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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THURSDAY EVENING Oakland Ctttitme MARCH 29, 1928 i'URDER BRIDE' STILL LOYAL AFTER DAY OF HORROR 1 1 i a Bav a a a I film lc Af Wolf 3 Children ililL VISITS '-'Turn O.Vt.t.4 JjA -lt' 11 V'i' 1 to the right the present Franklin pviwh wiiv vHcuwu ixic isoaitn swmxh in 1 if Oakland, 50. years sgo, wijl guetU of lonot at an entertainment tonight the Franklin school auditoriun and will tell of school days long past Oakland. The. tipper view at the left shows MRS. S.

GOODMAN pointing to one of th schoolbcoks she icd in 16741 ot ZU ciiMroomti lower pteture at the. left 11 of the old school-built in 1874, a wooden bniUinj with six small rooms; It was here that MRS. GOODMAN and MRS. A. PL DQMEl lower tight, attended liTII SCEIIE WITH SLAYER 47 CJPTUID A vi SUSPECT III Orlando Miller May Be Brotiglit to Oakland to Face Indictment otf Film Company 1 Frenaratlons were belni made today, by Immigration authorities in Vancouver, Br for a bearing to determine whether "Dr." Or-, lando Edgar Miller, bay region and fugitlv.

from luetic should be deported as an undesirable, according 'Jo dJs'- patches. Millar latiarnlahad with-: out hop. of ball th lmmlgra tlon ansa, eoerai Attorney uwkh Hatfield of San Francisco set In motion the machinery to-haveblm arrested" ths moment he. steps across the border, to stand trial on an 'indictment ehararlng use of ths mails to defraud. 1 At the same time wasnmgtsn autnorinee wr preparing to ask Canada to ssrve an indictment warrant tssusd la San Francisco.

Miner we "indicted February i 14 tn connection with the loss by bey region residents ot some in the defunct "Rel-llmeo Film Corporation" which Ahe OK TRIAD. Cotocidently Mrs. Svelyn Resen Viiialnesa associate of Miller and more recently his "bittr enmy" wnt bfor Polio re Polloe lb: 'i v. ik nfc a Lila Unable to Lock' at Her Ilniband h. After Viewing Blood ia -House; on rip.

to Bridge I By XAICCY BARR MITtTT Mr. 141 Antolne was still able to smile under her big picture hat a gay ana pretty hat or black ana e-oid after, on of the strangest and molt harrowing day that woman has ever been called upon lo undergo. "You never know what ran can tand till-yon 'have tel" eh said Inst night, when long drive which had led.irom Oakland to the Carqulnes bridge and back bad finally ended at th city halt CANT UVK Hf BOUSE. "1 will aot say whether not I believe that he haa don thle thing." will ear Rothlng- noth" ing except that whatever he has dne, I am still standing by him. Isothlng caa shake that," ah said, "I am going back tonight to Oakland but not--not to that ie.the houe that she called "home" slno her mar ringe, to Antoln en January 10, but eh cannot quit bring to say "hom" now of th house where they hav taken bits wood and plaster to.

th labor utory to analysed "for Jlood-mains, th house with th smSU Of fresh, turned earth, la. th back "It Is possible that later may ro back to, my own peopl in ampo Seco, but now 'my. place Is here." glances dowa at th narrow carved band her third I nner her wedding rlngi "I hate stood what, has 'hap-, ned today. I can stand any tiling." -Tott never know what you cm. live through until you.

have to." And sh smiles. In th car sat her Arthur Antolne, who has eontessed to the killing of his first wit and th throwing of her body ovr Car-, oulne bridge lat January, In Of-cor that he might marry the XI-j ear-old Llle. That drive, In which he led th polio to th Spot where Tie hurled hli wuS ooay into in bav. was a tortur iOf the mind, tinintentlopal perhaps, but nn th lee real, beyond th reach of any "third degree" mtfaod ton both ft them, visit peaxh norsn i In th mornln 1 Antoln was A. If 7 in Oak irlng oft IT in hearing checks.

