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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EATUUDAY SOCIETY SII01E- Ben Erway, Oakland Actor, And Gladys deorge Are Wed BY BflDKER TOLD; 317,1,115 voted by house fouiiospiis BEifjG Fonr.iED nvriwMrnt! mm ran Head of U. S. Engraving asj Printing OustedCgc.h TWO AREJAILEO mini uid First Get Together Held in Broadmoor SAN LEANDRO, .1. The first of proposed series' of "''get to- Native Son Phns Made for Barbecv-i SAN LEANDRO, April 1. mlttees in charge of preparations tliw proponed N'atlvt t'ons' bartu''-.

600.000 Miners and Rail Men Linrliiey-Tells of Fleecing Rich rovidea to Form Backbone of New N. Y. Women; Aides in to be held near' Mission San of Service." Facilities for Wounded War Veterans. Deals Arrested April 20, in honor of the rrnnit nnrlnr. convening in 0 land April 17, will make reporU Bs NWAg Friday night at NHes.

wcordlng Apr( director of the burenn H. ('. Barten, a San Leandro rl and printing, and" number of other executives bureau wers removed "for the gr I of the service" last night by Pr, dent Harding through an order. Louis A. Hut eentatlve.

for thi progressed with a surpising of smoothness, stated Barton. present indications point towsrdj." elaborate and welt-attended celw'" tlon, Estudillo parlor of San Il" dro, In charge of music, has ranged for the boys' band of th coin school to play at the barbed- WASHINGTON. April 1.An appropriation or 117,000.000 to be 'used in providing additional, hospital facilities for war would ixv authorized by a bill passed late yesterday by th House without a record vote, The measure now goes to the Senate. By a viva voce vota tho' House rejected an amendment by Iiepre-eentative Kindred. Democrat, New York, to increase the appropriation to $35,000,000.

The bill, drafted" by Chairman Langley of the public buildings and grounds committee, would put the director of the Veterans' Bureau in gether socials was held last night by residents of the Broadmoor district at the Washington school auditorium. The announced ol'Ject of the attain was to promote and develop community spirit, welcome new residents and gather together at regular Intervals for an' enjoyable social evening. A large crowd attended. Mrs. J.

Kram peter and W. Br Fuller, representatives of the Broadmoor Mothers' Club and Oukmoor Improvement Club, respectively, spoke on community development. Arthur H. lireed discussed plans for a church center to be located near the present Washington school site. Representatives, of tho Kan Leandro Chamber of Commerce and the Du-rant Motor company spoke.

The feature of the evening was afi Illustrated lecture by Roland Hodge on tile subject of "Picturesque Hawaii." Refreshments were served. Under the leadership of Prof. I. Way, a school band, composed entirely of youngsters of this cty, offered music during the evening. the division Of enaravinir.

-wit! named' as the' new director of the bureau, and nit Organization; By PAl Ii MALIXIX. ulled Irvsi Staff CorrosponiU'lit. April 1. A. powerful third party purporting to represent workers ami 10,000.000 farmers in the United States entered the national political arena here today.

A decision to form the party as the (treat coal strike begins Is retarded here as most significant Thu 600.000 miners, now fluittlng work throughout the country, have Joined hands with the railroad workers and farmers to form the backbone of the new -organization, Fred C. Howe, secretary of the nation! committee, told the I'nited Press, A nruiLS for the new. party ha not-ret heen derided upon- It is the of -the recent conference in Chicago of progressive fanners and labor leaders. Final plans for a permanent organisation were framed here at a secret conference of the executive committee of the conference for progressive- political action 'as the Chicago meeting was called. The executives of the railroad brotherhood will lend all the assistance posslble-ln the effort to vacimcies were also filled.

The only exceptions lakon to'dls--' fn Tl Inn ectlve order were' "7 of P'ons enable for retire- al! of wh" were re-tired as of this date CHURCH FCXPS SOI'OIIJ' SAN. LEANDRO, Avrll 1. rW" are being pr nances with which Ito erect Congregational chtrch at avenue and Dowllng bouIr' Broadmoor, The legation of th church is to be on lots directly opposite the AVasuington school. proposed to erect upon the nurtatilai rhnnrl available for charge of all activities which would grow out of passage of the measure. including selection of sites, plans for 1URKAU ONE DI- llrrieth for years was chief elerk or the treasury, and about four yearn ago was appointed chief of the bureau by president Wilson, new buildings and remodel-In? of existing structures designated to be converted Into hospitals, and construction work.

