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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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A Large Importer came to us and offered a large lot of SHEER LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS at our own price. We bought them and Saturday morning they will be placed on sale at your Price. handkerchiefs divided into three lots. LOT i. 'f-7 100 dozen Sheer Lineo, elegantly embroidered Handkerchiefs.

The regular selling prices of which range from 40 to 75 cents. You can take ycur choice for 9c LOT 2 100 Dov.en Embroidered Swies scalloped, lace insertion and luce olock Handkerchiefs. Actual value from 15 to 40 cc-nts your choice I Oc LOT 3 CO Dozen all Linen Hem-stitobed Handkerchiefs. Value 20 cents each all linen and your choice 5c In connection with this sale we will conduct a special Wash Goods Sale giving you of 100 pieces. Osgandies, Lawns and Dresden? I Duck Suite for Ladles 1.50 Japanese Silks 2 I Silk and Feather Fans 25 409-411 BROADWAY.

300 FOURTH ST. IT IS iPPALHNG. Scores of Dead Found in St. Louis East St. Louis.

Eaging Cyclone Sweeps' the Two Cities, Dealing Death and Destruction on Every Hand, Hundreds of Pe pie Are Injured by the Storru, Many of Them, It Is Foared, Fatally. Early Reports of the Disaster Were Greatly of the Dead. Clothes up to Date Have been In great favor at our establishment. Fact Is no one hns r. finer line of woolens and worsteds to eelecc from than ours.

Important Features in make-up of our clothes work their superiority. We are not the cheapest tailors but claim to be the best. Carl W. Keller, Tailor and Draper. 3M Market Street.

The queen of hearts nil these parts, If you can co by rumors' Is ono who rides a wheel, and glides About in dainty bloomers, ZINN COMPANY. We Have Others we Call Them Knights We also have an assortment of second hand bicycles which must be sold. Call and make an offer. 202 Sixth Street I Must Have Honey 3 So I Have Reduced my prices. Call and get zS a Nobby Suit before they are all gone.

I AL YOUNG, Tailor i Pearl Street. Fresh Water Yeast! Hakes the purest and sweetest The Bread Recipe on separate Slip is PERFECT. THE BUCKEYE YEAST ASHLEY, OHIO. Invitations Are always appreciated and especially so wheu they are tastefully gottenlnp. THE JOURNAL Job Printing, Department making a specialty of NVITATIONS, PROGRAMS.

LETTERHEADS, NOTE HEADS- STATEMENTS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, St. Jdny list.of the cleai: from Wcflnesd.iy night's cyclone will fall far the first, i-stlmiites, but It Is cnoush to-be appalling. Crushed! benoath fulling walls, hurled against the sides of buildings, struck by Hying timbc-rs, cut by the shattered slass, shocked by the network of down wires, humanity suffered In ways Innumerable, The of'iiU't'hft Injured will never be itnown. Enough were recorded at the dispensaries Wednesday nlpht to show how widespread were the tornadoes effects. Of the destruction of.

property' there can be no sniisfactory estl- rnatc'-R-lvcn. The loss in extent and In character Is'Hioyond conception. Work the Storm. flashes of lltfhtnlnp Wednesday- nlp'h'tjat' tho city hospital It new'Eurjvfcal ward wus par tially. demolished.

Portions', of ihe othe were unroofed. Walls wer crac'lteil: There were 450 sick people the -'hospital when the slovm Som pothered strength In their frieht and rai Fhrii'ls'lns from the place, finding shelte tlw outside. Thirteen injured I one -w'aTcl. Convention Hall hall and the Four Court T.

oro In the path of the cloud from the city hospital toward the river Convention hall lost a part of the.root' a the end, was punctured In places flyinc timbers tif.d BUS tallied-, some dcrungemfnt of tlie interior Ten work will make the hall gooi' Htjaln 1 section of the brick wall of tin jail went down and tho prisoners won tcrickeri. In the district between Slxtl the river and northward from Chou'teau' avenue, (he tornado tore a dlag onal'path. The district comprises bus! nessJicMsc'3, many of them of the olde: tyflc." Every bulldlns witliin the poll sustained Smoke stacks anc chimneys were toppled over. Walls wer leveled. Roofs were lifted.

