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The Advertiser-Courier from Hermann, Missouri • Page 7

Hermann, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a MOCD OK TUJIOIW. ICwwn vAllwEnnaied (without th- use of the knife, pain, or loss of Blood). ii. W. BENNETT, M.

I). Office. 7 Locust Street. Saint Louis. Thbbe could scarcely be better evidence of the extraordinary excellence of the Ma-oon Hamlin Cabinet Organs than the fact that they are so largely exported to Europe, where they are so highly appreciated as to find large sales in competition with instruments made there by labor which does not cost half as much.

These are the only American organs largely exported. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is very strongly recommended by the Medical Faculty and is largely prescribed among their Female Tatients. It is worthy of all confidence, as may be seen from the following testimonials. chapmax.

Platsmouth, writes: i have under treatment a lady, who, for the pst seven rears, has been afflicted, nil after trying several physicians vi knout receiving benefit, is gaining rapidly on your Favorite Prescription. Dr. R. V. Pikrce.

Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sirt have not words to express my gratitude to you for rour advice and assistance in my case. There is not one who has used ro'ur medicines since they have been brought here but that can say with me they have been greyly benefited. Since I have been so helped by iw use, six or seven around me left off all doctors and other medicines, and now use it in their families, after being cured of the same disease as mine.

You do not know what a wonder it created in our city, by its restoring my sister I wrote you about, for she bad been un the care of three of our best doctors, but could not sit up but a few minutes at one time. I begged of her to try your medicines, and before she had used half the bottles she could go all around the yard, and ha now just come home from a visit five miles awav. Mrs. Thos. McFarlaxd.

i. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sold by dealers in medicines generally. As Broai as Civilization. The agent of the Wilson sewing machine company will, in a few days, sail from San Francisco for Chili in South America, where he will open a branch house and exhibit the world-renowned Wilson shuttle sewing machine at the grand exposition to be held at Santiago under the auspices of that government.

By this step the Wilson sewing machine company wiil complete the circuit of the globe. They have alreadv immense agencies in China. Japan, British Indies, England, France, and throughout South America. Supreme in its superiority over all other sewing machines, the Wilson goes on widening its field year after year, carrying the blessings of a cheap, capable and perfect sewing machine to the remotest haunts of civilization. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this coun-tv, free of transportation charges, if ordered through the company's branch house at 610 North 4th Street, St.

Louis. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. This company want a few more gents. A Second Father Matthew, Who is there that does not respect the memory ot Father Matthew, the great champion ot temperance? Innumerable societies bear his honored name; but there is one man who has struck a more sure death-blow to in temperance, and that man is Dr. J.

Walker, an old California physician, who has discovered in nature's 4meek and lowly herbs a medicinal tonic and gentle stimulant that completely takes the place of the fashionable alcoholic poisons called SOLD OX TRIAL. THE YORK VAXrTACTUB-IKG COM PAST. Builder of Pullers, and all kinds of Mill Gearlnc areselllnvtho BollixcbbTi n. lima Watkr Vr'nKax. tut CliKAPLT, though the best la use.

For dotciiytive Pamph-lets address YORK. MANUFACTURING YOSX, PA. mm nrvi PIANOS. Dunham Sons, Manufacturers, Warerooms, 18 East 14 th Straet, tEstabllahe.1 1834.1 KCW TQRJC. Studor lUtutraUd Circular and Vice US.

HUVTS OJI CARDIAC DISEASE NO. S. PSTSTOIOST or tu CiumuTms ns Bioon. The flrtmonarf YeH are four la number, two for "cn lung, lacy commence with toe capillaries or thelunn and eonreive till aalnrl.trank formad for each lobe, or three trunks fortherliht lun and two the rhrht lunar tolna that from thV nnner Inhn of taa same side, and the four mouth discharge Into the four angle of the lft auricle. The Iuimonary Artery, wmcn arises rrom tne right ventricle or the heart, and la distributed to the lunar, together with the pulmonary Teina, constitute the Julmun fe or low Cmruia-Uon.

