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The Onaga Herald from Onaga, Kansas • Page 4

The Onaga Heraldi
Onaga, Kansas
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Ni VCA CAMP NO 51 OF VETERANS, B.S. A. "You'll Always JKiitd says the Good Judge DR. K. S.

McGrew DENTIST Meet the firs: r.J third nights each 9 Vis'Unif Brctiiers and all Old Soldiers cordially invite d. ft 9 a v.ts j-inypfl with tin if hiul a' 'malle: a straight alley ami hr.iit li elevated, about 12 feet on an Sir: extending from a standard. The somewhat resembles golf, as the win ner is he who effects this object in the Miifuiest number of strokes. The jiUilU-: is somewhat similar to the one w--'! croquet, the handle iingtri" and the face so inclined to raise the ball when struck. This ball was about 3 Inches in diameter Kxthange.

HAUGIiAWOVT. Secrptary A Permanently Lccat quirir.f -upport from the defendant i. she has married. 1 li court a number of! in additxa to the above. The court tool: a until June it will meet ajnin to finish up the Lusine? of vhe April Judge the county engineer, and attorneys.

interesteJ, went from Westmoreland Tuesday evening, to 1 look over the read situation at the Ephriani Eon jour farm near Onaga. The county has ordered a ditch dug and certain road work done there. I Mr. Eoniour hai brought a suit to re-' That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class ot' tobacco. DULUTII.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. 7, alter Saturday foil a vacation.

left (Irad (tie Dental Colli'. i ATTENTION "Hit? CyfiCA LODGE NO Is A. F. i A. M.

Meets every first and Third Vi tiii.escay niht. rr ornTi.F.8. v. m. A v.

A small chew lasts so much longer than Office over Herges u. st jre Phone No. 210 f- "UXi-8. a L.KE OF FIRE NEVER QUIET Spectacle Furnished by Hawaiian Volcano May Well Be Said to Ee Everlasting. strain the county from doing the work-; C-jACA LODGE 23.

I O. O. F. The court went over to personally in- spect conditions. Mrs.

"7m. Erunkow spent Thuis-day with her daughter, Mrs Ed. Tes-ke. The program which was given by the St. Paul Lutheran choir was well attended.

Mrs. Robert Erunkow and daughter visited Friday evening in the Rev. A. G. Degner family.

The St. Paul Lutheran school closed Friday, May 20th, and a dinner was served for the children. Visiting Jieis every ThursJay evenius. brethcrn aln -A-eicoiat. P.

N. GRIM N. Hawaii's lake of everlasting fire has never been quiet so far as H'ilo AsS. Sec. YOUNG GIRL'S DARiu'3 CLifD local records or traditions testify, a big chew cf the ordinary kind.

And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting' chwini; satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in tx-o s'y'es W-B CUT is a long nne-cit tobacco RIGHT CUT is a shori-cut tobaco TRACED TO ANCIENT GREECE -tAor W. CF NO 2733, 2nd a-ul 4th Memory cf Heroic Dsed Has Been Trcacurtd for Years in Little Engiish Village. of each month Present-Day Almanac Had Its Origin in the Kalends Used by Greeks as Records.

Vf4 'v X. Consn). ib G. 'A'ARREX. Clerk.

Fr.r hack in the days of ancient The Walther Leage Day was eel- ebrated by the St. Paul Y. P. S. and A daring was accomplished a Iieptoii, in Lancashire.

LiiLland, years ago. il.e exp'o't being i Iuemory by a frayed fragment of or that used to Me from tin- i i PROFtS A i. CARDS. St. Luke Y.

P. S. with a picnic. Greece it was the custom to announced the lirst day of the month either through a "herald or placards pasted Mr. and Mrs.

Eilwin Weg-ner and on the city -These placard Mr. and Mrs. August Eistow spent 'k as or surnioiin ii.g the lofty villain chnrclr, rinl which locally p. Cessie's and Mrs. Otto I ILLIAM p.

