight taxpayers. At that the directors, much against their will, hud to take the initiative in the proceedings, and on two questions that were submitted to viva voce votes less than one-hnlf of the small assemblage voted "aye," whllo tho rest did not vote at nil. The Indifference of the taxpayers ivas especially felt by the directors 'in this occasion because it was necessary to authorize them to ex pend nearly $5,000 In ituproveinonts needed for the coming calendar year. Partly by their own votes thoy wore compelled delegate such authority to themselves, but tho other taxpayers present upponrcd perfectly with tills course.

One item ot tho projected Improvements is the Installation of a modern heating plant In the Lnno school building, costing about $3000. Another Is the construction of a school building at Riverside to cost not more than $1 200. According to the very conservative estimates of District School Clerk George Neunor, it will require $22,000 to meet current expenses and Incidentals during the next school year. This includes, among other things, $15,135 for salaries, $5000 principal and Interest on bonds, and $800 for wood. After the running expenses and cost of projected Improvements 'are met, there will be a residue from the original $30,000 or about $3500 with which to pay off a deficit from tho prosent school' year and stnrt the now year with the best looking balance sheet in tho history of the district.

During this afternoon's moetlng, Attorney R. W. Minsters asked for the employment of an additional teacher for the West Roseburg school to acconimodnte puinls of the llfih and sixth grades who are at present obliged to traverse quite a distance to the Lane school. No action was taken on the request. Albany Democrat: Dr.

RussCil Wallace arrived home Friday from Chicago, where ho has been for five years preparing for the practice of medicine, four years III the medical college, tho past year aB an Interne In the Predjyterliill hospital, olio of the best In tho west. He Is splendidly equipped for his chosen profes sion, Willi origin prospects unemi. Afler a rest or a week or two no win be associated with his fathor. James Ware was in from Olnlla Sundny. 4.

4- TWO HORSES Sl'CCl'MH. Wwks Mail, lneludiiiK Christmas Presents, Scattered Between IloscburK and Coast. Marsh field Times. The stage road between Myrtle Point and Hoseburg is in awful condition, according to P. A.

Haines, who came in that way from the surveying camp of the Cooa Bay Iloise Hallway today. He says that he passed live stages stuck In the mud en route and saw two dead horses being pulled out of the Btjjge barns, the animals having been sacrificed to bad roads. He says that the mud is about three feet deep. A crust of perhaps three inches has frozen on top, and being weak In places, the animals or vehicles sink through and are in a worse predicament than if they had to combat the mud alone. The frozen mud is aleo very rough.

Today part of the mall was brought in but a large portion of the past week's mall is scattered along the stage line between Myrtle Point and Hoseburg, the carriers being compelled to unload part of it at different places in order to get through at all. There were many anxiou3 ones about town today fearing -that the Christmas presents that they are fondlv expecting by mail will not reach hero in time tor J. L. Grimes was down from South Deer Creek today. Percy Fletcher is here from Portland for the Christmas vacation.

Mrs. J. P. of Grants Pass, is visiting here with her parents, Mr. I anil Mrs.

A. Y. Darker. Chas. A.

Ilrnnd and family ar-1 lived here Friday evening from Bob- ton. and went out to tile i Booth farm in Garden Valley, which 'lie recently purchased. Clark L. Bargnr Is home from a 'trip to Portland. While absent he purchased a big stock of goods for his New York store, lie also reports an enjoyable visit while in Portland.

The slowhesj of Prof. Williams, a local dancing teacher, in meeting some of his bills about town caused a seizure of the door receipts of 'his dance at the Maccabee Hall last i Friday night, and the sum of $20.70 was turned over to creditors. Constable Wright states that he has received inquiries regarding Williams from people in Ashland who claim owes them also. I Unwilling to Interrupt the quiet of Undertaker W. 11.

Hanimltie's Shan III, the Chinese proprietor of the Oregon Restaai-rant, very considerately waited un-; til Sunday before notifying Mr. Hammilte that his (Ill's) brother died last Friday evening In this city. Death was from natural i causes. The funeral will be held with Imposing corenionles by local Chinese in Roseburg tomorrow. Interment will occur In the county cemetery, though by no means at county expense.

