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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 13

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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1 Fit 2 XWiU. TL'S Iff DOMCIO TT VY'r mur rxrr I WUH hVU ITIHI tsI V.j 7 tlw uyi vti butmarkaaU turws ttrvtot VOLUME XCVI. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1922. NO. 44.

7" -v United DULL TER WEE EMITBi CARE GO TO flEfi'LUR FELLEBS' Ml Mayor Urges Observance Tr: Of Go-to-Theater Week Storpheumfoii TliESWHS Marie Prevost's Taste in Clothes Helps Her Films Marie Prevost's tarte clothes Is; one. of the reasons why she Is so fas- cinatlng on the screen. She spends a part of her time every day reading audstudylng fa.shlons.' This Is Just a I little personal hobby with her, but Its result Is far-reaching. As the frisky flapper in "Don't Get Personal," the special attraction now playing Loew's State theater; the dainty brunette star wears some exceptionally attractive frocks, all of which ate noteworthy for their--youthful and simple lines. One of old blue voile fig-j, nred with full-bloom roses of a deli-I four.Inch- tuckl t0 the bottom are the only thing that rollovo- tho IS AT FRANKLIN 1H LATEST MICE "A Prince There Was'' Carries a Romantic Theme Throughout.

Toui the popular i'aia- ALL PLAYHOUSES film and Stage Magnates Put On Special Bills to Enter. tain Their Patrons. tnwuju rial, nun lime tvvuis and aratherod at the Two me girw in. es romance. A Prince 1 here Was, at 1 0.

James Oliver Curwood Picture of Northern Lands.Aho on Let 8 bo frogram. 1 1 A i off ora a "let's program Harold! Uov(J Nevw WeM- comedy Mid'to mk ytfiirlpple with laughter nirxuri'utinn nf the greitt jttt.dor' fltory of the same yn nroaucpn nv i-'ine ires i tiuica, Inc). and its theme and the locality I of the picture ring true Ho the name of the The principal characters are taken by ilisv. Vaire BInncy. sister of the popular Constance," and by William Collier.

or as he is better known to his friends as Buster. Others In th strong supporting' cast are Jack Irumler. James Milady. Attoipn lT While a feature of the prpductlon the New Franklin this week.rTre plainness or tue aairi. ine wim 1 from your kefe-caps to your eye-olcture has a refreshing theme Snd o' plain, fastened In the 1 back with i brow, heads the bill, which Includes el.M narrow velvet ribbons of paitel I Oakland C.

of C. Support To Theater Week! The Oakland Chamber of Commerce has given i endorsement to Theatrical TPet in the following letter signed by Blanks Everett, The Oakland' theatres are planning a "Go-to-Theatre" Week, beginning Sunday, February 12. 1 "Chairman E. L. Perry of the United Theatriral Managers of O.tV-land assures us that strong pregrams have been' booked, offering unusual "The-theatres of Oakland have always shown thcr ciir pride and now thai we have an opportunity, let's all lend hand in making "Go-to-Theatre" Vk in Oakland a huge success.

"Oakland always does things just a little better, HVall pull tor-gether and help the theatres achieve another success." CEC ILE SORX1. AIDS. Cecile Sorel. Paris' 'most famous actress, aided in the production of "Peacock Alley." She took Mae Murray through the big theaters and cabarets; of Paris, explained their methods and- the lives of Prench theatrical stars, much of which was interpolated Into the spectacular 'can DON'T TELL KVf RYTHIXCi." "Don't Tell Kvervthirffr with Gloria h-anson as one of the stars, slgMwrlzea the presentation of a num- Dsr of the greatest productions at the New Broadway theater next Sundav. taught piano end organ and later was director of some large theater orchestras In Oaklanders.

who have visited San Francisco, will remember her aa the oreanlet of the California Theater, and during the last three as orsranlst at The Hlalto; her playing thnre attracting almost national attention. i shades are fastened in a small bow at the back Ttlaclc kid nunina and chiffon guppy lh), footwear, while! fveral pieces of velvet ribbon, in' pink, blue and; lavender, are worn around the hair and tied in a Jaunty b0w at the top of the head. When Frances Ross, prominent modiste of San Francisco and New York, was brought to Universal City to direct the designing of stars' cos tumes, the first person assigned, to: her was Marie then working They'll all be there All the "regMar feller" are going. Mr. and Mrs.

Toots, and Caspar, Percy and Kerdy, Tomboy" Taylor, The Aunt Kpple Hogg and Broadway Bill with the big diamond. This week. Is "Go to the Theater Week." Mayor John I Davie haa jro-elalmed It and the theater managers have arranged It Stars of all marnlMide will grace the local boards. RFF.CIAL niMiS ARRANGED. Bpeclal bllla have been arranged.