1 i rPlMl-: 1 ilW S.a Judge Howard 1a JBacon land, today tor a nf nHitnf ha (T v. "mm oaKiana rsoaus sujldsn, departure after a widely adyertUed lecture tour In the audi-torlum. owing a IT20 rent bill. This was evidently esse wnere trvisw fallal read die patches from Portland. where, Just -before, ne came to- utiwnu, he left on rather short notice, with, a langa number ef alleged creditor biddin a not too fond farswsU akf ths station.

II 8 im 11 'lis 1 I ft 11 1 l. 1. i GIVES PRIVATE 1BSSONS. -v Ta, .1.. la aaalAn If lllP laAtllrsd vuv on.

means oi using pmyKnvivtt reacn a commanaing "iwnwg a Ua wnuM fnr a -i TooeileH; Expecting R-' 1 rleaie on Mre. Adele Davie Seudder; wife of a Sen Franolsoo physician, patted her three young children on the them each -a kiss end warned them not to get into mischief, Then she Voeked the dropped the key Into her smarfbag, and tripped blithely out of the bouse- to Going to Jail was an Incident of the day to Mrs, Seudder, who Uvee st 674 Twenty-fifth avenue. Besides, she wasn't reelly going to 'She was merely going through 'a formality, connected -with the rather annoying circumstance of being with passing worthless Oakland sh Just to comply with a "formality." At the- time' she left Ban -Francisco she was at liberty on a temporary writ ot habeas corpus, end she was on way to appear before Superior Jdg Fred Wood, due to1 appear in bis court to enter hsr 1 plsadi kot ornvrr. In court she pleaded not guilty, That endsd ths temporary liberty on the habeas corpus writ, snd as a formality she must, go te Jail until bail eonld be made. v.

She went te a sell to await the eomiag et friend husband or friend somsbody to make bail and release he. -v The hoor wore, end they wore some more, and nobody appeared, and the hours, kept wearing, fr FAMILY FOODLESaf. And the mother heart grew frantic. Worry for herself vsn-isbed tn worry for the three children left locked Up at her food, and, with no one to care to Mrs. Pauline Walker matron in charge of women prisoners At the Jail, solved the problem that was driving the mother into a panic Mrs, Walker telephoned Dr.

Seudder1 sister lit San Francisco and the sister -went to the rescue of the children. Mrs. Boudder was still in Jail tot day, and no on Jred appeared to provide the ball that would, permit her to return fb her ehlldren, And the blithesome mood with which she set out to odmply wfth an annoying legal forrrtkllty is alt gone; went my eWldrh sh walled to.Mrs, walker, Marshal Request! Power to Swear in 500 Deputies -j for Prirriar'ieB: ASSOOIATEn FREBS U1BED WIEI XO XaiBVVI V.m, CHICAGO, March 2.1' The United States government today was asked to guard Chicago polls April 10, when voters mark 4helr answer to a turbulent, bomb-studded primary election campaign, Palmar Anderson, tj. 8. marshal, has forwarded to Washington a recommendation hat he be authorised to ttse eoo, deputy marshals in Chloago that, dayi Ths additional officers would have to be specially deputised, and Anderson asked that be be given 'that authority, The-bid for federal action was generally construed as' reply; from the Senator Deneen faction ot the Republican petty to the bombing of the senator's home and that of Circuit Judge Swan-son Monday night outrages which they have blamed on follower of the Mayor Thompson-State's Attorney Crowe wing.

Th latter group has been equally in eistent that followers themselvee tossed the bombs to arouse Interest In behalf of Deneen. i Mayor Thompson's comrnent bit the report that federal officials had Interested themselvee In the election, brought this statement: "Charles S. Deneen was state's attorney end mads himself governor by the Indictment, route. In my opinion, the people understand his old tricks." Threat ot a second attempt npon. Judge iiwsnson'e life wss uuiti.

certain eonsidsratlon, give private who desired the secret -ot success. RRinF QHIIHQTujo Ex-Students Rctitm To School After SO Years Mroacm sir WW contacts that was able to dls- pose of large blocks Ot stock ln the fUns-company, s1 n.k ma awaataS tn I Varinouvar vaatSrdav en tha eve of. the opening ot Widely advertise series of rt school buildinf. a hncSt structure.