The Portal Vein, so ealled1ecause It enters the Livr by a kind of Cmuts or (tatewar upon its under surface, is a short trunk about three Inches In length, derlred from the conveyance of the reins of the atom- tributed through the oran. This blood, with that of tne nepauc artery, is returned to tne gvneral circulation by the hepatic vein. In hemou-hage of the lung the rupture is u.mmIIt In the reins, by orer-dls-tention; the heart continues to force the blood through the pulmonary arteries, aud the pulmonary veins have no power to return the nluod to the heart, nence they become more and inure distended, nutil a rupture takes place. To avoid hemorrliage. every facility should be id ren to the circulation of the blood, bv hot fooVbaths, friction on the akin, application of bags of salt to the chest.

Illllng the stomach frequently with salt and water. Keeping the nands and feet warm and the head cool. The Pericardium, or bearvcase, la composed of two layers, one fibrous and the other i rous. The Hirout layer forms a loose sac over the heart, being connected only at the base, from which it embraces the several blood-vesoel and becomes continuous with thrlr external coaU. The seroas layer closely Invests the heart aud also the great blood-vessels at its base, from which it is reflected to line the fibrous layer of the pericardium.

The i.ndocurdium, or lining membrane of the heart. Is a thin. translucent membrane. continuous with the Inner coat of the blood-vessels. ltcomlsts of an epithelium, an ex ceedingly trim nasemeni meinorane.anaa noro-eiastio layer, closely adherent to the general muscular structure beneath.

At the opening between the auricle and ventricle, at the commencement of lie aorta and of the pulmonary artery, the nbro-el-wtlc tissue forms four wings, sometime called jtbrvu some. It also form valves by its little folds. Inclosing muscular fibers. Those at the openings of the aorta and the fiulmonary artery are named, from their shape, setul-unar valves. They form complete pockets, three In number, and have a triangular arrangement about the orirlccs.

Behind each of these valves I a cavitr or pouch In the artery. Chronic IriranUtui, or Inflam mation oi tne i ericaruiuui, the ii -avy niuncuia covering of the heart-proper, is a common con. plaint, and ends in heart-dropsy and sudden death. Itis caused by repelled eruptions, strain, colds, congestion and various diseases In other parts of the Douy kinking- to the heart; aueh other are ba llr treated. Dr Hervey mentiou a case of sudden death tf a lady of miauie age wno was trouoica witn serotinous disease and a running sore on the ankle for eleven vears.

After striving in vain for relief, a vonderf mX ej-pert menial doctor succeeded In healing the sore; the disease at once stmck to the heart, causing pain, spasn and violent aeatn. it uicv wtngerous to neat up an old tor. The proper mode of treatment Is to treat the cauHe of the complaint; this removed, the sore will gradually get well of itself. A case of hrricardi-tii from JOalt JikitM on the hands, very troublesome for ten Tears, so that much of the time the band were useless. Warm beece' blotxl was recommended as a Certain cure.

When applied the hands healed at once, the diaesse struck to the heart; death soon resulted from acute pericarditis, btralns frequently cause chronic pericarditis. This complaint 1 known to exist by stitching palus. a heavy, dull arhiug in the henrt, a tense, wiry pulse, flashes of heat and aiifrlit chills; restlessness at night, heavy pains piercing the heart, etc. Diagnosis is favbrabie in the earlier stage of the complaint, but surely fatal in advanced stage. The treatment must be directed, so far a possible, toward, the cause; In fact, but Utile can be done In any other direction so favorable to a permanent cure as this course of treatment Ceneral quietude, building-up of the general health with antidotal reniedlest ninch mar be done looking to a permanent cure.

This complaint. If not cured, often result in dropsy of the heart. Observation: It must be remembered that this Complaint, like Pleurisy, must be cured while they are Constantly in motion, grating their rough surfaces together withont rest. I'arts and organaln the hnmaa structure that rest a part of the time sre much more easily cured. Belweeu the auncl- and ventricles are valves, also formed by foldings of the endocardium.

On the left aide are two. named tnitral valve. Ther form a kind of curtain, from whose floating edge small white cord (cAordo IouUha) pas to some of the flashy column (eolwmna tarnt thus preventing the edge from being carried into the auricle. On the right side are three valves, formed of three folds of membrane, called the tn-cupi valve. The muscular structure of the heart is based upon the four fibrous cones, which furnish a point of departure for most of the muscular fibers In the ventricle.

