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The Salem Daily News from Salem, Ohio • Page 1

Salem, Ohio
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TEX KICK: The Friendly Offices oi Three Powers. TO PREVENT AIVAR. European Nations Want to Settle the Cuban Question. WEltEH TAKES TUE FIELD AGAIX. Jhc Spanish Minister of War Gives Armj Officers Information Regarding the United States' Military ler Gets, Word to Hurry Up Matters.

LOXDOX, Dec. special dispatch from Paris says it is suggested that Great Britain, Franco and Italy, the three powers most interested, offer their services iri the Cuban question in order to prevent a conflict between Spain and the United States and to terminate the revolt. MADRID, Dec. newspapers here praise the activity shown by General Azcarraga, tho minister of war, which, according to the reports, included distribution of pamphlets among leading Spanish army officers describing the military condition iu the United States. HAVANA, Dec.

General Weyler has goue to Muriel on board the Spanish cruiser north of the military line, across the province of Pinar del Rio, with the intention of resuming personal command of the operations against the insurgents in that part of Cuba. General-: Arolas and Gasco, as well as the rest of the Spanish generals iu the province of Pinar del Rio, have assembled at Artomis-H. whore they are awaiting the arrival of Captain General "Weyler in order to commence a new plaiupf campaign. Captain General will combine the movements eral Arohis' troops with the forces the military line, all these troops uing active movements iu aud it is understood that there will bo no cessation of activity until the campaign in that part of the island is iiu- ished. General Arolas, however, will be sent to take command of the military line, extending from Jaucaro Moron, in the province of Puerto Principe.

The captain general is disturbed by- reports of insurgent operations in Santa Clara. Beside a strong hint is said to have reached him from Madrid that something must be done by Jan. 1 to forestall action by congress on the Cameron roMilution. Affairs cast of the trorha prow worse. The Spanish ofHcials there cannot copo with the insurgent bantK in operation in that section, u.sing the hills as their base of operations and they arc con- iincu to tho fiy.

ns. Kr.v from Havana --iy is advancing rap- it is a Weyler will, if possible, prevent his coming to the of a It is stated that from Cuban source-! (he Cuban leader is wild over the murder of his only son and his beloved chief lieutenant, and is burning to revenge their fall. The Cubans iu the army are i i a Dr. ZertucJia is a r.iarkcd man too, and it is reported that a move lias been made to abduct him. He is now in a sonic miles from Havana, i a strung Spanish gu.n-d.

His trip to Spain will be the Cubans say, and if lie gne.s over there they have friendly ImndM ir. that country who will avenge Maceo and young Gomez. Major comes in for his share of hatred and ri vengo. Strong iiism-geiit b.iud-, are now so close to Havana that the Spanish soldiers seldom venture far out of the gates of the city, except in strong force. A company of -J5 were attacked Sunday uight not over throe miles from the palace by an insurgent band and several of them killed.

This audacity has worried Wcvler, but he cannot capture or disperse them. An American named Amos Johnson, from Texas, is their most prominent leader. THE M'KINLfcYS AT HOME. Every One of the Party Got Xew Clothes i CANTON', Dec. President- elect and Mw.

McKinU-y have arrived home. He left Clur.ij.0 after 10 o'clock last night, going by the Pennsylvania railroad. He left the home of Air. McWilliauis ut -J'' 1 o'clock and in company with hi; wi: Mr. and Mrs.

and Oanh'iu Heistaud was driven to the Ahead of went a baggage wagon loaded with six trunks, everyone of thuii than when the AleKinley party brouaht them to Chicago. From tho prosrlent-eiect 'lowu to Mrs. McKinley's im-iu, every cue of the party luui clo'thes. In one tmnk was which Mr McKinley wear the iiiav.cura- tion and iu another Asas a new suit for Mr. McKinley.

