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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 1

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

trnttig TELEPHONE 1700 EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS NUMBER 143 IN TOIMl'i OREGON IS ASSURED OF JIMMY DE MERS BREAKS P05SE5 immn FUNDS FOR FIRE PATROL JAVELIN THROW RECORD 'I'Imj Wi'uihi-r CXAItKF-M'XAHY ACT I'ltO- Oragoni Onarlllad with fog near EUGENE niGII SCHOOL YOUTH SEEK BANK BANDITS BY STORM UP NORTH THRILLS MEET CROWD lai or lha ooaat mm tnuiinoraturiua In tha aaat purllonj ooolor In Iho aal portion! moderate north-waal wlnda on I la coaal. Hurl Spear 2IS Feet Inchea, Thin Amount to bo Included In Toalvrday'a waathor In K.maiiei Longeat Distance Thrown In Thla Country Till Year Is 50 for No Sign' of Italia Comes to Cooler Weather Prevailed Mnxlinuiii lainpcrntura, 71 da-arraaa; mlnliniiiii. A3; atugo of river, .5 of ax fool: wind, north; barometer, hull and 300,000 to Ik) Expended In Oregon for 1'urpoftc SALEM, My 25. (A P) Under tli a Clurk-McXury act the state of Orotfon will, for the fluca! year be- Hundred Motor Cars Rushing to Breaks of River Whcro Robbers' Car Located PORTLAND. May 25.

API Over Veto and l.u OrntiHnnt Watchers at Kings Bay as Craft Battles Storm Jimmy DeMers Eugene high Yesterday in Valley and in Columbia Regions school youth national interscholas-tlo record holder tor the Javelin Uuvniin and Vicinity I'uito 'I'lirro yppQIU i glnniiitf luly recclvo from the event, today hurled the spear the Nominee for Juallre u( pcato and longest distance It has been thrown In this country thla year federal government an allotment of 0i, 012 uh federal eld In the protection from fire of etute and prl-vately-owntc timber lundM. Thla oonainlilaa minnunred. Itvao ahnw nt chainhor of com-morco Uciilna nt I in. today. when he sent It streaking through EN ROUTE FOR 43 HOURS FLOOD CONDITIONS NEAR IINTES SM the air Z13 feet 6 inches in com petition here with high achool ath Mntliera and dnuiililera havo an amount will be Included in the ap letes or Portland.

Th mark was nual liamiual at United I.ulhernn church, proximately 1300.000 to be expended for that purpose In Ore checked and certified by T. Mor COLLEGES TO OUTLINE I WORK IN NEW CATALOG IN AND STATE TO SET lOltTII STUDIES Dnln Will EnnbU Prospective Student lo (in In lilcu pf Scoie of Instruction Offered SALEM, Mny 2t. (A P) Duplicate HtHtviiieiitM outlining the work of blghc. education In Oregon at Hie Uiilviirslly of Oregon end Ore-gorr Hiato Agricultural college will iiptieu. Il ilie cntnl, of th two liintllulluns ror I he rit-Ht Uino In the rorthfoiiilui, mm cdltluna.

Tho outlines as agreed upon by President W. J. Kerr of O. B. and I'rosldont Arnold Bennett Hall of the university will be exactly Die mimo In both catalogs and will enable uuy prospective etudent having one catalog to obtain general Idea of the scope of Instruction offered nt the olhor Institution.