SAVED IN FLOOD Workeri Under Dirctjuon of State Officials Prevents Break-, in' 'Leveefc-'" (Continued From Page of the 'conorste causeway at Nico- laus tumbled Into tn 'boning current yesterday afternoon, Clear skies were predicted today and tonight throughout most of northern California, with he result that rivers will bay an opportunity to drop back to normal before being burdened agate' fby storm i)v-o j. On the wholes according to B. Kaufman, statistician of the crop reporting service, of the state ds. pertinent ot agrloulture, the recent heavy rains and inundations have bean banefloial. In only small areas will there te any serious results so far as farm or orchard erODs ate concerned.

The losses thus suffered will be more than off set by the genera) good, Kaufman said. Certain crops of grsen vegetables, spinach in particular, has been rulnsd by the flood and there are a few localities, notably in Butter and Yuba counties. Where the peach orops have etcqordlng to Kaufman. He aeeia af asparagus and alfalfa will be JgVeaSly benefited, nrovlded Water does not stand too long on the land. Flooding of orcnarns wut i unless the water stands so long that sap of the trees is at-.

tected, Xautman aeomreui voii- erally th silt deposited enrlohe th land, i Six Rescued at, Ripon From Trees in Flood RIPON, March men wer rescued from tops during the height of the flood near her by Fred Laglerj- leoal farmer, In a rowboat. The rescued were: Captain Hans Madsen, Flodln and Tex Haubln. members of the local fire department, and Wallace Moodv. Kirk Haller and Thomas Henry, farmers. The latter were trying to save stock in the river bottom alone- the Stantalaus, When a sudden rush ot water out them off from the mainland and forced them to cllrrtb Into neamy trees.

The trio of firemen attempting to reach them with a struck a submerged stump and upset their craft. They saved their lives by also climbing trees. AIR MAIL DISRTJWED. BAKERSFIELD, March 29. CP) Violent storms raging to the south and north of BaKersneia have disrupted the air mail service throughout here and endangered the lives of pilots endeavoring to put the mail through at any cost.

Kern county airport officials said yesterday, DREDGE PIPE BROKEN. RIO YISTA, March 29. Heavy drift material coming down the Sacramento river, broke th' U. S. dredge Sacramento's pipe line.

This dredge has been working in the lowlands above the Rio Vtsta bridge. Owing to this accident preparations are being made' to shift ths dredge down stream about a mile. a MAJJj' DFXTVFRED BT BOAT. BirnjMir.wTn umk is. spite the inundation of many North ante atresia, mail service is WU UW Lodger Pens Poetry, Ends life With Gas SAN FRANCISCO.

March Edward Griffith, 111 Sixth street turned poet a tew minutes before Lhe turned on the gas In his roont TVo-'Clerica. Among Rebels "'Slain in Prolonged. Battle on GaanajrrtQ VR a 40 .,1,4. MEXICO 'CTTX. March W-Wl Dispatches from irapuate, uan-ajuato, today said 'II i Insurgents, two eathollo priests, the Chieftain Romlnge Anaya, two-army officers nit fitur Bflldlara haitbsan killed In the bloodiest battle which had occurred hc the insurgents became active, Forty a were wounded, and 41 eeptnred la 'fighting at 8an- IsMro ranch nemi 8ast Frmncisoo JH' Rlncon Tuesday and Wednevday, Geneovesro Rivaa.

eom xnaader of the forty-third regiment, and six soldiere wers also woandedU DEATH BLOW DEALT TO GUANAJUATO REVOLT. MillUry eutborKlee dsolarsd that the battle dealt death blow to the uprising in the state of Ouan. aiuato. One nnndred end eighty boreee and rlflee were captured from the satl-government forces) daring the combat, The inaursanta. who anmbarad 100, fought desperately for II hours under Chieftain Anaya, and the two unnamed priests against the forty-third regiment.

