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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 3

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mw Neent publication in Sew York puzilc how they can ever get so much money Sun of the private corresnaUiIenee of Horajje in that-sterile state, where--" 1 re twed to prop tifl the roT of EVIVJ i i. J.HC nrtJidu wi for ever a pres from the Host, witti Among the he it proofs fit the growth of a citj the improvement of its newspapers. By thM1 lgn rjlu la makthg wpid The Btntciu of that city baT the Boat, witfi material gPECUtATORS! and lot mfconll, loau--A fqll lot on CorbWlBL, 560-Oood lot In AlblluLnear SH 550--Oood lot BUO--Lot nenr'car 1000-lOaer 400-- Ixtfi lotswlL eWrtstorJHllnf tatfarUand. wii in BwjBonra thewnnagoriof tneO.T. mienl'decidc to takem d.

R. Six stocks. On the general issues oS MJ Thursday, is inning throheh almost on express lime In DBABT, Unton bloot, JorUaod. A formation yesterday thattwcarloaitol new ma Thursday, ir C1BAP. One Dairy; olilO eoors.

I mllfc route and irooa will Kisbiu TSi xMMtttldt wm beheld in roomat.T?- 1 flow ADInrlon i iriiuwcllcr lew. ssSSErSSwr-asSt-irrstss 0 8 fied wUB the' Impatient of any poBtrc SlV.TST^Saj PO'icy would RHllOTTBiR. KOMI? fAitll-UPU Outt, ssi'SM trotters UlChljtT tent for see sleet 1., mUea or of Portfftild. on linn nmnknttci fhanld be MONO. llabaro.

Or miles nest AH c. w. BED- GXORGE IX EUROPE. i ut inquiry first nil uH coiiree of A HXd-ftPK I dbl bflritRlns In lAiproved riAs; Stark at IPJJ Washlnston. teeueoiar beyond The appli- ww-wiik.

an opportunity an fH u) "Ji honor, save in Ms eodntry. AVe are aaTOi now Jor inary PSJ.K Ad toldthathe has won a' decided victoryover eyr p4 bnsln ess, are wtiol(y Insnnlclenl to Beptemher 1. pvlng lull tlt 1 (r tofcIl WXCBBB. tut 'SOTS, FOB TOC TO BE HOME- leiirwneffjon can buVone o- the loa Jcrtln WpU 3 rtuuid ur ol the pnbHc interest, Wi the result as a triumph for Portland naaL liiirst is and with Mount Tabor rnnthi-ougH- wkliio land west of able for gooa sou«n.y if i Sewlmrst otfr. can live, if nPBMHarr, yonrlrasiiiege.iQtfceriti.

from to-day "will be "iFOrtli $SQQ tho country WchaveaDoardoIdlrcctprsrorrheO. whose names are 'an assurance that GlceWy will not be and mnsical cntieism, with an 'overlookedor dlsreearaed. The recent dt thus: wetorsaTtlmen Wsntlflefl wltft- I You out whut HtlTe I Mnd-to iSrSSifZf toe interesta of mate -oom for Fry. ctoen column, of nrsu- FKe acres rdlolnlng pie.sant IjTomes.

-rtwnce to double yonr monny Inside ot th ree months. Call S53 Morrison Room 41. R' OBEAM. LiitBua yon have railssefl i too late. For riculare apply to tne busincm of Portland and toe interesi inishfng cf foTfce.

Uut'tlfe past at first- presentation of bin EaitoriolljlJ ihi reatett speedily died away--so speedily indeed that, although he made an niafc statements, vie While tills announcement these artdi- logrce of pride oil the aart of aflc ith eomo lie preHont ninn- fof granted 1 a flferttsto rtisbUnlntr'theopert B8 on 1shirig ccntest for the mayoralty 01 the country. InrtBer. tocu. if tliey would onlr his com- or a city one year; Mauaaic has not jgomdnt of th6 Mil it) holdings of O. B.

