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Williamsport Sun-Gazette from Williamsport, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AND WKBT WOmt. PA. It, 1871; Northern Lock 1 7:40 Erie way Lock Elmira Way a Uy Ca'av 1 0:15 a. 6:16 fclfi hr Moll 8:00 ATS.J) OOUNTBT; JuDiciotis advertifJng always pays. Tafc bncJi wTwat cropfa Lycoralng cnun- ty to i pood, JT 99 fr0111 Williamoporl- to Tama'qipr; rta railroad.

Li rii.EErogby says, that Mr. Kelly the Fenian candidate for Sheriff. Oliver 4-he-agriculUirol nddrms. at the gunbun fair. THE Dei dd- ia the name of a new paper published at Oil City.

It will hois iWy, "A regular meeting of the City in chamber lait evening, the (blowing members being present: OoHoo, Oorcerao, Levan, Little. Reading, Bnyder, Trainer, UJihan, VRTI BuatjrS, Vollmer, White. Mr. on motion, appoiuted 'resident pro tern. The minutes of the-laat meeliag were read and approted.

Mr." White a petition for the ejection of a lamp post on the corner ot High and Centre Referred to Hie QRH and Water Committee. Mr 'Van JUuskirk preseuted cyuimuaica- tio'ns from the Independent Fife Company and Fire Dcrmweioa to sit i county Fair, to be held at Siiuburj, on (be 28th inst. Jir. White moved that the communications be referred to, the Fire Committee, and they ose t.heir own discretion in regard lo permittiDg these companies to leave the city. Agieed U5.

Mr. Van also presented a com- nlttDication-''rom the agent of the Dlapp and Jones Manufacturing of Hudson, N. in tegard to IWaishing ihe city with a first class 3d size steans fire eeginer Placed on file. Mr. Vollmer presented a statement of the dnmoges awarded by the widening of Penn and Henry streets.

Eefcrrcd to the nnrioe Committee. 3 Mr. Whtte-olfered two resolutions in re lation to the Board of Health, which were read and placed on tile. "Mr. Corcoran moved to snspewl tho-rulcs The Ownty Fair re-opened to-day, an was decided, when it adjourned on Friday The greater ul the articles OB exhibition have been Jjrought back, and display-in the Hume and Floral de purtiuents is better than it wiw last week.

To-day racing, awarding of preuiluins, was to take place. To-morrow (Wednesday) will be a lively day. At o'clock a. a double team race will take place for a premium of Private match carriage horaes, that never trotted for a premium, will be allowed to compete in thra raee: At 1 o'clock p. m.

the potato race will take place. A premium of $5 is offered. Thnrn iH probaMy bfVfronj three tL ootnpetitors and the race will afford a vast amount of amusement. At 2J p. ro.

a lumberman's trottitig race will come oil'. Private single driving horses can be h.ave not trotted for ISUNBOBY bed-bngs said to be large as smali turtles and as ravenous a wild beasts of the canuio.rpnu order. Jt Mr. A R. SPROUT, of Picture appointed to represent the Munc Valley Farmers' Clubatthej3cran.ton Stat ME, ruSTON, orthe Kisy stone" Boot an Shoo Store, just retnf'ipf" with fl new stock of Buft's celebrated boots and J'KOT.

singing class met last evening' an3 made arrangements to continue meetings" on Monday evenings each, week. oAU.Uuy lok't Eliaira had an clop o- Mary 'Elizabeth, wife of John BrowB, absconded with another man. The parties are colored. THI. KiuiPiIolor of- tbevi'y- Jii usual, is prepared for the demands of the trade, having just received a fine supply of lioslon fxrd Broadway hula.

