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The Eugene Guard from Eugene, Oregon • Page 2

The Eugene Guardi
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rirreo 8 Oslo ot Hol GAME WARDEN JOBS. The Sulem Journal tells about a illy JRugeuo Guard i t. lUhed every evening of the week, Bun- incepted. Ad.lreu all coiuuiunicaslons iukd all riiitt.no8 payable to ib NS ItlMHll, fKugeae, Oregon, Not Aade by the Trust. IF YOU have lrM then take ride on the liemtiful.

beautiful, Snell Hlcycle. The franira ami frame are made of the fim-st l-raile wrought fcteeL The tUtt aro the fauioiu KaceUlor, and we give you any kind I tire you may wih, alo a option on sad-el 1m and han'lle bar, 'i'hww wheel" are made the HNK1.L 11IOYCLK t'D of Toledo, tlito. The hoie cover over 7 acre of land, the buildings are of brick, two and three atoritvhitdi. 'J he (nality ot the Snell JJlcyclis never been questioned. Prlcti for Juvcnllei $20.00, $22.00 end $25.00.

i'ricei lor the tttndaid sizes $27.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, $50.00 ill "jaSOBIPTIOS. BATES DAILY. carrier, per week. Welivered by earner, par month Bt, one yew (in advance) mouth. mooihiiiti i Sbipio.

WIIKLT. One yey (In lvaoe) (J) a 0 0 3 I 15 60 6 00 8 (10 60 06 2 on 1 IX) Advtrti'ing rte made known on applioa- dun. We trade for old wheeli, woul like for you to beautiful Buell bicycles. Barker Gun Unexceptional Livery Service You always get at West Bros. Our prices are low enough to enable you to enjov spring driving without feeling Ihe cost.

Stones leave our stables for Lea-burg and points daily at o'clock: a in. Blue itiver snd intermedials 'points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at o'clock a ni. WEST BROS. Corner Willamette and 10th. sts, Eugene, Oregon.

and gall Knircvus Moonil-ciass matter at the (Ciitftue, Oregout, poatoitice. THE -EASTKUN OFFICES -Of the (. paper are 230 to 244 Temple Court, New -Vork-fcity, ad 17 8 fcxpren. Ul1g, 87 Wah- ngton St, Chioano, Advertla- UK Agency in charge I i- CAMPBELL BROS Publishers i BLUE KIVER CITY. Western Oreaon Lots are Now on Sale.

Buy Now Tf nn want a beautiful malnf.Tl.llv: if vou want to be In the in to come, buy lota now iu Blue Itiver City. 1 or a period or Fifteen Days Only Choice buKinew lota will be sold for 50; choice residence lots ior t25 2.a 4- i2 J3 iiJ5 J6 J7 J8 IS. 20 2L22 23 24 25 21281291301311, Price, will then no. up. riTV.

i. beautifully located on the banks of the far-BLUE RlVhK L11Y. famed Blue River, and is in the tract of the rich old quartz mining district of Blue Kiver. which is on the verge of a snrtantil boom. It has been plotted and by S.

C. Sparks, wh make, these liberal and wilt be glad furnish information to intending investors. Special. To purchaser, of lots under the above term. 1 either finished or rough lumber for building purposes will be delivered on the lot.

at mill rmce. KS Blue Biver City, Oregon, JTRIDAY MAY 10 CAR SQUEEZED OUT OF TRAIN, The Helena, Montana, Record tells of what would seem an im Kssible ocourrenoe, a oar forced SMOKE, a moving railroad train --i4ioat obeoltlng the speed tbereol or causing any damage, except to the diBoarded oar: High Grade 5c Cigar F. C. Potts anufacturer Box oar No 3194 was "squeezed" I out of a freight train at the North- Take them to day and yeu'H hQ well to-morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet NoB3 (Cold in head) NoCureMdytfc Sena lf rr tmU end ll Miami SildKle ruaeltie 0 a Sold By Linn Drug Co Just Before Decoration Day.

