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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 66

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MOD OaklanD Ctibunt MARCH 25, 1928 M-5 EL VIEW BETTER 1iES 1928 Model Home-Open in Montclair a Thi fine, horn built by Elmo H. Adams, 'for the Montclair Realty company hai been electrically equipped throughout by N. Hopkins company and is supplied with Hoyt Electrical water heater, Kohler bathroom fixture. Pacific Electrical heaters, Frigidaire, Peerless khchea cabinet, Marshall At Steam wall bed. awning from Kronke-Brampton company, and disappearing; screen from Simpson' Screen company.

Howard Gilkey the landscape architect Hardwood floor by Paul Sampson, til by Rifney. painting by Lash Cook and Weslhetstripping by California Weatherstrip company are other feature. letter Homes G)rporations to 'Build The company hat just completed plans for a Iargeapartment building to be erected at 624 Brooklyn avenue for Mrs. Arabelle Siemsea. decoration and some features of the design will be typically old Holland.

fin' SUNDAY Of EN noil APARTMENTS HOME in The Importance of the hill section between Lake Merrltt and Park Boulevard asNme of the premier apartment house districts of the Kastbay Is emphaslisd by Many Novel Features, Never Before Used Are Shown to the Public ii 8 erd ejeji the announcement of the Better flu rr'irrifT rF Ft Homes Corporation of an apart ment building to be constructed for Mrs. Arabella Blemsen at (24 Brooklyn Avenue opposite Han over. The commanding view en 11 loved throuahout this district. i I the prosumity to the downtown business district Ot Oakland and the transportation facilities are resnonslble for the demand by apartment dwellers for home in mis locality. Architectural details for the Line structure are the work ot Kenneth E.

Fraltas and Clarence E. Clar, of the Setter Homes Corporation. Complete tn every detail and. representin the last word In mod-erate-prloed home development. the "nil Model" View Home on Montclair Highlands la to have IU formal opening today.

This the picturesque Callfor la-8panlsh type residence built for Paul Pause on the great ef the hill Juat above Piedmont. For the put week the houae baa been flood lighted and In Ita conspicuous po-aition haa attracted a treat deal of Interest and speculation on the part of Bay residents. "BETTER BITLT HOME. -Pause la president of the Mont-elalr Realty developers of Montclair Highlands, and will occupy the home In the near future. Meantime, aa an Inspiration to the many property ownera in Montclair Highlands who are planning the construction of their own homes this year, Pause la welcoming vial-tors.

"The 1(28 Model Visw Home Will be of absorbing Interest to everyone wh6 thinks of building a home," aays Pause. "It la a re- Warkable achievement In moderate Priced hill homes and It combines The Builders Clearance Associa tion are acting in advisory capaci ty. A description of the new struc ture reads: "Because' of the commanding view from this eminence on which the apartment is to be located especial care haa been taken to in-1 euro a large glaaa area by the adoption of an old Holland type of architecture. In ezcesa of 60 percent of the total wall area on every aide will be of glass. The ornat entrance will have at its motive a cleverly worked out I I Defeat? ana refinement with a.

etone detail with Dutch tile ornamentation conapleuously Intro duced. In the entrance hallway Nil lintiilih r.A maximum ox eomiort ana convenience. "A Is apparent to every observing1 person, the growth of the better residence districts is toward the hills. Baedecker, the voted authority, haa pronounced the view also the Dutch feeling will predominate through, the use of Old fashioned papers, a Dutch Wall fountain, a beamed celling and se II II III Mil i lections of Holland furnlturs. An TODAY from Montolair Highlands to be enjoyable feature Will be a large -rriiiMii if i.j fo ws "VV view or sun on the roof FRIGIDAIRE one or the three finest In the world.

NEW TYPE ARCHITECTURE tv Which will be available tor private "The novel set-back style of 1 1 1 1 I i i t. If ill teas or bridge parties. The hills ahit Oakland htmlnvia. akvltna with arcmtecture which we have em (fain er shine) Ployed for the first time in the the bay and Ban Franolsco in the Moaei view Home, is a Among the complete electrical background will prove an lmpos In sight from this point or van. merited stride forward in a prac equipment ot the Model View borne tags.