Iiooking One'R llest. It's a woman's delight to look hei best but pimples, skin eruptions, ores and bolls rob lifo of Joy. Listen; Bueklen's Arnica Salve cures them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It lorifles the face. Cures pimples, ores eyes, cold sores, cracked Hps.

happed hnnds. Try it. Infallible for piles. 50c at all druggists. Novelties in all varieties for bath room use.

Phone 2101, Winnie Gad-dis. the plumber. dtf DEPUTY SHERIFF POWERLESS Great Storm Id Connecticut Does Millions of Damage Two Men Killed by Accident Special to the Evening Review, HEPPXEll, Dec. 27. Oliver Suyder, who last Friday night shot and instantly klHed Arthur Groen, an Inoffensive sheepherder, was for-cihly taken away from Deputy Sheriff Joe Cassidy by a mob of infuriated farmers and his body was riddled with bullets, according to niws brought here today by the deputy sheriff.

According to Cassidy, Snyder blew off thetop of Green's head with a shotgun when the latter tried to prevent Snyder from killing a deg belonging to Charles Beymer. Fallowing the shooting Snyder raid to have fled to the woods. A posse quickly organized and started in pursuit. Early Saturday Snyder was located fifteen mile from Hamilton, near where the shooting occurred, Snyder surrendered yesterday and started for Canyon City with the prisoner, According to his story, he had hardly gotten outside of Hamilton before he "was held up by the mob who took Snyder out of the buggy and ordered the ofllcer to d.ive on. Cassidy drove back to Hamilton for assistance and when he returned he found Snyder's lifeless body in the road riddied with bullets.

A Terrible Storm. NEW HAVES', Dec. 27. Two men are dead and. half a million dollars worth of property has been destroyed as a result of the blizzard which has been raging 1-ere for two dayB past.

Wires are down, street car and railroad traffic demoralized. Conductor Donovan and a passenger named Michael Morton were killed when a street car in charge of Donovan plunged over an embankment into the Nagautuok river. Fatal Explosion of 'Oil Steamer. VALLEJO. Dec.

27. One man is dying and two are seriously burned as the result of the explosion of the oil tank steamer Roma Oleum late yesterday. The dying man, Manuel Silva, and the two seriously burned victims, Lewis Tyler and Sam Knutsen, were placed in the Dowing hospital In this city today. PIANO FOR SALE. New Jacob Doll Piano, used very little, for sale cheap.

Easy payments if desired. This week only. Ad- dress P. Box 95, Rr3oburg, Or. LOST.

On Jackson street, -Rose-burg. Dec. 23, lady's gold bracelet bearing inscription L. Weiss. Reward for return to the Bee Hive Grovery.

tf Maurice Carpenter reported still ill of pneumonia at his home in this cltv. Marshfleld Times: One of the pa- appeal or organized inuor tor on -i ik. il i i ii ii ii 1 nnnroiir lotion which will Marshfleld Times: Within two weeks the survey of the Coos Bay, lluiso and Idaho Hallway will be completed into Roseburg, according to the present plans of chief engineer Haines. Mr. Unities Bays that he has run fuur Hues down Hie eastern slope or tho Coast rauge and will have an excellent grade.

The crew working toward Marshfleld are making excellent progress and will complete their work to within a short distance of this city sometime In January. The survey Into Marshfleld cannut be completed pending the closing or negotiations for terminal grounds on the Bay. TWO CHARGES FILED AGAINST WILIU'H MAN. Facing one charge of larceny from a dwolling and another of assault and battery, Walter Leather-wood, of Wilbur, will be urraigned before Justice Long in Roseburg tomorrow morning nt 11 o'clock. In tho meantime Leatherwood Is at liberty on ball ot $350.

The charge ot assault Is preforred by 10. II. Ottlnger, a hotel keeper of Wilbur, to whom Leatherwood ia alleged to be Indebted. According to (he story told by Ottlnger, Leather-wood, while under the Inlluenco of liquor, pulled 'him off of a sled at Wilbur last Thursday and waa about to pummel him when a bystander intervened. Going to D.