The one time In the year when there is a mutual eflort to beautify the cemeteries is tbe roost appropriate time to have your monumental work attended to. Orders for Decoration Day ahould be placed at once and with the Etitrene Granite 4 Marble Works, VV Martin, proprietor. Write for booklet. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd bad itching Piles. They're terribly annoying: but Bucklen's Arnica Solve will cure the woist case of piles on earth.

It bas cured thousands. For Injuries, pains or bodily eruptions t's the best tale In the world. Price 25o a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by VV LieLauo.

OABTOIIIA. Bsars tk Kou Have Always Boup EUGENE Loan Savings Bank Of Eugene, Oregon. Paid Dp Cash $50,0130 Surplus 5,1 A OENCRAL BANKING. BUSINESS TRANS-AOTCO ON FAVORABLE TERMS Drafts untied on tbe principal cities of tbe UDited Hiatus and foruign countries. Interest allowed on Demand Certificate of Deposit when left stated period.

Collection! receive our prompt attention. City and Uouoty Warrants bought. SHOWN, Pr.fld.nt.s F.W. 05ULKK, Cashier. 0.

CHINE. Vice President W. W. UH0WN Alt! tf Shier FIRST National Bank Of Eugono. Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 Surplus-: $50,000 Eugene, Oregon, A GENERAL BAWfKING BUSINESS Done on terms.

Sigh drafts on Chicago, Ban Franuiaoo and Port land. OreKD Bill" of exchange inld on foreign coantrien. Liejioalts reueiveu stubject to check or oertlu-cats of deposit. All collections entnmtod to will receive Dronipt atUution, Henpricm, Preaident, Kaein, Vioe 1'rcaldent- P. E.

Snodorass, Canliier, L. H. Putter Auiitant. LANECOUHTY BANK EUGENE, OREGON. tat.bll.h.d.ln ISSI. Bank In tha County. fieneral Bankinj business in all branches transacted on favorable terms. A. G. HOVEY, Presliieut 1j.

O. MU1JN. Cashier. 13. a.

llOVKY. Aeet Cashier. OUR CHILD should have warm drink Hot mush tor breakfast, with cold water as a b.veraga. It Injurious, Tbo chang from hot to cold is too A cup of "Figprune Cereal" with each meal Is b.nellolal. Children thrive, on It, Fleprun.

con.lata of iht cant, fruit and 46 par cant (rain. Makes a highly nutritious and plensant table lrever. age for both big and Utile folk. AM, GROCERS SEt.1, IT. Jobu.C.

Gri.y, l'laintii Elizjibeth Clark, Danii-I B. I nd 1-uitU Junuim, bin wiio, CIkihT 1 uis aua it. aitur Giay utd baiuL ilo.Elia Alley aud U. IV in butbuid, MuiHarot Siilkr and i' Miller, berbuiib.uil.l.luiirGmv i sud DoltU. Gray, milium Lluiroeli, Lei Lu band, Maiy J.

Gray. ai-d Mjry Oiay, his Sarab uoru -nci Janif, Lu, Cb.rlesGray ard Grav, Ui Miucr uniy ami Alio Grny, bis NVlllmUi Clrnj auj Mari Gruy, bis wile, bamnol Gray. bom bloualter nud bto, busband, Joun L. Gray aid ilotio i is be'by Kiyen by virtuoif uioe COlinl, Biuu. oi urbgoD, muile and mtcred in tbe day of April IoI, and entered oi pi- ju mi yoiuuio un oi ihe journal 0I a oojrt, tbe nnderMgntd as the duly Foiutd referee tbe above cause wai Ha is rj.bor.Eed ana directed, to eu atZJ: aaotiou at tbe door ol the oourilmi "5 Lane jounty, Oregon, tbe lollowinj lOi.bed real propeny wtuated in mid courty, Oreguu, Donld ia uiaim oi saiuuel and llarKattt Gr. Claim No 40 Notitfeation No 71si I seotions Eight, Beviu'een and Eiihton in towtship Iti south range one weguf Willanittte meridian oonta'ninR 31911 aoies of land, aul.ject, howtver, toi'bl ngbt 0. way one hundred lent tn width OTor ard acroiis Baid premises as now uu urD "icreou.ooniaining 6.36 Now therefore. Fred Ware, reicree in the above entMedoauBo will lor uls at poblio auotion to the biehest bidder lor oaab in hand at the door oi the oouti. bouse of Baid Lane county, Oregon on Uonday the third day oi June, l'jol, between the hours of uine o'clock a md four o'olook of said day, namely iltba hour ol one o'clock ol said day the above deBoribed real property. Dated tbib 30th day of April, I90I FltED WAKE, ltefere.

