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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Orders may be left at the Cigar Store of Walter Smith, southwest corner of Broad--way and Seventh streets. 't And at the News and Book Stand of Tommy Barns, corner of Broadway and rteventh street, 4 And at the publication office, 461 Kin til street, up-stairs. Financial Quotations. Following are the rates of gold and greenbacks. up to 2 p.

to-day OOLD. 11,11111 hi nllM (WhiHL f-i fa Si I 8 A couple of insignificant dranks, and a flimsy complaint of deadly weapon-drawing, constituted the labors of the Court this morning. i :90 Saved By purchasing a bed-room set of Wil-tert ScheUhass, 413 Twelfth street, next to City Market j. i 1 1 i i Optical ii John LeConte will treat the Teachers Institute folks to an entertainment on optics, at the University, on Friday afternoon. I to Wilbert fc Kchellbaa For new spring beds, or have yonr 'furniture and bedding repaired at 413 Twelfth street, next to City Market.

A number of new petitioners before the Council for street improvements, are significant of the continous growth needs of the place. -To tt. A fine large business store-room, next new post office on Ninth street. Enquire of S. Gordon, at Gordon's Restaurant.

if Relief Hook and LatdtrC. Will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening, at the Academy Musie, Sixth street. Every member should be An Persona wk Wlan r-- To purchase Real Estate, can get some mlendid. bargains by calling immediately at E. J.

Kelley'a Real Estate 414 Seventh street, uauana. -The Grand Jury RENTON GOAL. i VERY- BUPKR-fOR QUAUTY OF Coal furnished to Bharebolders at 1s8 OO PER Tbir. The sabacriber Would Inform the DubHe thsS all who have takes soaresof blm in tbs BeBtoa Coal Comsany, or wh aaay wish to do so, caa) pay their InttallmenU and receive receipts foe the same, by calling os him or KB. CAUL, So.

MO Broadway, adioinintr the Union Barines Sank; i i-ih-- Tha pries of shares will be raided alter a Uia- ited somber are sold. i 3. STRATTOH, I Office 9aO WW. McKZIE, A Eighth bet. Broadway and Franklin street, i i 'Oakland.

ClUHKEALg conducted In the beat poaslbte manner, and with Pmoimmss aks niar Atcm All andertaking at reasonable rates, as dsvot my wnoie attention to tbe MsineM. All kinds of COFFINS and CASKETS wootas ot metalic. Also, all descriptions of Ksriao and Satin Bobes eonstaatly on hand. 'Hears ana uamgeior city and jnntry. THE' OVERLAND HOUSE.

New; Complete and Comraodius Hotel S. W.coii Broadway and First HIS i HOTEL IS IiOCATEDf within a convenient distanoe of tbe Overland and Ban Jose trains. Pleasant Jii furnished rooma fronting on Broadway, in suite or single. The table is wasorpassed in the city. I Late of the Oakland House.

Swiss Confectionery Ml LEY LAACE, (J A. JUley, formerly or Miley, of 738 Washington VlJMW 1 '1 Saa Francisco. and Gentlemen's COFFEE ANQ JCE CREAM SAL00H Broadway', two doors south of ITniost vX fiinos Baak. Oakland. PaxtinsW at-.

tentioa given orders for Parties. cans ana mbuh, at snort notice ana oa was -enable) terms. Assortment of Fancy Candies, Frnfti Jellies, ntf I PIONZES CABRIABS iianctactcst; Cor. Eighth Vranklls Sta, Wm -Brirtriftfxt p( ARRl AfeES ASD WAGONS made and renaired. Paintine and CT trimming in all its branches.

ngjjfc Spedal Care given to Sorse-Shoeiag ttf All Work Guaranteed. WATCHES AND CLOCKS Jewelry and Silverware; A COMPLETE assortment ei the latest styles constantly on band and sold at lower prices than they possibly caa be par eheaert anywhs in OaUfaRBa.t Bpecial attention paid to repairing watches and the most complicated chronometers as none bat the best mechanics are employed. i IjUUIs P. BJCRQEB- 9671 Broadway, next door to Postofiee. B.

MALOON DKALKK Ct Produce and Xruitl I SAA ISnlftk tin.) Jjear Broadway, OAKLAND AN I ACADEMY HALL i I Cnjrcraity Billdlng, TwtUUi i t. Webster and TS NOW OPKJf FOB of and fridaterfDsjft and evrnliigs. JOS. 9. WHABTOS.