The House rejected, by a record vote of 167 to 137, an amendment by Chairman Madden of the Appro day school ami public worship dav niorninits and for various UUW)n a. Tha buremi NEW TORK. April 1. Two men wore arrested on indictments charging grand larceny lata today( following the appearance of E. Lindsay, confessed swindler of wealthy society women jn brokerage deals, before the grand Jury, Earlier in the day Lindsay, had pleaded guilty to an Indictment charging" ths larceny of tlS.000 from Mrs.

W. II. Arnold. The prisoners are Major Redondo Sutton, a West Point graduate, and W. Parrott, president of the Pacific Minerals and Chemicals Company.

They were held in 35000 bail each and will plead to the charge next week. After Lindsay had entered his plea today, Judge Mancuso of Gensral Sessions postponed sentence, and the broker was Immediately taken before the grand jury to testify against other persons said to have been Involved with him in his schemes. Lindsay also further involved In his activities "Dr. K. Arvid Enlind, who was previously Indicted on the broker's confession.

sums Lindsay and his confederates ars credited with 'having received In. swindling in which wealthy aociety women', were victimized, total In the neighborhood of 31,000,000. The broker Is said to have admitted the truth of tha various accusations against him. Including those of Mrs. Lillian N.

Duke, former wife of the "tobacco king," who it Is charged he had mulcted of several hundred thousand dollars. Lindsay, in his confession, accused Sutton of having Induced Miss Flort ence James, who invested 35000 In ther chemical concern, to become a stock saleswoman because of her relationship to the Harrlman family and hor prominence socially. Miss James Is now one of the complainants- priations Committee, which would have nlaced expenditures of the fund carried in the bill in the hands of I i ah fnuiK sonnel In the executive branch of the government, employing ubout sn thousand persons. operates the i fnrvne Plant In the world, mak ng all the money, bonds, certificates and securities of ths President with authority to Mrs. Garcia Chosen Trustee of Schools SAX LEANDRO, April 1.

Byv unanimous vote', Mrs. J. IL Garcia was chosen school trustee of San Ieandro yesterday, Garcia was the -one candidate in the field, a "dark horse" falling to appear. Mrs. J.

H. Garcia, trustee for the past nine years, gave notice of her but her friends prevailed upon her to resume her school- gatherings during, the week. later date the building will planted by an adequate structu 10 be used as a parish house, knwl the Broadmoor Center. CH ARTER RF.CE1VEII SAN LEANDRO, April andro American Legion Po1 117 received Us permanent yesterday from national halTUtr ters," Indianapolis, Indiana. ocal post, organized in July, 1KI ttttB been running since, that tin OB tAmnnrsrv chirrA.

a farmer-labor bloc In the- designate whatever government gency he saw fit to supervise ths planning of additional hospitals and well as (he auvurnment, as postage stamna. construction worn. Many amendments were offered, but for tho most part, they were rejected. Of these adopted, one by Representative Williamson, RepuWa Hcan, South Dakota, would give tne President, authority by executive Those dismissed said the order had come, without any warning and was a complete surprise to them. Wilmeth said he received the order upon Its being promulgated by the president, and that was the first Intl.

n1 of his dismissal. UUl, who assumed his duties at once at the bureau, said that no statement could be made other than that contained In the White Ioue announcement, but added that thora would be 'considerable work to do In next Congress The Immediate aim Is to bind all farmers and laborers of the nation Into a compact body that will elect 100 representatives tot Congress in the fall elections and provide permanent representation in the government for these two bodies. Field agents of the party will bs scattered throughout ths nation to giva battle to undesirable Republican and Democratic candidates in the fall Congressional elections. Forces already are at work in fourteen They are vde-termined to oust present "reactionary" officials and place, "progressive" representatives In their stead. "Instead of only taking steps to elect some men to Congress and defeat others, the executive com rder to transfer- to ths veterans' bureau buildings under ths Jurisdiction of other, government departments but no longer used by them, ffhe bureau director would have au FROWNS OF GIRL BRIDE DRIVE MAN TO SUICIDE Trip Across Plains, Started in '49, to Be Completed in May thority -to such buildings for use as hospitals.