OKE day week a young Eoglishma'h named George-Jewell, wns killed by ieiog thrown from an ore car. which WAS over- a short' drst-anr-c. Ihe WkttsonUrwn Rtrord is informed that there are 000 of and flfjue in and about 300 cases, iu We hfard it siu that a Milton physician visited SiO. patients that place on Sunday.liwt, MBNB' LYCEUM. This society- i moot, rrurguint to adjournment, in the rooms ot the C.

this (Tuesday) evening-at The members will please bear it in mind and be on hand. he meolrngs during 'tlift winter should be well attended. man a newspaper wan in town on Saturday, lie brought in half a dozen hickoiy. brooms and traded for whisky- UTijjTinswSint for old hhot guu. He was surprised when clerk" told him that the county fair qpcncd on Wednesday t.

DEATH or MBS. FISSBY. We learn from the Attica Ledger, Fountain county Indiaim, that Mrs. t'mney, wife of Samuel Finney, BO badly injured by the'cars at UrawfordaviUe, that she- died from her injuries a few days afterwards. Mrs.

Fjfl- had fricnda and relnlirrn IB who n-jll'bc pained to bear of her death. (o thn motion ig regard to permitting the Frie Companies to visit Sunbury on the 28th inst. Agreed to. Mr. Corcoran also moved tn reconsider the motion in regard to permitting the Fire Commktoc to.

USB their in regard to leaving Companies visit Sunbury. Agreed to. "Mr. White then moved lo refer the whole matter to tlie Fire Committee. Agreed tu.

Mr. Van JB'isEirk, Chairman of, the Firs- Committee presenteu lepprts Jin the following bills: George Blate -Son, John Van Vorce, and The reports were accepted-and placed on file, a in to tho West street Engine House. Mr. Le.vau, chairman '-jul the Highway Committee, presented, a report from City in regnrr! in fcpnnnt repair Hughes street; accepted and placed 6u file. --The a report of lures rhe'city from May 16, to Sept.

18, auioilitOug tii.59jj.7G 01 accepted on hie. Mr, Ulman supplement to an entitled creatn'g. the office of superintendent water plugs Knd Mr. White called up Highway Committee, in lehition lo the amount" awarded to the winner. The- content for this prize will be spirited.

At 4 p. m. a grand foot race i off. Half mjle heats, beat twojn three. PretSiuiri S5.

Open to all competitors. With the display made, and the attractions offered, for to-morrow, a fine entertainment is expected anil the attendatrce -i MfsrBRY. 1 rustk path was treading, when the s.un his rays was shedding--beaming, gleaming, fairly stream- jng through the trees -and I watched the pair propriatton tllat uu madfl to ropnir BRIO street, the btrect jsioner hp flirprlwl tn do ih work immediately the Hame to be done under the su- pelviMoii of a i and City Surveyor. Agreed to. Mr.

Wiite a1s.o"caJIei3 up the report and petition ifl regard to repairs on 1-rauklin street, and moyed that uu.approprlfiiivtiiif $1000 bo mndc to do the necessary wort. Mr. Trainer ni vpd in impad by mating HKABU 1-BOM AcUIis Our Wmmi ug riculttjral friend hatf henrd froiu ngiin nfiT a i silence of nearly a wpd- In liU SjtUinljiy'x paper he gravely ayT. 1.. .1 il In iVy 1 ule to make an angur hole i a i i pcfttWl failures Uuve convinced Wv mow i Jical, THE CONCERTS The illusliated vouccrt in Elliot's Academy of Mosii.

on (Saturday evening last, for the benefit of'Lycoming LoJmr.No. 112, .1. 0. O. passed off informed, was quite lurpe, --nnd everbody seemtd delighted.

I'rof. V. i 7 handsomely. A ball i be given on day evening, SepL 21.1R71, by the Stopper City CJornftl Band, ill ttiCLicilfrkr This band is newly organized and cd entirely of young of dty, under the leadership of that old veteran of nrusic, Mrr TSiWt wl'cbiH much in organijiog and 'leading A time a be paU-d. PnOl'.

SaHOEMAKEE'h KE.iBlJJOS----'It not be forgotten that I'rof. Shoe maker, of Philadelphia, the gieat elocu- timiial, assisted by his wife, will read in nimfs A-ademr i TucsdtfJ- evening, 26th. A treat may be expected as tlie parties proHcients IB the art. A number" of very floe pieces will ho selected for the ocnwion.