Thousand of windows were smashed, miles of tele graph and telephone wires were left In a network on the ground. Through this ells trlct tho streets are Impassable. They arc covered In places with debris ten fee deep. Along tho tovca. AlonR the levee front the hawsers snapped and boats were 'sent aclrltt, some to'eo down.

The loss of life; which might havo taken place at this point was averted by the hour at which the tornado came One" up-river passenger boat; had (rone an hour ar.d allhoufrh not heard from probably had passed beyond the path, the storm. The tlcath-dcalinjr cloud crossci Ihe river nt sueh angle as to strike am wreck the upper works at liie east end the brirlpre, and to sweep ol East St. L'oulu. In that portion of.the St. Louifc eoutli of the.

Iron Mountain racks ana enst of Sixth street to the river -Hie seen' was frightful, but It was r.othini,*, compared with the scene alonff Broadway and the side streets. house- hri'd relatives-and friends dead and Injured. Husimrid's, fathers unai brothers -worked at niK'ht In the freight houses, on the boats 'and cars, o.nd as these could not'be found the anguish' ot mothers, sistero' "rind-Bother relatives was. heaitrending. They would rtin from ono temporary morgue to another, and In soino Instances pasli 'aside bodies in order to attempt to Identify their relatives, and when found th'e'crles would melt a heart of atone.

At four o'clock Thursday moiT.iT)ff,,it,wa's estimated that 200 tiro dead woiinduJ In East S.t Louis and'55 'people aru In the city of St. Louis. In Enst St. Louis. The of tho doa'2 and injured on the east side of the river will not be complete until hours ol' dayllR'ht permit effective te.irch ot.

the ruins. Enough Is known, to £ihow that lives have been lost: that), upon the west s'ldey'The Ir.juri-d number hundreds. Ita Horror. Fire added much the loss ar.d-horror of scene. The alarm system was paralyzed.

Approaches were blocked. (100 conflagration and a lesser fires occurred In 1 East- St. 'Louis. A'inlll was burned, and two erable losses were sustained. To jnptts-tqtal tires added at least $500,000.

The hurricane from tho came bo- buslncss center of. the city had to send Its workers to their homes. Service, on most of the. ilnes wits' suddenly suspended. A'thousand electric cars'' sfood'dark drift the tracks, while men and homeward.Uirouffh'"the rain.

Tlmo on the Rlvvr. Three '-boats of the Anchor line were City of Monroe, which was ready to leave for New drleana. She lia'd a large crew and ab'oiit 33 passengers! was badly wrecked'In-her upper taken across thoriyeiTwherG at the Choutcau avenue. It was that her passengers. and cre.w.'safe. other two were the City.of,'Cairo and the Arkansas They we're'hioored at the footof Chouteauavenue arid Carroll street respectively. They were torn" Vooso'and no Intelligence received', from them to mldiiiffht: Being temporarily out o'f commisslon.Vthcy.-had employes company also number -of. barges'torn probably sunk. The'St.

Louis i'MlssIsslppI-Tariey Trahs- ppnatlbn company had two the.Ex- por.tcr'und-the best of-the set wharf boats and a'n'um- One of the' boats-'Was reported '-'to. be thc' 'foot''of'Arsenal 11 Henry. Liwrey, pioyes coura DO 'jme lup; KCS- cue No. 2, belonging, to tlle Wiggins Ferry were reported to be sunk at Lhc toot of Olive street. The fiamag-e on land 1 along i.he river front was almost as as on the river, it not more so.

