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Medford Mail Tribune from Medford, Oregon • Page 6

Medford, Oregon
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TACT, rVTX JrEBFOTJTTi MAIL" TRTBTTNT! rEDFOKIi, OTCEfiON. TTTTT.STUY. APT.TL 12. 1917. SWINDLER OLO FOLKPLAY PLEASES SET FOR TONIGHT IL FOR LEAGUE 10 MINIMUM PRICE BRYCESCHEMES ONLYANSWERTD TO AM Mf TUDCAT ENFORCE The patriotic meeting that had been announced for Thur-dny evening nt 8 o'clock in the city park, will instead be held at the Cuthhert build- i I MIL ILfl John Schrick, pres nperutor, who A delighted audience at the Page theater Wednesday evening witnessed the annual reclta' by pupils of Mrs.

Lynette Hovious, which was given under the direction of Mrs. Hovloua. The first part of the entertainment consisted of the presentation of the three-act Cornish foil: play hy a bth and N. I entral tonniht at the enlisted in the naval as chief! 'Ail of Medford and It now appears 'hat the arrest of tl.e couple known is E. Cravendore wife for passin? worthless checks on Medford business men, lias more than local significance, and that the prisoners are wanted on similar Government Guarantee of Fair Price to Farmers is Only Way to Avert Food Shortage Up to Congress to Former British Ambassador to United States Springs Plan Drawn Up Two Years Ago Is Along Similar Lines to That Devised by Taft and vicinity of military aire are esieeially invited to attend.

The hioh school band will mu-ic and the audience will sinsr patriotic sonirs. A number of short speeches are o'-o on the program. Amonir the speakers will be K. A. Because the armory of the Seventh Company, C.

A. has been too crowded with the presence of Company O. X. 0., of Woodburn, which hus made its headquarters there for week past, the Woodburn company Thursday moved its headquarters to the Cutlibert building, 6th street and North Central, where it occupies two floors. The Seventh Company now has its nrmory all to itself.

Captain Todd at first planned to move his command to the Natator-iuni, but changed his mind when he found rent would be charged. The Cutlibert building is donated rent free nnd makes ideal quarters with the exception that it has no heating facilities. i electrician, received orders Thursday to proceed to the Vuset Sound Xavy Yard, Washington, for service, with the following recruits, re-id-ins; in Medford, whom he i.s ordered to mobilize at once: Louis Baker, yoeiuan; A. I. Affiliate, yoeuian; Oscar E.

Reynolds charges In other parts of Oregon County Prosecutor Roberts and Chle! Act at Once Otherwise Great of Police Hittson are Investigating jber of young girls, who displayed splendid dramatic ability. I In the cast of characters were Carol Hovious. Maurine Mc Keany, Elia-ibeth Aitken, Joyce Maddox, Isabella Stuart. Maijory Kelly, Dorothy Up- Distress is Certain. Approved by President Wilson.

the record of Cravendore. The couple are now languishing In Kowlev. a civil war veteran: H. A. machinist: Ered Arthur Powell, mil- Canady, veteran of the Spanish- the county pail at Jacksonville be April 12.

Details of ehinist, Terry L. Asluraft, mnehin- American war, Mayor C. E. Gates 1 shaw, Edith Campbell. Margaret Van cause of Inability to raise bailbonds, what Is known as the 'liryce Scheme' ist: Gailord M.

Ixiomis, machinist 1 and iTr. E. H. l'orier. Scoyoc.

Margery Tucker, Evelyn Off- although the young woman's bond Is for a league to enforce peace were given out tody by Lord Ilrice. form er British ambassador at Washington. In a letter accompanying his ut. Gladys Murphy, Mercia Mischke, jWaunita Griffith. Kaiherine Llndlcy, Dorothy Carless, Mildred Messing, Marlon Blessing, Arlene Butler and Bessie lleadlee.

The play was followed by beautiful interpretive solo and group dances by a number of pretty, graceful young ladies In costume. The Colonial minuet Archie. H. Fletcher, eleetrieian The punx'se of the meet ins is to Everett Curl Eer-uson, eleetrieian: encourau'e further enlistments in the Robert S. Murray, ship cook; Ed-! Seventh Company, C.

A. t'. ward B. Edwards, carpenters male; Ira Cusebolt, fireman; John O. Van i from one-office, with several others Horn, store keeper: lirover E.