A commodious ballroom on Come tical adaptation of the charming Spanish type residence to the requirements of hill-side and hill-top the ground story is also a convenience provided for large parties. Main stairways will be sky at Montclair Hightahtte la one ot the new models of Frigidaire from the display ot the factory branch at 185S Broadway. The Introduc uwciiers. it taxes zuu advantage of the view and cost Is up lighted with all hallways lighted "Complete electrification la one of the outstanding features or the tion of color Into Frigidaire cabi investment' in the future of Oakland and unusual possibilities for home seekers. To those interested, in establishing their home on this beauty Spot we are able to offer a new financing plan which will enable them to enjoy the pleasure of planning their own home with expect assistance where hscessary and On terms as convenient as could found on ready-built homes." Pause also calls attention to the beginning of construction of a new block of stores tn the business district at the foot of the hill, for Which ground was broken last Tuesday.

FOLLOW THE ARROWS. Visitors to the Ills Model View from both ends. The treatment of the fire escape at the front of the building la a departure from home," adds Pause. "And there are many ether built-in devices and new conceptions which are the usual in mat it is conoeaiea nets as shown in the two-tone models Is arousing favorable comment from architects, builders and householders In the bay district. by highly ornamental Iron panels (suiting in a truiy aeeorativo anown here for the first time, i "The future of Montolair High-lands is certain," continues Pause, eature In place of an unsightly W.

H. Ayres, local manager ot the Friatdatre Corporation, states: necessity, "The individual apartments are ''Early household cabinets were merely extra insulated Wooden "it li only fifteen minutes' drive from the 111 Model View Home to 14th and Broadway. The lota In 1 of varied alia and arrangement boxes suitable (or the lower tern affording a wide range in both price and the extent of the ae- this tract represent the premier peratures which are afforded by meohanical refrigeration. Now A 1 Montrlair Oftservafsr? 0 Top if A VorUT Montclair Highlands "1928 MeWVitW Home Home You will find in the design and equipment ti thit unique name tfiany new idea, tome of which are he sh6wt( for the firt time. AH tl the latest ieituretlef proven merit he things you have Wondered about are used in commodatlone.

Electrical equip ment will be 4sed with the pos beauty has been brought to the II I kitchen, by means of these- new sible exception ot heating, steam models which oome in five sites. heat and hot Water, eleotrie refri "An inspection ot the facilities geration)- Incinerator, lockers for afforded by the Model View Home storage, fireproof garage and laun- a I dry accommodations will be among at Montolair Highlands, will well the facilities. repay its visitors." nn WJT.Ws-ll,.,,..,. SSsSBjsasjssMSSBjBjBSasjsssasaBaa CONSTRUCTION LOANS GENUINE the "1928 Model" home, including Complete Electrificatieh QuarU-Lft Wtodow Glass COMPLETE NEW1 FACTO IT BLDG. FRIGIDAIRE (A Product of General Motor) Fifteen Year.

Term Flat 3V Yean ftk modem letmm' Ralph Mel.eran and Company, general Contractors of Ban Francisco, announce the completion ef a factory bulldihg at 26th and Ade Mortgage Guarantee Colored Fluhibmi Wr Venetian Cabinett Linoleum Flo6r I Vd Balanced Illumination Voii will be charmed witk the new style California-- Spanlth atthitecture and the general refinement tf -this moderate-nriced view home Through -the Windows you will look eut upon one ef the world's finest marina view. 1 DRIVE OUT PARK BLVD. OR MORAGA ROAD to) our office at Montclair Business ntet. Then follow lha Arrow. Montclair Realty Co.

1603 Wabsfor St attd Hampton Moras Road 1 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Telephone Glencourt 264S 1 Company 1404 Franklin St. "EST MiUs BldWSan rrahciscO Meets the Demand for Sanitary Food Preservation in Every Home Genuine Frigidaire installed in the Model View Home Montclair Highlands Home are instructed to drive out Park Boulevard or Moraga Road. Upon reaching the Montclair district arrows will be seen pointing th way up to th Montclair Observatory, near which the 1(31 Model View Horn is located. The home has been built by Elmo If. Adams for P.

and H. pause. Adams, who specializes in the construction of beautiful hjms, has built over two hundred fine residences in Oakland within the past ten year, including the MMOO Callahan residence adja-reai to the Model View Home, and the TfrMtOP Irish home la Oak-mere Highland, which was 6ns ot the tour model homed featured by the Oakland TRIBUNE) in their Home Beautiful Exhibit. The home is equipped with th finest electrical and other equip Sent obtainable. Included are Oft electrical water heaters.