The orchestra of Trof. will lx and, uid in i i vhe exercises. Ci'Kiors STORY ABOLI AN UMUG.EU.A. A few ago found Tmfe in his atorc, tvhklj had been mislaid by the owner, and notwithstanding he bus made diligent in- i of a large number of no nwn. be found, which is Ue has now concluded to trade ii ilra.v about town bearing the name of A- and out no miolirira, Such the story of the Captain umbrella.

Mr. Colton moved to futltitr a making it fSod, which was -agreed to. number Of biilh Lavlsg been a proved by Fire 0 by council. Mr. Corcoran moved tbat the FiTB'Hn-' mitteebe discharged from the (jirthcr.Von- sid.eratiott of the communicfttiunn ofM-lx- Fire Companies in to i a i InsL nut agreecTio.

On motioti council, ndjournedr -DhStiuct A i.i'ORSKY. The Clinton AV- loat 1M the complimentary a dates in this county Sainuti K. formerly nl I i placu ndw practising In I i hiiHln'ra notiifnatcd- hy Mir routltv for I rttllef rf Attornoy. TH? mp-nrtu nr Mr i i i rniuttr county this a i wlfff'it perMouol Inter- rst, ujul will rrmly tLo of vonns vlFTi rM-Hriv When surh turn as Mr. Knrsf are up for ptiMlc offloc we lutKl not dtNpjilr rf Hebrew We find! my friends, the to thh p.on«id«rnt'on ij, Paalms, chapter 39, 5, which reada: "Oh JorU! let mo observe my end.

the measure of my ilnyg. how smull is. a iuowletlge my mortalliy." Ob Lord! let us observe our'end! we also call out like the rWuiUt, turning; a premium. qwn horse. Every' gentleman to drive his A medal is to be "l'' ri entranced I there was listening to the melting, merry music on the breeze, when beneath a tree reclining, where no ray of sun was shining, IB! I sjiw- on.

the ground 1 'Jhmigli BO ottt'et 1 soon his eyes uplifted upward lifted as he wildly looked around. "Good said approachiDg me with encroaching are you waiting fof some uifiaseufcfci of nenn?" But-nfr other Word he uttered, and no other Sentence rnutteied, save thete'a none like Hurt's boots and shoes!" "Thatjs a strange expression, wiH said looking'dowii demurely. "'1 trust, goud elr, that yvu -the cuee." Butho-ooly -lookejl Iho as he spoke the words the louder. "There's liTy4 io shoes." "Why, bless me, man shouted, as his sanity I-doubted. "'Tis surely nought to me what people's goods you "se IHU he only fT'lffritrn tijghp.r, with enthusiastic fire, "You'll save your caxli by wwiring Burt'a boots and shoes." I lofi him there, whe" ray of -nun was shining, and I wonder at the tbo -nmn' did thinking surely 'lifas a mystery, and "tbat some hidden history was weaving rorr uiyael-f and Dun's booU and sliueo.

f3u Uieu to Bti'y them, nay, 1 Toll com- Dcllcd to I'vf .1 for gladness words I de'etflell' ness induced me purchase "Burl's matchless boots and Ot died at herTte donee in tewrwilnp-. about six miles north WiHiamsport, on Friday Jrcrrt. 15, nt the advanced ago of yew, 1 months and 11 days. -Mrs. Beed was quite a remarkablp oid Jady and had intercsb ing history.