HUNT A WHAfttON," DEAUB8 IH FLOUR, GRAIN AND HOT, feed. 408 Temtki Stccai, 1 SI Broadway and FranUin street, Oakland. SARPY fitBARTQW. rpHI3 well-anewn tisa have oat accasiea aaair: i 3 Eleventh bet Broadway and frank.Ua. Their One assortment is the line of FLOUR, CRAIN, FEED, ETC Can bnt give satisfaction to all classes of eaa.

tcsa, while their extensive stock -enables taoaa to promptly Oil all order however large. BW Give them a call and you will come again. KELSEY QAKLASD DRUG BTOBX. jd nuas CHEMICALS and PERFUMERIES, And all articles usoaUy found in a flrst-etassT Drugstore. Prescription Department complete la all its details.

Store accaasable at au hours of the day or night. 971 Broadway, Comer Taath street, Oakland. ius: 3E3 SZOlf Is still existing, sad ready to exeeate ertet ia nia usoal nna-c4sas wumom. iriends SS4 Twelfth street. 5 HI Has not yet completed its labors.

As we go to press the case of Fred. Clark, -charged with the murder of Zelotus Reed, in 1871, is before the Jury and Mr. Clark is undergoing examination. 1 'I Everybody Should attendJari Eztkiel's auctiqn alef fiftitauat adslsalesBoom tomorrow morning. A fine lot of parlor, bed-room, dining-room and kitchen furn- The Original Boildlnir Faad not "Ex hausted.

This institution has got on the sick list, whithout any special provision for nursing and medical attendance. However, the City Attorney, stated to the Council last night that the original fund creating that interesting property was not exhausted by nearly $500, which money he thought could be legally on repairs to the bridge. In the meantime. Governor Haight, Mastick and others across the creek have promised to pay their proportion of the ex pense that Oakland may go to in making the needed repairs. The Council moved td go ahead and do'the work, providing however, that Alameda parties to the contract give some binding guar antee that their proportion of the ex pense will be forthcoming in due time.

This is as it should be, for what is every-. Douy Dusiness is nobody s. Vhen Cihief "Lxecutive of the State, Governor Haight did not hesitate to go Jackon himRelf occasionally, and he should be maue togrve some substantial 'sign" in this; bridge matter. The bridge is more of an Alameda than an Oakland necessity, but it is a useful and handy institu tion that all are desirous should be kept in safe working order. OVERLAND ARRIVALS TO-NIGHT.

Following is a list of passengers to ar rive on the overland train due here tonight: "Fernando Pevoy. Florence, Italy; Gulio" Valencia, wite and child, do: Emilie Eg-, nlders. Kneland: Ueut. F. A.

Whitnevl U. Sj James P. Pierce, California; A. B.I roroes, uo; ansa lienton, jersey; Mrs. J.

J. Safely, Iowa; Hilla Dunham, wife and child, California; J. J. Safely, Iowa; Thomas Safely, New York; Mrs. M.

A. Clark, California; G. W. Vinton, Mrs. V.

Forest, NewYork; Otto Muser and wife, San Francisco; II. C. Leon hard T. H. i.

Payne, Pennsylvania; Miss S. Furman, NewJersey; H. K. Anderson and wife, Xew York; Mrs. J.

H. Taylor and i 1.1 Taa AC XT .1 fi. LIS, III, XV U. JLA. jubo 14 Maine; Mrs.

Dlckerhon. Iowa; XL Rhoades, r. 8. W. S.

Webb, Califor nia: jtuss ticua n. weDD. uo: Jars. ti.j. Paige and child, San Cutter raise, roigiass, jaiuornia; Airau.

Unll Clan ....1 1 lfAfl1KI do; W. H. Mayon, do: C. L. O.

Bell, Jacob Williams. Ills: D. VanCleve. Ohio: ftfjs. Croeker, California; D.

K. W. Blackburn, wife and two ohlldred, Tenn: v. rt .1. cj T7- tib.A r.M.aa.

iu.n Courter. Mlchlsran: Miss A. Courier, do: Miss A. 'Uvergood, do; H. R.