Buildings were demolished, roofs blown off, mercantile stock dam- ugod by rain, railroad tcacks blockaded anil -all wires down In the 1 streets. Tho river house of the Merchants' elevator, a very large brick structure with basement, was: demolished. Identified DcuiL.ln Sf- Louis. Tnt reports received up to eight o'clock Thursday showed the following dead In the- city; Max Wuis, driver for Eberle Keycs Ilv- ery company: Sophie Martina, of -102 S. Twelfth killed at Edwin and Scott avenues; Katie Claypoo), klllud ut Ewing und -Scottt avenues; Frank Fisher, I1H-) Pnpln; Julius Gull, boofckeeiiev for Epstein Bernstein; Charles Tandy (colorc-d), on southern electric car at Eleventh and 1 Park avenue; Joseph Dunn, patient at city hospital; Francisco Sellgo, a Spanish woman at city hospital; Fred Zlmmers, chief engineer Union depot railroad power 'house, and Gi-Ior avenues: daughter of Andruw J.

Leinoke, of 271) HamlHon avenue;'v. at l-t-'i! Mississippi avt-nue; Charles Nee, -ICC South Seventh; William Otti-nad, 175 South Broadway: John Bin'- South Ki-oa'dwuy; Wallace T. C. Butler (colored), 023 South Jefferson; Rob- eit Miller, Blulr and Benton: Silas Jones, engineer Attlcks iron works, Twenty-lirst ar.d Gratlot: Hurry Hess, HOB South Seventh; a man known as Fred, lived over Miller's harness shop, Fourth and Chou- avenue: Julius Gall, bookkeeper, 208 South'BrouCway; Thomas Klllean. Seventh ar.d Rutiror streets; Harry ICUleun, snme; Willir.m Klllean.

same: Mrs. Lewis, same: James Maekcnhclnior, same: John Raf- fei-ty. 2ICS 1 Washington: William D. Lan- nninenn, "iilehaej Joseph Elser, Robei-t Vvilson, 23 old, bricklayer, Collopre avenue; Harry Belscher, SO! South Stieor.d: Josephine Mnrtlni, .102 South Twelfth: Louis Simms, 1707 Piirlt: Harry Moss, JiCD South Seventh; on board name unknown: Benjamin Bo Sllv.a, North Sixth: Alexander 2033 ll'issciurl, driver for West- Star Dairy company; Francisco fll.y hospital: Fred Wells, three, 172S South Ninth; Thi-resa Wells, eight months. 172S South Ninth: Mrs.

Carter nnd child, 1 flirt Mfiuird, burled urdftr ruins: Peter at Imgirlr.B mill. Ninth I Marion: ITcDonal, suuerln- tondc-nt Wr.ter-Pic-rce O.II-company, Main tinii Convent; Jornj.s, o'opinf'er Antna li'on Twinty-flrst. and Papln: Kmmft Chen'ny, Sawyer Manufacturing an; Chouronu; Cliaj'les Sr Murufscturinp company, Clioutoau. Uniiil nt KBSt The follov-'inj: are Identified as dead In Sr. j.onts-' Mr: Miirioll throe servant girls at M-ridl house: GoPrTC Woods, elork In cfjlco: HpnrySprlckcr, Vnndalia llnf 10 Tcine, -ViinSnlia line; Dr.

C. E. dciilif.t: two cliildron of Horace Triirnr-. of Mrs. Rickey, Jce Miles Mitchell.

OinrlCP C'arroll, br.rber: -John Kent. Hu.ywnrd,' Frank riuso, Kd Kav- Knrtz, VCiceniu-s, Friic-p. 7-irs. Emrnn. Sullivan.

Robert -John-Kc-cirn'K, -Charles Waites, Collins William Peter TvIHs CcoU-y. i-frs. Silde, J. A. Mi-a.