P. McKay's general store, Leathorwood Is alleged to have stolon a dolt and used vile language to Mrs. McKay and another woman when they remonstrated with him. Tilts resulted in charge ot larceny being Hied by McKay against Leather-wood. Before tho alleged attack on Ottlnger, Leatherwood Is snld to have offered McKay a drink from a flask.

W. W. I'urdy, who almost built a railroad in Roseburg and anotlior from Oakland to Coos 'Bay, Is one of tho three Incorporators or tho Paclllc City Canal Company, of Portland, which filed articles with the Secretary of State last week. The capital Block is fixed at $1,000,000. The alleged object of the company is to form a new town, "Pnclllc City," on tho Curry county const, with a canal for the accommodation of soa-golng vessels.

The mov ing spirit of this momentous enterprise Is J. C. Leo, whoso operations In tho Lees Creek mining district, east of Myrtle Creek, a fow years ago nwakon painful memories. Another concern which has tiled articles with tho Secretary or Stato is the A. F.

A. M. Mining Company, or which B. M. Armltnge Is one qf the Incorporators.

Armltngo is a former mining operator of Myrtle Creek. He is now located at Arleta, a Portland suburb. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Pllklngton are visiting with relutlves In Portland.

An icy galo at Boston Sunday did damage reaching one million dollars. Why Cough jtA iiMtt Jaelnr tf all eouehi art ntceuatv. If ml, that uhg couth Aik him otoul AytrM Cherry Ptdorah t. O. A.r -J' JOHN RCSKIN'S WORKS.

John Ruskln'a Works. 5 cloth binding; regular 60o per Red Tag Sale only 2.V MILITARY Illtl'SII SETS. Regular $1.50 Military set, Red Tag Sale only UHc Regular $2.00 Military set. Red Tag Sale only $1.23 Regular $3.00 Military Set, Reg Tag Sale only Toilet Set Beautiful Craft Wood Mirror, Brush, Comb. Regular $3.00 set, Red Tag Sale only Regular $5.00 BCt, Red Tag Sale only $2.30 BUYS ROCHESTER, MILL.

The well known Rochester flour and grist mill, located on the Cala- poola river, three miles west of Sutherlin and Oakland, has been leased by the Luse Land ft Development Company, of Sutherlin. and has been rebuilt and remodeled and will commence making a high grane Hour Dy tfte llrst of the year. Joe Hersteln, the expert miller, and who formerly ran this mill some yenrs ago, has been retained by the buyers to take charge of the mill, and is now practically through Installing a new Bwlng sifter, remodeling the rolls, putting up new clean spouting and making other changes to facilitate and make possible the manufacture of a strictly high grade flour. It is the intention ot the company to buy the best wheat obtainable. The mill Is now prepared to do chopping at the prices formerly In force.

Ill Health Is More Kxprnslve Than any Cure. This country Is now filled with people who migrate across the continent In all directioaB soeklng that which gold cannot buy. Nlne-tenthB of thorn are Buffering from throat and lung troubles or chronic cntarrh resulting from neglected colds, and spending fortunes vainly trying to regain lost health. Could evory sufferer but undo the past and cure the first neglected cold, all this sorow, pain, anxiety and expense could hnve been avoided. Chamborlnln's Cough Remedy Is famous for its cures of colds, and can nlways be depended upon.

Use It and the more seriouB diseases will bo avoided. For sale by all druggists. Eugene Register: Tho funeral ser-vlco for Judgo J. J. Walton was hold from the M.

13. church Thursday afternoon, and It was very largely attended, aa the deceased had many friends. It was conducted by the pastor, Dr. Trimble, assisted by Dr. B.

F. Rowland, a former pastor. Mayor J. D. Matlock made a short but appropriate address.

The Odd Fellows were out In great numbers, as wore also the Rebekahs. It required three cars to Hike those who attended the funeral to the cemetery, and thero was a large cortege In Addition. The services at the grave wore beautiful and appropriate. Judge Walton waa one or the rounders or the local lodgo or Odd Fellows and always took a great interest in its growth and prosperity. North Bend Harbor: Capt.

H. E. Wilcox, or McKlnloy reports the new rond work on tho Coos Bay and Roseburg wngon road In Ills district nearly completed. The district has spent $21,000 In relocating and planking tho road, and when finished will hnvo permanent and passable roadway clear to Sumne This is considered a remarkable piece of work and will prove valuable to all. Stop coughing I Coughing rasps and tears.

