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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 75

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AUGUST 25, 1929 SUNDAY DaklanO Cribune PUDS FOR DIETZAPTS. COMPLETED APARTMENTS IN BERKELEY COMPLETED Up-to-Date Enlarged Creamery Plant View of the splendid, modern plant T- Central-Shuey Creamery company at 5307 Telegraph venue. The new $100,000 addition to the plant hat resulted in making the institution the last word in creamery construction- The Neon electric sign was manufactured and supplied by the Electrical Products corporation. Below, Robert A. Shuey.

vice-president and general manager of the Central-Shuey Creamery, who has built up the plant to its resent importance. The company it a unit of the Golden State Milk Products company. New Apartment Unit This the second unit of an apartment project completed at 1955 Chestnut street. Berkeley. The Gilger Rm company are the managers.

It comprises three-room units, completely furnished. Facilities include Spark ranges, genuine Frigidaire, steam heat, etc. NEW EUlLtli TANK AND PIPE COMPANY PLANT p. W. McDonough, owner and Chester H.

Trelchel. architect, TV i v. j. wiy a ta, r. 2 i mm- v.

tz -m dill! manager of the Boiler Tank Pipe company, 4061 Hollls street, is optimistic in his forecast of the trend of business in general and of the future growth of his own business in particular, and Is proving his optimism by erecting one of the largest plants in the state for the manufacture of tubular steel prod ucts such as boilers, lanits an pipes. The new plant will be located at. 75th avenueand Russett street, where the first all-steel unit, 70 feet wide by 350 feet long, is now under construction. ne entire block 200 feet by 600 feet, bounaV ed by 75th and 76th avenues, Hartley and Sneed streets, was puji-chased a year ago. McDonounfi states that, as business needs- ae- mand.

new units win De aaaeu iu the one now being constructed. The structural steel worn on iu new plant was done by the Her-rlck Iron Works. "The new plant, said McDonough, "will be equipped- with the latest types of the best- machinery obtainable and the most econom 1M i I I ical manulaciunng meinuus be employed, making this a modern plant in every respect. In .0 -hl -4 fix vl I I Growth of Central-Shuey Corp. Is Business Romance The second unit of an apartment group located at 1951 to 1965 Chestnut street In Berkeley, is Just completed, and Is open for inspection.

The individual units are entirely separate as to construction, each having its own steam healing plant and Frigldalre system. The buildings are under the supervision and management of the Gilgar Realty company, apartment specialists. The opening announcement states: "Our new unit comprises twenty-four three room suites, completely furnlehed, as against thirty-six of two rooms in the first unit. Construction and finish, and also the service, are on a par with the first unit, with the same residence manager in charge of both. Furniture selections are from Sloane's, and in addition to the chesterfield sets, combination folding tables, davenport tables, occasional chairs, floor lamps, smoking stands, writing desks, walnut dinette sett, ot the twos, there is a complete bedroom set in the threes.

The new building is also completely carpeted. Wall finishes are of textured plaster in' both, with colored tile In(kltchens and baths. Facilities include Spark ranges, full coil spring wallbeds, laundry and drying room, storage space and garage. Rentals are moderate and on the flat rate basis, which Includes all charges for gas and electricity. "The location affords excellent transportation facilities, the University carline one block away, the San Pedro carline two blocks distant, and both Key route and Southern Pacific three blockt away." This Is the thirty-second apartment building in charge of the Gilger company.

Offices of- the company are at Sutter street, San Francisco. Vallejo Pioneers Make Motor Trip VAILEJO, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs- A.

A. Knott are on a motor trip to Denver, Colorado. On tho trip they are going over the same territory as the late Thomas Knott took'when he traded wltkihe Indians in the early days. Thomas Knott was the father of A. A.

Knott, and the elder Knott built the first sawmill In Clear Creek canyon, and he also traded with the Piute and" Washoe tribes of Indiana. The fijst logs from the old sawmill were used in the old Comstock stiver mine at Virginia City, Nevada. rr if Napa Students Win U. C. Cadet Advance NAPA, Aug.

24. "Four prominent Napa county students have been included in the promotion of cadet officers and non-commis sioned officers at the University of 1'auzornia. They are Otto Stlrnus of Callstoga, sergeant, Robert White, Napa, corporal, Charles Raeder, Napa, first lieutenant, and John Barlanl, Napa, -corporal. i i i MERCED SPONSOR 0 hat completed plans for the Dletzj spartmenta to be located on East Twenty-fourth street at Seventh i avenue in Arbor Villa tract. He states: "This apartment building will be complete and modern in every appointment and detail.

