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Williamsport Sun-Gazette from Williamsport, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I Tlio wnewble MTM. Taylor, of Shrews- buij the eounty fine, -who iieCently 'died, in OCth instead of yso moiuing. The sled been Deducted -by a sleighing the night rr yet jt.i« iu Uiey were not -i' of the prisoners "penitentiary. 'i'heT bad a very phs-- ut journey there and back; and ro port prisoners from this as Kt.uek fcy Mr. S.

Underhill, the street biot shoe came to the conclusion yesterday that'll wan snowing pretty iq IHJB tput. ibis by bis being atrueV with a pile of rant of tlin Wput Happor. The oyster aupper at the Third street cbtjreh lwt higbt, nnder the of the ladies of the congregation. opnnidoring the the weather, and tne re- oeinte were ve.y enoonrfgitig tobies were trell -i'tli delicacies and none we of parties of tlie came off night tho of Robeit tHbson, ol Snsqttehanna Abott one hnndred and fiftv guests, re- ro Shore to tanien; ere invited. The party jjn'it BunTi one as might be expected from the ehunuiter of f.he host.

-Mirth and fnntivity niled the honr. The votaries of their "betel's ouuleutr and depa.tcd "when niurii in russet nmrftle clad waited o'or ihe snows of yon high hills." i conrentlon. The convention to be held in street W. R. chnrcb, on Satur- under the direction of fiof.

Hiiger, to bo a fin.e_ and will, no doubt, attract a largo nudi once. Prof. Hager is a of high standing, nnd is reported to be making flno pro 6 iC33, in instructing tho olnssoe charge. It it) said tLat- there will bo. some solos, "quartettes and cho- IFISOS on the oemwion of the convention, that will be worth hearing.

TJtiose having a taetofnr whr, has not will do well to be on The proceeds -ire for the benefit of the church. Centcjanial Fruit Mr. A. R. Sprout, of Piotnre Hocks, has boon- selected by the Pennsylvania Fruit Growers Association, to represent cbnnfy at the centennial, and futto chai-ge of.

all fniits that may be placed on exhibition from Lycomiijg. TLu selectiou is au excellent one, and as Mr, S. has devoted years to- the cultivation of frnit, and is one of the most successful strawberry producers in tho county, and pUijjoseS spending much time at the exhibition, our fruit growers could not have a-moro careful and devoted repre- A meeting of the Kociety will soon be held for the purpose of agreeing upon some- plan of operation. It is hoped that our county will make the best -poaalbh) tflbplUy ou'lliitt ocOaSlon, and growers ill put themselves in with "Mr. H.

at au 11- C3. "7" Jf- tr rumor -Sns proaont fall of snow hrnviest for number of years. Oitawissiv train wnaoue late lajt right; an unusual occurrence. O'tr the tixAil, Or you may mid your head. action mis'.

by Bona Post, G. A. at their romB last night. another dull day jii police There was nothing doing. a pool for either th" tices.

THK iihore Prfishyttriftn nhiirMt cinlly the fc mi the horse csrs ie a rough "how. not only for the horses but the driverd. hew converts were added to Uie Jersey Shore Presbyterian, chn r--h Uy- -Mre late rovivsl; 'A vf now Frank BjoraDaugh, of Jersey Shore, "laims to b'i-vfe a chicken that Sor-, lias xpnfuTiinated for biifgeas jf Hu wanlcil tu ijUlf, but they vfonld'utjBt Xiiis tramps "at the Stiubury soup huohe have been about a dozen night since its establishmontr AT.T, the mannfac'toriea at Picture Bocks nro reported lUTing on fnll time ami business js.liyelj in thelittle Ar-i'Ktt the first of April the Kepasz band will occupy DuBois hall, their present qnartcrs being rented for other pnr- pO8C8. to expectation, (J'M train 'fr'orfi'tho nnrth and fhe GilO train from the -Bonthj jwre promptly on tise lout 'THk dwelling boose burued at Miles- bnrg-tho other 'Vy, owned liy Mr. Brownell, was insured in the Lypoming.