1 Stock. B. A. Portor. lludlln.

111.: L. P.ici'.aro'scn, Ncrth street. Cabman for railroad; Amelia 'Surbcr, Scott Hay ward John Ar.dcr-bi), Michael. Iv! Thortin-- Kecf-r, Bert TJ11 Ham Fari-t-11. If rank McCormiiclvex-Po Thomns GiiHln uiul fiimily three 1 Frank foreman Kt; l.lliott work's: 'John Coik-ctc Devlii wlW; fhillp antLmother: Eudfp Faulk.

oi'VandjilIn Ilurt ou Al ton Uojul, New York, May James Charlton general passenger and ticket agent' of the ChlcaKO Alton railroad, telegraphs Mr McClali), the general eastern ajjent of this city, as follows: "Not a passenger was hurt and not evoj a passenger car was damaged on Uv: Chi- cairo -i Alton during the recent cyclone eNcc-pt two cars on a short local train which were derailed and one or two passengers slightly hurt. All of O'jr passenger trains were held outside of KaK St. Louis In consequence of the storm ahead of them. They are now coing forward in all directions. All trains will be or tiroc Government Bouts to Aid.

Washinston, May a result of the visit of Representative Hubbard and Representative Bartholdt to the war department Thursday morning Assistant Secretary Doe directed Con. Craishlll, chief of engineers, to telegraph Instructions to the engineer officers at Jefferson City, Chamois and Keokuk to render all assistance in their power to the people of St. Louis and vicinity. Tho boats of the engineering department will be used in the work of. relief.

CHICAGO MAY GET IT, Breen, Jda ITrs. Voloman, Joseph Mitchell. John. Sullivan William son of Mrs. Ira Kent Henry Wntonntuv TVinsUinlev lark; Ja eob Kornst.

CnldcnttHcd Bead nt Hloreuo. The following are.the dew at the morgue: Man brourrht from Liggott Myers factory bv Officer Flannsan in wns'On 01 Gilbert' Barns, -1-I2S Papln; man brough from Union house, Gayer an( 1 man broiiR'lu from Seventh am In Fourth district patrol wasron woman brought from Seventh and Park in-same wagon; mun brought from Third and Kiitper by contnil district officers Choutea. Steamer Grand Kopnbllc. Pt. Louis, May r.n-Jety of hundreds of mothers was relieved at when the steamer Grand Republic anchored at the foot ot Olive street.

Tho l)lg triple deck passenger boat left afternoon with about womeiiitind children on of 150 to COO persons and the complete ruin of the greater part of central portion of East St. Louis lie in the v.vike-.of the tornado, which leaped across the Mississippi, wrecking the east.end ol tho massive" Ends bridge, and swept over Basl'St. Louis evening. Nearly every In siorm's path wcs washed'by the grinding tlie clc Gtld now litter, the ground. Scarcely a family seems -to escaped the.awful visitation, and In m'ajiy cases not a simple member or J'righti'ul In.iur^'.

Ono mid Twenty-Two Oeiicl. At lli.o'clock- Thursday morning '22 dead bodies-had been fouml in East St. Louis. Of 'these wore identilied and have betn takin- care or by their friends. The destruction to property in East St.

Louis is estimated at'-over -Among the business places denlroyecl arr: the Luke Gross building, Tremont house-, Martcll house, Vandalia round dwellings around It, the Howe institute, tho watch 1 jtowor. Menses building, Lynch Beard's -building, Standard Oil Works, wire 'nail factory, Crescent, elevator, all freight houses, together, with 200 freight ars loaded with merchandise. The burned llstrlct embraces live square blocks. At. noon Thursday a mass-meeting was icld- In the merchants' exchange to devise ways and means to alleviate the suffering caused by the flood, wind 'ojid Ilames.

Committees were appointed to solicit suTj- scrlptlons, outside assistance will be'asked. At noon ii detail of the fire department was summoned to. rescue 20 who are be burled beneath'tDo'ruins of the St. Louis Cattle company's works, at "Second street Park avenue. The Cyclone at Other 1'olnts.

Meager -reports'oJ. the cyclone's fury In Silsuourl are being received. two afternoon struck In the northern' jart -of. the -state, and every- hlng In Its path, and 'several persons were- lataily Injured. An unconfirmed "report, tales that CD persons were killed Wednesday, 'at Bush Hill; Mo.

cfclldreii are said to Instantly killed by he coilapse of a at Drake, 111., it is believed at least. 0 were to death by the ot ten or.s are Boodhou'se," 111., '13 hat SO-'children In' a school- il 1. to' rtllTr Til. Bt. Lonln rrohiiljly Vnuhlc to Cure for Kcjmlillciui ConvenUon.