Those of the auricle and of the ventricles are quite independent of each other. The crossing ft er form network, arranged in three circular plates, the superficial, middle and Internal The superficial fibers commence at the base and pursue a spiral course to the apex; those of the right aide running from the right to the left, those of the leftside from the left to the right. These two spiral set encircle the apex and cros each Other somewhat like that of a snail-shell, forming a remarkable Whorl. Observation It la com puted that not lea thaa six ton of blood traverse the blood-vessel daily The fnrra renulred toexnel this amount to different and extreme part of the person often causes disease of the heart and It valves. The heart may become ejUarged.

or lu wall may be softened or thinned. The valve may become cartilaginous, or ossified, or even broken Whenever the heart become diseased the movement of the person should be guarded, the skin kept cleaa and protected by warm, porou clothing, and the food and "rink nn.tiTTwi.irg and taken In moderate quaa-UUOl. PR. M. 6.

I TO OOXTIACas.J PRICE lists ILTJDOIsPH Fifth Street, 1 i mmmw akakva JhaU aaw aaaat MM VW mm SAMARITAN NERVIXE I. a ear far Kpifcasae Fit. I IS tmt i lyl Ii mrr- M'mllis sMavki cm. Immw sr etrralar slrtss Hlm, Dr.a. a kl Oil MPS P.

11. y. linn Ma. mCHOLS, SHEPARD it Titatof Tlresler. The BHJLUAJTT SUCCESS of this Ormlx--Mlatar, Tlnsn-nrnwlxta; THBE8UER la ma prccedented In y.

w-Ki-y hs. nns oecome wacseijr atavw aasi VTTWr ESTABLISH ED a Use IsEADISO iuuununa HACHUE." ORI.RAIERH RUsTBE to submit to the wasteful and Imperfect work of other Threshers, when posted on the npriorUv of thta one for saving grata, savins; time and doing last, thorough and economical work. THKOHERBtiX FISD IT highly advantaffeon run a machine that has do Pickers." or Apron;" that haixlle Damp brain. Long Ft raw. Readings, TTax.

Tlmothr. Millet and all such difficult Pain and seedwith K.VTIRE EASE AID Er ECT1VESES. Cleans to perfecttoai aavee the farmer hUthresh-blll by extra sating of g-raia makes no require THAX 05K-U A LIT the usual Iilta, Boxes, Journals and Gear; ealer managed: less repairs; one that grain-raiser prefer to employ and watt for. srra at att raaeedsrics, while other machine are oat of job." For trlxee nsdo, wltb 6. 8, 10 avail 1 lure Blostmtted Powt-t, also a specialty of Separator "avion, eaprrealy fosr STEAM POWER, vsm1 to xaatcra stlur Home Powers.

If Interested in rraln-raUIng or threshing, write for-Tllustratcd Circular (axi rte). Willi fail particular. Of risea. atylea, price, term, etc IQCHOLS. SHEPARD te Creek.

Mlrhlgan. Ml No So la VQ Dr. J. Walker's Caliromfu Via cpar Hitters are a purely Ycsctabla-ireiuiration, made cliicUy from tbo native herbs found on tho lower ranges the Sierra Nerada mountains or California, the medicinal properties oc wnicb are extracted tbcretrora without the nse-of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar, Bitters Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health.

They are tho fijeafc blood purifier and a life-giving principte, a perfect Renovator aud Invig-orator of the Bystem. Never before in tho-bibtory of tbo vrorVl bu a medicine been compounded the remaxkable of Vixkgab Bitters i- liealinft the sick jf every disease man is heir to. They -ire a gentie Pnrgative as well as a Tor xv relieving Congestion or Inflammation ol the Liver and Vinceral Organ, ia Dilioaa-DLeates. The properties of Du. Walker's.

Vinegar IIittkrs are Aperient. Dianhoretie. Carminative, Laxative, Sedative, Counter-irritant, gadoriac, Alterae-ive. and Anti-Bilions. R.

