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Morning Oregonian from Portland, Oregon • Page 1

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FINEST cqoos LOWEST PRICES SELLING AT iverviodj. feel at IK me. eiaminp my stoct hrfurp 'f (ttflif elsewhere. MflW YJEAR'S Goods AN latest Designs. AYEB'S STOR First Port anil, Or.

FIRST AN 3S-ABK, Old 1 I -I GBLGOFS EARLY ESPLOEEES i 21. i I I Lf i anil 1 oa the LD Rn i Ojl imb'a it I'M pli i I Ji 1 in I I is down 11 i i iMIb ll ok them I I I hl ind i i In 1 1 nd i i I i (mil Tlol 1 )(l Mr iii I I i i Olat cp i in- i lev distance A deep i Uie Incline annnrmnes that the tadj receive the train, wfllch wo sections and dfat I boat. Ten, rmnata, wm of tbe little station at ic etprres thunderin i the derive snow and orl pi a Pullman sl lUon, nnd as the tram and stormy night I slept at the welcome shrief that tol sight and home mote OMmd Ik nioj-ortals to me. IngeR.1 Air Ccapressots, IPmiTS, Lflfel Wteels, Hymdh otters Fni Ibe of snprUes.1 MACHINISTS TOOLS of fatrintiiio. Sash, Door and inl Machines a Specialty! WestinghoUseAu toma-ic Engines.

66 Horth Fron Portland, Oregon. HOlHaUTH. Tort. LOM.tMlLHIr, Jtununa, Orrgtlli IN 25 Greatert KedicaJ Trtgiath oftkaAft! SYMPTOMS OF A I LIVER. head, with dull part, Pain audrr the de, after li oat ton to exertion iimWIIly of icmpcr, Low whh hit 84 and 86 Front Cosmo poJtan Block, Portland, Dots before eke tbe rlcht BeatlewneMt wltfc HUUr colored Criw, wi CONSTIPATION.

UTT'S PI LX9 arc especially tdtpw ruch cases, one dose WeoU am ft KO of fee In aa astoalui thej T7n, Shee. Iron ar Copper Ware, ImjK or ters Supplies. Plumbers', Gas, S-eam -it Buffalo PortabJe Forges, Stamped Ware, fceCream Freezers, Water Cool I 1 "rr -n 'f JJ -t 0 House-furnishing: Hardware. Granite Iron Ware, ers, Staple FOf IUK Celnbrsted Sll ed Hawkeys Pumps. Ware.

street, ylor LINE SUITABLE FOB 30CDS 11 11 rtZunt iw 56 and 57'Washlnitton St, lorner Third HANDKER.HIEFS, BANDS, HAT CROWNS, STAMPED FBEE CHARGE When purchased at our store. OB hand the largest stock or nu 15? fer I I1 IBB nen, etc. and Cotton Beltlnr, How, etc. First S-reet In Ibe city, and will offer them until Han. l.t al Kreailr reduced rates i i i i st III It4 il Sfild for pxlf CH tu U.O SEE OUR WH TE SILK HIMSTITCHE GENT'S Price OS crnls each and Stamped Free, at B.

HAHTMAN CD'S. ROBERTS, i Corner JYwnt aatl A I'ortlund Oreeun THE WOODA3D, jeiem Dr 01 OKKGON BEDlCTIOSISPBlOaSOS ALLGXJDS From ow Tnlll Jau iary 1. Wove-Wire Mattresses Known the Jtads A Adams Patent, ara nwnoljK tared and sola by OEOBGE M. PAKKEB, 183 lUth Straeti r.rtlaod, Or. I ftiM I I 1 4 II I A 1-H nil I Iran- i I i I i i i ml (all (f (hulls i i tliiniiit tl MI i i II (fnnt rn( i it niuM lia llj- -nun mti i i for Um MI i I i Inn nan hut tin lure I nipi Biinf-h nt The i i iv i-, Uni lonst.

