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The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 1

Salem, Oregon
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a OREGON ST A XZ LISKAS i 1 IS24 INSIDE HISTORY OF TEAPOT DOME BARED apital Jfefoiif mal. CITY EDITION Dally average net paid circulation for the month of January, 1921 THE WEATHER ORE00N Fair toaigat, colder east portion, Saturday fait, except grsaasiy; rata west portion, gentle winds Local: Mar. 43; mis. 38; no rainfall; foggy; river Ii.8 test, 6081 Average dally distribution 6,445. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation.

FORTY-SIXTH YEAR No. 34 SALEM, OREGON, FEBRUARY 8, 1924 fFj tkaus and NEWS iAViOiii Vfiiir i STANDS FIVE CENTS rr-3 -r -r i i HI Wjy tfcJ lli fliif ffliilCI III' i'1000 WILL DIVISION OF i 1 ieny tel mm fall i TELl ALL OF SPOILS Oit tM MIL OF DOHENY DEAL BLDSGRlKf mik DENBYAGA1N Prince of Wales Falls from Horse Breaks Clavicle Great Crime Committed Denver Editor Tells Of Edging In Teapot Dome Through Stack Contract At Fat Profit. E. I. Doheny, multi-millionaire oil magnate, is shown as ha resulted before a Senatorial investigating committee in Washington that he personally loaned $100,000 to ex-Secretary of the interior Albert B.

Fall, but denied that this loan had anything to do with Fall granting him a lease to immeusely rich naval oil reserves is California. Denver Publisher Bares Story of Sinclair Deal Over Teapot Dome; Says Money Really Paid Washington, Feb. S. After a disagreement of its members over Urn trend taken by the oil inquiry, the senate oil committee decided to hold or its examination of William G. McAdoj.

Appearing ftt his own request, be will explain fully his professional services with the Doheny oil companies. Decision to hear the former secretary of the treasury in the Wilson administration was reacned today by the committee alter Chariman Lenroot had read into the record a letter sent to him Inst night by Mr, AicAdoo asking for aa immediate hearing. Savs Criticism False. 3llr. McAdoo, in his letter to th? committee chairman, declared that 'if my conduct in acting professionally" for the Doheny companies In the Mexican oil matters is open to criticism, then no lawyer can take a cabinet office unices rich enough to give up all professional employment in business when he comes out of office.

Asserting that ho had "never dealt in politic ii information, nur did I ask or promise, or give or receive political favors, or other favors," he said, "ho was terminating his prcfessionat connection with the California oil magnate because he feared that the newspaper accounts might be as vicious and unfair" to Mr. Doheny aa they ha'i been to him. Chanrcs Resented. Ho described as "monstrously unfair" the "whispering susncj- tiuns that and the others, law ycra and laymen, who helped in the Mexican enterprises of which Mr. Doheny Is the head to share saw taint of any kind" and part leu larly resented the that because the late Franklin K.

Lane, after his service as secre tary of the Interior, resigned and became, quite openly, an officer of the Doheny company, ho tnereny stares the taint of corruption. James O. Icwfs, one of the geol foists employed by the committee in investigating conditions at Continued on Pago Nine.) CRIPPLED CHENS LAW IN EFFECT AT PORTLAND Tortl ind, Feb. 8 The crippled children's law, enacted by the last of the state legislature, Portland last night when the was officially put Into effect In fehoot hoard received a report of the committee on education with ft pirtial list of crippled children tiitUUd to the benofiis of the act. The law Is the first of its kind Tn-sod in the United States.

It prmi-lrs that crippled children who are unable to leavo their homes shall receive instruction In homes from teachers under direction of the city school system The local school district has set aside HU for the work in its 5324 budget. Washington, Feb. 8. in explaining Teapot Dome leases, Fred 11. Ilonfiirt.

of the Denver Post, to day said Doheny had been much interested in Stack's efforts to ob tain the Teapot Dome lease but had suddenly for some unknown reason withdrawn. He explained how the paid by Sinclair had been divided between aim and his partners. The- Sinclair Interests wanted to clear up all dispute of title, he said, fn connection with the granting to them by Fall of the Teapot' Dome lease, Sinclair had testified that he expended in this connection about $1,000,000. Mr. Donfiis said that L.