This, It la believed, will make foi better general understanding of the function of' th luo ItiHlltutlnna and will tend to lessen the number of etudenle mati lciili ling at either Institution whoso major Interest would bo better served at Iho other. Oovemor Offers Suggestion The statements have been arranged aa a reault of the auggea-lloiis and effort of Govornor Patterson for closer co-operation between the two Institutions. To this end th governor -aom tlm ago called a Joint meeting of the two boards of rogoniif. Tho tnt board of higher curricula haa alao mado study of th Pnaa ainia run la elarted with May- gon this demon and it la an in ris Dunne, northwest representa Wllllatnaon aa vucal tlve or the American Athletic union. Not a breath or air dis rente of 1 21,000 the amount received In federal aid laat year, due to a 1200,000 Increase In the Ice Forming on Ship May Commiinliy Council of llollelnua turbed the throw.

as Any Prospect of Columbia River Very High, Body of Dr, Wininger Found, Gunshot in tlio Head Thl throw by DeMers betters appropriation by conn roes. Kducullon ro-clcrla laat year a offlcera. Have Broken Antennae red by Snow Waters Wat This Session by more than one root the best amateur mark ever made In Pualera on fir prevention to ba America. Thla waa set by Jonnl eiiown. Htate roreater blllott was Informed of the blffKer allotment In a communication from the United titiltea forest cervice.

i lUwiulrririfiit Hot Forth A rouulremont bfor any allot Myrra or the Los Angeles athletic Cnmti rally la held at T. M. C. club in 1925 at 212 feet 5 Inches. Ls ATTACK VETO moilon picturca or npirit luxe ahown.

KILLERS HOTLY PURSUED WIND CONTINUES STRONG STORM HITS PENDLETON DeMers la the United States out Ueerhorn folk fenr fire of Ininlicr standing man In the Javelin event ment allowed la for the atate and protective oranl.cutton ta agree to glvo the aarne degree of tec1ion ror the Olympic games. Ills record today is but little less than two company out of control; offlcera of firm h'ar no reporle. reet under the Olympic games rec to cut-over lands as to vfNn tlm At Midnight, it Hour After the u. v.n and KiclMor Wind, Rain and Llghtnlnc Visit, ord ot 215 reet 3 Inches. Pinna for tha atale wlda etudent ber, for the purpose of the federal Thla record was made by Jonnl allotment la mainly to encourage protection of cut-over or other wine work cnmpnlcn of the Kpiiaopal rlmrcli formulated at dinner.

Dirigible Had Lert the North Pole She Waa Still Missing From Her liaae Myrra when he waa competing In foreign flelda. denuded timber lands, jo as to In Road lilda are railed for enniruc- km sprn sure a perpetual timber supply and tlon of atretch In Hiualaw foreat. 1'aan Knven nrotectlo wuternheda. Jliamy DeMera, who bettered th beat amateur mark ever mad in UoTO. D.C., May l.

KINGS BAY, Spitsbergen. May 25 (AP) (8:30 P. No lgo five) taken In raid on aliened beer The Clarke-MclS'ary allotment will be apportioned among 21 pro th Javelin when he hurled th of tha dirigible Italia In which Joint In vicinity of Unlvorally of Oreiton. tective associations In the state. General Umberto Noblle and a Eleven nuraea (Iven dtplnmaa from steel-tipped spear 213 reet inches In Portland yesterday, is a atudent at Eugene high school.

DeMers crew of 15 other 1 voyaging back from the r.ortn poi naa com to th watcher her early COLUMBIA RIVER IS HIGH I'acirifl Cltrlillnn unininit acnool at comnienrament axerclaea, I'MKf) TwrUa ba several times in practice see newly arranged catalogs. To get ion recently unofficially bested Demoorala of Uane cnunly nomin away from duplication or courses, tble board haa at varlou tlm dlf-rcrentlnlod between th cop no) thl evening. Th ship then waa 65 hour out from hr start to th pole and had ben en route rrom the top or th world ror th world amateur championship mark. Ha haa mad throw of aiej 'tearing err Tree Limbs and Ripping Awnlngs Grants Sizzle Ma" (AP) with a atorm passing over British Columbia eastward Thuraday night and today, cooler weathor prevailed. In the lower Willamette and In th.

