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Roseburg Review from Roseburg, Oregon • Page 2

Roseburg Reviewi
Roseburg, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SAME MAN WANTED IX ROSKlllltG. EVENING ROSEBURG REVIEW coubhs KING OF CURES colds THE WONDER WORKER i'X'' The only Baldng Powder f'f made from Royal Grape THROAT PR. KING'S I LUNGS is I FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed It would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well MRS.

EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50o and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free funeral of their son-in-law, C. Robs electoral colleges of tho various status will be opened and read, tallied by a committee, and the olllcial an nouncement will be made that Wil liam Jl. Taft hus been elected presi dent or the United States and James 3. Sherman vice president.

The taking or testimony In the government's suit to dissolve the alleged liarrlman railroad merger will be resumed In Cincinnati Tuesduy. The Protectant Episcopal House of nishops will meet In New York Wed nesday for the election of mlsslonary hlshopB for tho Wyoming and Western Colorado jurisdictions. Interesting events abroad will In clude the observances of the Darwin contonnary, the departure of King hdward and Queen Alexandra for Berlin and a national convention of the Irish party In Dublin to decide Its future policy on tho Irish land bill and other Important questions. YONCALLA NIOWS. Miss Emma dross returned home 'rem Drnln Tuesday.

Mr. wulker Is here from Centra Point and may decide to locate iu his vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert llarvev vlslt- ed friends In Drnln Wednesday.

F. li. Webb tins sold his property lore to J. K. Karnsworlli.

of Meii- Dr. C. P. Devoro wns pnlle.i this city Monday to attend 0. A.

nun, wno is in very poor health. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Duugllerlv went to Corvallls Monday to attend tho SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY AIJ, DHUGtilSTS. CHICAGO "IIRYS" FAIL TO GKT CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Chicago will be a wet town Tor another year at least. The movement by the- "drys" to have the people vote at the April election on the question of excluding saloons from the city under the local option law has fallen They started out to obtain the necessary 100,000 petitioners to place the question on the ballot but got less than 60.000.

The feature of the movement has been reported to the nclicense committee, which has decided to make another effort next year. It has authorized the orKani-zntion of a committee of 100, ench member of which shall pledge to subscribe $20 and obtain 1000 signatures to the iclition. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED bl.1s will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 19.

Myrtle Creek, Orewn, until 7 P. March 1, 1909, tor the erection and completion of a High School building, according to plans and specifications prepared by Charles H. Burggraf, architect, Albany. Oregon. All bids must be ac-companled-by a certified check payable to "School District No.

19, Myr tle Creek, Oregon." for the sum of $200.00. as a guarantee that the contractor will furnish an approved bond equal 5 rer cent tbe contract within ten dnvs after the awarding of the contract. All bids must be made out on blank proposals for the same. Blanks furnished upon application by the clerk or architect. Plans and specifications may be seen at Citizens' State' Bank, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, until 6 P.

February 13, and from that time till March 1st at County School Superintendent's office In Roseburg or at the architect's office, Albany, Oregon. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bldB. By order of School Board. No. 19.


SEALED bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 19, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, until 7 P. March 1st, 1909, for 160,000 good, hard, burned merchantable brick, delivered at-the new school house site at Myrtle Creek, Oregon; also brick shoil be delivered six weeks from date of awarding the contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any snd all bids. Bv order of School Board, No.

19. NOHLE ANDREWS; Chairman. C. O. NELSON, Clerk.

dtd Patronize Review advertisers. King. Mr. L. M.

Bowker, of Roseburg, was in this city the first of the week. 10. 13. Spungenberg, formerly of this place, but now of Oregon City, is visiting relatives here, a Mr. and.

Mrs. L. L. Mnrsters, who havo In Eugene for the past six months, have returned to this city and are now conducting the Yoncalla Hotel. We understand that Jas Ambrose has sold his 160-acre farm south of town for $8,000.

DIXIE. ROWnOAT FOR SALE Bran now. Enquire of V. S. Patterson, city, tt The best bread made, at Guest's Bakery, Free delivery.

Phone 2211 TUB HOND RRAlTY CO. Or chords, farniB, timber and city prop erty. Some fine bargains. Cuss street, Roseburg, Ore. I1EFOIIH you buy farms or city property call on THO.XUI, ltUM'HO HEAL ESTATE CO.

as they have somo fine bar- gains. Located near Depot, Branch otnee, Roseburg Hotel. Lint your property with us for better results. Plione WW. i bJ 8.

P. NKWt1ARl. MEAT MARKET Swindler Who Hired Kitf From Hinlr Iih Si ll en I'uriiM-i ly at Kugf'Ue and Medford. Mull: Chief of Police Shearer has received telephone metj-Bages from Eimene and Koseburg Indicating that the man who gave his name as K. W.