Stop ill Coughing prepares the throat and lungo for more trouble. Stop it I There Is nothing so bad for cough as coughing. Stop it I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a regular doctor's medicine forcouchs and colds. Regular $6.00 set, Red Tag Sale Regular $7.00 set, Red Tag Sale only DRESSED DOLLS. Regular 76c doll, Red Tag Sale only -42c Regular $3.00 doll.

Red Tag Sale only 1-00 DRESSED DOLUS. Regular 65c doll, Red Tag Sale only HDc Regular $1.75 and $2.00 dolls, Red Tag Sale 08c DRESSED DOLUS. Regular 25c doll, Red Tag Sale oniy LV Regular $1.00 doll, Red Tag Sale, only Bc I- tnitor Hint I rcusuu is dci iiiiii has Just been received by Marshal J. W. Carter from Roseburg.

It Is the plea of an aged man who Is In the Soldiers' Homo ror his two children who are supposed to he in this section to return ana see nun. As an inducement ror ttielr return, valuable property which he lioldB In Roseburg and elsewhere is offered them Phe- letter, which is written by C. Baker, of Roseburg, to Marshal Carter, is as follows: "Wlll you find Lutie King, a young mail of 24 years old, and also May King, a voting woman eighteen years old' Their father is in the Soldiers' CHILDREN PERISH IN FIRE German War Oltice It cts pp'ilo's Balloon, and ine Inventor is MaDjf Dollars Poorer Special to The Evening Rovlew. MADRID, Spain, Dec. 27.

Incomplete returns today from the Hood-swept provinces of Spain indicate that the death list totals not less than 600. There Is a possibility that tile complete story will greatly swell this number. Distress and suffering are Intensified by cold weather. Many towns cannot be reached ou account cf damage to railroads. Today's reports say that tiie banks of the GuadaUiuaver river are strewn with corpses.

Heavy losses of livestock and ruination of crops will necessitate the importation of foodstuffs. Tots Die In Fire. LOVE-LAND, Dec. 27. Two small children or Mr.

and Mrs. S. M. Sunnycalf were burned to death today in a fire Hint burned their homo. The mother escaped in her night clothes nfter ineffectual attempts to save the little ones.

I Owl Wrecked; Nolmdy Hurt. i SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27. The northbound Owl train of the Southern Pacific was wrecked at Halley, 14 miles south of Tracey, this morning. According to railway officials no one was seriously hurt.

A broken rail ditched and overturned two standard Pullmans. Sentiment vs. Economy. HELENA, Doc. 27.

A special session of the legislature convened here today to consider the permit the proposed wings of the state house to be built or Montana stone instead! of cheaper material from Bedford, I nil. Life's Work Out of Date. BERLIN, Dec. 27. Count Zep- pe nus balloon startled, all Linope.

will suffer heavy linnnclal loss as the result of the decision of the Gcr- man war ollice not to buy his best model "Zeppelin, the lii id. ror which the inventor expected to re- reive $40,000. One renson given by the war otllce for refusing to buy the big flyer is that It will be out of date two years hence owing to a it.air home on Ml street. I acre were about 25 guests present dining the evening and the occasion was greatly enjoyed. The homo was prettily decorated for the occasion with ferns, mistletoe and Oregon grape, and a beautiful wedding bell was suspended over the dining table, which was bountifully Inden with choice viands.

Music and games were also enjoyed. In a guessing game affording much amusement Mrs. O. E. Ilainnsnn won the first prize and Mrs.

hd. Kinney the consolation. The merrymaking continued until a lato hour and all wished Mr. and Mrs. Thompson many more returns of their wedding Mm Thompson was assisted by Mrs.

I.ibble Rose and her daughter Miss Vinnle. CHRISTMAS Ml'KIC AT METHODIST IH RC II The speriul muiiral rendered by (he choir OI III Mrho Utinrlltv night under thi Prof. proved li-aw-i "ii be the season. most inspiring A large auillelice acKiio their close d.lsohn's "Hnllelujnn i.n....., the choir, the lo by Iv and the closing election. The Holy cuy" In unison, by the choir, were rendered selections.