She was born at Creek, Berks routity, May An interesting blogmp'hiuiJ dkttcli of this venerable Ihdy appeared -In ibe d-aitv UAzEi lis A A i 2, She cme to Lyroming county i lier.lnisbanj enrly in the present century and wait-left a owlri 1-vJo. Sincp tliat tmre m.ide her WAV against all obstacles rraruiln bc was peculiiw-in ler old and in livrag alone. Hliu WijulU hve witb any of her cbildrm or-permit iny one tii liv witli her fbr tlie purpose of taking care oi -Her children showed her every attention Nvhich she would allow them to She grow somewhat feeble toward the last uud gradually away i i i "cnnif. Her fdueral took place on im.T A i On nrtictiR ol- rr't (U tlie when Jionesty, and Inror- Bonlld villhuiK wlin maWi'jf (raitv (71 iioHlV-ji i i i iilWps ha.L I should fill. nv A MLI.E".

tOtt Snntfoy i'abi, a boy 12 jturn old, n.nvl JUiIl of John King, of No. 44 Mulberry Su, Williamtijjort, ratifoIn hU death from the kick of a mule. Theboy''ncconipanied bis father; who rum a boat on tlie canal, and wna i i the mules- IVhen near Ms- hohtongo, OHC'of U.c mulen kicked him violently, in the left side, frr.m the of which he died in threx; quarters of an hfntr. body waa brouglit home Monday and buried from tho of his parents, cm Hulbcnv this at ijVeinplf HP a bright, lad, and his is a severe- sflhclimi Io1i" 4'earjjld son cf damucl i i accident licit UK- Matiun company with a number of other C- he was bv some means caught and severely i i received icjj a our eyes upoo the which is all gone rota "us, and united with the great stream of time, we are so to say, forced to ask the question: "What hast thou, oh so rapidly year, to te'tl us in pa before thou art gone into eternity my beloved, with thu question we ai ar reminded of past events the joyful and and ffie Anget ol the pwtt, Cufinng to the greyheaded, opens, queadoning, hia Thou, man the gray head, who ha.n -o-often, 'stood before The open grave, in whose ear basso oftTM sounded the whispering sound of death, yet alive, and in the midst of thy children. Children's childreu surround "you and would lite to you young again.

Thou hast grown but He, wlidse" yeare'ar? has car- He ban riedyou, Hehia leW up, He ban brought you to this day'! But called pan him and prayed? not, Oh Lwdi throw in my old age; oh leave me not when my streugth ia puling itwaj io not prayed these holy word? Do it 'yet I f-hiXTClAlr do, -do it Throw thyself iU wwuing voice: Will yonr never witisfied until their cavities are filled wl'-h --will -your hv 1 wishing until it 1 has panned md with thi Neff Yesr you are a considerable step nearci to the gravel Down, down, yon high and ptoud onos. down on your kneci ihroneof the Almighty 1 (wide your contjyorninients, for you not ot bribe Htm I 'DOwfrKd-f ra down 1 upon thy trembling knees and pray and we whose years are yet fewer than tMhe, will pray with luce with submission and devotion. "ik -aie aside, oh Lord, in my old age Oh, leave me not when my strength ia passing aw.ay And to-yon, my'beloved, who are yet in the bloom of youth TMd in-the fullness -of angel of the past turneth also, questioning: "flow much has the Lord done for you in the past year How many happy hours, weeks and months have you passed in the rise so dear to you? Ilurf uiufili pifeasure 'WMi ui-t'-uoOtu to yon oh father and mother, by your by means of figures, iheif the progress of their mind, the.enobltmentDf th-eir hearts-! And how the Lord been to you, by allowing your business to prosper, by blessing the work.of.your hands, causing you to harvest much where you have sown out lit- t'e; "Birl-tiiire you not, contrary to all your expectations, often Tiarvested in Joy what you have sown in tears? ttleu acknowledged, loved and worshipped aim, t.he giver of os have you considered alt due to'your own judmiieul, sagacity, and have jou with a proud bearr spoken:" "My power, my judgment', my own smartness has done all these forme." -Who the Lord, w-ho. the whom we should serve-? "Have yon allow- eri these Impertinent words, to over Mi Rhown by yonr action thut nut any high pr rower, ftnv sunnrim' mmlc iiT IliH fn)t of man i or naverytra -wMh-rfSDlinirt iJavid Fioui, oh Lord, receive and from thy baud we'return it tbjiee Oli hpeitk.J(k"o...i'»», tiiis holy houf and bring the Lord a pure thayksoflering offer it on tlie altar of your, "n-sart, wnTiTi yoil gn fuith fiuui here ift- tntfi- WQild liul according lu tlitse plea And yotk cuildren oj (he Otn'e-, upon' whose not feel as yet.the burdens of a-re actually beaet with pleasures from all for' whom all their, pathwaya seem with flowers, have you enjoyed tE i the past year rationallyT you liffn a over your heart, in or i to discover the serpents which have i-it bidden in the flowers and endeavored to poison yuu Have you courageously Lord, let me observe the "fay days, that I may Voow how mprthl I 'am 1" With all my wishes and treasures, jrjth all my-plans and projects, let me tftke to heart that -man's life is 4ite. -gqisc; it Wossoms like the flowers in the field'; the first breath of air it gone, and its place knowetfi it nq more.