not stated. know from- cxporieuce that it J8 useless to attempt to thaw out a hyilraiit with You might as well apply a mustard planter. Is 1855 a daily from liifulsport to tiut-k Haven, taking "Ilicv thole day for the trip. This stage was rarely filled with Twenty years have wrought a wondorfnl THK wind blfeij a galelRsfnight ami inn nnow was whirled in all directions, com- plr-teiy blindjtlg tbut lisil to 5e the 'It is proljabte tliat the nrifpjcdjjnow will interfere with tho moTPsment of-railroad to-day. Asengjnoor witli-sn unusual nrnount of nil upon nfiffinp at a strpnt, while whecU'are making oui per mjnnte, without moTinft -AH OB of the unow." ON Monday J.

and of Milton, were on their h'ime in a sleigh from fJie T. hi upset above Deer and threw the occupants out. to New ColuoibJa-uhere they wrre ranght. recent cold our sohooU tfeTe pomppllcd to Kiispend operationx for a part of ilie in oon- low ot Bohool jxxims. The Washiqgton senior till.

bat a BJW atove, we believe, bv. right. 1 4 ol far?" 1 ol out of auiMriucet th the 0 office, while the dn'oot notea of the tiAvoler fell gently on bis ear. nQS one weclr to Concert OP to be ateiOprUted le of in eiwM. He "bid-a good tirnn A jolly time tiuio' rich in HS gentleman nf tiinppia- meot -nd took in.

It wan too good let it all out For fear we not do the gnntki we to fctk ammnt the I obp mind 16 mit have "nd to go oop to Ixok Haven. (Kinnloe on desame "9i- bnt Jiaa notipk to ne fnn). Oh, bat mil Pete Mrftrfff rlidnt hre a good dime dogeder Pete is fied oop shoost so EKs fnn doy lriad tp git me oop to liiig iiutii. Dtn I tiisd de den o'clock dn-inj bnt he gone shoos von minute pefore I gits, to de" depol. But den second dime, 4ere is vere fan fc de vere vw ngto.ri«kethe dwelve iTrR'n Pete fired oop so nice, mit a good run of pishneoB) nnd den ven I to go mit the dwelve o'eloek dram, und 1 gets ready three minutes pocae due; nnd finds door locked.

1 hat's ghoostlit. I vants Pete a good nnd ue railroatT "coompany ntsT Tries mine Jiiht nnd can't get in. (Oh, bnt Pete is fiied oop so nice, nnd we have fnn). Can't get ijy. I pound away, und some "Vants to preak dojvurdOrTt I ySST "Pntter iSore careful; unit you vanta ding go to the delegraph ooperator nnd dolls him." UrwTI goes and him pees not dat (brain due, und he says yes, npd I says oopen de door, nnd den him plow his (nnd cto ilnd I mit hjivo fun), nnd I vpa.jiijj throe 'Tninutes nnd 1 asked him vy dose vas timely, und he says I keeps de door lofted on account of.

und rlat vasb." goot after de fun Pete nnd I had. Dash rax dc fun. I laughed mnA ho excused himself. Den I goes for a diet" 1 hnt pn agp.n,t. Ho pecae gone; und -do De oopcro- tor says, "Pay yuUr fw uti do I gets aboard, nnd Vou de condoocl'T "dickets," gibs him one tollar.

He "Have you a.penuy?" Nix, nnd vaits for mine change, for de fare pccse 8Q Den he to know I puy no dicket and paves my money. I dells him, nnd he goes off mil uul do iKjiiuT, Dt vb having do Hoof locked" on 'nffcount of "drauips." Dcre's de fun (bnt 1'ete is fixed so nice); ven you comes to de depot you no gets tinjl a JS "olovPiT "cSJhH mra nod I pees de only passenger on de drain. Ain't that fun? I dells vou I had a pnHy time oop mil 1'ete Veitzler. Dat ish de tird of oirangc- 'ments dey have there. I shoost vjuit to pulT Pete, uud give de railroad fits.

Dosh is de fun, nnd dekind of urriinge- mcnts dey have oop to Lock Haven, Frogtown, as I calls him. Now, give Pete .1 und i II. Fiuucy, Propoir to Do Messrs. A. Finney, S.

