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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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R. R. R. RiEftBY RELIED The most certain and Sftfe Pain Remedy- in the world that Instantly stops the most excruciating pains. It is truly the great CONQUEROR OP PAIN and has done more good, than any known remedy.

FOR SPRAINS, BRUISES, BACKACHE, PAIN IN THE CHEST OR SIDE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, OK ANY OTHER EXTERNAL PAIN, few applications rubbed on by the hand act like magic causing the pain to Instantly atop. CURE9 AND PREVENTS. Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Xfumliliii, LumhuRO, Snclllnn of tlio Joints, 1'ulni In llnrk, ChiiKt or I.lnihH. thfRiUDY BELI.KK to the part or imrtx wliproclinicoltror imln exists will Kise uticl eonilort. ALL INTERNAL PAINS.

PAINS IN BOWELS or STOMACH, CRAMPS, SOUR STOMACH, NAUSEA, VOMITING, HKAIITBUKN, NERVOUSN ESS, SLEEPLESSNESS, SJCK HEADACHE, DIAR- RHCEA, COLIC, FLATULENCY, PAINTING SPELLS ure relieved Instantly atul quickly cured by takinp Internally half to a teaspoonful of Ready llolief in lialf teaspoonful of water. MALARIA. Chills ana Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. There IK not remedial iiuent In the world that ulll core Fever and Apie all otbor M.ilartons, I Billons, and other Veven, Itlded by Kadnw'a IP1118, BO qnlokly Badwai'n Ready Relief. I Price 50c per bottle.

Sold by druggists. RADWAY'I PILLS, I for tke tnre of all dlnorilerii or IAGH, MTEB, KIIUTEYS, BLIDDEB, DISHA8ES. IIKADACHK, CONSTIPA- COSTITFyKSS, INPieESTION, DVSPKP- I BIIIODSXESS, FE1-EU, INriUHIATlejr TDK BOWELS, FII.EH, and all (Jenuue- of liUnal Purel; mercurj, or DELETE. 36 per box. Sold by all DtoggUU.

Warren 8t, N. T. inie and ask (or BADWAY'8, AND IN THE HEAD Blrniy's Powder I JL F. rmouaox. D.

8. Appraiser 9 Storey I lo I PULL SIZE bottlo of powdnr blower C0.1PLETE,po.«p«.d, I Birney Catarrhal Powder Co. IMS MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. SoU by or direct bjr ni. Sold B.

KMBllng. J. L. HaDSOii and Ben libber, LOiptn.tport, Jnd. WANTED.

TANLED-SaKwman; mlort from niart, nnuieac place. Brown Bros. fioruenr- nen, Cblcago, ill. i GKNTS makf ft daj. Greatart kltcben 1 ntewll ever Invented.

Retails Bfio. 8toe old In eterrhOBie. Sample, postage paid, tire. A McMAKiK. Clnclrmnttl, 0.

A NT LADY, wlitlilnit to make per week onlntlr at ber home, address nub envelope, Miss Lbclle B. Logan, Jollet, ITU Tito offer Is bonsnde. and It will par jou to nrestlgaie jou can "pure onlj hio boon a EN to take orders In every town and cltj; no mm TIlLVWMlklT: to uinr uruna iii dellTerlng; good wants from paiweeklj; CBplUl required: work'jeitr round, te xge. Koeliester, N. Y.

a A A WTiEK paid to ladlet and gents to Id) I D.U ttell tbe Rapid Dltb Wanlwr. Wanh- i dries them In two minutes mlthont wettjni; hands. No eiperlenca newssarr; sell; at position. Addrets P. Har- Irtaon Clerk ifo, 11 Columbus, Ohio.


Write ftt once vot terms to ttjlawks Nursery N. Y. ANTAL-MiDY atatoihqr Oapwlai Ito Bataua Copaiba, WEDDING GIFTS. The Presents Mado to Brides by Vandorbilts and Astora Busnell nmcnlpU Woililln llkvc Coini lo Iln of the Truili) In of a Plutocracy. "The homes of America'syoiiDjr married couples are the most beautiful in the world.

