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The Bulletin from Bend, Oregon • Page 3

The Bulletini
Bend, Oregon
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THK BKND BTTT.J.F.TTN, V.T,m, OEEOOTn, TT.T"DAr, TUT 1o, PAGE THREE The NATIONAL peeled lo return to New York Ultv today. HITLER SUMMONS REICHSTAG FRIDAY mans flight to Alaska vnn originally planned as a inimd Ihe world jaunt. Before il gol mixed up vilh air mail Ihe army was figuring on showing those Ilidians what a real FmrI Texan oil field i. UtrArn pre.i-r.tire fa-t and may have to pumping by Ihe end of lm v'-ar Nature in giving likes lift in solving Ihe hot oil iiroblem. Hundreds Offer New Proposal To End Dock Strike (Continued from page one) last iMiniber looks ik( it's Irf lieyed he sdiot mnv Mill go Ihioogh.

'lids flight, woi'l Ihen serve as a warm-u; or tie. big ti I BATTLE RAGES IN GRANCHICO Key Position Believed at Stake Today I'ai'iiKiiaynnx Advancing Through Trendies as Hotivians Hold Fori MHial brain ImiM will examine wnys mid means to slop Ukm revenue frauds. Charlie Mlcheknii in ac-i UKed of wiltliiK all new deal ciun-paigu speeches anil stiiteffieiits -but he can't be Kullty of vrltlng some of them, Church denominations In Washington are combining against tnovh-s. CJeti, Hugh Johnson goes out to deliver IS fipeecliei in 20 dnyrt in the drought eountry, loo. NEW VOKK Hy JamHi McMiillln IINIFIKII.

Chairman f-o T. Crowley's call for a statement of condition from nlate banks which are rnefnler nf KDIC but not of Ihe federal reserve murks a signifi eant milestone on the govemmeix'K and incidentally vhMla-r I CrOWlIcr Now Hpllfl Chairman McKwain of lh hon-i 1 military nffnirn commitlee is i Credit AHSOCiallOP on Almkan nir defences, (- IJnrlhy Crowder was recently JOCKEVIN(. J'foponriiis of a i named neral manager-treasurer of unified air force find encMirnHe- the Naliroal Ifetail Credit ansona-menl in ihe fad I hut Iolh anoy lion at I he national convention of and navy im Maginy Alaska fliv.hls. lhal oigani'jition in Memphis, They ay it proves ihe services nv according Ut information received an air branch coming mid are jock- by l(. K.

In ties, secretary of the eying for the inside potation. "Some- Merchants Credit Bureau of Bend, body would have lo run the show 'Hie national Retail Credit iihw re "basic" and insisted they could not be arbitrated. They charged "company unions" had frozen out regular labor unions by coercion of the workers. They said men could not get work unless they joined company unions, and thai they were discharged if it became known they were members of outside unions. Paul Scharrenlerg, atfed California labor leader, set the keynot" of labor's demands.

He charged shipping companies "insist on th' raw deal instead of the new deal." "This strike can be sell led in 24 hours," he said, "if shipowners recognize the new deal and get away from the raw deal." Representatives of the central labor council were to present finding in their investigation of the strike before the board's hearing today. Employers were to follow. New York, July 10. (IPX A meeting of the executive committee of the Atlantic coast district. International Longshoremen's association, to decide if any sympathetic action should be taken in connection with the Pacific coast strike, probably will be held tonight.

The United Press was informed! that the meeting, scheduled for early this week, waited the return of Joseph P. Ryan, union president, whe is out of the city "resting." Spokesmen were not informed whether Ryan contemplated a trip to Buffalo, N. in connection with the tugmen's strike there. is ex- i Wants Formal Approval of Bloody Saturday Berlin, July 10. (LP) The oll-nazi reichstag was summoned today to meet at 8 p.

m. Friday to give Its formal blessing tn the acts of Adolf Hitler's government in suppressing! iiia jtoemn revolt. Ten minutes afler announcement! of the summons, German newspa-! pers were oniered to make no men 1 tion of it. Il was explained that the meeting had been summoned as announced, but that the time might be altered before Friday. The chancellor himself is expected to oddress the gathering of the nozi legislature, and review the suppression of the storm troop rebellion.