The exciting part McKinley's last day in Chicago was -vhen 4,000 persons surrounded c.nriase in front of the wholesale house of Marshall Field at 3 o'clock iu the afternoon, and refused to let the carriage move on till the president-elect had shaken hands with several huii- dreu of them. He was finally rescued by the police. "Just before leaving Chicago Mr. Mc- Kiuiey declared that his health was much improved and that hk rest had done him "a world of good." TBEYTAREAREST Conress Have a Vacation, NO 11L1ME The Cameron Resolution Will Be Defeated. BOTH HALE AM) TiifRSTttf SAY SO.

Ihe Maiue Man a Strong Kr.piny, but the Senator Greatly Favors It The Latter Says the Obstacles Cannot lie Overcome. WORK DAWi' COMMISSION. Oiiopfr.m, Accept anil -Jthcri Are 1 to Do So. General F. O.

of the Dawes Indian COM- mission ha reached hero and presented a report covoiiiig the work of the commission up to date. The ix-port was accompanied by now treaty with tho Cho'ctaws wio have a.juea by tho treaty to break up tribal relations aud usuiue the now form of yoverimu'iit (v'ifhin eight yuars. General Armstrong that the surveying and allotment of lands caii- uct be Completed far four or live years aud plans formulated by the commission for the disposition of Various intricate a follow the change 01 The commission believed that the other Indian are likeiy to follow tho action of the Ciiorcr.v, at an early date. PACIFIC RAILROAD DEBTS. The Tu rj- Runs on A I I CHICAGO.

Three On ins to tla's I5anks Collapse. CHICAGO, Dec. failures of Angus Giudele, general the American Crowing, Malting and Elevator company, the George A. Wcisse Malriurr and Elevator company and George A. AVeisse.

individually, all of these being due to the collapse of the National Bank of Illiuoise, and small runs on three banks wjre the echoes of the big bank failures. were made oil the Garden City Banking and Trust company, the Hibernian Savings bank and the Illinois Trust and Savings bank, but none were of much importance. THE I ALL ESCAPED. IS'o DcutlK From the In a I AVilkesbarrc Mmft. I Dec.

can! of thir homes of miners employed in the'Baltimore mine, whore explosion occurred, shows that all the men escaped from the mine. It was at upposed that four or live of the men lad been caught in that portion of the mine whore tho occurred, but now all have been accounted for. The men who wire taken cut are getting along nicely. Tho hospital physicians report that all their patients are doing well. There is a s'nall lire burning in the mine, nud the officials hope to have it uudur control before long.

Everybody is rejoicing over the gallant work of tho'res- cuers, TO IMPROVE THE ROADS. Dec. opponents of the Cuban resolutions assert that Senator Vest's failure to talk ou the question in the senate as expected is due to the fact that he has been induced to look into authorities which do not sustain his view of the question and that he has concluded to investigate further before speaking. The question is one requiring close attention to precedents and to constitutional points and recognize that it is necessary to prOv -ed with care. Senators agi 'ed generally that if Vest and Hill did not speak the entire Cuban question should go over until after the holidays.

"We've sot them beat," said Senator Hale seutentiouly. He spoke for the aiiti-Cuhanitts. "On a vote?" was asked. The reply was in the affirmative. Dec.

Cuban affairs, Senator Thurston, while in this city, "There is little doubt but that the Cameron resolution is strongly favored by a good majority in brtth iiou-es. I believe, however, that the opposition will throw so many 111 the way of the passage of the resolution that it will be found im- pos-ible to gut it through. I feel, however, that eventually'a compromise will be reached, in which the insurgents will bo accorded the right of belligerency. "Personally, favor radical measures. The United has vast interests at stake.