II. MrlHJ.VALD CO, ThTipirists and Gm. Art. San Prancir. Califomlr and eur.

of Washington and Charttnn ta N- V. M411 ml i Urvaarclsta a4 Drsicn. T-H-KE. afN TT TTTAT1T1 st St. Liuls, Ho.

year, with Premium. See below 1 1 i ayl.a of th heia-ht of trie and Get yourself. belowj of the It la ht w-- WALKING SKIRT nri or wi- WMmmm7 l.VI I. kt Ml. It will keep lie place asms m.

hVJFL MODELS nf BOTH S- I i -1 4 A I AT esmajasinsj I tory6urelf. 1 See belowj "aafc-' wmucw A Mojtth Aarents wanted everrwbere. $250 Business honorable and flrst class. Particular sent free. Address JOHN WOKTU A St.

Louis, Mo. WlITn ifim-IWT2lir, nrwm tec oar great Centennial Book, teortAy tAetpe-col notice of experienced arent. For particular address the publisher, B. B. BUafiKXL.

Boston, Mass. "IJl'ILDISG FELT inonr), for outside work, and 1 inside instead of 1'laMer; Felt Carpetingx. etc senu ior circular ana samples. FAY.Camdea,Ni. IkllO Tne All Colors.

One Wafer KX makes 3 onnces. oa mpls and Circuit li0 lars mai ed for It cents and itims by DEFIANCE NEEDLE US Broadway. N. V. AGENTS WANTED est and fastest st'l inn Bible ever puhlifhed.

Send for our extra terms to Agents. NATIOXAL FUBLIMilNG Pt. 1.0U1S, MO. Tl. VALUABLE IPORf ATTOV.

address L. M. HA-RKIfi, Box 5130. Boston, Mass. MflNFY FOB AGEJTTS in our ten New Novelties.

Just out. NeedeiMn i every house. Sample and circulars free by mail. H. B.

WHITE A. J. tirrni Pn Forall aevlnir machines. Save moll LLuLLu nev: huv direct: Mnper 4(1 cents ner doz Wllcnx A fxihbs 75cts. per doz.

Forall other niae'iines 4U cts. per doz Sent post paid. Address Star Nekdle 19 Kaee St. O. Prof.

r. Painless Opium Cure! The most Meeke sac eessfnl remedy of the present day. Send for Vaperon upturn iatinK. jr. v.

jjox 47a, LAjrvtiltti, xnu TC A GENTS WA NT ED EVER EK The I CM choicest In the world Importers prices largest Co inanv in America staple article pleases everybody trade increasing best Inducements don't waste time send for Circular to ROBERT WELLS. 43 Vesey N. Y. P. O.

Box tHT. REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY fat safe nnanoial peculation. I (M omtim brines 10,000. Send 25 cents for Book priving- the sw-Teis and zplsirinc the best paying investment of tne day. Address Box 1535, New York.

WHISKERS The Only Preparation what rives nerfect satisfaction to all those wishing to raise Beard or Mustache. Lessens' irme, nreparea oniv in Paris. Each Package warranted and sent by mail on receipt of $1. Samples mailed for 13 cte. Address J.

P. FRANKLIN, Sole Importer, Jersey City, N. J. 1 Ton ILLTJSTmATXD CIXCTTLAB OF Boats, Tents, Flags, Mexican Hammocks, Awnings ana Grange Regalia, T. T08TKB, BOH analactom, Storkat llMl, CkMM FOR Wa will send Five beautiful -pan Song and Five charming Instrumental pieces.

All by popular composers ana last published. O. W. Richardson Co, Music Pot) 11 bars, Boston, Mass. 26CTSJ ADVERTISERS Who desire to reach country readers can do so In the best and cheapest manner bv using one or more sections of The Great mcw-papkr Auxiliary Lists.

Apply to.C PKATT, 7 Jackson Street, Chicago. ETDOWT For advertising in ast newspaper before seeing my new catalojrne of CO-OPRK ATIVR IISTS. Address S. P. SANBORN, 114 Monroe-st, Chicago, 111.

KKLATOX'S EEMEDT WILL CUBE AST CASE OF FEVER i AGUE PEICE $1.00. BAITER Box 2823 This new Truss is worn with perfrct comfort, nlirhtaud day. Adante itMjlf to every motion of the ooay, retaining rupture under the hardest exercise or severest strain until permanently cured. Sold cheap oy tne ELASTIO TIU7SS No. 683 Broadtrav.

