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The Klamath News from Klamath Falls, Oregon • Page 6

The Klamath Newsi
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tuesday; 1927. "WE' KLAMATH NEW3 National Guards I To Hold Conclave STREAM OF AUTOS POURS OVER NEW BRIDGE secretary of the breeder' association, lo replace alia I'earl Col of Astoria, who died recently-. Today program waa taken up hi visits to dairy farm on th Wh Ingtoit shorn of the Columbia river. 11... PORTLAND.

Ore. Jun IS. (A. pouTi.iVn Day whn th troop, of I Prim first, nation were being rushed to the old Hr- cul)M SS: prim first. IS: firsts Se bo rolled Tuesday night creamery prlca: Print.

nallnviBl vimril nf the Stat national guard of the tt Dr. G. B. Snilth Granted PORTLAND. June IS.

Pr. Clerald II. Rmlth of Woodburn, waa grantad a divorce from minora II. Hmlth In circuit court today on IT. Kmlth'a cross complaint lu which he rhnrgnd Mrs.

Hinltll with desertion and cruelly. Dr. Smith waa also granted custody of two minor children but Mrs. Hmlth will be permitted to them at regular Intervals. Mrs.

Kmlth sued for divorce, alleging neglect and cruelly, MKKT tho assembles here en route to the an- above cube standards; buttorfal 4t)c fob Portland. Milk Heady: raw milk Mmitl 9 Sit im- f.ih tuil encampment at Camp Clatsop near the mouth of the Columbia rlYer. Kwr. Kit raj up The troopa. 3.000 strong, are Eggs: first up it; freh curuuieu 10 ieTe oriianu Jc.

Current receipt lc: niornina am P'-i medlum flmt a iraina. i ne nrst train win gei ditto extrae iS. away at six o'clock and there will ISwItrj-. Poultry steady (leas percent then be a departure every IS mln-j utea. Included In the troop move-1 IBS commission) heavy hetis 1S4i20c: ment will be unite of the 162nd llvht II fi nnrliipw tmnitnsl: and lssth Infantry realmenta and i hmlI.

n.k, duck. ASTORIA, June II. (P) Guernsey rattle breeder of the state nnlghl completed their annual three day "Guernsey Oaetles," or ttate convention here. Mrs. R.

1. Ilughea of Oregon City aa selected state attached unlta and the l9th nominal; turkeya allv. I to: colored nominal; aniiiery. nominal: dressed 37. .00.

Spud. Onions steady; local S.75 Potatoea ateady. 150O1S5. KlYKKMl.U.I. 1IIIIT The Infantry regiment and at-, tached unlta will apend the two i weeks of intensive training at Camp I Clatsop and the coast artillery real-: meat will train at Fort Unlta of the guard will begin a- embllnc here from all sections of the atate Tuesday nicht.

Others Investigation and survey may permit elimination, shall be declared organised Into a drainage district and that such further proceedings had a may I necessary aud PORTLAND. June IS. Wl proper. B. KuykcnJail.

Klamath will mrrim mnrnjnf Robert It K. GKARV 1 AUTIICR OEART K. A. tlKAR ataVI asaaawai ajaaaW sasW The entire movement will be In iFalhi attorney, waa admitted at accordance with detailed orders t- Emmanuel Hospital today to be sned by Brigadier General tieorge lired right knee. A.

White, commander of the atate He was enjoying an o.ulna at Ssndv Ituard. will be here to R'T" Sundiy and in broad jumping oversee the entraining of the units. knee. An advance detachment of 1 81'MMOXS officers and 145 enlisted men will leave for Camp Clatsop early Mon View of the grenr Canpiines bridge, snlj to be the largest highway liriije in the world, Suiniiltia' CnrrjiMnra Straits on lite northern arm of S.m rranciHco Hi v. JiinI oiriirl for traffic, tlic ltril(e Is lictring a constant stream of antos.

Taking four ye.irs to Ixiilil, structure nt Til is Mi fcot aiio the water, cruiitting 14a Urjitt sliis to sail undi'rlirle Rill. AND W. CHARY STATK OF OKKtloN, County of Klamath, aa. R. K.

Crsry. being first duly! awora, depose and say. that I am one nf the petitioners abov named: that hsve read the foregoing pe- i lltlon and know the eoutenta there-1 tit and th facta therein contained 1 are true, as 1 verllly believe. IIKARY. i Subscribed and sworn to before 1 me this Slat day ol May.