Doheny, while interested In the Stack claims, estimated that "Mr. Stack's leases with the Mid West and other companies, at lowest value, were worth from 000 to Mr, Doheny had based his esti mate, Mr. lion fits said upon the reports of geologists who had ex amined Teapot Dome reserve. To Sell Claims After tlio various contracts en tering into the original claim and settlements had been read into the record, Mr. Honfils said Stack had an agreement with the I'i-jiiecr, Ilelgo and other companies to sell their claims In Teapot Dome to anyone he could get to buy them.

He added that ho thought the original plan also call ed for Stack to seek a lease from tiie government for the whole Teapot Dome field. Senator Walsh wanted to know what qualifications Stack had to gel the lease. "He was prominent politically and socially in Denver," was the repiy. "He ran for congress on the democratic ticket, and had been here in Washington for florae time wlh the mid west crowd and I think he had a good many qualifications for doing this work." "Just what was it you were to do In the matter?" asked Senator Wnkn. "1 was to see If wc could not get some value for his contract.

It was reported to my attorney to be a valid and valuable contract. Mr. Stack, in spite of the contract, had, been swept aside by the larger' Interests who were going to repudiate any obligations to him." Referring to what he said was the sudden withdrawal of Doheny from efforts to get the Teapot Dome field, Mr. Bonfiis said after both of these reserves had been leased, one to Sinclair and the other to Doheny, looked like there was some reason why Mr. Doheny had thrown him (Stack) down and that there might be an agreement between these two oil kings, that one would take Teapot Dome and the other the reserve in California." Dresden has an exhibition of toys and sporting toods to show the advance ot manufacture such articles.

of Says Bfoniana Senator; Wants To Drive Secretary From Office. "vTashinfiinn, Feb. The Tea pot Dome story today was cut short fey adjournment of the committee, whose members harried in to tho senate chamber to take part in tho debate- on the Denhy reso- lotion. Senator "Walsh said before closing that it showed conclusively the unfitness of Secretary I3en- foy to act as secretary ot the navy. "Out of his own mouth Is he condemned, Senator Walsh said.

"Ho had ever opportunity to defend his nets and has failed to act. "A great crimo has been com Tho very structure of our government rocks wpan its foun dations in view of the revelations mads in connection with it. There Is but one way to restore that con fidence which Is tndispensible to its stability and perpetuity name- ly, to visit upon tha perpetrators the punishment justly provided under the law and drive from public service forever one through whose eonnivanco or supinencss it became possible, "Are you willing; my colleagues. to turn back these properties into tha keeping of 3-Mwin Denby? 1 am not. Are you willing to con done tho flagrant faithlessness which has characterised his ad ministration of this great office as revealed by his own testimony be fore you? I am not Ara you content to let hfm down easy, lent sensibilities be offended or political prospeeis be affected? 1 am not.

"I want to see him driven from office with all the odium that pos sibly attaches to his gving that his fato may fr all time as a warning to those who miht other wise faii the republic he has failed. 0, ESTABLISHES DISTRICT OFFiCI Establishment of district freight offices in Kalem within the immediate future and the appointment of II. W. Shields as traveling freight agent for the district, to Bourne his work im mediately, are announced hy the Oregon KleetHc railway today. Mr.

Shields, who has been traveling freight agent for the Spokane, Portland fc Seattle, Oregon Trunk. Oregon Electric and United railways, with headquar ters In Portland, arrived here today to UHsums his new duties. The derision of the Oregon Electric to establish this office here le taken gcneraily to mean Its recognition of the centra! Willamette vtiiey as the point of origin for a steadily Increasing volume of freight hupinets. The Southern Pacific recently established a district freight office here and is now seeking quarters for downtown offices FUG INCIDENT RECTU German mmm Berlin, Feb. The foreign of fice refused to disenps reports of Ambassador Wledf-idis resignation as result of the Washington fiui? incident but seems to he clearly the government's intention to shift the responsibility to the ambassador.

London, Feb, S. (By AssGdat- i ed Press.) The Prince of Waiesi broke his collarbone white exer-i eisiiig one of his hunters at Bil-llngton Hanor, near Ascot this, morning. The prince was patting his mount over a fence when the horse feU throwing his rider heavily on his shoulder. The prince got and was remounting with difficulty when his eqnerry said: "1 fieiieve you have broken ymircoi-iar hone. Yes, I have," Wales replied.