Wilson on the Moore hotel register, and who was arrested for the theft of a lot of plumber's tools at Ashland and was convicted and sentenced to serve 30 days In Jail for that offense. Is wanted In other places for more serious crimes. The message from the police of Eugene states that the man whb known as II. W. Stewart in that lace, and If it Is the same man he .8 wantcl for forgery.

It will be remembered that at the time of his arrest a lot of bland insurance policies and receipts for subscriptions for a number of mugaziueti and newspapers were found In his posKesHlon. The police of Itaseburg that this man Is the man who Is wanted at that place. for larceny and who went under the name or H. B. Hacker.

In A inland at his trial he told the court that he had come from the south, while In his possession wero evidences that he had been In Eugeie. FIRST IltKAINOri HT OF AMERICA'S NAVY. IMuwunc, 2,000 Tons Heavier and 25 Ier i'vnt More Ktlirient than England's Itiggeat. NEWPORT NEWS, Feb. 6 In the presence of an immense crowd of enthusiastic spectators, the giant 000-ton battleship Delaware, which will take rank among the most formidable fighting machines afloat, was successfully launched today from the yards of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company.

The Delaware Is nearer completed than has been any warship of the United States navy at the time of launching. She is a sister ship of the North Dakota, launched recently at Qulncy, Mass, These two battleships will be the first of the Dreadnought type to be added to the United States navy. When, in 1906, the British government launched a battleship called the Dreadnought, every other government observed the with tho closest scrutiny. She marked a new era In naval equipment. She was so large and powerful it was estimated che could out-fight any other two battleships afloat.

Immediately other governments sought to produce vessels larger and more powerful than the Dreadnought In the naval bureaus of every maritime power there was feverish activity, In the United States no less than elsewhere. The result was the production of plans for' vesoels lnrger and more powerful than Ping-land's great destroyer. These new voshcIs are known among the naval men of the world as "of the Dreadnought type." Ihe Delaware is 2,000 tons heav ier than the Dreadnought, with 25 per cent more efficiency In her batteries. She Is 4000 tons heavier than the star ship of the famous battleship fleet under Admiral Sperry, the flagnhip Connecticut. The Connecticut carries four 12-lnch guns, the greatest weapons on a modern battleship, while the Delaware and tho North Dakota are to have ten each, and a corresponding array of sum Her guns.

Specifically the armory of the Delaware will he as follows: Ten 12-lnch rapid-fire guns. Fourteen 5-Inch rapid-fire guns. Four H-pound saluting guns. Four 1-pound semi-automatic guns Two 3-tnch Held pieces. Two machine- guns and two sub- Now is the time to visit California When summer has passed In these northern states, the sun Is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California.

ThlB Is one of nature's happy provisions eternal summer for those who cannot endure a more severe climate. California has been called tho "Mecca of the winter tourist." Us hotels and stopping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Yls-Itors can always Ind suitable atcommod atl ns. oageBlal in pa ol ons, and vailed, t-Imslng recreations. PACinc (o Will a glad to supply some Tery attraotive literature, de-lorlblag In detail tae many delights wlat.r In California.

Very low round trip excursion tlrketa are on sale to California. The rat. from HOKKHIHO, OUKIiON, to Los Angeles and return Is Limit six months, allowing top-orers In direction. Similar exrnrslon rates sre In effect to all California points. For full Inform.

tlos. utttpltit rfwrr. Una Itcl.t,. Mil M.trtrf ar writ. B.

MOORJl, Agent. OR W. McMurray, Cen. Pass. Agt.

Portland, Oregon; ISSUED DAILY EXCEPTJ SUNDAY BY KBVIKW PUBLISHING COMPANY DAILY rr. by mall Per month, delivtretl wik. dallvered 1- I-W Par Yar Bis Month! FKIIitl AKY 0, 1109. Passing salary grabs over the kov- ernor'a veto seoins to ho the iegiala-ture'e choice occupation. What are yuu doing to encourage those who are always trying to boost the community and make better conditions for all? With the legislative session two- thirds gone, can anyone tell of any real business accomplished, outside of passing a general state tax law which was an emergency measure? Perhaps thoy are entitled to some commendation, however, for killing a lot of bad bills, along with a few good ones.