Miller, Ne vada, u. h. warae ana wire, xicnigan; Richard Deer and wife, Illinois; Bliss ueer, uo; Mrs. caasanove anatwoenua-ren, San Francisco; and 119 Immigrants. The Grand Jury.

Borne changes have been made in the original Venire, and the county inquisi tion now in session at Slanghterville, is as follows: August Harms. D. D. Main. Morris White, Z.

Kelly, John Harvey H. A Hale, James O'Connel. B. Glancey, B. Holcomb, W- Watson, Joseph De- mont, VVm.

Jleek, ueorge Forbes, It. J. Rector, and George L. Lynde. Joseph JUemont, foreman.

raytonHall! -i. Gilfleiys Popnlar Concert IlTOMTLlAisCE. A GEXt i KAL Mr. Prank Gilder Has. the honor of announcing 018 Graii Popilar Concert Xl.s Friday Ev'g, Sept.

25, "74, Assisted by the Great Cantatriee, Madame Anna Bishop. Signor MORLE YTenor, Signer O. MARRA, Baritone, 171 FRANK OHJ5KR, Pianist. Tickets, 25 cents (No Eeserved Seats.) Tickets for sale at Sanford, Kelsey Co's Drag Store, and at tne uau on tne evening or tne Coxiccrt Soocs open at o'claekr- Xo -commence at 8 o'clock: P. m.

OW Ufliyersity Hall Cor. Twelfth, and Franklin at. (Originally the College of California.) THE ACCOUSTIC FBOPERTISS OF BBAY-ton Hall feeing very defective for pathetic ana powenai speaunf, MrJ Gnatavna Scnnlte Will continue at the above hall his announced series of lectures: LECTUKES III AXD IV. Wedaesiay, Sept. 23, and (continued) Thursday, Sept 24, 1871, AT EIGHT -O'CLOCK P.

M. GtETHE Oct the Last of the World's Trini ty of Men of Genius (Homer Gait he). Admission (both eventnes) ...5 eta Admission one City Taxes-1874-5 VOTIci HEBF.BrGlTEX' THAT THE AsKeaxment Book of the City of Oakland of the Meal Estate and personal property for the fiscal year 1874-75 this day been received by met That the- City Tao for ssid fiscal year are mow da aad WTbi? of the undersigned, Boom So. 5, City Ball, and that the i law in regard to their collection will be strictly enforced. Taxes will become delinquent on the Tbird Mm day Deermber, 1H1, And unless paid prior thereto, five per cent.

win be added to the emoont thewotV- PERRY JOHNSON, Marshal sndex-otncio Tax Col" act or. Oakland, September 21, 1874. POINT SKATING RINK! CIKATIXG ASSEMBLIES WILL BE held at Standford Hall, Oakland Point, every Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from 7 JO to 10 o'clock p. M. Complete.

Roster of the Teachers of Alameda Conntjr. The AlamedTCoty Teachers' Instil tute will convene at the High School building, corner of Twelfth and Market streets at 10 clock a. v. to-morrow, And the session- will close on Thursday ingi County Superintendent Lynch iwifi be assisted in conducting the; iBStitate by Professor AllenJ Principal fhe State Normal School, on Wednesday and Thursday, and 'by John Swett, of San Francisco. Professor, Bolander, State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, will deliver a practical lecture on ootany.

Professor. Carr( has consented to and Mrs. Carr will give an nd-drea botany- Wo have probably the most experienced and efficient county superintendent in the State, and our teachers "average" first-class. The law which compels them to attend the yearly Institutes is a sensible one; but we look upon an Institute which only meets fox three days, as at best a 'mere excuse a sort1 of technical compliance1 with the law, "and the fault seems to lie withthe Oakland Board. We do not suppose that the majority of teachers take so little1 genuine interest as to attend the In stitutes merely because they are com pelled to, but attend as' "stTiMitm 61 improvement, to get that wili be of benefit to themselves and pupils, and to compare notes with their fellow-teachers.

A week's time at least ought to be devoted each year. We take the liberty to suggest San Ieahdro Cor Alameda as the place for the hext session, where the Trustees or Board of Education will not object to its being held for week or longer! if thought desirable. We give herewith a complete list of the teachers of the public schools of Alame da County, OAKLAin4-High School J. B. Mc Chesney, Principal; A.