L. T. HAHUIS, Atlorney. Sheriff's Sale on Execution. Notioe is hereby gven that bv virtn.

i an execution duly iBst'ed out of the cirouit cimt of the state of Oisgon for the coiimr of Lane on the day ol April, 1SUI, on a judgment rendered in said cooit on the 2lh day of Octooer ISUI, for the anm ol fclcven uundrod riity lour and 56100 Dollars, whioh judgement was enrolled nd docketed in the ofhoe of the clerk ol said couiton the3uth day of October, KM, in a suit wherein Matlock plaintin recovered judgement against llaji de- leuaui, auu 10 iub uireciea, comniaDaug me that out of the personal property of said defendant, or, if Bufticient could cot bi ionnd, tben out of the real propeny belonging to said defendant on or alter tbe said autb day ol October, to satisfy the sum of Ettven Hundred end Fifty Four end GG-IU0 Dollars less $698.00 paid October 30th lS'Jl and flits 55 paid August 23d, 1802, now due on Baid judg-nieut, with iutorent the rate of 10 per cont auuum from the 2Mb day of October, Ib'JI and the lurthcr sum ol Tweet; oil and 4G-I00 Dolltirs coctts und also the rati of and upon this writ and $100 attorney's tecs and being unuble to find any personal property out ol which lo satisfy said judgemeut and costs and icruicg coils, I did on the 2.ith iluy of April, I'M, levy npou the following dehiTit-ud real property beiongiugjto said defeniliintinLaneconDty. Oregou, on the 30t di.y of October, Ibill, or subHequouily, lo-wit: All doleuu wis right title and interest il aud to lols one (1) two ('2) and th. Eust hi. If oi lot three (3) in Jtlock cine iu I'ackaid'b utUlniou io Kugene City, Oregon. Now therefore, in uf.uie of the stats of Oregon ai I in con plinuco with said execution 1 wiii otter Balo the abore described real iiicp.itj lo tbe lithesl bidder, tor cab, rtuljeoi to ruliu ption, at publio auction, at the south ol the county Court UouHC in Eugenu, Lane county, 0ie gon, on the 5th day ol Jane, 1001, botwecu the hours of 0 o'clock a a tiud i o'ciotu lo-wit at One o'doek on said Dated this 'jth doy of May, I30I.

VV Hheiiff Lime C.mi.ty, Oregna. Notice of Sheriff's Sale on Exr cution. Notioe is hereby givon that by rirtoe an execution and order ol aale ol allsttM properly issued out ol th. cirouit oonrt the state of Oregon lor the connty ol ua on the Eighth day of May, 19 oo Jj ment rendered in said court on Ine day of March, 1001, for tue sum ol Hundred and mueiy-seveu larB wilh interest thereon from said i day of Ma ch, 1001, at Ihe rale of su lj cent per aunuin and the further sun i Thirieeu and no-100 Dollar, costs, mn judgment was enrolled and dotkeW clerks oflloo ol said conn in sani the loih day of March, in an wherein Geo Hall nd Oeo Farmers doing businMS una. -name and style of Hall So.