It was certain that whatever the chancellor had to say would be approved unanimously, by cheers and, if desired, by vote. There is no opposition representation. Indications were the cabinet spokesman would confine himself to general terms. Reorganization of the storm troop organization into a compact blindly-loyal force of picked men, were still in the discussion stage today, and seemed likely to remain there until Hitter and his aides had made a thorough study. There was discussion whether the session would be made the occasion for the long promised statement of killings in reprisal for the alleged plot of Ernst Roehm and his fellow troop lenders to overthrow the gov cm men The decree calling the meeting made it plain that the reichstag was expected to do no legislating; that it was convened with but one idea reading of the government's statement.

This Ls the first time the reichstag has met since January 30, anniversary of Hitler's accession to power. The January meeting also was called only to hear and approve a government statement. The meeting, it wsa believed, would be held again in the Kroll opera house. The reichstag building, badly damaged by the incendiary fire of February, 1933, has not been fully repaired. It was expected the government's statement, besides giving full background of the revolt, might review the recent Flensburg congreA of nazi party leaders and.

go into foreign politics. Even, discounting its thick blanket of ice, the Antarctic land is the highest of the world's continents. why not army men?" General MacArthur's proposal for 1,000 plane headquarters fleu is 1 also rated signilicarit in 'Ji dliec- tion. USEFUL. An applicant for one of those Industrial HKC loans re- porls as follows: "They won't take accounts receivable for collateral and they're awfully fuwiy nlKajt in ventoncs.

They re courteous I bey re courteous iitiu all that bul you might as well try lo get money Irom a bank. New Yoik was favorably impressed by the lack of fanfare when the-advisory committee lo pawi on fed-iral reserve loans in this district vas npjxjintcd. The federal rojyrvc made no attempt to land "big names." Comment runs lhal with such a beginning there's a faint chance the committee may turn oul to Ik useful after all. SIDKI.KiHTS. Life insurance sales for the five months of lii'M were 17.5 per cent ahead of a year ago.

Insiders learn that the "MELODY Scene from "Melody in Spring," al I PRESENTING THE WHEATON COLLEGE QUINTET Wednesday, July 11, 8 p. m. BAPTIST CHURCH A fine balanced program presented by five splendid young men 'io have toured 35 states and four provinces of Canada PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED No Admission Charge WHIRLIGIG (Cnn'murd Iron', pnife one) i ineiHciu council anil Hip ncwly- iieaieu minimum einurttency enm-lultlee, lu so many words Ilnosevelt lolcl KIiIiIhmh II wan up In him lo do Iwo Ihlnits-- iinscrumlilo the con-lllctlnn pollcicH and draw up a per-iiiiinenl priiKram that will work without inaliliiK imliiHli-y and laljor tear il hair. lllcliheiK sees led If you MK sl lie Is "iiKslslant. preslili'iiL" Ihn uiifavorabl.i pulillclly Her-narij M.

Ilariich nut ilurinM Itoose-vi-lt's vacullon a year iiko when the linaiicler showed up In Washliinlon anil somehow won the title of "king for a dav." Nevi-rlhcless, If li kes and Hopkins fhould lock horns, or Juhmou anil Miss I'erkins should dliiaKi'ei' over l(lchlKi has authorlly and the instructions lo step In and cut any fionlian knots. In his spare lime he will bo work inn on that Iniilf raiiKe plan. It's some ailmnciil. lA'nx cour-Aijeoiis men would have run a million miles before tackling It. SCAI.KS.

Jim names, WashhiK-Inii rcpiesontatlve of the Todd Shin-buililinK cormiratlon, has a privately stocked flshliiK pond on Maryland's astern shore he calls "Lake Will Wood" In honor of Ihe late Indiana comiressman. DiirinK the flshlnu si-ason Durum entertains exU-nslvely. Many of his frienils are menils-rs of coiiKrcss. TJie last week end he had ns vuesls Hep. James Duchannn of Texas, chairman of Ihe house approoria-llon committee; Itep.

Marvin Jones of Texas, chairman of the house ajt-lii iilluie committee, and Hri. On. Hilly Milchcll, su-cullcd stormy petrel of aviation circles. Milchcll brmiKlil iilonit his own scales. A bass he ciiukIiI weliihcd i'-b uounds on tlu-m but only 2 on the house scales.

nurluinan, who is liwd to bin L'lllllt. ill tliu IIIIUIIIIHII, IUH1 IIIK OWIl lUI'll almt landinK really biK fifth. After addiiuf laic cork to his line (lie conrejwman put shinny wiKnler, ii piece of Imcon rind nnd a minnow all on one hook. He caught a laxs tlud wolicd (i p'Mindri, 2 ouncefi on the official Ncalen. Bill he lKed for the privilege of asing General MilchellV -o I.IBKItAL.

men who publicly put up the biKKent holler about Joseph P. Kennedy's appointment to the exchange nuil secuiities com-mixsion piivtilely me well pleaMMl with the Htork market set up. They had feared for day that BooM'Veli was name two of (he lilMMidfi who wvU Ihe exchange ael and two I hers who were heinn touted hy Wall Mreet. This, in (heir opinion, would have kent I the (ommi)etinn in cunUuil hmirl. iMMeait the president appointed four liberals and Kennedy.