E. Kellogg, Miss E. Temple, Miss S. V. Jewett.

Irving Grammar Schools-Miss Wal- bridge, Principal; Miss Alice Bills, Miss Smith, Mia Towle, Miss E. Jayne, Miss Persing. I Lincoln A. F. Craven, Principal; Miss Mary Lichtenthaleat, Miss La-Grange, Miss E.

Craig, Miss Kimball, MisaS. H. Wilson, Miss Meek, Miss Betancue. Trescott James Strat ton, Principal; Mrs. Standeford, Mrs.

Craven, Miss ShermanMiss Stevens, Mrs. Kingman, Miss Mrs. Winchester, Miss Mary Brier Cosmoptaitan--Prof. Prin cipal; Mrs. IS, Ci Head.

i Ji'J Franklin School I. H. Sumner, Prin cipal; Mrs E. R. Tucker, Miss L.

E. White, Miss Watson, Mini Hattie UueU. Miss C. Ellis. 1 ij- Adams-street KPriioarT Miss i S.

M. Kimball, Principal; Miss Emma Buell, Grove-stxeet Primaryf Miss Aldrich, PrinCTal; Miss Tresbitt, Miss Marr LaFayette Primary- Mrst Phelps, Urs. Vrooman, Miss Shinn. Harrison-Htreet School Miss ton, Principal; Miss Glading, Miss Carey, Miss Helen Blokeslee. r' Twenty-eighth-street Primary Miss Taisey, Principal; Miss AJ Clow.

Special Teachers German, SoebJke; Mies Efiaa eowbL I IJ AitoA4Kgh'BchcvtIr) xfym, Pfinciial Jr 1 ii i- Ji 5 JJ Alameda School Mis Carrie Havens, Principal; Miss Clinton, Encinal ttofaool L. E. Kno wlton, principal; Miss Frick. Aivaraao 311S8 lorence itanaaii, Princinal Miss Laura Lynch. A.

J. Farley, i Bajr pistrict Miss Lenora Centreville A. H. Bernard. Cosmopolitan District Miss Frank Sutherland.

EdenJVale Miss Elizabeth Howell Eureka John Cnrragh, Trihcipal; Miss Clawiter. i Fruit Vale John McFadden. Inman Flarious Josephns Clark, i Laurel Yates, Principal; Miss Sallie I Germain, Miss Alice Hall, Miss Allie Hilton. Lincoln Miss M. E.

Lynch. Livermore F. E. Fassett, Principal; Miss Julia Brier. Lockwood B.

F. Heaslip'. May District John F. Scott. Mission San Jose-Mlss Emmar Hil ton.

Mountain. House Miss Lizzie Brooks. Mowry's Landing F. E. Waxham (he whacks 'em!) fT 7 Murray John F.

Jordaa. i Ocean View M. 1L Gilman. Palmyras Mise Clara E. Z.

MDler. Peralta-Wm." Bodge, Principal Miss Cromwell. Pleasanton J. C. Gilson.

Redwood Alpnzo Crawford, Saa Loreazp-M. JvKolen, Principal; Miss Mary Gower. Stony Brook Ella B. Shaw. Summit Mrs.

M. W. Barrey. Snnol Miss Gallagher. Tern escal Miss Addie Walton.

Union Grammar San Lean dro W. Principal; Miss Annie LaG Miss C. E. Charte, Miss Nellie' Walsh, Miss' C. Anderson, and Mrs.

M. E. Pelham. Vallecito Miss Louisa Keasly. Washington-VMr.

Warren, Warm Springs Miss Mary Westfall, Castro Valley Miss Ella Whelan. Midway Miss Clara Hawley. 1 "SW Pkuamakl llllrV. llesMrs. Dunham Uathrop's beantifnl new Art Gallery, on the Mt side of Broadway, between 18th and 14th streets, is now open to the pnb-lie Every style of work known in the profes.