The island is being rapidly depopulated, and tho people who remain are in many cases actually for the necessities (if life. There are many excellent reasons why tho United States should intervene without delay." ecretary th lU-port to Dec. The seen iary c.t' the tiva-ury iuis sent to a ci.m-,nit:aiou of tho Pacitie railroad made by the government actuary. The statement the al-'s to the Pacific, including ih' 1 Kan-. Fi'cilie.

by the yovoinmust V.vll, at maturity, tbe 1st of no.v a to of which eh-ut has repaid to reduce the a'liount to Sj The balance due ou account of the Paeiiic on the 1st ot July next will be i OUR CHICAGO LETTER. UC1LDIXU OK Till: ClilCAtiM Its liiiaulilr Collvi-tioii of ruliitliigii, Med- nit, nuti listorirat Objects-- Mile or Joint loutroiersj-- Col. Ur.iiii'i iun. CT.Ionsr-j The now anil a i home of the Chicago Historical Socii ty soon to je opened to the Tuc- now juildinp; is;irc.:'. Twice Us history the Ciiioaso Mij'orical Vis soon the ciilkciions of years swept aw.iv liv ivas touiuleu in 1SJO.

-lent is Mr. ins in.uiv!". i lire. lis The i IT CONGRESS TAKES A -REST. A Conference Called by the Government Held In New YUKK.

Dec. man Johnson of San Francisco, special agent of the United office of road inquiry, depart uient of I I i al the Cunt, tv.ttIon of the- i I of Canterbury. 'NOON-, Dec. 1 the ixro- tlie consecration of the Kt. Temple, D.

as areh- of Canurbury at Bow church, tin- Rev. 31r. chaplain of i bislnop of Hath, rose and pro- i i consecration on the a Dr. Temple was a selt'-c-on- believer in the full doctrine of euilutinn ami that thi-- doctrine inc( mjnitible witli the lidelity to the book of common pr.iyer and the of religion. Xue royal coiumN-joiif 1 declined to hi I jUr.

lirowii-jiiliti. A leaving the church Mr. Brown- John distributed a a few ptT- Nins i i 1 i i a a the policemen madt- thc.1,1 on," us rending the leafh t.s ubstruclod trailic. arc iv rcn -h ho i i i i i lint i.e;iod, the uul Louis XV. 1 a oi uf I.i inchul' Tho Society KMit 1'res- iv.ety now books, ci ill- uv ID found oceil- tho HI i and of a i LotiU I ii The i royal ern 01 a'i i ol tal il.e 1 3 Hi) i The 're-itU'ius cf S.v i i i i i i i rommoJious he: jer of i rr, of rhore are 1 i of t'lp I- of a ua 1 of es- r.ip a arc-kid of of the e-iriy and of tho tv.po a ir.nyi- hllK'l! suu'loal por- Xear thi- i i i i of Sir on ami Sir i e-rii a i a he l.Lsi two goveniors, is a i )C i i i i ol i i i a i i i i from i i a The of pui i i busts.

Gr.xnt in i pp-. Me a vvar.u personal ct" the md aceomiiaiKcd Myjor i i la la tier's trip through Iowa two ago. (Jol. Ur.un has many i and it is generally believed he is likeiy soon to upon political career that i brine; him prominently before the people of the whole country, even if he does not at- tho cabinet position rumor assigns to him. A veteran of the Crimean war diiHl in this city a few days iijw.

Ills name was John II. Johnson, aud he was born in Dublin sixty-live years ago. He on- listed iu English air.iy' when only 1-! years old. an.i when he i i his discharge he had SLH a iv. only-one rears of active service uti tUivs 1011- lintuts.

the i 03- Farmer Shoots Wife and Stepson. Doubie Shooting and Attempted Suicide at Cincinnati. DUE TO A FAMILY 4JIARREL. Fanner I'rcstou of Xeu- lUchmond Wanted UU a to Live With Him Her and Uur Sou and. Tlicu Wounded Himself.

'iul is is Vi'aslu if all 1 0 1 1 i i i i ANOTHER REDUCTION IN COFFEE. agricul- tlie Xa- in I be tnro and '-i of tional i i city to i i' in; i on good i Branch oMci i i i I i i JJcw i York, i i.ikee, Omaha and I I I-M win co-operate i i having a a i a lishcd by I'oi- Miv. Simral reci'ivcd a letter from Clia-J. Umbers i i i i i Xew Zealand, informing liim a subscription ot -7i would be -ent as Christmas gift lor George Clark, who is understood to be tiio (Jrorgo Harris of "Uncle Tom's Cla.rk is near starvation.