I'ur-! enlisted awaitinir call. din, blacksmith; Thoimis T. Merri-j Miss Bernice Cameron, manager of man, blacksmith; Kenneth E. Murray, the Postal Telegraph company office printer: Daniel W. Baghaw, Medford.

clso received orders printer: Carl E. Swainson, printer: Thursday for herself, Miss Evelyn 1 statement Lord Bryce says the plan WASHINGTON'. April 12. A minimum price lu fanner on wheat, corn and potatoes such price to be fixed by tilt dcpiiniiient to legislation by congress is only answer to the threat of famine in tlie T'niloil Stale. It tlie remedy applied in all other countries ui.d it to lie into law at' onee.

has been reached by all ffovcnunern officials who have iriven the io.m1 question any attention. I have talke.l with Assistant See n't a rv of Agriculture Carl Vroo. lean, with Uraih'ord Knapp, of the sotniiern extension work, with ('has. N'e-hitt of the Di-triet of Columbia only 1200. It has developed since their arrest that Cravendore has a criminal record and that he once served a terra of a year in the workhouse for crooked work done In Portland.

He Is at present wanted by the Portland police on the charge of forgery, under the name of Irving P. Oehler, word to that effect having been received by Chief Hittson Wednesday evening. The description of Oehler tallies exactly with that of Cravendore. The prisoner admits that his name is Oehler and says that he is the son was drewn up by himself and a committee of prominent Englishmen two years ago but had not been made public before because the time for pub AT GAZA 8000 James C. Murray, printer: Albert En- Taylor and Miss Ruby Burke, to re- lication did not seein to have arrived." and because opinion in England in the midst of the war.

had been re srene Or. hospital apprentice; Jay port for immediate duty at the Brcra-Winans, Diamond, hospital aipren- crton navy yards. Miss Burke, who CAIRO, Egypt, April 12. The British are continuing their successes in the vicinity of Gaza, Palestine. Their mounted forces have occupied fur tiee; Nelson E.

Hemphill, eleetrieian: Is chief day operator at the local tel-C'lare E. Burke, hospital apprentice; ephone exchange, and Miss Taylor Is L. ameron, apprentice night long distance operator at the tand movement musical numbers were I presented hy the following: Misses Helen Brown, Elsie Law rence, Josephine Koppes, Alice Lyon, Virginia IBuffam, Dorothy Miller, Marie Myers Margaret Fates, Isabelle Burbldgc, jThelma Radcliffe, Opal Stacy, Florence Bain and Dorothy Bain. The remaiuder of the dance program was as follows: "Danz Caprice" solo. Carol Hovious: "Mendelssohn's Spring Song" solo.

Miss Dorothy filler; "Dance of Darkness, Day and of a Portland contractor, and that at garded up to now as unfavorable for calm consideration of the future. The plan apparently antedates the proposal advocated by former President Taft a'nd endorsed by President Wil James E. Walter, painter. I same exchange. They expect to leave one time he followed the plumbing trade in Portland.

At one time also Five employes of the Medford Medford by Saturday. The three are Printing Company lire included in enlisted In the naval reserve in he operated a cheap restaurant in Portland. It Is claimed he defraud ed numerous creditors of both his the above list: John Sehriek, press the electricians class, but Cam-operator, Medford Sun; C. E. Eer- eron has been notified that her offl-guson, press operator.

Mail Tribune: position will be known as "chief J. C. Murray, liiiotypor; K. E. Mur-'of drafting." Inquiry lonrd.

ami with dozen others. All nirree that the country is faciiiir the most serious food situation it has ever faoed. Never l'i'fore has there lieen the concurrence of world war, loeal crop failure and a general world erop ther Turkish territory to a depth of miles, consolidating strong positions menacing Gaza and making many prisoners. The losses of the Turks around Gaza are estimated at 8000, while the British dead, according to the reports received were less tiian 400. One hundred and ninety British are missing, mostly members of small parties which became isolated in the fog after penetrating the town of Gaza.

restaurant and plumbmg establish ment that he ordered numerous sup rav, pressman; Carl E. Swainson Dawn" Misses Dorothy Miller. Gertrude end Julia Opp and Margaret Fales. plies on ciedlt from wholesale houses and then sold them and pocketed the printer, Two other employes, Arthur Perry nnd Leigh Swinson. reporters, have already gone making seven Our guaranteed spray hose handles any kind of mixture.

Crater Lake Hardware Co. 20 son. Lord Bryce says: Like American Plan "The entrance of the United States into the war makes It desirable, that the effort of the American League to Enforce Peace should be responded to by expressions of public opinion here. I therefore venture to lay before you a scheme almost identical with that of the American T.eague It was prepared by a group of men here two years ago. "The scheme Is, of course tenta proceeds.