ion, executed la the best manner and st reasonable rate Special attention given to children's pictaras, and locket work, copying and enlarging of old pictures, etc Principal; Mra Him Son R-parl th TraaniutMr Uie risUtcUlXosMUilo PC the' CUf? At a meeting of the Council, Monday September7th, the City Treasurer was directedto prepare a th, detailed statement of the financial condition of the city. Following is the Treasurer's exhibit which was presented to the Count ell last evening: -i 1 $. uTo the Hoa the Coancil of the Clfr-of Oakland Gentlemen: Pursuant i to Instructions contained In resolution NTo.2Hl the undersigned. Treasurer of the City of Oakland, respectfully submits to your Honorable body- the following report, showing the amounts of bills allowed and Interest paid daring the year ending Au, gnfttSl, 1874, also the income of the City ipo in au sources anting year: Bnj.S COCKT. Salary of the Police Judge 38 Salary ot the Police, kJ k09 3,504 3S ATTOBNET.

i. 19 j- MAKSHAL OFFICK. hWQ 19 Salary of rsaiary oi iaiu 1 r. I errs en'Itskeiu, MM 00 1,404 00 CTrr akxkssob's office. Salary of 2,300 00 Salary of two' Assls- tunts jik i 3,410 00 TEEASCEER AND CLEEK' JT1CE: jt Salary of Treasurer ana cierk.

mi Salary of Assistant 130 00 i a 3,700 uo JANITOR Of CITY Salary I 1379 00 '7a uu WHABFISGEE. 100 00 Kalnfy .1,200 00 DKAWTEXDEB. 1 Salary C10 00 LABOUER, HOB.HK AXD CAST, ETC. Salary 720 0 Horse feed, tools and-" repairs iae "S78 POLICE PEPASXXEHT.7 Salaries. i-Vtoo oo 43 2,511 10 BubsUtntes and spec ial police t.

Feeding of prisoners Police Photographing prisoners and rogues' and rappHea for station houses, new cells, etc- 810jW: 910 44 20iM 19 JTOtK DEPASTMtxr-w Salaries 6,217 07 Horse feed ljm IS Supplles.repaint and 1 POCXD. Salary of Poundmas- Salary of As'tanw J. Feeding Killing and burying Bent and construction of pound and i road J. xv, is 415 607 12" 1,930 20 STBKETS. Macadamizing, sew- era and repairs 38 Street sprinkling U.2C7 40 Street lights and gas -fhrnnblicbulldlnes ri 31,585.23 WATKB AND HYDRANTS, nalra 175 00 275 CO Water for City Hall Water Jor, Caroline 8qarr .9.

7 PTBUC GBOCNDS AND BUILDIKGS. pairs, i. f. 1,014 It Bills 735 KTATIOSrERV'AHD. BMJtgK.F Rllli a11owmI 117 9 1.KT64 FKKS TO PBTalCIAXH ASD StEDICINKS.

Bills allowed.I..." a S3 962 63 Bills allowed 8,372 19 6,37 'MIHCELI. AN EOCSk F-teclloB U2 no Dd vine 21 KOW Moine swrvu Opening street jas INIKBEST. Interest on bills -to Interest on loan mi.ti Interest on 35,88 00 hCBOOL DEPAETJOKST. (As per report of I. j.

perinienuem. i School year ending June 30. 1874.) Salaries of 5519 15 Clerks. Jaultorsg etcf WO 23 Farnitors joj Water, lights and 88 TO Books and jsupplies lfl Fuel i-I zjiiamy. Building 2M05 S2 He pairs 7j Incidentals 8 94,447 Tnlnl nnif nf thfl rftv nimil- KKCEIPts.

General and traders' licenses 13,292 00 Vehicle 414 Dog licenses 783 00 Advertising street work 4. Police Court 1 3,554 06 Wharf. 4,081 4 City Taxes 180,351 18 Printing delinquent Tax 1 '215 1Q County Treasurer (school money 3789 88 472 00 $192,100 10 KSTIVaTED 1N(X)MI OF NIC XT TEAR. City Taxes Other sources (it anu a last C1.B4& 01 All of which is respectfully submitted H. HI1X.EBRAND, City Treasurer.