Pa' clfTo electric heaters, Peerless kitchen cabinet and other built-in features, Frigidaire, kohler bath room fixtures and distinctive colored awhinfe manufactured and instilled by Kronke-Brampton Co. Landscaping has been done by Howard Gilkey and wllia Cloy carmack, painting by Lain A Cook, electrical installation and future by N. Hopkins hardwood fleer by Paul Sampson i California Weatherstripping Company, weatherstripping; Simpson Screen disappearing Screens) plumbing by Ross, Particular ear was taken in le-leetlng the electrical equipment, the Hoyt electrical water neater, Paetfix heaters and Frlgldalrs were ehoeeflr Great care ha been takn In th landscaping. A sense ef privacy Is assured by a pergola aeros the rear and tall shrubbery plantings ZD in line street, Oakland, aajacent to the plant bf the Miller Ice Cream company, the Union Ice company and the Arrow Towel and Laundry oemnany. Advantages of the location, 1 as pointed Out by the McLaren earn-pany, Include pur track facilities convenient transportation to Ban Franolsco and to the Oakland down town district and a neighborhood which can furnish an abundance Ot factory labor.

Soft well water can be obtained at a depth of one hundred feet as has been proven by the Well of the Arrow Laundry company. Th hw Structure has been Set back eighteen feet from the property line to allow room for Spur trackage, this area for the present, Will be put Into lawn and shrubs until a 'spur 1 required. The ex terior la of btttf pressed brloll With raked Joint and with ornamental urn at eaeh pier. The building Is surrounded by glass in metal Silh, the root being supported by steel and trusses of forty foot span, ttruetur is for lease. oration Corp Frigidaire Notice of I5ale of Real Property ESTATE OF HENRIETTA FARRELLY Notice ii i hereby given that the undersigned executors of the will of Henrietta Farrelly, deceased, will Sell at prjvate sale ill efja-rate parcels, the propertiea hereinafter described and upon thd Urmi and conditions hereinafter mentioned on and after April 16th, 1928 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: Cash Uwfut money of the United States, Ten per" cent of purchase prk to he paid upon the acceptance any bid, eonhirmaban 'of sale.

An tales to be confirmed bjr the Superior Court of the State Of California in and for tha County of Alamtda, Properties be sold subject to any ettif leases. All bids or offer must be in wtiUhg and may left with the Montclair Model Home ti. is equipped with id62 BroadWay, Oakland, Calif. Ttlephon Electric Water Hentci- aiong tns nounoanes ei tne lot. undersigned executors at Room Amewan 1 rust womean r.

c.w I A4nAm. Cal or ik. At. fnav bt left at Room 1401 Quality Heaters for Quality Homes Oakland Bank Oakland, California. tl.

Iiminabova referred to are a follows: tire A Beautiful Home, Well Built THE MODEL VIEW HOME EUctrtcaltytquipptd throughout WAS BUILT BY ELMO H. ADAMS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Frttty Given II MERR1EWOOD DRIVE OAKLAND UlephdM Humboldt 6236 HARDWOOD FLOORS "Architect are more than ever specifying oak floor laid in design suitable to the architecture of the rooms." 'PAUL SAMPSON 2613 Hopkins St Oakland PAotte Andooer 1346 lin ef Clay street, with three- story bunding inereen. SrialSSUl fifth' Noiict the Marshall Stearns Ad-a-Roora Bed in the Model VitvO Horn Montclair HighlanAt eleoes lets, All 1MIA MFIftm dr parcels of land ituat parcels ot lana suuaie. ijrna beltis in the City of Oak SafortaTwd descrlbid la brief an 4401 E. 10th Oakland land.

