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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Special Services Held for OLDESTVOTER IN ALAMEDA GO. stuiiis in EXPEGT CALL TO SIMEl'IE I ISSIMiT 1,1 III DDOZE CGiDTED AT Children at -Tabcrndc. .35. uTIIEBii HLKS AT K. K.

K. IDIIIlTillET TO IK ATHLETIC CLUB PARTY TO HIKE FOR BALL GAME Members of the Athens Athletic club will trek to the Coast League ball park tomorrow morning for breakfast and the game. The expedition starts on foot at Fourteenth street and Broadway at o'clock, and at the park a breakfast of ham and eggs, sauage and trimmings will be served. A section has been reserved In the stands for the members of the club, and the ushers will be Del Howard, Herbia McFarlln, Frank Ish. Max Horwinski, Frank Woodward, Harry Anderson and.

J. Cal Ewlng. The game will be. between Oakland and Los KLAM OFFICIAL TQ JOIN L. A.

TRIAL Voman Evangelist Taken to Secret Meeting Place of Klan Given Present Taken from her tabernacle In a closed car. Aimee Bemple McPher-on, woman evangelist, tu inducted last night, unwarned, into the midst of Ku Klux Klan cere-tnonial and initiation in an Oakland iall. Neither Mrs. McPherson, Dr. W.

K. Towner, her aaaociata, nor reporters in the party were permitted to learn the identity of their conductor or'any of the of masked and hooded occupanti of the hall, nor the hall's location. At the conclusion of the ceremonial, where both Mrs. McPherson and Dr. Towner delivered sermons at tha command of tht Ku Klux lead- era, the evangelists were reiurneu JOn the same carriage to the Hotel Oaklnd.

U1UC Jul Vi "V.V -i received a telephone call recently, informing her that she would be requested to deliver a sermon some time after the close Of her regular 1 evening service while she was conducting the revivals here, the exact time to be designated later. As Mrs. McPherson is constantly being called upon to address other meetings besides her revivals, she stated that she thought no more of It until ehe was Informed last night that the parties who had requested her to speak for them at a future time would call for her at 10 o'clock. LED TO AVTO. Leaving the tent-tabernacle on Twenty-sixth street last night at tha closa of the evening aervioe.

accompanied by Dr. Towner, she proceeded toward her car when she was accosted by a young man who Informed her that the car calling for her was a few paces up the street. The party led by the young man, who later turned out to be the chauffeur, led the way to a large closed car. Two other men were In tha car. The party wound around throiiRh tha streets of the city and finally halted before what later proved to -Jll-aJMl-mUng pUceThe men in the party did not wear their regalia of hoods and gowns, but upon reaching the interior of thetw0 Roberta and Ralph, By FRANK B.

The special children's serviced which many of the youngsters had been eagerly awaiting for-the past two weks way held this morning at the tent-tabernacle en Twenty-sixth street, where the Aim Sem-pie McPherson revival campaign la being held. Thousands of the youngsters at-tended and a billowy tea of white, topped by shining, smiling faces, occupied both the choir loft with a seating capacity of over three hundred, and the huge Auditorium of the tent. An evangelical sermon addrexsed directly at the children was deliv ered by Mrs. McPherson, and was followed by an altar call, which was responded to Dy scores Of theio youngster Many of the aick and orphaned children in attendance were presented wltli candy and toys, which had been donated for the purpose. Each Child who indicated that there was no Bible In his home was presented with one, autographed by Mr.

McPherson. The old folks held a meeting yesterday afternoon special request of the thousands who attended a similar meeting last week. More than 1500 acknowledged that they were over sixty and thejecord in age wa that Of a man who was within less than a year of the century mark. The oldest in attendance occupied special seats or honor on the rostrum. Among those on the plaiform was Mra.