K. Mtd. ls-T.) iChica-iO Pcliciiiiie lsoa.) (N. Y. Post Graduate 1901.) Phones: OlVce 13: 93.

Sunday with Mr. from the "I call or was Rope." Res- Repton I to th Wrosch. The book of accounts referring THE a spirit was the cauijhter oi steeplejacl: one day, of and in order to of a few shillings, undonoo! in That is, not quiet for any length of lime. It covers itself with a black sheet of lava which locks like wet rubber at intervals as regular as the breathing of a sleeper. This black covering no sooner completely bides the living, angry red lava than it cracks and fpllts with startling noises, breaks ii cakes which eink into the burning pit.

and the molten lava of the lake i Hjiairi in commotion. The whole strange performance, as I recall, the freezing over, the breaking up, the renewed billowing of fire, takes less than ten minutes. The lake so called, is an opening a yards or so wide in the floor of (he crater, which is eight miles in circumference. It can be compared in a hole in ice; the crater floor, although of black, hardened lava, is in physical character like rough shore ice. the surface of the lake like water kept in commotion by wind, except i-r the periodic freezing over.

The live lava of the lake rolls in waves which break against its shore, sending up spindrift, which, blown from the top of the waves, hardens into hair-like glass. The natives call tin's glass OMAl KANSAS 5 in a bet fo climb here don i he had and ynap uaaer to the top of the spire 1-0 King iavs of vear was known as a Quite a number 'of young folks' calenilarinrn, hence the word and relatives attended the wedding Excavators at Pompeii have dhseov-of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Teske, which, Ted a square hhck of marble which was at the bride's home. served the Greeks as a calendar.

Each side served as a record of three months. Each month was headed by HIGHLAND NOTES I the proper sign of the zodiac, and LELNL'ACtl. Physician and Surgeon Office Kestrt 's Dm Storo ONACA Hot weather for May. i contained astronomical, agricultural and religious information. KANSAS I in a suit of clothes with which been presented.

True to his word, he fixed 1 ders on the day appointee-limbed by their aid as far bottom of the big copper hail upheld the cross. Over one the cross he then lassoed a up which be climbed, and aft proecodcii the clothe--, stambi upright, he started to L. B- Dunn, Sole Proprietor. Licensed Embalmer and Undertaker Trncin; hack the origin of the word am! the nine! of rope. throw Harve Rose, of Wamego, was in the I H.

KOI-W'TZ. 0. Si vicinity unuay. our I. tamer's Store i It i lexicographer, says 'Our ancient Saxon ancestors To engrave on certain squared sticks just A good rain would come in about right now.

i Cilice phone No. 22 about a foot In length, sometimes Mot of the farmers have finished r. sometimes less, the courses of Complete stock of Undertak Ulili rnafic A. LE! replanting corn. into the air, one by one, his oh garments.

Suddenly, however, there was a cry of affright from above, ed my hush below. The foolish fellow had somehow managed to loosen i lie ropp, ids sole comic-ting Tue fit nie wnoie yea re. mine-j by they alwaies certainly toil whatt i.nuw full moones and changes lj.v;h, i.auver. Orders taken for Cut Flowers. ATisc Kellie Doolittle came tin fron as also the1'- festival Kansas City last week for a few days i h'M'lMi.

'Tele's hair," that lady being the Goddess of Fire. Little wonder that the excellent deacon who had sat on the edge of the lake in wonder and terror piou- ly answered one who asked him what the lake was like: "Brother, it's a h1 of a hole!" New York Sun. Years General Practice, ione on Onasa. Kacs i daics; and sm-h a carved stick they called a) mim-aght that is to say. al- visit with her parents.

link with term down and luuif firma, and it slipjud suspended from the mon-ht-i'd. to wit. the regard or observation of all the moones, and hence is derived (he name almanac." E. PiiACK Veterinary Surgeon Surfc-ery Dentistry Medicine Calls Answered Day or N'ijjht CAREERS FOR YOUNG BRITONS "CAVEMAN STUFF" IN CHINA topmost ladder, 'M feet below. or three men moved hesitatingly toward the church, but a child-woman of sixteen, his daughter, was there first.

Rung by rung she mounted until she looked no bigger than a doll. Then, after threa failures, clingnig meanwhile by one hand and that one the left she siieecci'ed in throwing the noosed cord over the cross once more. LEWIS HOFFMAN Genera! Auctioneer. Phones 11 cvrll Havensville. 7 21

A 1 1 We are told that the strawberry citjp is cpuite good, and to back it sugar and cream are cheap too. W. M. Hoover and son Claude and Grandpa Peyrouge were out looking over the Peyrouse farm Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Wegner and Miss Josie Peyrouse spent Sunday evening with Dr. Brack and wife. Mr. and Mrs.