Because Kennedy in known lo lw former pool uperalor he Is on the to make Koud. 'Hi use who npjKised him art fairly confident he will no out of his way In Ik as liberal as his colleagues. KOKKCAST. Itaihoad Administrator Joseph D. Eastman already has starlet! work on a railroad pension system thai codrivss can adopt next January lo replace the one it Just effected.

Eastman agrees thor-otiKbly with tlu president that the net of congress passed in Ihe closing hours was haphazard proposition. The pension act will cost the railroads nlxmt $05,000,000 year, or rouiihly $35,000,000 more than they have been spending on retirements. The schedules are complicated but in the main the carriers pay 4 per cent and Ihe employes 2 per cent the workers heitiK eligible for retirement nt the ue of 65, after 30 years of service or in case of disability. Despite opposition to the net ns drawn, It Is accepted ns forerunner of the general social insurance lcitlslidlou that will come tip next session. NOTES.

Three justices of the U. S. supreme court are browcintf around in Europe Kcttintf perspective on the new deal. Shrink-iikc of boot leg oil output in East Texas may be due in part to Chief GlnvLs of Ickes' Ogpu, who swooped down there recently. But the bootleg whisky output doesn't shrink, says Joe lion to, alcohol boss.

Henry Morgenthnu's per- of brokerage house employes lord "heir jobs Jolv I. i'-ttvhit iuU, Mr nyr.iw.t tion. Innes explains. Is a mutual or- ganiation of credit granting retail- er and professional men. Organized in hpoxane, in 1912 by a smidl group of credit grantors, it hrws now grown Into a nation-wide organization for the promotion of wound credit methods, In nearly every city nnd town In the United Statet: and Canada there 'is a retail credit bureau similar to the bun In Bend, Innes explains, vbi maintains for the guidance of its memlers complete records of the paying habits of the consumers in its trade territory.

In the files of those affi liaied credit bureaus there arc upward of liO.000,000 such records on tomumcrs who buy on credit. POLITICAL BOSS SLAIN Kansas City, July 10. LP) John Iazia, who rose from a lowly station in the, north side Italian colony to become a power in Kansas City's democratic political machine, died today, the victim of machine gun bullets fired at him from ambush by two gangsters IN SPRING" the Capitol tonight and tomorrow. St. Regis ELECTRIC CLOCKS $2.00 PHONE 157 IJiimio.H Atmt, July 10.

(LP- -llvlun mill I'jinitinyim IWcus wi locked Imfny In nuijor Imltk1, which Ktivo liirilt-iitluu nf ili'tct ttiin liK i)k virttir In llio hUunly Minn I'huro win. I'fiMy lliotitmul Piiiiiminyitii (roups wen Mlm-kliiH Kurt Unllivljin, MioiitfhoM of (he liollviim fiirrct ticiil' On f'llromnyii mid kiv Hellion In lln wlinli- Chiiro rHi()ii, Tim Hollviiin df'IfndfiJt wen ihr pii-ltcd nii'h of tin' army mid hml or-d'i-; hi defend their puiliioii to ihe ItlHl llllill. Khjhlh'K Wiut flt'ire mid Idoody. j'lhti mlvmuvtl one UiliiiiM-ler- nf a niile ihiuuuli the thick lint nf ndvtiiK-f tirnclies n-Um the lint. Thin innde il pnwilhle fur ailillrry to iidviinre wi i li In nme nf the foil, according tn Purutfiiuyiin nfficlul n'iMittH.

