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The Eugene Guard from Eugene, Oregon • Page 1

The Eugene Guardi
Eugene, Oregon
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50 Gents With work is the card job department. The work is neat and prices are right A vol EUGEXE, OKEGON, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 189S. NO GO DAILY EUGffiE GUARD. ,.14. THE CAR STARTED.

READY TO REVOLT. advisory vote of the peop'e, until such time as the national constitution shall have beeu amended so as to provide for direct legislation. We condemn as dangerous and uu-ust the surrender la all departments of the government to the influence of trusts, corporations and aggregations of wealth generally; aud the packing of the highest courts of the land with Take Of Your Hat. At niiK.vr. llulchius, Contractor, Uets I he Force of a on His Head.

About 3:30 o'clock this afternoon Hutchins as brought to town from the Smith hutte quarry, where he is getting out rock for the governmeut jetty work, with Ids head badly cut and lacerated. He was at once taken to his rooms in the HofViiian House and a physician summoned. From the information obtained at this hour it appears that when the bliisls were prepared one fuse did not Iguiie the powder at tho same time with the others, and conolud A Terrible Causally. St John's X. March.

28. The steamer Greenland has reached this harbor with a grewsome cargo. Twenty-four corpses were on deck and 55 men were moaning in terrible suffering in the hold In the pain of frostbitten limbs and bodies. Tho dead bodies were on the dicks disfigured and almost unrecognizable, The eflects of the terrible suffering which they had eudured preseuted oue of the most horrible sights human eyes ever beheld. The men had left the ship to hunt seals on the ice when a storm came up and prevented them from returning.

The meu on the stcamor rescued them as soon as possible. Ill at His IIomi: Today's Salem Statesman: "Intelligence reached this city yesterday niorulng, which Look within your hat and see whose make it is. You can't always tell a good hat from its appearance, or weight, or shape. You want to know what, ninl-p of hat it is, and if it I is the right kind you wju wear it satislac torily, Our Gordon Hats Arc splendid material and excellent value. Call and see them.

The AiimiDi'stration Criticised by Republicans. ntnur.PA.iiui i'olicv Washington, March 28. Special Dispatch to the Portland Tribune. Republicans are in open revolt against the administration. They are sore over the message which accompanied Ihe Maine repoit; soro because they believe that I lie evidence shows that the responsibility for the loss of the ship aud the murder of the sailors is chargeable directly to Spain; sore because the president expeo ihat "Spalu's sense of justice will dictate her course." Tonight there liavo beeu at least a dazen gatherings of republican members in di Mere nt hotels to informallv discuss the situation aud to decide upon a plan of action, tint nothing dellnite came of theie conferences, le yond expressions of firm deieimluatlon to overcome the committee on rules, if that body insists upon attempting to throttle the will of the majority.

lluudreds of telegrams have been received from all over the country in which the signers Insist upon imme diate action by enngrtss. One of these came to Dolliver, of Iowa. It was tigued by 200 of the most luiiueulial men of his district. It read: Appropilutoa million dollars to feed tho sturying Cubans. Hack It, If necetsary, with every gun in the navy of the United States.

We must not VIEW OF HAVANA Sold by WRAPPERS FOR EVERYONE We have them for sale at prices that will make 3-011 wonder who makes 'em. They are made all right to fit-up-to- Uatn-people, out of tho right kind of ing it bad gone out, Mr Hutohins started to examine it. Ju-t a hostocpd over the fuse tbe explosion occurred, nnd shern iairired rocks wcro hurled upward, cutting several severe Hashes on his hnail ami face, and fears tiro enteitninoJ that hH eves aro injured. I.ATKK. Later developments show that the accident was a most lucky one.

Had Mr Huk'hlns arrived a second later so as to receive the full force of the blast Instead of part of it, the result would have been terrible. Ono rock went crashing ihrongh his hat leaving a hole large enough to talk through, and cut a gash in his scaln. Dr Kuykendall is attcndini! the in jured man, and finds much csuso for congratulation ihut ho escaped so easily. It Is found Ills eyes are not in jured. They wero filled with small rock and aro swollen considerably, but aro not injured.

Tho accident ie very lucky, mid aside from carrying a soro iinJ swelled head around for a few weeks Mr Ihilcliliis will sufler no in-con vcnicnci. Fiuim Salkm. The following is a Salem dispatch of yesterday: "Senator Holt today prevented for filing In the secretary of slate's olllce his credentials us a nominee, tm populist parly. Ho claims that tlio mlddlo-of-the road candidates represent Ihe only populist party In I he stale, as did Spaugh, recently a candidate lor presidential elector. Secretary Kincaid being Indisposed 'tit his home in Kugene, tho mutter of filing was shelved uulll ho can I consullod," Intkukstinu K.v it i hit.