Hi 1 SPANIARDS BADLY THRASHED. Thej- Ssnt Out False Itrpnrtn About a Untile In the I'liillippiiies. SAX FRAXCISCO, Dec. advices from Manilla, Philippine Islands, have reached here and are verified by an account that appears in the Hong- kong press, received per steamer Belgic. The news contained in the communication deals with the attack by the Span- Prlngreo Allegc'l Ilrihf-ry.

DrxrtoiT, Dec. temporary in- i i b- bc-i granted by tho cir- cuir court on application of Mayor Pingrec, restraining county sujjer- visors from confirming proposed contract for erection of a county building. The mayor alleges bribery against 11 of the supervisors. JLnbor Odir'uls KEW I Doc. oiiicerti of the Jouriioymeu Stonecutters' association, who were arrowed on the charge of conspiracy preferred by William Mahony, who bad boon thrown out of work lyhon a strike was declared, have been discharged.

Mdrdercd liy a Hired Slan. ALvDEUA, Dec. 23 --Farmer Frod Joblinski and son have been murdered and his wife wounded by the hired man. The mnr'krer is sull at large. Joblinski had opposed the marriage of his daughter to the hired man.

An Adjonrninent Viitll After the Holidays--House And Senate Sessions. WASiiiN'riTON, Doc. senate, in its closing session preceding holiday adjournment, was unexpectedly diverted from Cuba to the Pacific railroads. An unusually large crowd was iu the galleries, anticipating that Mr. Vest would continue his speech, begun Monday, on tho attitude of Mr.

Olney toward the Cameron resolution. The interest this had awakened was shown by the presence, in tho diplomatic gallery, of Assistant Secretary ot State Rockhill, who is next in rank to Mr. Olney in state affairs and who has had special charge of the reports coming from consuls in Cuba. Tlic foreign delegation also was well represented. Soon after tho session opener! Mr.

Pettigrow of South Dakota called up his resolution relative to the trust notes of the Pacific iiiilroad. Tho senator made savage onslaught on tho Pacific railroad system in gen- oral, charging that a combination of private interests was soukiug to absorb the roads and close out the government, i eh; This opened the entire question and Mr. Morgan (Ala.) followed with a bit- tor arraignment of the Pacific roads, charging them with fraud and crime on a gigantic scale. Tho speech lasted until the morning hour had nearly expired, thus sending over tho Cuban question until after the holidays. Mr.

Call secured tho adoption of a resolution asking the secretary of state, for information relative to tho killing of Charles Gavin, an American citizen, by tho Spanish forces in Cuba Further than this, the session was uneventful and tho senate adjourned for the holidays, lasting until Jan. The Say They Will Not Sleet 1 rust 1 iTo.tK, Dec. an evidence that the American Refining company intend forcing in the coliee trade the annimm-emont has be en m.ide to tin eolt'v trade by the sugar people of a her reduction (if i cent propound in the price of the coffee of i Woolhoii Spice company. This makes a reduction of 1 cent since the purchase of a controlling interest in the spice company by tho sugar people. Tims far have not mot the i i 'and say i not, i customers will stick with his i in the coffee trade is that the redui lion of cent per pound is merely i i a to a lunch i-rer one.