The In-surgents were strongly fortified in the San Isidro ranch, but were greauaaiy eriven out oi the ous buildings as the fighting' progressea. 41 INllTlGENTsi 'K. 3 FINALLY SURRENDER. Th eombkt started at a. m.

Tuesday and lasted until Wednesday noon, when 4f Insurgents surrendered after final attempt to orea torougn tn ring of federal troop surrounding th ranob. Th federal troooa ware rain forced during the bitter struggle by troop commanded by General Julian military commander of Guanajuato, who rushed from Irapuato and assumsd charge of the closing phsses battle. The iiisurgenU offered, desperate rslstane vn to th end when iiBming ajirecn 10' in roots ox building until It waa oonflnsd in a church on the ranch wksre the at i Vincent Massey on Vint to Monterey DEL Uinh II C) Vlnent Massy, Canada's youthful to th United States, and Mrs. Massey, arrived at the Hotel Del Monte last night to spend Several dava am. the Man.

tsrsy psninsula, being given A residents who re matned inhomes ln the flooded area, Harold J. McCurry, local nostmaster. snnniino4 tAitav. Part of th being left in the forin. csacramepto, postorqes lor those who wish to oall whlls some deliveries are being made by boat.

Washington Tavvrishiji ii High Waters Receding NILES, March' it Flood waters in the lowlands In the bay dls-trlot of Washington township were receding rapidly this morning and Alameda creek had fallen te a point near its normal winter flow. The rainfall tor the week totaled slightly more than three tlmss, bringing th season's total to approximately II inches or 'one tnoh under th amount which had fallen up to this- date last year, according, to unofficial gages. Typhoid Fever Warning Issued in flood Districts STOCKTON, March 2 IWarn-ing ot typhoid infection from flooded wells were issued by Dr. 'John J. Sippy, district health officer.

He advised balling out ell wells tilled by, loodwaters, Inspection of wells in all flood sd arsas of the oounty launder Suisun Valley Apricot' -Crop Reported Hard Hit FAIRFIELD. March 2 9. Farm Adviser J. W. Mills announoed a considerable loss to the- aprloot crop in Sqisun valley due to the rains.

The Vacavlll region suf-fruit was further This was also true in ths Winters section except In a few orchards where brown rot waa prevalent. From 25 to JS per cent loss will be the damage In Suisun valley, according to ths condition of Jh or- The damage on the cherries and prunes has not as yet been esti mated as it is too early to deter- StanisUus, Tuolurnne Rivers Dropping Back mwotrro. March lP Waters of the Stanislaus, and Tuolumne rivers slnwiv tAi.a yesterday, uncovering some ot th iann janas ana nouses Hooded when the muddy currents rose over their banks. Greatest relief rmm In Tuolumne river bottoms, where the water level fell four feet during the night end in the Stanislaus river, bottoms near Oakdaie, Russian River Drops Fast Near Healdsburg HEALDSBTJRQ, March M. With a half mile of telephone pole in Alexander valley down on account of the storm just endsd residents of that section will be With out phone service for several daysj Ths poles cannot be replaced until the storm waters have drained.

The waters of the Russisn river, drop ped rapidly last night and this morning, -towering about I feet in the 24 hours ending at soon to day. After" "being absent" for fifty years, f. Goodman, it, and MM. -A. R.

Domes, 10, are going back to school again. Back to the sams school they attended little" glrlf with "pigtails and, Hair rib- bOn." -VS't Th oocaslon of thslr return Is an entertainment being sponsored at the Franklin school, Tenth avenue and East Sixteenth strsst, tonight, at which th two 1 women will appear and tell the students Of lilt what th "pupils" of 1871 i WENT TO WOODEN BTJILDIXO. When Mrs. than Miss Augusta 8. Williams, and Mrs, Domes, then Mies Ada 'Rice.

skipped down a board-walked lan early 'in th morning, it wasn't to tn JO-room briok struotur that, la now the Franklin sohool. But it was 'th present school's predecessor, a -six-room, wooden building, vAtai In 1 7 i Tt 1- pi, etructur that th principles of reaain', -ruin' ana 'ritnmetio wr propoundsd. Education a half oen tury ago in Oakland, or' rather Brooklyn, as that section of Oakland -was then known, was plain without ths trills and fanolness of today, according to Mrs. Goodman and Mrs. Domss.