Fresh chocolates at De Voe's. Cravendore aud his wife, who was known as -Van Smith when she resid ed In Medford and vicinity answer the description closely of a worthless cheek passer, who, representing them. selves to be Mr. and Mrs. J.

T. Hold- sr. man of Portland, operated in Eu gene two weeks ago. They visited an Eugene real estate dealer arid pre tended they desired to purchase shortage. The deficiency is not a matter of sries-work.

It is eertain. Itemed)- Is Drastic. So too is the remedy. I.eft to the 'ration of demand nnd supply the result will he the seizure of the food by those bavins eeonomie slrenL'th. I'riees will mount to unbelievable levels; the poor will be unable to pay the priees and will faee actual lumper and starvation.

It is futile to iikc the planting of larger nircii-e. The fanner has learned by and hitter experience that when anybody plants heavily the priee nt rop time is depressed and hi' does not cet his profit. This year he has to pay enormous priees for seed. In many parts of the eounlry there is aetual of seed. 11..

pays higher for his labor, his fertilizer and his farm maehinerv. lie does not eare to put in a hie iicrentre and have his labor and his pains for nothing. If the pivern- ranch. The dealer escorted them around an entire day visiting various properties. Then Holdman induced the dealer to cash a worthless check drawn on I-add Tritons bank of Portland.

Next day the couple disappeared tive, but taken with the American scheme It may help to draw public opinion to this important subject. Obviously no practical steps can be taken until after the war but the idea is one which the public may well begin to consider. It has received the approval of the present and late premiers and foreign secretaries." liryce Plan Outlined. Tlie Bryce plan as outlined follows closely the lines of the American proposal but goes a step furthei In the direction of common enforcement of decisions and In providing for collective action any non-member nation which refuses arbitration or leaving behind them an unpaid hotel bill and several business men holding bad checks. PRESBYTERIANS ELECT lnent prepared to assure him a fair conciliation or against a member na- tion which commits acts of agression prolit lor what he raise, he will put in lniye Otherwise he is likely to resist the pre-ent agitation and to put in line of crop which he thinks others will not plant.

1 Crisis Is Mere. If Would't law phduinc the irovcrmncnt to the pur-! eb.ise of all wheat offered at jl.otl. a Im-licI it ml nil corn at $1.00 the! without having agreed to submit to the International tribunal. It is suggested that the greater powers be represented In the International council by three members, to one or two for smaller powers, hut Lord liryce explains that this does not seem a point of fundamental Importance as the functions of the couu- Prices Increased result woulil be aereaire of the-i the Use ot this L'reatly increased cil would be advisory only and not crops and more for executive. unlrv and the allies.

ay 1st The annual congregational meeting and election of officers was held in the Presbyterfian church on Tuesday evening. April 10th. The following officers were elected: J. G. Chapman.

new elder. The other elders nre J. II. Cooley, II. T.

Hubbard, W. H. Gore. II. 0.

Wormian and E. X. WarnerYVarner. MayorC. E.

Gates was elected a trustee to succeed himself. The other trustees are W. W. Watt. W.

W. MacDonald, II. G. Wortman and E. A.

Welch. The following deacons were elected: John B. Carpenter, I.oftus Cathcart: deaconesses. Mrs. E.

Welch and STATE SUPERINTENDENT 10 VISIT SCHOOLS The Medford public schools will be Mrs. Koseoe Johnson. The reports visited tomorrow (Friday) by State from all the organizations and de-Superlntendent J. A. Churchill Mr.

partments show the church to be In Churchill will visit the various de-j a most flourishing condition. During' partments in the junior and senior the past year the church has had a Listen to what Bradford Knapp says to the farmers of the south. This is taken from bulletin just issued from his office of Kami (Extension work "Now the crisis is here! This irrent nation mu.t arouse herself for a michty str.ttfole for liberty. People without I and armies without rations are conoiicrcd before they can to iislit. Our creates! safety now lie- production and in savir'.

the ua-te Must Have KimnI. "If the south is to be strum; she iiui-t hae food. thi- country is p. be she fed and have an abundance to those Tr.ei;.:I people who are even our battles fr liberty and demoi la. y.