ChicMig-0, May republicsin national convention will in probability- be bold in this city-next month. Architect Adier, who is the architect of the St. Louis wigwam, where the convention wns to hnve been held, received word ThursJay.froni thatboth the wiffwani and the exposition build- irifr were so badly demolished t.lmt 10 repair pithcr place before Juno 1C. the date set for the convention, would be a physical impossibility. The 'Illinois state central, cotnniittce was therefore called into session n7id Chicago will be tendered to Chairman Carter, ot the national republican co'ni- miitce, as the place to hold the convention.

Washington. May nioi'C accurate'infonnarion oor- robonite the earlier news from St. Louis, it is probable that tho da to of the rcpublicyn convpntioi) wiii be chnnp'cd. Siiotild a chnujfe of date be decided upon would probably be Tixed for the 16th of July, just one month lafcr than the da to. Chairman the national republican committee, said that possibly considerations other than Ihe mere wrecking of tho hall would the committee.

Whether or not the hotels, in view of tho general wrecking' of buildings, would be able to take care of the crowds and the question the ability oi! the railroads to properly handle the traffic would be considered. Mr. Carter also suggested that if the city within the next, ten days to be turned into a vast funeral procession nud thrown into general mourning over tlie Jiur.dreGs.ol victims- of this appalling disaster, it would be wise. I'erliaps, not to thrust upon it a political convention, with all its nt- tendant excitement and enthusiasm. It.

is quite probable, therefore, that ihe date of J.he convention may be changed unless later news puts a different coloring to the reports HO far received from the stricken city. 'GIFTS FOR THE CZAR. TO AID ST. LOUIS. War Department Ordered by Congress to Furnish Tents, Etc.

Joint Resolution Passed by House and 1 Vest-Says Missouri Needs No Help. Klcliolnd II. RcroivcH Foreljrn Kcprcscn- tntlvcs ut the Coronation. Moscow, May 11:30 o'clock Thiirsclay tlie ceivecl in the linll of St. Andrew's in the iKiltxcc of the Kremlin the tions of tlie foreign diplomatic' body the special envoys of tlie various 001111 tries sent to Moseow to represent their respective; jjovornnicnte the lion, the iniJitaa-y luid suites of princes and dukes, tlic civil offi eials, delegates rcpresontiiifj the Cos- snck troops, dcpiitiitions of Knssiiin peasmits mid the Asiatic tribes nnd representatives of the non-Christian re- The weather was perfect sintl t-hc streets crowded, as upon former 'ceremonial occasions, with people ehtfer to see the foreign dignitaries nnd others on tlieir w.ny to and from tin; jnihiee.

Jlany moi-c ffif t-s than' were presented nt this reception have been received by the czar including; very valuable offering's from tlie shall of I'crsiu and huii o'f eostly g-jfts from the south ol Kussiaf All these' gifts but anffmcnt nious imperiaJ trettstircs in the Kiom- liii. Louisville, May The Genernl Federation of 'Women's Clubs took up the subject of the revision of the constitution Thursday morning'. Quite a spirited discussion follower. It was decided that the president of each state federation shall be vice president- the general federation. A section pro- the general' officers of the federation and other members shall constitute the board of directors, who shall transact all.

business of the federation, was adopted after much, discussion. An amendment to section 5, to increase the terms of officers direct-" ors to two. years, was voted. New York, May Henry W. K.

Wilson, was Thursday appointed temporary receiver, for Cildemeistcr Kroeg-er (incorporated), pianos, in proceeding's voluntary dissolution of the concern. The company was incorporated in 1S01 with a capital of 000. 000. Assets, liabilities, neiuu- cratic state convention held here Wednesday! State officers nnd delegates were lommuted. The-'statc ticket is headed J.