An express train, which was stopped at lighten Eazzard to take the prince oa hoard brought htm to London betore noon. Alter receiving further surgical treat ment, he returned to St, James palace and went to bed. Wales bad IS hunters at Leigh- ton Buzzard and was expecting to do much hunting with the Waddoa chase bounds. He bad gone over sight to Mentmore maasioa wua iord Daimeny, prior to the meet of tho Waddon chase morn ing at Ascot. He was astir eari? takinir several hunters over to UH- Ungtan Manor, the property cf Sir Jtlchard Cooper, to give tnem i nreiimlnary Eailcp.

It was whU outline his mount over stiff fence that the accident happened. The prince probably wili return to London at about noon today. Mexico City, Feh. As sociated Press) Tlerra Bianca, slate of Vera t'rai, it is believed in official circles wiH lie tiis cene of the iast important haUie In the federal campaign against tne city of Vera Cruz, vshicb hae been in the bands sf tiie rebels jkc the outbreak of fits revolution. The rebels sra reported concentrating st Tierra Biases, The federal march against Vera Cruz, federal officers nay, ie.

being delayed hy tlie destruction of bridge at Atoyoea nd ny me determination of general Lrba-Icjos to continue iii rearguard actitm with the rebel retreating orr5. For llti DflTPOf he has dis patched part ot his army to Tier ra Biatica. General Urhalejos cavalry Is reported advancing fn Vera Cras and the war department is awaitine announcement from him that he has occupied the point. The whereaoouw of enerai Aolfo He La liiterta, who, with otber rebel leaders, left Vera Cruz on a sieamer early tit i veek still is unknown here. fJeaerai fomez military commandant here announced the receipt of reporie from Mnyda, Yucatan, that the rebel frenera! had arrived there, while Tampieo reported a rebel warship bad appeared bear mx- pam.

Those characters who have gone down in history as sacrifices on thi aitar of Ignorance; wboe altruism, whose attempts to liberate their feiiow men hava re sulted disastrously their portion was no more hitter than that of one Harry Carl, yesterday a res ident of north Salem and today a guest of Sheriff Oscar IX Bower. yesterday evening Chief of Po lice Minto and i'atroiman Kd-wards visited the abode of Mr. Carl. They found him smong the draperic of bis couch and somewhat inarticulate. A Quantity of liquid, malodorous, which iood near hy, was confiscated "You are charged Jfids Kunts told Carl in the Justice court this morning, "wJth the unlawful possession of prune and raisin mash.

Mr. Carl was aghast. Wfe7, that ain't mahs he de IffliLii TO BE SCENE OF CRUCIAL BAnLE MOON AS AS Painless Execution By LetM! Gas, The First of lis Kind in America, la Nevada State Prison Carsn City Nev, Feb. Xon Chinese ton slayer was pat io death her this morning a tii firfit lethal execution fa ih history fef the United States, offi ciai persous agreett from observation through a window of the atone deaib chamber tiiat death cssBucd within six minutes and that it was painless. Fear minutes after the iethai gas had heen Introduced iuto tim ehaniher Geo 3on Btiil was alive feut fee did not apisear to be seffcr inE Pii5slclans expressed, tha opinion that fee fe3d iajised Into canselQUEneca iiistaaily.

At the end. at six minutes physicians oh servliig him tfernugh Uf window believed bis dsad. The Ciiiaesa was 14 iats tha death chamber tjlim-tiy before 13 a. Newsrf ersiea acted as offi eiai witaesess, srsnplng ibemaelvete with physicians ard tlt win- dow Gf ceil la which ibe cya derated man was stranned, Wccjw ia rJlf ea 5on was In the chair when hcy arrived als repotted feB bd wept a little as fee was In tha chair captain saarda said is him "Braca and after that fee displayed emotisa, Wfeea tfie gas was Ibfe sn raised bis head and araun at the hbudng iha liquid! fej-diecyatsic acid being biewn in train an adjoining eemjiartiMent ilie iiitln bsiiidiHg. Then his fecad fell fet-al.

His exprefvden rciijaifjed placid, during tha aix miisifs he coa tlnel hrealh. ifis head rail ed lacit and feii forward Tho ofjfciai pbypiitaia acre A. llHffahr K. K. Hamer and I.

A. Turner of the Jnitcd Stats army ndEca! rserv carps. Th-y SKr-d that deaih sited Vffiihin jix rtiinates. They with itht farther contnicnt sn letnai jpts as a fwm csecatiaa pending iitre conipicta eswitnlnaiiiin af tb bady. is 'tamfcf The cha miter was a iitiift stfiti bulldog in the prison la whift ccJfs bsd hen fiitcd fr iie f.vjjp?iiifjfl Jt was arrang fr tha Chine, iws sr5pp-d, in a ia the cell.