Order Now and Order Quick We have expscted a price increase right along and only ths immense quantity being produced will enable us to sell at the May 1st price we, of course, have no assurances that further increases in price will not be necessary. Everything that goes into ihe MaxweG is the best this we do know and can prove. The steel is the finest that money can buy the motor no finer, no tougher, no steadier can be built according to our experience and the steeper the hills and the tougher the roads the more the Maxwell seems to like them. Our April allotment will be delivered to us at the old price. That's agreed and that's fair to us and we are going to be fair to our customors.

But after May 1st, we can't buy a Maxwell for a penny less than the new price and we shan't sell you one for a penny less than $S65. i. Come in study this car see if we are right or wrong about it hich schools. In addition to this he; wonderful growth and development will make a careful investigation of More than at ual of one thousand peo-the normal ning course. There pie attended the two nrenchtne er- i will le twenty-four applicants for vices last Sunday.

The music is be-teaitiers- certificates. Several of 'tug furnished by Andrews' chorus these applicants hae already been choir, with Mrs. C. C. MeCurdy at the fleeted to positions In Jackson coun-ipipe organ.

The choral orchestra of mid elsewhere. musical instruments has been Supt. Churchill will address the engaged to continue the sacred con- "1 r.iii-ir!atioii inav Iv di-turbe'l I r-'nis puoiic ai ine ceris on Minuay evenings. Light re- nigh school building at 4 p. m.

on freshments were ih A MOTOR STOP, ANT) WITHOUT AST REPAIRS OR ADJUSTMENTS. The run was sanctioned and constantly observed by the supreme court oi this industry The American Automobile Association. The car was a stock car and was so certified. Tht lour own ivouues vo.i When we say biifiest value, we mean It and we can prove it by any known tests or standards We put It up to you to Judge after you consider these features. Maxwell Style Same as Highest Priced Cars the 'County fnit Plan." The nubile 0f the service by the ladies of the is urged to be present.

church. tacts are lnaisputaoie. produce and eonserce your food lon't fail now. It is a national proliUni of defense as important as ships tin.l cannon. Maxwell Running Expense $3.19 Per Month ni.

if is sholl 1 Uct the seed Marwell cars, on account of scientifically correct balance and light weight are very economical to operate. Hundreds of Instances are on record, showing from to 44 miles per gallon of gasoline. Mrs. Miriam Seeley Professor, Oregon Agricultural College has Just completed a trip from Corrallij, Oregon to Boston and return 9,700 miles (about 1 i years of average driving1. The total expense for gasoline, oil and repairs was like patriots and laimers.

Arrant I'-llM-ll t. nicer- n-., The MnTwcll lines are pleasing to the eye. The dcia conforms exactly to the previlir.t! style, as illustrated by any number of high priced motor cars.

Comfort to the Feint of Luxury The Matwcll car Is rcximy. tt ccats 6ve passenger In comfort. There is r'cn'y of le room In frcnt and rear. The long semi-elliptic Maiwell springs and the soft, era-deep upholstoy male riding easy, 150,000 Miles Not Unusual There ore Marwell can In dailr use which have already ran 1 I ev I li I 1 1 1 pi. Of but with ii i.

cenis nuie or mc equivalent oi per month. Complete Equipment No Extras to Buy Maxwell cars have every device and accessory for the greater convenience and comfort of the owner. Not a single thing te lacking. When you buy a Marwell, no further investment la necessary. Remember $665 May 1st $635 Now.

ti re In 1 1.. to 1 1 Hue over ISO.000 miles. Think c.f It more than 29 yean of average drying! There are Marwell cars in the mountains and in sections where there are rough, roeds or no roads, that bare gone M.eO miles miles tbs; w.ptk and tear most cars to pieces. The World's Er.Juiii.cs Champion i.t TEAPOT BANKS o.l to t.m. i-i s.

1 eli-itlnerii And get your order in now before these the ITs. ll.ll-t Willi shiire a car, running lor J2.JJmUv 44 ils. saad nights WITHOtr AD2T. larS are gODC in uj so long before thf modern savings bank into being that semt people still persist in this old-fashioned form of banking. There is alwas the danger of theft, fire ard in this soft of bank, and the mone kept there errn5 -no interest.

Bring your savings to I. i i isi i I be I'M- l.ntM il'v 1 en 11 "IT1 I e-s 1 i i Alter that lit nu end. A. W. WALKER AUTO CO.

South Fir Street, Medford, Ore. The JACKSON COUNTY BANK Dr. Heine, and Specialty. re. ar, noe, throat.

Office over Meeker's. Glasses fitted. Medford, Oregon Established IStS..

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