(icncnil Jiiko KnU'Hnrribiu, Kient'h tridiie'd, uriidiuitu nf th tamoiiN Si (T iiciideiiiy, mirnuftl hi fitvnrile luiiir.i by iittm-klnu ftniti innie tlimi one rout while his mum inm ih Icuuueit'd Midllvitin, other wen de Willed to iiiiikn allut-kM on the Fl Carmen nnd nutadii Mroiiu-I'Ht Mfitioni. ParaiMiuyaii nffiriid rt-norl nf this, I he fifth major attack on Hallivlan and the to nhow pioKiiv, m-M'lllwd the nne kilnmi-ter advance ns' haviiiK overwhelmed lite third line of tht enemy trnchn, and Inn iiiH it retreat hy ibt defendern In form the frontier In-tween tin (')iaco and At'Kentimi, Caul tin of Nome munition wan claimed. ftnliviann, the mmmimliiiifM miUI, 'Jtnwvd detirminatlin to defend the Dalliviiin key posit ton ut all cost. Iloltvlait piiMiiieiii wi-iv cpioted ax Miylntt thai their Inh command was cnini'tit rating all avnihihle men a the fort. I'niuKUuvaD planes were tooerat-with (he Kintntd fntce, and four of (hem lomlcd i-'ort Hallivimt.

Howevir, iirciirfin(t lo llohvian official dispatcher, thi' UituliH fell kilometers ftoiii the fort piopr and did no damage. It wns uvtrru-tl lluit (wo Ilolivlmi aviiiliiif fouejit th-(niir plum antl sent one down in fl. IfiOO meters (M-hind ihe Bolivian I men Bolivian difpiitclit'. adiniltinjf the let i eat of one kilometer, indicated (hat what wan expected to Ik a urcat h.itllo was just iM'innine. Il wiih that the Paraguayan casualMeM were heavy, and thai the ttdvnnco wiw immnlit to a ilmtp hall after the inllial proKt'enH.

Bolivian uh well as Paiatiayan dispatcher cinphiirited the importance of the coin I ml and the fierce-iu of the fiht. Bolivian dispatches indtcaled optimism n.s to (he outcome. Medo-Land Creamery Plans New Equipment Dr. G. II.

Wilsti'i', prnd'Ksur ilulry mamidii'lurliiK ut Ori'Kn Sliiti' rollcKo: Frank M(isrr of Corvultis. U. M. Uiy lind liny C. Smith tin' M.HloIiiiHl Croaim-ry Co.

ut Ku-inc W(r vinitorH in Ucntl Montluy mill uis.ii.sti'(l in utitliniiiK pliiiiN in ciinneclioii with the iiislnllatinn of Krailtr cquipnu'iit in the local plant the Mciln-Uinil rii'ainitry, hh well as KniiiK on un iiiHjK'ction tour of the rri'iinii'iy's Hairy larnis. Tin-so finnis linvo all ri'cently com-pllvd with Ihe stale rexulutioiiH on Hindi- milk production and Ihe federal milk ordinance. NUT Itt)l IS I.AIKii: Salem. July 10. (LP) A il hert and walnut crop nearly twice the size of the Ihiiiiiht 1IKI2 yield will he harvested in ihu Willamctle valley this year, M.

P. Adams, man-iiKcr of the Salem Growers' eooern-live, predirled today. Adams estimated the crop in the Snlem urea at approximately 00(1 thus of walnuts and .100 of filberts. Two years hko 41K) tons of both varieties were handled by the slow hut steady progress toward unified banking system. It's Ihe I first limo state banks have been compelled to fllo reports on the direct order of federal official.

New York notes that Crowley netioii coincided with simllnr cutis from the comptroller of the currency addressed Ut national bunks and from the federal reserve system addressed to il members. This means that all the banks of (lie country except for the few private institutions and savlms banks which don't belong to FDIC are obliged lo submit reports of their as of June 30 lo some federal agencythereby making it superfluous for stale banking authorities lo re-ouest condition statements, lis ood here that a numlei of state banks nre annoyed at Crowley's open assertion of his authority but they have no comeback they can't afford lo rixk expulsion from FDIC by refusing to comply. MOIMTIV Crowlry's action has another meaning beyond the extension of fcdei al conlml. It's a follow-up to his recent warning that banks winch have on their agreements to sell preferred Mock to the ItKC had heller come across. Both KDIC nnd HKC are fed un with pcrsilcnl reneging by small banks which fear government interference with management.

A club wilt be used where polite requests for co-operation have failed to gel results. Any bank which has an unsatisfactory condition statement will accept RFC capital pronto or ho thrown out of FDIC. It's understood this hiiid-lxiiled policy has full administration backing. Al.m pressure will be put on the bunks in weed nut any weak collateral they still have left. This mopplng-up process is already going on and cxeru say it partly for the recent softening of the stock market.

it MAIKilNS. Don't gel the idea that the new SEC is the only pebble on the securities market lieach because Kennedy and his asociates get so much space. Keen nlwervcrs say lhal the federal reserve's power lo regulate margins gives it much more influence over the market than most people realize. Any net inn it lakes will give a definite clue lo its opinion of prevailing prices. If it stiffens martftns ihe Inference is that Klncks arc loo high.