The succi-s of such a programme proves the ability or Prof U-t 'r in bringing his, up -o a high standard of music. Another treat of and 'n'trnmennil musical recital Is In people in about twoweeks: H. E. Warner was over from Yon-calls Sunday. to of Home here.

He has property that ho large number or technical improvo- wlll give them if they will come and ments. sec him. He has 100 acres of land. also a house and lotB In Roseburg C'ELKIIUAi ML Ivll and other places." I VIEWING ANNIVERSARY. As a result or the publication in tho Times or Baker's letter rrom Among the many happy Christmas Roseburg asking for news of Lutie events In Roseburg wus the oelobrn-KIiie and May King, Marshal Carter Hon of the 25th wedding anniversary has ascertained their whereabouts of Mr.

and Mrs. A T. Thompson, at Red-Tag Clean-up Sale At The Roseburg Book Store The Ideal Gift Store GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Our large stock of useful articles must be recuced by January 1st, to Make Room for new goods. Everything marked with a RED TAG at greatly reduced prices. KNC'VC'liOl'EDIA VOL.

Werner's Encyclopedia, 12 full leather binding; regular $2.50 per volume; Red Tug Sale only l.iil lKI LVTTON'S WORKS. Lord Lytton's Works. 5 cloth binding; regular 00c per lied Tag Sale only iirtc Will. TRACK EH V'S WORKS. Win.

M. Thaekery's Works. 10 cloth binding, reg. $1 per vol; Red Tag Sale WEBSTER'S DIC TIONARY. New Census Edition, full leather binding, 5 IncheB thick, 1 574 pages; regularly sells at Red Tag Sale only.

There will be Sale begins Tuesday, QUAKER Wheat-Rice The Food Shot From Guns! The latest achievement in scientifically prepared foods is the Quaker products. Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are two cerials cooked under heavy steam pressure, then exploded in the air, which causes the grains to expand to several times their natural size crisp and wholesome. Quaker Rolled Oats, Toasted Corn Flakes THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "NEAR" ItLENI) AND GEM INE I1LKNI) IX COFFEE. So that Is the reason we handle the "ROYAL CLCIJ" brand of canned goods especially Coffees. is the genuine blend, of the highest flavor of two great blends of selected coffee, and you'M like It.

and forwarded the information to Roseburg. It is expected mat win reach there In time so that the father's desire may be gratified by Christmas day and dial win iouu to a reconciliation between himself and the children, and Incidentally the turning over to them of the valuable property In Douglas county. It seems that Mr. King, and his wife were divorced and she married a man named Cook. They came to Marshfleld and reBlded here for a number or years, being connected with the Blanco Hotel and restaurants here most or the time.

Sometime ago they removed to Tillamook where they now reside. While here the children, whom the rather 1b now seeking, bore the name ot their step-rather. Cook. Marshal Carter knew all or them well under that name. uv.h,i Curler has notified the in Tillamook of thclr-i father's desire.

Alone In Saw Mill at Midnight unmindful of dampness. drafts storms or cold. W. J. Atkins worked night watciiman ai born coughs, inflamed mroai Guaranteed by all druggies.

Coqullle Sentinel? MarrledTnt the J. foruinage III this city. 'December -15, 19, Arthur r.r iKum'n county. w. ana a severe cold that Bottled on his nes At last he had to give up work lie tried many remedies but Sticn 1IU I nil failed tl he usen nr.

n5" Discovery "After using one hot- writes. "I went hack to work uovoro en its. stub- nAani IlllllrlilHilwl' aUPI to every selection and the heartily Joined in time hymn. "Rev ve Again. JnTlSr ThP solos and spec al ionise, showed results of e-UL' trn nine.

Men- no let-up to the aggressiveness of this store. Dec. 28; continues to Sat. night, Jan. 1 ROSEBURG BOOR STORE Ml NORTH JAC KSCIN STREET.

KOSEIIl'IM), OIIKGO.V. Miss Ada 'llatchor, of Kalrvlcw, Rev. C. H. Cleaves officiating.

Keep Smiling." Commercial Club Bldg..

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