That is because wedding presents have become almost a national institution." One of New York's merchant princes speaking. "Are weddinfr presents, then, of the practical kind?" The prince surveyed his domain before replying 1 Kis counters were jewel-spread aud heavy with a caliph's pride of gems. he said. "The force of my remark is due to tho unpractical nature of wedding 1 gifts." Kcfleetiou shows how true are his words. When the young 1 city man comes back from honeymooning, his bride invariably says: "What beautiful things our friends havcfrivcn us! There is tliu music box and that ehinun-an.

1 "See, we have silver clocks and porcelain vases. We must furnish the house so as to enhance the loveliness of all" Tims is noU-d the great change in tlie of weddiiur gifts, a change almost wholly due to the rise to social prnvcroF Mich families as the bilts, the Astors, the Whitneys, the Sloans, even the Goulds, and it, must bo acknowledged that the taste displayed nowadays is better in every way than the taste of twenty years ago. Thus, at the reeont wedding of Miss Elizabeth Klkins that the dung-liter of President Ihirrison'ssceretary of war, the bride received such gifts as a Japanese lamp, over ten feet tall and studded witli tips of the precious metals, which was sent by Mrs. and Mrs. Kdwin Could; a Mlver pitcher ul- logvirieally designed and of the most skilled workmanship, the of Mr.

mid Mrs, George Gould; a silver tea set and silver tray patterned after the renaissance designs in such things, from Collis I'. Unnlington; a silver service, complete, presented by Air. and Mrs. Andrew a. silver bon bon dish, wrought in the Uenvenuto Cellini stylo of metal decoration, from ex-President Harrison, and over seven hundred other articles, from gold watches to prayer books, every one oi which possessed an (esthetic, rather than a practical value, with the exception, perhaps, of the prayer books.

Nor is this wedding different, in point of gifts to the bride, from most of tho narrUges celebrated among people have friends in the plutocracy. When Capt. Edward Jaflray married, Frederick W. Vanderbilt pro- tented bride with a watch studded with diamonds, and the other gifts in- eluded a diamond necklace, silver seta, bracelets and rings. The, present taste and are largely due to the influence of example.

For instance, before William Waldorf Astor sailed away to England, many New Yorkers got into the habit of presenting brides with morocco- bound books in editions de luxe, a gift which Mr. Astor seemed to think very appropriate. Tho only 'book-bestowing' plutocrat of note just now is George Vanderbilt, and Ills pood judgment in this respect is beyond question. Yet Mr. Vaoderbilt does not confine himself to books alone.

Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt's favorite gifts to a bride are ivory-tipped, band- painted fans and silverware. Once she presented a bridd with an opera-glass, a beautiful affair, it poes without Raying. Mr. and Mrs.

John Jacob Astor are, perhaps, the most noted among donors of jewelry to tho nowly-wed. Their taste in nilver goods is conspicuously ro- fined. Some silver cups with gold linings given by this young couple have been greatly admired. Numerous diamond lockets and brooches of exquisite design' have been gifts from them. The price paid for such articles is not a permissible matter for investigation, but it may be said that tho jewels were in every case of the first water.

Mr. Astor not bestow many gold pencils or penknives upon brides, after the fashion of numbers of society people. On the subject of snch gifts; the earl of Craven said in New York last spring: "It seems to me that people who give little things like pencils and paper- cutters have no show with others, who send trays and vases and stands. Tho guests have eyes only for the showy presents when they are all spread out." The remark was made in the presence of numerous guests and attracted attention, Mr. William C.

Whitney his daughter, Miss Paulino'Whitney, are among the most successful makers of bridal gifts. One novelty was a rich set of silver.oandlesticks, presented to a couple whose honeymoon' wfcs passed In a country house up tho Hudson. This was in accordance with the custom of niinir candlei in place of gM or piirsos, one of which hail suitinjr ol nitfl sonic triumphs in Frederick liebhard is not only very in his choice of wedding but is ii ifmonjj members of the Union club on mutters relating tu taste and propriety in all thiiiffH pertaining to tlio subject. Mr. (j'eWiuril hiis preference I'ortfivld and gems, hence his fififti have run to neck- luces, bracelets, watches und the like.