The design will be Spanish. Many Wrought-lron and wooden balconlec are worked Into the design. The main entrance is on East Twenty fourth street, entering- through Drought-Iron gates into a large patio of rockeries, streams and pools, intermingled with flagstone Walks and plantings. The lobby is entered by a decorated tile and or namental plaster entrance. Deco rated beam ceilings, fireplace and niches form an attractive lobby Elevator lobby Is adjacent to the main lobby with direct connections to the fireproof garage.

There Will be 21 apartments of four and five rooms in the building. Each apartment will be finished differently, with large studio apartments -bn the third floor with Kpanlsh type floors and high Hpanlah beamed ceilings of varying designs. 'The building will be electrically equippea, including electric eleva tor, electric ranges, refrigeration and dish washer. "All the apartments are to have Separate dining rooms, dividing It from the living rooms with wood 6r wrought Iron gates. Spanith bookcases and ornamental fireplaces will adorn all of the liming rooms.

Each apartment has one er more large bed rooms with larg Closets. All the bath rooms are be fully tiled with dressing tablet and cases. A sun room will be located on the roof. A large latin-try and drying and store rooms tvill be located in the basement, the garage will be of reinforced Concrete construction containing tpproxlmately 30 cars. Tlie bulld-ig will be steam heated.

Trelchel recently removed his tfflce from 879 Haddon Road to larger quarters at 409-10 American Bank building. State-Wide Uniform Fees Suggested One of the most Important subtests that will occupy the sessions bt the California Real Estate association in twenty-fifth annual convention at Han Diego, October 1-11, will be Jhat of a statewide adoption of a uniform fees ached-ule. A committee headed by Paul S. ESomberger, Modesto realtor, has prepared a comprehensive report bn a eruvey of real estate boards in the state which reveals that some 2600 firms now cooperate under practically the same schedule of fees. Twenty-four real estate boards have adopted the schedule oxiprl-hally prepared by the Los Angeles Realty board.

The California Real Estate as- tociatlon has prepared copies of the eport for distribution to boards and members. M'MBER Or MEW 1NDCSTRIE8 IOCATEIJ. The record of new Oakland austriet for tne iasttnreeinont.il1 shows an gnf alriftmt oneBi very two days. BiiaLear the record was considerably less averaging one every three days. The eighteen industries which located during the lust month, to exceed the same month last year by 2(iu per cent, Included the following: California Cooperative I'roduceis, Aluminum Company of America, Kings County racking company, Oakland Motor Car company, and the United Motors Service, Incorporated.

1, J. Wallace will build for J. H. Bercovich a 111,000 three-story 78-room apartment house on the southwest corner of East Twentieth Street and Hlxth avenue. Ifcf ,11 NEWMAN and the delivery of milk and cream." The Central-Shuey Creamery owns and operates a model dairy ranch of 600 cows at Oakley In Contra Costa county.

A description of the enlarged plant at 6307 Telegraph avenue IKiXUB. i "The culmination of almost six months' work of Improvement on the Central-Shuey milk plant at 6807 Telegraph avenue, Oakland, makes this creamery a most modern Han Francisco Bay creamery, and the proud'bearer of the Golden State Milk Products company's emblem. "Shortly after this extensive property was purchased by the Golden State Milk Products company, the Improvements on the Dlant were started. In addition to the conspicu ous weon type electric sign, manufactured and supplied by the Electrical Products corporation, illum- atlng the Golden State Milk Prod ucts Co. emblem on the roof, the entire plant has been repainted and refurnished.

"A Youndt 200 bottle a minute washer and sterilizer has been installed in the open glassed In front on tho building where passershy may Bee he most Interesting process ot wHHhlng and sterilizing bottle end filling of those same bottles with milk. "A large steel construction building has bt.en erected at the rear of the CentrnUHhucy plant for stor age ot supplies and at a packing shed for the delivery wagons. Two cooling towers were added to the plant, a new well dug, and Ice cream hardening room Installed, ana two jvv iund tlisw Uroed weighing tanks have been added to the equipment. Offices have been rebuilt, and glues partitions installed. "The Central-Shuey plant Is an important adjunt to Telegraph avenue.