Ben White and Mr. and and Mrs. 0. W. Holliday visited with Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Doolittle-last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weber, of St.

Benedict' parents of Henry Stegeiiann, spent the day Thursday with the Stegemann families. II. L. Davis and family accompanied a number of friends and relatives on a fishing trip Monday, taking a ALL SUBSERVIENT TO ft HAVENSVILLE. KANSAS Phone No.

S3 You don't always need an Auctioneer, but I need your business FroccsS cf Domestication of VVPci Animals From Earliest Ages Is Ir.tereJtiC.g Study. Compared With Opportunities in America They May Be Said to Be Decidedly Limited. Here in America we are quite likely to take for granted that if a man has a good education, then his finding of an opportunity to apply it profitably a comparatively simple Matter. Certainly our whole educational program, and especially our whole iine-of educational appeal and propaganda, will have to be changed the moment that assumption is no longer to be made, Whiting Williams writes in Sci'ibner's. "Equip yourself, Voting America, and the country's yours!" wo say in effect to our youth whether in" school at work.

In Britain there is much testimony to the effect that that assumption is not tints to be made. Unless they spend additional years training for medicine, the law, or oth DR. J. W. TERRELL SIGHT SPECIALEST I p've ir.y entire time and thot fo correcting errors of refracting and relieving from eyestrain, and pcor vision.

SEE your physician for other causes North Side of -IIOLTOM, KANSAS. Ihe Of Vili i ilt hy dontost icnt-iihI tlfferent spei-h-s Ci lit i l.i' Ardent VVocer Carried Off the Girl of His Choice Strapped Helplessly on His Back. "Lali-biih," or the "twelfth moon eighth day" is always lucky for marriages. I'oor people of the Anhtii province in can be sure of an auspicious day without going to the expense of consulting the fortunetellers. This year in ihc town of Liuanehow there was a noeI marriage procession.

A young man of twenty-two wanted his bride, but her parents are said to have thought him too poor for the girl, 'and demanded a sum of money which they thought would end in the match being broken off. Friends suggested he shoujd abduct the girt; so on the auspicious "eighth" he and a few friends went to the girl's home, and they were in such force as to carry the day. To prevent anything like lawlessness the bride and groom were bound together back to back and the j'oung man was marched off, like the snail, with his house chia wife -on his hack. The girl had protested she did no' want to be his wife, and apparently sulked, but next day i i ri 'J li i 9 supper of fried chicken and ice cream along to make it a real outing. et mm Meat lain DR.

H. M. COOK PINK WITH AM, and then hy crossing or, by a more or ss unconscious; hivd ifereni VM-ielh-s, until v.e have at presvi.t a chaos of inferiniiih forms. Suaicthii similar but on a smaller scale irite Of the domestic cattle. to "The New Stom- Ate in Kurope," M.

Tyler, (hie kind of domestic catlie npf.ears tudy domesticated in the oldest iake d-veiiinir. It is unlike any wild, iiuropean form. This is the Bos brnchyoeros. ir was almost imported Mingled with iiis forms we lind tlTi-sc of the Bos a of Buroiie. and north Asia, but (ippfiiViill.v not (ioinestiented 'ibis is iii( urns, v.hicti was cojiiman in day, and lasted op.

RESIDENT DENTIST 1 a 1 Si 3 fi ill A Full Line cf Fresh and Cured Meats carried at times. Oysters, Fish and Game in senson. er of the professions, graduates of the universities must pretly much expect to find berths in tiie civil service. The exams for that are extremely diUieult. Those who come out of them with marks at the top of the list get the best of the positions in the most important departments at home.

They next go out to India or other provinces, while those below them take the second grade of the places here and so on. The pay starts at about 300 (nominally Lot io, and considerably more in buying power), with gradual yearly increases up to a certain maximum and Having i ear of actual ce in successful ctice, hciv.g grurluate of the Western Dent a College am prepared to oftlr vou tljr most saiUfuct'iry nrvsvcs possible to he had. Drie Reasonable. Woik C.uarnv.iced Satisfactory The farmers are curling their corn now-a-days. C.