plaintiils and Oaudiani wss JW and against Ihe Blwve uauied diani defendant and to me directM, manuing me in tid.r to satisfy ment and and acoruing oosti the following described attached to-wit: 1. tkt The Doctor Mine lead, or Blue Kiver mining district, th Sunset mill site iu the lilne district, the bunset mine vein lead" in the Blue ltir.r mining dnp trinle rotary quarlz al," i a.M wDeei, Br line belonging io sua um uu manipulation of said mSSu located in nine itb oonnly, Oregon. Ar the rtf 1 Now therefore in Ihe name of I rx a WUD ww I will offer for sale the property, at public suction, to IW bidder for ciiih, siil.J'CI i Ihe south door of the Engene, Lane county, irel the 7th day of June, hours of 9 o'clock ni and 4 to-wit at one o'clock- ru this 0th it. Sheriff of Lane RiiMMONS, Slate In the Circuit conn oi gon for Lane oounty. Edna I.

Murphy iS vs Thomas Murphy pf -(iMi To Thomas MorfkJ the defendaut: Qtlsf In oamo oi Ihe rtsle ol ui.l rr! ai are ne'eoy p- pear and nrer the tiled in thesl-ove week, (rem Monday lb' IWI, to-wit 'onc; ib IOfi, snd il Jon answer lor itit pii; in her co pi' oltbf ma.M-.t.e ard d. lull (11 tl I cfc-ii lo I be date o' nr. mens la I llii -ni it1 l.iJOt- Ctll, 1 ,1 ishw tS. l.r. r.

This, I ir ii u-i. i.l.'J 'T' a ta S'li Any lit I.vl "obaracter" of that town being committed to the insane asylum on the information "that be is ldiotio, destructive and violent, and that he has used alcholio drinks, opium and tobacoo to excess." The paper naively adds that "no further caute of the man's insanity was discovered In the examination." What more do they want in Salem, or any othor place for that matter? Mallock, the English author, advised tbe people of England to emigrate when they have worked out their coal mines, which at the rate of production of tbe last few years, will not take long, ine duty on coal, proposed by Miohael Hioks-Beach, would in the end be very benefioial to Qreat Britain, if it retard ooal mining for export. San Franoisoo knows what trouble is, sure enough, these days. Restaurant oooks and waiters are on a strike.

A very considerable proportion of the residents of the Paciflo Coast metropolis live in restaurants, more so than in any other city of the country. And they furnish excellent service. The Albany Demnorat tells about a woman coming to that town with a span of horses and taking home $420 instead. That is the woman idea; probably keeping ber money in a stocking instead of leaving it in a bank, Tbe New York Btock gamblers had an interesting deal yesterday when Northern PaoiQa stock Bold for $1,000 a share, mtre than six times its value, and sixty per cent was bid for money. Some of tbe gamblers got badly squeezed.

Of oouree Australia is happy A real live, royal duke opened its first federal parliament yesterday He Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago Hulllvan, of Hartford, Conn, scratched bis leg with a very rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poitonlng set In, For two yean be suflered Intnnsely. Tben the best dootors urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Buckleu'e Arnica Halve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For eruptions, eo-zema, Utter, salt rheum, tores and all blood disorders Eleotrlo Bitters bos no rival on earth. Try tbem.

VV De- Lano will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 60 cents. Pare Home Made Brandy. For liver, kidney or stomach trou bles, oolds, lagrlppe or biliousness Ibere Is nothing better than Frauds' pure brandies. All orders promptly filled with prune, apple or pear brandy at 76 oeiita per quart, or (2.60 per gallon.

Orders by stage nr express will be se- ouieiy Dnzeu. Mails ana sola loj consumers oulv. I Francis, FIMh and Blnlr street, Kugene, Or Cemetery Mason Work. Bee Lombard the stonemason for tbe setting of cemetery work. All worn guaranteed.

He Is making a specialty of oenient work, Bioyci.b Lamp Given Away Chambers has sold over 90 bicycle this season. To the person who buys the 100th wheel he will present a $2.60 solar bicycle lamp. Stray to my place near Crsswell, May 8, one Irish Setter bitch. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. Moras, Creewell, Ore.