8peolal" musical programs are being preparod. All things are In readiness to make tola the red-letter wenk In the history of theatricals The stage and screen peiwoniK will Include everybody from Eva Tanguay, veteran of many-a-scason, to Marie Prevost, one of the newest tars to twinkle In the sllversheet. The theater managers have com-j blned their Interests to stage th biggest spectacular carnival the city has ever witnessed. Expense will not be spared and nothing will be overlooked that will add to the gaiety and entertainment of the patrons. The vaudeville circuit have rerouted their choice ehows so that Oakland will have a gala bill.

"ion "Don't Get Personal." is the remarkably Intelligent dlsplaiU'Piay, Boon to be seen at the Aniei Program Comhine Portions of Everything Worth Vhilo in Vaudeville. itVen to the Oakland Orpheum th.15 eck? Th speciT "Go To Theater program that has been secured tot this wek one thst combines a generous poillon of everything that Is best In the field of vaudeville which -mean diversity of Interest with excellerce of presentation, Eddie Burll. and his capable Co workers Man of Affairs," offer thr ben In rl.elr field Of entertainment, a sk'i'h In whicirnew-eom predomm: tea. Al Lydell 4 Ca.rle-: ton Macv. a-re admittedly th dean of character worT and their por trayal of the two "Old cronies" rank as the gem of this style of entertain menu Innls Brothers top the list oft fun makers In their style of foolery and create more thaa tlie required number, of laughs.

f- Harry Tan? and Jeanne Vernon lit their laughable skit are numbered, among the most dependable comeUi ans, and La'Pllarlca Trlo'stand at the) top of the list, of Spanish dancers aa well ais exponents of othe'r' novel steps. The GoKlles in "Applesauce' are masters of rapid fire comedy dia logue. and Oarclnettl Brothers ar the premier hat throwers and Jug glers of their class. The bill is Just an excellent exam pie of the fact that nothing but the beat ever reaches an Orpheum stage. 'HAIL THE WOSJAS" Thoma-.

II. Incea latest ecreett r.asterplece. "Hail the Woman." i announced for a two-days' showing at the New Broadway, a week from next Sunday, February it and tT. 5631 College Ave. MUSEMENT COMPATT, Incorporate Telephone Piedmont 17 Tues.

and Feb. 14, 13 Constance Talmadge 4 WOMAN'S PLACE' CoMttnet Tloids aa. canfldate for Mot, catching vote wlti hw lnna mi In, aaa fourttrn traaks Pulalaa irnoi for fcer plitform. iv Rr drlT wt eloon, fn tisdf for Joy nd pa. Bwnbodr wm waat to (9 alectloarriiae far "Conny, Sunday, Feb.

19 Norma i Talmadge! The Sign on the Door A magrMlflecat aredaetlea. A hllHaat artreaa KtviaK te the crrea eae et the aewertal drama of the rear. HIM THEATER Manaa-ement BEACH-KRAHK H. L.J&EACH. Resident itanager GO TO THE MOVIES' WEEK To better cmpliaslie the carnival wplrlt of the movies of this week, we will present programs of unprecedented pictures.

No problems or tragedies. The entertainment tbatjs promised is to show, to our people the, appreciation of these theaters for the splendid patronage they have been receiving from the public and to repay to some extent the support the public has given. Elaborate plans are being made and the managers promise unusually excellent programs for this particular week. Every theater ill Oakland is represented in thauir dertaking and is planning some special feature, Tho, merchants and business men of our city and many of our civic' organizations are also cooperating in the general Our people are always on the alert to enjov any special event of this nature, and I sm sure that they will appreciate the opportunity being presented and that -Go-the-Theater Week" in Oak-land will he splendid "Four Horsemen," With Rudolph Valentino, One of Many" Features. Many'of the flnetfealure pictures and comedies that are to be had have been booked for showing at the New Piedmont Theater during the "Go to the Theater Week." Starting off on Sunday and Monday, Harrv Carey In "The Pox," a big-caliber western drama, and Viola Dana in her latest release, "There Are No Villains," are on a big double program together with the newest Pox News reel and a Mutt and Jeff comedy cartoon.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Rudolph Valentino, the new found matinee-Idol, pretty Alice Terry and the entire cast of the "Four Horsemen," will occupy the etollar position on the silver sheet of the New Piedmont In "The Conquering Power," a wonderful plcttirization of the world fnmous story. "Kugenie "Grandet," by Honore Ralzac. Al St. John in "Pool Days" will lend the oamedy element to program. Then ns a.