Mrs. Goodman waa bom in Ran Francisco, but later her folks moved to Oakland. 8he entered the Franklin sohool in 187 at Tnth avenue btwn Fifteenth driven to the houe at, 1984 Br6wn avenues whlsh held th girl, for whom he was willing to pay. th hiKh prtc of; death, -H sat outside In the sunehlne, never turning hie head) but his syes darted continually back and forth, back and forth. nvr stllL 1 i Ineld.

th girl Who. was hit looked on Whll Dr. Moor th Western laboratory scraped certain dark stains from the plastered walls and from the wooden frsm of th "When my sister saw those stains of blood, sh could hav no more doubt of Antoln' guilt," said her brotbsr, Tloyd fltovall, whose suspicions, were rtaponslbl' for the police Investigation leading to An-toine's i "That may bs true -she will not My. But on thing is certain) this 18 -year-old girl, who; has endured a horror1 equal to jthe horror that looks from thoi'. dark, haunted eyes in the back seat ot th mobile, has refused to say on worS that caa be turned against her bus-band, not even when those two' had driven iour after hour together and silent.

(-f PRIVE TO BRIDGE. Bhe came out ot the house with the plied clods of fresh earth in th back yard, where they had been digging In search of the body according te Antolne, lies under thirty-five feet of water; His yes. darting from side to side, "face. JBhe dared not I00' Without a backward ance she got into the front seat r-and drove with the officers to the- Carqulnei brldse. ntn( vruvf vvnv vn uiv "sewing of his wild oats." He waa dead, asphyxiated by the gas, a few1 hours later, byisther roomers, who; -emelled the escaping gas and broke into Griffith's' room.

The vers was the only hots left by Griffith. Little was Itnown ot. him at the hotels' whr he Endurance Fliers WDrone teadHy OH tnriTKo ntu uaszo.wiKE to niBVXt i JACKSONVILLE. MarcM 29. With motor of thelm airplane drohlng mono'tonousljr over the short course, Captain, George Haldemah and Eddie Stln- son today continued efforts to make a new susUlned flight record.

At 12:14 a. m. they had been in ths air 22 hours. The- present record, Is 12 hours 22 minutes and 11 see onds, held by two German aviators, Hi and Sixteenth streets, but what was ithsn, Taylor and Monro streets, EXHIBtt OLD TRIBUNE. Memories st a dsy long past In Oakland ar recalled when an display om souvsnlrs of olden times.

Among these is a copy of th Oakland DHy Evening TRIBUNE, published January 1887. This was a spiolal di-tloneof (0,000 copies that, as th front page nroqlalms, "contains matter historical, descriptive and expository of the resources, Industries snd of Oakland and Alamda oounty." And bslow this hssdl'ng are lntervlwe with men, whose names have sine become California Joaquin Miller wrotefot The TRIBUNE why he UkT to llv in Oakland, and Washington Bartlett, at th time Oovemor of California 1 ah article lauded the Eastbay city. In this edition Is also a picture of the Franklin "sohool that the two woman attended. i PROMINENT MEN RECALLED, i Mrs. Comes cams to Oakland in l7 with hr parents from Maine.

She entered th1 Franklin school January 1178. J. H. Sumner was prlnolpal of th school, while Was Superintendent of publlo instruction in Oakland, At the time Edward von Adelung, Oakland physician, attended the sohool, did the late Henry Mel-vln, stats supreme judgs. Mrs.

Goodman lives at 191 Tenth -avenue, whll Mrs. Domes' hom is at 1418 Tenth avenue. ovan, publisher, and DeWltt Brady; all of Culver City. B. A.