Ml Marry. Almost everybody remembers the cele brnted advice of th Loudon VM "To those alout to marry. Dont, There It in I hut advice the ezpreMlon of the feeling of many a mother who aays, nI nope my daughter will never marry and suffer aa I hava.1 In ninety -eight Cateft in every hundred there', no need for thii suf-feriiiR. Doctoi Pierce'a Favorite Preacaiptiou cures the womanly diseases which CAMS? wifely ndnsry. It dries enfeebling drains, heals ln-rUuinintlon and ulct ration and cures female wenktiesa.

It in Tigtirntas the womanly organism, tranquiTitet the nerves and gives the mother strength to give her cltildrvn. To not allow an unscrupulous dealer to anil you something In placewif "favorite rresoriptiun," claimed to be "just hs gtod There is nothing just as good for women as l'avoriie Inscription. "i plfMed roiir inntruttlont, 1 fciml tmirm. nTuv nnw wnm Mian! sMv oJ for TvMtt for il HtWa-WttlH Mr Ml 10 PrYnatt. of ft ThtttiiR Oa.

Yrw Mti pub ILK m. frw emnn in thf world, hmWui all ifV.nnt men will kto u.t bt htMlM. 1 wuHit ib with at rat rsalna in mv Matenn wtntt muv lowar Petri of mi lluinsrh nl iMli.liaii. the that tlm 1 e.UM hrtl1v Itt doww n. rtntltt har.lly gri Hp tn th mornlna Int.

an err ua.ii; thie of Pavmit FrffHiw tt.ttt'anltrOTUlaor lr. Fierc' l'ltant vA-let, 1 tiki utw fAutBan." Tierce's Pleasant PslleU cure sick he.idacha. Many Applications for Deputy- ships Quota Already Filled. Portland Telegram, Hay 8. Judging from tbe number of appli cations pouring Into the olfloe of Uame Warken Qtilmby fur appointment deputy, tbere must be an impression abroad in tbe state that the game warden has unlimited funds at bis dis posal for the enforcement of tbe game laws.

These applications come from every section of tbe state, many of the applicants being strongly Indorsed by state oflloers and members of the legislature. While the game warden does not doubt that many of the applicants are worthy, for tbe benefit of tbe large number that he will be unable to ao- oommodate be desires to oall attention to the law; whioh permits him to appoint but six special deputies In tbe state. The compensation or these deputies is limited to $260 each. Tbe total amount appropriated for deputy hire is but (2600 a year, and tbe game warden oaa never have more than six deputies in the field at onoe. He has already appointed this number, and until a' me of their commissions are revoked be will not be able to appoint more, no matter bow highly the ap plicants may be indorsed or bow strong the pressure may be to give tbem places.

Notice to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No 4, Eu gene, Oregon, from tills date until 3 m. Friday, May 24th, 1901, for the ereotlon and completion of an 8-room sobool building, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Charles Burggraf, arobiteot, Albany, Ore gon. All bids must be acoompanied by a Certified check, payable to said sohool district No 4, In tbe sum of (200 as a guarantee that in the eveut the con tract Is awarded the contractor will furnish an approved bond to the full amount of the contract price, within 10 days after tbe awarding of tbe contract. Tbe said plans and specifications are on rile at tbe First National Bank in Eugene, Oregon.

All bids must be made out upon blank proposals for tbe same, whioh will be furnished by Geo Oraw, olerk of said sohool distrlot, or by said architect. The S'ld board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated Eugene, Oregon, May 8, 1901. 8 Eakin, Chairman of the Board of School Directors aforesaid. Attest, Geo Craw, Clerk.

CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the EUgnature No Cure Pay. That the way all drufrpltts nell Groves TMteleM Cbill Tonic for Chills, Malaria and Hilliouannss. It a a pleasant to tako as Lemon yrup. 50 oent OASTOB.IA.