The deadly ttt ritlK'-i frens a ittsi. soJttfiwa of acid wi in BJMrfh-r air iiiit stejise cant pari nw-nt. Wtjd-n jHnvt-e iib-h-crMm had fr the wiiHsata to view the raecaiiya taroimh two windftWJS, A rcii-amij of tfee e3tecutln ys terday afternoon snnffed ot the lives tti two cai in a time fi Bsatcd at ta stattda. A porii-in of the hydrocyanic acid was pamp ci in ibrtifsKh the fior in ihe form of a fine spray. The rsls dbd, apparent iy instantly and wiJhout was ennrped thai (2t- 3n and; another t'bim-FC.

now serving a iiffl term wi snt from fcan J'raacHo by a long to "escssie' Tota K-e m'ifser sf a rival tiig. yasa an a--tt laundry na wsk slt dima in bis at flcc(ijnibe wbe atnteace wa fci lifa fntprosaint made a confwbn insplicatlag 3ee Jnn imt tha latJer denied fea fired the dta. 1'aiii last night two Hiea bad been cxfKrcted die in ibis xe- cation. At a special erecting of th r.ta1o buHt'd of pardons it was dc cldcd, hy tha vole Tif Sovcraor Hc-ruaharii to cosiimato to liffi im- prisonmcHt tho sentence of the candroned man, Tlimas Itnsseli, an American born Sicxt-caa, convicted of Jciiiiag bis sweet heart, an Indian girl. Washinsst.n, Feb.

After an ffddrcsn hy Wallace, the ncil of i-'armcrs Co operative associations here tods was aijea by Anran Hapiro, pf miacnt lu argsniiia aoclstions draw up biil af pjtt iiculara" criileljag ihe agricailural deparlnjeat' policy toward eooperativ tnarkstla OREGON BANK -RES0URCESS417 PER INDIVIDUAL Oregon has $417.87 ot bankable resources per capita, as compared wlih $467.14 for the entire United States, according to a statement compiled hy Frank C. Bramweli, state superintendent of banks. 'A general survey ot banking conditions throughout the Uulted States, says the statement, "would Indicate that Oregon maintains a very happy and substantial position. Based upon the last official census, the population of the state of Oregon was 783,389. On December 31, 1923, there were 278 banks doing busi ness in ths state, which repre gents one banking inslliullen for every 2S17 inhabitants.

The ag gregate resources of all hanks at the close of the year 1923 were the snm of $327,362,278.08, and based upon the population above indicated, discloses that we have $417.87 of bankable resources per capita, which compares with $467.14, the general average of per capita resources for the 'entire United States, MELLON REPLIES TO CHARGES ABOUT BONDS Washington, Feb. Secrftary Mellon, answering another of the scries of ch.irfics made In tho general bond duplication controversy by Charles B. Brewer, department of Justice attorney, declared today the difference in type and style ot numbers en somo bonds was doe lo addition of new numbering machines lo the bureau of engraving equipment during the war. When tho great rush of bond Issues forced the bureau during the war to expand its equipment suddenly, new machines had to be purchased and the treasury was wn able to oittatn machines of the same constitution as those In use. FOUB CANDIDATES FOR OFFICES FILE HERE One candidate for the legislature and two for offices of district attorney, all seeking the republican nomination, fiied their declarations with the secretary of state yesterday.

W. S. Jtoberts of Fox Hollow, Oregon, seeks to represent Jane county in -he legislature. His slogan Is "Public school books printed by the state. Market road money on market roads," O.

If. Leonard of Burns is a candidate for district attorney for Harney county and A. M. i' Kirchheiner for Grant county. FARMER KILLED WHEN AUTO HITS ELECTRIC TRAIN George Pendleton, 42, a farm er livit.g near Broadacres about 20 miles north of Salem, was in stantly kiUed this morning when automobile was struck by the Eugime limited train of the Oregon Electric railway at Whitney's crossing, near iiroadacres, at 3:45 o'clock this morning.

The cause of the accident is un known, an Pendleton was dead when picked up, and it is not known whether ho did not see the approaching train, tried to beat it over the crossing, or waa unable to stop hii car. Picked up and flung a distance of 60 feet along the right of way, the automobile was demolished. The gawlinc became ignited and by the time the train was brought to a stop the wrecked machine was a mass of flames. Pendleton was evidently thrown from the wrecked car as it was hurled through the air. His body was picked up about 40 feet from the crossing with the head terribly mangled.