ntl SSIIIK 'i cr the st rs nil I i i i'iu'( tlm rain flim miiieoiis ind niUin i i i i (nctuii ibal i ilrrv of thi ir to uh mi Jiinnt tlii ini Mrl it rr tn inau rroin tin- nuu, nt fun otl I untini! A'lfr luting pen tt'nt I tlm i i ndilh- wanl il i i lr.i i Uiiiiiink, ami v.indj i nil I Mifluiiut i i i II i i i i i a i i i a lus- i HKellt 8lt( it I I In i i i a i i i i i i i i i i i i i Hint n.yeful the reiiiosi it" iimi.M!(B, i i i i afli --a i Hill 1 iithdu nw HO llllllht "II i ll iiinitH ih BuMi and heaijil, Iv i i i uaraiinri, tab ut i nin, thnlenian nt tin ttatern, an i rrini rlli 11 lln i i miles unoliH rmteil lenpret, i in in ailini iti Tftr rtvt i a i i i IH I i nlmni thcr i tn II.H little triji, ell is In wh i them in tl ur on In lif oint that I In illieriWei.f (he fill liu.h better i i Kroimiis--fin on Hut Rl'le elk Here ilmii I nl the) (mikeii tin Ir damp and inonli 1 ntoros and piddlM i tin at for a sa slau 1 Thtn tin) leii- tuteil lo turn their iliotsiwi Is iwan! the luiil- dlcof lienier, which in i iiroiqsi ol tin without eneouEti'rlntf aa sjjtxial aui lmU tliej toim.ltbeiiiwlvi^ nn the bank of the met near IMJCHI, wbiih must been one or Itie uphs near idpjid. Here thej fouint ar Uagenr ninela-fcIIOIUSH, win rem dwelt the tluugh somewlilit (atlilaniah. N'or did the ainlalnlitr of people snfflre irlvethTMi tint distinctness and fixednws ol moral vision the illflerinoe Iwtwwn riln i aiid thlnn can lid ceruid Tin explorers iajl, In fact, be. murli- fltation of finding tint cm of thoir axes, hither toenlirelj reliable, lal in somewaj-istiUishel an illicit connection 11 Ihe ample rihe of one of tin most frlendlj ot Indians Tins produced a wh i iiHImateh h-d to an en tirff fepiration betwiej thn two partict Sthi-danip and ribbed exilorers resumed jiurnej, Kuxng a small Iribii jiry callnd ui Ihe Indiana Kekwahke, aud Knn after reo-bed "a ler rt-miilkablo Inch of land," ngainsl win sen iky anJ precipitous Mdcn the tossing billoitB inalie such that thej coiild not round Uie at all the caled I'orni doubtless frtim the baptism il name of I I lark. Thit name forraerh applied, howewr, bj the i.

igllsiitnin with the thought that a mimth he i hilion mockery without a tonjue--i. Tougu- I-olnl, has not been plaiiteii, aud the linpal promoutiry Is still tlirost i hstinateh out all mds of weather and in ail kinds of crmpacy It was noticed as a wrj tuteresUnK fart uiiat in. water ToiiRue Point was that below was salt As we now knor, It IB at the lowest stage only of Hie wafcr thai Ihe salt ifitiotlroable, even at anj pciut inside the. liar tier? on mgue Point, exposed In the full furj of the alternatlaff son Jme-t and uorthwmi the disconsolate band of explorers spent tbe most wretched wet of journey One oaa imagine tlieui, encased i --all their bedding ani. proFisloLs rotting thn ugh the warm dmiipneea, coral-ir eagerly down to the beach ererj fen infantas at tHe first lull ram or or at the firetlsicklj beam of light throng.

the itumal canopj of clovds, and, after vain to laanrh their canoes In the surf, ginuj up suJenly and going bfCk to burrow uuder the shelUring (jets, it they kept looking and hunting meanwhile bjr land, a od at last Captain Lew is hat ng sd a more regloj, where be was moreover so fortunate as to kill state Ik and five deer, determined 10 get the part, there ind make the permanent camp. 3) taking adrantage. of the urst inattention on toe part of the wind they put ut hastily, paddled past the present of Astoria, a ad rounding Uie rocky po nt below fnurd themselves in a This bay they forthwith christened wlUi the flrsl name of tain Lewis--Meriwetaer had, bowever, received before the narnejfestined to stick, loung's bay. The two rivers entering it were called by the Indians and Netul, now known --w th Uitt wretched taste which planters over the mellifluous tbena iveswith tlm comuonpiace tiaavs of civilLatloa--as Ynnag'ii and Lewis ami (larLe's rivers. I the latter they ascended uiiles and on a gentle stui ded with Br irees, plt.hwl 'heir rnt- ten tents jnd immedirUJy set to work to fell aud Hpllt ees for making huts NM glaider were tlie Itrim 7 i.r irgd's great ej)ic to i eart the wiieil 'for tlian these mo lorn looking like them for row kmt'dortm 4nd viewed th-ough thd hazi of WK) yeamof romauct and! mendacit, these, uapoet' iral mKtlt loom up In the gigantic dimennon-i of tbe anc enl heroes, l.awu might nefop and ihe lialf-brend humer Drew-.