I ibiui. r.iiiine in si. r.mi. ST. De, i of the i K.mis -y minty i i i I i has agreed to a i i i i Frank, cashier ot I the Mi reh.

i a i a and an i i i i i no! yet decided on. to be re( ceivi r.s of the a i i oi Minnesota, has c.iisi-d it.s di(irs. The i a i i a i a i i i i s.iys he doi not con- i 1 bad one, lull I a i i i i i bu-incss be- i 0 11! I I (, I in 1 1. Tlii n- f. nr i i mj; iuter- of the col i i i ale A i heads I I cou- i of i i 'o ''iy Ale.

hint'. cli.s-' 110 a Jarre in yards c. on; at the and a a by ol I I old i of I In i i a nntde bv a i and othcrn. Tlie inn, i mi' i i and is e' i i i i i' rep 1 i i i Hid i i l.a.i -'i i a i Tin a i I'heie i.s a fill i old Vet in 1'ii the Cook I i i 1 the bone-, ot 1 eiin I the I i a i i a i nl a i i i 1 I i i in a i I in 1 'I'lii re is a i i Mrilr i used his home a i Tlie i pi i i i i bouU-1 i i i a i i a i i In a i i i i i This i-j a i In i'-f and a a i i i i i ill' 1 i i i now In i ilaecil In tli' 1 I i i i i i i i i i i )f I i '1 bey i be a i i to I I I new and I a i i lei- Ihe i a i i of val- a i I ai i i i Tlie i i i i tor is i i i i i Hr every hn-p, ant! Chii'aKu Is "opirpi by the HUH. At a a of i a i I i I i i 0 I Udi( i re a pond a i llll-e.

if i I 1 a i i wi re i I I'l ol I be i i nit. A I i il i i "i i i i of In i i i 1 el i i i I lid ren I i en I i a i i i il a (if a en I b'n a i i I I I a r' i'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ol I i i i i i i i Id I Tr i i i i i i i Cal. Fred Dent Grant. i of mrtlals con erred for gallan- on a a Ik-Id of battle. Otic v.

ill) and bearing Uic his- Loric nanu's of A a I i I' 1 a a and Sebaetojiol was i his lircast by Uiieen i i a 1" self. He bad a a for a ill the Kalilr war iu A i ano a for services in the pro bj i i a but he a iiono of so i as one i a i i i iiiinns; his whole tweni.i yi service. Thin was i a Alex.iud.'i- i i in This mcd.i, a e.sleenied tlie am! a i i a i a i I i i army a hope I a 1 a i a i i i here. i i Doc. Preston, aged 40, has shot his wife, ajjed 37, aud I the latter's son, William Bryant, aged 11'-', in the residence of Mrs.

Preston and sou, at East Pearl street. Pres. ton is a farmer near Xew Richmond, His wife left him some time ago and came to this city, taking quarters with her son and making a living at dressmaking. Preston followed his i wife and tried to effect a reconciliation, i He culled at tho house and a quarrel followed during which he began firiug- When tho neighbors came in they found the three on the door wounded and bleeding. Preston had evidently- first shot his wife, then his stepson and then himself.

The hospital physicians say that Preston and his wife will die, The son has a wound in his left elbow. It is evident that Preston was actuated by motives of jealousy, as ho had in his possession a letter written to his wife by another man. IMPORTED COYOTE SCALI'S. I i i i I i i i i i i I i i i i In i i i i i i i i was a of tho a i a i i of cxaniinor-) i i i i i i-uyole bi'iilp i i Htii'iirf i il and liinil action i i i i i i i i i i 'I'M- in i DAN HANNA AGAIN SUSD. iiuthpr Kli'dlon lt-t Trouble For the t'lmlnimit'rt Son.

CLP.vr.r.AXD.Doc. B.HMVM, BOH of Hon. M. A. Hanna, has beeu iiKiiin sued on an election bet.

Yonnff Ilaniui Allon A. Annstronu that jMoKinlcy would carry Uiiin by more Tho money wii.s over to lltiniiii by the stake- liohler. Armstrong niiikes tho point a Ht-yun should bo credited with the People's purty vote us well us with the DemoiTiilio vote. Mr. Hanna was sued on this sumo point few weeks UK, ami settled out of courl to avoid Ihe nniioyiince and u.0- loricty onlaili'il by the htigiition.

if i KI oti.i i i of St. i ii n. A I I I i UM.I Dec. supi i i i i of I the liei-n Van i a- tondonr of Tian Trainiuaster H. Mr.

i.uii; --J. M. i a a I of to sue- suporin- Ohio division. i will DEBATED THE It Came Up CIVIL SERVICE. Inning In At the cud of the campaign, the Spanish authorities sent out dispatches i reporting that the attack had been successful and that the rebel loss was verv heavy.