Columbia river region today. The maximum in Portland 78 degree Z1hiegnea maximum or 8.2 degree yesterday, th hot-teat day of the year. little change in th weather over today wa expected by the weather bureau hert. The unusually early hot weather in the Northwest has caused th snow in the Canadian and Rocky mountains and other headwater regions of the Columbia river to melt rapidly, and the river and it tributaries were still rising tonight. It wa impossible to forecast the sea.

MERCHANTS OF THE DALLES al aeveral Repuhllcana for county offlco. more than 220 feet and he 1 train PREPARE FOR FLOOD function of th two Institution Mil of Ftooeevelt hlahway aoulh Ins dally under Captain French, nearly 43 hours, ice torming rrom a roe through which the coach or Eugene high, and Bill from Olenads may he built. Baaay wlnnera al Unlverally hlsh Hayward, veteran University or and defined their flelda or rvlce. For th eonvi.lnc of prospective atudenta th catalog list th degree-granting school and doparimenta or each THE JALLES, May 25. (AP)" Merchi in The DaK.a were preparing today to evacuate their Offlcrra Eprcwl Fcnr Tliat E.

E. KraalligiT, Aaabilani C'JInlllcr, Kldnaiml In the llolilup, Alau llnd llccu Killed HORACE, May 25. (AP) About lot) motor car carrying 13 ahorlffa from aa many wvalern Kanana and euatorn Colorado coun-Ilea left hero lulo today on advice from Loitnn and Wnllnco county officii! that car believed to contain two of the four Lamur, bank bandlta haa been located by alrplauea In the breaka of the Hill river northeaat of Tribune, Kan. DiriHTO.V, May (AP) Fleeing- before heavily armed poaara aided by two nlrplnnee. th four dopcrnduea who Wodneadny hoi down two offlrere of th Firal National bank of Ijiiiiar.

today killed Dr. W. W. Wininger of Dlghton, whom thoy abducted laat night. Offlcera expreaaed fear that E.

E. Wenninger, assistant cashier of the bank who waa kidnaped In the holdup, alao had been killed. Report reached here during the day that Kesslngor'a body had been found near Scott City. Knn. The killers were being botly pur-aued late todny and were reported to In tha vlclnlly of Modoc.

afer a mod flight over the woatern Kansas pralrlea. l.u ml from Home Oregon track mentor, in prepara named; Ml" Macduff la rtrai. uene hey, Jerome K. McKy, to ror Olympic games tryouts. He is ship waa battling her way against a quartering gale, probably hn broken her wireless antennae and prevented communication with the base ship here, the Citta dl Mllano.

But the operators on the base ship are constantly listening ror pos an almost certain member of the enier weat Point mllllnry Institution aa woll a the various basement Sunday In expectation or flood conditions resulting from the upward trend o( the Columbia river. Th river tonight atood ft United States team which will go to the games at Amsterdam this Mary'e peak pllmb elsned for by A rt. oN.ry.Huii.n Juil President mi It for repawns TUTu ,0 JTVlltb of four ot Insum In tneMUr eliminated JJSi for form rllf ITVi IhU session. brl.f but uut en ill "lo Z. the chamber and a MM Chslrman McNary iStilturi eommlii end tar lb measure that It kit II thl session to en- ethir IwHUiion.

That MM iiwutod by lh at HcS'ity, Republican of lillftbtr dMlarrd lhl while iiaiel lo Pretldent Cool-il Uftrrmed thai a veto irltttn thai ha would bill repassed with-birniuiiloe fee ha 'elt "by si( lie veto It mil tha lai hu ma foreclosed that nlfht In loma benefited I ha a fewdown on Rill summer. service departments orrerlng worK that Is baslo or supplemental to the distinctive major field. GREAT WEEK FOR LUMBER Outdoor club member and ajueate. fl'ilary eeaalnna aet for Turadny; Luncheon and dinner planned. sible signals.