Jt. stock, ana, as i don't belfcvti-SOOTOOItlc who take the ee niert tioned seriously as represent- ihotthe people Bpotauc Fa Is and Uie inland a consequence, the conditions that hove pro- jvaunlcare one chew of tplWco for thcinatter. no iai idea oF any Bio is eimplre. of 'whlbti this'oity is tBi rccognizcl me- ducidsonmch distarbancclm the past will cart to burn the oifera hdOSCT If i a educated crank, whose tropolls, will take also upon themselves a liberal nowtcnsc to exist. An? finally, thc roads tne price is reasonable, have it done and send me viewea mauuy north of Snake river, now under construe- the Wit tiotl brthtfTVifSBlHgtOn-endah'O 1 become a rec- DlckTIohTpaoh, WlilchT afiQl Adams's Mprr4 Conbldoring, llow- diff rentl alf 0 r.

His wogrcss through or thoso xjx ot Coroner Britain was attends 1 by a slUw, at BHW WefUAU notnuaertakenrtview or que oncra, I won't apologUb -uroav TM controveny, nor over the many i Wh dealing with Iry and "opera resnlt hns bcrin rubbish" Oreeley did not the rest of Ti MifltcottoM-the resultrtself ir his from Oana down. We quote- Jmrool thecroUitlortlifrraplderowthand Rreat proap-erlty or this tis It does, thc best facilities tharxiari bcmonuf.cctorcd, with all of Ihd latest impronemdnni for iicrfect eieeutlon and speed. The groiJMh and prosperity: of'the Jtmteia could nblhaveibcon atlalned had notlhe people recognize! thc, morlls of their paper and Eng- citendea to.thc euterjitlso and cor- him as the most dial suppart. theories, though' carefully elaborated; will hot stand the lest of practical conditions. But the estimation in which he is held across the-water seems-tp be-flf.

an entirely 1L (ill mil' TOO; Front nr. cor, Heventb- K8.HCPIIIA SKIP--IX unff wlvlcedaUy OD malfefa free leirui-eHalurdAy 2 P. cureol 38)lm A. ANJJKBS'JN, AN Ji taincocreim Caiuljl n-jmugc 00 offer r- 1 reached suffices that tho result meii is his from Dann down. Indeed, than conlff ihat'elahureamanyj-ea-nto give the toreeinmlrtxttctef.

thhr up If -you will let him It Isn't one article on the Jfevrs; Bo is always slurring them, and this is not ctty auo-'eountrnnd the unmistakable evidence ol continued greater demands fora flrsl- He was welcomed to Dundee with great fof- newapapcry xevlem ii ablemrnud to keep ahrStofof ISe" occislon aud completely flll tho flcWi While the Bst hnlf of has wit" Sbod land on publioroad: JO miles of city: near acbool ami chnreu. I oom: O. 3 mite! pamp, Jioie. oei Blrtea: etc, flrffiiebin IMPORTANT TO 75- Acres of land on Went Side, A i statuses Thc'nnnaal reunion of Oregon pioneers- artlcjeS, tnoneh partly trne, Imneflea Koneer AsSocia 'byahad spirit, and caleulaltea us Beed- claBse i malitv. The trades, couiioil of that cily him ia terms" the warmest' eulogy, and-chjaracterized his system' as one the ucsscd an unprecedented aavkncomcnt.

stx irionths will yield W. fl-' iLIME! LIME! "ssssxtzI Bic Hi KS BABK ALL. kinds of'Srecrac'ccrii and nrewortu at loweit market nrt" i by KW'ONO Second st VOUNU JI AN temporaK- hat In We oil IM JiTo Frc.H'ofitlU^nd moch more in tub painVhave 0 ak iO ft is "eviuent that George to tne grMed 01 ftf(; ts and i8 i 1E the 1 tl a Hcnilac-hc. Indlneslloui null ull the LIVer, Simmons Liver Kegulato; surely cures. Through sleepers and dining cars; also aeec'iiilitlhSB sl(fticrs.