V. fit v. and sent by mail Call or send for circular and ub Cored. JUST THB BOOK TOU AN SELL! MOVEY TW IT SURE Just out. Useful, Handsome.

Cheap, Sells everywhere. A rare chance. Also, New Slaps. Our new chart, CHRISTIAN OKA a splendid successXin-cinnatl prices same as N. York.

Send for termstoE.C. liBiDon ah, 5 Barclay A. W.4tu Uir XiXlXiitiO IHaeaaes ol whatever nature. Nervous Debility. Lost Energy.

Bronchitis, Catarrh, Consumption, Piles, Fistula before consulting others will save time. monet and health, ami avoid quackery, by calling on. raddrewinjr with -tate-irifTitoi cMe, for Pamphlet and foil information free. THE AMERICAN REMEDY CO. 7U0 ST.

LOLU. MO, POPE'S Recouiinended lv Capt. BotiAKULS. Champion Wlnpt Shotof America. No sportsman should be without It.

$3.00 for circular. POPE UKUt. 43 Mtrrt. Boalon, Mmr. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! OVELTY POINTING PEESS.

Prnfrulnnal and Amiifenr Pvlntpra. KooietJeft. Alsiil. 1 nfurtnreni.

IVIerehuntit. and others itis ifi the BEST evtrinvHiited. la.OOO In use. aril V-lh Ten styles, wrices from 5.uo to O. WOODS it CO.

Manufraand TSf-A-inrwl dealers in all kinds of Prl ntl ng aterlal, Sena itamp for Catalogue.) 49 Federal bt. Boston. iTHE BEST in tlie World. It tiiveii invetval baustaction. "jLK.I1',l Ii Economy.

4dlb. more Bread to obi. lour, SAVES MILK. KCiCiS.rirf. One vear'fl Ravine will bur acow.

l) MOKEMlFRBliEAD. Whiter, Lighter. Kweeter, Kicber. EVElRVUODYPraiiri It. The Ladies are all in love with it.

SKI.LS like HOT CAKES. st oDce for Circular to 17Q Diuuu licw Vorbu idCHTSWAirTEDfnpfUmrHTFMMlBt XTxiiedStates GAZETTEER A LHKJft iur tr prjf Aiiitrticaii. wiiere bibiUh, Farm era, Tevch ers, tud eu ts, Lawye rs, Merc lurtA, fee hool Directors, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Shippers, bah- IllUU, JJ1CU ui lctiiiuii aim iiicu ihj vuii Jkiiy irwi, uiu and younsr, all want it for everydav reference and use, ill nA vodnltB nf lAil A whnlt 1 Jiiiria.iv. Hfton Globe ot a Inxurv. bnt a 7'Wr-w(--Brt-IIinr kk pub- of 10.aX.

Address McCt KDY S. Pnb. 1 in tiers, ill or M.lxuift,Mix PORTABLE Soda Fountains. 540. $50, 575, S1C0.

GOOD, DURABLE, CHEAP. Shipped Jieady for Use. Manufactured by Cll.ArMA-N Madison, Ind. for a latalojpte. aoDnsct ro rmct-uT rfiHK.DE HK.CETJEHICK AMI Requires bit two horse power and bale either hay or cotton withont tramp-lnnr or bales of hay r- EJALIO MAY per noar.

Twemj bales of cotton per hoar. i -rfa AfullmniautiruUr account of the Black Htu Gold Kxoios, comai.iu.jt lien. Cnstar'a official report of the recent Govern meut Expedition, letter, frcn Gen. Forsyth and V. H.

Shkidak, and dencripUon of the mines and country by Blackwell and McLaren, the two returned miners, with a map drawn by the Chief Draughtsman of the Sanreyor-General's office, being the only reliable map ef the Black Hills ever published. First edition of ST. 000 copies sold In two weeks. Second edltlonof SO.flOOeop-ies now resdy. cents.

"Two copies cents. Address HORACE BKATUtV, ubliaher, 114 Aioaxos VrmuT, Cbicaoo, III. OWENS, LANE DYER HACIIINE CO. Manufacturers of the Eclipse Saw Mills, Portable nd Stationary Engines, With all kinds of Mill Gearing and. Machinery.

Also tne Celebrated STEAM THKESHEE, California Chief," And the Hamilton Traction or Road Engine. For Description. Prices. 4c, address them at ST. IjOTJZSt 3VTO.