11 might put to bkisu the faithful debates, Nf such foreshadowing, nt future tame appear howwTCr, in the plain and honest narrntivo before us. To get their huts roo'ed iu, to a mrt clem aupplyof elk uiat on land to uiako enough el) skin clothes, mil to cl eik Ihe rising tide jt tbe ebb and low of seemed to Ix c. incident with the visits ol tlwlr Indian friendfc--Irene fuudaiueuta things occupied tliein After in their hntu, and, by reason of those more quarters, henlwl of their colds and rheumatisms and brinies, thej Itegiin to piike diligent explora- tiont t( tlie toast and i anil down lounge bav. and to gam all ijoniihle mlo-matum abnul the Indian tnlies Thene i explorations were rewtrded with almndait (ranie, so much, in deed that in the warmth of the weather much of it spoiled Thkj led Ui-'in lo see the need of salt factory Accordmglj a band of en wi re located qeal the present seasniM an I their indnet soou provided abundance of salt II mi il i ll ,11 ii lie i nf tbe jrrt- it nvir i i i ntiiil id bit elotjiiLnt 1 ir Hi i i in lie i il tint. I I in i i iv i i i i sircastlt.l rt in 1 irl i i i i i If, 11 i i 1 I Inl 1 1 1 I nil o' i Hit i i i I i tU t- 1 tin i I ins Jn'lnah i i I i i Is i i Ihf mtinBiiotis I ilk I i i i i iflded i tlie tit mind an i it now i 1 i i I (I ijie i i i.

in ft linalit th in 1 ut hut about th I i i A i i i i i oftliiMiLi Lt of giiiiiini; i plan a i going I the tnl iv 1 lij the Indniis i wl mil i lienmt acnuamttd, WIT" II ffcc Ti 1 1 it, JOO niimb.r, i TlUanooks, 10UO I prmciial i se Irat peopln is at thf mi nth oi it i I I IB must 1'if Nehnlriii i I mis xnd I irk' a i i orr i i it emp ird mt Tillaun ik biv 1 i i a i the exjilurt-rs iniL i i i bey were tin ibit of ai (, ing the i lo the I It rt i i nlnnd ill bt 1 1 I i i In hi hoc! i Hum Hit i uiliucU i tl I i i I kiinis iivoue, I Is th AIM i otiitls Riastuckk, aud i i a i i i I Vbis the i I i i i i a KllUiiiniks jo Mii.itfj acqiunted ll.jonil tint i i tbn i tin i i i tin i i i i a i i Mi milts fro 11 1'olut Adams I liisl tl i tin ookouf ost ere reumrkulne ft t-xjfns a a tlie llatteutti Tin iiitoos, init Hin nakohils tbe four lilbn i I i 4 Tbe In liana on thti norLi of the river to tbfl a, according to tlm i i i i i mlo ten tiihes, of whom tbe I wn i first poMttoil, tho ijtnn- millsaud i largest The total nuiiibt was a mi 5UIXI thus apptara tu it tbe boii' Ind an popula jt of the coast region between JwSlraits of i icaaiid Uio of ape Met dociLti Lid not emeed 15,000. I Here, as "veil afteivMd ill the WUlamettei country, Ihempkrers fr ind of bor-l rible deveUtlous from sm illpox. Soiue tribes teem to have I mi almost vlped out Tbeexjltreis tesujln? tf length Ilie canoe cemeteries and large bouses of the i.liiUopj. Tbrse last wer- nuuie of iiutit boardi, nod wera from twenty to feet aud from fourteen to twenty witttU, The general domestic arranpeji en ts of tie Indiana were uncomfortable aud flllby dress of hmalee ap proximaiod flat of pur Irst parants in their bden Inu rant thoiKh, (uhappllr, in case of the India is, the innocence did no. uccmupauy tbe nokriiji-is.

Ii im.ralit seeuiett to lie their natural staff In si lie ol tils, anil In spite of tbfir inst nr -t tenDency twpUifer, tbese ludlaus wt re lu 1 uimu kind ant. hospitable and, us far as ur wretched nmslaiifps allowed, rendered to tbe ndventurers They. bail i i i i euough, civi Ization. loweier.l) be sharp trailers But lilit, (wads would buy an.vthiug from then, wen lelr wives or cauoos, Ihotwtw" ortiiles nettig emial lominerciai value, fbe Iwamiful sklus were new in value, and omld seldom (w obtaiued tor less four fat icms of tnads Ihese beads, besidps baviijj tip 'ascinatf the savagn heart anjtl ing je were also the com moii cilrrencv tif the coui tr Ihey Ii arn-d from the Iniians thai trada with ships ii, epriug arol luttimn, very Hi ely i of Ihirtden fidtiasters were given Ii- (h ir i (I i 11 jri sti i I I I i I ll tl I i i i Itt i i I(L In in In! II i I I I ii i i I i i i i I i hi tl 1 1 i I S- irli i Ut 1 I hi i i it In i i i 111 i 1 ii i I If, li tin luurtii 1 1 ei In I ir set stri mi litinsru il nspitjbli ict iijil li) tin i village littli I lov II slii I) ut a compass and a i I I i net lie to i I i i i a mtdliille. loth; i i 1 i it i and i i i tb I- mats, i tlie nn a at on i i jjruit quantity of vappatDin ml i i i ire them I The t.x( Ion rs were Mfcd nued an i utn itttl praj fo 11 1 line, as il imi lonng I i a i i i i ills burg a Hint don their i ill i a an Ibland oil) the otli Hltii nf iitr tin i li id seen a id named 1 islunl was in nalit) tbrei ml tnds, ami Ui it be we(n tlitse ott)n-woO( ipltts issual the ralm intl limpid mer tin Ir stnrrh I ndl ins told them i it -vis cilleti tin Mult noniiih i a pitj, the win, tlial Ihu beautiful on pouil 1 of IlijUlu is no used for the i of in JUUe lintead of tlie, borr i of Fi rUaild i unit 1 1 of i i a and Porthi I luttml nt i i mah Wl at ideas of non liittire i I ers of thoM citus i iubt i li nl Hit weitt now it the lirjlmuw point of tenant Iki ughton Ihi life.