through to JI tuift'oad. ThfcnGreeleJ scolds 'Dana for his lack of John Gilbert, the- dWebrated actor, who died yesierday in Boston, loaves behind Sound a'-moreTasponsiTfrfiBid-for! htelabors- among tho opgressed of tire old world Via-" any- 'shoeklkly maladroit pjpiltlclans. Ho hales (Tie present cBridWoK of tBe working classes oa i ce No- Srawh jiiavorif mainly because the snnlh tuniea out ln enew arn i hed.hiBi. n. ties otwlifchoir more m'odem old John Adams.

You mustsradualls' traou Him SrnaCon does not wlat Uie cw 4 fl "Sir Peter thing- Weot-tu whfoh by hajcci tbi TM he belonged, save Joe Jefterspn. The Everj copy of that misjudged editorial showing laofca, Warreh, John Owers, Placide, John how UScrato the slaves and Wm. Blake, George Hollatwl, past; the othif preawrtg upon sight, full ove rrD a tho' south; has bWni carefully treasured atttea Hutskctt, Keona. Mrs. John of Xt toranlio.Ixjco 1 on In the -vrood, Mrs.

fioen -mnon--all are in wootlel slopes cauvassji i their.graves.ercopt that ale-retired and Wguts Ulrt marred the site ot Portland th TMJ i 7a'rintarthe fUttk. from the stage to-private lil never again to and, the- for Hchool dl trlct Ka. 31, Album. ar of and ft Clerk's ASD-OOOi STBABY TY vvorwmia uplaoo Imit'l a IWimecan be aimed by aiiplylnir at the cmtlunit Works, A won a IIKO to lake core of honsofWWle are absent lor snmmert rr W. Notice Is hpntqr siren (Ut to 24th of Mar.

conntant. his IHSV, on or conipany are to certtflcatlon; excluded boxtttl before stteh alto All persons there company form and under the oartltcatlMl aboM yoti a l.swll-1. 1 for saJe at-par. A limited Botaber'of stock of it -ptt porirOH BeWreen the Oregon of inemory and OWgonrof the present; tie one distant, MEET1KO NOTICICS. tirflcll Fait Na.

3, G. A. B. 3, tbls (TnMday) eveulne. at fto'elock, Acmy Hull, comer Mntt and Tayjiorsta.

The Post exwuds a cordial InvllHUoii to eiunrwles vlsKlng tne city and. to leaUe-uICjnradiuto attend, n. M. McMASTEn, li Adjutant. Frllow- Knll.Hua:.

PORTLA1 LOTS fbe bent on the martsef- Apply to T. A. sfaeete, bugmess delight thepuplic. retirement Mocfcsland'etegant, homes Of the city to-day; dnce theEU) 60 this fine school of actors, the American ounters, nhelvlng, Ire boxes, mirrors, tables, ett, DUtnta ma.le on Band from flfty dollars upwards, send for cirtalogrtlr'o real! yonrsrfriimre bnjrnr OBRtl SWffill-, 111 amii 118 f5U, Sftn.Franclsco, "itABGAlK-- A KAVf UKAS THE Cable Ciar line, on (lie Uel call and see me. tMl Is one: of tne best KOrth; BI a.

HANDS-ISONJC NKK1) AP- they 'have Itarnert the trade In a nrat- Apply a and 1 will corivlnreyon fill Is bmnlifUie-elty: it. w. WEi-M). weal lieal ICstale Investnient CiSASE KOK ONK M.OMTH il'ie per -lab TOSPECKLATOBS j.vkji*jv." betwedrv the moved slowly BubBOrlhcM mnyiplenso themselves, but a (age will have little left but the burlesque rare, ctumre to tuyeBir, R. 'odonbletniflr money ImrnedUlely.