Klhlnaejrer Is nndonbtedry the most business landlord in Oakland, in spite of having the best location, opposite the Depot He has the finest his line of business can possibly produee. The very best of wines, liquors and cigars; Berlin, Weis-beer Wienmost, also Bayrisch beer, five cents a glass, Shooting gallery, and a No. 1 billiard table, and a Monitor piano. The Old Chief is personally known too well to require any praise of his capabilities in running the best bus iness house In Oakland. Ir; -nun 3,128 24 Up In PsnaaalBt, UW OtJit Wait to Jtmtch, I Thero Tanterf Among the mrioua phases pf thft late crusade against the retail liquor dealers, is the case of an old resident of Oakland by the name of Wales sometimes called rhel J-Prjnce of Wales' Mr.

was welljfcbVn here'sw ajcjonilactctti'and superintendent of macadamizing work. There was nothins; wroii" about that. So far ns we know he performed his du ties generally ns well as people average. But he took an unusual interest in Lo cal Option as did iuany other perhaps wen-meaning i people. I WelL ourj hero got sort of dow-nf and asthere was nothing to be made out of the reform move ment, he gravitated toward the new mining district which of lata is" attracting some extra attention.

Now, what do we hear but that our hero has opened a whisky mill in a place where there were already five saloons, to one store i or miiir supplies. rte. lias sent an olt Kilu franci -for 80tT worth ot taraattilai; 'Jaice, ami LocaU Option knows him no more. So they' go. But what has become of Turner? Has he followed suit? Perhaps the Temperance Alliance has sent him after Wales with a sharp stick.

However, Jet the dead and the beautif ul rest. SEVENTH AND. BROADWAY. DEPOT. i "i A Aorlc Resumed A CrUtabkjcHtruc- tun rjrected.

kTtie' people of Oakland, who get 6u and off the local trains at the Broadway-Heventh street station, will be glad to learn that the Company have resumed the work of erecting a depot of substan tial and fair proportions on the vacant lot the rear of Delger's' building directly back of Hauifin's saloon. The lot is 0x100, and fronts oar; Seventh street The plan? of 'the. jtect contemplates a rery onetory' structure, sixty feet deep with mostly iron front, the balance brick. The rear wall of the saloon building was made several 'inches thicker than it would have been, on this account the Bailroad Company "owning one-half of it, so there wDl only le one side and two ends to build. Bemillards have the contract for furnishing the brick, lime and cement The ompany will do the Test of the work with their own men, or by the day.

Parties have commenced dearing'off the the work of hauling the building materials will commence to-day. THE PARENTAL INSTITUTE. 'Children. Showld. beT.Taat;hA.

from t- il tlie Craidle, etc. In view of the Teachers Institute, the following article from an exchange may not be out of place. It is intended mostly lot parents in general ut as many school teachers have smiles, and as their influence as teachers is its effect," either tor good or "evUT the words of our cotemporary are timely It is an bat true aaving thatVEdap cation commeneea at fHow cftto have we o)iPed apon friends in Baft BAfeel, and elsewhere, f9 have children aid heard net hsp in a baby style, when the same words' spoken in a natural one.wouialiae as well. Children Should rom the cradle correct enunciation, or they mav contract a nermcions hamtof sneak ing that is rarely got rid of. They should be uugnt to speak plain, oaryuig, every word as near as oossible that comes from their lips.

In the soiaeotrootni -we- have met with children whose parents have impressed their minds with ghosts, witches, goblins, spooks and all sorts of visionary tboaghs of the unseen. liooert Burns says a pious old lady with whom he lived when a boy so filled his" mind with superstition, that even in Did age, he was haunted by her precepts. A youthful Chinaman entered one of our stores a lew evenings ago, and Would not go down the cellar fof mug of molasses for he had been told the "devil 'would get him" in the dark: What we want is our children to be taught correct "princi ples, no nuperstitioiM bead about uou ana spirits ana the devil, and no Uspina stammering tongue, and by so doing they will grow up better prepared to work earnestly and usefully in social ameliorations. GRAND CENTRALHOTEU Following are the arrivals at the Grand Central Hotel Thoa. Wyoming Territory; 1.

T. Swift and friend, San Francisco; Rev, H.Btebbins, J. CL Alvord and wife, Gen. H.A.Cobb, Michael Beese, P. Hoyt, M.

C. IJnd, I A. C. Richardson, West Midway, Mass; J. Connor and 2 dhtrn, Portenville; Mathew Mayer, Hontzdale; J.

M. Murray, O. F. Smith, Berkeley; John Glascock, Sacramento; P. Sylvester; Savannah, Ga; C.

Ballynger, Bostoo: H. W. Hsnw. Ills; 4. "Elmore, Melroae; R.

rtalUna Ttot. K. 4 wl Ward, Hchool KxkUbltlon. We spent a very pleasant hour this afternoon, in listening to the recitations and singing exercises at the Harrison-street school, Miss Hamilton, Principal. Several visitors were present, and the exercises were very interesting.

