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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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T)EMEMBER there lunulreds of brands -of (so called) on the not White Lead, J.tricly of Burytcs and othf.r chc-p materials. But the brands cf genuine Stnctlv Pure White Lead following brands arc "OldDutch" process, and as pood as they were when you or boys "Southern," "RcdSaal," "Collior." For Ltntl Pure Wliitc 'i r. CV.ors, a can to paints. 1 annoyance in matc-huiK niul the beat. that it in Semi us and net inir book on paints ool-r-i-aril, frcu Mil', prubably wvi; dollars J.EAD York.

Cincinnati Branch, Seventh I'YcMiian Avenue CiRcmnati. what's the reason that so few diseases are treated Intelligently?" "Because few doctors investigate and discover true remedies themselves Most of them merely experiment with theories and discoveries which they don't understand. This Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Vltallzer that 1 am giving you is a discovery not down in the books. It is the true itm- edy for your Nervous Prostration or any and all nervous troubles, such as Sleeplessness, Debility, and so on.

It is a remedy applied intelligently by the discoverers themselves." PRICE, $1.00 A BOTTLK Inquire of druggists for free sample. If not found, write us enclosing five cents (stamps) for postage. The doctor gives 1 1 tree advice to any nerve digease sufferers. All cbemtn We offer $500 or who can nmKtr contain! opium cocaine, or any rug. welcome.

The J.W. Brant Co. Makers ALBION. MICH. Art Dcy York Sold by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St.

It's tie Part of Wisdom. be hard and monej do'e bat things have their compensation. We can Mil jou wHtcluw and will, at very clos- figure- to Come and whtu you can do with little raoner. 1 am anxloos to not watcbei but other r.ooili. Diamonds, JWternare, Spectacles and Novelties.

I am ngjni foctUe Lytle Cincinnati Call and see a aiiinll sample. D.A.HAUK, JEWZLER AND OPTICAN. JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS 303-404-I70-C04, And other styles to suit all lianHt. THE MOST 2ERFECT OP PENS, DAILY JOURNAL MORNING. MARCH 15 40 ceats per peak at Koth- -ermel'ii.

jHOob W. and Sylvia E. Davis, Uceaeed to wed. Cull fret prices OD the best paint In tbe world at Ben Fisher's drug store. Tbe new goods and silks are off lively at the Trade Palace.

See them. No wonder John Gray selU eo many leogiba when be sells at euob prices as be More sickness Is due to a diseased nervous system, than all other combined. Dr iVdeolor'ii NorvuVl. tallzor directly on tbe nerve system to ree ore perfect health. Sold by Ben Fnher.

Tbe Baby's Best Onion S.vnip (fives Immediate relief and cures croup, colds, uollc, and par- tloularly romUln? of curdled milk. For sale by B. F. Keesltng. Only 26 cents per bottle.

tinre beard man 4 I would five 1600 to have this approtablng batdaexi arrested and a healthy growth of hair produced." Tats desirable result 111 surely be brought about at ezpenie by the use of the Bioelilor Soalp Ourar and flair Pro- to sold by aflentt ID this city. TUB DETECTIVE SV3TEM Of THE I'KVN SYLVANIA SYSTEM. Indianapolis Journal: An opinion prevails that tbe railroad detective has what Is called a "soft aoap," so little IB hoard of him except when an Important arrest Is made. The workings of these officials are, to a great extent, kept quiet, and for this reason tho public knowa but llttlo about the risks thoy mke and the service they render. It Is thought to be a nice thing for a detective to carry a lot of passes and rido over railroads In search of persons who have robbed the company of money, or broken Into freight cars, stolen goods and shipped them miles away.

Most of the loading roade have secret detectives as well as those who look after tresspassera on their immediate linos. The detective on a Urg-e scale was first introduosd on tho Pennsylvania linos, and an official of therofcd In speaking of tho service rendered by the detective force said: department has been In opor- ation for a great many years, but not until recently was the territory divided up among the detectives. Now there is a secret service man who is given a stretch of road covering about sixty miles. Before this division system was adopted the detectives were detailed to certain points along the roads. Very often our work Is light, and again It may probably be extremely fatiguing and put physical endurance to a severe test.