This avenue, as one of the main intm-clty traffic arteries, carries a multitude of people by this plant each day. Becauue of the large open front ot the building with its huge glass windows the passerby's interest is aroused and his curiosity satisfied as to the processes of handling milk In a modern plant. The Golden State Milk Products Co. may well be proud of this new unit to its state wide system." By HENRY From the delivery, on foot of a rew gallons or mine a osy, io me a dally delivery of thousands of gal ions of milk and cream by ius wagons and trucks, is the commer cial achievement of Robert A. Shuey, vice-president and general manager of the Central-Khuey Creamery company, 5807 Telegraph avenue.

Khuev. a nloneer of modern dairy ing methods in tne Kasioay, relates that he came from Walnut Creek, California, to Berkeley In 1900, bringing with him a very productive milch cow. Money earned from selling the milk sent him through high school and paid lor more cows until a herd of eight Jersey cows were pastured at the corner Carlton and Shattuclt avenues, Berkeley. Up to this time, Bhuey stated, hit only purpose for selling milk was to obtain the means oi educat ing himself. Shortly after graduat ing from the university ot Cali fornia he decided to continue in the dairy' business and formed partnership with hit brother Charles Shuey.

The Shuey brothers established their first plant at 2410 Htuart street under the firm name of the California Dairy. Several years later the Hhuey Creamery was In corporated which was combined with the Central Creamery. Two wparate plants were operated un til the present plant at 6su7 Telegraph avenue was erected In 1923. NEW AIlITIt)N Recently a $100,000 addition has been made to the Central-Shuey plant and according to Robert A. Hhuey there In no more modern dairy plant In the country than this one.

"This plant," states Shuey, "with one and a half acres of loading space under roof, has for bottling 28,000 quart 'bottles of milk an hour. One hundred and eight wagons and trucks are used In the delivery of milk and cream and 250 persona are employed in th plant." In speaking of the policy under which the business: has grown, Hhuey said, "We are always watchful of the quality of our products. To be assured of quality milk at the source of supply, we employ men who check up on the feeding of cattle and on their health. We maintain a laboratory where each shipment of milk ie tested for hut-ter fat content. Every modern sanitary device that we know of is used In the pasteurizing, bottling, New Boiler, Tank Pipe Co.

Plant Thi Boiler Pipe and Tank company is erecting one of the largest plants in the state for the manufacture of boilers, tanks and pipes. The new plant it located at Seventy-sixth avenue and Russett street, where the first all-steel unit is under construction. MERCED. Aug. 24.

The Mer ced Roundup association wat formed last night by the Mer chants association at a permanent organization. Plans were prao tically complete last night for the two-day roundup to be held her September 1 and 15. Walter Found was named to direct the roundup with J. W. Huffman as field manager.

Other com mittees: decoration J. C. Hartman and B. Maze; entertainment Dr. E.

R. Fountain, Bmmett Mo-Namara and M. B. Cross: adver tising W. 8.

Found, Jack Gore; refreshment Jack Graham: pa radeJack McNamara and It. Doan. Two American Legion dances will be given Friday and Saturday, September 13 and 14, to assist in financing the show. i Corporations Begin Expansion Program BAN JOSE, Aug. 24.

Two public service corporations today had announced expansions and Improvements to be made in this city. The Western Union announced It will spend $30,000: for the Installation of new machinery and the enlargement of the local offices. At the same time the telegraph company is carrying out these changes the Pacific Gat and Klectrlc, according to John D. Kuster, district manager, will be expending. $38,000 to install two new independent electrical circuits to serve Banta Clara and Ag-new.

These new lines, according to Mr. Kuster, are made necessary by Increased demand for electrical service, due to new homes in this area. ORDERED TO ISLAND MARK ISLAND, Aug. 34. Lieutenant Paul B.

Nlbecker, construction corps of the navy hat been ordered to Mare Island. Since leaving here tome yeans ago ha hat had duty at the Cavite, P. tta-tlon. GENUINE addition to manufacturing boners and tanks, we will be prepared to do all kinds of steel work ior industrial use, including bins, concrete mixers and asphalt plants. "Our new plant will be four timet as large as our present one, in which 40 men are employed.