Bbsti the hfl Kind You Have Always Bought To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- ets. All drugKlsts rerund tbe money It fal.s to cure. E. W. drove's slgua-ura Is on eaoh box.

25o. Lost. On the county roar between Walker and Uoshen a SS-oallber Hmlth Wesson revolver. No 604,964. The finder will be paid a reward of $3 If left at tbe Guabd office.

Hoitsa foh Balk. A 1,300 pound horse, perfectly gentle to work single or double. Apply comer Seventh and Washington streets for terms. Crescent bicycles bavestood the test. Get one and you are sure of a good thing.

Chambers, Another carload of Racine buggies and carriages Just received; the good regular buggy and several new and noebyjobs. Bee them at JU Chambers, COLDS The quickest relief, for a cold, is by Scott's emulsion of ccd-livcr oil. We all have colds you caa try it and see. You will find the cJge, taken off in a night: and, in three or four days, you'll be wondering whether that cold amounted to anything anyhow. That's relief.

If you tackle it quick, the relief is quick and complete, if you wait till the cold is in full possession of head and lung, why, of course, the relief is quick if it comes in a week. A lit emulsion won't clear and re your whole brcath-in 'Machine in a minute; don't 'o poking for miracles. jvaliVa. ern raw Go depot Saturday evening at six o'olouk, Bays the Helena, Record. The train war heavy and hud a "pusher" behind.

As the head engine slowed down prematurely, the car, whioh was iell on inital.ment and fee lliea Works, ene, regon. Tnwn. Mining Center summer nome wnn an mo w'n- the great lilne tuver M.u.uB This is ODly a start 'TIS EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW; and where to uecure high win en and liquora, to get the best and purest at low prices. You can always find the very choicest vin tagett in cl arete, Burgundies, It hine wines, champagnes, ami everT-Jj thiuK in the best table wines, with tlie best bonnet and finest flavors, as well as choice old whiskies, ale, porter and beer at, W. M.

RENSHAWS Eugene. Oregon. harmless, sure to accomplish ldn Of ht. h.ttMn. thu.l Akohu, Uevelaad, OHIO.

s2Z5Z- Linn Drug Co SUMMONS. In the Circnit Conn of Ihe Slate of Oregon for tbe County of Lane. Elzabeth Topbam, Plaintiff. George Topham) Delendiut. To George lopham, ihe abo.e named defendant: IN Tills NAME OF THE BTATE OF uregon: Hon are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer to the plaintiff's complaint Sled in the above entitled Court and suit against you, within six weeks from Wednesday, the 8th day of May, 1001.

towit: Monday, the 24th day of June, 1001, and if yon fail to bo appear and answer lor want thereof the plainliff win Bi.pir to ine uonrt tor tne relief prayed for in ber said complaint, to it: For the dissolution of the marriagn wn-tract between plaintiO and defendant and for full relief bereiu: The date of Ihe first public ition of this summons is May the th. iDOI, This snm-mons is publinhed by order of Hon Kincaid, County Judge of Lane Connty Oiegon, made and enured on the 8lh day of May, 1001. Dated May, Ihe 9th, lOOi. Bilted. Atly for Plaintiff.

Notice to Creditors. Estate of Jsnies n. Tucker, deceased: Notice is hereby eiven to whom it may concern that the Ci Kn- neily, has been by ibe ccunly court of Lane w.iuy. uregon, nuiyi sppolnted of the r.late of Ji.mes, and all persons having claims ef ainst eitate are horeby notified and required to present the same with the proper vouchers to sa'd adniiulstra rix at ihe law office of Thompson 4 Hardy in tngene, l.ane comity, Oregon, within six mm ths (rom the dale of this notice. I' si Eugene, Oregon, this Itth day of i iiril, IDt l.

Eliza Kknnfdt, Adminniralrii of the e.tate ol James Tnrker, Thomwou 4 llmT, Attorneys tor estate. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly utsiKCU KUSULia, urcatest known jemaie remeay. Bewnro nf eonntorrilrR and Imitations. Tb. spnnlno Is nnt no onlr In Tar.