Other Landing Discussed Although member or the ex 3d feet above mean low water. All garden flat euat and west of the city, along the river bank were The first tryouts for the Olympic will be held at Missoula, Montana, son's crest until tha Hnlnmhi. on June 2. flooded. peditlon here are conrident that Fire danger la aeen In national for- cease to rise at the headwater.

Water began to aeen Into same the big dirigible will win ner way through the adverse conditions. eei here; atep 10 iixni namea taken. 101 at Grant Pas Grant Pass ORDERS APPROACH YEAR'S SHOALS MEASURE WINS Illuetrated art lecture given by they have begun to discuss other possible landing v'-aces tor their BEST LEVELS, IS WORD basement today nU several atore ownera hadalrcady removed part of their supplies. Laat years' maximum wo 38.8 feet. At slightly abovo 40 feet, several of the lower streets will ba under water.

Prof. N. H. SSane at hrancea n. lard achool.

recordt with a temperature of 101. The previous hottest May day waa companions. BILL PASSES BOTH HOUSES Pel and llohby ahow to be held DESPITE FILIBUSTER They say that th Italia may maka ror Vadsoe, Norway, where there 1 a mooring mast to which thta evening by cluba or the l. M. C.

A. NEW YORK, May 35. (AP) Another bltf week In the lumber Industry for th period ended May 19 with pioductlon, shipments and order approaching th yoar'a best levels, la reported by the National Milk and meat Inspection of Eu WASHINGTON, May 25. (AP) It wo predicted today that It the present rat or rise continues, tha Old Oregon Trail eaat of Th Dalles nd tha Columbia highway went of Hood River will be flooded Hedged about with expressed gene, dtacuaaed at meeting oi Federation of Women' club hopes or Its Tenne.rei opponent WTho body of Dr. VY'lnlngor, who meaLliur.

wtbt ftnrt alwsdolin b-J for a veto, the -Dill creating a gov olTwelV not latei than Sunday night. Lumber Manufacturers' association All three Items were within 600,. 11 end drlller'retiirne and ernment Corporation to operate the Muscle Shoals nitrogen plant 000 to 3,000,000 feet of the highest operntlng il hour. Klwanla club host to a. A.

ft vet- fought It way todac through en flguree. eran at luncheon Monday. at and houae. It now goes to the waa lured away from home Wednesday night iiipposedly to dress th wound sustained by one of In robber In gun fight In ih bank, waa found 26 miles aouth or Onkley. Kan.

II hnd been ahot In the back of th head with a shotgun and apparently tnaaed over nn Mre. R. W. Brandt elected head or NO VERDICT ARRIVED AT JURY STILL PONDERING ON president. Unfilled orders of 325 southern pine nnd west coast mills were 730.911.654 feet, against th week before, I- The vote adopting th revised conference report wblch ellmfn' MINING FRAUD CASE ated authority for commercial embankment at the bottom of manuracture and sale ot fertilizer Whlteaker A.

at final meeting of year. gporta new Local and general. Page 2 and t. Newe of Iine county towne and oommunltte. Pagee 4 and I.

but retained provision for con which hi motor car was found Th body which waa atlll warm struction or the supplementary Cove creek dam in Tennessee were wnen round by poasemen waa brought her this afternoon. decisive but not overwhelming, or sufficient to repass the measure Dr. Wininger waa made captive th airship waa attached before she completed her voyage from Italy to this point, or, possibly with the prevailing voyage to the Siberia coast. The Italia Is weft stocked ror emergencies. She had aboard when she left her 8200 kilogram of gaaolln.

and food enough for one month. The subsistence stores consist principally of pemmican and chocolate. Sixteen Men Aboard Italia The sixteen men aboard are the same as on the last previous trip of the expedition except that the Journalist Tom-Massell was replaced by the journalist I.anr, and the wireless operator Pedrettl by Operator TsJekoslovake, and Behonnek, a scientist. The crew of the Cltta dl Mllano already has begun preparations to go the assistance of the Italia If she calls for help. They will be able to sail on very flhort notice.