Aidrciw I-rlu- flpmj«r«gonl«li. OST--BKTWEEN ABISG'I OX BU1EDTNO AKD. li i purse containing between purse nirideconcilnms nlgKt ley tloernl reward will ho polB rewrn of surae (terroyingtbcSmiUi-- not of regenerating nnd up- -Itisttothwcrealftrtthe remamtti? few of Of potrrse wi'fim'have no Mends in six bodies from the-3ohns- the fasMwindlinE hand of Oregon the South if wo seonnto JJrjrokiS upon 'that region town Wreolc aiul buried witfiput idolitifiru- Ana again The franjiied protwrt of the THE HABWHAM Are ananrstlonahly the bent' plants In tbe worlq. Aeent, 1 ffi Tnlrd VALUABLE B14L lOecresln Tabor. lUirab Pri isn Ice 1 new honof-tha oldi'amf that as Way of them as are pr i)legca to do BO.

each year gelhcr, anuVshntttiigout sounds thattell of Uie-prosperity '06 a buby, thriving city, bow heads while the band Availing Syne" Yo do not want war witli linglaad, and days alo, coased, an! itt obeSicnee to -the thought of Iii; i yet that article was thennrcientiig decree of the inevitable the i maBs WM saturated with otr and ignlfotf, after Ihsse last putrid bodies were hurried out of sight, I Human ailcc- tibii never made a more pitiful, and at th6 same-time more futile, protest against a culafcd to foment one; Doiet nsmatc the Bouthrout seeltrrabwe desire ahbliMolli not opposcd the two Adamses, particularly old John--not for their but for their A Vsrlety plnlii colureil. Summer Sultiiira haye arrived, at BOKOl'I-fT Sit jjiupfiln IBiJIdling. DWJII.LINOS- all mtdcrn o- 1 BTM' AT LAW. HOOMS 1 and 8 Maliey Morrljon bet First amfsepottdj lo IC'JaJtqTKS tlebJen of BootadnrejK good-paj in tlrat aOcrt incloaoconnec. on Above will be dlrtMK? Sale--Wetto esflay.

fta; will WSU each alter JnBe IS. NE. 'i8 i nglcnat. some choice pieces of business l.OyQ YOUKO. S4 Watblngton St.

OF Aljli-fiiftlp: 1 Floncer Wood Yard, Uorrlion st 180. lUeouui. Call- M'OPt EBlf Seventh cdrnePIS SALBttMEN A PATBST WKog-rM't other specialties, to'mwchanta. B. Band, I A tnvir fftr in tlic toj 1 have good, lefotGUM.

llKtTOiJH) 9KNFKAI. HODbE: Xnqul re between 8 and receive freljhl Xueclday, IMth lost, for Uttoit--KKtXji Of course I don't believe one, word-in the Insur- arrest of Alexanfler SttUtyim at Chi" ence. I In the dies' Kcaily-JIads Suits at Cost for attenpt at PORTLAUB For very choke ter Wocte 'ttttd healtbful. jigk Ij mutely sent over an invoice of ten f.or General Grant. Hewasaforeible another Ue- hnraoronsly asksi victs wittt instructions begin life anew in tUe next two Weeks POJTEf.

and- many his. countrymen "Ifwe p'icls a all'opponents per- thiscotintry. Our immiitraUon biith jitterJy denounced him for his political sonally, whar chance hive Wo Tot news? oomm jon did not enter into the spirit of tendencies. General-Crfatt appointed him 'Yoo remember the; grand- viaier who nhilantbropi endeavor that was necessary 1-- 1 "it I tl.n BUYS A ItOT IM Pleasant Iiitile HotaerHOi 3. frjm No.

37U First lady sitoalloii us houhekteper: wll- tauo clwisw Montgo pery. I 1 'of House lor any one wishing to BO to coast. W. C. T.