sn pi aks wen now men ut then, i Calm tht i 181 ills i i tertili IHts mil shaggy wo Tin i i i most i tlie trrt it uiounUii ts had not sei before So n. nip I it honor if tbe Jtfl rbou llms tliL 14,11 Uie subasijiii ut i i i i o.liers ill i ur in uiil-Ui i ihe I'(iisid. nns a failure, i two tl maje-ti now honored In tin na iH Of Tirsi i anl' Adams, iiUttatl of 1 1 tin of lln' others i i i i the hodor nun tin- IM of 1111 kpovvn foreigners Tills of Ur. fcfln Lames ought to be ne.j-wl I roin th) stately current depth and width of the lower MtiHl i.inuil the eiplorera concluded Uiat it was Uie main tribiury of tlm Coliuulua. They that it funin.iod rne-fourth Uie watcsuf thai nver Tbw, as in tht cai-e of the Ites Cliutn, wms an luimunso irterestima'e, beven milas up the rivet tit is not really so far i they pawn, a "sluia)" jards Hide separating land from the main laud.

Tlreu miles further i was a large wooden bonne, the guide told them to the Vcnioltiiiinne- i wiUi the owners had all tbeir helongmgs airwnd loose judicattU (hat Ihe hajit of pilfering ilch exercise 1 toward the whites was coinui auumg Ibemselves. Tbe desiitn of the rnrly ti plrap thl- houso havmi; been sncresifully conreutert by re ison of a prior filing on ie properly by au aruij of fleas, they nontviited tfiemserpes under Uie shelter of the trees Next day he wtnt up the fJugglsh river, noticing tl delight ib great Wepth and navlgabi ity In fict the) jumped 1 he conclusion wh ch Ihoojrht not rash i that the Multnomah thfl i tu for south an waters of Our ot California. According Uielr map Lhn MultnomjU is of about the snine length as the bnake, an-l its headwaters (the part of wns Hie Kiode I'lemeiiUue) are tteuaratad by a narrow ridgn from those of ie Jtto Kprte. It drains the uart. of Ore- Bon, as wellas a good part of Nevada ant.

I tali, and, of couree, cuts the cascade "aagt in two It is not ctear how far up tae river Clarke as- endtd, bur it must have beea prettj nearly to be present location ot PorUanti. At the liltjb- st point reached Uiey diecwored an Immense muse beloiging to the ee trtbe. This was made of wide boards set on en 1 and ii i i int 1 111 1 i in i at i ih MI Hud id It 1 tl lit 1 I 11 lit fl III 11 IT! 1 c'li i i in is I inns i (i ij I i ll SHJ i ui i 1 Llj is il In i ir a i ft Mt 11 uuhv, 1 nn i tr i larl i IH the Ii I v. of i i i Ih a i i i i (ugh rd. Militias i 1 1 li 1 (Hi Mil lll till It i I it 4 i i iii MI ui if i) i i i i i i 1 it HI, H'l i i i ill 1 i i i i tlis Jl 1 i i i is tt itft inf i i i i di i i 1 us HI i mir Uiuiifli i i in i in lu Is, 1 1 1 1 lit tu i mtm cts ui J3 In of tl Mrl (incut fUS' lite li i i ih ut Ortvm.

it KTII i tlnG I Hsvis a ark 4 i a i i i lien awl hi tins fluff rs Jtli a i tint i UMM i tlie I i i Mates n.mld fnt WT.HI lill i turn; (J larnir to i i tin a i nii rili wist 1 1 ou to this Uu 1 luu-M. i i than tht did i i rii iM8 apeiit in i aud dry i tu ison, tin i ir.) of iq.lorcrs toidi 1 i ,11 i i i tht Kit it i i a TarfWriH i lln fi i i shores of th i i rl 1 thciiK Ivea lhr pas MW ()T thp vnliaiin ffjtt i leading to tlie trpf tf-h ai IH tin u.ijier mtr larious IndUn Innes llir i 1 1 tl "iLadts rf i dmsinns i.j it Ii th i Uiti'jii ttg ttiest) Hit ih 1 i hung uoiig rtigt Iwet i tdo ui i were rj uis thiuy. in fa. 1 ut of th I ll! ien Btenied to lirott'U them from attic k. i i ut last to order ill those Ii ai ift.