In the north window of Osburn DoLauo'e store Is to lie seen a display of exceeding Interest to Icthyologlsls. It shows salmon In every stage of development from the time the spnwu Is 10 days old until tho flub reach the length ot four inches. They nrn placed In bottles and lablud so thut tho student can readily grasp. tho entire study. The display la furnished from privato collections made by Deputy Sherlfl 0 8cott Louis lien anil Hrodii.

A Finn At 8 o'clock this morning tho resldunco of Mrs Drew, on Eighth street, near thu railroad, narrowly e.eaped destruction from fire. It caught in the kitchen from some oauso and the lady and her son by hard work subdued It. Tho loss will amount to between $40 aud $50, fully insured In one of (loo Craw's companies. No alarm was given. Tho Portland Tribune says that the gold democrats ate likely to nominate a stato ticket.

STORE material, some of the prices, G5c, 90c up to $2.00. Ladies shirt waists, are thehestin city for tho prices. OUR NEW SPRING SUITS are ready for your inspection, up-to-date in every respect, from $5.00 up to 818.00. Our Spring Straw Hats, Soft Cloth Hals, Helmets and Sailors will please you. Tho McDonald Negligee Shirts, are all 38-inches long, and every one warranted not to rip.

Eugene's Relief for Starving Cubans od the Road. XOUI.K I'lllLAM IlltOl'V. On today's 5:25 freight, north bound, pounds of fruit and wheat left Eugene, bound for Cuba, to aid in saving the thousands of recon-centrados from starvation. The ear went direct from here to Portland aud will form part of a tr.dn load which will leave that city in a few days bound for York, from which point it will he shipped to Cuba in a merchant vessel, escorted by a cruiser, following is a list of the goods 4 sacks apples 1 sack clothing 1 sack mirCelliuieou9 fruit 1 sack peas 12 sacks prunes I sack pears 4 sacks beans II sacks corn 129 sacks wheat 8 pkgs bacon 1 box fruit Weight, 24,000 pounds The Eugene committee is deserving of praise fur their work and the excel lent manner in which it was performed and the gencrou people who to freely contributed will never weary well doing. The suino can be snld of the commit tee and citizens Spiiugli'ld, who contributed a portion of the supplies.

THE 11ANXKHS. rhi irmau ikln of the Commit! is having two lainled, -lxlo feet in size, lo be lin ked on lie of the car lolling Mi people ihat it eoi.t'vips Cubin it ilief from Eigei wid SpringOtl County Oregon." UNION' Hi.ATKOKU. Ad 1 by the Pn and. hi United In a common mk' the sacred purpose of prescr-ing Ilia principles of government by the whole people, in fact as well ns in name, re storing mid maintaining equality under that government, of all classes, we, the Peoples', Democratic aud Silver turtles of the state of Oregon, waving all minor points of difference, and uniting for the purpose of carrying out the greatest underlying principles upon which wo are all agreed, do make and present to the people of this state the following declaration of principles, and to the carrying out ot which we solemnly pledge each and every candidalo upon our united ticket: First We demand the free and unrestricted coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of Hi to 1, without waiting for the consent ot foreign nations, and we are unalterably opposed to the policy ol tho present republican admlnis ration in demanding the retirement of greenbacks, and the turning over of tho money power of the government to the national banks, as presented by the bill drawn by tho republican secretary ol the treasury and endorsed by President Mc- Klnley; and we especially denounce the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten the country irrevocably forever to the single gold standard. We demand a rational money, safe and sound, hsued by the general gov eminent only, without the It.

Inven tion of the bunks of Issue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private; ulso just, equltablo and efficient means of distribution direct to the people through the lawful dit bursemeuts of the government. We demand that thu volume of cir oulatiug medium be speedily increased to au amount sufficient to meet the de mands of the business and populatiou of tins country, and lo restore the just level of prices of labor aud production We favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demonetiza tion of any kind of legal tender money hy private contract. We demaud that the government, in paymeDt for its obligations, shall use its option as to the kind of lawful mniiiy in which they are to be paid, aud we denounce Ihe present aud pre' ctding adminisliutions fur surrender ing Ibis optiou to the holders of gov ernment obligations. demahd Hint lliere shall be no further i United States interest beat il'g bonds. We demand Ihat postal savings ianks be established by th govern ment for the safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange, We demand the election of L'nlled States senators by direct vote of tbe people.