X. anJ-Beth l-'oresraau, yesterday eutorod into a goneral partnership for the purpose nf mannFjirrt.nring and dealing in Tnmljer. All tho busimjsb men of Williuuiajjuit rtill extend a hearty welcome to this new firm, recognizing the fact that with them ere the means and abilities to ttansact a biiKiness prosperously and safely. The gentlemen above named are so well known in this city as scarcolf to require fiirthtr tliO flrl- luwiug brief mention oT their encc-css in tlio past may prove nut a iuterestiug to'tlveir' niiiiiy frieuJ.4: A. C.

foiuierly senior partner of the noteworthy of Fiuuey also -of tne succeeding firm of A. C. Finney which conducted its -buiiincuB with- ominct puecor.fl.~- Mr. Finuey left Clearlit-Ul and became a rnaidritt nf WiUia r.imu since, mow. proved good oue for nil excepting Clearlield.

He "has been Connected with the well known of Harrows, Bowmnn i aod Bowimvn, Finney it uxleiiRively gaged iu the Thiinufncttire of lumber at the Star wills. 6. Williams, boosrii an couscit'nlioiis and Buccussful worker, is a mail whoso frioii-l" us nmnorouK us bin nciiuitii For lit- Ln'M vu- gngcd iti "business litre, is one of those- who by n.nt piwli iiisiole WilliiiiuBport wbn' rhfi. is to-day. seven years he stood ol.

the- heiul of honse of S. N. Williams tlir reputation of which is of the best. For Foreimau has been a resident of (Lis city, uad actively eiij-jiiged ia the lumber business. He is thoroughly experienced, prnc'tickl uml energetie.

As 8apermtendnt- For- the flrm of A. Finney Jt Cu- he has established an enviable reputation. The Hew firm, we repent, will bo cordially' welcomed. There is room for ull such men. TllSir pftst record ass res the succeBs of the now firm.

The I.BIC I Taylor. The sudden death of Mrs, B. H. Tay- ior, of this city, yesterday; was not anticipated by hiii i iends, and cast gloom i-ver mauy hearts. She was generally known iu lliis city and endeared to many friends, and until reeently enjoyed good hcaltj), She o.agjhe dmighiVr of General Samuel M.cKean, of PirliogtOn.

Bradford comity, PA, Taylor was eminently woman, and look greater pleasnio in the cares of he'r family and children thiwi in the guietic.i fashionable a residen.t of Bradford county, she became a member af the denomiuation knowu-aa "Dis- ciplco," and died in tho hope of a Savior. She leaves a kind husband and losing children to mouru her loss. It happened in Willow street, be low Court, about fonr o'clock yenlerday afU'itioon. 'Squire Bepoxz hia office rattling off the ArTcansas traveler for two or throe of -the the door slowly opened ird in an ia dividual wbb looTteir as if he had been taking "nuthirj." "I'm from Klmira, aud my iKiing ifl "You arc, aw said the 'Squire, and on fiddling. "And tlo jon think thiiT is eiuuso frr your fnll of Williamsport tanoy and ataggentrgabuut thfl rrity tlipj-g'iii ton inrnw of fait-on the (gioufiii "No sir; bnt I wag about to say-Uiat I am from Elnura, eighty rmlej from bdle, and I am a matiied man and hrt-vc two tit- tie boya.

They are even now my comin' arunnd the fire pist- "Ton don't ho," the jiVRr-, be give his violin an' Ml'fX rip. "Mr. Smithed, If'the twoIiUIecheruba arbimd thfiiln ami foV your fom- tl.B/ll till tp-morrow'night, foe I have a on the charge of on street, came up before the recur dor at FuJir o'clock ynsterday afternoon. Ida Cardwell, the prosecutor, and tho two jig, were on iv before the appoiutod One of 8ti infant in her ft io pnt Upon thftirgood behavior, and there bo ing some rlhmuuUj to get the witncases, it-w-s deemed btst, uudec 'bo to allow them to depart on of cents, and the restoration of the U'mk belonging to ihe prosecutor. On figuring "up the costs they were fouud to a tn tin lit.

to 95.27, and consideible cancnsing ensued before the money could be raised. At a dollar bank note was the little bill and the parties were ready to rttirb. Before h-aving however, the in VBTJ pltiin hereafter all improper oondact and that if complaints were again made they would be forthwith, and wonld not off- so ol good behavior were wade and the Stines and their friends bowed themselves out of the presence of bis honor. The raotfier of these girls is now sorv -ing'ont a six months sentence in Jail for the same offence upon "which--they were Trained, and it is sad to see the daughters treading in the footsteyn of their parent. The authorities are determined to prosecute all such cases with when sufficient evidence can bo obtained to hold them, and it is hoped that success will attend their efforts iu ferreting 'hem out.