ij ou of being a nif, ibad the in i HIH 1 i i 1 tht ir cinui tu tht, sluggish wa i if thf i i a 'iliroi ttiofie sttiptuduuh i 11 i i on the Larhiiiaiu of that ti tie as on unit of ItiiH, thej passeti to the blende i Ifituideur ail 1 bcautj what IB now nii In lln narrow bottom thtre thtv found a i i ealhnjj i i Uiat t.U!4j(M will not givi out on tl is luiue Ufotk8otkwillacuiiis These weru the hn.t haung horsts None had been seen SOMK IJOOKS. i AM l-M i I ut- i I Il A i i i 1 1 it 4 i rh i In i i i it 1 rt 1 1 1 i soi 1 1 i li I I in- oiujeni 1 i nt 1 i 1 i nUrd at il 1 si me i ne eds i i 11 i 1 i 1 In 1 lat i an 11 i rr i i 1 i i I'-it 1 i- 1 jn 1' i Is IIITC 1 1 11 i tH i i -s i I Ti nil i i It hat In 1 i niHUs bri i i is dm to tht pa mil and i i rt sfii of ttMilolngHs, 1 in lifert- i itut to I of iH these means' it luifc 1 1 fii OTH i i cnnsi IPT- dik i i of the J. allur of in i ss i i a i Joseph is tint i us i 1 li in to i hed ui IIK M-( Ins ISM ons is i ot true, vet very i i nu i 1'rof Myru hero prebeiith tl --ulth nf HH la t-st research and the 1 t-cholarslni an 1 affonl ground forfiurprte. it -i i his 1 dotProiiiied qutfition His i-luint is iwwl cooi- a i on thesnhject in the language and poutims a 1 o' itH Rulijects are in chipU i as fol ow? i i Rilijloun and 1 1 tmtcianK Thw iVrsnn I- jn iiu aslic T.xl iff, THI STORTMAN 83 Llisha (Mllna i i i i is third Hut has bet pre- i i to 4 puhlK tlie i aud piehujsiyt. sj ortuiy manual Dr.

It thoroiiffhlv revised hi Arnold Bruges has added three new chapters on dof-H, ue lot is deiote 1 to the origin ff tl dojjf ''iiHlher the Hciente of hreed- mg, nnd a ird "breaking It LS protuhly the Ietworli of Its kind tvt-r imbliahed in tin cr I nts being- not ouh a sports- Tin iiam All rajuie larje sliips, me o. fou. masts, true, rf ht of tl ree Hale, "4as Ire apuareut ff vorite of tho Indians among tl ese raders, and fr nil him Lowls alid (larke iismel the baj dt Uwaco Haley's baj. Tbe first lining however mat of Baker, could not be Tli roiuble profanity of the IndJaoiB---rr tint was Ihe form in which the tongue if Shakespeare Milton seems to have bee i first presented ilieir uututored ears --sufflclently showed thas these traders were mostly English or American. Bo the mild damp winter peacefully away.

JCvory daj a pirjr of hunters went through he taigled wood, tkmg the opper NB- tul or waqed in tbe ide-Ums bordering tbe bay in kfsrch of k. These kecame very leaa as winter advanced. Those ruuulug in the wood) wereTirtrly defined to a of au evergreen shrub OLled U.t) sha.lun. (This must have been the salaL i in with the uiinj on of March een the lean It disappeared. This of the usual fjd supply was partially recoip sensed IB cointag ou of sturgeon and aucinvlea, by which ant the smelt was jn-obabi) mean Bnt ths apparent danger a stnngeacy in the meat marital, together with he kuowue tge that the long sod weary ourney lome would require all the mnier that Juli possibly be got, m- scourge bad passed Jiroiigh toe country aboil (lureil explcrers lo dedd to leave their win- nirty years previous.

This same old man cave ler quarters at Jie earlieal possible opportunity They bad greatly cesired wait till the fur traders ebouid enter the rire for by them they desired to send messages lo the United States. and even contemplated Sdoiling back part of their Dumber by see. linwever, madu up their ai mds not to wa.t, they wrote a num her of notices of theh stay Fort (latsop (the name of Jielr r-iiuii), aud htving posted up one of these! ou the wall the tort aud dtetrlnuted the otlifn amoTig the Ind JIBS, they again gathered together tfceir stores atrf bade farewell to the spot would be to tkeui, in spite of comforta, not Ijeir most uapleasaut memory Ihu Wis ou Much IWXS. Their slow aud labonrot ascent of the river against Uit current, which was daily becoming heavier the Influence of the approaching spring ttwd, not marked by any exciting adventures or valuable discover) prior to reaching the mouth if the WLlauiette Thej spent quite a I in on Heel islau called EUlu'i by the Indians Here, out nf a land of a huu trail It-ir, lh- kllle. si veil hefre thej could se i lire an enormous baud of vuitares swooped down and ale fom af them Indeed ane at the ineu declared that tlie vultures drifted the caicass of a large buck a distance of Uim.v jardu, it, and broke Its backbone Besides liiesi harry likt mliures, they fouu I ou the kjind aw4iis, craies, geeso, ducks eagles, "-jter-rate" tprojajlj wild lati) and enormons iiianlltios if ga-tersnakes As if tln population was not they also recall ed a visit urn a number of Onatuia potle Indians.