fitting climax to a week Of big pictures, Thomns H. Tnce's big draina of Ih'year. "Hall the Worn- THEATER Under DlreoUon Telegraph Ave. at 33rd OtiUnd'i Most Beantifal Fsmllr Thetttt 'A TODAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY RICHARD BARTHELMESS Star of "Way Down East" "EXPERIENCE'' Also harold(lloyd "Among Those Present" FRIDAY CiJREY 'THE FOX" A Seven Reel Western Thriller. Also LARRT SEMON In "The Hick." SATURDAY OOI BLR FEATt RE PHOGRM BEBE DANIELS In.

"THE SPEED GIRL" Conway Tearle In "MAN OF STONE'! pfrfotimanxe SIEGFRIED 'at PRICES OEDJillSSION, Adnit Chllron 10e at P. M. Conttnnons Performance, Sunday 3 to 11 P. M. WEEK'S PRflGRftM ITI1FBIPIF0MI1I1T III IILII I I L.

1 1 1 1 1 I ISillfW New Strand Mayor 'John L. Davie ha Issued 0 proclamstion Calling on the people of Oakland lo observe HCo-to-the-Theater' from February 12 te 18. The actios of the mayor follows several weeks' of preparation on the part of the local theater manager) for a big feast of entertainment to bo presented here. Plans have been made by the individual managers to present on-unal bills at their respective housrt ai a mark of appreciation for the Ufiport tho patron have given them. la lino with this policy the mayor hi iisued the following proclamation to the residents ef the Eartbay district; To tho People of Oakland: The managers ef tho principal theaters have combined their interests to produce, one of the most interest-.

ing events ever held in OuLlind -a Go4o-the-Theirtrr iWeek" dur-jng (lie -week of February 12 to 18, 1121 I STRAND'S BILL flarold Lloyd in "Among Those Present" Added Fea-lure of Special Program. Heading a list of exceptionally fine 'attractions, the Strand Theater at Thirty-third street and Telegraph axenue, will offer for Monday, and Wednesday of Go to the Theater Week, Richard Barthelmess In "Experience," and Harold Lloyd in "Among Tboser Present." "Experience" Is a strong dramatic allegory based on the trials and temptations of youth. It Is a thoroughly moral story and should be witnessed by every man, woman and child In th country. Barthelmess, who Is cast in the title role of "Youth," la exceptionally fine in with' a delicate artistry that is not often seen in so young a man. He Is supported In -his' efforts byMarJorlo Daw.

a winsome little miss who -Is wpII known In all movie Many other prominent screen players-1 hsve parts In this wonderful drama of life, which is now offered at the Strarid. i i Harold i Lloyd breaks into society on this program In "Among Thos one of the funniest things that this funny man has yet done. Thl show closes at the Strand on Wednesday evenlfir. i The New Strand Theater bas but recentry Completed a thorough re-modelUir and today stands as one or Mio moat 'comfortable and cozy mo-tloif picture theater In this city. Its JIghUng effects aro don for tho moit part In a dellcat old rose blended, with Alice whlcn tends to croat a soft and soothing light through which watching a picture play Is a real and genutne pleasure.

Many new Improved appliances- have ben Installed for the comfort and convenience of the patrons, and in -short no expense was considered too great, if the general ton and atmosphere of the theater could thereby be Improved. One of the prominent features of the Now Strand Is the big pipe or-gam to-which It Is a rel delight io listen: Announcement has Just been made to tho effect that the Claremont theater, "Fifty-first atreet and Telegraph avenue, haa undergone a change in ownership and management and io now under the control of 8am who recently purchased and remodeled the Strand theater such good taste and success. He will proceed Immediately to completely remodel and redecorate th Claremont, both Inside and out. A large and beautiful marquee such a are seen on many of the large" San Francisco theaters, has been ordered for the Clarenjont, awd when work on this is completed, will absolutely Chang the appearance of the ex-terlor and make the Claremont a wonderful "asset to the already large business) district In immediate vicinity. Two of the newest type projection machines haver already been Installed, and a new pipe organ is construction for this theater.