The Spanish claimed to have lost about 3.3 killed and 100 wounded It is now learned that the great victory that the Castiliaus predicted ended in ignominious defeat. The rebels hold i Nbveleta against warships and troops i The Spaniards retired after suffering heavy loss. DRILLING TO FIGHT Three IN CUBA. Companies Organized In Ohio to (iom.z. DEFIANCE, Dec.

companies of Cuban recruits are being organized hero and at Napoleon and Panlding. Thirty-seven men have joined the company and they are partially armed and equipped. They are beng drilled nightly. It is believed the thrc-p companies Will muster about 150 and they are expected to start for Cnl.a as soon as -they can get transportation. Most of them arc members of tho national guard and of the Sons of Veterans They expect to join the Ohio leaiou, Which is a part of the command of General Gomez.

The Weather. att rnoon failed Haulier I'dlninster. WASHIXGTOX, Dec. A. f-mith, who was largely interested in Ihe Bank of Minnesota which failed, was nominated by President Cleveland to be postmaster of St.

Paul and the i.enate confirmed tho nomination. In 1'ublic Ucqncsts. BOSTON, Dec. will of the late Henry L. Pierce, ex-mayor of Bos, ton, has been filed in prolate.

Upward of iu public bequests are distributed by tho doeuinent. I Wealthy Murdered. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. Wilson, aged TO, one of best known residents of A county, has been tiiirciered by robb ts near Avenue City.

A f- Lynched. DM. James, colored, boon lynched at Woodstock He r.ifrir.ptiifl to assault Fannie Smith, aged To Oil Cnrni: Work. Lvxx, Dec. To set the unemployed at work 10,000 has been raised at a meeting of the board of trade to establish a shoe indnstrv.

Polncnetl by Alcohol. MATTOOX, Dec. deaths, the result of alcohol poisoning, ha oc- cured in this city. For Its Year the llonac. WASHINGTON, Dec.

house has passed the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill and then adjourned for the holiday recess. This is the first time in the history of congress that the legislative bill has been passed before the holidays. The day was devoted to the annual debats of the civil service law, and, as usual, the attempt to strike out the pro vision for the commission was over- whelmingly defeated. I There was a good deal of threshing over old straw and sparring for political points. Mr.

Brosius, chairman of the civil service committee, defended the law. Others who participated in the debate were Messrs. Baker Walker Williams Bowers and Neil Mr. Settle N. made the motion to strike out the paragraph relating to the civil service, which was defeated--29 to C2.

The bill as passed carries more than the current bill. Allioon Offered No Cabinet Place. BCBUQUE, Dec. Alii- son denies that he is to enter the cabinet of Major McKinley as secretary of state. "I have not been offered that or any other position by Mr.

McKinley," said he. Sixty-Eight AoarchUtt ScoUieed. BARCELONA, Dec. An additional batch of has been Mntenced. Forty of them were condemned to 80 years' imprisonment and 23 to eight ia priion.

Mori mi 1 ALHA.NV, has to Hi" a prur-latuatioji I hat the Jaw I I I I i i of Queens couiity num him to.sf'u in nor viohtfod by tlu Lnv I i i i i pro- lo- i-m-il i'nr i Sullivan, the pngihr-f in tl.c p- nr session of the" iy to explain wliy he A i to florifts bill. Tin- i c- v. ill be further heard Jan. 11. Covrrniiu-nt's ut Nnnhville.

WsHTN(iTOS, prr-si- f.ent has a or providing for arti' in the ccn- exposition al -Nashville and inakinR-an i for a government building eMti'uir. POI.VT, K. V. of -i! liv iM'fxr. i)f-c.