LtrLbltvaTl '2WS1 K. hS5l and cneftjiHK nbcltrct saddles VinhRVl--A MAN WHO OajN rNVKST oniheooaat. TJr I a CEU HIS OFf ICE corner EMPIVUU UtKD COHPAHT, I ol BtAX WHO OaiN' rNVKST llOOnnd lito June, and en- to a-euod business. Apply; tutduy at Koom 14, I i HASTHK shot at by Gone Chicago, where followed jour- Grcciey dODStt'twant any warfare American ne wspnpor: iuch pcrusual that onr supply of'toirgbs and nalism and was secretary oi the board of on FHlmore. "Lot (he dead rest: never au rs is reasonably complete without any public works.

wasfie-shot on thtise Who have'already coui' About 1S74 hxs murrioil Bucnant mitted suicide. We-nlUjht make FiUmore a wpo was a prominent teacher in the pub- 'candidate and resuscitate. Luw CumpbelL lie schools. Iii IBTo'Prancte prin---Bat it were better to leave them to their dull of of Uiepublie schools, wrote two long repose." One of the hottest shots is letters that were mads part ot the report ofj Oreeley's note io Darin, sayings i fichooh, to which Mr. YOUE friend Judge tihankland, general-of the lOKexception.

He put his wife in a Kansas volunteers, hns me that he shn.ll sandt they drove-to Hanaford's house, cowhide mo (for rudeness in refusiag lo befur- thorborcdbyiimjthe-llrsttlmo he catches mo in MM1 tohlows, end, shootinirJlanaford, who died in other wic-i io IvLi shooting rd, who Tialt hour, The Jettersj written 1B1 reflected bitterly on Sulhvan as; ac y( vcrt gea by QctfonivSnahkland may be, "the- luaiigator and engineer in-chief-of all funds, couldnot thinfc of special endeavor on their part to increase it. and ruortilication and exposure of having thelr surplus stock thrown'backi apon their hands. The ipuhlie was inlorined through an Associated Press dispatc-i" yesterday that John 1 Sullivan had "made a night of it" in a barroom, actuiJIy drinking whisky to bofiiddle his massive brain. JO MONJJY'TO LOAN. LENT 1 RrteCSREW, Morrifinn St.

Boom 5. Ington. to-nlgut. Juutllieatlju before God and heiore Come.

ANTED--BT TWO YO 2Nf) MKNj OOOD WR- ulshvd room, with or without board; private family good locaNoni. AddrcBB X. cure onlan IVE OKfICK BOY WA NTKD-- Vt.llMANKNT WIBST-CLASS he cor. Third and Stnrk 1 TUOVKY TO L'OAK ONil-CD3EHOLr GOODS HI or approve)! gfcnrlty. K.


nd Imfirovinl! position lor the rupu boyi glvfc Hi bue. E. B. MIL.X.KB. 10B)t Third al.

ndhome OiejUillqil. 18JU rrTnuras WfcNTim IMMMDIATI and honie addi-esa. THE LABGES'CJ BESTI HEN Toai have any thill ot.le!t«rln« to do, whether is a Bmey sign or a modest shln le, UNEQDALBD" A aoOD TArWKESS WANTBD IMSOIDIATE. 1 ly. Apply a designs for per gp to Sc tmg Jaanareru, wuo ueu uc cmvliiil or other the renowned pugilist had "got TMrtH Hiving seldom: heard from him In Telephone No: ,79.

Look jo. -cBWJuuuuu, any-other stolid public probably does not fee: either surpiise or concern in ard, single royals afiq N-fL'l -idicE, pony: No. KKIZTSK FIXE shoes -BAIIUBY P. BUD. MrstHt, Thi very latest styles.