County ef Alameda, State ot California, and bounded and rUty-on'e aoree more less and kSZ i Ft ML 610 Drift particularly eeseriBea tit that H'srreuar aSLiouewei naiahreslt.sirA lin Lot soxts reel at ine ooutn--weatern eorAer Brtadway and Seventh street wjia ene-siery building Oakland. California. frontage ot aBout 111 feet .1 lata AlT that eertaln let, alee ef S. 14th St. parcel ei iana an nd situate, lying and Tewnshio ef Mur- iCitclien Furniture in Units EVERY type of cupboard, ice box, kitchen cabinet and folding table now comes as a separate unit.

With these units you in completely furnish any kitchen. 1 hS TBI a be AU that certain let, pteceM land situate, lying ana cauntv at A Cotifity at in th. Township ef Eds of California, and beabded and described in brief County of Alamsda. Btate California, and deSBS4 particularly as follows: and PAINTING and DECORATING en the VietO Home done by 1 Lash 6c Cook Ultimate Fnety nd Shep, 631 tsylor Av ALsmeds, PhoH Alahiali 4SIS All Amlng uud in ihl MODEL VIEW HOME', Kffi'. And installed by t.

KronkcBrarnpton Cotaptay 3212 San Pablo Ave. OAKLAND Phont HtimboUt 842 or lees 144 aeres more TheMM VUa) Home is BlecMcall Healed by PACIFIC HEATERS MODERN ECONOMICAL COMFORTABLE Price and Estimates upon application Pacific Electric Sales Inc. Ri'alto Bldgi, San Francitfft Ttltphtne. DouglM 2360 the ImDreVements located en Vltit th0 beautiful new display jtut inrtalled at our factory. Easterly side jot the Count Road leading from Dublin north half Livermore ana being hi KAtlar) Nn.

ft Tl ewnthlp South" Rang 1 fast lit Dl Able Ian. Meria MANUFACTURED BY BUILT-IN FIXTURE CO. 2608 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, Calif. areata brief as follows: Fifty-four acres more or less and Improvements, located on the northeasterly side of County Road 4S48 fromf6an- Leahdre ie Hayward, (also known ae B. i 4th St.

with a frontage of about feet eft aid read, laid tract extending an fronting on the Foothill Boulevard. hAU that' certilft er Jarcel of land situate, lying and etng in the City of Oakland) ownshlp of Brooklyn, County Jt Alaroida, State of California, scribed In brief aa followa: Int. aiaaa ar All mu 4lm kafcei Of lihd Situate, lying and sing the county et centra Casta, State of California, and KOHLER OF KOHLER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION bounded after particularly id brief ae feiidwi: 1 S74 acres more or less and improvements located in Sycamore near Danville and being the west half on section SS, Township I Boutfi, 61 Range 1 aftd a fractional IN THE CALIFORNIA 'WEATHERSTRIP 'hai been Installed in "View Home to insure 'comfort and proti against all weathir Hons.;i Eighty-eight acres more or less and improvements located County Road 1S96, known as the Extension of 88th Avenue Sr Jones Avenue, said property eitendinc to the San Leandro north th Northwest it Township auartSr of fledtl6n I Bouth, of Range 1 west. Ml Plumbing Fixture in Colorl UseJ in Ih M928M Model View Hdm make it mora interesting, livable and beautiful also.

The KOHLER Electric Sink tr tPeM Wltaeat Obllaatlae. rer Iaferawtloa Fhos Diablo Base and Meridian with Announcing the MODELS VIEW HOME: Creek. ihartk SCREENS used la the MODEL VIEW; HOME ate been manufaotured and i installed by. SIMPSON SCREEN TO. 4246 HoWen OAkLAND Pheti Piedmont t4l exceptions.

All that certain lot, piece er parcel of land situate, lying and Model View Home btilallti bi), N. C. HoplcinSiCo. 1437 23RD AVE. Oakland Phdnt Fru'Mah tS3 being in me uu, oi vKinu, County at Alameda, Btate ol California, and bounded en4 particularly described in trial For more particular description! of any of the above described properties, apply to- the exeoptors.

CBAfttfci ttMALt. ABU! B. CAHtf, Kaeetaers the Henrietta ratten? beeeaaeeV Plumber, K. Ro ldsMa lOSf KohUt care M. Bftefc mi Bwkelee vVrae Berkeley beraeiet 4IKhVW-v 4 Ut 8x7 ft en th Mftrtnern line et lth Btreetj distant s4 iasterly Vrom the ESsurn.

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