Twouty- 'in PiirJu-r's fic- Tim li'ni i a a i i i i i in pa oil i i I I liail to I IIP Umitt I i nl' I In- i i a a ol' a i i i Lo i i of dollars, fnnulii- i i i i i i i i r.uiii a MI It Is i i i I l'i and i a i over Cov. I i i a i a i viiU IK i i i i i if i a i i io vvoi 1 (-, i i i i i i casl and i i i i lo i i I I M' 1 vo Iho i ''i ii i i a i -i i'lid i i tl i The i i a In v. -ii 11' i i i i i i and 1 1 "IM fipl." MI In i 1 Ii i i i jf i i i i i mid it i i i i i 1 (lie a i may I i a i i i i ihor.i a i nr two. Tlie i i i i i i I-, to i i i a one at Him 1 i i i An i i i i i i i i i i ill In K' i i I li-xMalin-p i i i i 1 i claims. Inn K' i i i i i i I i a i i 1 i I (if i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i alHo I a die law in 1 i i i a i malir- i 10 i falsely i i i i i 1 i i i i i siilijipria many c-Kiiin I i i i i i I'ln-iiiiiM I Africa.

Ci.r.vKi.AXU, Dee. ii year ami a a i i IIKI Charles tf. Anderson, of a ttre i-ngiue company iu this city, diHiipiii-ared alter lie hud borrowed about SI.OOK from friends and had drawn at the city ireaKiiry tho monthly pay of his i company. Ho was iruci'd to but, tiieri' tho track Ki i was lost. It has been learned that i i Andn-Hon is in i'l'Chuaiialand, South I IVY 'Africa, where he is employed as no- liroiimn.

i was in Transvaal during thu raid. VIr. E. S. Mason.

President Chicago i i a Society. farly k-suf-s of Australia brought 'rcni to r-ach. The entire sale about Ur. B. A.

Catt- OTV. who th" sale, (J seveia! more lurinc; UK- winter. Dr. Emil O. Hie sh i tr- a a i lettl.

lit in) savs 'roni the ap in the 't i i a i of it" r-an; are Four in i -ritical An GirriintE, O. iJi-c. has -n r-oin at XPW Or'tMi of well, U. T. J.

C. Mi'- ot us president batik nf Yonr. Jo. ris has Hnrris wan forarson in rhe third Jj Hari rupnmoutli. T'- in Jnly, 1895, res.

BOSTON, Dee. i'J Dnnald Donovan lag been fonnd unconscious aud hit rife dead from escaping iu a room in the Hampton Hoase. to j'i- which it r.inj' lc ir radical i i position in liasi, it i', Deginning of i. i Ihf of sne. and Dr.

Hirrf-- I i in be ligiil cuurch. TV-male's is a large SU-MH to have support of his prsrislorif-re in the ic has taken toward abrogating jxcluslve features o. 'he Jewish faith. Amoi.g tle visitors to this wpek was Col. Fred, D.

Grant, )f New He was in town visit- nn with Mr. and Mrs. Potter Palmer. He was presumably not in town stucly- ng municipal or police problems, and public has associated his lame with a. cabinet office, that of Hec- ot War.

In fact. It may be said Col. Grant la the only open aspirin for a cabinet position who has yet appeared. He does not deny that he irould like to hold, the war portfolio. md it It probable that strong social political ioAietjMs will fee The Ixnrd passed Hie i i i i i IH of to al! i i srK of for coyote acalji and adjourned: "Whereas, A large of 3calp claims, appnvcd by board ol oervisors the various counties ot K- State, have been filed with thr- aoard of examiners for considci; md iransmlflolon to tho I i i i Iho boaid's rccnnimrndation.