We expect to employ 100 men in our new plant. We have shipped our products to all parts of thlt country and to foreign countries, and number among our customers many of the largest industrial plantt In California." Before establishing the Boiler Tank Pipe company In 1924, McDonough wat superintendent for teverat of the country'e largest steel plar'. McDonojjh's aides consist of A. J. Vargas, nuperintendent; J.

I. Wixson, aitant superintendent; O. KuU. sales manager; Dan Lanahan. auditor; Al Vinther, chief draftsman.

Work to Start Soon On New City Plaza MONTEREY, Aug. 24. The area adjoining Colton hall park on the Jefferson street side, recently acquired by the city, will be 61eared In three weeks and park ing of the property to conform with the present park in front oft Colton hall will start immediately. It wat revealed last night at meeting of the Monterey parlf commission. While no definite plans for parking the area have been made the commission Indicated that they favor leaving the contour as at present.

A huge walnut tree, one of the largest on the peninsula, which stands In the exact center of the grounds will be retained. GAG -Made in Used til over tb world I Corporation GLencourt 9844 Artistic Lighting Fixtures Installed In the 1955 CHESTNUT APTS. by i Robert F. Norling 5947 E. 16th St.

SHEET METAL WORKS for 1955 Chestnut Apts. C. R. Sheel Mclal Works 3907 Telegraph Ave. w4 Piedmont 3997 Piedmont 3997 WIRING for 1835 CHESTNUT APTS.

by DIMOND ELECTRIC CO. 2100 Hopkins St. 5 4 FRuilvaU 6161 iSSSHE ft 4 Planning Commission Urges New Paving PACIFIC GROVE, Aug. 24. The Pacific Grove planning commission have passed a number of recommendations to the city council, first and foremost" of which concerned the extension of Central avenue to Grove street and Forest.

Improvements were suggested that call for paving two blocks of Grand avenue, a block of Central and a block of Grove. The proposed Improvement will lead obliquely from the corner of Central and Grand, through the tennis court Just north of the museum and over the now abandoned roque grounds, to Forest. The reason given for fhe improvement it congestion. LJM. HEATING for 1955 Chestnut Apts.

by Schreiber Bros. Steam Heating Contractors 2945 ELMWOOD 'A tnuuvaie 4iw ri lltxiKVKKWK FRuitvale 4150 New R. G. E. Development Photographs showing construction work now going on in connection with the Pacific Gas and Electric company's hydro-electric development on the upper reaches of the Mokelumne mer.

This program calls for an expansion in excess of $36,000,000, from which there will be developed an additional horse-power of approximately 220.000 to be added to the company's interconnected system. Expected by the tenants Chosen by good builders I tailed in 1951-55 CHESTNUT APTS. TAKE NOTICE' TRIBUNE READERS The OAKLAND TRIBUNE has just secured for tYOU the Biggest and Best Accident Insurance Policy ever offered by any newspaper to its readers --a $12,500.00 policy for only $1.25 per year. Just call at any TRIBUNE office or agency, or mail in your application with $1.25, and you will be insured for an entire year. tYou can also insure any or all members of your family between the ages of 15 and 60; moreover you can secure one-half coverage for those between 1 0 and 14 inclusive and 61 and 69 inclusive.

Do not take this policy to please The TRIBUNE, but take it to protect yourself and family. If you wish, you may call LAkeside 6000, ask for fnsurance Department, and one of our representatives will call at your convenience. You will be under no obligation whatever-PHONE NOW! Frigidaire 4 2054 Broadway 5 Builders' 5 Hardware for The Californian from B.SIMON HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail 7th and Broadway 2 I CLtncourl 7617 5 Paints Enamels Varnishes for 1955 Chestnut Apts. from GIBSON PAINT CO.

2 1645 E. 12th St. 8 FR uitvale 2673 RO ROOFING for 1955 Chestnut oy i Geo. Tyler i by Roofing Contractor 4 4039 LYNWOOD rn unvote iwi HtttimtM T4 Plumbing for Chestnut Apts. by 1955 J.M.DALE PLUMBER 372 24TH ST.

'A GLtncourt 1613 Martinez Operator Wins Buss Contract MARTINEZ, Aug. 25. Robert Miller. local taxi operator, has been awarded a contract by the Martinet grammar school trustees for the transportation of students to classes from nearby districts. A bid was also received from Francis Arthur for $8349 but the Miller hid of S5000 was awarded.

'Miller it unopposed in his bid for trans portation or Blgn tcnooi suaems..

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