It is not very pleasant to be obliged to climb around among cars which stand in the yard on a dark night to prevent pilfering or vagrants from stealing rides on trains. If a freight wreck occurs anywhere along the line the detective In that division Is at once Informed of the fact, and roaches the grouod as soon as possible. If a oar of merchandise has been smashed to pieces he If supposed to guard It from being pilfered until is reloaded. Then In case car Is broken open while standing on a siding and the contents stolen, tbe detective takes up his quarters in the neighborhood and watches for the culprits to turn up again. If they do he nabs them, and If not he begins to hunt for a clew to the first theft.

It is a fact that juries very seldom find defendants guilty when arrested at tho Instance of a railroad company. This is probably due to the widely existing prejudice afalnst railroad corporations. Our evidence against a trespasser must be of tbe strongest character In order to win tho case, stronger, In fact, than would be necessary to convict a prisoner arrested under other circumstances," PENNSYLVANIA'S INCHEASED MILEAGE. During 1893 more new mileage was added to the Pennsylvania Road than for several years. By the purchase of the Pennsylvania company secured a valuable addition to its system, getting control of the line to St.

Louis. Tbe purchase also secured for it the control of tbe Terre Haute Logansport and the Terre Haute Peorla Tbe Pennsylvania likewise acquired the ownership of a minority of stock of the Toledo, Ptorift Western, connecting the PUtsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago St. Louis with the Burlington of seventy two other Western lines. The statement is made that negotiations are pending tho "for such joint ownership and management of this property BS win be to the mu'ual Interest of both companies, and enable them to take advnntage of its Import ant position." The Cleveland Marietta is another line which was aoqu red during the year, and the xpectatloo. is that through it the Pennsylvania will get a firmer hold on the ooal traffic destined to Toledo and tho Sute of Michigan.

The aggregate of the.e acquisitions is 965 miles. They were considered necessary to the protection of the Interests of tbe western lines of the Pennsylvania, and the annual report says It wan deemed more advisable to secure their control by direct pur- chate than through lease. Pan Hindle engine 484 has been run io the ibop for a thorough overhauling Passenger rates to Cv'lforola points' are lower DOW than they were ever before The fare from Chicago is and adding ihe fare from bore to Chicago. 50 mikes a total of $33 50. TbUuf couree Is for one way only.

Ii is claimed that there are more old employes on ihe pay roll of the Vandalta tban on anv O'her of equal mileage in the country. A umber of have been working for the road for thirty while 'a lev helped to build tbe read are stl'l employed on it B-weotljria engineer who hM been onnooted with the llae for thirty-eight jeara discharged (or intoxication. President W. R. MoKeen of the Vandalis Is somewhat Improved In health but Is not yet considered out of danger.

On the advice of hla physicians be intend! to go to Florida to recuperate as BOO a as he gets a little stronger. From various parts of the country comer the report that tramps are taking 1 possession of freight trains, and being In the majority refused to be ousted. A largo number of them are working- towards Massllon, Ohio, whore they Intecd joining tbo army of Coxey, the Populist crank, nnd march to Washington. Freight business on tbe Pan Handle Is so heavy that not etough serviceable engines are on hand to haul tha volume of traffic. In the local yards there are three trains to one available engine in spite ol the fact that everything that can turn a wheel la sent out.

In view of this fact it Is hoped that tho employes of tho shops will soon bo restored to full time. A press despatch from Anderson says: Spencer Shelby and John Clapper, leaders of tho Clapper gang of box car thieves arrested at Munclo several weeks ago, were arraigned before Judge Ellison In tho circuit court today and pleaded guilty to the charge of robbing Pan Handle, Big Four, Midland and W. cars. Judge Ellison suspended sentence until he had beard the testimony In the cases of Bill Fields and Lorn Bebee, two of their accomplices. Fields will be tried tomorrow and Bobee Thursday.