"Whereas, It has 'boon eliarjrnl soyote scalps have bfr-n I I.T-. iome of the r-ounti'-s from ind territories, and a grave i i i i i lavo been coinmitlcd in i i ipprova) of some of the claims, i be it "Resolved. By tho State board of cx- a It prococd 10 cxami.ii' and claims ly quarters in or- ler of ntruion and by couiiLi-s in aliilialifiical order, and thai not go to the cspnuf )f appcaTlng b'forp tlie Iioarrl of ex by i i i i a i i or Gov. Biuld says he lulcp.t aK aii Frnnol--co i frau- lor 5 ot A r'M on the pfirt of nithori caused leti i Philadcijjiiia mailf-d at nlngton. tf) tiioiti'ii nik-4 before its A (t-ntleni'in posted letter.

ailjren i Ihe "Secretary Beiniont i i I i Piiilaaclphia, on Oct. JS. It was stamped at he a a i Office at 5:20 r. received at Philadelphia. 9:30 P.

il. 'he same evening, and left Philadolpljia Dct. 19. 6:30 A. M.

It arrived at S-in 0-c-t. 2). 12 o'clo-It noja, ind was stamped Oct. J4, 3 o'clock P. A receiving Ive other different rest office stamps Jhat are not iegtbie letter arrived it the Academy Pout Office, iry County.

at 6 o'clock, Oct. Bo. 'Vom there It upnt back to lelplila. reaching m.m to WHS addressed, on Nov. 2.

at i) 'clock In the evening. It had travel- 4 ovw was baodled and im tumped sixtow to tho Jour- lUoflN. with iiaiiiin. Or.KVKLA.M), Doc. Sciiatora Thurston of Nebraska and Shoup of Idaho have hud conference, with M.

A. lliuiiin. A gentleman Cioso to Mr. i Ultima a thore was little tldiibt but that Messrs'. Tliur.ston aud jShoti)) came hi ro I nrgi! Jlr.

Hanno's selection of Home man "aH'octed silver district," which they represent, (is a member of cabinet. IIrli Miiy Coiillniiiul. LIMA, Dec K. Brice, brother of Senator Dnee, has beou joH'erod the oummand ol the Ohio naval ire-iorve, wliioh being organized at Clovcbtnd, Toledo mid other cities on Lake line. He nerved at Annapolis a number of years, and i.s thoroughly posted 011 naval matters, and is a thorough civil engineer.

It is very probable that ho will accept tho offer. A Old Drill F.ill*., Dec. L. Havon hardware and foundry manufacturers, nt (IS Plum street, have assigned to A.

Haven and George. A. Schneider. Tho assets and liabilities are about, Tho cause of tho ns.signinont is the pressure Of creditors niul the lack of business. Tho firm is one of tho oldest of its kind in the west.

Hought au Iron Mine. CLEVELAND, Dec. firm of Corrigan, McKinney Co. of this city have concluded negotiations for tha purchase of tho Blue iron mine of gaunce, Mich. The consideration is understood to be in the neighborhood of $50,000.

Tho property ia capable of heavy production, and will bo worked to its fullest capacity by its now owners, A Gtuv ELYIUA, Dec. explosion at the gasworks has shut off the supply from the city. Ralph Barnes was burned frightfully and cannot recover, Albert Young was also severely burned. Three children near tho gashouso were also injured. The city will be without gas for at least three nights.

Wanted to Another Girl. DAYTON, Dec. tho Frantz murder trial Miss Mollie Carte testified that tho prisoner wrote her love letters, which were then read in court. Ha tffered to marrry her. Miss Carte received a love letter renewing this offer on the very day Bessie Little was tiered.

The state then rested its Children Bnraed to Dwrtfc. PORTSMOUTH, Dec. mull children of Bin. Christine Carlisle. Wakeneld.

Tommy, aged 9, Md Rath, 4, have been Durned to death. Xte mother had locked them in gone to neighbor's to visit and. the home caught flre in her tawl! fUvolutm la IMrM. MADRID, Dec. Commm- dencia asserts that the cendanaes lispened 'a small nvowtioaaiy fctJsf TA EWSPAPERl.

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