Established 185S, TBASC VABX. TATZBTJU. The heat anil cheapest Paint in the Worlti for Iron. Tin or Wood. For sale bv Tteeler evervwhere.

PRINCES METALLIC PAINT Mannffrers, 96 Cedar SL. New York. will please see that onr name and trade mark are on each and every package. Send for a Circular. Free Free The Pioneer.

A handsome. Illustrated newspaper, containing In formation for everybody. Tells how and where to se cure a hoi a cheap. bxsT rtu to ill fasts or THE WORLD. Itcontains the kjw Hoxzktiad and Tib Laws, with other interesting matter found only in this paper.

Send For It At Once It will onlv cost you a Postal Caxd. New nnmber for April just out. Address O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner P.

XU Omsthat, Neb In Actual Use MORE THAN 55,000 Sstey Organs! MANUFACTURED BY J. ESTEY BRATTLGBORO, TT. Siwd rox Illcstxatkd Cataxosub. SjCTi i mmr IKX? RMDETT.TT 4Q0 A Raises the dfrtey the Sliding Worm. Leves the shaft standing In the wtll.

Meres with double the speed that Coupling Aupers do, and with one-half of the labor. Has been In tne field 18 month. Ha contested Its merit with all other Auger, and in every instance ha proven its superiority, and stands to dy unequalled Its record stamps It as beyond successful competition. bingle Anger are actually earning (6.000 Tier annum. Two hundred purchasers wilt testify that it will make more mouey Tor the amount invested than any other known machine of the aamerol.

Just tne thing for sinking wells; prospecting for coal and minerals. Send for circular slvlng price of Auger, Territory and general information. Atidrese abo. CAAirrgD by eixa R. B.

PALMER'S Star Well Auser, Patented May 5.1 7t. SJ.IM Blwk. Wells 50 ft. Deep Sunk in 4 Honrs. tan bore fWO feet deep if necessary While to it Vnequaled in Sinking i'ella Through Jleatg Quicksand, It Is the cheapest and most perfect Well Anger ever Invented.

Owing to the rapidly-Increasing demand for our Augers we have been remove our manufactory from Cliampal-a to Chicago, 111., where we are now fiiiir prepared to fill all orders promptly. rfA Uefore investing in any other Auirera. for our new Illustrated CjOaloiruil. Mark the deception of anr party follow- own Anirer. placing a true vertisenient, would be to tntslesul the peopleand draw correspondence.

If we had an auger that was so worthless that we were sshanied to present a correct cut of the same to the public, we would not use the cut of vuc.cniircuui iuuiti7i-iurc. i ni. is a matter we care but little about, only we desire to present fncta and thereby protect innocent people from Imposition. For full explanation send for our Ktw Enlarged Illustrated Catalogue STAR WELL AVGRR So. W)3 South Canal Street, Chicago, 111.

rr ft mm JL a ing us in our also in circulars, claiming to be the original That mav be the case, lint ri. i cut of ours, a superior anirer in t.i. mm O. a JBayssVB mm TM -aaUsfll FAHIOWSf Smith's IIIustratedHPWBlizaar I WAm tm I mW IUW The only Macaztn that IfJPORTS STYLES n.iilft f. "tonics," so poxmlar as a compromise be tween strong drink and colu water, ana does away with the mania for drink, and in reality cultivates an involuntary disgust for the same.

It even does more It acts upon the entire physical system, purities tne pioduces bale, naray neaitn The discoverer of this great medicinal stimulant is surely entitled to the thanks of a whole nation, and it is not extravagant to entitle him a second Father Matthew." Minnie Myrtle Miller, Joaquin's wife, is training her eldest daughter for the stage. Electricity is Lifk. All nervous disorders, chronic diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood, aches and pains nervous and general debility, quickly cured after drugs fail by wearing Volta's Electro Belts and Bands. Valuable book free, by Volta Belt Cincinnati, 0. Without doubt hundreds of people who will read this item are suffering with Kidney Disease in some form, which might be cured with a bottle or two of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, used internally.