1957. JdHNSON'. NMary I'uWIc for Oregon. My commlssltiit expires, April IS. I9ja.

I MSI. SI J7.W.SI I day morning under the command of Equity No. Lieutenant Colonel Baker, assistant IV THF. CIRCl'IT COCRT OF THE STATE OK OREGON, FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. DAIRY XOT1CK Tl IN UP HEAKINt; ON I'KTI-I existing Irrigation and drainage TO KtiltM IHlAIN.IliKi tlitche and Dump, hut with certain chief of staff of the 41st division.

The advance detail will set up regimental headquarters, distribute auppliea and Laggage and prepare generally for the main body of' troops. DISTRICT. Iniprovementa and additions, and Ira A. Moor. Plaintiff, va.

Jack Plater. J. K. Smith, and the Vestern Savings ft Loan Association, a corporation. Defendant.

By MISS M.KI SMITH Neva Correspondent Mr. Tucker Is visiting with THE COt-NTY COCRT OF THE STATK OK ORKliON. FOR THK his to provide water from wells tor limited Irrigation of area In proposed district located abov Market Road No. X. That alt th underalgned have COl'NTY OF KLAMATH parents.

Air. and Mrs. S. D. Tuck-j Defendant.

PERPETUAL MOTION. t0 j. e. sith NAME OF THE STATE:" ot 1alry- NOICE la hereby given that hear- INVENTOR INDICTED of or "go.n'- ur IN THE a uir-tuiir nas nen at iiatry luin-wmn school Ii.i Tir.j.i.. held at the Court House In the sou arv un.cuy re- agreed, aud do hereby agree, that the purpose of making nonania Klamath lls.

founty of, they pny any and all expenses PORTLAND. June IS, (A.P.) Homer D. Brown, inventor of complaint filed against you in the above entitled court on or before Oreguu, on the Incurred aud any tax or taxes that I. ilia 1 11 SIKIB Ul un.n high school. It wa a very U.v.

j. State of for the pur-1 may be levied against their landa. lively meeting. OM "perpetual motion" machine and i the SSth day of June. 1S2T.

that head of a religion colt known as being the last day of date prescrlb- Herbert Arant and O. G. Ander-: prayer ot sold petition shall be I pense of orcanlxln or attempting tke Brotherhood of Divine In th order foT the publication Now via Klamath Falls ituJnn of th wat cht ntw aJK'titir t.iiw hf lu-rcnC-iiliut n.rt ni th J'auC NorftSwit Dirsxi scrtli-Q Vkiihmit cbt. fift. at for irvrtr t'rum KWmat hl.

The ppohiimrnu nj irt ivt iirlut trtna. Southern rutfic An ntwCai out Uvr hvr at 0 t.m. arrlvint San Franclacnai p.m NurtUtHwmJ. Iravraat ft.0a.m atruU'g Portland 4:05 p.m. and Sratilf p.

m. An mil, Mith th atiJrd arvi; ot laihr. valri and laJiaa maid. Shower-bath tot men and (ur HMnn 'Pva naw Wtt Cm-i la Sacra ntritiaanJ Lu Aitgalra leave al 3. Wa rn Uavr at I04tn.m-,arrtvintf ltrtlamJal yjSa.m.

nrf tiay. Novitra tare, yt comparable to the Ineac In aJilltinthrtHj(h Pullman leave here daily at 4: 10 p.m.. connoting with the now i on ar rtvtnuaan hran. 9:10 a. m.

Aln. Inral era in leave a. artivrs Kuarne $.20 p.m. lor connection arriving Portland 7:40 p. m.

J. J. MIIJ.KIl, IS the above! on are Planting potatoes for Harry granted. I to organlae the proposed district. item, was Indicted bv the county of summons made In nH entitled court on the Slat day All persons owning, or claiming WHEREFORE, your petitioners lands de-ipray that th landa herein deacrlb- Harry Mills were to own.

an interest la T. ilay. 1I7, and If yon fall to appear Mr. and Mrs. tun niitarinar rfirnurnip fw ii 1 1 crlbel In raid petition are herebyjed.

or such part of them a may and plead, answer otheririHe Dalrr visitors Thursday. found by the Court to be properly tor saie. (plead within the. time, the plaintiff Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Burgdorf "urB on included In the proposed district. I urown. ouicera say. orjiuira un wlI to tie court for the re- were Klamath Falia vlsliora Wed- VL. "fL" lit 'T i Brown-Estn Power Manufactur elliier permanently or until further llet prayed for in his complaint aa uesday.

petition should not be granted follows, to-wlt: For a Judgment against you. the ing company and equipped a plant In the St. John's district It manufacture the "perpetual motion" ma A buaeball game was played between ni Dairy teams at C. R. DE LAP.