B. Bon jour of Onaga wa-- in vtr midst the past Several farmers hauled wheat to Duluth the past week. Robert Bonjour i5 painting Mr. Descomb's house in C.iaga Emile Mentha and mother, of near Corning, spent Sunday at Roy Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Pemissel I things were smoothed over by friends "But why tie them back to asked one. "Oh, to stop the girl fron struggling," said a friend of the groom In other words it was caveman North China Herald. Get a Roast, Boil, Fry, or Stew to relive that tiivd, hungry look. HOW GREEN GAGE GOT NAME a pension. ON AG A Your Patronage Solicited.

I KANSAS. in nt until lfx.H) A. and still lincetvi in Poland. Tins was a very bn-e and form with lonji sjit-ciidinir horns whose doiijesti-f'tiioiii appears to have comnienced toward the eh-isp the Neolithic period. It is not improbable that It was don.eshYr.ii d.

or at least tamed, indopi --ndeiii ly in different countries at quite different Raisins of cattle was at its height during the bronze age; afterward the results seem to decline and the cnttle to degenerate. TAUGHT LESSON BY HUNGER 1J at Eli Perm1 Neglectful Gardaner Responsible foi Succulent Fruit Having Its Now Well-Known Appellation. Xwt one person In a thousand who enjoys the small, green plum which Onaga spent Sunday tel's. oity mm im fflTi fin I LToes by the name of rSe green gage. ever connects the fruit with an old manor house in Suffolk, England.

A 1 beautiful, old house it is, Hengrave hall, which in the time of Charles Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tessehdorf entertained a few relatives and friends Sunday. Misses Elsie and Lillian Perrus-sel were Onaga visitors a few days last week. Eli and J.

R. Per-u mace a CSas. Deveny, Prop. I Goods delivered to and rrcm all paits of the City at Prices Good Story of How Franklin Was Converted to the Idea of Fish as Human Food. One day Benjamin Frr.nklin James I'iirten toils us in his "Life of Benjamin Frnnklin" was on a sloop which was becalmed on a certain island.

The sailors, as is still the custom when a ship is becalmed, amused themselves by tisbiug. Franklin witnessed the catching of the fish with regret. But soon there cr lie to tantalize his nostrils a most alluring odor the frying pan. So, as Franklin to tell tiie story, be went over his reasoning again t.o see if there was not flaw in it. It occurred to bini that when the was settled by the Countess Rivers upon her daughter Penelope, who married Sir John Gage.

Her third son. I-Mward Gage, who was created a baronet by King Charles in 1002. inherited Hengrave, and his descendants after him. The gardens were on a magnificent scaJe ami- everything that was new in the horticultural world found its way to Hengrave. In this wayamong other plants and fruit trees, a small Express and Baggage Ti ansrerrec to and from the Depot.

Whan Lyir-g Hurts the The most misunderstood form of lying is that known, as "mythomania." In it the person who tells the falsehood dues so without purpose, and sometimes whh injury to himself. It from Hie fable-making of chiidhooTT. and. unless corrected early, will work gnat harm in one's life. There have Seen cases of mythomania in adults that have ha filed the lest detectives.

The victim has told ihinss about himself that might be hi-h'y iperimtjuuiiisr. ami when (jm-j. Fo'a-d made use of his quick presence of ncni.t to siiviiinhen tlio ovhiom-e against This mental disease often works harm noon others who are as innocent as she mythomanhic himself though l.e is as to II flattering lies of himself. Popular Science 4 1. 1 r.

I ONXGA. KANSAS. i c' jnesa trip to the Eureka neighborhood last Friday. I Quite a number from here attend-: cd the commencement excises 'n Onaga the past i Henry Mentha and Mrs. Cecil Labbe and daughter Eva, of Onaga, were in our midst one day the, past week.

I Wilma Labbe rud the I of breaking one of her Sunday i lilt: K. -lr iT. It r. f- i 'b': fish were opened hit had seen sjnalh fish in their "Ah!" said Franklin. ''If you oat one another I don't see whv we m.i plum tree was sent to the gardener, plained it without much care or i bought, and without noticing that ihe label which ought to have been attached, was missing.