We demand Ihe initiative and referendum system of law making In its ptloual form, local, state and national, and the submission by congress of all Important national questions for an ccrperation lawyers, too ready to do the will of their late employers, and to set aside valid and wholesome laws passed by the legislative departments of the states aud. eovernmeut. unnu lliiusy pretexts, at tuebshestsof men institutions. We are opposed to government by injunction. In state matters, we demand: A simple and well-guarded regislra tion law.

A moro equitable mode of appoint ing judges of eleotlon. Stringent laws to regulate the operation ol ilsh traps, llsh wheels and all lUliing gear in the waters within the jurisdiction of tlio state. Wo denounce and condemn the corrupt and extravagant republican legislative as- icinblies, and charge that tho republican parly in Its eagerness lor the spoils et oflloe, lias bccoino divided into warrlrg factions, so that It Is Incapable of government as exemplified by the condition existing in the ofllco of tho state treasurer, there being at this time moro than if.WO,- 000 therein wrung from tho people by process of taxation, while slate warrants are paid for want ot funds." We demand that all district and county officers bo placed upon salaries with tho duties to bo performed by them. Inasmuch as railroad and other corporate propo rly is not hearing its proportion ol taxation, wo (Ionian I that such nronei-tv shall hear its just and equal share of the expenses of government BIRDSEYE Our Next Congressman. Robert Veatch, of Lane county who was seleoted at Portland as the congressional standard hearer of the unionists of the First district of Oregon, Is a well-known and progressive oitizen of the Willamette valley, and Is at present wilting register of the United States laud ofllca at Roseburg Mr Veatch is a native of White county, Illinois, having been born there In 184.1, moving In early childhood to Iowa, where until his 10th year he was an eager student.

From there he migrated to Missouri, employing himself at farming for four years, going thence lo California in 1801. He came to Oregon in the following year, engaging ill the five subsequent years In study at (lie agricultural college, from which institution he graduated with distinction. He also devoted a long term lo school teaching, but was com pel ltd to abandon close confinement and turned his attention to practical and sclentlf.o farming. Mr Veatch was defeated for the legislature In Lane county, but afterward, in 1(01 and 1893, served this county In tbe stale senate, where he achieved a reputation as a devoted worker. He stands well in his party and Is generally highly respected as an active and useful citizen.

AX BILLY FOR 1 pound good raisins $0 05 7 bars Lenox soap 25 1 pound green coflee 10 3 tins No 1 rxlo grease 25 3 pkgs gold dust washing powder 20 1 pound wasli powder in bulk 1 3-nz pkg best cut plub tob 1 plug md chewing lob 3 pounds extra sodu crackers 1 pr men's good heavy shoes 1 pr ladies' heavy shoes 7 spools Clark's thread 3 caus Kugene tomatoes Per doz 05 05 io 20 I 00 85 1)5 N'ew Postofcicb The postofllce department has established ao ofllce at Ssglnaw, Laue county, Or, on a route from Walkers toCottsge Orove. Laura Weaver Is postmistress. 8A I'. 8 bars for 25 cenbj. A Wow).

shows Hon Harrison Kiucalud, sec retary of the state lor Oregon, to be dangerously ill nt his homo Kugene. He is a viotiiu of lung fever and la grippo and his family and friends are far from easy concerning hlni. Mr Kuicnid returned to the capi'ol on Thursday last, from Portland in com pany with Dr A Paluo, or lie OS I and was so sick then, that the asylum superintendent found il necessary to prescribe for him, and tho secretary hoped tho indisposition might pa's off with a day or two of rest. He remained in bed Friday anil folt somewhat better on Saturday morning, but late on tnat day symp. toms developed that urged him to take the night overland for his homo.

However, it is hoped his ruggod constitution and the devoted card he' have at Kugcue, will overcomo tho trouble and he will soon be buck at the state house." Hyobrolehcab social. Rk'ikption. Friday night a reception will he tondored the members of the Ladles' Howling Club by a number of their guntloman friends, to ao knowledge the fnvora extended them nt tho hands of Ihe club members All Interested anticipate a most pleasant evening. City Election. Kugene hoi ds hor municipal election Monday.

Very little interest Is manifested thus far. THE BIG HE Ruby and Validere Chiffon By Express Today Black Dress Goods. Plaia weaves aro very desirable just now such aH HatinSolell, QC 1-Venetiaii, Ottoman, Ks- 6u3 10 plnglo, Bilk warp, Huii-dM cn riettas, Poplins, llaragea ft JU Black Fancies, lirocades, Jacquards, llarre Natte, Wo can show you a beauty for 35c per yd- Pattern Suits. Plain and fancy. Ail the now colors and combinations, no 2 alike and the price the most pleasing of all.