An amendment also, was accepted i amusing me oureau on a peace SAC ft AMENTO, April J-ni'4 Which would permit of time oasis. He declined to discuss the possibility of any change In pol- existing buildings not owned by the government to be used as hospitals. fBT TJKITXD FREES, INVENTORY ORDERED, LEASED WIRE TO TRIBWKE. SACRAMENTO," April 1. C.

A. KB IS HUD FOR Soviet to Strip Monastery Riches To Feed Hungry i 1 7 'I -i i f- it js understood that' a complete Inventory of notes, bonda, plates and other stock; will be taken at once, but whether this will be done merely aa a matter of course or In connection with unconfirmed reports of the disappearance of some duplicate bonds, was not indicate last night. Officials of the treasury department failed to throw any light on the dismissal order, saying the action and (he brief announcement of Its pro muigatjon at the hite House would S. ruitj, i5, Is dead her" "ttJ following his failure to bring a reeommfndaton with hli 15' year-old wife, Margie Ripley rulta. with whem he eldped last Mat.

Fultx eomrrtittea suiciii by asphyxiitlon, leaving nou addressed to "Anyone Interred, stating that he could "grin nd bear It" no longer. Fulti wife attempteJ suicide, here last June, charglnf her husband had beaten her on nvsral occasions and that he ran around with other girls. Fults several wvekl ago was discharged from ths stats real estate commission offlet heritfter confessing he had taken 11350 IILEGED ST mittee was unanimous in its projected plans for permanent organization, representatives of the, producers, -of ths nation," Secretary Howe said. Headquarters of the party were opened here, The fourteen state's in which organization already has been begun include: Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Montana, Jdahe, Washington, Wyoming and Pennsylvania. Ambrose started across the plains' of California In 1849 and- got as far as Carscm City, Nev.

This spring he Is going to hit the trail once mote and finish the Journey. Ambrose will finish the trip in the same old prairie schooner in which he commenced-it lie has spent tho winter-making the necessary repairs. A team' of oxen will draw the wnjron. Ambrose will come over the old pioneer trail'and will reach Sacra-, mento about theTSrd-, "of May, when tho celebration of the "days of '49" starts here. naveto speak for themselvea.

The however, in bureau pIi-ki were regarded as sweeptnr and' meant, It was declared, the compute elimination of those who formerly hud directed its operations, from the safe, the nioney Having been part of a collection ma4 for I Herman Wels, a cattleman, charged today with battery for an alleged attack on Mrs. Mabel Springer, 1035 Ninth avenue, and Mrs. Ceta S38 East Eleventh Btreet .1 which took, "place" at Seventh and Washingtori -According to police report, Wels to accused by Mrs, eprlnger of taking a letter addressed to her which was In a mail boxVat her home. UukrAfi mat HAZING STUDENTS SUSPENDED SHIP MEN GLADYS PATRICIA CLAIRE, known to theater goers as Gladys George, who became Mrs. Ben Erway yesterday when she eloped with her juvenile man and became' a bride in this city.

5 FREMONT, Neb April 1. Seven' for a wedding present tot arecently married employe. WOMAN'S APARTF.XThOBBEI, members of the sophomore -and Junior classes of Midland College KIEV, Russia, April 1. (By the Associated Press.) Tha treasures within the Klevo Pechorskaya Lavra monastery here, if converted1 into cash, would buy food sufficient to sustain the entire famine stricken population of -the Oralhe and Black sea districts, for soma time, Premier iLenlne has been Informed by Searaflmovj Ukrainian -deputy commissar of the interior, who was appointed to superintend th confiscation of ths treasures in Kiev's churches and monasteries under the recent oviet decree. declares In his report that among the monastery's treasure ars two mitres which were appraised in 1870 at 325,000.000.