The recitations were about what may be heard at the average primary school, and the singing was excellent, evincing careful, methodical training on the part of the teachers and genuine talent on the part of the Tlie school is in a flouriahing condition. Miss Hamilton'i assistants are Miss Miss Carey and Miss Helen Blakeslee Elected Director. At a meeting of the Directors of the Alameda County Savings and Loan Society, held at their banking house in this city last evening, Geo. H.Fogg, Esq. was elected a Director in' place of L.

W. Kennedy, resigned. itarew4nbe'efreed-' Police Chanires. fianT(n. tha' Onnnfcilde- to droT) officers Poole, Brown and Brant from the muster roll.

The two former were a good deal on the rirT ft sick. moval some one to set it back on the roof. The nartv is nerhans a Utile deaf. Dught to'iieJEt Jbm-wjth Oakland v. Hun Fnuaclseo.

Crossine theBav the. other day. we met a friend, from San Francisco, a new, piit fought iniha iaetropojis. We enquired the price paid, and found to our surprise that the same suit can be bought for Jess at 903 m- .1 i Wanted Situation. In our advertising columns will be aeen a notice whereby a young- lady is desirous of obtaining employment, to xlo dress-making, or assist in a private family.

See the advertisement. The Hay Of which we have made mention at intervals, is likely to receive some atr -tehtion. The manner of storing hay in all sorts of places in aH iJorts of ways and quantities, is liable to result in dis aster to other property at anytime. The inlvertlty Will commence Its new year to-morrew, when no more appUcstions for ndmisslon will be received. BeciUtioDS will be heard All examinations of applicants will be closed darin the by -Monday it is expected that abeot atxty-flve new stadenU will be added to the roll which will comprise two hundred and ten.

This is considered a very satisfactory, showing, all things consid- red. i 1 a ti i I Li The CTt Vail B1E, i Is Uureejal wifiispml afp-f( TheCouficiT Is tequiBtedrby: Of publia school 5 to jaao week of vacation. It so happens Ahat the Institute cuts into the remain-Lder of this (the eleventh) week, and the -youngsters will get a longer vacation 'than they otherwise would, The wa 1 will commence to-morrow and last certificate of Partnermbjp. KSOW All fZn BY THESE PEESKXT8 That we, Edmund Philo Sanford, Koak Kebtey.George Benjamin Flint.all residing intbe city of Oakland, Count jof of herebyoarUfyatiddeelarethatws have organized and formed onrselves into a eopart- nership, and wrirwnl and agree; each wttn -the other, to be copartners for the purpose of carrying audi the bnsioeaa of Dras gists and Apothecaries, Oder the firm aaaae Sanford, Kelsey A Co. That the principal plaro of busiaess af saidoopartaeTshiplasitaatednt the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State aforesaid.

That the names of all the parsons interested as partners ia such bosiaeas, aaabova stated are signed hereto, and thai sock partnership will continue and be in force until far. ther notice by a. Witness our hands sad seals) till Monday week. The Lsvaapllirhter was a little late last night. We were going home about midnight by the broad 5ight of the moon, when a man on horse back came rushing along in the act of lighting the street lamps.

What use there waa in street tamps at, all on this not profess to under tand. It -is one ot the "widcHes' government that no fellow can find out. CiWf tlnuTlL John UnPiwr. plumber and ervs-fitter wishes to notify his friends and patrons that The has removed to Odd Fellows Building, Eleventh street, where he will be ahl an willins to attend to their wants. He also wishes to say that he is now under one-third the rent ne was.

consequently his patrons shall receive the benefit, fl fixtures can be sold for the same price as in San Francisco aail ana see Deiore going eisewnere. this 31st dsy of Augvst, J874v 1 aUHiniS riHLU baji rvnv, NtH KKL8BT, Vu )UGK BRSlkVIS TLDCT. Acknowledoed before Va kf. Gllcrist, Ke Mary Filed, Friday, Aug. 18th, 1874.

POINT MARKET, Cor. Savant and Woosl sta. Wholesale and Retail Catcher and Sealer te aU kinds of Fresh and Salted. Meats jr. r.

CROSS, Proprietor. aTeats delivered to all parts of town without chance. i.

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