1 ttedBvlltry connected with the legislation pntahphim td tbe, trouble over this event. As a piece of news, of.ttiB board ol education Other assert JC herelfor WOQld a ou btless take nn-itterest in the state-. TOC nt that ho war fiOber, i.nd if. to this were ALL IC'X'tf, '-'I TyviyvBR WANTUD I i TTt7- TVHITBR -nTANTUD TO WtlKK IN A WKOLE- I JTwIeand retail DiiijJ. -1J ui.d-ruuj»rtreuani,_£rardw ire.

care InTOL TO-DO afcNF.B VVlrork. ITIllril M. EASY BIDING l-ljtt made but all ttu. facto called nature, the trialsr-for tnce tlicn he has in "I trust the nMh-of whom he buys the cowhide will know'iilm' well' enough not to I prefer be-the-only si-dferer by the Hpplicatlon; These, remarkable-letters show Greeley to been a very vigilant, is teaacros of choice jreitdei 'the' Wlllameila river. Just Be beeame; presulent xf th, connection resulted i4 funds of that which.

were inade by. Dr. Groninj and are laid at-hix door reason for the daad.y hostility' that ended in Cronin'fl death. Thehitestfoatare-of the Oronin case is a letter tram ilrs. Alexander from-London, where she waavlsiting.fxiends, 'and not he would nuiibr Triliuiu- addediuthontic information that he had be- Owner burned ont la the haved for once like a decent, orderly citizen, money.

'lernw surprise would no doubt be manifested. Colored tlfeolosians in South eiirplinnlmva ehosen'tlie heated term fop a red hot contro- vcrsy over tlic proper mode of administering Ihe-rite of biotism. It is proposed' to settle fire and UAN D. BROWK, 13 Morrison street. oii tWant.

Sevcrttl BUY STOVE 0 Ihlj-tl hul. Murrlaon and Alder. I 7 IDT W11 A MT BTKIJNTVAY 1'IASO FOE.J1B7I l.Tbtein raru bart-aln. fftl 1 i 108 -1-hirdsu, Abitiuton bulUllnw. foi be writes Dana 'contemptuously: No Jew ever managed! pawnbroker's shop in a the question aceofdini! to majority ruUV, the weaker party to adopt the--method nrc- by the stronger.

As there is not spirit than savina eracc is managed, and I am heartsick, Mac nmch prospect of aa element of saving jsracc Is an excellent business man. In a certain style, -in the ordinance-undar such but, Jfhehadhts way-jthe Tribune would' have it mayibe hoped that the mmersionists wii been jiiet haM between the Commercial and prove t'o be in tho mnjority, as the sanitarv JHrrorIn circulation, character and profr.u. ff ec might be beucfiuiol, tatrrajr all things not merely confidence hi hhUnnw reaayeannot afford to be ruled-by tliis spirit to nee, bat her positive knowledge that he id no knowledge Dr deathi. cenc Mrs. Sullivan's, word or may not have much direct influence in establishing her husband's innocence, bnt sha'owed this- ranch' more to Greeicy KauBBS in 1850 and wr-tcs Dana: "It is carsedjljy all manner of po- liticar half-hreedB and twaddlers who are likely to ruin it rnoat flooded rivers and'streams--glorious soil--worthless politicians--lazy people-- yesterday vindicates and supports this pol- The Johnstown disaRtcr is.

the subject of 18 illustrations in HARPER'S published Juno 12th, including Tfca Seen, at tno Brldea (double from Pork TiMm-ike (double pB Temporary Bridge (front of PlOndercrt (full Bomao Cl-arch- Maln street afWr tlus bale FOttWKKKT ON FKOMTBT. Ku. 6 Htark at. i WGNfflK TO-DiT-lHOL at tlo Johnstown- 8t Bold a Meefng. rrHICSE Lands are I 1 of the prlca, acre, ritlo perfccu Deod at It has been tho policy Mr.

Elijah Smith as presidenl of tlie O. to urge con- strnetion of branches and extensions of tha Tho uamr-rllellirf Station-Map of company's railway system. The result of 0 MtowI1 Bn a Tiolnlty-Waif of the Flood AN In Bmnlt family; tierman or uwedtah preterMd.1 Apply to ViX jjiemian KKKT A U.JMIOS! HOWSB, witb bay. window. 89 Houlh Second, near Ca- nithers.