At 9:30 p. m. news or the Italia was still lacking. Th wind continued strong. The commander of the Cltta dl Mllano had asked the coal company here to rurnlsh assistance in hauling the airship Into -her hangar and all employes of the concern were standing by.

DIRIGIBLE IS STILL MISSING inrougn a ruse, one of tho gunmen Bend today experienced It highest Mny temperature in at least IS years when the mercury mounted to 92 degrees. Yesterday maximum was 91. Report were received here today that a bolt of lightning had earlier In the week killed four horse hitched to a wood wagon driven by Donald Telfer In Jefferson county. Teifer was stunned to unconsciousness, but uninjured. i At today the maximum temperature was 98 degrees.

Reports from the farming districts there said the wheat crop wan heading and that farmer "war praying for rain." Storm Strike Pendleton A violent lightning. wind and rain storm struck Pendleton at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon tearing; down tree limbs, ripping awnings and filling the streets with water. The wind reached velocity of 50 miles an hour and carried large quantities of dust. Light service was Interrupted. From Medford too, cam reports of 98 degree temperature, the hottest May day on record In th weather bureau there.

La Grande residents witnessed 92 degrees today and Baker sweltered under a temperature ot 90. BOULDER BILL PASSES HOUSE SENDS MEASURES UP FOR SENATE ACTION over a veto. The senate record was 43 to 34 summoning him Away from home with a story that a man hnd been TILLAMOOK FEATURES leapt it) flftr M1dnt atuy-H4ti(an relief bill initNd conireas aovaral aftnlt finally lot lha lllki Whlta Houm laat i tall Una Mr. Coolldg I Ml neaug, almoal aa thl ona sent to tha Mlinafo "hen ha r-M On ladaUUon at" In. No littill laat yer to ailkinto.

twain iplll on the at all II Republican and toting to auiialn It, iSIanMTili 10 Republican fc an firmer-labor aenalor uilmt lha president. ilHiblleau were paired tnr WIH four Republican! a Dttaotrsls ainlnat II. a fmioni Against Veto aun UcNary and 8tetwer of CI Mel to override lha vato. lot Nw Entlnnd sena-W tt luuin tha veto but i lOmwiilo senator from Int mat for repnasag Oat point on weat there uyftmin partle. im wile wni squaring lia with Indications IWNIo would ba sustnlned, mTM lhl ho ajtf hid In III taken after a 24 hour filibuster, led by McKellar of Tennessee, had severely injured In a tractor acci broken down.

dent. Spurred on by the cold-blooded PLANT TO DOUBLE FORCE OREGON LINEN MILLS. INC, TO INCREASE ITS OUTPUT' i SALEM. May 25. (AP) The Oregon Linen Mllle, will double Its force of employe June 4.

11 wna announced here today. That will bring the number employed to 100. and Increase especially the output of finished linen. At present tho prlnclpnl product 1 ynrn, which la ahlpped east for manufactured Into cloth. Further expnnslnn will be mnde a rapidly na possible.

It Is nnnounced by Colonel W. B. Bartram, manager. TACOMA. May 25.

(API Up to 11 o'clock tonight th Jury In th Ruby beach Mining company fraud case In federal court had been deliberating rorty hour with tlll no verdict in eight. At that hour the Jury retired for th night. Th ponnel waa not called Into tho court room when court adjourned to 'be queried aa to Its progress In the case, but wn allowed to continue It work behind tha locked doors of the Jury room. Judge Edward E. Cushman has given no Indication as to how long he will permit the Jury to be out befor calling It In and dismissing it ror non-agreement in the case.

WINS STI'ST CONTEST OF killings, more than 400 heavily MON8, El'GENE KECONI) armed men In motor earn continued the hunt for the denperndoea, assisted by the airplanes. MINER IS FOUND ALIVE JOHN WADE. NEGRO. IS LOCATED BY RESCUERS Lieutenant Renvl of Lowry SAf.KM. May 86.