Therefore let me count rny days, that I may do good. Oh, my friends, let observe how amall the of our dava is, how mortal we are! Hear it "gain, thou man with the gray head, what the new yen'' says to you. Who knows b.tiLif may be year your life upon "which eiiler to day? Who knows if not this first'day of (he year be your last new year's day? Whether you will, united with to God on the next new year's day to cOtfe, or if you are not 1y that time ia the higher Temple, where all speake of.n^stui staiidmg beside the Alm.ig.hly, you look upon us, faultless and sinless Only Jays, hours, only you may have-to live, do spend them-idle; do mil-post pone what you may be able to do yfct. Age brings prudence. Long yeara have taught their lessons.

Perhaps you can mate yourself useful to one or another with your experience; perhaps you can teach them regarding the high value of life, garding its paina and wounds, its joys and LopMttnd 1 0 proapBCts, and its I SKNSATIONAL BY JAMKS HOBINSON'S 4-1 i' -AND A I SHOW! its expectations an ny changes. You may be enabled to show a good ex- apjpleTo your children and gfandr children, or to keep them fronvtaking a Wrong step. Your gray hair is more apt an impression than trembling voice. May be you arelyet able to make good, vour vounfrerdays. ou may-Tie able lo dry twirg, which you aye caused, heal wounds which yon-have made, or lift up brothers and misters whom ou have pushed down But make hasia, nd ttmeriiber how small the measure of our days, bow mortal you are.

You, too, my sister, if your fortune nnd. im been in things whii-h are tempora- like yourself like the flowers which or- nmentB you and vfhicU the breath taybldw awijl turn" off from -tCe i yuJ nich leads to ruin aud begia the year itb a-new spirit with a solid mind and "pure hear' BemerobeT, thou ait mortali! and thon appy one, step with into the new an will preserve it as ong asIt.Ts ibr you. And thou nappy one, enter the uew year confidently; TM is awake and wll bange thy situation- as soon ml Jl is tuui- atihTe rvilh yoA'A. rn(l1 welfare' oor and th a good "hope; for the, Ktornni i ho he open lot vuu, iow, He you nd your children with His iacewbich is without end. AH of you who may yet weep for a dtui bjecHJe eSrtsokJr and cuter (HH nPW ye.arj.

"ternal God has made eternity our aim your loved uues have only pjue "before OU they arc not losi We will belcd Up- a highpr'stp'p our Sim is eternity our lace ol action ia eternity. There a ear's morning awaits us, which' fulfllleth 11 our desires tberfe we all will be united joy, never to part again. Years rob us much, make a play thins of our riefs and wishes but let them tu-ke what there remains to- us love atKi Thr of tin- lillil both W.UTP port. Mm Thf side traelcs In i r'lty aro to VM- arid he nol co A man nftmed i i jloved aa a bolter on the sdiingle roill.uf'A. A.