His fame ill this connection is the more remarkable since, liein? bachelor, the knowledge he undoubtedly possesses is rather the result of natunil instinct and observation than of experience. The Ogden Goelcts tfo in for plate and household ornaments. After nearly every wedding among the Four Hundred tho name of OgdenGoclet appears in connection with such gifts as gold bonbonnieres, silver bowls or fino china. They give the most superb vases and clocks received by brides in New York, and that is saying (Treat deal. In this they much resemble tho prince of Wale'j and his set.

In fact the latest nickname for his highness, "Silver Howls," is the result oi tlio royal tendency to distribute largo consignment of one article among tho marrying' members of the aristocracy. The family of George 1'eabody Wetmore have more wedding presents to make, surely, than the majority of people with a social prestige eqnul to theirs. This is one of the penalties of being popular with the younger element in society. The Wetmore gifts are. us a rule, hair ornaments of gold and precious stones, chatelaine, brooches and other objeet.s of personal adornment.

They seem to bear in mind always that it is the bride who is to be pleased. In this respect they are a marked contrast to Bishop Henry C. Potter, who as spiritual adviser to more plutocracy sinners any man in America, not to mention thy frequency with which he administers the sacrament of matrimony, has seen much of wedding presents, and rich ones at that. The bishop believes in simplicity and utility in all such things, and has even endeavored to effect a reform by word and deed. Yet his efforts seem to have no effect.

When he makes a gift to a brido it is often a manual of devotion or a gold cross. Or it may be a tray or a cup. Unlike his brother of the Anglican communion, tho archbishop of Canterbury, he never presents brides with broad volumes of his own sermons. Wealthy as they are, the Rockefellers rarely make rich wedding presents. One reason for this is that they have not the social fever and are never brought into contact with people who would inject them with the present gift mania.

Anotherreason'is-thefact, that the majority of the'Rockefellers' are poor people who would. have no earthly use tfor 'diamond studded watches and pearl adorned purses. Yet John' D. Rockefeller makes wedding-presents. One was 83,000 in cash to the son of a friend of poverty days, and another consisted of a house and lot to young couple in whom the Rockefellers were interested.

It will probably excite wonder when it is stated that Russell Sage has been guilty of a wedding present. The idea of this person actually giving something away is incongruous. Yet he presented tho two Gould brides with a gold bracelet each. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Clews are liberal present givers to brides.

They have presented some exquisito fans and brooches, numerous gold and silver mugs and trays, and on more than one occasion diamond earrings. The Cou- derts are another family of bride es- teemers. Their presents' take the form of pold chains, silver hand mirrors and ornaments set with precious stones. In this they follow the traditions of the old French aristocracy. As a result of all this it may be asked there lias yet come to be a recognized etiquette of wedding presents hi this country.

Hardly. lobe sure Horotf manuals of polite deportment undertake to state what may with propriety be given to bride by such and such a one under numerous varying conditions. Bat practically no Rules' are followed. This is the situation ittt England. be rich you must pay the penalty I AHoffethor, Uni niiiUinff of wedding presriiLs lias COIIH- tu be.

in this country at least, ihe auunsiay of the trade THE KICKAPOOS. I.lmt OIUHI mill Tronlili-nomn The Kickapoos, who u-ei'e once a warlike and t.rou'ulesonie tribo of Indians, now number only three hundred, lire on a Iriiinjfiilar reservation, in the heart of Oklahoma, two i hundred thousand acres. It is us bountiful a rujj'ion as it, to be found in this country, wull full of ylades, ill which rich quickly and covered with an assort- inciit of fjood tiiuber. In the interior there are number of larjrc. sweet uprinffs; aud at one place water flows from the ground to supply a eity ol fifty thousand inhabitants.

Tlio Kiukiipoos are probably the only Indians on reservation who do not have a drop of white blood among them. They have kept from allianee of any sort with the They occupied a reservation in Missouri litty years ugo, the government purchased it from them and scut them to reservation in Kansas. One (lay they packet! up and moved into Mew Mexico. ing- restless, they raided Texas; and then, ffrowinff bolder, they inva.doil Mexico. The jrovcrument of that country insisted on tile UiiitcJ States removing them; and so, after the civil iviir, lien.