Phoebe L. McKay, Who Is eighty-four years of age and one of the three survivors of the Whitman massacre. OLD-TIME HYMNS. Old-time hymns, many of which hadn't been heard In Oakland for many.years, were selected and sung by the audience. In many cases tha (ibolr and choir leader did not know the songs and were unable to lead.

The person making tho selection was then called upon to lead. One thin, shaking voice would start an old familiar strain, and a the audience got the song and old recollections were revived, they would join It). hcv Bunderland, Je- oldest minister in attendance, 'of fered the opening prayer. Mrs. M.

A. Pasco. 81 years of age, sang a solo. "A ap py P11 J. Huff also offered a solo.

Following the introductory serv- tf Mrs MrPhafunrt tntrnrinnftd Vktl who have come here from Los An geles to accompany her on her trip to Australia. OBJECT OF PREACHING. The address of the afternoon dealt: with the power and object of preaching, Mis- McPherson Fointlng out that it was the "Great Am," and not the " I Was," who was the inspiration ol the real minister. She pointed Out that there was no excuse for a mlnlsttr to "it is too bad if Christ onl came to be with ut for a short Berlad of thres years." stated Mr. McPherson, "It certainly would have been too bad if the people of 1900 yeajs ago were only ones to be by His she continued.

"Our problems are as great ami praqtically the same today as they wore during the time Christ was here Id the flesh. If the pews are empty, the altars deserted, and all kinds of worldiness In' existence when we preach the 'Great I we need not surprised. "Moses and his disciple preached tha 'Great I and not. the politics, psychology and community uplift, which la heard iu many of the pulpits today." ORGANIZATION COMPLETE. Announcement as to the completion of the organization to be known as the Pacific Coast Four Square Gotpel association was made at the opening of last night's service arrd the following Officers were unanl-mouoly olected: Mrs.

Almee Sem-pla McPherson, president; Dr. W. iv. Towner, pastor of the First Bap- tlst church of flmt vlre- president; Dr. Charles S.

Price, pns-tor of the First Congregational church at Lodl, second vlce-preaU dent; Fred Hart of Salinas, record ing secretary; Claude. Stutsman of Siin Jose, field secretary, and Rev. H. D. Harklns of the M.

E. church at Port'ola. treasurer. Dr. Price lfd in the opening prayer last night and the mimical numbers in the preparatory service included a selection by the Hitch-Cock Sisters trio, B.

Jones, "Holy City," and a duet by Rev. J. I. Huff and Rev. -M.

Reed. "The Steps That Lead from Earth 4A V.W Uri McPherson. She pointed out the various things practiced by peopl wouid indicate whether they were christians. She pointed out that tne trails both ways were closely marked as the highways crossing the continent, and there was abso- lutely no excuse for any one not of on to .,1 IS Possesses Natural Intelligent Is Discovery of Relief Wotkers." KAZAN, July 29. The Russian peasant, upon intimate contact, has been found to be not so- illiterate or eo stupid as it has been the habit to represent he may not always to read, he possesses a natural shrewdnese and Intelligence which stand him in good stead.

A practical common sense is often a for book-learning. American Relief administration workers have had much to do with the Russian peasant In their, various activities in these lands, and have come to regard him with respect. "How Is it," one of the Russian interpreters was al-' though these peasants cannot read and write they seem to be able to make accurate computations, and to master the intricacies of the Russian currency? They seem tb understand perfectly even the new bank notes in which those marked 100 rubles equal those put) out last year which were worth "They appreciate the' value of stupidity," was the answer. "They( like, to appear simple, more simple than they are. It is partly, a pose with them, but it has its practical side, too.

They appear guileless and manage to drive a good bargain because their very gulleless-ness allays the suspicion of the person with whom they are dealing. "I hand them "a 1,000,000 ruble note. 'What is they ask. tell them thut it is a million. They accept it.