The history of the gang Is well known through the gas belt where they bavo operated for years, stealing- thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise placed In the hands of the railroad companies for ehipmaot. Along the lines of the Baltimore Ohio and tho Pennsylvania tbe em- ployes have organized themselves to do temperance work and are accomplishing, It Is stated, much good. In railroading probably more lhan any other line of work the mec have more temptations, and the that these employes have shown by thtlr efforts a wish to elevate themselves Is looked upon by the higher officiate as very commendatory. On such systems as the above named tbe dignity and high standing of the officials has done much to inspire similar feeline In employee, and the promotion ot mon who desire to elevate themselves morally being recognized by the officials. A drunken trainman or switchman Is now seldom heard of, and If one If so foolish ai to get In such condition he Is dismissed without ceremony.

The best feature of this statement, says a railway official, is that the brother hoods stand by tbe road which dismissed a man for using intoxicating liquors. Real nutate Trannfert. rt of transfers of real estate In CUM count) reported by Frank a Wlpperroan abstractor oJ titles, eoDTejrancer and notarr poDllo, Insurance and lonn went, titles to real estate examined and titles perfected. Monaj to loan al lowest rates. Oinca 206 Fourth street directly opposite Court House entrauce.

Logansport, Ind. SulllvmClelandiuid Fernando Clelsnd 89 it sec 6 Adams tp I llwl If P. W.lloom Lfiitiinsport for the 1 op Jobtowii School city of to W. E. Bane) lot 20, Tlpton'n add Wm H.

hltesl to Lybrrmk a. Garil lot adjoining TOUHK Mary A r-ralth to W. E. pt lot 59 MnrjC H. "WedeitinS lots 82 and IB Ocll 3d add Win U'lilnfiir and wife to Daniel hctii lot "ml ad to Waitoj Seven mortgages oKKrenatlnB $100 Iliwrd, $100.

The reader of this pupar will be plwwed to learn tint 'Iwr- Is lit leimt one drwided that science hus been ntiloto curx In ftll Its and tha Is Catarrh. Hair- Catarrh Cure Is the onh ixwl known to the medical tj. Catarrh tHngitnin.itlliitiennl UNe-iw. rfqul-'-s a constitutional Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internallj, acting tllrertly Ibn and surracfs of ill njsteni, thereby Inn the tmmilatlon of dlxeiwe, and the patient slri'iiKth hj building UP the constitution ana as Istlnn nature In doliw Its work. Tlie m.n-h Mm In I curative powers, tf at they offer One Hundred Dollars ror any rase a by drngglats.

Tho Midwluier Fair Excursion tickets via Penneylvanls lines -od retursing until July 16th The special low rate excu'sion tlckeie to San Franclfco, San Diego. Lot Angeles, San Bernardino and other California points, now for sale vis Pennsylvania lines will be good re turning until July 15, 1894. Excur slonlBts.can select any route front Chicago. For particulars apply to A MoCullough, Ticket Agent, Logansport, Ind. Tlif WUli You have often wished for something to take tbe of pllln.

Now try a 25 cunt package Simmons' Liver Rt-gulaior powder. Take it dry on tbe tongue or make it Into a tea. It is pleasant to take, and gives quick good 1 DO 5600 90 2501) 326 250 flfl 3.77 00 Karl's Clover Root, the new oloor purifier, freshness and olearnei" to the complexion and cures coaxtlpa tton; ftOo. 8oW bj B. Keealing.

Quaker heacUohft capiuli give relief in ten minuter A trifling close from a box of Beecharn's will frequently prove as effective as a doc- Special As I am deeirouB of relieving and curlnR suffering humanity of catarrh, liver complaint, rheumatism, dyapep- fila, and all diseases of a nervous and debilitated nature in either sex, until March 25th, I will treat all atllicted with the above diseases free of charg-e with tbo exception of a very small fee In certain cases for medicine I do this for tho benefit of many poor sufferers who are In need of treatment and are not able to pay my former prices. J. VV. MEKKOLC. M.