Crook u-uiit tin-in, coi- rulcd Vhoin, bninjrlit them back and placed on the reservation they now occupy, Thi'i-e they have been held, prautioully prisoners ever since. Their chief is a fat old fellow named lie is totally blind, but is shrcivd and eapabie. Tliere a number of Mexicans them, who were taken captive when they were raiding the southern countries. llnelp Sam has never provided the Kickapoos with rations or annuities, and so, being- naturally they sometimes liud it hard to miiko both ends meet. Tlie governmeiit has, however, priven them mules, plows and wug-ous, and it furnishes a farmer to teach tliera husbandry.

J(ut they uru not a success as tillers of the soil, aud have only little patches on which they prow corn, sweet potatoes and peanuts. They arc very fond of the latter. After they have plowed and planted, they think they have done their duty, the'result beinff that a Kickapoo has often more wild sun-flowers and weeds than corn on his land. They enjoy a pot of grasshopper soup or grasshopper salad, and are also fond of a nice fat dog, although if they can get the dog it does not matter much whether it is fat or lean. A Kickapoo who does not own at least two pouies is looked upon as being poor indeed.

Some of them have fast racing ponies, two of which iifrured in the opening 1 of the Cherokee strip, winning 1 valuable claims for the white men who hired them. They have also fat cattle, but it seldom occurs to thorn that they could kill or sell them for food. They do not lire in wiffwams, but in fairly rcomfortable houses. A Kickapoo house is composed of one room of fifteen by twenty feat It is of small trees for corner posts and younff saplings planted close together for the walls. These saplings are lashed to stringers, which rest upon the corner posts.

The roof is of long straight 'saplings, upon which are laid pieces of ibark. The door of the house always faces the This is part of the Kickapoo religion. The squaw weaves very pretty rush mats. They gather rushes when they are green, tie them in bundles and hang them up to cure. When cured, they are died in red, green, brown or ultra marine blue.

They are then hung on a pole in the house, and the squaw braids them. In 1891 a government commission went to the Kickapoos to purchase their land, and secured it for thirty- two cents an acre. The Indians now protest ag-ainst the sale, and accuse the interpreter of having deceived them. But the country will probably be opened to settlement in the spring 1 and thousands of white men will rush in where there is only room for hundreds, llefore long- there will not be a fpnuino blanket Indian, in Indian Golden Days. A Point of Law.

a shame that poor woman supports her drunken husband! She gives him mouey, too, and lie goes out and makes tbe whole neighborhood mad with his actions! liable to be arrested, too. "Why." "It's against the law to maintain u. common Traveller. Jenny and Ned were discussing the beauties of Tabby's new kittens. "Now, Ned, why are they all born tog-ether? Why aren't some older than tho others, like you and me, you know?" asked Jenny.

"Well, it's easier for the Lord to make a lot at once." 'Well, how does He do it?" '0h, He takes dust and covers it with fur 'But Ho don't make babies like that Well, babies aren't kittens, are they? The Lord takes more pains with a baby. He only makes one at a. time, but when he wants kittens He just says: 'Let there be and there are kittens." Jenny Y. Advertiser. ffft They're going holh TV and thethini's, tO Pieces tlmr.rc tho oiu-fushioned way.

Thai constant rub, rub, rub, ovt-r the: does the business, iiard rubbing is hard work. I lard rubbing wears out: the clothes hard work wears ou' women. There's nothing of the 1 f1 kind, if you'll let Pearline do the washing. All you'll have to do, to look after it. It'll save all this work and rubbing that does so much harm.

But, because Pearline makes washing easy, needn't be afraid that it isn't That idea is worn out. Just as your clothes will be, unless you use Pearline. Fwldlcrs nnrl some vr.scru:ixi;ons grocers will tell ihj.s is grind or "ihe vimo IVnrlinc." J'i'V FA1.S1C—iVr.rlinc is if cr )uaii iniiutiun. to snuiii J1 NEW STYLES FOR EASTER. 5c The Best Shoes for the Lcait.