When the little tree began to bear fruit was J. W. HALL, D. V. M.

VETERINARIAN I 'MM i I called, i seen that it was something in ie way afternoon. Dr. WiUon was who set the arm. Sl A s-' --7 i 1 a novelty, a little, round, give! not eat you So Franklin dined upon the fish very bearnly. and thereat ate others ate.

When teliing this sti.r..- FranKlii) ended with an observation which i.s often attributed to Talley- I rand, but which we are assured was a familiar- jol.e with Franklin, 'i'lc- wa i "So convenient a thing it Is to I a reasonable creature, since It en- one to find or make a reason fur evervihing one has a mind to do'" 1 F'. Guided by Light on Cloud, i the nil.t, low tb iflt li- Calls Answered o- N'ic-ht pram, tiait was not known to anyone iih Suffolk and -until some account be obtained of it the name, the plum, or to distinguish it from o.ia i-s. the green gage plum, was used und became general. Christian Si Monitor. 6 till! veil- above the I --t i- 1 i -y 5 3 on I a' throw th I i i npiio tl.icn.

ii cnriiiiis run "'ifl "-'1 (HiU'li I'ht he ii on a o'o'ul. rn l' living jil.ove these clouds wtniid ee ihe a'e'. of and, in LAID OUT AS A PLAYGROUND ciear weather the Ii.ul' bealas cast Up- i 14 or Persian Bread Has Many Uses. At Kasvin, Persia, a British patrol base, were lodged empty wards of the hospital, writes Mary Oi-iscoiii in Asia Mttirazlne. Our provisions had almost yiveu out bv ward mi.

i tin The lir-lighthotise vertical flven in taode ion has been off, red that should he provided with illiulits of IVilt power. rate'v foituy the ill; iiiu A imn'wh mr oil I i i K. -i i 1 V-' 1 i light ould pt t.etrate the cloud of ncr and be visible front above. I'opu'a Monthlv. IX THE DISTRICT COURT I District court convened at an ad-: journed session Tuesday with Judge R.

C. Ileizer and the usual court of- floors in attendance. The following business was disposed of: Arvil Buckles was, granted a di- vorce from his wife Louella Buckles on the ground of abandonment, the; Jivoree to become absolute in six months. The case of the First National Bank at St. Marys, as plaintiff was set for trial at an adjourned session to be held June G.

In the case of W. D. L. Eateman against Win. Franklin as administrator, the plaintiff was given 20 days to file an amended petition and the case was continued to June 6.

In the case of Pearl Hartw'ch against Eobert F. Ilartwich the support required of the defendant for support of two children was reduced from a month to on recount of one of the children not re- 1 F. POSTON Famous London Street Had Its Beginning in the Whim of Monarch fcr New Sport. For the origin of that anions street in London known as Pall Mall, we jan hark back and take a peep into the diary of that remarkable man. Tonys.

On April 2. 3001. be says. "To r. park, where I saw ihe d.ike i York playiuf at relemole.

the time that I ever the sport. The duke's brother, Kini Charles, had recently formed, what is calied tie mail for the playing of this game. Cnarles. Hint for mmm cafe dear." et 5Lr. Torkins, -1 i he.

this and we were redtuet! to I'ersian stone bread. So far as I know, only the coconut and the bamboo serve more purposes than ilie flaps of Persian bread. are about two feet long, one font Me ar.d a quarter of an inch thick. If it is raining, the Persians use thern-uii their beads as umbrellas; snd if it is sunny, as parasols; in whiter, they wrap the flaps around their shoulders. If they do not need them for protection they roil them tip and carry them under their anas.

In tiie Ut piials they spread them out on empty bods to drv. lor rei.i::ar:on oHI de oo 'inon (iinary wis. -s was new in England, as there Filly -Why;" 'Alt'iough yon rea.d of his spen niotiey recklessly you don't see sn-jgestion that he ever placed a on a race horse." We Wiil To Our hail ireviousIy existed a walk for that purpSse on the grounii oecupici by i ho street now known as Tall Mail. The game was introjuoed ftota I anre. but the nnnid appeared to be Iio the Italian biugguUy" asJ i Jj A id lQ hjm izi 4 i.

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