Morehouse was pilot; According to Graves, ths party came to Oakland to visit an automobile bus manufacturing plant regarding plans to establish bases in Culver City- 'Ths flight from Culver City took less than thres hours. Graves and those who made the trip with him were enthusiastic in their praise of Oakland airport. Arthur Abel, assistant, port manager, and Guy Turner, field superintendent, took th visitors on an inspection tour, showing them hangar, lighting, water, parking, runway and other facilities. Freed Drill Sergeant Rearrested at Once Alfred Shakerl, former drill sergeant In the British army, who was released from the Alameda county jail yesterday after rvlngMhre months for cashing bad checks. Is In the "guard house" again, -f Shakerl Is held by Ban Francisco authorities 'who arrssted him es he stepped out of the Alameda jail.

He is said to be wsnted in the transbay city on five separate charges, on being ths purchase of a steamer ticket to Havre with worthless Ths former drill sergeant also facss deportation for illegal entry to the United States. Two years ago be is said to have left where he' was wanted, on a steamer for Boston. was permitted to tartd -under bond. When the time limit expired and he tailed to appear, a federal warrant was Issued for his erresW--' 'A Latest Type Passenger Ship Flies In With L. A.

Visitors Ai v. Antolne, handcuffed, stepped out A B. 1 and ni iiirmn" 1 -Girl Wife Unable to Look tit Ilusband During Trip to 1 Carquhea Bridge. (Continued From Page I th woman's head, sewed bed In a canvas shroud, loaded her Into his machine and hurled th body from Carqulnes bridge. DROVB TO BRIDGE TO SHOW.

VIEW TO BRIBE. A touoh ot the blsarrs was add ed to the affair whsn Antoln told detectlyes haw only last Sunday, to please guest at bis hom, had driven' to the Carqulnes bridge to within 'a. few. feet of the spot where nunea ju miu th stream, and thar with his girl bride and tbs, friend "enjoyed th view." We there som time," An tolne said 1 LIU Scovell Antolne, the girl bride tor whose love Antolne declares he murdered his first wlfs and the mother of his 'two. minor boys, accompanied the slayer and detectives to the Carqulnes bridge yesterday where Antolne pointed out the exact spot whers he had lifted his dead wife high above the rail with both hands and hurled her Into the water, wrapped In the blood-stained canvas shroud.

The girl turned her head away as Antolne gave his demonstration. GIRL LOOKS AWAY AS SLAYER GAZES AT HER. On the way to the bridge, the party dropped Into a restaurant at Fortieth street and Broadway. Neither the girl nor the deteotives ate nuicn. But Antoln, th killer, ate a heavy meal and enjoyed It.

Antolne glanced at the girl several times in the "restaurant but" each time the girl turned her head away. The ulayer has made only one comr in mi since hie arrest, regarding his lovo for the girl. "Now I won't tie able to see you alone by myself," he told her when threw her arms around his neck yeHterday and weeplngly i betrned him to tell her the truth. Antolne'H arrest came when the whom he had married, found iormrr wife's clothing in the ldet, and unwrapped Christmas juiekiiRes on the bureau. She tax Antoln with misrepresenting himxelf as a widower and he told conflicting stories.

The girl I wciu to her brother. Lloyd Stovall, a earn owner, and voiced her I mif plchim. le brought hen to i Oakland police headquarters, where they told their story. Antolne was brought tn the detective bureau and. under, grilling, admitted the GIKL KISSER RIM AFTER CONFESSION' The girl kissed Antoln after he had confessed' to her the brutal murder of his wife, sitting in the detective bureau at police headquarter.

She announced that she would by him. For Llla Covell Antolne is legally the wife of ths slayer. She married him four days after the murder, not knowing that her husband had killed his first wit to make room tor her, But sh is still his wit under th law, and sues, claim toe right made by telephone to the Swan-n son home last night. Judg Swanson, who Is the De, neen for nomination as states' attorney against th inoums bent. Robert E.