They ars of purs gbld, weighing several poundbreach, and are studded with large diamonds of exceptional whiteness and other rare BE-KKELET, ApriK Have' been temporarily-upended DDIS MERRIMAC SURVrVOR DIES. NORFOLK, Va April 1. Andrew, J. Dalton, one of the last three survivors of the crew of the Merru mae which participated in' the his-1 torle battle with the Monitor In Hampton Roads March 9, 1882, died at his home here last night, after a brief illness. He was 7S years old.

from all college functions and exiled from the campus fallowing abduction of Leonard Devol, president of the freshman class, in an attempt to ajd clothing tlw4; at Jilt were stolen yesterday Jraflfield Apartments, SsJO Durant avenue, a-e. cording to a report mS to the po lice by. MfSijL. M. Martin, whose rooms m-ere entered.

Wels last night and denVandcd the Mrs. Springer claims that Wels scratched her face and then turned An Mrs. Hacen who tried to InUrfere. Juvenile and Leading Woman of San Francisco pany Surprise Their Admirers. i disrupt the program of the annualj fresnman aay.

Claiming that $189 is due blm for No matter what the weather man bonuses off the launching of two boats from the Moore Shipbuilding company, today filed ac-' tion before Justice of the Peace Ed- Weis was arrested by Polltieman Daniel Flemmihg. The letter was found In his possession when searched. ChineseSentenced for announces, the sun will never shine again for a thousand bay city flap ued Mrs. Erway. "We knew about two weeks ago that he was going to be married but hardly expected It so soon.

I hope-they will he. vjrry happy." i ard TyrelL The suit was filed Tonight will be a. sleepless night, through Attorney H. D. Perry.

Last night the show went on at the ln This suit Is ths forerunner of sev and full many a downy pillow will be i wiih tpa; tn.nnrrnw mmi, Alcazar as usual only Dudley Ayres, eral suits to' be filed in the superior court by employees and farmer em Ben Erway has fallen from grace. unconscious -j y-: y--Cz--r Dope Law Infraction Two aged Chinese, who were charged with violating the state poison Vet were given light sentences today. after they had pleaded guilty i. i. mh No longer will his marcel locks bow "ml wle ea.B,e 01 rwy.

tne ju- ployees of the shipbuilding company i to the plaudits that split gloves. was on mm. especially aur- for bonuses aggregating 40.i)00. jewels. The monastery of Klevo-Pe-chorskaya was founded In the eleventh century.

Before the-overt throw of the czarlst regime it was the chief establishment of Its kind in Russia, amT was visited by about 250,000 pilgrims annually. It has twelve conventual churches. The Lavra is ths so-called Hew- monastery. No more will he waft out on the lnu scenes witn miss Toward the completion of Its build boards to the sweet music of femi-, George, or rather Mrs. Gladys Patri ing program the company discontin f'tn fluff CI nnro, ITrivau nine ohs and ahs and ain't-h-won ued its bonus system The men.

before folice juage naipii nitu-mond, on account of age. They were both sentenced to twelve and a half I POPfUAK ACTOR! derfuls! however, claim that the company OTHER CITY 'in the world The fact is that Tien has! I Erway Is perhaps the most popular juvenile actor in the bay region. For agreed to pay them the bonus at the Wm. possesses so unique and beautiful an sleeted to become a benedict and has selected Gladys George as the lady of his choice. time the yard reaumed work after the strike'.

days In the city prison. Ah Foiig, 80 years old, is accused by the police of conducting an opium dsn at 311 Fifth street. Whfn he was arrested "the police seized 'a large a Long time he has been playing at the Alcazar theater In San Francisco, where he met Miss the lead The money now demanded, NEW BOOKLET TO ing woman. Yesterday afternoon and Miss George cams to Oakland, slipped into the office of the county; bonuses ls; for work performed after' the bonus system was abandonedof attraction as Lake farms an asset for Oakland, tie possibilities of which arc only just being realized. Prior to his Alcazar engagement.

1 1 1. Al VI VflUllI 1. 1 TELL TRADITIONS Erwuy' played with success, at. the. clerk and obtained a marring li ficials of the company declared today; JinX, il) years OIU, was aucnicy ab 111 Webster street.

He told the court that he had been smoking opium for TO U. C. FROSH" cense. ALL VERY SUDDEN. 1 ulton and Liberty theaters ner and also won a host of admirers In Portland, Spokane, Salt Lake, Seattle, San Jose and waytstatlons, APRIL FOOLS esventy years.