If it relaxes (hem the opposite is implied. MokL traders nre likely to jump at the hint, so in either case you'll probably see a decisive market response. Insiders predict that the federal reserves's first move will be to au thorize continuation of existing mar- Kins even though they nre mostly under the theoretical 45 per cent lemiircment. Thai's where the flex ible provisions of the law come in hmujy. The only point to raising them now would he to discourage speculation nnd there isn't nny to discourage.

MOUTC.AC.ES. Insurance com- pnnies nnd snvings banks got the shock ol their lives when the president approved Ihe Fraicr-Lemke bill. Their strenuous backstage efforts to prove the dangers of the bill had the staunch supxrt of many state bankiiu! nnd insurance author ities nnd they renlly thought they bad carried the day. They just don't shnrc the presi dent commence iiuu mi uwuikv fnrmcr will be glnd to go on meeting his obligations when ho hns been given legal authority to duck them nnd they see themselves holding the batf. Wall street conservatives find one grain of solnce in the president's action.

They sny the method 'of ndjusting debts involved in the Frnzier-Lemke net Ls definitely de-flnlionnry and therefore contend thnt Roosevelt must be getting unsold on inflntion ns cure for the debt problem. WAUM-UP. New Yorkers close to the nir corps sny this month's Cooking for Invalids To Be Demonstrated Invnlld cookery will bo th spe cial subject nt the pressure cooker demonstration Wednesday' at Ihn Bend Hardware company store. The morning scittinn is scheduled for 10:30 and the afternoon session for 2:30. Mrs.

Lillian CJates is In elmrgv of ihe demonstration. Cunning will lo considered at th -sessions on Thursday; quanity cookery is secheduled for Friday and on Saturday request cooking will be done. A million dollars of the emergency conservation work funds are to. be expended to buy or rent and. develop refuge areas for migratory' birds.

Schilling Liquid Food Colors aild apieliziny Unit la Price Field GARAGE TEI 700 I'D TAKE A CHANCE AND Now On Display! The 1934 Terraplane 6 CAB PICK-UP EXPRESS inii.M.MJ;nnrn We will have this New Cab Pick-up Express in Our Showroom Today and Tomorrow. See It Now! Here Are Drug and Sundry Items You'll Be Sure to Need! BUY THEM NOW! Special Introductory Offer! NOROMA DEODORANT PENCIL, Free With One Box of Armand Bouquet Face Powder al 50c Moving-van power passenger car performance and maneuvcrabiiily combined into a low-priced, well-designed Cab Pick-up Express. That tells the story of this popular commercial model in the 1934 Terraplane 6 line. With 1000 pounds capacity, it handles as easily as a Terraplane Sedan and affords all the Terraplane economy of operation. Its box-section chassis frame, reinforced at every point of stress, its wide splayed spring-base and full 80 horsepower provide a combination of ruggedness, road-ability and speed essential for the heavy loads and quick trips required of a pick-up express.

This model has a fixed driver's seat. The passenger seat at the right is optional at extra cost. All scats are leather upholstered. The car is well sprung to carry the load without bouncing. Due to the Terraplane low center of gravity, it is decidedly convenient for loading and unloading.

Hospital Cotton, pound 39c 50c Tube Burntone 29c Summer Mix Candy, V2 lb. box 29c Mineral Oil, heavy Russian, pint 49c CLOCK SPECIALS Super Performance in the Low Challenge Square ALARM CLOCKS l9ular99c NOW PLAN TO ATTEND THE PILOT BUTTE INN HUDSON-TERRAPLANE DEALERS Magill Htoug Co. Factory Demonstration NATIONAL DE LUXE PRESSURE COOKERS LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE: That's What She Thinks VOUR DRUG STORE I'VE GOT THIS THING ALU STRAIGHT NOW- PAPA 1173 WALL ST. HAVE ME. OF A KID LOOK AND I'M i uui ti I WANT MYSELF HELP NOT.


m. and 2:30 p. m. each day Don't fail to visit our store during one of these days, where you will find the factory representative LILLIAN GATES demonstrating this nationally known pressure cooker. Each day a different menu will be prepared.

And for Canning The U. S. Department of Agriculture says That Pressure Canning is the only safe way. tacfrr rr PROGRAM WEDNESDAY OOKINd I'OK INVALIDS THURSDAY CANNINC. QUANJITY COOKING SATURDAY RKQITKST COOKINO Bend Hardware Company Phone 8.

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