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La Grande Observer from La Grande, Oregon • Page 3

La Grande, Oregon
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tuesday July 6, EA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER her brother, A. J. Murphy, who lsl NEWS of SOCIETY Local News In Brief Clearance Prices On AU COATS, DRESSES AND HATS PUTMAN'S Ready-To-Wear and Millinery to remain In jx Cruiide when he Mrs. I Ci Harper anil Airs. Rurnh Junu UutrldKO.

Tho Jjuliea' Auxiliary to Itrotkerhooil of Hull road Train mon will meet at 7:30 o'clock this eve-nlnif. will rhearal of tho drill teuni In preparation for, the convention hero In Hcptiin-her. Itlvorsido in Id: Grunde, will provldo the meetlns; pluee fur Iho Alleel ljidli's' Aid siiehly Thltrnduy uflernonn. July S. I The Anwrleim Legion nnxlllary will imx't at tlio KnlKittH 1 of rythltiH hull WetljteHdny at 8 milk, eolfee.

y. l.unclieon Codrlsh puffballs, Inllnod tomutoes, tousteil muffins, prune whip. milk. teA. luiinur HalW'd veal balls.

muHhed potuloi.s, new onions lu etviiiii, vetretuhle relish III lemon 'shells, whole wheut bveud, rusp. i berry charlotte, milk, coffw. The veal halls uro served with a rleli whifi sunee. A ehesp rut of meat ran tie used i slnco tho meat nitist be put Ihrohg-ti tho food ehopper-severl times. Ono-hulf cup of diled breod crumbs ni added to one pound of irroiind vetil anil the uitxturo made moist with njolted buttor and milk, 'I'liis veKetubld relish Is 04 with fish as with Vi'OxtnlnV.

ItrHNh cups new cabbaige, cup Kruted rnw carrot. 1 rren sweut peppi'r, one half cup mlnred celery, 1 lublespoon mijrur, ti spoon wilt. Vt teaspoon. VVli''r ono half cup scatdluir 4 tubleflpoons lemon juice. Combine vei(etiilles with slt, pepper tuid rour.

over vlne-Kur, cover and let stund until Add lemon Julco and chill. 8er'P in halyes of lemon shidls. vice president; Mertle Krwln, fourth vice pre4dent; Nona Spray, secretary; Humin Chadwlok, mu-slciun. At this meeting the members planned for thu annuual convention at Wullowa lake, several girls from, the Union league, announcing their Intention to spend a week at the resort. 'Announcements Social aiutoHuceiiieiits iiiaf bo irUiiu la uu coliunn free of f'hurge.

Any an iinuiii vine ills per talulng to any ftiuctioiLs sneli as uookeU fouU hulcM, tu, will be refused, Auiiniintvmenls, in bo print cil tho same duy, iiuinI be in society inlltorW linutls bj o'clock. News eilltor's note. Mrs. August P. Nelson will open her homo to tho members of the mlKslunury society of the Church of Christ Wednesday afternoon.

The meeting will begin at 2:30 o'clock. HoHti'BHfS with -Mrs. Nelson will Im Mcn. Hurry Sandox, Mi inerva Says We nra not going out of business we have Just, coni-meneed. No ffiKtintic or dt-ua-tlc or mammoth stile here.

Just Rood stylish shoes nt moderate prlers to fit tho poelu'tbook of the avernifo person. Our rt'KHtnr prlcs aro ubout the sumo an ordinary wih'8 prices. if wo haven't Rot It Sears Hoi-buelc has but look "hero first. Wo nro partners with Sears In prices but NOT in fit, quality and, looks. Shoes for men and women, work and dress priced from l.5 to 7.

THE B00TERY "l'ny Cimb And ray A Oooil Qnrugc to rent. -Keo Dtidiiy Huyilen ut THK HOOTHItV The Home of the New i Orthophonic Victrolas m. i-. 1 Sister Mary Says: (ly Ulster 'Mary) Mreakfast Shredded fresh plne-appli. hroiled potutoes inished in milk, hriin niliffhiH, We Buy (or Less We Sell Cor Less Men's heavy grade Bib Overalls, triple stitched, reinforced on every point; good heavy pockets $1.09 Boys' heavy grade Overalls, triple stitched 79c Our heavy chan-bray Work Shirt, blue or grey, triple stitched 39c NewYqrk Store Destroyers of High Prices.