On tliu ath Ipy Koticrt Hnmllt. 1. Mr. Wm. M.

(rocrn Miss Kale J. botli of llualbburg-. DIKD? Taylor. of If. ynara, I I rnontba arpt rjaj? 1 ut Ven.

ntn. aistx oclw-TTJl. Di; Funcral (roni tlio rjunllj at ovi'Kk, (Junda.v'next.. Bradford and T10' nr a 1 iii-i, at iiovMtrft; i yulre Ktprfraljsls. SarsJi, wllv ot Nathan.I.

MlU'hvll, nged ynrs uud 11 dnys. i Trc means of a tor Uie iimoe-ol Uty Trea.surcr, hailn, been tlip ix-mcxTatlc party. K. E. i i i r.i..-JÂ¥l).

tflh, A cnrd. At the i-arii'-l "Hcltnt1on Irlcndn. oftcr myst-'K iTalndcprnAcnt canSWatff PT Uie otlli-c ot for the ITilrd ward or i-lty ot 1 i tirul I plKJye tnyscir. tV tlecHtL to perform tljpTuttcs of InlUimUyr" 1 i i i A i i ConnlalilCt i the voters of the Third waiTi. tin- name of John T.

BurklmMcr. cifllic Third ward, "To Tic i i a t'lri THiettrtfty-. tbc will Ai ANY. l.l»i:,n.v. 1'Kiiaoxs who fxpcct participate iu the street Carnival of tho Independents oh the af tea noon of the 22d will plettbe report to George W.

chairman, at the Brant Market Dn ur before the 20th iust. to tlmf llaces may be assigned thorn. order of commiUoc. fWtlcoJOt iirfnii-- Fur over two we have- sohl Pr. Hyrup of Cherry iiud-JIojrehoimd, mnl ruuonimvud it na ihe vtfybCHt- tion for 'nlds, cruuj', aHthmr, broiicliitis, woopiug froiigb, or" throat or lung that imve ever sold.

If ia a strictly botsuiii' rt-meily. Please call bottle, free uT'cTiurge; I'inn'py A- Whote- fi'" Retail Agcntn. janlldcoclly by smilfs IK Kozoilont, lOlll if U-V i i thO I of the jiL'ttrla bt'twenu the nibiea will priivt 1 UK oxcellonco as a dr ntnilf 1 1 and the sweetness of tin 1 will nt test ita purifying Mui jloBituiK ta iuvv.At in iiig hottses in wtll consult Usrcsl by railing TI PO-WKH, Manlier, s'Buy yonrFoTeiKU Errhango Jlrarts of Bankers. GOAL. The best Family iind Bittt- tninono Ooal at theUity Ijoal i Miilbeiiv street.

YEAOKB Mnrena. febSdly Powell Co. tlo a geuoral Bunking Bank. in and Good S' and Silver bought nnd B.mkiiig House, southwest coi'ior Market Square. mr30-Jtf C'nal, ShoJesalfi and retail, i i i Thirxl ntrtt West sti'Ci jnnCidlim J.

Steamers. t.i, A Ca, power it by- Bp, A- So-V-v sold by all A 3 COMPOUND Biavr Or BtioatJ. Bnfinu, the kno-Md remedy in the U. 8, Dpe for treatment of tiv" kidneys, bladder or nn'nary organs, either of or 1 In male or female. Dr.

of Buohu guaranteed to cure, without fail, following diaesges: Tn- flammatwu or ulceration of Vidneja and bladder, painful or tibn, sn freqtisnt, in old jnge. painful or suppressed ineiiBtruntion, or wliitea, or 'I the decline Or change of life, gravel, glcot, stricture, bloody nbaTges, Bright'a dvieiiKe, brick de- positn, dropsy, pain in the back or side, duration, nge or SBT. An a blood pnri- fier it han no eflial Its'" neittralKing power ana flirect operation mpon all "the orgnps of set-rfctioii make it one of the best blood pnriflers eilant, eradicatinj from tfte sfcin a'l blotched, pimples ani eruptions, leaving tbo Bkil smooth -and clean from allinmorar And for all dig. Bases of a specific natnTe Syrup ot Bunjtn is a positive, care. For bjjjjjJl-drTfgBistiB.

eer JWParticnlar attentioa given to- the purchase, selling and renting of all of. property; oollection of and all Qther-mattera pertaining tu the business of real estate, and property for ante- in parts of the city. McYniGH Insurance nnd P.cnl Estate Agents. aprlldlGnio. -JC allowed on deposits.