Pendleton was married and leaves a wife and three children-Conductor O. F. Johnson was in charge of the train and Will-Earn Everett was the motorman. WiTHOIiAW STOCK IN CALIFORNIA OIL COMPANY Now York, Feb. 8 Directors of the Pan-American petroleum and Transport company today voted to withdraw the recent offer to slock holders to subscribe to the capital stock of the Pan-American Western Petroleum company, which was recently organized to develop California navai oil leases.

Dancing Teacher Acquitted Portland, Feb, S. Alys Mav Brown, teacher of classic dancing, was last night acquitted by a jury in the court of domestic relations on the charge of having contributed to the delinquency of a minor in permitting a young girl to participate in an entertainment given last Hallowe'en with first obtained a permit. county Judges, guardians, attorneys, bankers, merchants not oven overlooking the undertaker all regarding the Indian estates as legitimate game. "The Indian children have been allowed to die for lack of nourishment because of the heart lessness and Indifference ot their professional guardians, who bad ample funds In their possession for the care of the wards. "That when oil Is on en Indian's property It to usually considered prima facie evidence that he ii incompetent, and in the appointment of a guardian for him his wishes In the matter are rarely considered." Aa official statement says the collar hone was broken "about as slightly as possible.

Huutsvliie, Texas, reh. 8. SVhiie Walter Moarce Miller, sew warden at the Texas penitentiary here wag officiating at the of five negroes early today, the former warden, Jt, CoJemaa peacefifHy elcnt at Ms bofiie here because he chose to follow the dictales sf lils conscience. He mysueu the post of warden Jk monih when it secante knows liiat he wouid have act a executioner In ail death sentences in Texas, The state was searched fr successor Miller, former sher iff of Johnson county finally was decided unoa. Ho accepted in time to spsume his duties wtiicb pre scribed that be shall throw the switch at ail eiectroca lions.

'it jut couldn't fee done. liyst" former Warden CoieJaan told newspapermen. A warden can be warden and kilicr, fo. The penfteuiiary is a plaee to reform a man, nt to kiii him iiut with Warden Miiier it was different. Jts a raftfi of duly with me he said.

i have banned several men while I waa sheriff and to touch the button or pull the switch of an eieciric chair means no more to me than puiiing the lever of the gallows. At any rate it's mra humane the chair ASH clared. "I've Itecn working en a cheap substitute for jrssoiine apd if It works out all rirciit I'm going lo give John 13. Ko kefeller a run for bis money and the peonis aome cheap fuel for their auto mobile. iJisirict Attorney ioha Caress est in.

"What at its properties?" he Carl directed a shrewd glance at the emnty prosecutir. if fld you that" be replied, "I wouldn't fee able to got no patent It was evident that Uarsea wiil find It necessary to work out his sws gaaolins substitute, Mr Carl elected to tsfes 24 hours in which to deiernin the nature of his pica In ihs meantime Professor Vim SSschea head of the ehemltry depsrinjent of Willamette university, will an-alyxa Mr. Carl's fuel IKNfflSES OKLAHOMA OF GRAFTER This coupon- last night to the 41st annual meeting ot Indian Rights association. TUn nnrt rntit.iins an exnianl- tlon by way of preface by Herbert Walsh, Philadelphia, presiaeni oi tho association, In which he said rpnnrt of three investiga tors "disclosed a situation that Is almost unbelievable in a ciihizou country, and makes It clear that a radical and Immediate change of the system In vogue Is uccessary, if the members ot the five civilized tribes are to be vc from pati-pcrlzatlon and virtual extermination." The report says: "That In many ot the counties 1.llr,a nr. Virtually at tllC mercy of groups that include the Washington, Feb.

8. Remedial to protect the estates tlio tivo civilized tribes ot Oklahoma from "wholesale mlsmanaga-Jit," and attorney tees, "that "3ve fn some cases been found to be unconscionable," was advocated today by Commissioner Burke ot he Indian bureau, Philadelphia, Feb. 8. A 'Wt stating that tlio estate ot 'lie members of the five civilized tribes In enstcrn Oklahoma are and have been shamelessly and "fitly robbed In a scientific and fu'liless manner, through the ad-Wnlsierinn of the Indian probate law In that state, was presented With five cents will admit an.v child under 13 years of age to the fiJigh Theater for a Saturday morning, 19 o'clock matinee showing of "THE OREGON TRAIL" As a Guest of THE CAPITAL JOURNAL.

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