Crowe, said waa4 genuinely conoerned over th threat; which he reported to Foe 1 lice Commissioner '-Hughes, State Senator Herman Been ish, Deneen candidate tor ward wsS, en- Wm was threatened. An J. nonymous letter said his home would he bombed and one of hie1 children "got" Haenlsch an. last night that he has taken hie three children front' school and sent them out et the- city until the primaries are ever. Vj, leaned over the high railing, looking out across the yellow-gray Water.

"I know It was Just here," he v'Vj14 dullv "thst I threw her over. 1 eeognise thwse cleats In the floor hs bridge." that WBS he first and only Ume thst Llla wept. When was led back to the car she shivered Utile and closed her FalU on Sickbedy to Be .7 Teapot Front Page 1.) pi Bald to bs th lastest word Jn passenger carrying planes, a trl-motored, 13-paasenger Kokker monoplane was the center of interest among visitors at Oakland airport today. The plane la owned by Western Air plans to start passenger service between the bay district and Los Angeles on May 1. It arrived at the Oakland field late yesterday from Culver City, bringing as passengers B.

L. Graves, director of Western Air Express; O. Dawdel, chief ot police; Earl E. Dobler and Dan Coombs, councllmen; Eugene Don to aid him in his fight to escape tne penalty or his crime. No charge has yet been placed against Antolne, the authorities awaiting the results of the dragging operation at Carqulnes bridge.

Parents Learn Fate Of Daughter from Press JANESVILLE, March it. Press despatches today gave -Mr. and Mrs. F. R.

Rogers ot Janesvllle their first Information that their son-in-law, Arthur Antolne, had told Oakland police he had killed his wit so he might marry an 11-year-old girl. Rogers said his daughter was married 12 years ago to Antolne and that slk years ago they moved to Oakland. They said they had not heard from the daughter ''for aevsral weeks, probably in but had a letter from Antolne two weeks ago. They would not dlvulg its eontsnts, but eald did mention thslr daughter. ilwo Days Left rr- lo Register For Primaries INLY two more dayi left if.

rrp-ister for the preFiriVmial p. i-miry elecrion on May 1. That was the warning soundi-d today from the county olcrk't f- fiee, where County Registrar Jakf Diinond's staff was buv with final nub. After today, vol ers who have not registered since January 1, when the present great register opened, have only to morrow snd Saturday in which to aaalifv for the May bslloting. The registration office st the hall of records is keeping open until It o'clock each evening to Scr.ommorlate those who sre no-able to sign np during daylight Jiours.

Ts vote st the presidential primary voters must declare their party preference. Democrats will hare the ehoic of three tickets in the field for delegates to the HonitoO; convention, the Republics one. pledged to Hoover, end the PrnhihitionUtc one. Quizzed on (Continued i seep off Into adjacent territory, which wee being drilled hy private concerns," Fell asserted. Fall contends that not onljTwere the leases made in absolute good faith, but the danger of drainage was emphasized by oil experts.

In the 'intervfew Fall said "ths bond transaction with Sinclair was perfectly legitimate. Sinclair visited this part of the country and he wished to build a home and have a place the breeding of fine horses. He paid for v. a 'one third Interest- in the property at Three Rivers, -and there was nothing out of th? way in. the transaction, yet at the time It did not Seem to be' one that concerned the i Attorney associate coun-, sel tor expressed confidence in the outcome of th trial.

He retused, to comment en any political angle of the case. "I am not' in a position to pass on ths actions of others." be said. "I do know that they have nO chance of getting a verdict against Harry Sinclair and nsver did have, and this same applies Albert B. Fall. i ft Woman Buys Coffin to Save Children Cost Arcadia, Via, t- onlyT Msrch -nafwaas, more months to live, and jiont want my children to buy real expensive coffin" like I've seen at other Mrs.

Ignau Pes. 78, told -a" local undertaker from' whom sbe purchased a modeitlyirjced- coffin. She psid fer the coffin front her ewn fundi, obtained receipt end ordered the fffin held until It raa'-. ,1.

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