F.Tchange nratts issued to laud, France, Oeiioany and all parts mar30-dtf btwiness. tel'2dat4 to" Invest In some paying uron-jh P. "XTZ." IJABTNEESTTIP NOTICE Notice is I fieri-by glren that A. t'. Flruicy.S.

N'. Williams and T. FOnesmipji havp this day enteml Into a ro-pjirtnprshlp, unfler the fii iu nanio of Finney i In Uu; m.innfnci.nviipBi: salt uf Inihbcr. nth, I Iei2rtlw4 Home Musical I ibrary, OolUvtious of Instrumental Music. at Home! 4 band pleous.

"ew; or Htrauss. Most brlUlfmt collection extanl. ts Alhiirrj i'Bpulsr B. t'. Ui M-J pkvti.

Home Clrt-lu. Vol.1. Easy music Home' Orrlr, ol. II. Popular 2 and 4 hand at iioaiu.

fQrleed Musk-. ii 1 in. "I of 0 operas. i rrcuirin-in Soitp. i jng tli.Kt will die.

siiowrr ot IVarls. Neaj'ty all tlie vocal -Tvrsar'red Sonif. PTKP, devout, and beaiotUul, of thf best S'OQCS- nr e-ieh bonk'Ui tio.irdK, cloth. (.1 i (i lirrsOS iiroattwa.v T. A I Comrades "of llnno 1VM A wuilainipiirl.

You are Respsctfally Rsijiieslei Throe ago Or. BoschfoXronnnn Hymn was In traduced in Ih'p TTnitrd Statf 1 From (irr- innny, ifoif- Hie cnre sovi-fo colilB settled on tho breast, ivmsmnptiMi nr.d of the lungs. No mpdicinr pvrr- liad oOtl.OOit sample bttllos been diKtribittfi! cvriy vcnr for fhroi- United States, and nearly l.flOO Ifttcrs from ilrnpgists are now on our that UO Oilier prupsrauon inTlinIV sells as well and such eicpl- leul All vre ask ia forynn to go to your druggist, or if in thr ifi riiur siorr and got a bottle for 10 centa and.try it; Agerta, Wm'sport, Pn. junlfidwxlly effected on all kinrfu of property, in companies of undoubted RtU'Ugth and gpcnnty at standard rates TnEl.Aj«H«r jtsb'Mooj Soocisa IS ta rtf prv'-jOnt, as burflness of be tin 1 iwetliisr, Pel) uth n. i.tNl;snoRi', frl.wi.'.H Atljutaot 1 1 1 TTOTTCE.

W. H. JL Armsd uuM- ami Eiiiunrrrt Klanchnrd, constl- Ui.luCT "Jin; Bi-avi-r Mills and Lnnibrr CoUiiian- i thl; a 1 wlt'i HuTa a partner nt raid firm, Itr.rnnR MiTuiiIf y. of Altoona. Tile bu-Mntsa will be Ui tlif tlnu came .13 furmcriy by the W.

II. ARMSTRONG. EDMVX0 BljAXeUAHD, T. MCCAH-EY. Ullaciy cert, su, iMft.

I co-parWisbip Ii. anil cniirlts K. niclra. under the firm of K. A.

is rtlsHolved by mutual romeni, u. E. dlmstcd carry on the business, pay all thf owinp; ioiU receive tne del'! 1 t-i the Pmi K.oimsted Co. 1). K.

OLMSTEP, CHAS. HICKS. 'OTIOE rjf hiivp appointed J. C. Sampson, ne book-keeper pr saia to art as Uie nnan- ilal of tne.

cmmpony, tn. mote' all OTles lumber, and slgu Uie "fiu name to contracts and iniirjifrti tKo Rnd C0ll(y-t UC iici'ininis-- no memoer of paid mm hflvinc the right to do so. (iKO. W. hv W.