PerUn Is to- be oomplinjented on his entorpris In 'taking over two theaters, both badly In need of remodeling and, having thus far completed to the entire satisfaction of It patronon- and bidding fair to outdo himself on this the second of his venture in rebuilding picture houses. BARTHELM Fi made a big hit on the presented by George M. who la the author of it. Melghan Is the; son and heir or a Lroesus wno, ieu him more money than waa good for the young Idler. The girl Is a struggling writer whose brain-children persist.

in com- Ing back to her. 'Pidches," a smart" little eirl of a pompous boarding and heir of a Croeras' wTto, left house lady, plays kindly fate for the two and a delightful romance de velops which brings the story to a graiirymg nnisn, cai wi-iuuw Mildred Harris, "Peaches JacAson, N'igel Barrie and Guy Oliver. 'Rip Van Winkle" at Franklin Saturday "Rip Van Winkle," America's greatest etage classic, which has entranced millifSrtl since Washington Irving wrote the story and the famous "Joe" Jefferson broughthe character to life on the stage, cornea to the New Franklin Saturday. The title role in the screen version is played by Thomas Jerferson, son of the originator of role, who even uses' his famous father's clothes, which hp had preserved for this purpose. The well-known story flows along in entertainlng'style, with the lazy atmosphere of a quiet mountain village as a background for the amazing sequence of events which followed the 'old tippler's curiosity.

A second feature with "Rip Van Winkle" will be Herbert Rawllnson in "The Scrapper," the thrilling story of a young engineer who was a cyclone In oordfrroys and a glorious lover in dress clothes, but who made the mistake of mixing the two and had his hands full of trouble. aii." In i which -VheroolxUcT'bTn" llant stars, Including Theodore Roberts Madge Bellamy, Lloyd Hughes. Florence Vidor. Tully Marshall and Charles Merdlth will be-the New Piedmont's feature for Thursday, Friday and-Saturday. Together with "Hall tho Woman," Buster Keaton will be seen in "The Goat," the last of a series of roilickiup; comedies made by th comedian who does not know how to smile THEATER of S.

rKRLIN" Telegraph Ave. at 51st St. TODAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN "The Idle Class" Also Monroe Salisbury 'TheBarian TIURS and FRIDAY 1 RUDOLPH VALENTINO in rrhe Conquering -Power" haroIjJT-LOYD in 'THE FLIRT SATURDAY VIOLA DANA In Match Breaker" PRICES OF ADMISSION Adulta 25e Children JOe Mature Saturday at, P. M. Continuous Performance Sunday SLJo 1 lPv.Sk stage Qaremoht Sun.

and Mon Feb. 12, 13 Betty Compson J. M. BARRIIC9 PT.AT "THE LITTLE MINISTER" A Fearhya afhalaw Predaettoa Thurs FrI. and SaU Feb.

16. 17 and 18 HACK gEKXETT PRBSEXTI MOLLY Wit ISABEL NOfeMAND Seaaett'a Greatest Ceaely Aehlevemeat of a canine actrem who Is listed on the program as Lassie. It Is safe to say that this little dog docs iome of the most remarkable? work ever performed by an animal, The kiddies will go wild over her, Miss Erma Falvey, Known "California's Leading OrsanlKt," has been engaged to play tho big organ, at the T. D. Her concert numbers and photoplay Improvisations will be a big feature at the T.

4r D. Theater. Miss Falvey as a child was somewhat of a prodigy. She played the piano like a finished artist at tho age of 10 and took up the organ at that time. Following her? graduation from the College of the Pacific-she At Your Favorite Theater Soon Ruth Roland "WHITE EAGLE" Ask the Manager When! Mil.

PreVo'st J.M I out's! her ward- i rone ror cne yici.iue unu nwn-u Ross to take a Ioolt at them and sug A 1 .1 MlOM gest cnanges rnougiii neumaai the 'frocks not already In the picture. Mlsa Ross examined thorn-all with a critical eye and then said: "But really clothes are practically perfect." DOG IS WAR VETERAN'. "Strongheart," the famous Belgian police dog in "The Silent Call," is a war veteran, lie served with the Ped Cross and was decorated for bravery in action. sn'sinvx is tknnisktar. John Wharry Lewis, orchestra director at the American, Is one of California's best known tennis utarsj NEW' THEATER Corner Plrdmnnt and Linda Ave.