Inquire next door. IBJii tt)iQDian-wbo B.taked hia own life and success such-is Kansas in a in-aasortlonof her name it was not It is clear from- thfese remarkable letters aerhraaly attacked, but merely aspersed, pro- that Greeley was a wjitty man, and an ciccl- achieved aul.secured. It has been, long lent editorial manager; that in politics, so struggle, the result'W a subntanthil vie- far fKHi being art ideolist or he the property ani for the country was realistic, shrewd and skeptical, to the loots' to this railroad foraninde- point of habitual cyjniciBm. As a practical pendent and efficient service: politician, ifc was hiis energy nndskiUthat MI prcvenled the nomination of iicward at phi- By reference to Saturday's OBEOOSIAB, it was a benevolent man, hut his will be seen that the AUatross has devoted ConaectJon with her career aa a-tMCher of pnWic schools. Evidently Sullivan's cW is complicated by a-variety ot causeSiiaud prejudice is en' ttgainat- him.

for political rca- conueoUon iwith secret -Loeomotl-re' lev. Jfr'SrJilthhas-coiitendedfor-tbennton- ators In Old Miu-Carrj-me omvof IheO and this has been CofUm On.rdlnr En'. cdmpment of Kellef at the- Slsnal foiver. A UUWjiJtlj room 11, Knsole'B bulld- 'Inn, oupoiillie oilman BD1.A A 1)1)11 t'm montll. Office Oregonlan SSTAtrL QKSTEK wanted- to -work-la- haracas; HOItHK AxldiieaB will sell 350 Imported the-giieatestattraetion.

ever ol in; our corner wiadow uV suitable for one or two corner ilorrlaqn. pOW- KOOM, eni laa Wfcsl supposed to unscrupulous in Tin waola bnsineas rtpwiihr extrenw to- which inch schemes anckptoltcdn be-carnea, and how utterly- at Yariaiee thty am irith Ow principles of American freedom- and, true' government. tuts of prmcipla-and UotiMg Uow cago. benevolence was blended with the common sense and viperous understanding of Dr. Johnson, not tainted with the scnti- mcntalism of Victor HAIRO.

lie dabbled a littfe irf-'-sociaiisnv in his youth, but soon dropped-U. Take him all in-, ail, was hi off than nny histtimek hie. mind-, was aa -tioal-iiB that of TranWin, but. he had not' di iteeif to the waters of out Oregon coast and of the Colambia. It is shown that thc pure halibnt bus been caugh ki our Olrceon waters, the true never been taken on thin coast south of thd Alosfcun islands.

lIltJBtrateasby and graphically described. In addition to tho illastrfltipnB of the Johnstown Disaster thisissne cnritilniiitbBJolliowittS illus- trillions BRANCH grocery, cheap, If sold itt once. 1BJ7 a CABPMKTEB6; NON BUT AJSTBU-- A OlBl. SOU GKKKrtAJ. 1IOUBK- worlc In a small famjy.

Apply At 295 Wllllauifiiiort mrt Houae-- Map ofthe Area Covcied hi tlie Floodi, etc. TO TAKE CAtUC O1T. A babr: Applr'lmperliU Oinlery-, Ittnt- Tbe agreement that the great block of i OCATTI Oregon Tranw 1 I Biinl'sJae View. ANTKD--A qt3L TO DO A I berjig-ytf. aU3 i In aaaitlwn; to above every ImiMwtefl 3014 at a great riechKtftm.

SEE BISCAY. IS 4COESBB continental irtbc firot step an "the greatest one the sUtement ttiat Western farmer affaire of the Oregon AV- Transeonttntnt'a i events 20 Pages and Cover, 10 cents. For Bale by bookeellera and newedcal- cm. BnbBcripKon-, $4 a year. Harper BroUierB.

New Yorlc. 1 Inqjlre D. E. fTCTDlj. 139'Finn.