But try handing them a 100,000 ruble note and say that It. is a million. They will shake their heads, xou may point out has aSmariy ciphers following the figure. They will not accept It. 'But, you persist, 'you cannot read, why do you-think I am lying to 'But I have never seon that sort of a million they answer and they will not take it.

"You take a paper to a peasant to be signed. He looks at it and usks what it Is all about. You read It to him. He nods but protests that he cannot write. 'Let someone else write my name on he says and later he may repudiate the agreement, saying that he never signed it and did not even know what it contained.

"I believe that many of them who can both read and write are careful to conceal that knowledge, believing that it will be to their advantage to do so. They are not so stupid- ftsthy-ipar." tf you see it in The TRIBtfJS ieil them so. roa distress iiiaiB Ilorsford't Acid Phuphute. tltvet to lmiwu. lick heidarhe rttoBMck.

Ailv rtimmpnt, SERVICE STATION ATTEND ANTA, GARAGEMKX AND CITIZENS OF OAKLAND AD BERKELEY will be helping the city, the traveler and the undersigned If they will Instruct inquiring campers how to rexch the' EAST BAY AUTO CAMP Located ob AN PADLO AVE. aad 48TH 8THEKT. Accommodation! for fos? hasu ared campers. The most modom camp In the country. W.

A. oHAPMANi Maaaa-ar. "TODAY and All Next Week A Remarkable Double Bill two gbjsat ricTvasi BETTY COMPKON Sad TOM MOORE la OVER THH BORDER" JACK HOLT la "The Man VnconoaeraMa' John Wnarry Lewis and Hla Orchestra 11th aa4 Bnadwi? All This Week EUGENE O'BRIEN In 'rhniinlna: at the Worthweit" V-A-R-I-E-T-I-E-S -4- Afternoon Prices Mifhta 25c Tax 44c Kiddies 10. SCHUMANN. knowinR that they were on the wronsr trail.

GET ON RIGHT TRACK "If you become confused as to the direction," she stated, "do Just like you would if you were lost on road. Go back to the last place where you know that you were on the right track. We are so overrun with cults and creeds today that the only thing we "an do la to go back to the old-time religion, which is the only true road to "We don't want the twenleth century type of religion. What we want is the old beaten paths of the tried belief of the olden days. "There are many sinners' who are church It is not enough Just to Join the church; you must be born again.

Many have a form of Godliness on Sunday, but it oesn't hold good for tha remainder the week. Many people proudly say that they belong to the church, but so does the steeple and the pews, FIRST LANDMARK. "Repentance and the leaving of wortdliness is the first landmark the way to salvation. The repentance must be real and because you are aorry, and not because you and -happened -to- be caught at it. Many answered both the afternoon and the evening altar call, which were given at the close of the sermons.

At the close of tonight's meet ing another special meeting for girls will be held, which is to be held at the request of many who attended the one On Thursday night. A Bpeclal service will be held for out-of-town visitors at. the tent-tabernacle tomorrow morning. Farewell services will be held tomorrow, as the revival is to come a close with the ending of tomorrow night's service. Another meeting will be held, however, on Monday, when a baptism service will be held at Idora Park, in which hundreds have already voiced their intention of participating.

"Mail your letters early," Was the request sent on Oakland's business houses today by Postmaster Joseph J. Rosborough, who declared that tha daily "peak load" between 5:30 and o'clock p. m. again is overtaxing. the facilities of the local postofflca.

A campaign to induce local businessman to mall their outgoing correspondence in the lata morning or early afternoon wua suecessful-Ir corrducted' aonje -Uma-a borough pointed but increase In the amount of mail handled in the local office has made another such campaign necessary at this time, ha said. "Thera are 22 mail trains leaving Oakland between 8 a. m. and 5 DAakaoAliffh mnlA tflrlatf JU, HUDUWI UK 11 DOIU luun Many letters are missing important; despatches and are being delayed twelve to twenty-four hours by not being mailed before noon or soon after lunch." According to postmaster Rob-borough "mail-early" campaigns have been carried on in the large Eastern cities with great success. North Dakota Seeks New Grain Grade Act FARGO.