Clerk of County Court. 29 is the right price to pay for a good tooth paste USTERINE TOOTH PASTE Large Tub 25 said defendants. Jointly and aev- Dalry. The score was IS to in chine, which, he said, had been re-y tor the sum of to- favor of Dairy. TCTITIOX Relieve Coughs, Colds, Headache, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains veiled to him by the Scripture.

"ttVr'ut iti. ir i rate or i per cent per annum irom organized the religion, society and ljt of mXm Mr. and Mrs. M. II.

Stoehsler 1 IN THE COUNTY tOIRTOF THE STATE OF OREGON FTTJl THE members of the cult were given for the further aum of were host and hostess to a dinner Sunday. Those present were Mr. iK nnwr ftnrf mannfac tnr with toe reasonable cost of preparing In romoany In return tor their fillna said lien and for the Nrs- Ralph Miss Jean. COUNTY OF KLAMATH. In the Matter of the Organisation of the Lake Shore GardensDratn- age District.

To the Honorable County Court of Klamath Comity. Oregon: The' undersigned, your petitioner, respectfully petition and show: membership feea. He said he con-; costs and disbursements incurred nette Smith. Miss Marian Smith, suited an gturney before carrying herein: and that said Hen be de-jHjmer Kortse, Earl Allred, Clora out but plan. jelared to be snpnrlor and prtor lien nnd l.eland S'oehsler.

7 .1 Mccnmner Is planting potx- -fd forecio'r, Andersan and thai aaid rmnertv he McCumber. SUMMONS Equity Xo. 2290 All ri-9 mi ln sJ umi. CktrsalsMrlaiUrlsrasi That they desire to organize and tvuit cuiiva ur ituifj ier order and decree of tbe above! Better than a Mustard Plaster Df THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE entitled court: and that said lien examinations to the school children form drainage district to be known as Lake Shore Gardena STATE OF OREliON. tvu.

inc. be declared a prior lien superior to of ruin June COUNTY OF KLAMATH. the richta and interest of thej Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Jones erf I Drainage District.

or "TrJ! Klamath Falls visitors last week Th. 1m Inn n' nil 1 Martin Stoehsler waa butcherins Is as follows: All beef TSurday. StbHtAMIb inLci in. mu mis aeieausnis ana OF CALIFORNIA, corporation, each of them be forever barred and plaintiff. I foreclosed from any right, title, or jintereL in or to the said premises of area Included In plat of Lake Shore Gardens, according to the Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Hanklns 1 It. E.COOPER, the nnknown heirs nai piaintui may nave sucn -ere vi.uors in jviamam raus on i iat recorded In Look 7. H. E.

COOPER, also all other 'other and further relief as to the Thursday. I 7 of tne of of person, or parties known or un-. urt. may seen meet and equit-j Mrj. M.

H. oehsler was In Klamolh County. Oregon. ave and known claiming any right, title. ae.

i Klamath Kails on business Thurs- ntiv.lnr U4 fiftv. estate lien or interest in the This Is served noon A. txcepl lot titty-lour Nti, tiny- al Ute described in the com- the said defendants, by the pub- four-b flfty-llvo (551. flfty-luinr herein defendinla. lication in the Klamath Newi, i Tne lnfal Iaugh-er of Mr.

and flve.b (5s.n(i (S) nnd daily newspaper, printed and pub-i -Mrs Hartley passed away i fifty-slx-b (56-b) which aro express- To H. E. COOPER, the unknown 'Klamath Falls. Klamath Tkursda morning at the family excluded from aald district: all New What's heirs, of H. E.

COOPER, also all uu ul aenerai or- resm-nce in iiairj. i ne cnua is at of aald plaited lands being In sec CUlatiOn In Said tKA. knnwn COUntV and State. mnrlinrv 1 i tion twenty-rive ii-). towinsntp or unknown claiming any ngnt.r"- Dairy will pla bill with Malln thirty-eight (3 south, range eight weeks, the firxt being title, estate, lien or Interest In the 1 de on the 24th day of May.

19J7. ul 1 ArlhA In th ninv. 1 IBl, r.asi ot tne ninnmeiie visitor K'amalh county Oregon. Al! JJ I of tho ol-ove dPrfcrthfil lands con- 1 the last pnbllcatlon belna -Mart Hu" wa h.r.i. ri.l.nilant.

SOd maae c.i ine mb nay or June. mu 1517. by order of the Honorable i Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Scott aere IN THE NAME OF THE STATE A.