on this itiiuid- named islind, they resumedUieir jouruey the nrer acrocipauiied by threi. ineu of the Towahu- ahiooks Inlw Fourteen lUies above Elaidh mland fl ej sav on tl rigit 3 large taiet which must havf- been 'Willamet slough and on the opposite Hlrea river which Uie Indians called CawabmVlks. was divided into seven apartments, each thirty 'eet Eiiuaru. The roofing was of Uark. The only entrance was a hole twenty-two inches wide and three fuel high.

Tills entrance led to an alley running thr whole length of the house and commnniaUlng with tba several apartments separately. Ihe total lomjtti of the jouae wai p'wohundredandtwentysKreot. It was observed Jiat the ml.a ittaots of liouse were largor and better dreseeil nan thoao below. There were also several ild and Mind among them who, contrary to Indian cuntoin. were treated with great Undneea that there were remains of several large twlde the exUt ipg one, the explorers Inquire 1 the cause such decline of the tillage, To this all old man.tath- (r of their guide, responded try leading out a woman very much pitted vrith smallpox Ho said that when a gill she had aetrly died of the 3(sease which had left thosa it arts, and tint all lite inhabitants of tlie rubied houses ha4 per- Jhed from Uui same dlatnue.

Prom tlie appar- age of the wonum it seemed likely that the rke a very mtelligent desori ption of the sur- munding tribes, aud drew with bis linirer la the: dust a map of tlie Multnouah and Wappatoo Jdand. From the researcLes of Clarke on Ibis ecpvdi- 119R the conclusion was reached that Waprutoo island was the most important spot this coun- Iry. This uumd they tucngtt to be tirenty miles long and from five to ten. wide. It was exceodtngj; fertile and in In numerous ponds wasfpund animuionse quanLty of valuable plant, the wappatoo.

root, being Uie staple arUcl- of food lit the Indians of the island, was quite a source of tevrnua to them. The tribes both from above nd below came to trade lere. Tbe Multno inahs, hie tbflr successors location of the Ortsent time, were therefore the position of middlemen toitlitj aid down-nver both the rampariiot--like Uie prus- inhabitants of Ue lower Uultuomah they ijade a pretty good out bolu I (in the llei oijuaws ft 1 the task i dig 8nig tliese wapiiatuos With, canoes so light Jat they coujl DO carried In one's hauda, the ajtraws would paddle out nta die poadb, aud lu vine reached a pi ice breast deep, woud eet toto it, oud, srim ttelr toes, loosen the zoote. Thest. wonld then come flnatUiglipto th 3 surface, TV hence they could be -Jitown Jnto the ramoe i As nearlv as couldlln determined the val ey of Uie Multuomali wide, and of great, though unknown length The namtlve expresses the opinion that 1 19 the only nlaci desirable for a setUement of the Socky mj)untaini.

If properly cultivated, it would afford sulBistance for fortj or fifty thoimn-1 know wiat we art, but not what we may bt I If those valiant explorers Use from their resting places of more than half the ghty yoais since thty were here, and could put on the habilaments of life, ai-d in their battered iiiiiig; on the explorers noticed with curiosity Ih funeral rork now known as islnrd, tbe house of tl dead It is tuat it lias been used from very eartj times for ttiat flirting reached the country of the SklLoots th'-y found them rcjonny over the ajheul of lirst salmon According to a curious ciw tout thy had mt tins lab mto bils, giung ono to iTtt li child ii the vil iu tbe belief thai this i ulil hubteu tin spring run of hsh The party ii tiLd tie skillootH and tery suilj fciHl Witii great dllliculty lliej obtained a few horses of them imt forbids flw ling on tl many interesting; di tails of their horseback journej from this place wert treatid reuiarkablj well by Ibe "ttollawoliahi, whose chief, was aliM the most micllitreiit and amiible Indian i had-seen Thej ecomiwused the kindness of II esttindians by doctoring their sliJi and be- Bti vi miJ iruinf runs pnseuts on them Their joule fruin Um Walla country liy directlyiacrow Uie great plains to Lewiston Thence Iheriiroteeded up the Kooskooslae or llearwattr to the place whero they ha.1 left their tmrn-H TTrew nartn? tjeBn flecaTW arter rorsiderablc palavering, they proceeded on their long and snowy roaj through the Bitter ot mountains anil across the Heckles lo Uie head waters of the Missouri. Many hardships were tncGuntered ti) crueairip the mountains. I re in Tune 10 to al lut the 1st of August they were tlriiinlerlBg among the suows an I rocks of the two i-lopes of the great dhlde But after that Iheir process was very rapid The 7th of Augusi saw the maiL party under Lewis (they had divided mto three sections to cross the imuntains) it the junction of the Missouri and Yellowstone On the IJtb, with le-umted forces, they con- tinui-d 011 rapidly down the river and on the 23d of September found themselves ouca more atht Ixiuis. They had been absent a year and a half, had traveled nine thousand miles thron 'h wilds untrodden before hy any civilized (nut, had depended mainly on their own hunting for support, and yet had iMt but a stugle tnau lie had died only a lew before their a-rlval at St Louis This expedition, though not so related as that of MacKenzie, nor so thrililu' and romantic as that of Hnut aud rook's, was the hist of the kind titled, out by our government. It was also the Srst attempt to solve the mysteries of the great water-shed of Uie continent On kcconut of these things it excited a lieraonal iritenwt ID the mind of every American.