(AP) Vho Tillamook I.lon club, which la mnklni a determined hid for tho rield. Denver, scoured the country-aide by nlr and dropped notea to 1939. atntn convention, (cored a point In tonight' program hy win MATHER. May 25. (Continued on Page 6 Column S) (AP) A miner was found alive tonight In the mine of the Mather Collieries company here where an WERE UNKNOWN HERE, ONLY A FEW YEARS AGO AND EXPLORERS explosion occurred last Saturday.

after having been entombed for I 1,511 I lj ijggM 'V 'onuraaa lo Ink more than 120 hours. Kings Ray Reports Italia Now 47 Hours on Way i liter tha nntl The miner's name was given a John Wade, a negro. He was lo lllll, credenc cated by rescue workers who had been exploring the workings since (t laaitri. w. bill to up.

million lp" mi ion KINGS BAY. Spltibergen. May 26 (Saturdny. 12:30 a. (AP) At midnight 47 hours after the dirigible Italia had left the north pole, she stilt wa missing from her base here.

Watchers on the steamer Cltta dl Mllano thought that she had possibly headed toward Nova Zemlya on the Siberian coast where there in radio station. If further word does not come by noon today, the base ship will start north on a search If lc conditions the blast, ade, officials said, was found about two miles back in the mine. His condition, while said to be serious because of lack of food and water, was described as not critical, although he was unable to hundred and seventy bodies had been recovered from th mine tonight. Upwards of thirty men are still unaccounted tor. yMl i ind lndl l.nda.

prwlouily hnd haan WASHINGTON. May 25. (AP) Without a roll call vote, th house today passed the Swing-Johnson Boulder Canyon dam bill, and aent It speeding to the senat where for weeks a companion measure has been held motionless in the grip ot a determined tilt-buster, Even while th house wa defeating a last minute attempt to keep the bill from reaching a final vote, opposing force In tha senat renewed hostilities. The warfare, however, continued only for brief space as senators, fatigued: from an all night row on the Muscl Shoal conference report, agreed to recess until 11 a. m.

tomorrow. WkTi. "I1 bouno'a ralao- ning the alunt corneal wttn a number which adverllned Tlllnmook'a nttrnntlon group of hnthlng heauty vocullat. The Klllle band from Eugen wn econd. Th convention her I proving to on of th moat aucceaeful tat wide mooting ever held hero, wllh "aomelhlng doing" every minute.

Three hundred fifty oul-of-town gueala had reglelered up to tonight nnd more convention vlalt-or ar du to rrlv In th morning. Frnnk Lynch, of Sntem, wa crowned Lion gol. champion of Oregon, winning th tournament today, GROS VENTRE DAM WEAK FOLK OF WYOMING TOWN IN PEAK OK DISASTER ROCK HPMN08. May S5. (API Th Oroa Ventre river wa rlalng rapidly her tonight and townspeople hor fenred the Oroa Ventre dam near Jaclnon hnd gonn out, Th dnm went out a yenr ago and number of peraon were drowned.

Th Aaaoclnted Preaa wn unnhta lo got into communication hy telephone with Jackaon or Kelley, the latter town the chief one of Ihon In th path of poanlhl flood. It wn roporled that bridge over the Orn Ventre, below Kelley SHAD BATTERY PLANNED EGGS TO BE COLLECTED IN WILLAMETTE SLOUGH WITH ARROWS LONDON, May 25. (AP) An Exchange telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen quotes a telegram from Kings Bay as saying that a rising storm confront th dirigible Italia on her voyage back from the night to the north pole. The advice stats thnt the return Journey was started In clear weather, but that a dense fog was encountered Inter and moisture from It formed Ice on the Italia. A breexe rrom the southwest Increased steadily until thla morning It hnd gained tha proportion of a storm, a sc.