Our thanks (7) are due to Editor Conner for "lifting" hulf a dozen or more paragraphs from The Review In hlB laut Issue without the least In timation of giving credit therefor. Another exemplification of "the Cottage Grove idea" grab everything In sight, without even so much as a "by your leave." Now the Cottage Grove papers are handing their bitterest "lemons" to all who dldn stand In with thel county division scheme. Here Is the "bon which Editor Conner gives to Representative Geo. Jones, of this county: "It renin I nod for that young, Inexperienced, stiff-neck-: ed freak, Representative Jones, ol Douglas, to oppose single handed and alone the creation of Nob 1th county on the lloor of the house, yet he Is to be regarded In higher esteem than his tricky, treacherous, scheming colleagues of Lane and Douglas, who loBt no opportunity to knock this meritorious ensure under cover, but who did not have the manhood to back up their conviction openly on the floor of the While the "smart" fellows, both in and out of the legislature, havo been "poking fun" at George Jones evei since the Besslon opened, the fact remains that he has consistently vote) again At the numerous jobs which have been Intioduced there, and a least to that extent his constituent! are with htm, to a man. Can hit critics say as much? NEARLY A FIGHT IX KK.IONK CITY COUNCIL.

EUGENE, Feb. At a special meeting of tho Eugene city council last night, Councilman J. M. WII llama and Acting City Attorney J. Pipes would have come to blows hail Dot Mayor Matlock stepped In be tween them and other councllmei.

and Chief of Police Karrlngton Inter fered. Tho council met to act on the charges axnlimt City Treasure) Hclsner, who had refused to pay numbor of warrants Issued by tin council for land purclmscd for a Canal for a municipal electric powei plant. During dlscusslou of mo tlon to dismiss the charges Council man Williams said the council wat blindly following the advice of tlu acting city attorney and that he (tlu attorney) advised tho council Juhi as the mayor wished him to. At thai renmrk Attorney Pipes rose to hU feet and exclaimed, "That's a Councilman Williams made a lung at the attorney and would huvi struck him, but Mayor Matlock, whej waa sitting between the two, grap pled with htm. Tho motion to dismiss the chnrgev against the treasurer was lost by vote of six to two and a resolution remove him from ottlce was carried by the same vote.

J. J. Walton war appointed In his place. LONGBOAT WINS FROM HHIUltll IN MARATHON. NEW YORK.

Feb. 6. In one ol the most exciting Marathon races ever contested In this clty'B greatest arena, Tom Longboat, the Ciumilinii Indian runner, defeated Alfred Bhrubb, the British runner, tonight Bhrubh started the race at a breakneck speed, beat several of Long boat's records for a part of the dls tance, but fell from exhaustion whlh-atlll In tho lend In the lutter part ot the twenty-fifth mile. longboat, Htlll maintaining tils charactttrlstli loping stride, finished the distnnct-alone and thus gaining the victory. jongbont's time for the race was hours 63 minutes, 40 2-6 seeouds.

which Is nearly eight nilnutea behind the record made by loraudo, tlu Italian, In his race with Johnny liny the Olympic Marathon wlunei last fa.ll. NEW 8 FORECAST FOR THE COMING EEK. WASHINGTON, D. Feb. 6.

During the coming week a large sec tlon of the country will devote Its attention to an appropriate relebra-tloo of trie hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln The cntonnary will he elaborately observed by cltU-s and towns, srhoolh and colleges, patriotic organization and historical societies throughout the land. President Roosevelt will be the speaker at tho cxorrlsos to be held at Lincoln's birth place Hi Kentucky. Other sjieakers ot national fame will be heard at memorial meetings In Chicago, Washington, New York, St. Louis, 8nn Francisco and numerous other points. The official counting of the electoral votes In accordnnre with the requirements of the law will take plac Wednesday.

On that day the senate and house will meet In Joint session. Vice-President Fairbanks presiding. The certificate of the Page Investment Co. The Square Dealing Lumber Yard Just across Deer Creek, liave on hand an assortment of Doors, Windows, Shingles and Seasoued Lumber dimentiou and finish. Those desiring to build, call and let us show you our book of latest plans of the most improved dwellings, bungalows and barns to be had.

Let us make an estimate for you. Best Rock Spring Coal, and Dry Seasoned Oak Wood. Page Investment Co. Tho Square Dealing Lumber Yard. Matinees every arternoon tt The Crescent 6e.

TF Fuller work In all styles, extras for the name, see Winnie Gaddls, the plumber. dtt "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. It cured me permanently." Hon. John R.

Garrett, Mayor, Glrard, Ala. SEASONED WOOD. 4- Block or Stove Wood, good seasoned Oak. A. MAHONEY, North Jackson St.

Phone 1215. Wood delivered. THE NOVELTY THEATRE Program changes eack Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. PROGRAM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MOVING PICTURES 'In "The Little 'Hobby Ha' a Pipe and "Learning to Dunce." ILLUSTRATED SONGS It Looks Like a Big Night, Tonight." "My Rosy Rambler." MATINEE 2:30 to 5:00 Admission 5 cents.

EVENING 7:00 to 10:00 Admission 10 cents. IT'S A PLEASURE TO (TT MEAT of the kind we handle. For we know that every steak or chop we cut means a lot ot meat enjoyment for you. How could It be otherwise? Our meats come from the choicest livestock raised. They are tender.