The nafe retain of tlie party was hailed with enthusiastic and universal joy. hile not having undergone desperate hard- encountered blood-curdling adveu- man i a lover of nature aud close ob- i.rver of tl habits of tbe game he describes, Lut able to present ins experience and advice in a connected lucid in uiner, "which aduS inucli ti value Tlieuuiubei of sjihjects treated I vl iits Poetor Lewis from giving all of them lit lull atttutiou they deserve Tlie chapter oil bhooting on wing is an exception, being an pit and coiii. lete Sil-3 oil i MAN in- IHL By I-d ui Published by Harper Hros. IMW lorsak I I Bancrot 1 A j. Luiuunil 1 ales the jonrnalibt and i ovelint, tliough accidentally in Mmlnirgh son hlty lni.e years ago, has always liwd la i i i HHnm 'now reached a tune in life when in his judgment rrr suiisluni, early hours and a minimum of conviv lal reui'tta a i iniiKurtaiit elements as regard' hajip 1 ness and hesllh," lie lias determined to retire to Uie country, and he has seized tlie occasion to itciril his memories of tbe varied iifn of thn (jreat initmirilisas it has come will)iu 1m own of ihe men whom lie has known a bocial or inofegslonal -nay Tbw he lias dcne iu a work just issued in this country by 4 B.ils, uuder the above title.

It is a I 1 ok of universal interest, pr sentlng a vivid of the vast i i its occupations, interests, an iiseiiuiits, resorts and the persons, in literatim ami public bfe, who have been cia- tpli ui us it for Ibe past fifty It full of amusing auecdiites, and is written thn eatr, vivacious slyre with which those who have read Mr laics novels are familiar A chapter entitled Under tbe Mare and Stripei" gives a spirited account of the author's lecture tour in ll.e Lulled Stales in and will be of speilal interest io Aimerican readers, as will nana- tlve which lates gives of his connection with American journalism, when in the vmploy of Mr J. (i Bennett as one of (he inrojwan correniHuideuts of the New iork HtruM Tins VmAGS of THF Tw i vols Boston Houghton, Miflltn 4 vlil by Ajer 4 111 these volumes of qoo pages is a implete ong, during Uie years 1x71-8! The books printed an heavy laid paper, large, clear with two steel portraits, several maus, and many illustrations. Tbe ork is edited Of the dihon demand the most grateful remembrance iroin then- countrymen. We are pleased tn know that they were abundantly rewarded their own life tunes. lewis was made governor of the great tern- of Louisiana, and Clarke became a general of rallitta In the same territory.

Bnt, gad to relate, the nervous system of the biare L.WU had been so shattered uy the hardships aud anxieties of his long journey that his liid gave way, and in 1809, at the age of dfcn llv nffl nnrn hand reverent iofti. more fitting memorial could have been erected to his. memory, and is difficult lo see that it could been better done. Ine Btory people. Mrs.

eani as cllOB wto Publishing the journals jail tu were rl from dar to day-dunuif the 1 8 tv by land and miild the dartmiss ot atctic win storms. They tell the storj Iwl- became He ttira became superintendent of Indian af lairs, nnd that imsltion ho filled until his death which naJ iren anding jiresents for selves TUi-y ere at however, in their md with becoin uileXrr tlittir usw friends chose to givi. Thuchirf tht). hy ths bestowal of i 1, an I In, wltfi a gallantry hith orto unseen, soon it to his wife paddle lost in the danh of the steamer's or the liicomotive's siriek, ll they could see the gentle curves rippling from Uie bows of a waiipatoo fleet gathered i In the outwaod bu ce from the steamship's and jf, instead of Ibe weird Indian song joining with the cou- 11., nuu 01 me weira Indian sons lol of salt orto unsftpn, soon trtasfered it to his wife In- gar's howl to driw the In Januarv thev Itanvdl that a lirge white numerable Wrdi DOW loaded he air withmnl- ioueiy shores they i mid hea fen strandf.l Ire Iwach some miles be odj, and tl eu-tnral of the bull- from EnR-HsU wheat shins. liw i in i the salt makers --owiUi vis- ii i I lie blubber In il i before their eyes, tli-v u.nde nadv to thither And now S-n iw tlie, who i f.