AOT-JCD--A aint. SDBrcHiTinrEB'womt A BKEfJUJLl! Xtt OHOK Cub for Johnstown Total Cosh forwarded Total nd 0 Followint: la a correctea list of THE Johnitoum Fu-H'l -Reported June Mr. bowman flcdrsc lingford's lint jl. Philip Knhl Merin Beiraril for gold wotcli MeDouuId. The Dalles E.M.

Kelso 7 Total, June 17 Seattle Reported June 14 Mr. Bowman Collection (French residents) Philip Rnhl Hgirard for Bold watch HenrrOrccnburg.San Francisco Emploj-ea P. Terminal Albina. Afrlend Ijng A Vonng LWSPAPLR P. lllii--pe'r'M.

T. Hem freman TouU, Juno 17 SALES OF SEAL EOT A List of tie Deeds Filed for Record corner's Testerdiy. Yesterday 20 aggregating IS jm average of $1675, were filed, makll number ol deeds tiled since thc first the Since January 1 to data-there have 0-ccds, aggregating 98- DKfinS RECOBOKD JUNE Eeniamln Futlows and wife to Kali ol see 13. 1 2 e. June A'.

tfBhrenbach toTbomas-H. Bmitl vision ol lot i. blk B. Portland horn 15- 11500 Thomas n. Smith ot aL to 5 Albert lots IS, 19, liO, 21 and 22, blk 14, and Ic in Cloverdale extension No.

2, Juno 1 L. Goldsmltu and wife to Lewis IOLI 4.and blk II, Goldsmith's i UlyofKast Portland, by WlllTnir city marshal, to K. A. Austin, Alken's add. May 11: $11 80.

John i et al lo R. Moxcy, Camthcrs' Juno 11; $12fX). Wm. H. Wutkins to Ada F.

Bro laud In lot 4, blk 6, 1'ortlaud Home ary 27: $1. Chns. A. and.wife to Par iccf, Iractfoual blk 80, Kullivan's Catliorine-Lowrle-to M. Sliellal IS, blk -i, Jnnj) 17; 5300, li.

Latz and wifn to O. A. Iaky, 20. City, Junu 17; $0300. Colniubufl WautFhouse to F.

K. lots 5, 7, block -y, Browu tract, sec. 1 It. 10 M'dry L. Enuvc, 1 Conch's I vine 17; $3250.

Nordstrom itu 1 wife to S. Wk 264, Couch Jutfo 37; $2000. O. F. Bunker and wl(o to A.

D. 7 mid M. blk 62. Umiton, Jnne Iavld' tirtollsell and wife blk 21, Bnulhcrn Portland, Juui! ArdleO'lIanlou and wll(rto Job, of blk 184. add June 10; John O'llare and wife lo Ardlc OIMk IM.

Conch J-nnc 10, IV Mary Ahern to HHttlc tiolomoo, I and streets. June 17; 12400. Kcal Ectate Cor tfro 8e ots uu 2 olk-ca, milton e. H. MclBaae to Joo IVatldBl, Jel wt7, a ruradise Spring tract, BOKD rnn iman.

Oliarles E. Sitton, trustee, to Will anas, l-ulatrne Hill, March PIQKEES Oregon 41pLn HoKay and Donald Oregon Alulae Club hurt Huasurool llatenlnK to two very Orreaesby Dr. W. C. SfeKuy.

ol Donamifc-lCay, tbo uioueei Imlli lao rooms were mied at i when the moctlnB i rtcr by 1 ev( ry cbBlr wus oc( i anil placed in Ac pace nail, but till a few u-crc Jfjunt the audience were uoUci uUlin war veterans, who attend, while, holding In the attel iron 1 oflhc eafl c11 acinc nori-wcst. DonahTv 1 11 in l0 flyi ho tlr ol toe Cn war. dcr "K1GET.Y LOSDOE" IL1 the made his li 1 brouicd SPAPERl.

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