-Henry'Jackson, of Barre, for.g-pv- ernor. The platform strongly endorses President nnd. his arlminis- Washington. May B.nrtholdt Mo.) the following- resolution, to the immediate consideration, of which no objection was made: "Resolved. That (lie secretary of war bo and is horcBy authorized lo lend to tho mayors of liie of St.

I.ouis. East St. Louis, 111., and vicinity, under sue!) regulations and restrictions ho may deem proper, a snfliclent number of ti-nts to temporarily shelter such of said cliios as may have lost their homes by the tornado of Wednesday, and to render such other relief In the promises as he may deem necessary." Mr. Bartholdt stolid that with his colleague. Mr.

Hubbard Mo-), he hud called at the war department and had been told that, in addition to tents, the department, if congress so authorized, would send to St. Ixmis eight or ten boats at Jefferson City, engaged in the improvement of the Missouri river. In view of The great nnd urgent necessity of the case, he asked prompt action by the house. The re-solution was agreed to. Lenve of absence was also given to Barthnldt andJTubbard to visit St.

Louis. Mr. Uar'boldt said that his colleague, as medical JBHH. might be able to render personal assistance to the sufferers, the news received Thursday morning from thesccne of the catastrophe being to the effect that the local physicians were unable to promptly attend all the wounded. They left for St.

Louis immediately. Consideration was t.hen resinned of Die conference report upon the sundry civil appropriation bill. The house agreed to the senate amendment to the St. Louis tornado resolution. On motion of Mr.

Cannon tire house recor.sidoivd the vote by which it had Vi'cfincsilny upon the disagreement to the amendment to the sundry civil bili. appropriating $4,1.000 for the improvement' of the building at Little Koek. Ark. A further, conference was ordered. Mr.

Thomas Mich.) presented the conference report upon the bill to pension the widow of the Ir.te Gen. O. M. Poo. of the engineer corps, fixing the amount nt $75 a month.

After some debate the house to ject the report and ordered a furthel Senate Chaplain for St. Louli. May chaplain in his opening prayer Thursday dwelt upon the terrible storm which struck tho city of St. Louis that t-he people stood aghast at such a.wful tokens of the Divirtb power md majesty, when the earth trembled and the foundations of the hills were shaken; and imploring mercy for the stricken city, succor for the maimed a.nd afflicted, protection and aid for those who were administering relief and protection from such another visitation of Divine The alcohol bill was received house-and referred, to the finance committee.

Senator Harris Tenn.) statins' that he would ask the senate to take it up as soon as t-he conference re-' port on the Indian appropriation bill disposed of. the committee having considered the a-Icohol bill in advance. The conference report on the- appropriation bill was then taken up. Says St. Louis Can Care for Her Own.

Tho concurrent resolution from the house for the loan of t-cnts to St. Louis, East St. Louis and vicinity wns received nnd immediately laid before tho senate for action. Senator Vest Mo.) said that although it might seem 'an ungracious thing to say, he was compelled to say that telegrams received within tin: last half hour showed that the accounts of the great disaster had been terribly exaggerated. He wished t-o say for St.

Louis and for that, without. boasting, that city and that state could take of their people under that or any other misfortune. He had, himself, received no information those tents were needed, Ko harm could be done by the passage of the. 1-ut he'wanted to express his from tho custom of states and communities that were entirely capable of meeting any exigency rushing to the, seat of government of the United Slates to seek, assistance on all such Senator Harris Tenn.) expressed, himself as in full sympathy with Senator Vest's remarks, but. suggested that the resolution should be amended by making it a joint resolu- IJon and that amendment was made.

1 The joint resolution, as amended, was passed; and the conference report on the Indian appropriation bill was resumed, the question being as to the." amendment for Indian citizenship.oi- the five civilized tribes. Secd Iloune Chicago. May Eraslan, Goodwin company made an assignment Thursday in the county. court. The deed of assignment silent regarding the liabilities, places the assets at $100,000. jjiiny is one of. the concerns the seed business here and in the west' with bead offices in Jjaton h'bujro. Lai, -May.

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