theTMiUtrof l.vrom- ipet i a i accident on VUilu.1., I I i WAS i i the boUinp; wvw ntid in tcrnbjc munticr, tlif i i of it being i Mil anil the bones ertwhed badly. It that one of his a to lie tim- eil, a tic may nrVver rrrover ihe of the band. Tit WHS only ajew days aco that the Htir rUrinrg tbe side tracks" were being lajj ia that city, and are informed that tho plucky little-Csfawissa" is a i "side tracks" in SoraplCT. goi-d work will i in other riu', for nind in (h( country is more ol KnU, proiptrity of fur i i i At a meeting of Club, of the fair announced yesterday on the nit- litd. Tbe unfinished business oT Fair will, i lie uD Ffid ihe daj- of September, 1871, at which ilidv ilic wiil made, irtd nude at tbe Secrc uirv's The unfinished "bustne.i* Competition in Hind i nn nnd lh6 trial of ttft of hocses in the Aiinni i i I I I '1-hird day, r.

M. T.IH: plication being made to the county fair other- day. HOME TALKS. 1. 0h Saturday u.

it, ILo i a i give an exhibition at Elliot's Acadomy of Music. Tbcj have nuuje of the talent the country, and on that- occasion one ol their number Mr. Lew Brimmer bsnjoiat who gained great ill ihS 1 natls tion calculated to benefit by Uying it before the public, were i that thcv i lo "accommodate us if thoy "haf lime." they were greatly mis- lKen we were trying them by publishinp; inforiTiation for Thfir benefit, a lijifttAkcu idui ab.jul mxum-aitHlfttLup the prwo. IN.H RF.n Wp-rcgrcT to learn that Deputy Sheriff, H. H.

Blair, wait thrown "-from his near Muncy; on Saturday night last, by which two of his ribs were broken. He is still at Muncy where he was taken after the accident. Broadway, N. and a'- Simmons Bolo- cum's Opera Philadelphia Al me ulfn'. fnr i-nfflrTRining fh'Hr They should have a ralf boose.

ST. OH K-R'S COMMiNDhJiV ed through the city nrferning tjieir to .116 stranc. A baffd, numbering Id pieces, accompanied them. They looked Well and Ml well. arbitration took pbice O.P Fwirth street re- cenUj two.

during lubufii 17uo fsf thff paitie'i bin," day from, the effects of Hi, a Tiiiir.iBi.E FAI.V A A Ks On Sunday Ixst a child rf Joseph Oar i fell into a drv well, S' feet at the residence -of Dinehart near the Boo'tiT hfad Itf temporarily off the well and the child hap pened to git near tlit" opcuiiig aiitntioii itti Lj ti screams and the unfortunate chiM wan tricated. sis (jtiickly as poxsible and medici oned, nil summoned, was f'Cund to tained a. severe injuiy to and scv eral pieces of bone were taken out of hflar! nn Xhe suiferinks of th body were pxtifi'dy severe, but this tv i i ia mftrA 5 By referring i a Coinmn it.ffill bo that Abner Sallade, an resident of SaFaiJrab died in that the 18th inst. had been a greiiT' sufferer JOT a past but bore witti e'rbrBent cnris flan resign iition, and passed away with of triumpK nn his cctij Uavtta a wife und foiu bQ'b'reu lo 'uiuuirj. his Mr.

8., WM a younger brother Col. Sallade of mis city. ru.i. Stepped on their --heudu -'witUout wounding And have you conducted M-TM iC a JvJlO love (pu Better than theimelres you caused joy or sorrow to their hearts Have joii Lc.iUJ in Auiiudtd tic Have yon and sok'ninly thought'that they, arc 'aid. support to you, a railed'tu leave you lit any time, and wouTJ be the sorer for you if days of thflr uhorl life They arc ulivc, ia yrt iu diUUt yf A yo'i have 'mi lime In sweeten their lives, and to tEunk Uie J.oM U'ai the dom-sl a i i the past year, the Angel tufneth a-'soit voice, i tinlcutjUia(jiiig.