JO Minutes from Broadway OFFKRS Tli'e Attractions Dniitig Go to Theater Week MONDAY Doable Feature Program HARRY CAREY in "THE FOX" VIOLA DANA in OTiere Are No Villains' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY RUDLOPH VALENTINO Wlta ALICE TERRY la 'THE CONQUERING POWER" Al. St. John In "FOOL DAYS' THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATRDAY "HAIL THE WOMAN" with Flarrare Vldor Madge Bellamir Theodore Roberta Lloyd Hackee ALSO BUSTER KEATON GOAT" At F.Tery perfenaaaee EDGAR BAYLISS Oaklnad'a FaroHte Oraralst OVU PRICES SfATlXFF.S Adult 20c1. Including tax Children 1 Adults 25. tnclud tiJt tax Children 5i, mclDdlng tag Matinee Saturday at 3 P.

iL Continuous performance Monday J3 to 'It P. Sf, Piedmont FIRST Rl'X PICTTRES. Motion picture have canceled prevloua engagement so that new first run pictures may be released In Oakland. The dramatic stock, theater has changed its plans so that a recent New York success, never seen in Oakland, may be presented. Tha New York-, booking agents have arranged that the biggest hit Broadway has seen In repent years will be In Oakland.

The eye of the world, is upon Oakland, the first city In' America to plan and execute a "Oo to the Theater Week." Everyone Is co-operating wKh the theater managers. Th Oakland Chamber of Commerce has sent out 4000 letters to Its membership calling upon them to aUend th theatrical mardl gras. The street car company fa carrying advertisement of the event. and th bill printers and (Jbsters aro donating their Automobiles throughout the city, are carrying atlcker on the wind-Shield. COXGRATt'LATIOXS EXT.

From ew York City has- com a wire of congratulation to Eugene L.V Terry, chairman of tbe United Oakland Theater managers. 4 -The wire from Victor Herbert, th composer, reads as follows: -me-e- atery -house manager in Oakland on this great 'Go to th Theater' Idea, of theirs." Similar wires containing good wishes and suggestions for atrenglh-: enlng the offerings aro pouring Into Perry's offlce. Everything polnta to tremenflous success for the theater and unqualified and unprecedented Joy? for the "Oo to tho Tboater Week aUrta today, continues triumphant' antll Saturday. BIGGEST BRO.IDWAYHTT.; At tho Auditorium Theater. W.

A. Rusco will present the biggest hit Broadway haa seen In years Bat." Eddie Buzzell and coriiptny' lit The Man of Affair" and Lydell and Macey will be at the top of a seven act bill at the Orpheum. Nan Bryant, Marland Tucker and 'Henry Shumer will head tho Fulton Players In "A Woman" Wy." th Grac George Eva Tanguay, international will top the bill at Psnjges, marking her first visit to Oakland, Marl Prevost, screendom's newest star, will be at the Loew" State thea-Ker In person ahd In her picture, "Don't Get Bert Lytell will also bo on' the bill In "The Idle Clana" Thomas 1 Melghan will grace the creen at the Franklin theater in George M. Cohan's hit, "A Prince The theater will offer "The Filent Call'" and Monte jbiuo in "His Pcoeption." "a R.O." SIGNS READ Y. 1 Th spring season will be inaugurated at the Century by Jack Russe.ll and his musical comedy corapapy including a beauty chorus.

The T. D. will present Falre Binney in, 'The Girl from Porcupine" nd Paul Aali will contribute a new eoncert. Other big features will be presented at the Broadway, the Columbia, the Chimes, tho Claremont, tho rLortn, the Piedmont, the Regent, and the Strand. Taken as a whole the Go to the Theater program will be a thing unique In tho theatrical hiatory of this city.

In anticipation tho theater managers aro dusting oft the "8. R. signs and. preparing to handle a record breaking crowd from Monday to Saturday. RPECTAClZl2ui GOWXS.

Ma Murray, in "Peacock Alley wrars the most spectacular gowns ever screened. Much of this eo- turning la shown In original colors. Lorin "Theatre Adeline and Alcairaz 'AVenoe Grove and 63rd Streets Management Bencb-Krahn Amuaesuent Co, Direction Y1I1 F. Kraha Matinee Daily at eves, at 7:00 and 9ig0 rroRram Monday and Tuesday, Program Frt 6aU Feb. f3, 14 I'eb.

17, IS Mr. and Mrs. Carter Wesley Barry arid i De Haven Marjorie Daw In their farce, comedy dee-luxe -In The Girl in the Bob Hampton of Taxi Placer The greatest mirth 'provoker the Frontier days as you're rear Df Havens have ever them out never seen. Program Wednesday and nnday. Montoy, Tbursd.y.,reb, 1 0' Marion Davies 4ackie Coogan My Boy Encnantrnent to.

i indcrbt.i. to, is to Jovw atm. That a'l. The tale of the taming of a Hi" lovable wsys rraeh down in i. rour throat and drag up sob at .1 Mmee.

-i-i Jiiiaiai. u.Jia.L.jiJMii.Mi 1..

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