tl u'lj 'oiliHed i ill! Uiis Inn put 11 a i itft i i tin '-tilt inigiit actompi iv Dun h-il i mil nil my in of tin liff water ainl aovv i hat this mon- 'Uol lith was there it hard Ihit she tj.i u.d not have a see either the ocean or duldish eagonmw of i woman seems to hare quite touchsd Uie sod they igladly (rmnled her nqlie-t TliBlr frogs rem aded Ihe vi yagers ttievernal sounds of home IbeiewiLm to have betn nuuierous Indian H11 eb loiJg in this region Ami were Ibe Indiuia of the coisL Ibtse more dreadful and 'inn ViTiat could Iw expec-ed of people who lad 9n Knsuni' time la pronouuciag might In the shuul- basten to hide their OWB from which they came. .1 fou; Indian tabes alonir iht Miiltnomub very unuiemux Tto Clunat- niliismuna anc Clabuaiinahs inliabited Wappa- too island, tbe Oa and Clakstjira lived on the ma'n land on a creek entering Wajipatoo inlet, down whiih the KUlainucls i i Trllnnu runcress meets again under circumstances vvliith buve not existed before December, 1) Tbe i ar whitli lias lieen entrusted with Ihe vemment for twenty-four years has been defeated in a (residential election, and Is now about to lose the power so long held. But there are several things which it is quite safe say will not IIWB.occur, though they did occur the last time the people saw fit to transfer the power tiom one pirty to tlie other The party now holding the power will not go to work to Wreck the government before its term of control expires. That party will not proceed to bankrupt Uie treasury, to send Uie navy to dl-tant seas, to scatter the army ou useless er rands at fnx-ofl a nd inaccessible points, to plun der Ihe arsenals and the navy yards, or to run away with tiust funds in the treasury It will not deliberately conspire to get up a rebsl- llon the government, nor will its sena tors and repreaenta lives pereist in holding Uielr t.eats and locking the wheels of government, while acting at the same Hme as public agents or secret emissaries or hired spies of an armed rebellion Thepartv now In power will assemble legislatures or conventions iu states which it still and reaolve with haste that the succi 88 of the other party constitutes sufficient ground for weeding from the Union. Nor will ll seize the custom houses juid the postofflces rUl Btst)8 and roce raise armed forces ie heroic trader to his mission and his an- lui IK ord of all scientific events, as well as the tecord racu day of the death, one by one, of liw br iv band, in) to Uw very time of his own death, is one ot the most touching recordsmer written.

HIB devotion to bis men and his responsibility fortlieii safely aud comfort, his manhood and Christian course, all stand out in the history so marked as to make the readers of the sad history inoud to own Del ong as a countryman Aftir the deatli of DeLong the narrative is continued from tbe personal report of other mein- nmoflheittpedition The experience of Hatm. HnBemimu, and Noras, the two sounni who Bert seut forward by tbe commander on the jerilous jam-iey to ootala relief for tbeir per- ithuijt comrades, is given Ad-mis Drake, liostwn Bolwns Bros This is a handsome volume i -jis pages, fully ilhihtrattd. I is made op ol a rips of short ol men and women eminent In iii- eiaiure, science, philanthropy, aud art, covering a eriod of nearly four centime- are necessarily brief, 1ml In their roncfaeiiw th-yare yet clear, and. give the leading events each life It is an epitome history of large value, and tbe student who masten it, pages will laveafund of facls whose iui-iort- ancecan not be overestimated. They arranged to groups, those who have been distinguished in "bterature and art," "discovery and explor-allon," in ophyandwilroti-m," aud "science and laven- tlon" Its opening article Is haiu-w, Gral hm whol the spoal'ng teleU one, and who Is yet living The contain, n- 1 1 to OT the trovcmmeul aflirms "thai ern The party now in power will not send com- nmsionersjn treat with the United States Ma nor eaii lor "coercion" fall, open fire upon union hi order to "fire Die hojis and wecjpltate other sUtSTlnto Afr, 3 Ajer A To Portiand This I a i hook, contim best Inowu of Ur oiner Wendell i pctniB, Uluilrated lit our and cntlyourltaliuKen The pictures t.i 's of Ihmker Hill Rjttle made by Mr Pi Ie, and encraved by nl artW Hhctenami, uy the waj, ought to lx scntnib'B -of He kind 8nrh delightfu'v wwvro 1 11 Io not tee dwHtntle Jt IKI wonbj ot niruiirn tint llr, ea totlMs nartloiUr cJilion, myOn ilioso i bfrt.

Tntelcbins Tr. H) a.

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