N. July 29. Inlatlve petitions for a bill to provide a ntw state grain grading aot to be voted on at the general election in November are being circulated, It Was unnounced by the North Dakota headquarters of the Non partisan league today. -This bill is aimed to take the plftce of the law enacted by the HearBgtHiatrjrrrtrrlCTd-Bo- clured unconstitutional by the United States supreme court last April. It.

provides for the employment of, supervisor of grades, welghtH and measures, to administer-the -act. This official would be authorised to prescribe the margin of profit for elevators, enforce the United States grand grades standardr and compel Correct grades, weights and measures. In order to go on the ballot the Initiative petition mwt have at least 10,000 signatures by August RKSCl'ED FROM DEATH. SPRINGFIELD, 111., July The four men who were caught In the burning shaft of the Midway Coal company near Murphysboro were recovered last night, Robert M. Medlll, director of the state mines and minerals, said today.

Prp do not burr their dend but ler tlifm tn till fmr of thf sir. for a few days only. ON LIST AT Charles F. Lohse, 2949 Summit Street, is the oldest voter in county, so far as County Clerk George Gross hai been able to ascertain, Lohse, who Is 98 years of age, was registered VeHterday his home by Deputy H. W.

De Leon. He Is a Republican. Lohse Is a pioneer ot Oakland and has voted here continually for mors than fifty years, accord-" ing to officials. For several years he hat been oldest registered voter, and dross believes he will maintain the record this year, although large number of registration certificates remain to be checked, 7 LITTLE'MLS Seven little girls, the guests of those who subscribed to the Asso ciated pharltles' recreation 1 fund through The Oakland TRIBUNE, left today municipal oamp in the high For two weeks they, will learn what life among the mountains, finished off by three hearty meals a day, is. Two mothers, dependent' upon widows pensions, went along as chaperones.

All the small maids for whom special appeal was made were included in the party. Four of the guests were under the 12-year limit, requiring but $.15.65 each to finance their outings. In the unit was a young-child who last week fainted at her work. Without the vacation and relief from the burdens which beset her, tha social workers declare that she would have beeome a physical wreck. The summer camp on" theTuor-' umne river will be closed August 25.

according to the present' plans of the recreation department With sufficient registration to Justify its continuance a longer period, however, there is a possibility that the closing may be postponed. LIGHT NECKLACE POLES GIVEN BY MERCHANTS Adding to the donations for the "necklace of light" -around Lake Merritt, five Oakland merchants and business men today donated poles to the city. They included W. E. Gibson, H.

C. Capwell, A. S. Lavenson, Whitt-horne Swan and the John I Brsuner Company, The poles now exceed 150 In number and clubs, and business houses are dally adding to', the number. A competition for designs for the permanent decorative light poles will' be under "wffr'Shortry.

Patent Attorney Talks on Inventors Many lnveiftors fall short of success because they lack business sense and the ability to commercialise their inventions, acoording tb J. B. Gardiner, patent attorney, who addressed -the One Hundred per Cent 4ut at Its luncheon meeting at therHotel Oakland yesterday. He declared -that 94 Inventors out of 100 fail because of those reasons. "About 6 per cent of the credit for the Invention is due to the inventor, and at least- 9B per cent is dua.iteuthfr man who makes it.

a commercial success," he said. A million and a half patents-have been granted in this country, according to Oardiner. On of the greatest achievements in California along the line of inventions was the caterpillar tractor, the speaker said. Swedish Commission Probes Profiteering STOCKHOLM, July 49. The profits of the Swedish middlemen, dealing in necessities, especially food supplies, era menaced' as the result of the investigation Into Jiv Ing costs by a commission of experts appointed by the Swedish government 'The commission sought information on intermedi ary profits and their influence on living costs with a view to elimi nating unnecessary profits, thus cutting down retail prices, and has Juat issued it report.