D. M. Asb't. 411 Broadway. Lofjansport, Ind, HflROIC CUKE.

"rOK L.tKK<-)sr. I ijiiiHK Kubliuil with Xatlvn Pllint anil TJiijn SU'iiiiii-d Kvont I'lrc. Thi; Tulimul cso four arc aecomiUxl us bliml.lhe leper, the poor ami the childless." A sinsrular fuel in conni-otioii with the disease of leprosy is Unit, this terrible scourge hiissUlked abroad throughout the known wnrld, and jius gathered its thousands of victims since the earliest historic times, still, even under the searchini? ffhiro of the liffht of modern medical science, no sure and complete remedy has us yet been discovered. A curious custom in voirne about thirty years ago among- the Fiji Islanders was well known in Australia at the time. It seems the natives were wont to endeavor to euro the victims of leprosy by the smoke of the plant sinu- gapa ugallocha).

Not even those who had been poisoned by handling- the deadly juice of this deadly plant could form any adequate conception of the tortures endured and the heroism displayed by a Fijian who voluntarily submitted himself to trying the cure of his leprosy by the smoke oJ the Binugiiffa. The patient, usually already half dead with tho ravages of the fearful malady, as a last resort was taken to an empty bouse and stripped of every article of clothing 1 His skin was rubbed ail over with the green leaves and ho was then buried in them. A lire was kindled in tho center of the room and few pieces of the siuuffuga wood laid on it- As soon as the black smoke began to rise the leper was bound hand and foot and a ropo was fastened to his heels-, by means of which he was drawn up over the fire, with his head about fifteen inches from the ground. The door closed, his friends retired a short distance and the victim was left to shout and cry and plead while suffocating from the intense steam and smoke. He was often left there to enduro this agony for hours, and finally he fainted away.

When his relatives considered it time to interfere, the fire was removed, his entire body scraped from head to foot, and gashes cut into the flesh, from which the blood poured in streams. He was then lowered from his uncomfortable position and laid on mats to await the rssult. In many cases it meant life and restoration to health, but in some cases the constitution was not vigorous enough to endure tho terrible ordeal, or the disease had fi-ained too strong a hold -upon the sufferer, and death rnleased him from his Y. World. GOT IT? ORIP GUflRttNTi-EDBY BEN FISHER.

If Christ Beady in 031316 Chicago" JOURNAL READERS LOOK OUT FOR IT- Greatest Sensation OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE FAMOUS EDITOR OF THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS WM. T. STEAD OF LONDON The most remarkable flgure of reform in modern civilization, whose books have been sold all over the English-speaking world BY MILLIONS, Has Written this Book for America SELECTING CHICAGO AS THE TYPICAL CITY OF CORRUPTION AND OF GREATNESS- Truths are told us they have not been told since OHH1ST C.V>1E TO PAI-iESTIXE. And the evils known to modern life are sketched like vipers ami their chief abettors are named opeuly without regard to pereom or Supply yourself nt onco with this (treat book.

Send iu your as tliis will be the most advertised book, by the and laudations ol the press, that has been issued in this country. STRIKINGLY ILLUSTRATED SPLENDIDLY BOUND NEARLY 500 PAGES Tiio Journal if pleased to announce that it secured a larg'; number of copies of the first ediiion of this wonderful book, which will snippet as it in oir tho press, and will be sold to Journal readers at as low a. price possible, together with one coupon clipped from this paper. No one should miss reading this great book which contains startling facts never before presented in such a graphio manner. Watoh for the coupon which will be started as eoon the arrive.

I HELPS OVER HARD Solace For Tired Spirits Are All Afforded In the Superb WORLD'S ART FAIR PORTFOLIOS THEY ARE WELL SPRINGS AND A PERPETUAL DELIGHT. 1 To Clip Every Coupon I r4 1 I To Secure Every Back Number tl JL 1 CT-llTo Secure Every Future NumbK 256 MAGNIFICENT ART REPRODUCTIONS, 256 COVERING EVERY FEATURE OF THE FAIR. These Views are the Most ARTISTIC, AUTHENTIC, ACCHK RATE, and in Every Way THE BtST. PART 4 NOW READY HOW TO SECURE THESE SPLENDID PORTFOLIOS Bring or send 6 coupons of different dates, from page one, with 10 cents, to the Portfolio Department of the Journal, and you can secure any Portfolio the week after the issue Of each number. In sending do not include any other business in your letter but state particularly the number of Portfolio wanted.


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