how fliauv nave i the'most-beautiful prospects, in Itreu- ihe favorites ol tortund how many, ai beginning of the year, haw laid us "how they i their reastires, how wou-Ul incneasfthei hrtw thrv wouM nd they would enlarge i a have their have decreased', their business has imLuinhed, their joys have fluw.n, their ouse has been made (ire Ara there, perhaps, such also our few-tows; do you know of yo'nr midst mj 1 i i dry their tears ''an dry those tears? -Oh, do it with H-your miglit. for how many are there do your very best, you c-annn Who can "dry'the tears of the fathe ihe mother, whom, in the past year toru a dafling child from their heirts Who can console a son or a daughter wh' have lost "i ears rob of much, they often iii.vke.a y.l».vtbi"g ou-t-c our Briefs a'nd desires' Yet, them tak whatever tliey rany. ihere always remain a in in immortal future! Lord, let me observe my-erfd, the measur of my liow small i( is, that I ma, tTtiow hmv mortal I am!" Thus, let us pray nt the threshhold of th let us our eye lowards th new year which we have just Begun. "TUitU knaw how mortM I pTM L)o we 'Uuders'-arid sense thi prayer correctly, my i Is it neces sary to tt-ach us that we aro mortal Doe nfit pverrllmij; remind ed Ihe which and gOBo, the dstir ones which wo miss we look i-n rain, wound which we UU bvftr upon us and whic' bleed anew dui'U not all this remind ns our of ota morality itxducs. But ixhcii l-hc nrtions of most men, does- It not seem ii itiej did iidl niow'lllat they tal One heaps upon at time looks jealously towards Ha neighbor, as if would i to see every one else in eiiTe.

He, and he aldne, "6Vfei'y tt LUHIJ- uiy B.evcr "Oh let me the ofnvy hoi' 11Ja rot ujv lK That 't tal prayed it, but the ne ypar shall to-day it. tO hi" mind. or A A roNi: EDEBA.Tl6N OF Equestrians, Athletes and Gymnasts! a first-class Circus, led Tbo MASTER HORSEMAN of the World, and "FRANJK The Ceicbrated Pail Elder. --A Everyday l-y r.irlslan Aeronaut, MOSS. PAUL IB hi' nmmmoyi n'r-smp i-u lAI'ls, A1U tude, IW feet: diameter, 4'l fi-el J'he-procpss ol wTllioui extra cnnrgr.

Will cxlilbtt at Wllliimspor.t. ou Wednesday, 20th. TVTOTICE. hereby to JJll Ladles of to the Messrs, "fetriok No ZftWest Third street, WlUlo-msport, Pa. agents In Uilsul-ty, JOT the- "MAUQUISE," and -one to si? button, Kli tif 11-iIIiM Manufacturers OlorML bL BOND, Hoase and Sign faratei I'nccr HnnKOi.

and Interior uecoraui KaiRomminB. etc. All ordeii itri'et'jjofw'een'wHlriul uud Campbell stroetB, -Wtllininsport. aplO-ly-i ind Na Fourth street ull gnarikuujeih of fnrrlnges, BwIlclU 1 I OH IN U. WUUU WORK IMC rtlu.i.!i"i! mills.

mouioint Is. All kinds of BHWB repaired coruor of Tlilro iey may, in an eternal aim. -MARRIJKD. A nt tha house of fntlitr. by IU3V.

n. M-ciosuy. WalT-rr -formerlj- of Hnry Lycamlng rntifcty. i HA1.1..XDIC- 1 ou ttii- l-'ih- isk. Aimer ii.

SaJLule. ag'-J montus Ud 2b on Wodiri.N*.l:iv "t-lic Wt Ij, at "V.l^i Wertnefcday.laKl, ut tliu esldencoof Ilr. Wm. M. Rankln, her-brotlffr- n-lnw, Minn KeDecc-B or ate lien I.