"It makes some drastlo recommendations. Of ficial action is expected A 3 ED ACTRESS DIES COLORADO SPRINGS, July 9. Oertruda Donoh.ue, 0 years old, a retired actress, who played on the stage with Jefferson and Keene, is cad at a sanitarium here after an illness of six years. She wr i the last surviving member of a prominent family and long line Of actors, whose home was originally in Baltimore. Md.

BVRNED BY HOT TAR, ALAMEDA, July 29.A ladle of hot tar overturned on the arms ot O. H. Wells while he was tarring a roof at Hlbbard street and Lin. coin avenue this morning. was severely burned and- was treated at the Emergency hospital HJfit.r.

which hs was taken to his home. Jn Oakland by the police ambulance. SAILOR ALTO I ST HELD. BERKELEY, July 29. -H Carl Sandell, a Bailor.

404 East Eighth street, Oakland, was held to answer to the superior oourt yesterday af ter no tin by Judge Robert Edgar for driving an automobile while Intox-. icated. Sandell was arrested by Officer Walter Gordon at San Pablo avenue and Folger street after a fight lasting fifteen minutes. WOMAN," MONEY GONE. LOS ANGELES.

July St. -A search through Pacific coast cities has been begun for Mr Sarah Jane Haas, who has been missing from her home here since April I 1. Relatives stated she was carry ing several thousand dollars in a handbag the day she disappeared. At that time, it was said, she was about to complete a real estate traneactlon. TOOTH PULLING FATAL.

NEW YORK, July poisoning caused the death of John R. Allen, 48, mining Operator of Los Angeles, Calif. Allen had been living at the Hotel Colllngwood and a fev Oays" aetk told' clerk tie was in pain from having all of his teeth pulled. was removed to Bellevue hospital yesterday SENT TO CAMP i HE Berkovich Residence Raided and Liquor Basement Is Seized. (Continued from Page tlonal evidence against the merchant.

Throughout the da the Officers checked up the contents of the bottles the Bereovlch vault, preparing an Itemized list. The reason for doing this, they said, was to be enabled to compare the list of liquors found with the list 'of liquors, moved from the former Bereovlch residence at Nineteenth and Market streets some time ago. SEIZURE OF LIQUOR CAREFULLY PLANNED. According to Bercovlch's attorney this liquor was moved on a permit secured bjTTtfrsV Bereovlch and the contention of the defense Is that a checking up by the officers will show that the liquor in. the vault belongs to Mrs.

Bereovlch and her son, Bert, and not to the defendant. The Bereovlch raid was ie' of the most carefully planned seizures of the year and the liquor aggre gates more than ever has been seised in this city, accordfpg to the officers. Bereovlch refused today to make any statement concerning tne charges preferred against him India Emperor Is Incognito in Paris PARIS, July 2S. Dressed in a business sui of sober black a quiet, unobtrusive little yellow- skihned man has been a coHBtunT visitor recently to the museums of art, painting and sculpture in the French capital. Few Reoplo recognized Khai Dinh, Far East Po tentate, Emperor ot Annam, Indo china, who; adorned in flowing robes of silk, his hair decorated with gold lace, the Red and Yellow Order of the Dragon of Annam on.

his breast almost hidden by a large plaque of pure gold set with huge diamonds, was sen In the presidential box at Longohamp on the day of the Grand-Prix. A few years ago no one in his capital of Hue was permitted to stand erect before the Emperor. or look him squarely in the eye. yet in me museum tourists pusnea kirn about and elbowed him out of the way when he stood too long be fore a work of art. Home Rule Said to Be Hope of India FREMANTLE.

Australia. July 29. Home rule for India, with dominion status, is the objective of the Indian people, according to Mrs. Annie Besant, the well Known Theosophist leader, who arrived here recently. In the course of an interview u.