SANDS, RET-BEN OKF.KSY ffi.iiim r. I A. aOTJDBEKG, whoIcBale and retail In Importoa and doin-stlR SG rinf Ktrfpt hjiR hm RUJ his storfc. The best In f.ty ran h.irt ITMT. 4 i I THE POM I E.

of for IV I I 5 A I A.1*. rME.ME.Vf. cvo wd Renl Agon to, -4 ketstrcota. aplldiy 1 i Dr. Moore has remoTtSl his to thejjyowung Pine street.

prraiii to pprfBrtlj sal (I. oalv cnntinor tbls pun f) OF OOuDS before ii ANTJBD. A sitnafion In a family. strum of ing arewm'" Address E. nnd office.

JIsNiilli A gnod. girl for romp well Apply at S3 t-fppbell street rtlldsM 1 A Several dwell-' 9. oifni'ick are lulfUi tor C.JJ. BRKWKBL Office cor. Third and Market bLreets, BENT- One of Hm best bnniness stands in the cltj'.

slCuated MarWt Square, fonnerlv occupied by J. T. Maosee, (is ctotnter und rosseSRion glveu by the first ol April, or sooner desired. For tnrthisr particulars Inquire of Moses opposite the OB SAT.K'OR XO RENT A thsr- oiighly finished Bltli bath, told water on wood wa on the lot; one door fropi Fourth street, tlnec rnlnuujs walK from me Hewitt; House. l-nce low jiml terms can be.

purcn9- 0(1 T. L. CAsEr 77 and on SAKE A piano, nearly new, in I. iierrm order. 7 octave, cost puo.

FOR 5 A great bargain. For Information, call at No. 17 street. EUDOKA (i. JOSEH; fe9lt(irt4 Inslructo -'Oti AEMT house' No.

35 William street, gas and water, seven rooms. In- Jinlre of Adam Bunknrt, in roar or No. sa William street. EEN'l'. A good modem frame wltli aDcmc Beven" Krea of gM gretind, feuitabte for raarkf on Henry street Applj- to A.

I'PDEGRAFT, Hc.bedtJ First Nat. BnnK. Two Parker Machine's, and 'one Drag Alao, two 2-horse Lumber Wagons. Enquire at office of ft iteodiw First Nat. Building.

IIF.XI. Store room and offices In one of best locations In the city, situated on tne southwest corner of Market Square, adjoining the ticket office of th? E. railroad company. For further particulars. Inquire of Charles Stewart, or Dr.

A. S. Kneads." Ifebtolint -v Motel 'l-ro I' 1 A I The of the LojptQ Holme. this pnnntj, offer Him property at prUata sale, up wi Uio tenth of February, if not sola by tune, itiviii te iculed. It is a rtne three- fi-amp huter, in good ronflinon.

situated Irt a central and deslrafclc pan ot the Boronph. fin the main reads eninlBff-ln from nvorv uix3 has suitable outCillfdLngs, comprising a. stable In condition. Ice bouse, also, a tine and good inUt trees. 11 Is a splendid note! prop- crtv.

situated In a beautiful nnd healthful valley i Vullrj i i-ll IIUIT- ulated and raplfllv fmprovlnjr. Near It Is a vary fine hulphur might be so utilized as to use ft in conjunction wltnlhe hotel, and thus make it a favorite gnmmer -Ketreat, The- ucaHh fiiincTM dl Lhn y-llry onto oyod, and tho warm hospitality of Its people shared and mudo known. It not fall tofldvance In populailty and Increase the custom every s'ns n. TPIuis; iinlf caih. naliTmc in one year.

Kot further particulars apply to, or address HEM. n. HECKMA-K, Of Loni.insUtir, W. Of IXK-k, NE ACRES OF Cftnen luiproveo--fuuiau' township, about onw mile southe.iM nf Helm school bouse, will De iaW ur excluuiraj Jorclty proper! v. Qd.1111}' i.iiiiilbit lilHtl-; ill I if fret 1 strtqe, nnd welt timbered ana watered.

Well jwuvpll Vf and grain of all kinds. iood -scuuol and rnurch nrlvllejftjs. Three rnlU's from and Mcnm paw rallK Address. JUDSON DAMN. Allja.

Bradford (M or D. AV. I.RWlsi. 1 PaTk Avenue, CHEAP FOR 13 roorna, suitable for one ur fauillles. and two batli wiiiihot, ttoixl outdoor irom deciidam MAKEKf! Tbe subscrioer will sell one-hnif fhe best rrrstom blacKsmltti Ui A blacksmith shop, a large team-suit.

able for a wapon tiniter. Adiiresa C. f. COLVEK, Jdi-clidtt FOR S.AT.P. )R BKNT lu I OR SAIjE Ucstrable towiilota in the First and f'cond wards, at rates.