W. DOUGL $3 FOR $5, $4 and S3.5O Drees S3.5O Police Shoe, 3 $2.50, $2for WorkCngfnenu S3 and $1.75 for Boys. LADiES AND S3, 92.5O 82, ftuy oSfTM you W. L. ni A reduced nayo lie hah I liem wit faint tho nanio Btampeii on the bottom, put clown a fraud.

DOUGLAS Shoes arc stylish, easy fitting, and give the prices than any other make. Try one pair and be cow- Vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, Guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear theTft.

Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps increase the sales on their full line of goods. They oflord to will low J. B.

WINTERS. In Ireland. A Yorkshire (England) correspondent writes to ihe Bicycling iNewg.extolling the superiority, of Irish roads for wheel locomotion and strongly advocating 1 a tour in Ireland for. holiday inuker. Ho says that the only drawback to a perfect enjoyment in.

an entire absence- of finger posts and some compensation for this is to be found in the cheerful readiness of the natives to assist, which is one of the chief characteristics of the Irish race. A Few Horticultural Ulnti. At the Minnesota meeting of the State Horticultural society tho following suggestions, among others, were made: Native shrubs were worthy of cultivation. Asparagus should be more freely Tho bean had not been found profitable. For Mifjht on potato vines it was recommended to spray with Bordeaux mixture when the plants were eight inches high aud once or twice afterwards.

Saturate little balls of cotton with bisulphide of carbon and place them in the runs of the pocket gopher to stop that pest Thorough stirring- of the ground was better than mulch for raspberry. Every farmer should have a quarter of an acre of A Forty nite Ride. E. B.

Sivetnsm, of Fairfax Station, Virginia, saye: "A party came forty miles to my store for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and bought a dozen botllea. The remedy la a great fa- vorlte In this vicinity and baa performed some wonderful cures here. It is intended especially for coughs colds, croup and whooping cough, and a favorite wherever known. For eale by B. F.

KeeallDg, druggist. G. A. K. On the occasion of the.

Encamp-, ment G. A. R. and Woman'" Relief Corps of Indiana, at Lafayette, April 4 and 5, 1894, the Wabaab Bail- road Compao.v. will sell rouud trip tickle for $1.11.

Tickets will bo sold April 3d and eood poing d-ito of sale and good roiurrjlnir not later than April 6ih. C. O. AR'I, B. K.

Co. wli Line Excursion. To South, Southeast and Southwest will run on dates from DOW until Jun9 ,6. 1894, inoluuive. fare round trip.

on or addraM Cared. Three days it very ehortiime which to cure a bad case of rheumatism; but it CM be done, if the proper- treatment is adopted, will be seen- bythe following from James Lambert, New. Brunswick, 111. -I was badly afflicted with rheumatism tho hlpf andleip, when I bought a bottle Chamberlain's Palo Balm. It cured' me in three days, I am all right te- day; insist on everyone- who ie afflicted with that terrible ease to use Chamberlain's Pain aod got well'at once." Fifty cent bottles for sale by B.

F. Keeellng, drug- gist. to California Ureatlr via tbe PenoHylvaula Mnes. The Midwinter Fair at San Francieco and the numerous other attractions in the Wonderland beyond the- Bocky mountains can be enjoyed fey persons of limited means as the round' trip rate has again btteD materially reduced via Pennsylvania lines. gongers can select any ol the several- routes from Chicago, and tho return limit is ample lor a satisfactory sojourn.

apply lo J. A Me- Cullough, ticket agent, Loganeport Ind. Ckuktrlili'i Olitwnrt Is certain cure for Chronic Eyet. Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt. Rheum and Scald Head, 26 box.

For sale by B. F. Keealing, TO HOBSE OWNKB8. For putting a horse in a condition try Dr. Cady'e Condition.

Powders. They tone up the aid digestion, euro lose of appetite relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving" new life to an old overworked horse. cents per package. For eale bj ft. K.

Koesllnp, druggist. They Want Hut. -The people of vicinity Insist on having Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and do not want any other," John V. Bishop, of Portland Millsv. Indiana.

That is right. They know- it to superior to any other for dbldi, and preventive and for oroup, and why ibould.

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