Why not try it? Parsons' Purgative Pills, which are now being extensivelv sold in this State, are purely vegetable, and are mild and gentle in their operation. One is a dose. Good qualities, ertainlv. Cocoaixk is the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world. Tomoroy Co.

make the best Elastic Truss ever invented. Address 744 Broadway, N. Y. Dr. Tutt'a 1,1 ver IMlla Increase the powers of exel the absorbents to action, and re- impurities irom the system.

TXTHE.V writing to advertisers please mention tne name of this paper. Kaoh Week. PENCIL FREE. Address Talmer, Albers St. Louis.

SSOA A 1AY. HOW TO MAKE IT. Sample VaV7 FREE. COE, roSGEib St., Mo.

F8FF 8pnd for the MOSTHOl OMNIBUS. 3 JZZ ma- Free. V. M. GILL, Kirksville; Mo.

K)OILC'liKOlStor twofor25c Agents anted SlOi1023 A -Send for "Ch'omo" Hlc't oifiie. J. H.Bltford's Sons, Boston. A fhanfrsells at sight. Necessary as jwap.

Goods free. Chang Chang M'fg Boston. Wal It. Money In it. goldby Atents.

Address M.X.Lovell, Erie. T. AflTTVT'VI Either sex; steady work at home. bhT, Valuable samples and terms, lO twsblMPSuN iork. Black Hill Book 110 Ma ready.

Millions ruulih'ir House. (hicaKO SoJTf1' UAVcommlssldn or 0 a week sal-it Hand willJPAY 'PPlyJtOW. Ci. Webfcer A Marion, O. "ake Agents profifa.

The lazy even AuUres, Circular free. lJtl ittl street 8t- Lou's. DIKE. Doonfl ti S'-5; ine Pehhles in case $3.50, S18 B'way, X.Y. Day guaranteed using ma Sn riser cmalojtriefn- iTjaaiWIfeil Oper Month Paid to Good Agents WANTED Local Ajrents, Male or Frmale.

In the State to can-S ii.1 rMIe wanted by every family. From "isin" ..7.. cn easily made bv an enter- p. o. Kdx Cit nr Per'otlnttnl hi the 85 wees- ten tniicents- A Special Asrent wanted for every Advertiglnsr facilities and pny.

H.K.CDKT13,PubliBher,BoBton, Mass. MI i I' -M and SELLS Patterns of them. Only I.I0 sam's lDsiaw urea ntmx, Thk th. bJ side Cid hu Itkwp I tta.akmfrmth. I lllta.

It Loop I 1 lb. tklrt ia a iTaatefal an 4 I Mamur. aran raiin to th. back, nakint; tb. front" II Bare tWi I.

fm. 1 1.1 from On Dres to anot t.j ttA th. Kla only a oonronianoa. UTOf, wa mon houao eras' Ihmj mn cbM. to hav on ia aacn drm.

Pn, tmlj 4JI riu LI. 6mm prenuam below. 3405. TABLIERWAI ST-I botlt neat and atyliah, and when tiaea in ronnrr- lion wllh this walklnK klrt, I la one i.a-nM tf-AV mw9 iroAd. bteomlnc for either lh slonl or nZUrr.Bua aw mmimj All alzea.

Pattern, wltla cloth model. W. t-n ymitet CLOTH MODEL, wii wry niton, by li. riwmft. Th7 PaVEJaCT OUIB2B.

A try mmtrm mm ta. mMMmm iwlplsfsHn. tern to be round for the present atrle. arraeetrni ana rirgani cloth model, 50 cents, maJJed. SEE MV AST nFFFRl III 1 lafsTaW asl aboTe Illustrations and TWO (Sec rriifV FREE AS PREMIUM SUE.

uvji-i-wrt nw icn rn a Smith's Illustrated Pattern DOLLAR AWO TEW to ALL A. P. O. Box 6055, a I xnoM wao are airs fly Bulnanuwr II 1 1 I PfMCW their BfibMrtpuoa tor A IIU I a. IMMENSE PREMIUM.

I A traiirh 7:.: a alla a ,1 7 A i At ana gw of the "ntfSH to iI.a nenon aeiiaa Mais- vrnD'S inhirrimiAn ior yij I Bazaar," nrOTIK H.Y DURDETTC SMITH, OI Brenciwaiy, tayw- nrv, x' ftj to I MOTH atvu.

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