The officers louau plum In his BERKELEY. April 1. A booklet has been prepared fcy the welfare committee at the Uni The bride-to-be is an eastern girt. boasting nineteen summers. Kh versity and will be sent to high.

made acquaintance of Oakland audiences when she arrived In "The ocnooi secretary Elopes and Weds Miss Emma arorgenswi, secretary te Dr. Virgil Dickson of the depart Better JameB K. Hackett Later she Went into pictures, and her next move was to the Alcazar. Shortly after Judge Mortimer Smith was pronouncing Arthur Ben Erway and Gladys Patricia Claire man and wife. County Clerk George Gross was best man and bridesmaid.

Immediately the ceremony was concluded Erway telephoned his mother and sister who live at 171 Grand avenue in this city.1 Erway fnade fiis home" with them. "I shan't blT horns to- dinner, mother," Mrs. Erway quotes him. "I'm very busy getting married. 6es you siwm." "It was all very sudden." contln- ment of research and guidance, was The engagement, which has been common talk among the players for found to be missing yesterday afternoon from office at the school some ttme, became public, property today, and Immediately the young CHICAGO, Aprir 1.

When Mayor Hylan of New Tork "came to Chicago. Salle hotel bell-hoys expected big He gave dimes. "Bill Chicago's mayor, never gives less than half a dollar, the bellhops com-, plained. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Confiscated moonshine was used to sprinkle the streets when the regular water wagon broke down, according to reports.

MINEOLA. T. Mainard Wllklns bought a house Just because the gent showed binmeven barrels of Rtuff" i department headquarters and a query was sent to find Why, but without school graduates througnout xne state. The traditions of the unl-verslty, as well as Its history and the constitution of he student body, are contalnedJtnJUiepa.mph-let. I It lsroposefl by the committee that a compulsory course be introduce next year for all new The title suggested for the new subject is "The University." Members of the faculty and student body will be called upon to deliver lectures to the first year students, and the handbook will be 'used as a text.

women between, sixteen sod sity purchased tuning jrorks and started avail. Miss Jorgensen went to Pan Jose "Ciood-byjfftrevftr!" to get married. Ths Wedding was quiet. The bride room i Ernest Sail, a young Oak Fifty-four years igo, when The Oaklani 'BahhS. ofSawigs was instituted, Lake Merntt was undeveloped and not the beauty spot it is today.

In its development, and the building of many of the beautiful homes that i much to its at- traftivenessjthis Bank his played an impor- 'tant has alwayi been prominently identified with'. with which it has kept ce in and- with resources now over $46,000,000, is not-only one of Oakland's nost important mercial institutions, butilso one of its great- est assets. land contractor, and" the newlyvteds will take up their permanent resi in the cellar. He want dence in Oakland. Ths bride, according to friends STRANGER SLAPS will take up her duties- at tha school department for at least a week, or BOYfS FACE AND 1 PULLS HIS HAIR reception is awaiting her Monday.

Students Ask Part BERKELEY, April i. A mys coNSTftrenox crew leaves. IS REELECTED. terious strangerjwho slipped her in i inning tjfjvuKKra son's fac without provocation is HATWAR IX, April 1 One divis- HATWARD, April. 1.

The is rr ttt tu i money back. It was old vinegar. NEW TORK. Franlt nelley took poison and went for a walk to die. The exercise threw off the.

effects of the drug. 1 DENVER. Cops thought they'd have an easy time arresting John Bruyn Jr. and Gladys Schroeder for' disturbing the peace. They beat up six officers before being subdued.

'LOS ANGELES. Mary F.liza-beth Turner married a lloCtamer, who thought he could boss his household with ths same pitchfork he used In the cage. As a result he now has a broken nose and his wife a divorce! of construction empioyea won-over ths new In tha achool SloA of ths college 01 cnemiBtry nave pro he pHcltifl Telephone and Tele- in vprv case herel tf" being sought todajvby Mjs. KW, Jones, 1811 Edith street, with ths aid of the police. Mrs.