I V- f-. Credit CA RR'S No Interest here on- hla round as commercial They, arc guests ut Ihe Homnur hotel. Three License Issued SuarrUce lloonaeji were issued Hulurduy afternoou to the follow lug three aouple: Verne Reppltn-gec and Miss Itulh Losier. of Im Grande: Verne 11; Coleman ond Negate E. Allen, of Orunde, and l.uther Kenaston and Miss Sylvia Thomas, of Elgin.

VIkUIiik Couple, iwpart and Mrs. A. Denny, who huvo been hero ginco Saturday vlslllnK ut lliy home of their son, O. Jicnny, und enjoying visit to Wullowu lake, left on No. 17 this morning; for their Itouto ut Kreewtoutr.

Wash. To Work at Suinmrr Coiiii MIkh Ituth Scott, who rumo homo from Whlttnun colkg a up.o of woe-liii ago for a vacation "MaK with lur parent, and Alra C. 1. Scott, returned to wullu wulla 4 hla morning to ticfrlu work ut the KooBkoottkiu au miner cum p. Hho will re-enter Whitman In the' full.

Former Resident leaving Mr. and Mis. L. J. Kunk, of Tampa, Florida, who lived In J.n Grando ubout 17 years ago, will conclude a.

10-duy visit with friends here, tomorrow morning. They will continue their journey to California, ad' from, there proceed to Florida by tho southern route. They expert to reuch Tampa by the first of September thrco months from, the time they left liomc. Mr. Funk Is In real estate business In Florida.

When they were residents of this chy, he was un engineer n. the H. hiring their stay here, they have been guests at the homes of numerous friends, but have been visiting a greater share of the time at the Faus home, on First street. The latest decree, of fashion Is that combined garments worn by smart women must not exceed twenty ounces. Constance Tal- mndge then must be-ultra-smart, for she Is wearing only sixteen ounces of clothes.

A lute acquisition is a slip-on frock for. day and evening wear which she can don In twenty seconds. In France. Briand is trying to form a cabinet. That Isn't bad.

Tho bad part Is ho Is1 trying to form one again," Special beds, table, and choirs are now provided for tall' men and women at a london liotel. Tho game of checiters wnf played In Kgypt In 1600 H. C. TKEE TEA ORANGE PEKOE STAR Bootees arid Bonnets Sow xtiipmetit. tt fUtaUv In -wr rtsto.

30c to 7Uc. la Wfie rhliM-, Met iii) Ihhm irt Baby Shop ta Grande, Oi'e. "Everything for the Baby" Society's Vacation1 Period Befini Society la on vacation. Filing Vway her vWtlng hint and putting out of her head both the worries and the pleasures of dinners, dancer and club meetings, she Idles away tho hours on her own cool porch, or wheels out the car and cmuwub aylvan places. True, there are visitors many of them, drawn -by the summer tlnw lure of Kaatern Oregon- but they aro happily entertained out-of-doors, with long rides und pic lea in tho country.

Wallowa-IjUcA wondorlund, and the unsullied wilderness beyond It, the fishing strennui all through tho Mlnam country, not to mention tho hundreds of ea celebrated retreats In which Union and Wul lowa counties ubound, each has enjoyed Its share of patronage. Kven tho church organisations, tho few that continue their ses sions through warm weather, have grown Into the halit of meeting In the open. AMcel ldle' Aid ho- clety is motoring to la Grande Thuraday afternoon to meet in the flowered shade at Riverside park. And If there, have been few real parties since July confirmed June's promise. of torrid weather, no one has been sorry to miss them GueMM and.

nosts both nro more comfortable when like the I una maid they. run toss tho party bothers' "into the Cove, Ore. (Special) The Ladles' Aid met at lho homo of Mrs. Isaac Cingaman last Thursday afternoon. After a nhort business session a two-course luncheon wun served by tho hostess and her daughters.

t'nlon Ore. fSneclal) At a special meeting recently Ihe fol lowing orricem for tno league were elected: Ieona Spray, president: Marjorle Chlahain, vice president; Ruth Connor, second vice prcNident; Lola Scott, third with juyour CARA NOME Toilet Articles You liefil not a wait for 1 sjieclol sale to suvo money on tollft n-itulsltos in 1ho Itoxall HlorR. Tim for cxampln Is only J2.00 a box. the eretim 1 1. on a Jar ond the Talcum tl.O'i.