I I A .1 be well in India, she thought, If M-ri tinui vujj irviiiv (auk V- country home rule. The people, since Gandhi's Imprisonment, were beginning to appreciate that he was not the divine being, able to work miracles, which they had believed him to, be She anticipated that agitation along constitutional lines would replace revolutionary tactics and would bring peace to India within a reasonable time. If you see it in The TRIBUNE tell nftm so. 1SS NOW PLAYING Alexandria Opera Company Emily Darrell Shura Rulowa aa her Ballet. 4 Other Acts 4 Knows Dally, t.

and p. Tonight MS Tomorrow -'v and Steindorff present the comic opera, "WANG" No Increase In for Sunday Best Seats i One Dollaf Week of inlr Mt "Tfce 'Calmes normaaaT." FULTON Th KltS-OUu thMttr ti Oakland Lost With of Crant Wilbur, Mile. Caubet in "Tht Heart of Dm O'Hare." Next Bdayi Besata Barrtsaale la "Twin Beda." Pkort L'alde TS 0 0 Union Leader Inform Men of Probable Order Early in Week Following Peace Western railroad executives to. day echoed tha belief expressed by Eastbay labor leaders yesterday, that the nation-wide ttrike of from 450,000 to 600,000 railway shop-men will be concluded within the next few dayiq with Tuesday, August as the most probable date This assertion tallies closely with that made yesterday by J. C.

Goad, head of the Eastbay Btrik ers, who said that authoritative Information had. reached Eastbay strike headquarters to tha affect that instructions for the shopmen to return to work might ba expected from their national leaders within the next few days. Railroad executives refused to say whether or not they were contemplating yielding on tha. senior? ity Issue, beyond the terms pro. posed yesterday by president Hard, ing, following conference with Eastern railway chiefs.

According to theso terms the strikers returning to work wOuM rank Junior to their fellow ertfts-menr who had remained with tha companies during the strlk. whlla seniority rights immediately following those of the strikers would be given those who acted as strikebreakers. Following his assertion yesterday that the striking shopmen would not consent to rank below those who had remained at work. Goad declared today that they would not consent that any seniority rights should be allowed the strike-breakers. In a strike bulletin issued today from Pacific Coast headquarters of the railway shopmen, in San Francisco, L.

S. Gordon, secretary -of Federation of Railway Employees No, 114. declared that a settUS ment of the strike was expected within the t.txt few days, but warned the men On strike to await official notification' to. this effect "before being stampeded," "All quiet" is the substance of the first of the reports to be made to Federal headquarters in San Francisco by tha deputy United Ktutes marshals appointed two day) ago upon recommendation of Marshal James B. HolohaR, to help maintain Federal injunctions against acts ofvyjaletice in strike centers.

These reports were received by Chief Deputy United States Mar' shut George H. Burnham, from tha deputies who were sent to Sacramento, Roseville, Riverbank and Richmond. Roads Deny Injury To Valley Freight FRESNO. July' 39. Declarations were made before the growers of I.

a mass "meeting held here yesterday that the railroad strike situation in the valley is not nearly as serious as it has been pictured and that it is being cleared up rapidly. Superintendent J. Wt Walker of the Santa Fe railroad stated that his road is at tha present time moving from 30 to 40 per cent more freight than it was last year and that it can handle Its snare of the bumper crop of fruit in the valley despite strike conditions, pro vided proper moral is forthcoming. His point of view was concurred In by Superintendent Percy Slater of the Southern Paolfio railroad, who stated that Walker's estimate of the increased business this year Is conservative. He added that the rolling stock of his line id in better shape now than ever before and that the crews of the company era being rapidly filled Claims that illegal picketing, acts of Intimidation, terrorism and violence had occurred here led to inviting Mayor Truman O.