Jones reported to theauth Judge Jacob' Haider being unanl. graph company in eonstrutftion of a mously re-elected to his position on leiepnone une mrougn uoun tin- iha praUimnr arhnnl hnnv.l and E. I VOH to Connect With the nBW line tO orltles.that the man Walked up to her young sohv as the latter was whh imi R. W.rren bln rs- Llvermors leave heiOf tonight for tested having a.speiiker asslKned to their college without being consulted in the matter cif Senior XJil-grim speakers. The students selected to address their classmates at various buildings on ths campus during the pilgrimage were chosen, declare the chemists.

Without approval by the various col playing in front of his home, turned to the high scliool board, i Richmond, it was announced hers U-Rumors of a dark horse candidate to day. The men areheaded by Jblin fu nrmn-Harder fniled to materiallre. wooley. lbs remaining division slapped his face and then pulled his hair. He la declared to have ehen walked away without 'saying a ord either to mother or son ex onrter J.

A. Hueston, will be kept all of the IS votes cast in a very here for the present. It is believed that they may be employed in fur Street Closed for plaining his actions. ther development of the company's e. Oakland Bank of bavings COMMERCIAL SAVINGS TRUST Twelfth and Broadway 1128 Seventh Street, QslUni Eut fourteenth tt Twenjr-third Avenue, Otklaut ShattUck tt Cftler.

Sirtilit -T- Mrs. Jones has furnished the police with a description of the RJlay ground Space plants her. TVEPDIX (i IS AX OCNCED, man. Shetsays she had. seen Mm bofore.

BERKELEY. April f. In order leges ine speaxers are 10 repreHeni. The matter wa discussed at Senior Hinging last night, and a new list may be prepared by the" claas of- ficers, kl.AN PAIUDK BAKRKD. TCLSA, April 1.

Mayor T. T. Evans last niirht denieilthe local ahapter of the Ku- Klux Klan per-mlHion to parade tonlrht. to afford more play area for pupils liAXWAKD, April l. The mar riage of Mis Adele Hobson of Oak at ths University Elementary school.

HO ART TO SPEAK. the council yesterday authorised the quiet election being for him. Greater interest was manifested in the high school election, a total of, 442 votes being cast" for VeM, 402 for Warren and-248 for Burr. MASONS TO MEET. HATWARD.

April 1. Ths forty-siTth anniversary meeting of the Eucalyptus Lodge of. Masons, to be held here tonight, will be attended by (Alonzo Bradford, only surviving Charter member. It was announced today. The lodge pians an elaborate program of Members of the local Order of the Eastern Star will be the guenti of the Masons.

land andf William Oates, manager of the part and service department of ALAME April 1. Kenrteth 9 9 closing or a portion or snuttuck ave-nue between Vine and Rose streets. Hobart of erkeley will address th T-2 of the First Baptist young peoi; The closing was made at the request Clara avenue an of the board of education, the ex Stant, tomorrow evening. sense for the work to be borne by nea a. r.

tsrown "7 I n. AJ mrW. the Staldier Motor company here, to take pfaOe April 9 at the home of the brideAwas announced here today. Rev. Colci of Alameda will perform the reremony.

Oates declared his intent! tin of making Haywardhls permanen home as soon aftr marriage and the cquple'e from their wedding tour as h' to obtain i i residence here. 1. mm, I I his subject JUdi that body. A strip of land necessary to effect the closing and to divert the street was donated to the school au Soul Food. il i-iinal service Mil thorities by tha council.

CHAUTAUQUASS ELECT. The jneetlng will ie held in Native tlock. all. CENTER VILLE, April 1. Guar ft aniiunwlde antors for the coming Chautauqua season here have elected officers.

tog plant by They are Qeorg Colt, Centerville, ctricity KkUPSjr Honors t.a fthe president; Oeorge Donovan, NUes, as-sr tirjr TV oost by vice president; Jv C. Mowry. Center orIl-. rduty 'ay as ll COal 'M JIN1S Foster 85. total j6(c a box.

At all deomrs, ville, secretary, and T. Duster "nists, Y. 1 t' berry, treasurer. Com i' the mlttAs were named by the preslden was I- the '3 to lake charge of tpe details of th -r a rntn nil turn to Iniiira.

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