T.nt us show you this beautiful line. In It you can satisfy your every wish. Glass Drugs La Graide, Oregon Today And AVEDNESDAY DRUGSTORE i OOMINO EVENTS Julr 13. 14, IS and le Fraa tfomrnutfctw Institute under iMiikwg Tlio Obxurvnr. Inly in Union county's SOIIi annual lower ruuuluu.

July 2a, 24 (invention of AiorIliwo.n Heal l'lHUtuj autw rtMfcm lu la (Jrninlu. 22, 2U. 21, mill 2. Union county full' ai Elyiu, Ore. Spend IMy In Milker Ma Edward rlolincs spent tlu day In Maker.

IU-kMi'iiiI lu I ira lido Mr. and Mm. N. Hell nro guests hero from Hnlse, Ida. They uro registered at the Koliy, H'turns rrnni Wallowa Miss CharloUi) Walker returned last.

cveniiiK from Wallowa Luke and other point in Wallowa county, where she has lieen vlsll-liiff relatives and friends. Spend I'nmili at linker Mrs. It. A. Shanks, who spent the holiday with friend at Baker, relumed to I Urande this inorn-in.

Mis. McChII Is Ill-Mrs. SJtruh MoCiill. who Ih spondinff the sumnu ut tin hoim of hor flauhtft, Mrfl. l-'lorontn-Huoon, Is HI of nt'iirttlB.

Irs. AWMtcnhavor Has Operation Mrg. R. W. Westt'nhaver undor-wnnt an pmorEcncy operation for appf-ndiritiH ol the Orunod Rondo liospltiil Monday Iff lit.

Her condition today ifl said to be good. Return to linker AliPHes Mildred and Grace Pny-ton, or Haker, who spent lunt nilit in la Grande, vlwlt inpr MIks I.enoro Gibson, returned to their homo IiIb morning. Tlore, for J-'otirtli Mrs. Iluiclioa of I'rndloton. and Mr.

and Mrs. Huff, of Raker, AeV -jcueHia of Mr. and Mw Claud N'iish horc July 4. Mrs.1 Cum)1 Tant JlecoverliiK JMrh. J-'red Currey, who Is rocov7 prinff from a tn-Jor operation was able to attend Lho TCpiscopn.1-hinn! celebration at Corn for a brief lime yesterday.

Hack from Vacation J. A. Ted ford, ntaiiagor of the J. Penny store'. i back at work today.

He.iuid Mrs. Te.dford and their family jipent In 'lJlll'OJ-hiu; Simp 'liaiiKCN Quarters The Maytag shop, formerly located In the butldinj? of the Oregon Hardware Implement com-pnuy. has changed its quiirler to tlK- Newlln Hook Slalionery store, on Adams avenue. TIsIIh Wonderland Mr-and Mrs, II. J.

Moser and daughter, Marjorl Mr. and Mrs. Hounrd Kvann and Mr. and Mrs. R.

Shields spent July 4 mid fi In Wallowa I-ako wonderland. The men in tho parly visited lee lake during the trip, bringing home a largo catch of fish. fining to Austin Tamil U. Marks, or the Security Con-structlon company, went to the camp today to look after work In connection with the building of the John Day highway. Tho company expects lo complete the load this month, he said.

That will be six months ahead of the contract schedule. finals from Miouri Mrn. J. I. Kmart and son, Wilson, Mrs.

Leslie Fleming, and sons, Sam and Hugh, arc here from their homes at. Kulton, to Hpend the summer with Mrs. M. Humphreys, a sister of the visiting women, and Mrs. W.