Lavitt. Judge of the Court visitor at the Joe Smttae home I aforesaid, which was made, enter- enter-j Thursday evening. and i Ernest Hanklns was pUnllng sev "rwy 'Td and filed in said court pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above en- eral acres of potatoes at the Gib titled cult on or before the tmrtl-! son ranch last week. day of June. 1927 and if you.

Attorne'y for Plaintiff, i "n7r 1 For result, use New, das. Ad. will apply to the court for the re- from which contribut to the swamp and wet condition of said lands. III. That the total acreage included in said lands and to be included in said district Is one hundred eighteen (lift) acres, more or less, all in Klu math County, Oregon.

IV. A shown by the records of Klamath County, Oregon, an tin- divided one-fourth Interest Is owned in the above described lund to be included In said district, by each BEES SEND YOUTHS TO COLLEGE iff tile following: It. E. Geary, Ar NEWS changes with each passing clay. All kinds of news fascinating, strange, prophetic, real and unreal.

It comes flashing on the pages of your paper from all parts of the world, and you, want, to know what's new. ADVERTISING is another form of news. It is governed by the same general principles and answers your every question as to "What's new?" can depend upon advertising news. It is truthful. If you want something for the home, you will find it advertised.

If. a dresa, a suit of clothes, a hat, a pair of shoes, a diamond ring, a bridge lamp, an electric refrigerator or a house and lot you'll find it i s- ADVERTISING supplies the surest means of knowing "what's new't'Jn merchandise, Lftarn to read the advertisements-r-tru8t them profit by them. frt thur M. Geary, K. A.

Geury and Roland W. Geary. v. That tile proposed reclamation and nrotecllnii Is fnr bntli sanitary land agricultural purposes, and that. 1 lief prayed for in It.

complaint, I to-wlt: For a decree, that said defendant and each may be re- quired to set forth the nature of his or ber claim and for a decree of this court adjudging plaintiff to 1 Ii the owner In fee simple of Lot Seven of Section Twenty-seven (271. Township Thirty-nine (39) South Range Seven Kast Willamette! Meridian, Klamath county, Oregon. free and clear of any and all claims i of aaid dofendants or any ot them I and adjudging and decreeing plain-' tiff, title to be forever quieted gainst any and all claims of said defendant, or any of them and against the claims of the unknown heir, of H. E. Cooper or any of them and against the claims of any and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, e-1 late, lien or interest in the real 1 property described In this complaint and for such other and further relief a.

Is meet in equity and for Its' costs and dlsbnrsment. In this suit. This Rummons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to ord-! er of Honorable A. L. Leavitt.

Judge of the above entitled Court made and entered May IS. 1927. said proposed reclamation and pro-, tectlon will be conducive to the public health and welfare and of public utility and benefit. I VI. 1 all the lands above des-, crlhed and to be Included In proposed district aro properly In-k eluded therein, and will be bene-! flcially affected by the operation' of the proposed district.

i VII. That tho benof Its nf inch pro-, posed reclamation and protection will exceed the damage to bo done and the best interest of the lands to be Included and of the owners of such land as a whole, and of the public at large, will be pro-1, muted by the formation and proposed operations of such district. VIII. 1 That the formation of a drain-; nun district tinder the provisions' if Oregon Lew 7247-80 Is a "proper and advantageous method of accomplishing the reclamation nnd' Read the advertisements regularly It pay which order require, that Summons herein be published once a week for aix successive weeks. Date of first publication hereof Is May 17, 1927.

(Signed) D. V. KUYKE.N'DALL, (Signed) ROBERT B. KUYKE.N'DALL, Postofflce addre-s: 14 Loomls Klamath Falls, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

M-17-21-31-J-7-14-21-28. Hers, tlic kind tint make life miscrulilc for some folks are re-ponil)lc for tlic collide careers of two Abilene, joullis, Clay ton ami Milton I'orrnr. When their father decided to dispose of a hec ttiind that had multiplied too rnpidly for him lo keep, the bova persuaded him In give them the swarm and Ihcy were soon Inakin; siabl prolits. Thi-ir college careers finished, Clarion is now instructor in Amhcrt colli de, leaching cntotnolonv and lice keeping and Milton the t.ini tubjetts in the State Agricultural eol-lege in l)ruvkini( b. protection of the lands Included therein, as above described.

IX. That the rroposed plan of reclamation and protection 1. to maintain the existing dike, protecting said lands from over-flow from Upper Kluniath Lake-, to maintain the.

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