Hart, Chief ot Police Frank P. Truax and Chief Deputy Sheriff William Winning to be present. Mayor Hart asked that alleged- illegal acts be cited specifically, and tha. officers said that they were sworn to enforce the law and would do so should acts of violence be committed. Workman Kidnaped In Rosevilte Strife ROSEV1LLE, July S9.0.

E. Preskett, employed at the Bacra mehto shops, was seized here lato yesterday as he was entering the postofflce with his wife, by several unidentified men and after being driven about three miles out of town was beaten and warned to stop work, according to a report made by preskett to Sheriff Elmer Gum. Gum arrived here last night with A squad of officers from Auburn, end United States Marshal James B. Holohan is also here with a number of deputies. No trace of Preskett's assailants has bean found.

I' r. R.S GUIDE 1W AFRICA TO RUN JFARAfJtl. DELHI DELHI, July 29 Hugh Law-ton, African guide, former large ranch owner at th man who guided Colonel Roosevelt through central Africa on his famous hunt, has come here to settle, has taken allotment SOS, and will continue its improvement. He served throughout the world war in tha British army in France, Mesopotamia, Galipoli and East Africa, and received three decorations for bravery under fire. Lawson states he will go in tor diversified farming.

His wife and' son will join him later. I Collapse Threatens St PauVs Cathedral LONDON. July 2. St. Paul's cathedral, Jthe famous Valhalla ot the British empire and the masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren, architect, is subjected to the rav-sges of time.

Certain repair and to save the building from possible eollapae, and 100,000 ia being hall, stopped in a small room wher they donned tneir outms. TAKE. TO HALL. Then in a roundabout way, up and down stairs, through doors and along long passage ways, the party was conducted to the door of the room where an initiation ceremony a To tttn math i vn.vm.ri ermgu! uuuucu men. iney were inwiitu in low square formation with a crosai in the center.

Around the cross were grouped a number of men, not wearing the gowns, but with their faces masked. The men were kneeling upon their right knees and the oath of the organisation was being administered. The ceremonial came to an To the strains of "Onward, Christian Soldiers." the party was marched between columns of men until they were finally brought to a platform whert they were assigned to a. seat. The same voice which had directed tha sentinel to let the party enter then addressed Mrs.

McPherson and requested her to address the assembly. DKLIVpftS SERMOV. Mr. McPherson gave an evangelistic sermon in which she told tha story of Christ and what His coming bad meant to the world and tha salvation of the sinner. She Implored all those in attendance who were not now; Christians and were not living Christian lives to mend their ways at once.

She told of tha powers practiced in apostolic times and that there was no reason why that power should not be ia existence today. At the close ot tne sermon XfrPherson was nresented with a gift of appreciation for her talk and Informed that at a later time other things would be forthcoming. Dr. Towner was then called upon and gave a short address on evangelism. Following his talk the visiting party was escorted out.

into the closed car by the same roundabout lliOL U'CJ in. After a roundabout drive the -party was taken to a down town hotel where the chauffeur permitted them to leave' the car and then sped away. HCMAN CHAIN GIRL vm man, a street car motorman and ninmn I 1 ft bridge tender yesterday xormea a human chain" and. hanging from a bridge, rescued from the Chicago Helen Culaskl, 18 years old, who had attempted to take life by Jumping Into the water. LOS ANGELES; July 29.H.

C. McCall. head of the Ku Klux Klan In Texas, has arrived in Los Angeles to consult with G. W. Price, king kleagle In California, it is said, on the defenss of 7 men, who will go to trial here August 7 on charges of participation in tha In-glewood raid, early in April.

The raid resulted in the death of one member of a band of 250 men, who visited the bonded winery of Fidel and Mathlas Elduayen, at Inglewood, a suburb, and the wounding of two others. The man killed was M. B. Moaher, a constable. He and the others were said to have been masked.