V. Snook, their mother. Wilson Smart plans outers leave In tie fall. AllllrCKKt llakor Klwiniana Frank 11. Appleby, publisher of i in i unscrvcr, was truest speaker mis noon at Iho lunrheon meeting of the Khvunls cluh at Buker.

Hit urn in I'ortland liNL J-' ill L. Wallowa luku over the holiday. returned In her home this Ilonio In lUilrrnrisc Mr. and Mrs. William lTnnk Wltll their VOIinir (liiiiirhier.

flnna. vicvo and Mahel. were In t. Orande this morning on their way home from Portland to Enterprise. To Visit nl Nt-atilf -Mr.

and Mrs. E. SuJlsbiiry hoarded No. 17 this mornlnir, hound for 1'ortlnnd and Scuttle, whero they win spend vacation visiting friends und an aunt of Mr. Salisbury.

CiOfHK to Wwton Mr. and Mrs. Q. V. ITunrn and thfir fivo children lrt thin ninrn.

lino- fnp IIiaIp lir.nin fl. rift or several day a with Mr. and Mrs. Rulph Potter In l.u CJrundit. Hnnie from Camp Trip-Mr.

and Mrs. G. Dutton ami (heir two children 4'uptain and Mrs. Kly und family returned last night from a camping trip along the Imnuha rlvor. They had een away since Kriduy.

Here from Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner, of endleton, runic to J-a Grande to visit friends last evening, uftor r.pemling July i-'ourth at the Union hotel. In I'uton. Mr.

Warner Is a luw partner of l'iderielc W. Stel-wer, republican candidate for United" States senator. Fawn Horn In Captivity O. Conrad, who keeps a pair of deer lu a purk on his place at inbler, reported this morning that a buck fawn Increase tho captive tamily Saturday. Conrad found one of lils putr und procured the other and a permit to keep them from the game, warden.

Four Awaiting Trial Four persons charged with drunkeness, are awaiting trinl be fore-Judge M. Humphreys, In the city court. They are: Robert Hollenbeck, Martin Angelo. Neal Leaeh and Harry -Brant. Tho last three were arrested during the Fourth of July holidays.

Mrs. Reynolds Ih ItoU.rr Mrs. J. R-eynolds, who 1 be came suddenly unJ seriously ill Saturday noon en route to Wal lowa lake, where the family was preparing to spend the holiday week end, was wall enough to be moved to her home In Grande today. She appeared at noon to have withstood th trip well.

Ixave for Turner- Mrs. Idaho French and her son. l.eo, left thlH morning for Turner, where the Churches of Christ are in convention. They were accompanied by Mrs. Richard Jones and Mrs.

Reatty, of the Inter- Mountain college. They will visit in Portland and Salem before they return. Returning from Port land-Returning from a holiday ex cursion to Portland. Mrs. Al Thompson and ho mother, ilrs.

Tom Willett. Mrs. Wolf and two nous, of Wullowa, and. Mrs. Mc-Cubbln, with her granddaughters.

Vereellas and Vemeli Kuhn, of T.ostlne, stopped In La Grando between trains this morning. Visitor from Portland Miss Ruth Murphy, who is employed In the courthouse at Port-lund, is In I-a Grande for a few days visiting acquaintances and ooooo o' 2 Ol i Today- 1 1 TrSL Admission 40c; Children 10c T.y the Mntinees oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "With Daniel Boone Thru The Wilderness" SAVE Ronald Colman She wanted to go on the stage in the worst wny and succeeded. But, to the great comedy of "Kiki" are given the great 'i moments of Norma Talmadge's greatest act- 1 ing self. You'll Love Kikf You Can't Help It! A Real Thriller from the pages of history mixed with the Adventure and Romance of Life. With ROY STEWART And ON SUMMER CLOTHES Clint's Money Raising Sale The Larry Semon Comedy "School Days" STILL GOING ON Coming Thursday Richard Barthelniesg In "RANSON'S FOLLY" Adapted from the story by Richard Harding Davis (lintM "THE STORE WITH A CONSCIENCE".

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