(aim 0 We Truthfully Advise You To "Buy This Insurance" tn; hida of UiIm',)' rchary noaohuri Iho Umnnlla PORTLAND, May 25. (AP) P. B. Hnwley. superintendent of the United States bureau of fisheries here and Hugh C.

Mitchell, superintendent of hatcheries for the Oregon state fish commission went to St. Helens today to establish a shad battery there. Eggs will be collected In the Wltlnmette slough. The battery will Insure a supply of shad eggs for Japan. The shad ranks high as a food fish In Jnpsn nd officials of that empire pin to establish shad In the rivers of the country.

Eggs will be tnken nt the battery, hatch-e1 and the shnd try will be sent to Jnpnn wllh the yolk-sac still attached, thus Insuring sustenance for tho trip across the Paciric f.C'PUln ublnr wn" l1" C.S,C' of For we know you absolutely need this protection and you cannot buy It anywhere else at such anmll cost. Every sub E.blP7ny.wro: Rrl Of Owron Hni. scriber to this newspaper he twoen the ages ot 15 and 70 may LONDON. May 26. (AP) (Saturday) Up to 4 a.

m. todny nothing has reached London from any source revealing the whereabouts of the polar dirigible Itnlln. While there Is a possibility that sho has encountered serious trotiblo from the strong northwest winds around Spitsbergen, there are no reports hero which would even suggest thnt the ship Is In dnnger. A late Reuter dispatch from Kings Bay confirms earlier Associated Press advices that the Noblle baso ship Cltta dl Mllano will wait until noon before to go In search of the nlrcrnft. But expert believe that the steamer will not he able to get through the ice barrier extending from Spitsbergen to Northeast Islnnd.

Wri hnft had been taken out by high wnier. At Fremont. the Sweet-wntnr river hnd overflowed hnnlta nnd according report hnd flooded rontln and vnlleyn In Hint vlclnlly, It wnn not believed Hint nny Uvea hnd been lont, CHURCH DEADLOCK ENDS METHODISTS ELECT DU. B. 8.

JONES AS BISHOP KANSAS CITY, Mny S8. (AP) Ending dendlock of three dnya. Iho genernl conferenco of tho Melhndlnt Rplncopnl church uni in ninnlcv DORED WINS PRESS BEAT GETS FIRST PICTURE OF LANDING OF WILKINS iged "(API buy one of our $10,000.00 Travel Accident Policies For $1 a Year Ask your Insurance agent what a good value thl I then send In Immediately th application blank on pag 1 Snhmrrlptlnn MORNING REGISTER Eugene, Ore, V'kln which hn TrnVaVfa 'od "ocldenl Singe Servlro I Promised I. MARBHFIKLn, Mny 25. AP) I I L.

mlnalnnnry of Hllnpur, India, lo NEW YORK, Mny 25. (AP) A 6000 mile race rrom the Arctic circle was won todny by John Dored, starf cameraman of tho Paramount News nnd Associated Press, with the rirst picture of the landing in Spitsbergen of Captain Oeorge Wilkin and Lieutenant Carl Elelsnn after their flight from Alnska over Polar regions. By steamer; launch, dog sled, automobile, train, and airplane. Dored raced to win a clean bent of five dnya on one of the outstanding new storlea ot th year, 1 "if I i uiuninia cmhko eervic lo rtcensporii two busses oach way a day nlnrtlng June 15. wan announced today by Gorsl and King, operator of Inter-city lines In North Bend Ma rshfield, Englewood and Charleston.

The const auto lines will put on singes rrom Coos bay to connect with the Reedsport Drain line in early summer. tn poet or lilnlinp, Dr, the author of "The Chrlat of th Indian Rnnd" nnd for SO yenrn a mlnelonnry In Indln wn th third nnd flnnl blnhop tn ho chnnen nt thl qundrennlnl en-elon of tho i conforence. The ntbera ehonon wer R. Wnde of Chlcngn nnd Jame C. Baker, Ur-ibnna.


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