Appb to SIRS. E. VVBENNET, i ion Ennt Tfilrtstreet rALUAIJIJ? MACHlNJK PBOPKTiTl' FOB third interest Vthe West Uranch Iron Works be sold at prtvate by the subscnber In order to settle up UrtrPotter estate. This of the moas valnohle uroiwrU-- In the city of win lamsport. Is to better cojtdltj.

than crcr Is In v.C"»'.»it ixnt fitly, will sott anfl huuatJlc- T. N. B. The other urcllOUS, Administrator. Can be bought JnrcssdAS tfl SPUING A I COS! In order to innte room fnr an enUrr new stock of goods for wv and Alfl ilnin MARCH 1st nt cturcW rn5" entlrp stocfe of SILVER PLATED WARE! Except onii CftMnre ani Ware.

J. A. BORMAN. DHNAN'S WOOD SEAT DHAIR O. Elmlra All kinds 01 wood Seat itor'it.

CUMPI.KTK''/VN DISPLAY AX MM I cson- OW WORK I A ISJ J- I I I The stio Job Department and Bindery announce the fojlowing prices for the 30 1 to ream) VACK.l-.-J- fSOTB 1 ream (960 Kbeets to ream) HF.ADS. 1 ream (960-fiheets to ream) Breams a HU.L IIEADN. 1000, miTcd 1-6, aOO t-hcctr. 3000 9 2 5 3 4 2 5 7 9 50 .8 3 50 8 2 5 8 (W 11 00 10X) 8 2000 6 3000 9 DEPOSIT Tle-KKTN. 5000 8 6 10 CKKt US, il.llOXK'.

5000 8 7 10000 11 20000 '20 URVKLOPKS. Printing 1000 2000 3000 50 20 00 00 00 50 00 From S3 00 to So 00 per 1000, according to size and quality tiOii uiade VISITI5U CAlfDS. 50 centa for 50; 75 cents for 100. SIXTKK.1TM 1000 (prin.t paper) U. 2000 5000 10000 25000 THiitTV-sEcoxB 1000, print paper) 2000 5000 10000 25QOO 1 -2 75 3 7 5 liberal redui.

3.250 4 00 a 13 50 50 2 3 25 (i 50 H-35 1800 DKPO.NIT RflftU.H. is, 24 CROWN, 8 vo, 4ji6i DEMT, Sro. BOOH.N. OF "Pages. CAP 2-10 320 400 480 ,500 "urut'rs, $1 00 Sf4 20 TJnntis, 15 fi 50t35 00) 35 25 6 nof 6 35 8.35.

-8 75 6 75 9 00 i 318 00 2000 2 7 0 0 720 800 7 00 I)EMY BOOK8. ST7.E OF TiEAF, 10x15 "240 U20 -480 "500 H.G., B. 1 75 00 K. Ji. 10 50 15J 86 50 8 501 9 00 11 00 11 50 S7l5 9 50 12 00 60 10 00 12 50 "$8 00 1Q 75 13 00 BOOK.

SIZK OF LEAF. iw Jaget. B. 240 .320 400 50T88 JR. B.frF..

13.25.L1 25 10 85 11 00 11 75 $10-251811 50 12 50 13 50 15 50 10 50 640 $12 00 14 24 17 25 75" 11 00 13 50 720 $12 50 16 35 18 25 -915 800 "89" 25 11 50 14 Od 800 812 75 1650 19 00 Books of any pattern, and of tho best material, to order, at oorrespundingly low Warraiitod. OBDFRS PT A SOT.TCH^K;!' and Hiillctin, i i i ,1 i i i i i i DHUGGIKTS AND PHAUMACIS lK of itn healing qualities. nut preparation we as i'sr superior to solrt under IIA1 iOariCs A dotlg Itffnl d. ei '1'oiklc, nitd Tree -II after of of o-r cc' or "yjht. compounding prescriptions.

Store aoocwible on Fourth stfect TN K2 I OF THE WILLIAMSPOKT COMMERCIAL COUM And continue flte Wghte rhe from 7 o'clock to 9, until tbe Ut of 18 5 Ht A-N-O4 1 A CJO 1 1 Bo at a no.tv4 HL4 Ton to j-f cing fc V. i a dnp BJftOW..

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