Kcnr, of Clinton mnoh aud hlitli-lv cmremod-yoiinn Indy, years, (l and days. Mi A I Oran-clllc, coun- iliu Idlli "I (liurlos i-l Tfte ftimve notice was erroneously published yesUsrdj- t)iv gtvpn'ns ur- ue, the age 41, when It shooia-buv? jnvpn to dAV. rtTV ITKKM: MAU.LE, oud Strceta pin A PLAIN AND GAT.VAN17.Ep 4IT Bratcfi and Irmi Vnl BS itiid (JoElts FltllnE" for ana Kouiih anil Kllibihuil BraRS Work; Oiu.nnrt etc BOIL PIPE AND lialli Tittisnnd Sinks, EniuHWe StandB, Colls of Kctl-Ics and Traps. ill SIZES Successors to MORBI8, TASKEE 00 AS CONTRACTOKftl I lAStsronT, Scpl. i I the LycomlnEPOtinty A I nKurnl Society, hereby certify that Mr.

Ram- lei Van i IH not nor not ft mliCT of the of our So- and also he hart nothing to do, with i holding oar fair this i-mit'he was jucuilM.i UK; of confttrpnee with J. E. to meet ti-am the Mnncy Vjil luy-Fflnu rrs'Clah, which they fulled to appoint, anil i ra'ui iu ric.e was lilwhnrcci! fmthrr. h.ii he jltrf all to rfaf.L i uiiii.H-i/»nw- i rm.n, L. LYOS, .1.

TVnuurw. 3(erfrarjj. E. Kdn'm, John K. Jones, Joseph (jilmorc, "fcl.

It nip Van. I I A '71. I i 4 OT11KK.S-- a lh awierted by Rome persons that 3amu(-l Vun his Influence In the location of tno fata-wlisn on iu prenonl route. Thm location wiw TM iemnH i oivjtcrs and offlciTh of ronrt hfll('Vel iT'to t)0 fof Interest of ttioir anil Mr. Van Bos kirk at all tlmta hvns that ho had friends who favbrwl "DOtn iiiij ho would lAVc no active or intoreit either way.

UK-ret to make any locution iu any Yuu -lueh uoo of (Ms Su ohoaso. KOTpectfully snbmltttxl. i I nnd Enytnctr. ftiEsn Market street. Son, miinff'ctureni of flreond anl us in A(il oor? iron Bbnuars fire proof doorii.

fiefil circular conlnining-'partlenlnrs, address ASen. "feet, Bnc.hesl""-, N. Y. M. for PBOPRRTY nnaf tho cemetery, Is Ivi tftto at ft Thta prvper- ty i wo and one of whola or win be idle For apDl7 at the A C.

Toi I i Stcnm or Hot by the most approved msthcxin, ItebS-ly ESTIMATED FURNISHED OKATfS. OMETHKNO COME' Dt'FO'f AH1) 01 KT. Mannfaclurffrv of BREAD, TAKES, CAMY, hu it -trtoitt be il next to tho Market oa Cour 111 i A i L' ne strenr, wJirrr PVP perinlnlBRto ft A wngon i be lilred to hupply our cnstom prr uttliKKK I i I I i STORE, I STUKET. Opposite CJty Dealers and Second I I GOODS, our in low nod for canh dcvwy ft rf UO Local boa vf fire PDbled to sell al us ares HR any bouwr In tbe city. as we are detojuifnod all of' household good us Cwih paid, frt and wo arc prepared to (five cstimiAes onfl ciToiio mo wh'vio Without tho hlr of an anrlloD.

A line of Rerond bAn low A WAGNER, A RC (HTEC utnte Tu OVe Acnffora'y of Comer Foart nnd aecond floor. Design!) In Arohlteo Name, or Tit HOCSWH OF of who a roforonoe tie wleotlnn ha strictly S-IUHI Of irU vo trouble Wd dA KKtif). cor, -DKNTI8TS. A KT.UB»',S'W. DRUOGIfUB, oor.

FiWirtn 4 ciampbeU stu PIANO COMPANY. West Third street, bet. Weat and Hepburn sU A A IRON, C. OHN w. JOKFJ' A West lrd XJSHW, S'TOVRS.


W.cor.'Four*'" ot DUtJI'fl r. Fourth and Pine. nUon wnponndint A OolOD. Ol Nuw tor afl of.

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