Juicy and finely flavored. Try them one and you'll eat them always. The Economy Market e. Kehlhagea, Promt. Ne Door to Pettsftfc merged torpedo tubes.

The dimensions of the great Bhlp are as follows: Length, 610 feet; breadth at water line, 85 feet, mean druft of water, 27 feet; total coal capacity, 2300 tons; contract speed, 21 knots. The total cost ot the vessel! will be about $7,000,000. When In commission she will carry a crew of 878 men and 65 officers. ROSEItlRO MARKET. 4-4- Cereals.

WHEAT $1.00 OATS 60o bushel. HAY Vetch, 15 ton; grain, 16 ton; alfalfa. $14 to $16. BARLEY $36.50 ton. Livestock.

STEERS Alive, 33c. COWS Alive, fat, 2 3c. VEAL Dressed, 6 6c. HOGS Dresaed, 7c; alive. Be.

SHEEP 3 He. POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 810c; dressed, 12c; geese, alive, 75c each, or 8c dressed, 12c; ducks, alive 9 010c; dressed, 14 15c; turkeys, alive, 16c dressed, 1920c. BUTTER Creamery, 37c country, 30c lb. EGGS 36c doz. POTATOES $1.25 cwt.

WOOL 16o lb. HONEY 16c lb. CABBAGE 214c lb. ONIONS 2 Vic lb. PORTLAND MARKET.

Livestock Prices. Following is the general range of values on stock ruling In the yards for late shipments: HOGS Best eost-of-mountains, ordinery block ers and China fats. stockers and feeders, $6.00. CATTLE Select east-of-mountaln steers, medium steers, $4.50: best cows, medium cows, J3.25fi3.7ti; stags, bulls. $2.0002.20.

SHEEP Best wethers. $5.25 5.50; ordinary wethers, lambs J5.r0t6.00; straight ewes, $4.50: mixed lots, $4.60. VEAL Choice young calves, $4.76 5.60; heavy and rough, $4.00 4.30. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER Extra creamery, 37c; fancy, 32 store, 2Vsc.

BUTTER PAT Delivery, f. o. b. Portland, Sweet cream, 35'c: sour, 33 Vie per lb. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 12 Vic; bens, 13c; roosters, old, 10 (t 11c; tryers, 16c; broilers, 19 E4c; geese, -910c: tnrkpys, alive, 17Viff20c; dressed, 20 25c; spring ducks, 17Vi18c; pigeons, squabs, J2.E0 per old, dressed poultry, ltjlVic blgher.

CHEESE Full ercam, flats, triplets and daisies, 16c; Young Americas. 17c. EGGS Local best, 45 60c per eastern, 35 40c. Grain, Floor and Hny. WHEAT buying price, new Track, Portland Club, 94c; blue- ste m.

fortyfold. 96c; red. 92c; Willamette Valley, 95c. HAY Producer's price New tlm-othy, Wlllnmette Valley, fancy. $16; i ordinary, $14: eastern Oregon, $18; 12; clover $11; grain $13; cheat, $13; alfalfa, $12 0 12.50.

OATS Producer's price Track. No. 1 white, 50033; gray $32 32.60. I Hops, Wool and Tildes. i HOPS 1908 crop, choice.

88 Vie primes to choice, 7 Vic; prime, 6 7c; medium, 6c. WOOL 1908 WIllwneMe VMr, 18o lb. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 10T 16c each; short wool, 35 40c; medium wool, each; long wool. each.

MOHAIR 1908 Nominal, 18 19c. HIDES Dry hides, 15lc green. 8(f9c; bulls, green salt, 5W 6c; kips, 8(r9c; calves, Mswn. 12 13c lb. For good printing of all kinds TW' Review always leads.

O. 0. NKWHAItn. ROSEBURG sY NEWHARD Props. Don't Forget the Hoosiers Come nlmiff with the rent anil (ret your niruta.

iikkk, roiiK and Marrow Try our Home-dired Hani anil llncon, Pish anil Poultry. HltlXO 18 VOl' It lllllKM. Shop Near IH'not Special Free Dollvury I'hou. 1S41. KKWIIAIUI l'HOI'S.

Write us or call on us for vSPRAY PUMPS AND FIXTURES Clearance Sale JANUARY 13 TO FEBRUARY 1 109. Tkt vlvre tsr offered in bro1e sizes of uieu's, women'- (W ckildr.m's sVos. Oxford, Leather aid Sliprj.r Call tnd get or pric. We Mr? mtmf. ILL, STEPHENS J.

F. BARKER a Co. Implement and Vchlilca. I'hnn. 1(11, IbMrhat-g.


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