5. F. Society Woman Sues for Divorce SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. Mrs. Constance F.

Kentfield, known to the professional world as Babette Berneau, a prominent social leader here, has filed suit for jagainst HowardjKent-field, bond whom she accuses of extreme cruelty. According to the complaint Kent-field, eon of E. Kentfield, a retired capitalist, is possessed of an ungovernable temper and alternated paroxysms of violent anger with upolin of extreme remorse Mrs. Kentfield. who was Miss Constance Martlnon, daughter of John Martlnon, a wealthy importer and exporter, became the bride of Kentfield at a big society wedding in 1917.

She made her stage de- but incognito" In 1920. They separated on June 30 of this year. Married Deserted in 3 Days; Wife' Sues Deserted three days after she became a bride, Mrs. Mary Ross has filed suit for divorce from Edward Ross, a construction foreman of the Paeiflo Telephone and Telegraph company. They were married in San Rafael, November 25, 1921, Thanksgiving Day.

Three days later Ross told her, according to the complaint, that he was ca'lTed btB He- never came' back, although he corresponded with her, In his first letter, ehe alleges, he told her their marriage was a mis take She answered; pleading with him to reconslderand declaring She could not confsiafc a separation "until I know the whole truth." Despite further pleas to him to return, he has steadfastly refused, the wife alleges. 4 IJTWCT AtTCL12TIcI On Drunk Charge Paul Tiller, a real estate operator, waB arraigned today before Police Judge Edward J. Tyrrell on a charge of driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor. He was released On the deposit of $600 Cash ball. The preliminary examination was set for August 8.

He was arrested yesterday afternoon at Forty-first street and Shatter avenue by Policeman 8. S. Britt after a chsse of several blocks. HAROLD LLOYD IRANDMS Boy- Htsnr8l lelTToai luction. Also "In Itlonnom 'ilme" ri I V7 BRXMOVMY Svt ViK A Friends: --The nw ack -Rugsell.

Revue opening tomorrow is School -Days, and Russell promises to take you back jo your youth for one evening at least. Come, laugh and grow young. It will drive a million wrinkles to cpver. Yours truly, WEIR CASADY. TOM MOORE la Mr.

Uaraes New York Also GLADYS WALTON la Second-Hand Koe" Coatlauons Noon to Ili30 P.M.I HMRaHaaaaaaaaMMHV, LAST TIMES TODAY JACK HOLT BEBB DANIELS In "North of the Rio Grande" AIM MONTH BASKS In "Be Careful" ViMm and Review III! I INDIAN LAND EQUITIES The sale of Indian Land equities located in the eastern and southeastern section of the State of Oklahoma offer an exceptional opportunity to you to secure, 40, 80 or 160-acre tract of land located near good market towns, schools, churches and railroads. These landB ere highly' valuable for the raising ot all kinds of poultry aft'd-dairying. Irrigation not being required, this section of the State having 40 to 45 inches of rainfall, well distributed gver a long growing eson. $5 TO, $10 PER ACRE TERMS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaay Irrespective Of the Bize tract of land yqu, desire, tha payments are 150.00 to 8150.00 down, the balance payable in equal annual installments, residence and Improvements not being required, and til mineral rights, including oil and gas, go with land. Palont issued by V.

S. Government. Arrangements have been made whereby an Intelligent selection ot land dan be mad without leaving the city. EAST TERMS A For your convenience the Indian Land Service Association have sent their PRIVATE PULLMAN OFFICE CAR to this city to furnish further particulars and to accept applications. Car will bo open dally from a.m.

to 9 p.m. Car is located on railroad tracks at foot of Broadway, at automobile ferry. OFFER LIMITED This offer is limited, as car will remain in this city Today and Tonight Onlr I LOTTIE PICKFORD in "THEY SHALL PAY" And other attractions 1EPTUNE TODAYS-CARMEN'S DAY Tomorrow, Chnrll Flatter's, Jnvenllea In TAJTK STt Daily Band Concert i. Call today. OPEN SUNDAY 1 sought to pay the bill..

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