Trimmings. These are so numerous wo 'will have to skip some. Silks, Embroidered and plain Chlllons, fancy noils, loose I routs, braids, ItridescenU, gimps, ribbons, lacos, aud everything needful; come aad see. Is still our aro now as to HARBOR atkling now attractions to already comploto assortment and ready lor any and all demands. Wo can surprise you both variety and prico.

Superior potorats Excelling all oiherj in flrtistis aijd Results. i Studio oftft fHOJO COMPANY. J. W. KAYS FURNITURE CO.

Mm and FUNERAL DIRECTORS. For Sale. Bixhead of horses, broke to work, 2o tons baled bay Williams. il FOR SALE. $40-00 1 KIRKLAND PLACE "nesnd one-half miles north ofEu Bene on river road.

FOR ONE MONTH ONLY- Will divide the place to make sale, inquire of Fstafq and investment Company. 'W Door South Hotel Eugene. For Health A Drink only the Purest beer brewed on the Pacific Coast. It is found everywhere, bottled and on tap, and made by iry Ueirard Rowling; Kecord. The high scores foi- the past week at Moon's alleys are as follows: Monday, 8 Edwards 48 Tuesday, 8 Edwards Gl Wednetday, McClung 69 Thursday, 8 Edwards 63 Friday, McClung 62 Saturday, 40 Ini porta lit.

Very short time now until we ship all unsold goods. If you wsnt goods at factory prices, and less, come soon for we are selling lots of suits every day. Salhm Woolen Mill Stork. i'o i-orever. Take Cascarets (utliartic.

10c orffito. It C. C. lull lo cure, refund money. Parker Opera House 17.

ROSS, Manager. A Dramatic ONE NIGHT ONLY Wedngsday, March 30 The Oroal Emtcrn Succm "PRISONER OF ALGIERS" -I'KCIAL SCENEKV. "l'MMI! WARDROBE. For tho flnt lime In tins ciij. RESERVED SEATS ADMISSION 75 50 staud helpless while Innocent women and children nre starving to death.

Clod will not bless a nation tiutt per mits it." This is but a sample, but It inicates 'the feeling throughout the country aud will be a guide for Congress, Ninety per cent, of republicans favur rednsslng these wrongs with war. They believe the President will take further action within 48 hours. Unless he does so, there will certainly be a revolt on Monday, which will bo suspension day in the house. Mrs Juimlo Mall. Junction City, Or, March 28.

Mrs Jennie Hall died of typhoid pneumonia in this city today. She was a daughter of Mayor Caldwell, and has lived In this vicinity all her life. She was aged 32. She left a husband. To Lure a told in One Day.

Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tab All druggists refund the ninnev If itfalls to cure. 25c. The genuine has; on each tablet. Fur Halo on (Jood Terms. A first class brick and tile factory, doing a good business.

Reason for selling: Have other business. MlTt'lfKLL ft MOOKK, Newberg, Oregon. Still Alarm. About 8 o'clock this morning a fire alarm was turned In, which brought Ihe department out rapidly. A burning flue In the residence of Gray, Kleventh street, caused the alarm, but no water was turned on.

Prof Horace A Dillard, well known by many sidenls of Lane county, lias been nominated by lliu unionists of Har iey county for the ofllce of Mr Dillard Is perfectly competent for the position and we hope to be able next June to announce his election. Today's Hslem WtaUsman: "Prof Dunn was not In his accustomed place Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. He reports pleasantly his visit to Portland university. He delivered hie popular lectuie on the 'Acropolis' bsforu the literary society there on Wednesday ulghL" Pleatings Happy Heme. (Significant words which mean that If a man buys a suit from us, he will have such perfect satisfaction In Ot workmanship and wear that all his domestic troubles will disappear and he will ludoed have a Happy Home.

$10 Buys a neat plaid worsted sulti Tills we defv anv of our com. Iietitors lo approach. We cannot do It, Justice here, see it and bo convluced, those who have seen It, are delighted, it Is a world beater sure Others In pioMirtlon $0.00 to 20.00. Hoys ami youths from $1.00 up. The proper thing are found with us.

In hats aud oaps We are having a great run on our new ah (HH already, lota of surprise hero for you. Our dress shirts for 50 cents and up, and our neck tlm from 6 cents and up are going rigiit along. DON'T OVERLOOL OUR CARPETS. F. E.


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