CAUTION behind it, mounted the ran and ouabed out into the open. singular part of it was thai oar left the track. Tin train, propelled by thf i 'ho rear, moved on. Il the head engine. Thf atio oou piers had not been damaged and the train coupled ItBelf, being to all intents and pur poses oomplete, exoept for tbe air, when brought to a standstill.

A TRUST ATTORNEY-GENERAL Uommonor, The appointment of an attorney-general not only reoomtuended but selected by the trusts makes the administration a Bilent partner in ye trusts. The vioe of oooainlsm is spread ing alarmingly as the drug Is be coming cheaper. A one ounce paokage, whioh loss than five years ago ooBt about $0, can now be purohsBed for 75 cents. One result of this cheapening is that tbe co caine habit is becoming oommon among tramps and paupers as well as business and professional men In Mew Orleans and other parts of the South and West the drug is freely bought In five-oent packages Qreat Britain did not get tbe Transvaal and Orange rFee State without a terrible cost of life. The total casualties of the Boer war among the British forces up to Maroh 31st were 47,037.

Tbe killed, wounded and missing numbered 1093 officers and 27,952 noncommissioned oflloers and men. In addition the official reports show that 711 officers and 16.031 non-oommiBsioned officers and or en died of wounds or disease. daud tor Utrcular to WILLlAJla MFU. Sole tn with f.r-.lmiU on ForlSale bv Executor's Sale of Real Estate. In Ihe matter of the estate ol Nathan Coleman, decaped.

JSotioe is hereby given that by Tirtne of an ordor of the oouuty court of Lane eoantT, Oregon, made on the day of March liv, anthorizing and rectlDg the exeonlor of said estate to sell the rea! prop erty belonging to said estate at private sale, vhich order is duly entered in Probate Journal uumber fi seven on page b83 of the records of said Ltane county on the 30th day of March, 1001. Now therefore by vlrtne, of order, I will oiler ior sale on the 4th day of May, 1001, at residence in Siuslaw valley at 11 o'clock on said day or any time thereafter, all the real properly boiongiDg to the estate of Natben t'olomnn, deceased, at private sale, de- BOUUCU BB lOllOWH: The Don Land claim of David Coleman, No 42, Notf 331, being a part of sections 24 and 25 Ip IS) 6 containing 109.13 acres. 1'rnoiion of seo 23 Ip 10 6 being the of yt of and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, aid 6 acres. A Manning's land, of seo 22, ol neo 26 and of sec I iu tp 6 lou acres, yt seo 14 ip 10 5 40 ere. eoulaining in all 6I7.G"'acre.

Terms of Bale ons-h all cash and one-half one year. IlraiiT Coi.f.m xx, i Oio It Doaa-s, Executor. Att'j for Estate, NOTICE TO CEEDITOKH. Notice Is hereby given that ili Barger has been duly appointed mculor of the e.tate ol William Mcl'htasup, deceaBi, by Ihe County Conn ol Line t'ounlv, Si.le of Uregnn. Allperac iiwho hawrlaim.

against f.Ute are brril.y iiolitlr.l to preient the rums to Ihe execulor at ihe law oftice of Geo. at Eug. ne Citv, trt-gon, wuhin six nu nih. from the date of tin. notice, with Ihe iiccssarv voucher.

Dalcu thisSlh day of May, hull. Eu'li. lliaota, Cro. B. Doners Lxecnior.

Attorney for the estate. The ownors of the Olive street table owe it to themselves and the oommunity to lose no time in sewer- fug and oleanlng up the manure from their property. Not a day should be lost. It is a veritable pesthole, right against the business portion of the town. The warm weather Is here, and no delay should be tolerated.

There are nn- f.ilfllled. promises left over from last year about this dangerous sulsanoo. -u Nkw York. trri- AI I.

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